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The action of pulse-modulated gsm radiation increases regional changes in brain activity and c-fos expression in cortical and subcortical areas in a rat model of picrotoxin-induced seizure proneness
Journal of Neuroscience Research 87:1484–1499 (2009)
The Action of Pulse-Modulated GSMRadiation Increases Regional Changesin Brain Activity and c-Fos Expressionin Cortical and Subcortical Areas in aRat Model of Picrotoxin-InducedSeizure Proneness
E. Lo´pez-Martı´n,1* J. Bregains,2 J.L. Relova-Quinteiro,3 C. Cadarso-Sua´rez,4F.J. Jorge-Barreiro,1 and F.J. Ares-Pena21Morphological Sciences Department, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela,Spain
2Applied Physics Department, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
3Physiology Department, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
4Biostatistics Unit, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
The action of the pulse-modulated GSM radiofrequency
that occurs or is observed in relation to low energy, and
of mobile phones has been suggested as a physical
the results of previous studies have suggested that the
phenomenon that might have biological effects on the
action pulse-modulated RF fields such as those emitted
mammalian central nervous system. In the present
by mobile phones can alter nervous system physiology
study, GSM-exposed picrotoxin-pretreated rats showed
(Borbe´ly et al., 1999; Huber et al., 2000; Beason and
differences in clinical and EEG signs, and in c-Fos
Semm, 2002). The general mechanisms proposed for the
expression in the brain, with respect to picrotoxin-
interaction of pulse-modulated RF signals with the cen-
treated rats exposed to an equivalent dose of unmodu-
tral nervous system (CNS) are controversial, and include
lated radiation. Neither radiation treatment caused tis-
alteration of Ca21 efflux in vivo (Adey et al., 1982;
sue heating, so thermal effects can be ruled out. The
Paulraj et al., 1999) but no effect on rat brain tissues
most marked effects of GSM radiation on c-Fos
exposed in vitro (Shelton and Merritt, 1981; Merritt
expression in picrotoxin-treated rats were observed in
et al., 1982), low-level exposure-induced increases in
limbic structures, olfactory cortex areas and subcortical
blood–brain barrier (BBB) permeability and neuronal
areas, the dentate gyrus, and the central lateral nucleus
damage (Salford et al., 2003) but no changes in the vas-
of the thalamic intralaminar nucleus group. Nonpicro-
cular barrier (Finne et al., 2002, 2006), and an increase
toxin-treated animals exposed to unmodulated radia-
in regional cerebral blood flow (Huber et al., 2005). In
tion showed the highest levels of neuronal c-Fos
this regard, both in vitro experiments (Beason and
expression in cortical areas. These results suggest a
Semm, 2002; Barteri et al., 2005; Zhao et al., 2007) and
specific effect of the pulse modulation of GSM radiation
in vivo experiments in animals (Dubreil et al., 2003;
on brain activity of a picrotoxin-induced seizure-
Paulraj and Behari, 2004; Lopez-Martı´n et al., 2006) and
proneness rat model and indicate that this mobile-phone-type radiation might induce regional changes in
Contract grant sponsor: Ministerio de Educacio´n y Ciencia and Secretarı´a
Xeral de Investigacio´n e Desenvolvemento of the Xunta de Galicia;
C 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Contract grant number: MTM 2005-00818; Contract grant number:PGIDIT02 BFT 20601 PR; Contract grant number: PGIDIT06 PXIC
Key words: seizure; cortex; hippocampus; thalamus;
*Correspondence to: Maria Elena Lopez-Martin, Morphological SciencesDepartment, Faculty of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Research involving evaluation of the cerebral activ-
San Francisco s/n Santiago de Compostela La Corunha, 15782 Spain.
ity of humans and laboratory animals during and after
[email protected]
exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation has provided
Received 6 June 2008; Revised 28 September 2008; Accepted 29
results that do not appear to depend on thermal mecha-
nisms. The principal argument for a nonthermal mecha-
Published online 29 December 2008 in Wiley InterScience (www.
nism concerns identification of an experimental effect
interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/jnr.21951
' 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Pulse-Modulated GSM Radiation Increases c-Fos
humans (Maby et al., 2006) have reported biological
TABLE I. Description of the experimental groups.
effects after acute GSM-900 exposure. Many of the
Picrotoxin-treated (PT) and nonirradiated (no-Rad)
responses described have been interpreted as secondary
PT and GSM-irradiated (GSM)
to a variety of cellular signal transduction pathways and
PT and irradiated with unmodulated signal (Unmod)
gene expression responses (Belyaev et al., 2006), such as
Nonpicrotoxin-treated (no-PT) and no-Rad
heat shock responses (Cotgreave, 2005). On the other
hand, other authors did not find any genotoxic, behav-
ioral, or morphological effects on the CNS in in vivo(Kumlin et al., 2007) or in vitro (Chauhan et al., 2006;Joubert et al., 2007) studies.
Pulse-modulated RF fields can alter electrophysio-
gime were used in the study. For treatment with the convul-
logical activity of the awake human brain (Eulitz et al.,
sive agent picrotoxin, rats were injected i.p. with 1 ml of a
1998; Borbe´ly et al., 1999; Hamblin and Wood, 2002;
0.5 mg/ml solution of picrotoxin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) dis-
Krause et al., 2004; Relova et al., 2005) as well as in
solved in saline, 5 min before immobilization (see below).
sleep electroencephalograms (Borbe´ly et al., 1999; Huber
This dose of picrotoxin has been shown to be subconvulsive
et al., 2000, 2002, 2003). Cognitive functions may also
(Nutt et al., 1982; Lo´pez-Martı´n et al., 2006).
be affected (Thuroczy et al., 1994; Koivisto et al., 2000;Eldesteyn and Oldershaw, 2002; Mainer et al., 2004).
Experimental Design
However, some of these studies have not been replicated
Rats were assigned to one of the following groups:
by the authors, and there may be some doubts regarding
group 1 rats were injected i.p. with picrotoxin and then im-
the reliability of the results.
mobilized in methacrylate tubes for 2 hr without exposure to
Pulse-modulated RF has been reported to modu-
radiation (PT, no-RAD); group 2 rats were injected i.p. with
late the effects of drugs (Lai et al., 1990, 1991, 1992a,b),
picrotoxin and then immobilized in methacrylate tubes for
for example, altering sensitivity to neurotropic drugs
2 hr with exposure to 900-MHz pulse-modulated GSM radia-
(Lobanova, 1985) or modulating the action of psychoac-
tion (PT, GSM); group 3 rats were injected i.p. with picro-
tive drugs (Bruce-Wolfe and Justesen, 1985), and can
toxin and then immobilized in methacrylate tubes for 2 hr
also affect the function of some neurotransmitters (Gan-
with exposure to 900-MHz nonmodulated radiation (PT,
dhi and Ross, 1987; Lai et al., 1991; Inaba et al., 1992;
UNMOD); and group 4, 5, and 6 rats were injected i.p. with
Mausset-Bonnefont et al., 2004).
vehicle only, not picrotoxin, and then immobilized. Rats in
The expression of c-Fos has previously been char-
group 4 were not exposed to radiation, rats in group 5 were
acterized as being elevated in response to various stress
exposed to GSM radiation, and rats in group 6 were exposed
or neurotoxic stimuli (Graybiel et al., 1990; LaHoste
to nonmodulated radiation (no-PT, no-RAD; no-PT, GSM;
et al., 1993; Herrera and Robertson, 1996), such as seiz-
no-PT, UNMOD; Table I).
ures (Dragunow and Robertson, 1987; Gass et al., 1992)or physical (Morrissey et al., 1999) and nonpathogenic
Surgical Procedures
environmental conditions, and can be used as a sensitivemarker of neuronal activation. In a previous study, we
Electroencephalographic activity was recorded in some
found that rats pretreated with a subconvulsive dose of
rats from these groups. These rats were anesthetized (30 mg/
the g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonist picrotoxin
kg pentobarbital I.P.) and attached to a stereotaxic frame in
and then exposed to GSM radiation showed significant
order to be fitted with stainless-steel screws as electrodes. The
alterations in various indicators of brain activity, includ-
active leads were placed over the frontal and occipital cortices
ing clinical indicators, EEG indicators, and c-Fos levels
about 7 mm from midline on both sides, with the reference
in the brain (Lo´pez Martı´n et al., 2006). These effects
electrode at the vertex. The screws were soldered to a micro-
cannot be explained by heating, because the specific
connector. Screws, wires, and connector were embedded to-
absorption rate (SAR) was not sufficient to cause bulk
gether in acrylic cement. After 1 week, the rats underwent
heating of tissue, which suggests that GSM radiation
the procedure described below, and electroencephalographic
may affect brain activity. The aim of the present study
activity was recorded with a 32-channel electroencephalo-
was 1) to assess whether the effects on brain activity of
pulse-modulated GSM differ from those of nonmodu-
LO-RO, LF-LO, and RF-RO, where F indicates frontal, O
lated radiation of the same wavelength and, if so, 2) to
occipital, L the left side, and R the right side. All experiments
study c-Fos expression in seizure-related anatomical cir-
were carried out in accordance with the research protocols
established by the Animal Care Committee of the Universityof Santiago de Compostela.
Animals and Picrotoxin Treatment
Five minutes after i.p. administration of 2 mg/kg picro-
Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 230–250 g
toxin (Sigma), with the dose adjusted to individual animal
and housed with free access to food and water in individual
weights (groups 2, 3, 5, and 6), or vehicle only (groups 1 and
cages and maintained at 228C under a 12:12-hr light/dark re-
4), the animals were immobilized in methacrylate tubes,
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Lo´pez-Martı´n et al.
placed in a 150-346-370-cm radiation cage (incorporating a
are commonly related to isolated spiking and were not consid-
commercial transmitting antenna) that had previously been
ered as seizures. Convulsive seizures were characterized by
calibrated to allow measurement of the radiation absorbed by
clonic jerks of limbs and the body, associated, to different
the animal (see Schmid and Partner Engineering AG, 2005;
degrees, with tonic flexion or extension. They were in all
Trastoy-Rios et al., 2006) and connected to an EEG recorder.
cases followed by full recovery.
Animals in groups 2, 3, 5, and 6 were then irradiated for 2 hrwith either 900-MHz pulse-modulated GSM (0.26 W) or 900-
Processing of Brain Tissue and Immunohistochemistry
MHz nonmodulated radiation (0.26 W): the power level was
One hour after the rats were irradiated, they were given
chosen to be somewhat lower than the average power radiated
an overdose of pentobarbital and prefixed by transcardial per-
by a GSM mobile phone. During irradiation, the animals
fusion with physiological saline followed by formaldehyde in
were videotaped to record clinical signs of seizure, and their
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The animals were slaughtered, and
EEGs were recorded. Animals were exposed to radiation for 2
the brains were immediately removed from the skull, placed
hr; this period was chosen because it has been widely used in
in fresh fixative solution for 4 hr at 48C, and then transferred
other studies (Fritze et al., 1997), thus facilitating comparison.
to phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 12 hr at the same tem-
The animals were then removed from the cage and sedated
perature, after which transverse 50-lm sections were cut with
with pentobarbital for transfer to the histochemistry labora-
a vibrotome, collected freely floating in PBS, and processed as
tory. Using this exposure system, we estimated (for each tis-
follows. The sections were pretreated for 1 hr with normal
sue) the 1-g-averaged peak SAR, i.e., the peak specific
rabbit serum and Triton X-100 [10% and 0.25%, respectively,
absorbed radiation considering a volume of tissue weighing 1
in 0.02% potassium phosphate-buffered saline (KPBS)] and
g, and mean SAR, i.e., the average specific absorption rate.
then exposed overnight at room temperature to polyclonal
These indices were estimated with the aid of SEMCAD soft-
sheep anti-Fos antibody (from Cambridge Research Biochem-
ware (Schmid and Partner Engineering AG, Zurich, Switzer-
icals; 1:1,000 in KPBS), rinsed with KPBS, incubated for 1 hr
land), by numerical simulation of absorption by the brain of a
with biotinylated rabbit anti-sheep antibody (from Vector,
198-g ‘‘phantom'' rat and then extrapolation to the rats used
Burlingame, CA; 1:500 in KPBS), rinsed three times with
in the experiments (Schmid and Partner Engineering AG,
KPBS, incubated for 30 min with an avidin-biotin-peroxidase
2005; Trastoy-Rios et al., 2006).
complex prepared following the instructions of the manufac-
The estimated SAR (SARE) for the experimental ani-
turer (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark), and finally labelled with
mals, obtained by adjusting the simulated values to the actual
weights of the individual rats and the actual absorbed power,
H2O2 solution (Dako).
can be written as
Regions of Interest
Fos immunoreactivity was observed in cell nuclei in
several cortical (Willoughby et al., 1995) and subcortical (Pax-inos and Watson, 1986; Willoughby et al., 1995) functional
simulated SAR, PA,E
power absorbed by
regions related to convulsive seizures. Specific regions within
power absorbed by the simulated rat, WE
each major structure were selected for detailed analysis. For
weight of the rat, and W 5
weight of the simulated rat.
the cerebrum, we considered 1) somatosensory areas, frontal
A separate group of six rats not treated with picrotoxin
motor cortex, and parietal somatosensorial cortex, grouped as
(not one of the groups described above) was used to validate
‘‘neocortex,'' and 2) olfactory areas and piriform, primary sen-
the results obtained by simulation. These rats (average weight
sory, and integrative entorhinal cortices, grouped as ‘‘paleo-
195.5 g) absorbed an average power of 13.56 mW. The simu-
cortex.'' We also considered cerebral subcortical structures:
lated 200-g rat absorbed a power of 13.67 mW. Comparison
hippocampal (dentate gyrus, CA1, and CA3) and thalamic
of the two results gives a mean error (n 5 6 rats) of 0.8% in
[the central medial (CM) and central lateral (CL) nuclei of the
absorbed power and 2.3% in weight. This indicates very low
intralaminar nuclear group] structures (Fig. 1A–C). These
error for estimation of the SAR for each rat with equation 1.
cortical and subcortical structures included some areas that
Because the software tool used for the simulation
have previously been described as showing picrotoxin-induced
(SEMCAD; Schmid and Partner Engineering AG) does not
neuronal activation (Willoughby et al., 1995).
consider transmission of antenna signals other than pure sinu-soids, it was necessary to adapt the numerical results by simply
Quantification and Statistical Analysis
dividing the average power that impinges on the transmittingantenna by the crest factor corresponding to GSM modula-
The numbers of c-Fos-positive cells were counted by
tion, namely, 8.3 (Huber et al., 2003).
investigators who were blind to exposure conditions. For eachrat, three or four sections were taken from each of the follow-ing areas for examination of c-Fos expression in localized
Behavioral and Clinical Signs
regions: 1) cortical areas (frontal motor, parietal motor, piri-
All animals were continuously observed and videotaped
form olfactory, and entorhinal olfactory cortices); 2) hippo-
for 2 hr after intraperitoneal injection of picrotoxin. Behav-
campal structures (dentate gyrus, CA1, and CA3); and 3) tha-
ioral modifications, myoclonic jerks, and occurrence and la-
lamic structures (centromedial and centrolateral nuclei; see
tency of convulsive seizures were recorded. Myoclonic jerks
Fig. 1). In each area, c-Fos-positive cells were counted in a
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Pulse-Modulated GSM Radiation Increases c-Fos
Fig. 1. Schematic drawings of transverse sections through the rat brain, showing the anatomical regionsin which nuclear c-Fos expression was measured, at the 9.2-mm level (interaval coordinates) in corticalareas (frontal cortex, FR1; parietal cortex, PAR1; piriform cortex, PIR; A), the 5.7-mm level in hippo-campal areas (dentate gyrus, DG; CA1; CA3; and the central medial, CM, and central lateral, CL, nucleiof the thalamic intralaminar nuclear group; B), and the 4.2-mm level in entorhinal cortex (ENT; C).
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Lo´pez-Martı´n et al.
0.32-30.24-mm field magnified 320 in a Nikon Eclipse
ior was reflected in the EEG by the presence of short-
E200 microscope connected to a computer running morpho-
duration polyspikes or continuous spike-and-wave dis-
metric software (from Kappa, Monrovia, CA). Counts per
charges during the seizures (see EEG traces in Fig. 2A).
field in each of the areas were expressed as means for individ-
Nonpicrotoxin-treated rats exposed to unmodu-
ual animals or experiments 6 SEM per group. The signifi-
lated radiation (no-PT/UNMOD) showed periods of
cance of between-group differences in c-Fos-positive cell
immobility alternating with activities such as sucking and
counts was assessed by ANOVA: 1) considering all brain
small head movements, with no abnormalities in the
regions together, with factors treatment (picrotoxin or no pic-
EEG recordings. Picrotoxin-treated rats exposed to
rotoxin) and radiation (no radiation, modulated radiation, or
unmodulated radiation (PT/UNMOD) showed aggres-
unmodulated radiation); 2) considering each brain region sepa-
siveness and locomotor activity starting a few minutes af-
rately, with factors treatment, radiation, and area (i.e., areas
ter administration of the picrotoxin and lasting about
within that region); and 3) considering each brain area sepa-
10 min. Two rats showed occasional signs of myoclonic
rately, with factors treatment and radiation. Natural logarithm
head jerks and movements of forepaws after 20 min, but
transformations were applied to data to obtain normality and
only one rat showed generalized seizures. The EEGs of
homoscedasticity. Differences between groups and areas were
these rats showed short-duration polyspikes or continu-
considered significant at P < 0.05 after Bonferroni correction.
ous spike-and-wave discharges.
The mean power absorbed by rats in the four irra-
With regard to the proportion of c-Fos-immu-
diated groups, estimated with equation 1, are shown in
Table II, along with the average weight, mean SAR in
throughout the whole brain, two-way analysis of var-
brain and body, and peak SAR averaged for 1 g of body
iance (factors radiation and picrotoxin) indicated a signif-
and brain. It can be seen that the SAR values are low,
icant effect of the factor picrotoxin, with c-Fos expres-
all of them below thermal values.
sion significantly higher in picrotoxin-treated than innonpicrotoxin-treated animals (P < 0.001). Irradiation
Clinical Behavior and Electroencephalography
did not have the same effect in the different groups
(between treated and nontreated considered together): c-
Nonpicrotoxin-treated nonirradiated rats (no-PT/
Fos expression did not differ in the GSM groups (PT 1
no-RAD) showed initial stress attributable to immobili-
GSM and no-PT 1 GSM) and the unmodulated radia-
zation but did not exhibit any abnormal activity or signs
tion (PT 1 UNMOD and no-PT 1 UNMOD) groups
of seizure, and none of the EEGs recorded from these
(P 5 0.181) but did differ significantly between these
groups showed abnormalities. Picrotoxin-treated nonirra-
groups and the nonirradiated groups (P < 0.001; PT 1
diated rats (PT/no-RAD) showed bursts of locomotor
no-RAD and no-PT 1 no-RAD; see Table III).
activity lasting between 5 and 10 min, after which the
With regard to the picrotoxin-treated groups sepa-
rats remained immobile but alert. EEGs showed isolated
rately, c-Fos expression differed significantly among the
spikes or very short bursts of spikes but no more than
PT/GSM, PT/UNMOD, and PT/no-RAD groups
minimal signs of seizure.
(P < 0.001 in all comparisons). For the nonpicrotoxin-
Nonpicrotoxin-treated GSM-irradiated rats (no-
treated groups separately, c-Fos expression differed sig-
PT/GSM) showed initial stress but did not exhibit any
nificantly between no-PT/GSM and no-PT/UNMOD
abnormal activity or signs of myoclonic jerks. Picro-
groups (P < 0.001) but not between the no-PT/GSM
toxin-treated GSM-irradiated rats (PT/GSM) began to
and no-PT/no-RAD groups (P 5 0.454; see Table IV).
exhibit myoclonic jerks of the head and the body within
The effect of GSM radiation increased the magni-
10 min of administration of picrotoxin. The myoclonic
tude of the difference in c-Fos expression between PT
jerks persisted for long periods, but seizures were
and non-PT rats (P < 0.001); expression was very high
observed in only two animals, which showed intermit-
in GSM/PT rats and low in GSM/no-PT rats. In con-
tent generalized convulsions for 20–30 min. This behav-
trast, there were no significant differences between
TABLE II. Mean Absorbed Power and SAR Values for the Four Experimental Groups*
*The effects of the stainless-steel screws are not taken into account here. For acronyms, see Table I.
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Pulse-Modulated GSM Radiation Increases c-Fos
Fig. 2. EEG traces and c-Fos-positive cell counts in the different ex-
shows a seizure (epileptic recruiting rhythm). The trace at lower
perimental groups. A: EEG traces are representative traces for each
rightshows symmetric paroxysmal fast activity. B: Histograms show-
group. The column on the left shows traces for rats that did not
ing c-Fos-positive cell counts in nonirradiated (no-RAD), GSM-irra-
receive picrotoxin; none of these rats showed significant EEG abnor-
diated (GSM), and unmodulated-radiation-exposed (UNMOD) rats
malities. The column on the right shows traces for rats that received
previously treated with i.p. subconvulsive doses of picrotoxin. Values
picrotoxin. The traces at upper right and lower right show general-
shown are means for eight rats per group; whiskers indicate SEMs.
ized paroxysmal theta waves and fast activity. The trace in the middle
UNMOD/PT and UNMOD/no-PT rats (P 5 0.322)
the pontomesencephalic nuclei. In all areas, the mean c-
or between no-RAD/PT and no-RAD/no-PT rats
Fos expression in irradiated with GSM picrotoxin-treated
(P 5 0.549; Fig. 2B).
(PT 1 GSM) rats was higher than in nonirradiated pic-
c-Fos expression in different brain regions.
rotoxin-treated rats (PT 1 No-RAD), showing twofold
All brain areas showed c-Fos expression after picrotoxin
increases in some areas, with even greater differences in
treatment, with or without posterior irradiation. In rats
the hippocampus. In the neocortical areas, c-Fos expres-
treated with picrotoxin, c-Fos-positive neurons were
sion was similar for picrotoxin-treated rats exposed to
observed systematically in the thalamus and cortical areas,
GSM and unmodulated radiation (UNMOD), and in the
and in some animals more or less scattered expression
remaining areas c-Fos expression was higher in rats
was also observed in the hippocampus, the amygdala, the
exposed to GSM than in rats exposed to unmodulated
putamen-caudate complex, and/or the hypothalamus and
radiation in frontal areas. In rats not treated with picro-
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Lo´pez-Martı´n et al.
or parietal; P < 0.001) and by the interaction area 3
between the GSM and no-RAD groups but was mark-
radiation (P < 0.001). Analyses of variance considering
edly higher in the UNMOD group. Below we discuss
the frontal and parietal areas separately in both cases
the effects of the different treatments on c-Fos expression
indicated that both picrotoxin and radiation, and the
in the specific brain regions.
interaction between them, had significant effects on c-
c-Fos expression in the neocortex (frontal and parietal cor-
Fos expression (P < 0.001 in all cases; see Table III).
Initial analysis indicated that c-Fos expression in
In considering only picrotoxin-treated rats, radia-
the neocortex was significantly affected by area (frontal
tion significantly affected c-Fos expression in the frontalarea of picrotoxin-treated rats (GSM compared with no-RAD, P < 0.001; UNMOD compared with no-RAD,
TABLE III. Results of Two-Way ANOVA (Treatment 3
P 5 0.005), but GSM modulation had no significant
Radiation) or Three-Way ANOVA (Treatment 3 Radiation 3
effect (GSM compared with UNMOD, P 5 0.192; Fig.
Area) for the Whole Brain and for Different Brain Regions*
3A–D). In the parietal area of picrotoxin-treated rats,
there were significant differences in c-Fos expressionbetween GSM and no-RAD and between UNMOD
and no-RAD, but not between UNMOD and GSM
(P 5 0.120; Fig. 4A–D, Table IV). In considering only
nonpicrotoxin-treated rats, in frontal and parietal areas c-
Fos expression in the UNMOD group differed signifi-
cantly from that in the GSM and no-RAD groups (P <
0.001), but there was no significant difference between
the GSM and the no-RAD groups (P 5 0.620; Fig.
The statistical analyses of the data for
this region did not show significant effects on c-Fos
expression of area (P 5 0.242) or area 3 picrotoxin 3
Hippocampal areas
radiation (P 5 0.086). Separate analyses of the different
olfactory areas in the paleocortex indicated that, in both
the piriform and the entorhinal areas, the factors picro-
toxin and radiation and the interaction picrotoxin 3
radiation had significant effects on c-Fos expression (P <
0.001 in all cases; see Table III).
GSM modulation had a marked effect in animals
*F, Fisher-Snedecor F statistic; DF, degrees of freedom; P value: level of
treated with picrotoxin or not treated with picrotoxin
both in the piriform and in the entorhinal areas, with
TABLE IV. Mean Values 6 SEM of the Cell Counts in Whole Brain and in Brain Areas and for the Different Treatments(With and Without Radiation and With and Without Picrotoxin)y
Hippocampal areasGD
Thalamic nucleiCM
yTwo-way ANOVA (treatment 3 radiation) applied to data corresponding to whole brain and individual brain areas.
*Significant differences in picrotoxin-treated vs. nontreated animals for each type of radiation between groups (at P < 0.05) following Bonferroni cor-rection.
1–3Significant differences according to the radiation factor (1, NR; 2, GSM; 3, UNMOD) in PT or non-PT animals.
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Fig. 3. A: c-Fos-positive cell counts in frontal cortex (FR1) in picrotoxin- and nonpicrotoxin-treated animals that subsequently were not irradiated (no-RAD), exposed to GSM radiation(GSM), or exposed to unmodulated radiation (UNMOD). Photomicrographs of DAB-stainedtransverse sections of the brains of picrotoxin-treated no-RAD (B), GSM (C), and UNMOD (D)rats in frontal cortex. The boxed area in each panel is enlarged in the inset. Scale bar 5 500 lm.
Fig. 4. A: c-Fos-positive cell counts in parietal cortex (PAR1) in picrotoxin- and nonpicrotoxin-treated animals that were subsequently not irradiated (no-RAD), exposed to GSM radiation(GSM), or exposed to unmodulated radiation (UNMOD). Photomicrographs of DAB-stainedtransverse sections of the brains of picrotoxin-treated no-RAD (B), GSM (C), and UNMOD (D)rats in parietal cortex. The boxed area in each panel is enlarged in the inset. Scale bar 5 500 lm.
Lo´pez-Martı´n et al.
Fig. 5. A: c-Fos-positive cell counts in piriform cortex (PIR) in picrotoxin- and nonpicrotoxin-treated animals that were subsequently not irradiated (no-RAD), exposed to GSM radiation (GSM),or exposed to unmodulated radiation (UNMOD). Photomicrographs of DAB-stained transversesections of the brains of picrotoxin-treated no-RAD (B), GSM (C), and UNMOD (D) rats in piri-form cortex. The boxed area in each panel is enlarged in the inset. Scale bar 5 500 lm.
significant differences between GSM and UNMOD and
significantly between the GSM and the UNMOD
between GSM and no-RAD in both areas (P < 0.001
groups (see Fig 7A–C,E,F). In nonpicrotoxin-treated
in both cases), but there was a significant difference only
animals, c-Fos expression was highest in the UNMOD
between GSM and no-RAD in the piriform area (P <
group, in which counts differed significantly from those
0.001) and not in the entorhinal area (P 5 0.473) in
in the other two groups (P < 0.001); in contrast, the
nonpicrotoxin-treated animals (Figs. 5, 6, Table IV).
counts in the GSM group differed only from those in
Hippocampus: dentate gyrus, CA1, and CA3.
the no-RAD group in CA1 (P 5 0.043; see Table IV).
statistical analyses of the data for the hippocampus
Thalamic nuclei.
Studies of the thalamus were per-
revealed significant effects of area, area and treatment,
formed in the central medial (CM) and central lateral
area and radiation, and area 3 radiation and area 3
(CL) nuclei of the intralaminar nuclei group. The inter-
treatment 3 radiation interactions (P < 0.001 in all
actions area 3 picrotoxin, area 3 radiation, and area 3
cases; see Table III). In considering each of the areas of
picrotoxin 3 radiation all had significant effects (P 5
the hippocampus separately and bearing in mind the
0.021, P < 0.0001, and P < 0.001, respectively) on c-
observed picrotoxin 3 radiation interaction, (except for
Fos expression. In considering each of the areas of the
DG area with respect to treatment; P 5 0,394), multiple
thalamus separately, there were significant differences in
comparisons indicated significant differences between all
both areas in relation to radiation and picrotoxin (P <
irradiated groups compared (GSM compared with no-
0.05 in both cases), but significant differences in relation
RAD, UNMOD compared with no-RAD, and GSM
to the interaction between these factors were only
compared with UNMOD) both in picrotoxin- and in
observed in the CL nucleus (see Table III).
nonpicrotoxin-treated animals (P < 0.001 in all cases).
Finally, the statistical analyses considering each nu-
The effect of GSM modulation was marked in the den-
cleus separately indicated that, in the CM nucleus, the
tate gyrus in picrotoxin-treated animals, with very high
effect of exposure to radiation (GSM compared with
c-Fos expression in the GSM group, significantly differ-
no-RAD, UNMOD compared with no-RAD) was sig-
ent from the counts in the UNMOD and no-RAD
nificant only in nonpicrotoxin-treated rats (P 5 0.049,
groups (P < 0.001 in both cases; see Fig. 7A–D). In the
P 5 0.001, respectively). In the CL nucleus, modulated
CA1 and CA3, however, c-Fos expression did not differ
radiation had a significant effect on picrotoxin-treated
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Pulse-Modulated GSM Radiation Increases c-Fos
Fig. 6. A: c-Fos-positive cell counts in entorhinal cortex (ENT) in picrotoxin- and nonpicro-toxin-treated animals that were subsequently not irradiated (no-RAD), exposed to GSM radiation(GSM), or exposed to unmodulated radiation (UNMOD). Photomicrographs of DAB-stainedtransverse sections of entorhinal cortex from picrotoxin-treated no-RAD (B), GSM (C), andUNMOD (D) rats. The boxed area in each panel is enlarged in the inset. Scale bar 5 500 lm.
rats (P 5 0.013), with significantly higher counts in the
dependent protein kinase C (PKC; Paulraj and Behari,
GSM group than in the UNMOD group. (Fig. 7A–E,
2004), and cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA;
Byus et al., 1984). The suggestion that these effectsoccur specifically with fields that are amplitude modu-lated at extremely low frequencies is intriguing but diffi-
cult to interpret (Stewart, 2000). Likewise, PKA protectsagainst acute picrotoxin-induced seizures (Va´zquez-
Effects of GSM Compared With Unmodulated
Lo´pez et al., 2005), and voltage-dependent calcium
Radiation on Cerebral Activity
channels are essential for picrotoxin-induced epileptic
The present results indicate that for UNMOD radia-
activity (Straub et al., 1994).
tion there was no significant difference in c-Fos expres-
The SAR for a given tissue and microwave radia-
sion between nonpicrotoxin-treated rats
tion exposure depends on physical parameters, including
UNMOD) and picrotoxin-treated rats (PT 1 UNMOD);
whether the microwave signal is pulsed or nonpulsed
occasional discharges occurred in EEG recording, and sei-
(Michaelson et al., 2007). The biological effects observed
zure development was infrequent in treated animals.
in the present study in rats exposed to GSM are unlikely
However, GSM radiation induced seizures and increased
to have been of thermal origin, because the estimated
c-Fos-positive neuron counts in animals made seizure-
SAR levels (Table II) were well below the threshold for
prone by picrotoxin treatment (see Fig. 2).
induction of hyperthermia (4 or 5 W/kg; Mickeley
These findings (scarce clinical and EEG signs with-
et al., 1994). GSM radiation is capable of triggering seiz-
out GSM and seizures with GSM) suggest that the con-
ures in seizure-prone rats through nonthermal mecha-
vulsant drug picrotoxin and GSM radiation had parallel
nisms (Lo´pez-Martı´n et al., 2006). In the absence of
effects, or effects via a common mechanism, as has been
pulse modulation (the UNMOD group), the estimated
reported for other drugs (Michaelson et al., 2007). Am-
SAR was higher (see Table II) but still not high enough
plitude-modulation GSM-type radiation (at the fre-
to trigger seizures by a thermal or other mechanism (see
quency used, 271 kHz) has been found to cause changes
Guy and Chou, 1982).
In the present study we also found that, in nonpi-
(Blackman et al., 1980; Kittel et al., 1996), calcium-
crotoxin-treated (nonseizure-prone) rats, c-Fos expres-
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Lo´pez-Martı´n et al.
Fig. 7. Photomicrographs of DAB-stained transverse sections of hippocampal areas of brains of pic-rotoxin-treated no-RAD (A), GSM (B), and UNMOD (C) rats: dentate gyrus (DG), CA1, andCA3. The boxed DG area in each panel is enlarged in the inset. c-Fos-positive cell counts in hip-pocampal areas of brains of picrotoxin- and nonpicrotoxin-treated no-RAD (D), GSM (E), andUNMOD (F) rats. Scale bar 5 500 lm.
sion was significantly higher in the brains of those rats
findings suggest the existence of a mechanism that is not
exposed to nonmodulated radiation than in nonirradiated
mediated by temperature variations (Curcio et al., 2005).
or GSM-exposed rats. In other studies the increased c-
The present study may provide relevant information
Fos expression has been attributed to immobilization
about the effects of mobile-phone-type radiation on
stress (Cullinan et al., 1995), because there is no differ-
brain activity when the excitability of GABAergic neu-
ence in the responses of GSM-irradiated and nonirradi-
rons is increased (Hossmann and Herman, 2003; Ferri
ated animals (Fritze et al., 1997; Finne, 2005). GSM
et al., 2006).
radiation has previously been reported to affect geneexpression in brain cells (Belyaev et al., 2006), butincreased cerebral c-Fos expression has been reported in
Comparison of the Effects of GSM
normal (nonpicrotoxin-treated) rats only when the radia-
and Unmodulated Radiation on Neuronal
tion is applied at intensities high enough to cause hyper-
Activation in Different Anatomical Regions
thermia (Mickley et al., 1994; Morrissey et al., 1999).
Cortical areas: neocortex and paleocortex.
Pulse modulation appears to be essential for trigger-
The results of the present study indicate that GSM radia-
ing seizures and increasing the level of c-Fos, and these
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Pulse-Modulated GSM Radiation Increases c-Fos
Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of DAB-stained transverse sections from the thalamic intralaminar nucleiof picrotoxin-treated no-RAD (A), GSM (B), and UNMOD (C) rats: central medial (CM) nu-cleus and central lateral (CL) nucleus. The boxed areas in each panel are enlarged in the inset. c-Fos-positive cell counts in hippocampal areas of brains of picrotoxin- and nonpicrotoxin-treatedno-RAD (D), GSM (E), and UNMOD (F) rats. Scale bar 5 500 lm.
region-specific effects on c-Fos expression in the neo-
reduces GABAergic inhibition by interaction with the
cortex and paleocortex. In the neocortex (specifically,
chloride ionophore of the GABAA receptor (Olsen,
the frontoparietal cortex), radiation caused an increase in
2006); however, the neocortex (or frontoparietal cortex)
c-Fos expression, but GSM radiation caused no greater
may play a constant role in the appearance of the thresh-
increase than equivalent unmodulated radiation. By con-
old of picrotoxin-induced convulsive seizures (Vergnes
trast, in the paleocortex in the limbic system (specifically
et al., 2000). In addition, at subconvulsive doses, this
olfactory areas), GSM radiation had a greater effect on
drug also increases the excitability of the sensorimotor
c-Fos expression than unmodulated radiation. Neocorti-
cortex in previous states of cortical stimulation (Koryn-
cal GABaergic interneurons form complex networks
tova et al., 2002). In humans, the activation of the c-Fos
within the cerebral cortex and play an important role in
gene in the neocortex after an epileptic crisis suggests
inhibiting the activity of local circuit neurons. Small
that this gene is directly modulated by the degree of epi-
decreases in the efficacy of the intracortical GABAergic
leptic activity and may be a clinically relevant biological
inhibition system can lead to propagation of synchron-
marker (Sanjay et al., 2005).
ized discharges, which may play role in susceptibility to
One possible explanation for the similar effects of
epileptogenesis (Luhmann and Price, 1990). Picrotoxin
GSM and unmodulated radiation in the motor cortex is
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Lo´pez-Martı´n et al.
the predominant intervention of other systems, such as
some authors suggest that low doses of picrotoxin do
the neuroendocrine system (Smith et al., 1997). It is also
not facilitate the transmission of seizure activity within
possible that the stimulation caused by the pulses directly
the limbic system (Koryntova et al., 2002), in the present
or indirectly in subcortical areas sends inputs to the neo-
study we found higher c-Fos expression in limbic areas
cortex, increasing the inhibition of the microcircuits of
(especially in the dentate gyrus) that were more sensitive
the frontal cortex by the hippocampal GABAergic sys-
to the combined effect of pulse modulation and picro-
tem (Mantovani et al., 2006; Takita et al., 2007).
toxin than the areas of the motor system (see Results).
In contrast, c-Fos-positive cell counts in the ento-
There is some controversy regarding the reported
rhinal and piriform cortices (in the limbic system) were
effects that amplitude-modulated RF fields have on the
markedly affected by GSM radiation, and c-Fos expression
excitability of neurons in the hippocampus of rats in
in these areas was associated with c-Fos expression in
vitro (Tattersall et al., 2001), and it is possible that the
other regions of the limbic system, with which it showed
effects are due to an electrode-related artefact. In vivo
a clear temporal relationship (as further discussed below).
RF studies showed effects in the hippocampus (Paulraj
It is well known that stress may trigger or exacerbate seiz-
et al., 2004) as well as on the metabolism of Ach (Kun-
ures (Frucht et al., 2000). The entorhinal and piriform
jilwar and Behari et al., 1993; Barteri et al., 2005) and
cortices contain glucocorticoid receptors (Chao et al.,
altered cognitive functions in humans related to this ana-
1989); it is possible that these receptors are stimulated by
tomical area (Koivisto et al., 2000; Eldesteyn and Older-
shaw, 2002; Mainer et al., 2004).
pituitary-adrenal axis during seizures (Mraovitch and
The expression of c-Fos showed marked activity in
Calando, 1999) and also that picrotoxin may stimulate
the limbic system; the effects on the dentate gyrus in
cholinergic and GABAergic modulation in the hypothala-
hippocampus and extrahippocampal regions (piriform
mus (Singh et al., 1997). However, intraperitoneal sub-
and entorhinal cortex) caused by GSM in seizure-prone
convulsive doses of picrotoxin alone, and in the absence
rats in the present study suggest, as do other studies with
of radiation or some other trigger, probably do not
GABAA noncompetitive antagonists (Shehab et al.,
induce seizures (Nutt et al., 1982) but may be used to
1992; Eells et al., 2004) or Ach agonists (Barone et al.,
influence GABAergic inhibition (Koryntova et al., 2002).
1993; Mraovitch and Calando, 1999), the following
Our hypothesis is that the combined effect on the cortex
excitatory circuitry in determining the anatomical struc-
of the GABAergic antagonist and nonthermal GSM radia-
tures recruited by propagating seizure activity: entorhinal
tion is the origin of the observed electrical discharges,
cortex ? dentate gyrus ? CA3 ? CA1 and via the
although other factors may intervene in the propagation
perforant pathway (via mossy fibers and Schaffer's collat-
of seizures to limbic or motor cortex circuits.
eral fibers, respectively,) and the CA1 pathway to the
Another finding of this study was that, in nonpi-
connections of the entorhinal cortex, forming a hippo-
crotoxin-treated animals, unmodulated radiation caused
campal-parahippocampal loop. This excitatory circuitry
an increase in c-Fos-positive neuron counts in most of
may be one of the anatomical substrates of seizures
the regions of the cortex studied, CM and CL being
(Mraovitch and Calando, 1999).
exceptions. GSM radiation may have relatively subtle
In the present study, GSM radiation had little effect
effects (possibly inhibitory effects) on neuronal activa-
on either the central medial or the central lateral nuclei;
tion; however, in combination with GABAergic antago-
the TIN does not appear to show great effects in limbic
nists, there may be synergistic effects.
or motor convulsions, possibly because of the intervention
GSM-type pulse modulation of electromagnetic
of hippocampal structures (Nanobashvali et al., 2003).
fields affects neuronal activation in the cortex of picro-
TIN neurons may participate with thalomocortical or cor-
toxin-pretreated rats, leading to increased c-Fos expres-
ticothalamic inputs and cause inhibition or activation,
sion, modified behavior, and altered EEG traces. This
depending on other neurotransmitters, such as acetylcho-
acute and reversible increase in neuronal excitability in
line or noradrenaline, which may be modified by the
the cortex has been reported by other authors (see Eulitz
combined action of picrotoxin and GSM. The indirect
et al., 1998; Borbe´ly et al., 1999; Huber et al., 2002,
interaction with other systems, such as the striatum and
2003, 2005; Ferri et al., 2006), suggesting an imbalance
hypothalamus or locus coeruleus (with which CM nuclei
between the neurotransmitters GABA and glutamate
have the most connections), may trigger secondary regula-
(Mausset-Bonafont et al., 2004) and acetylcholine (Lai
tion of these systems (Mraovitch and Calando, 1999).
et al., 1991). In our opinion, these results indicate that
The present data on the expression of c-Fos indicate an
the paleocortex (notably the entorhinal cortex) is espe-
important degree of participation of hippocampal anatom-
cially sensitive to pulsed radiation, such as GSM, and
ical structures in the neuronal activity triggered during
may play an important role in the progression of neuro-
seizure propagation. Thalamic structures play a more vari-
nal activity and seizures.
able role in the synchronization of this neuronal circuit.
Subcortical areas: hippocampus and thalamic
In hippocampal areas, the effect of GSM was
apparent in CA1 and CA3 and very marked in the den-
tate gyrus, where c-Fos expression in picrotoxin-treated
Nine-hundred-mega-Hertz GSM radiation trig-
animals was already very high (see Figs. 7, 8). Although
gered a marked increase in neuronal excitability in sei-
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Pulse-Modulated GSM Radiation Increases c-Fos
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