Quality health plans & benefitsHealthier livingFinancial well-beingIntelligent solutions
Discover the benefits of flexible
International Healthcare Plan
46.07.310.1-APSL B (9/15)

You can count on us to deliver
on the goals that matter most
to your business and your
employees. We share your
commitment to caring for your
employees and it comes across
in everything that we do.
Our solutions
Product summary
Benefits schedule
Questions and answers
Benefits schedule detail
Complaint procedures

Benefits backed by strength and stability
As a part of Aetna, Inc., we share in
the heritage of more than 160 years
of expertise as a leading provider of
This includes locations in:
health care benefits. For more than
• Greater China (Hong Kong
three decades, we've extended that
• Southeast Asia (Manila,
Philippines; Singapore, and Jakarta, Indonesia)
strength and stability across the globe
• Middle East (Dubai, Abu
Dhabi, Qatar, and Kuwait)
as one of the world's largest and most
• United Kingdom (London,
England; Birmingham,
prominent providers of international
• United States (Tampa,
health benefits. Today, we support more
Florida; New Albany, Ohio; Blue Bell, Pennsylvania and
than 500,000 members worldwide.
Hartford, Connecticut)

Delivering on the promise of quality health care
Global support that centres on your employees
A focus on helping your business
Your employees will have the local support of our
We leverage our deep market knowledge and in-country
on-the-ground teams along with the global strength
expertise to help you manage and minimise costs and
of our worldwide network. This means they will have
challenges. This includes being a partner who takes
access to exceptional care no matter where they are.
responsibility for the health and well-being of your employees. We'll work with you to understand your
Your employees will have access to:
business and the needs of your global workforce so
• One-on-one health care support from our International
we can provide proactive support, clear guidance and
Health Advisory Team (IHAT) of clinicians
meaningful solutions that drive healthy outcomes.
• A direct settlement provider community of more than
Here's what you can expect from us:
100,000 leading hospitals and clinics
• Claims reimbursement in over 135 currencies
• Better management of medical costs
• Web and mobile tools that help employees play a greater,
• Dedicated, proactive account management
more informed role in their health
• Simplified compliance with built-in regulated solutions
• 24x7x365 multilingual member service support
• Flexible, portable solutions
In short, we'll go above and beyond to make sure that
As our customer, you'll gain the support of our global
your professionals are well cared for, wherever they are
network of professionals who share your commitment
in the world.
to caring for your employees around the world.

Value-added wellness programmes
Wellness is a lifelong path, and the
journey is different for each individual.
It begins with getting members engaged in
their own well-being and supporting them
wherever they are on their journey —
whether they are healthy, at risk for disease
or injury, managing a chronic condition or
experiencing a major health event.
With this in mind, we've
Health and wellness education
developed a complimentary
Whether employees are healthy
wellness offering for
individuals looking for additional healthy lifestyle tips — or have a chronic
members, which includes the
condition and want to learn how to reach
fol owing programmes:
their optimal state of health — we offer an array of health and wellness education
materials to aid them in their efforts.
Wellness Checkpoint is a culturally diverse,
The health library provides helpful
online health survey that provides
information, including topics such as:
members with information about their
personal health needs and motivates them
to make lasting positive changes. The tool
• Coronary artery disease
can also help them understand possible
health risks, and provides an action plan and information that encourages healthy
• Stress management
We also offer additional tiers of Wellness Checkpoint for groups over 100 members, which can include varying levels of customisation — from tailored reporting to a fully-bespoke tool. Please consult with your Aetna representative for additional information.
International Healthcare Plan Overview
An innovative, flexible offering
No two companies are alike. That's why we
offer a range of plans and optional benefits so
you can maximise your health care investment
and manage costs based on your varied employee populations. You can select from
Choose a base plan
one of four base plans, then choose from a
and excess level.
menu of additional benefits and sums insured.
This means you have the flexibility to provide different plans for different groups of employees within the same policy. For example, you can set up different categories for employees working in different regions, which provide different levels of cover, such as including extended evacuation assistance for employees who travel more frequently than others.
For qualifying groups of 50 or more
employees, you can benefit from the additional flexibility of a custom plan that
Choose your
includes additional benefits and increased limit options.
A collaborative approach
Our team is committed to
working with you to identify
Tailor the level
the plan type and benefits
of cover for your
that are best for your
business and the employees
you're looking to cover.
A comprehensive range of benefits,
Essential benefits, plus:
including, but not limited to:
• Inpatient and day patient treatment
• Increased hospital cash benefit
• Increased chronic conditions benefit
• Evacuation and transportation benefits
• Increased alternative treatment (20 sessions)
• Accident and emergency treatment
• Increased vaccinations and inoculations
outside area of cover
• Outpatient care (with a capped benefit)
• Increased home nursing benefit
Core benefits, plus:
Plus benefits, plus:
• Chronic conditions benefit
• Compassionate emergency travel
• Outpatient psychiatric treatment
• Increased maximum annual aggregate limit
• Increased outpatient care benefit
• Increased level of cover for a number of
benefits, including: hospital cash, chronic conditions, congenital anomalies, durable medical equipment, AIDS, hospice care, alternative treatment (30 sessions), evacuation and additional travel expense, mortal remains and new born care
Optional benefits either reduce costs* and/or upgrade cover.
See pages 6 – 10 for a full list of options, which include, but are not limited to:
• Extended emergency evacuation
• Infertility treatment
• Out of country transportation
• Outpatient consultation copay per visit*
• Routine or restorative dental and orthodontic options
• Routine pregnancy
• Traditional Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine
• USA elective treatment
• Vision care
• Wellness options
Many of the options can be flexed. For example, we offer a range of benefit
limits within our seven routine or restorative dental and orthodontic options
— with the ability to include or exclude a coinsurance.
International Healthcare Plan benefits comparison
To find out about the key features of the International Healthcare Plan, please see the following comparative
benefits schedule.*
This will be a 12 month policy starting from the date of entry or any subsequent renewal date, as applicable. It is the responsibility of the policyholder to continual y review your policy in order to ensure that the plan selected continues to meet the needs and requirements of your employees.
This policy summary does not contain the full terms of the policy; these can be found in the benefits schedule, group contract, certificate of insurance and member handbook.
Maximum annual aggregate limit
A maximum of $2,500,000
per member per period of cover
member per period
Inpatient, day patient, emergency care and diagnostics
Inpatient care, reconstructive surgery
and rehabilitation
i) Accommodation is subject to any selected inpatient bed limit
ii) Rehabilitation is covered in full up to 120 days per medical condition
Accident and emergency treatment
Covered in full for inpatient treatment
outside area of cover
Outpatient treatment is limited to $500 per medical condition and subject to
an excess of $80 per medical condition
CT PET and MRI scans
Inpatient psychiatric treatment
Covered in full (up to 30 days) per period of cover
Accidental damage to teeth
Up to $125 per night
Up to $175 per night
Up to $250 per night
for a maximum of 20 nights per
medical condition
of 20 nights per
of 20 nights per
medical condition
medical condition
Parental accommodation
Disease and chronic condition management
Chronic conditions
Up to $5,000 per
Up to $15,000 per
insured person per
insured person per
per insured person
per period of cover
Congenital anomalies
Up to $250,000 per
$100,000 per medical condition
medical condition
Durable medical equipment,
Up to $1,000 per medical condition
prosthetic and orthotic supplies
per period of cover
Up to $10,000 per insured person
Up to $20,000 per
per period of cover
insured person per
Up to $25,000 per
Up to $50,000 per
Hormone replacement therapy
Covered in full up to 18 months per lifetime
Outpatient and alternative treatments
Up to $1,700 per
medical condition prior to hospitalisation and up to 60 days immediately following hospitalisation. Alternative treatment up to 10 sessions in aggregate per medical condition, and subject to the benefit limit above.
Outpatient surgery
Outpatient psychiatric treatment
Up to $5,000 per period of cover
Alternative treatment
See outpatient care
Covered in full up
Covered in full up
Covered in full up
to 10 sessions in
to 20 sessions in
to 30 sessions in
medical condition
medical condition
medical condition
Vaccinations and inoculations
Up to $100 per period of cover
Up to $500 per period of cover
Covered in full up to 30 days
Covered in full up to 28 weeks
per medical condition
per medical condition
Evacuation and transportation
Emergency transportation
Evacuation and additional
i) Covered in full
ii) Up to $150 per person per day and $5,000 per person per
person per day and
$10,000 per person
ii) Non-hospital accommodation
Compassionate emergency travel
Offered as standard up to $3,000 per period of cover
Up to $8,500 per insured person
Up to $15,000 per insured person
Mother and child
Complications of pregnancy
Up to $100,000 per insured person
Up to $250,000 per
per period of cover and to a maximum of 90 days hospital stay
insured person per period of cover and to a maximum of 180 days hospital stay
New born accommodation
Options to reduce costs
China private room restriction
Hong Kong semi-private room
Outpatient consultation
$15 copay per visit or deductible
This benefit is available where
$20 copay per visit or deductible
nil excess has been selected.
$30 copay per visit or deductible
Inpatient bed limit
6 standard options ranging from:
Inpatient bed limit $75 per day, to inpatient bed limit $500 per day
Options to upgrade cover
Alternative treatment without
Up to $1,000 per insured person per period of cover
Up to $2,000 per insured person per period of cover
Chronic conditions
options available – see above standard chronic conditions benefit
Compassionate emergency travel
See above listed compassionate emergency
travel benefit — offered as standard up to
$3,000 per period of cover
Complications of pregnancy –
Congenital anomalies –
Including pre-existing congenital
Up to $100,000 per medical condition
Up to $250,000 per medical condition
Dental 1 – routine dental treatment
14 standard options ranging from:
Up to $250 per period of cover (with or without
25% coinsurance), to up to $2,500 per period of cover (with or without
Dental 2 – major restorative
12 standard options ranging from:
Up to $500 per period of cover (with or without
25% coinsurance), to up to $2,500 per period of cover (with or without
Dental 3 – orthodontic dental
6 standard options ranging from:
Up to $500 per period of cover (with or without
50% coinsurance), to up to $1,500 per period of cover (with or without
Dental 4 – dental implants
No cover (available to custom plans only)
Dental 5 – combined routine and
Up to $1,500 per period of cover
restorative dental
(with or without 25% coinsurance)
Dental 6 – combined routine and
Up to $2,500 per period of cover
restorative dental with orthodontics
(with or without 25% coinsurance)
Dental 7 – combined routine and
Up to $3,000 per period of cover
restorative dental with orthodontics
(with or without 25% coinsurance)
and dental implants
Outpatient direct settlement
Outpatient consultations are available on a nil excess basis where
network – nil excess
treatment is received in network.
This benefit is available where a
The policy excess applies where outpatient consultations take place
nil, $50 OR $100 policy excess has
outside the direct settlement network.
Extended evacuation
(to the country of choice)
Out of country transportation for
i) Covered in full
medically necessary non-emergency
ii) Up to $150 per person per day and $5,000
treatment as an inpatient or day
per person per evacuation
ii) Up to $250 per person per day and $10,000
ii) Non-hospital accommodation
per person per evacuation
No cover (available to custom plans only)
Infertility treatment (minimum of 10
employees required)
per member per lifetime
Routine pregnancy
8 standard options ranging from:
Up to $5,000 per pregnancy
(with or without 20% coinsurance),
to covered in full per pregnancy (with or without 20% coinsurance)
Traditional Chinese or
5 standard options ranging from:
Ayurvedic medicine
$30 per session to a maximum of 10 sessions,
to up to $750 per period of cover
Two additional options are available for custom groups.
USA elective treatment
i) Inpatient or day patient treatment
i) Covered in full
received inside the direct
settlement network
ii) Up to $1,000,000 per member per period of cover and subject to
ii) Inpatient or day patient treatment
received outside the direct
settlement network
iii) Covered in full
iii) Outpatient treatmentThe International Healthcare
Plan (IHP) does not comply with the
Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act (U.S. healthcare reform),
and cannot be used to satisfy any
requirements for health insurance
cover mandated therein.
One eye exam and a maximum benefit of up to $250 per period of cover
One eye exam and a maximum benefit of $500
per period of cover
One eye exam and a maximum benefit of $750
per period of cover
Wellness option 1
Up to $250 per insured person per period of cover
Routine medical checkups and
well-baby checks
Wellness option 2
Up to $500 per insured person per period of cover
Bilateral mammogram/breast
examination and routine
Up to $750 per insured person per period of cover
gynaecological tests including
Up to $1,000 per insured person per period of cover
Testicular/prostate examination/
Up to $1,500 per insured person per period of cover
Routine medical checkups Well-baby checks
Wellness option 3
Up to $1,000 per insured person per period of cover
Preventive screening for members
who are deemed at high risk
Up to $1,500 per insured person per period of cover

Policy excess level options — The excess level selected for this policy will be applicable to each new medical condition.

For groups of less than 10 employees, we require a
The U.S. Dollar ($) currency is available to policyholders in
completed member application form for each employee.
the Middle East.
Our standard approach to medical underwriting is moratorium; however, plan sponsors may elect to purchase
enhanced underwriting terms for the group.
Bank transfers or cheques are available on an annual, semi-annual or quarterly basis. These are accepted in
Moratorium underwriting
U.S. Dollars.
Our standard approach to medical underwriting.
A surcharge will apply for payments made on a semi-annual
At the member level, cover is not provided for any medical
or quarterly basis.
condition in existence on the date that individual is accepted into the group (date of entry) until it has been
Communicating with your employees
treated such that the individual is symptom and advice-free for two consecutive years following the date of entry with
To assist you in communicating your benefits to your
regard to that medical condition. This policy does not cover
employees and their dependants, we provide the following
the treatment of pre-existing chronic conditions.
Full medical underwriting
• Electronic member packs and mailed membership cards
Plan sponsors may also elect to have members fully
• Printed copies of member packs and membership cards
Should we accept cover, we may apply additional terms and
exclusions, which will be shown on the member's certificate
There are three options for plan sponsors to adjust
of insurance.
membership when members leave or join the plan:
Continuous transfer terms
• Pay as you go — Adjustments are credited or debited as
For members wishing to transfer from other policies.
adjustments are made.
This feature may incur additional premium.
• Periodic adjustments — We will adjust your instalment
The acceptance by us of the member's original date of
plan to incorporate membership adjustments.
entry as shown by the member's current insurer will be applied to the member's policy with us. We will maintain
• End of year adjustments — We will reconcile your
the member's existing underwriting or special acceptance
account at year end.
terms, as offered by the member's existing insurer, such as any moratoria or specific exclusions, and the member's
Policyholder's right of termination
policy with us will be governed by the terms and conditions
After the commencement date, this policy, or any cover
of our policy. Any transfer will be subject to no enhanced
included, may only be terminated by the policyholder, as
benefits being provided. We reserve the right at all times to
to all or any class of its members, with effect from the
decline a continuous transfer terms request without giving
renewal date. We must be given written notice of intent
any reason or impose/include additional exclusions.
to non-renew within 15 days of your renewal date. If the policy is terminated by the policyholder at any other time,
Medical history disregarded
whatsoever the reason, there will be no return of premium.
Available to compulsory group schemes of 10 employees or more. Cover is extended to include treatment for any medical condition or related condition where symptoms have existed or advice has been sought prior to the member's date of entry.
All members must be enrolled within 30 days of eligibility. Any employee or dependant not covered within 30 days of eligibility will be subject to individual medical underwriting.
Cover is not extended to include treatment for congenital conditions unless the member has been enrolled within the first year following birth, or unless the optional benefit for congenital anomalies — including pre-existing congenital anomalies' has been purchased.
Common questions and answers
Q. Are all employees, at home or abroad, eligible
Q. Does the plan include cover for elective treatment
for cover?
in the U.S.?
A. The plan will cover employees who live or work outside
A. Cover for elective treatment in the U.S. is only available
of the country that issued their passport. Any employee
if the USA Elective Treatment option is selected.
or dependant (subject to the agreement of the plan
This can be purchased with the Essential, Plus and
sponsor) not enrolled within 30 days of eligibility will
Elite plans.
be subject to individual underwriting.
Where the plan sponsor has not elected to provide
Q. Are family members eligible for cover as well?
USA Elective Treatment, members are covered for accidents and emergencies only. Travelling expenses
A. Children who are not more than 18 years old residing
will be covered under the Evacuation benefit in the
with the employee, or 26 years old if in full-time
event of an emergency, if the visiting location does
education, at the date of entry or at any subsequent
not offer the appropriate treatment or care needed.
renewal date, will be accepted for cover as dependants. Children will not be accepted for cover, unless on a
Q. How is the policy excess applied?
policy with a legal parent or guardian and subject to the
A. Members are responsible for paying the policy excess.
identical benefits applying to all parties. A declaration of health is required with respect to all dependants
Q. How do members know if inpatient treatment
who are born following assisted conception.
is covered?
New born children will be accepted for cover (subject
A. All inpatient treatment is required to be pre-authorised
to the limitations of the new born benefit) from birth.
prior to a planned admission into a hospital. Members
Acceptance of new born babies is subject to written
should contact the Aetna International Member Service
notification within 30 days of birth and receipt of
Centre to determine whether treatment is covered
the full premium within a further 30 days following
under the policy.*
Q. How can members submit a claim?
Q. Is a medical examination required to enrol in
A. Upon inception, each member will receive a
the plan?
membership card. This provides them with the contact
A. No. In the rare instance that we require additional
information for the Aetna International Member Service
information for fair and accurate underwriting
Centre and information they need to register for the
purposes, we will ask the applicant to submit a
Aetna International secure member website. Members
medical report from his/her doctor.
can use either resource to submit a claim.
We reserve the right to deny any claim that is not submitted within 180 days of the treatment date. Claims may only be made for treatment given during a period of cover. The benefit will only be payable for expenditure incurred prior to expiry or termination.
* Settlement can be made directly to the hospital. Full details of the claims procedure are available in the member handbook.
Appendix: Benefits schedule detail
Your policy may include some of the fol owing benefits. To confirm the
benefits included in your policy, please refer to your benefits schedule.
All benefits are subject to the maximum annual aggregate
Accident & emergency treatment outside area of cover:
limit and the sums insured indicated in your benefits
Benefit is payable for medical expenses which arise as a
schedule, the applicable medical underwriting, the
result of an emergency, which requires the member to seek
member's certificate of insurance and our general
treatment in the accident and emergency unit of a hospital
conditions and exclusions.
whilst temporarily travelling inside the USA and where
All costs incurred must be medically necessary and subject
the medical condition did not exist prior to travel and the
to reasonable and customary charges, based on the
member was treatment-, symptom- and advice- free.
average treatment costs applicable to the region in which
This benefit extends to include outpatient treatment
the treatment was received, as determined by us. Inpatient
arising as a result of an accident or emergency, whilst the
accommodation costs are for a standard private room
member is temporarily travelling in the USA and where
unless the plan sponsor has opted to apply an alternative
the medical condition did not exist prior to travel and the
member was treatment-, symptom- and advice- free. For outpatient treatment, a benefit excess applies.
Inpatient care, reconstructive surgery and
In the event of accident and emergency treatment being
required inside the USA, the member should contact us
Charges incurred for the treatment of a medical condition,
either before or as soon as possible after admission to
including stabilisation of an acute exacerbation of a chronic
the accident and emergency unit of the hospital.
condition, when treatment is received as an inpatient or day
Complications of pregnancy and/or childbirth are not
patient including:
covered under this benefit.
i) Accommodation and associated charges.
CT PET and MRI scans: Scans received as an inpatient,
ii) Admittance to the intensive care unit.
day patient or outpatient.
iii) Nursing by a qualified nurse.
This must be pre-authorised by us.
iv) Surgical procedure fees and operating theatre fees.
Organ transplant: The organ transplants covered under
this policy are as follows: heart, heart/lung, lung, kidney,
v) Medical practitioner fees including surgeon,
kidney/pancreas, liver, allogenic bone marrow and
consultations, specialist and anaesthetist fees.
autologous bone marrow.
vi) Diagnostic procedures including but not limited to
Inpatient psychiatric treatment: Treatment received in
pathology tests, Ultrasound scans and X-rays.
a registered psychiatric unit of a hospital. All benefits are
vii) Drugs, dressings, medicines and appliances prescribed
conditional on pre-authorisation from us and all treatment
by a medical practitioner or specialist, including
being administered under the control of a registered
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
psychiatrist. Without our written confirmation prior to such
viii) Reconstructive surgery (including outpatient
treatment, we will not be liable to pay any benefit. However,
treatment) to restore natural function or appearance
the initial consultation with the medical practitioner (not a
required as a result of an accident or illness occurring
psychiatric specialist) that results in a psychiatric referral
during the period of cover and where treatment takes
is covered without the requirement for pre-authorisation.
place within 12 months of the insured event occurring.
Accidental damage to teeth: Treatment received in an
ix) Rehabilitation (including outpatient treatment) in a
accident and emergency ward of a hospital or dental clinic,
recognised rehabilitation unit of a hospital subsequent
within 10 days of incurring accidental damage to sound,
to inpatient treatment lasting 3 days or more. The
natural teeth, except when the accidental damage has been
rehabilitation must take place within 14 days of
caused through eating. Follow-up treatment is limited to
discharge from the inpatient admission and must be
one visit within 30 days following your initial treatment and
recommended and under the direct control of a Medical
must be pre-authorised by us.
Practitioner. Treatment includes the use of special treatment rooms, physical and/or speech therapy fees, and other services usually given by a rehabilitation unit.
Hospital cash: Where the member receives treatment for
AIDS: Medical expenses that arise from, or are in any way
an eligible medical condition as an inpatient and no costs
related to, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or HIV
are incurred for accommodation and treatment, we will pay
related illnesses, including Acquired Immune Deficiency
a cash benefit. To claim this benefit, the member should
Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex
ask the hospital to sign and stamp their claim form.
(ARC) and/or any mutant derivative or variations thereof.
This benefit is not applicable to admissions into the
Expenses are limited to pre- and post-diagnosis
accident and emergency facility of the hospital.
consultations, routine checkups for this condition,
For this benefit, the policy excess does not apply.
drugs and dressings (except experimental or those unproven), hospital accommodation and nursing fees.
Parental accommodation: Hospital accommodation costs
of a parent or legal guardian staying with a member who
For this benefit, the general exclusion for sexually
is under 18 years of age and is admitted to hospital as an
transmitted diseases does not apply.
Hospice care: Treatment provided by a hospice for the
care of a member upon diagnosis of a terminal illness.
Disease and chronic condition management
Such treatment will cover:
Oncology: Covers all medically necessary treatment
i) Palliative treatment and other acute and chronic
received for, or related to, the diagnosis of cancer when
symptom management.
received as an inpatient, day patient or outpatient including
ii) Medical social services under the direction of a medical
practitioner or specialist.
Chronic conditions: Routine checkups, drugs and
iii) Physiological and dietary counselling.
dressings prescribed for management of the condition,
iv) Consultation or case management services by a
hospital accommodation nursing, renal dialysis, surgery
medical practitioner or specialist.
and palliative treatment of chronic conditions (excluding
v) Part-time or intermittent qualified nurse services for
cancer). Costs for the treatment of cancer are covered
up to eight hours in any one day for outpatient care.
under the oncology benefit.
Hormone replacement therapy: Medical practitioner or
For this benefit, the policy excess does not apply.
specialist consultations and the cost of prescribed tablets,
Congenital anomalies: Treatment of congenital anomalies
implants or patches when treatment is for the female
that manifest after the member's cover commences with
menopause, which has been induced artificially and/or
us, or which manifest in a dependant child born in the year
through early onset (by early onset we mean prior to
prior to cover commencing with us.
Durable medical equipment, prosthetic and orthotic
Outpatient and alternative treatments
supplies (DMEPOS): The following benefits are covered:
Outpatient care: Medical practitioner, specialist, consultant
i) Medically necessary durable medical equipment
and nursing fees and outpatient charges including diagnostic
prescribed by a treating Medical Practitioner, which
and surgical procedures including pathology, X-rays, drugs
is necessary to deliver or facilitate the delivery of
and dressings and appliances prescribed by a medical
prescribed drugs and dressings. This excludes hearing
practitioner or specialist. Physiotherapy on referral by a
aids unless the hearing benefit has been purchased.
medical practitioner is restricted to 10 sessions per medical
ii) Ancillary charges following treatment as an inpatient or
condition, after which it must be further reviewed by a
day patient including the purchase or rental of crutches
specialist. A medical report will be required for outpatient
and costs associated with the initial purchase or rental of
physiotherapy after 10 sessions. A referral letter/report must
a wheelchair.
be submitted with the first claim for such treatment.
iii) External prosthetics required following surgery,
including braces and calipers, artificial eyes and the
Outpatient psychiatric treatment: For outpatient
initial purchase and fitment of an artificial limb.
psychiatric treatment, including specialist consultations, all treatment must be pre-authorised by us and must at all
iv) Orthotic supplies including insoles and orthotic
times be administered under the direct control of a medical
practitioner. Without our written confirmation prior to such
This benefit excludes provision, modifications and fitment
treatment, we will not be liable to pay any benefit. However,
of furniture or adaptations to the home.
the initial consultation with a medical practitioner (not a psychiatric specialist), which results in a psychiatric referral, is covered without the requirement for pre-authorisation.
Outpatient surgery: This benefit extends to cover the cost
ii) Travel to and from medical appointments when
of endoscopy investigations carried out under an outpatient
treatment is being received as a day patient.
basis. This includes gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, colonoscopy
iii) For an accompanying person to travel to and from
and colposcopy, but excludes laparoscopy and arthroscopy,
the hospital to visit the member following admission
which are covered under the inpatient care benefit.
as an inpatient.
Alternative treatment: Treatment administered by
iv) Economy class airline tickets to return the member
registered chiropractors, osteopaths, homeopaths,
and the escort to the country of residence or to the
podiatrists and acupuncturists when given under the
country where evacuation occurred.
direct control of and following referral by a medical
v) Non-hospital accommodation for the member and
practitioner or specialist.
escort for immediate pre- and post-hospital admission
Vaccinations and inoculations: Vaccinations and
periods provided that the member is under the care of
inoculations, including those that are medically necessary
a specialist.
Compassionate emergency travel: Reasonable travel
Home nursing: Nursing care given outside a hospital
and accommodation expenses in respect of one member,
that is immediately received subsequent to treatment as
together with any minors (under the age of 16) necessarily
an inpatient or day patient on the recommendation of a
having to travel to and the return journey from the normal
specialist. This must be provided by a qualified nurse and
country of nationality or country of residence of a near
not provided for domestic reasons or convenience.
relative who has unexpectedly been placed on the critical list following an accident.
This must be pre-authorised by us.
Mortal remains: In the event of death from an eligible
Evacuation and transportation
medical condition: Transportation of the body of a member or his/her ashes to the country of nationality or country of
Emergency transportation: Emergency transportation
residence or burial or cremation costs at the place of death
costs to and from hospital to receive treatment as an
in accordance with reasonable and customary practice.
inpatient or day patient, by the most appropriate transport method when considered medically necessary by a medical
Necessary burial or cremation fees including:
practitioner or specialist.
• The cost of reopening a grave and burial costs, or
This benefit does not include the cost of car hire.
• The cost of opening a new grave and burial costs,
including any exclusive right of burial fee, or
Evacuation & additional travel expense: Evacuation of
a member in the event of an emergency, where treatment
• In the case of cremation
is not readily available at the place of the incident, to the
1. The cremation fee
nearest appropriate medical facility as determined by us,
2. The cost of any doctor's certificates
by the most appropriate method of transportation as
3. The cost of removing a pacemaker or other medical
determined by us, for the purpose of admission to hospital
device which must be removed before the cremation
as an inpatient or day patient.
But not including costs related to other funeral expenses,
Evacuation is subject to written agreement from us, prior
to travel and certified instructions to us from the attending
• Funeral director's fees
medical practitioner or specialist, including confirmation
that the required treatment is unavailable at the place of incident.
• The cost of any documents needed for the release of
the money, savings and property of the deceased
This benefit excludes all maternity and childbirth costs
• The necessary cost of a return journey for you to either
except where these are covered under the benefit for complications of pregnancy, and any air-sea rescue or
1. Arrange the funeral, or
mountain rescue costs that are not incurred at recognised ski
2. Attend the funeral
resorts or similar winter sports resorts. Cover is provided for: i) Evacuation costs including the costs of one other
person to travel with the member as an escort, if medically necessary.
Mother and child benefits
Additional options to reduce costs
Complications of pregnancy: Treatment of a defined
Outpatient consultation copay per visit: This benefit is
medical condition arising during the antenatal stages of
available where nil excess has been selected. Outpatient
pregnancy or during childbirth. The conditions covered
consultations taking place in the network are subject
are ectopic pregnancy, gestational diabetes, hydatidiform
to a copay per visit. Where consultations take place out
mole, miscarriage (actual or threatened), pre-eclampsia,
of network, or a claim is submitted by the member for
failure to progress in labour or stillbirth. Post-partum
reimbursement, a deductible is payable for each visit.
hemorrhage and retained placental membrane that
Outpatient consultations for the following benefits can be
occur during childbirth are also covered by this benefit.
covered subject to their inclusion in your plan, and up to the
Complications arising as a result of assisted conception,
value of cover selected.
including, but not limited to, premature or multiple births are excluded from this benefit. Post natal checkups needed
i) Complications of pregnancy
as a result of one the above complications of pregnancy
ii) Congenital anomalies
are covered for a period of 6 weeks. This benefit is payable
iii) CT and MRI scans
after the first 12 months from the commencement date or
iv) Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
date of entry, whichever is the later.
New born care: Inpatient treatment of an acute medical
vi) Outpatient care
condition being suffered by a new born baby that manifests
vii) Outpatient psychiatric treatment
itself within 30 days following birth. Complications arising
viii) Outpatient surgery
as a result of assisted conception, including, but not limited to, premature or multiple births are excluded from this
Inpatient bed limit: Inpatient bed costs are restricted to the
benefit. In circumstances where a congenital anomaly
selected inpatient limit, unless in respect of HDU and ITU
manifests itself in a new born baby, cover will be excluded
admissions, which remain fully covered.
under this benefit and payable under the benefit for
Hong Kong semi-private room restriction: This benefit is
congenital anomalies.
available to residents of Hong Kong only. This benefit fully
The new born baby must be added to the policy to avail of
refunds the cost of a semi-private room or corresponding
this benefit. Following the 30 day new born benefit period,
rates when receiving treatment as an inpatient or day
excepting any medical conditions occurring or manifesting
themselves during the 30 day period immediately following
China private room restriction: This benefit is available to
birth, the member's dependant will be eligible for cover
residents of mainland China only. Benefit is restricted to
subject to written notification within 30 days of birth and
semi-private room and corresponding rates when receiving
all premiums being paid in full within 30 days of the due
treatment as an inpatient or day patient outside mainland
date. A declaration of health is required with respect to all
dependants who are born following infertility treatment (assisted conception).
Additional options to upgrade cover
New born accommodation: Hospital accommodation
Alternative treatment — Without medical referral:
costs relating to a new born baby (up to 16 weeks old)
Treatment administered by registered chiropractors,
to accompany its mother (being a member) whilst she is
osteopaths, homeopaths, podiatrists and acupuncturists.
receiving treatment as an inpatient in a hospital, following discharge from the original delivery.
Chronic conditions: Routine checkups, drugs and
dressings prescribed for management of the condition,
hospital accommodation nursing, renal dialysis, surgery
and palliative treatment of chronic conditions (excluding
cancer). Costs for the treatment of cancer are covered
under the oncology benefit.
The policy excess does not apply.
Compassionate emergency travel: Reasonable travel
This benefit excludes orthodontic treatment, routine
and accommodation expenses in respect of one member,
treatment and dental implants.
together with any minors (under the age of 16) necessarily
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
having to travel to and the return journey from the normal country of nationality or country of residence of a near
A six month wait period applies from the purchase date of
relative who has unexpectedly been placed on the critical
this benefit or the member's date of entry, whichever is
list following an accident.
Congenital anomalies — Including pre-existing congenital
Dental 3 — Orthodontic dental treatment: This benefit
anomalies: Treatment of congenital anomalies.
must be purchased in conjunction with routine dental or major restorative dental treatment. It covers the fees
Complications of pregnancy — No wait period: Treatment
and associated costs of a dental practitioner carrying out
of a defined medical condition arising during the antenatal
orthodontic treatment in a dental surgery. This benefit is
stages of pregnancy or during childbirth. The conditions
limited to any member up to and including 18 years of age.
covered are ectopic pregnancy, gestational diabetes,
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
hydatidiform mole, miscarriage (actual or threatened), pre-eclampsia, failure to progress in labour or stil birth.
A six month wait period applies from the purchase date of
Post-partum hemorrhage and retained placental membrane
this benefit or the member's date of entry, whichever is
that occur during childbirth are also covered by this benefit.
Complications arising as a result of assisted conception,
Dental 4 — Dental implants: The treatment and cost of
including, but not limited to, premature or multiple births
dental implants.
are excluded from this benefit. Post natal checkups needed as a result of one the above complications of pregnancy are
For this benefit, policy excess does not apply.
covered for a period of 6 weeks.
A six month wait period applies from the purchase date of
Dental 1 — Routine dental treatment: Fees of a dental
this benefit or the member's date of entry, whichever is
practitioner carrying out routine dental treatment in a
dental surgery. Routine dental treatment is defined as:
Dental 5 — Combined routine & restorative dental: Fees of
a dental practitioner carrying out routine dental treatment
• Tooth cleaning
in a dental surgery. Routine dental treatment is defined as:
• Normal compound fillings
• Simple non-surgical extractions
• Tooth cleaning• Normal compound fillings
This benefit excludes orthodontic treatment, restorative treatment and dental implants. For this benefit, the policy
• Simple non-surgical extractions
excess does not apply.
Restorative dental covers the fees of a dental practitioner
A six month wait period applies from the purchase date of
and associated costs for the treatment of the following
this benefit or the member's date of entry, whichever is
specified procedures:
• Removal of impacted, buried or unerrupted teeth
Dental 2 — Major restorative dental treatment: This
• Removal of roots
benefit covers the fees of a dental practitioner and
• Removal of solid odontomes
associated costs for the treatment of the following
specified procedures:
• New or repair of bridge work
• Removal of impacted, buried or unerrupted teeth
• New or repair of crowns
• Removal of roots
• Root canal treatment
• Removal of solid odontomes
• New or repair of upper or lower dentures
• Removal of wisdom teeth (whether performed in hospital
• New or repair of bridge work
or in dental surgery, whether performed by a dental
• New or repair of crowns
practitioner, specialist, or an oral or maxillofacial surgeon)
• Root canal treatment
This benefit excludes orthodontic treatment and
• New or repair of upper or lower dentures
dental implants.
• Removal of wisdom teeth (whether performed in hospital
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
or in dental surgery, whether performed by a dental
A six month wait period applies from the purchase date of
practitioner, specialist, or an oral or maxillofacial surgeon)
this benefit or the member's date of entry, whichever is the later.
Dental 6 — Combined routine & restorative dental with
Restorative Dental covers the fees of a dental practitioner
orthodontics: Fees of a dental practitioner carrying out
and associated costs for the treatment of the following
routine dental treatment in a dental surgery. Routine
specified procedures:
dental treatment is defined as:
• Removal of impacted, buried or unerrupted teeth
• Removal of roots
• Tooth cleaning
• Removal of solid odontomes
• Normal compound fillings
• Simple non-surgical extractions
• New or repair of bridge work
Restorative dental covers the fees of a dental practitioner
• New or repair of crowns
and associated costs for the treatment of the following
• Root canal treatment
specified procedures:
• New or repair of upper or lower dentures
• Removal of impacted, buried or unerrupted teeth
• Removal of wisdom teeth (whether performed in hospital
• Removal of roots
or in dental surgery, whether performed by a dental
• Removal of solid odontomes
practitioner, specialist, or an oral or maxillofacial surgeon)
Orthodontic treatment covers the fees and associated
• New or repair of bridge work
costs of a dental practitioner carrying out orthodontic
• New or repair of crowns
treatment in a dental surgery to any member up to and
• Root canal treatment
including 18 years of age.
• New or repair of upper or lower dentures
Dental implants covers the treatment and cost of
• Removal of wisdom teeth (whether performed in hospital
dental implants.
or in dental surgery, whether performed by a dental
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
practitioner, specialist, or an oral or maxillofacial surgeon)
A six month wait period applies from the purchase date of
Orthodontic treatment covers the fees and associated
this benefit or the member's date of entry, whichever is
costs of a dental practitioner carrying out orthodontic
treatment in a dental surgery to any member up to and including 18 years of age.
Outpatient direct settlement network — Nil excess:
Outpatient consultations are available on a nil excess basis
This benefit excludes dental implants.
where treatment is received in network. The policy excess
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
applies where consultations take place out of network.
A six month wait period applies from the purchase date of
Outpatient consultations for the following benefits are
this benefit or the member's date of entry, whichever is
covered subject to their inclusion in your plan, and up to
the value of cover selected in your plan:i) Complications of pregnancy
Dental 7 — Combined routine & restorative dental
with orthodontics and dental implants: Fees of a dental
ii) Congenital anomalies
practitioner carrying out routine dental treatment in a
iii) CT and MRI scans
dental surgery. Routine dental treatment is defined as:
iv) Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
• Tooth cleaning
vi) Outpatient care
• Normal compound fillings
vii) Outpatient psychiatric treatment
• Simple non-surgical extractions
viii) Outpatient surgery
Extended evacuation: This benefit covers the evacuation
i) Evacuation costs (restricted to economy class flight
costs of a member in the event emergency treatment is
tickets only) including the costs of one other person
not readily available at the place of incident, to the nearest
to travel with the member as an escort, if medically
appropriate medical facility, country of residence, country
of nationality or country of the member's choice for the
ii) Travel to and from medical appointments when
purpose of admission to hospital as an inpatient or day
treatment is being received as a day patient.
patient, including the cost of one other person to travel
iii) For an accompanying person to travel to and from the
with the member as an escort if medically necessary.
hospital to visit the member following admission as
Evacuation is subject to written agreement from us prior
to travel and certified instructions to us from the attending
iv) Economy class airline ticket to return the member and
medical practitioner or specialist including confirmation
any escort to the country of residence or to the country
that the required treatment is unavailable in the place
where evacuation occurred.
of incident. The member's country of choice is limited to
v) Non-hospital accommodation for the member and
appropriate medical facilities being in place and where
escort for immediate pre- and post-hospital admission
it is medically suitable at our discretion. This option is not
periods provided that the member is under the care of a
operative where travel is undertaken against the advice
of our medical advisors or where the nominated country does not have the appropriate facility to treat the medical
Hearing benefit: The cost of one annual hearing test and
condition. Our medical advisors will decide the most
hearing aids.
appropriate method of transportation for the evacuation.
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
This benefit excludes any air-sea rescue or mountain
Infertility treatment (minimum of 10 employees required):
rescue costs that are not incurred at recognised ski resorts
Ovulation induction induced via certain oral or injectable
or similar winter sports resorts, all maternity and childbirth
infertility medication, artificial insemination, and advanced
costs except where these are covered under the benefit for
reproductive technology (ART) procedures and In vitro
Complications of Pregnancy, and elective treatment in the
fertilisation (IVF) with embryo transfer.
USA unless this benefit has been purchased and appears on
This benefit requires preauthorisation prior to any
the member's benefits schedule.
treatment taking place and approval of medication and
Out of country transportation: The costs of moving
procedures to be undertaken.
an insured person in the event of medically necessary non-
The following exclusions apply:
emergency treatment not being readily available at the place of the incident, to the nearest centre of medical
• Couples in which one of the partners has undergone a
excellence, within the area of cover, for the purpose
sterilisation procedure with or without a surgical reversal.
of admission to hospital as an inpatient or day patient
• Females with FSH levels 19 mlU/ml or greater on day three
(excluding all maternity or childbirth costs, except for
of their menstrual cycle, or who manifest a positive
Complications of Pregnancy) and/or for the purpose of
Clomid challenge.
seeking any medically necessary inpatient, day patient or
• Charges for: the purchase and storage of donor sperm,
outpatient treatment. Cover under this benefit is subject
the care of the donor required for donor egg retrievals or
to written agreement from us prior to travel and certified
transfers, Cryopreservation or storage of cryo-preserved
instructions from the attending medical practitioner
or specialist including confirmation that the required
• ART for women without male partners who have not had
treatment is unavailable at the place of incident. Cover
at least 12 cycles of donor insemination prior to enrolling
in the infertility programme for ART (6 cycles if the member is age 35 or older).
• Charges associated with a gestational carrier programme
(surrogate parenting) for either the member or the gestational carrier.
Routine pregnancy: Costs associated with normal
Wellness option 1: This benefit covers the cost of:
pregnancy and childbirth, including normal deliveries
i) Routine medical checkups and associated tests. Such
as a result of infertility treatment (assisted conception),
routine checkups/tests include: blood and cholesterol
voluntary caesarean section costs and medically necessary
checks, height/weight body mass index, resting blood
caesarean costs due to any non-medical previous
pressure, urine analysis, cardiac examination, exercise
caesarean sections.
electrocardiogram (ECG), other vital organ function
This benefit also covers the cost of pre-natal checkups,
tests, and chest x-ray.
and post-natal checkups for up to six weeks after delivery,
ii) Well-baby checks, effective from 24 hours after
prescribed pre-natal vitamins, and delivery costs, including
birth and up until the child's second birthday and as
qualified Midwives. All costs relating to complications of
recommended by a medical practitioner or specialist.
pregnancy or childbirth following infertility treatment
This includes physical examinations, measurements,
(assisted conception) will be limited to this benefit.
sensory screening, neuropsychiatric evaluation,
This benefit extends to include only the following for a
development screening, as well as hereditary and
metabolic screening, immunisations, urine analysis, tuberculin tests and hematocrit, hemoglobin and
• One physical examination;
other blood tests, including tests to screen for sickle
• Vitamin K, hepatitis B and BCG vaccinations;
• Circumcision;
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
• Routine blood tests for PKU, congenital hypothryriodism
Wellness option 2: This benefit covers the cost of:
i) Bilateral mammogram/breast examination and routine
• One hearing examination; and
gynaecological tests including PAP tests.
• Reasonable accommodation costs for no more than four
ii) Testicular/prostate examination/PSA/DRE tests.
nights, if the mother is admitted and not suffering any complications.
iii) Routine medical checkups and associated tests. Such
routine checkups/tests include: blood and cholesterol
The policy excess does not apply to this benefit. A 12 month
checks, height/weight body mass index, resting blood
wait period applies from the purchase date of this benefit
pressure, urine analysis, cardiac examination, exercise
or the member's date of entry, whichever is the later.
electrocardiogram (ECG), other vital organ function
The newborn must be enrolled as a member within 30 days
tests, and chest x-ray.
after birth in order to be eligible for any benefits (as per
iv) Well-baby checks, effective from 24 hours after
policy terms) after the first 24 hours.
birth and up until the child's second birthday and as
Traditional Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine: This benefit
recommended by a medical practitioner or specialist.
covers the cost of treatment administered by a recognised
This includes physical examinations, measurements,
traditional Chinese or Ayurvedic medical practitioner.
sensory screening, neuropsychiatric evaluation, development screening, as well as hereditary and
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
metabolic screening, immunisations, urine analysis,
USA elective treatment:
tuberculin tests and hematocrit, hemoglobin and
i) Inpatient or day patient treatment received in-network
other blood tests, including tests to screen for sickle
ii) Inpatient or day patient treatment received out-of-
network (subject to 50% coinsurance)
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
iii) Outpatient treatment
Wellness option 3 preventive screening: Preventive
All planned inpatient and day patient treatment must be
screening for members who are deemed at high risk of
notified to us prior to commencement of treatment.
cancer because of family history of familial adenomatous polyposis or hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer,
The International Healthcare Plan (IHP) does not comply
chronic inflammatory bowel disease, family history of
with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
breast, ovarian, endometrial, colon cancer or polyps, or
(U.S. healthcare reform), and cannot be used to satisfy any
a background, ethnic or lifestyle, such that the health
requirements for health insurance cover mandated therein.
care provider treating the member believes he or she is
Vision care: The cost of one routine eye exam per period
at elevated risk, shall include a screening by colonoscopy,
of cover and the purchase of vision hardware, when the
barium enema or any combination of the most reliable,
member's prescription has changed. Vision hardware
medically recognized screening tests available.
covers prescribed glasses or contact lenses.
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
For this benefit, your policy excess does not apply.
It's our goal to provide you with the high quality service you expect and deserve. If we ever fall short, we hope you'll let us know. You can contact us any time to file a complaint or to appeal a decision we've made.
Who to contact with a complaint
Aetna International
P.O. Box 6380
United Arab Emirates
T: +971 4 438 7600 F: +971 4 428 7101
Our complaints handling procedures
Complaints will:
• Be acknowledged promptly
• Be investigated competently, efficiently and impartially
• Be assessed fairly, consistently and promptly
Where a complaint relates to the services provided by another firm we shall advise the complainant of this and forward the complaint to the other firm for resolution. Where we and another firm are jointly responsible for the complaint, we shall ensure that the complainant is informed of this and each company will contact them directly in relation to the complaint for which it is responsible.
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Guardian Insurance Brokers (Pvt) Ltd
32nd Floor, East Tower, World Trade Center
Colombo 1, Sri Lanka
+94 5 88 44 00 (Hunting): +94 5 88 44 01
Middle East and Africa:
+971 4 433 0400
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Aetna® is a trademark of Aetna Inc. and is protected throughout the world by trademark registrations and treaties.
Policies are insured by Aetna Life & Casualty (Bermuda) Limited or by another insurance company as stated in the insurance
documentation. Policies are administered by Aetna Global Benefits Limited — A Company Regulated by DFSA, registered address:
1701-F, 17th Floor, North Tower, Emirates Financial Towers, Dubai International Financial Centre, P.O. Box 6380, Dubai, UAE.
No warranty or representation is given, whether expressed or implied, as to the completeness and/or accuracy of the information
contained in this document and accordingly the information given is for guidance purposes only. You are requested to verify the
above information before you act upon it. You should not rely on such information and should seek your own independent legal
advice. We will not be liable for any loss and damage, whether direct or indirect, from your use of the information and the
materials contained therein. Aetna does not provide care or guarantee access to health services. Not all health services are covered. Health information
programmes provide general health information and are not a substitute for diagnosis or treatment by a health care professional.
See plan documents for a complete description of benefits, exclusions, limitations and conditions of cover. Information is
believed to be accurate as of the production date; however, it is subject to change. For more information about Aetna International
plans, refer tWhenever coverage provided by any insurance contract is in violation of any U.S, U.N or EU economic or trade sanctions, such
coverage shall be null and void. For example, Aetna companies cannot pay for health care services provided in a country under
sanction by the United States unless permitted under a written Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) license. Learn more on
the U.S. Treasury's website at:
2015 Aetna Inc.
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GRADE- an introduction Esther van Zuuren Leiden University Medical Centre Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation • Background and rationale for revisiting guideline methodology • GRADE approach • Quality of the Evidence • Strength of Recommendations • GRADE working group Why grading system? • Medical evidence, or the recommendations that
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