
Page 2 - Letter to the
Editor - Transitions; We
Asked an Expert - Vision
Page 3 - An Introduction
to Pelvic Floor Health
Page 4 - Collaborative
Efforts to Provide Free
Safe for your Baby?
Car Seats to Syrian
and of itself.
A current prevailing hypothesis to
O ver the last decade
been an explosive
explain the surge of immune
1129 Carling Ave., Ottawa ON K1Y 4G4
Page 5 - Mod Mom; In
interest in understanding
related ailments we are seeing is a
the bacteria that inhabit our
general lack of immune tolerance
bodies. Supplement
Jess Sherman helps busy mothers simplify their lives by arming them with a
along with reduced diversity in the
powerful understanding of nutrition and the body. Her workshops, articles and
companies and researchers have
consultations focus on simple ways to build physically resilient babies and
children, and bolster their own health while they're at it.
Page 6 - Recipe -
microbiome. The "atopic march"
been hard at work investigating
(sometimes called the "allergic
Fermented Carrot Soup;
efficacy and safety of probiotics as
march") describes the typical
Before giving any supplements to
mother-infant pairs participated in
a tool to support health. But the
Fertility Awareness: An
progression of immune system
your baby, you should speak with
the double-bind placebo trial. The
question remains for parents: are
your health care team, but
Alternative to the Pill
response that often starts with
study group was given a daily dose
probiotics safe for babies, and are
eczema, moves to allergy, then to
probiotics are showing themselves
of 4 strains of probiotics from 36
they necessary? Here is a little of
asthma and sometimes to
to be a safe and effective way to
Page 7 - Upcoming
weeks' gestation through infancy
what researchers have found out.
autoimmune disease.
stabilize immune function and stop
up to age 6 months. The children
Events; Resources
the "atopic march" in its tracks
"The microbiome" refers to the
Since programming of the immune
were assessed for adverse reaction,
when given in infancy. If you are
consortium of yeast, bacteria,
system mostly happens in early
atopic eczema and allergy at 6
interested in using probiotics talk
fungi, and viruses that live within
childhood (and possibly in utero),
months and then again after 2
to your naturopath or nutritionist to
us naturally. Scientists are still
and because the microbiome is
be sure to get a supplement of high
2. (Allen SJ et al. Probiotics in the
"mapping" the microbiome in an
very much involved in oral
In terms of safety, the results
quality and with the correct strains
prevention of eczema: a
effort to more fully understand its
tolerance and immune system
showed no adverse events either
and potency for your baby. v
randomized controlled trial
intricate structure and function, but
development, researchers are
caused or exacerbated by the
Archives of Disease in
we are learning that, as a whole,
naturally interested in how we
probiotics. In terms of efficacy,
Childhood 2014 Jun 19;
the microbiome exerts significant
might use probiotic supplements to
while they did not see a significant
1. Prescott, Björkstén, Probiotics
influence on our metabolism, our
interrupt the atopic march in
immediate reduction in eczema in
for the prevention or treatment
weight, our digestion, our immune
the infants, they did find a 54%
of allergic diseases. Journal of
function, our hormones, our DNA
3. Plummer, Nigel. Perinatal
expression, our mood and
The Swansea Baby Allergy
reduction of allergy to cow's milk,
Allergy and Clinical
Programming: Opportunity and
behaviour, and so much more.
Prevention Trial is one study that
egg, grass pollen, tree pollen,
Immunology 2007 Aug120(2)
Threat in the Risk of Chronic
investigated the safety and efficacy
house dust mite, nuts, fish when
Disease. Presented at the
It is so important to our body's
of probiotic bacteria in the
tested at 2 yrs old, as measured by
Integrative Healthcare
function that the microbiome is
development of allergy. 454
a skin prick test.
now considered to be an organ in
Symposium, Toronto 2016
Naturopathic Postpartum Health Care:
You DO Have Options
New Baby…New Life
changing family dynamics and
doctors offer primary health care
Dr. Christine Nguyen
simply trying to juggle all the new
options to women who want a
Life with a new baby is filled with
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
information and advice that
natural approach that equally
Member of the Association of Perinatal Naturopathic Doctors
novelty, excitement and emotion.
comes from welcome and
addresses body, mind and spirit.
It often also tests our limits with
unwelcome sources.
Naturopathic doctors spend a
1129 Carling Ave., Ottawa ON K1Y 4G6
the challenges associated with
Telephone: 613 798
Cell: 613-883-3898 Fax: 613-798-9995
significant amount of time with
Email: [email protected] • Website:
learning how to care for this
Self care is often last on the list of
their patients, allowing a
dependent little life, fluctuating
mom's priorities.
meaningful rapport to be
Chemical imbalance
questions, the root cause or
hormones, physical/ emotional
developed and for the underlying
causes can be identified and a
recovery from the birth
From a naturopathic perspective,
root causes to come to the
Food intolerance/sensitivity
safe, effective, and individualized
experience, sleep deprivation,
postpartum supports need to
surface, thereby allowing them to
treatment plan can be developed.
lack of personal time and space,
address all of these and more.
Thyroid imbalance
With a holistic focus, naturopathic
Adrenal insufficiency/fatigue
When it comes to that treatment
When it comes to the emotional
plan, the beauty of naturopathic
roller coaster that can accompany
Inadequate support or poor
medicine lies in the fact that
life with a new baby, no two
coping strategies
treatment options are diverse.
people are the same. Theunderlying root cause may be one
Underlying mental health
The list that follows is merely a
or some combination of the
condition or trauma
snapshot of some of the possible
treatment approaches that may
Other physiological health
Poor dietary habits
Dietary Modification – foods
Nutrient deficiencies
Clearly with the right practitioner
recommended to improve
in your corner, listening,
mood and energy; foods to
Hormonal imbalance
observing and asking the right
continued on page 4 .
Fertility/Infertility Treatments w
Preconception Planning w
Naturopathic Induction w
Therapies for Turning a Breech Presentation w
Treatments for Stalled Labour w
Doula/Labour Support w
1129 Carling Ave., Ottawa ON K1Y 4G6
Natural Pain Management w
Satellite Office: Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre,
2260 Walkley Road, Ottawa ON
Lactation Support w
P: 613-798-1000 w F: 613-798-9995
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy w
Pregnancy Massage w
Dr. Colleen McQuarrie, Bsc., BA, ND, Clinic Director w Dr. Christine Nguyen, ND, Associate w Dr. Erin Kasparek, ND, Associate w Dr. Jennifer Keller, ND
Jo-Ann D'Alfonso, Yoga Therapist w Rekha Ishwanthlal, Integrative Pharmacist w Lisa Flanders, RPT Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist w Diana Sheldrick, RMT, MAT
t t
Letter to the Editor
when we're scared, feel badly
at night as a measure of how
to prepare for their new role as
to connect with ourselves. We
for disappointing others, or
well they are doing as a mother.
mothers. Instead of how to give
can begin by using our negative
Throughout pregnancy it can be
maybe we were taught to avoid
Many women are confused
birth or what to buy, perhaps we
emotions as guides for what is
easy to focus fully on figuring
fear or anger completely. Some
when they find themselves
can look at pregnancy as a time
really happening below the
out and achieving the kind of
of us may have learned that
struggling during pregnancy or
to reflect on the types of values
surface. Instead of running away
birth we want, or to become
when we are challenged we
throughout that first year of
with which to raise our children.
or denying feelings like sadness
distracted by all of the stuff
should take responsibility to fix
being a mother.
Which parts of your childhood
or anger, perhaps we could find
we re going to buy or need to
our own problems or to simply
are you inspired to reconstruct
ways of making space for them
get this parenting thing right.
A lot of women find it helpful to
trust whatever the experts tell us
and which pieces must we let go
in small, manageable ways that
Becoming a mother is a rite of
develop their voice during their
is the right thing to do. As a
in order to parent from a place
allow us to reflect on our own
passage in our life and a
pregnancies. Setting healthy
result, we might find our
values and connect to the big
transformational time. During
boundaries as well as
changes that are happening in
If being connected to our
children are important values for
us as parents, we must first learn
Becoming a mother is a rite of
passage in our life and a
relationships strained; with our
responsible for our baby's every
co-workers, our partner, our
them may feel like it can sap so
need and we can forget that
parents and even with our
much energy, yet it is such an
transitions in life aren't always
friends. It is no surprise some
essential part of becoming a
easy in fact they rarely are.
women place so much emphasis
mother. In just 9 months,women must wrap their minds
Many of us grew up in a culture
on "nailing" their birth, or using
[quarterly print and online]
not only around what is
that told us we should smile
how long their baby is sleeping
happening to their body but also
We Asked an Expert
vision will likely return to normal,
age children have vision
Dr. Kelly Norman
whereas the baby s vision starts
problems, which can greatly
Chiropractor, Clinic Director
to develop. The newborn s eyes
Q: When should baby have his or
impact academic achievement. If
are briefly examined for signs of
her first eye exam?
you notice your child is squinting,
591 Byron Ave., Ottawa ON K2A 4C4
congenital cataracts or neonatal
A: Although the pediatrician or
tilting their head often, frequently
eye problems. Such eye problems
family physician should include a
rubbing their eyes, closing one
backinbalancechiro ca
are rare, but must be detected
basic eye exam and screening for
eye to focus, or complaining of
headaches, it is important to visit
Most women are aware of the
preservatives can be harmful to
vision problems, Doctors of
classic ailments of pregnancy, but
them. It is always best to consult
Q: What can a newborn
did you know vision changes may
with your optometrist to confirm
also be part of the experience?
the best solution for you.
A: At birth, a baby only
Hormonal and physical changes
We asked Renée Lavallée, a
Q: Can vision issues during
sees shades of black, white
Registered Optician at NUVO Eye
pregnancy be a cause for
and gray, and is not very
associated with pregnancy can
Centre, what visual changes can
light sensitive. He or she
occur during pregnancy, and how
will notice things that
affect your vision.
to care for a baby s eyes in the
A: Blurred vision can also be a sign move, but won t be able to
first year and beyond.
of gestational diabetes, a
focus on them. Within the first
Optometry of Canada
your health care professional.
temporary form of diabetes
weeks, a baby will be able to see
recommend babies pass a full eye
These are warning signs of
Question: What are some of the
associated with pregnancy.
red, orange, yellow and green,
examination by 6 months of age.
possible vision issues.
common reasons for vision
Women with either
whereas blues and violets will
changes in pregnancy?
gestational diabetics should be
take longer. To encourage your
Q: How often should I schedule
We may not be able to protect
closely monitored by a doctor
an eye exam for my child?
our children from all visual
Answer: Hormonal and physical
infant s vision, introduce them to
during pregnancy, as high blood
challenges that lie ahead, but we
changes associated with
bright, cheerful colo rs.
A: While the first year of a baby s
sugar levels can not only affect
can certainly prevent permanent
pregnancy can affect your vision.
life includes many changes, it is
your baby, but can damage the
Q: What are some of the common
complications by being proactive
Fluid retention can change the
important to continue your child s
small blood vessels of the retina,
observations from new parents
rather than reactive. At NUVO Eye
thickness or shape of your
vision care with an annual eye
leading to possible vision loss for
about their baby s eyes?
Centre, it will be our pleasure to
cornea, resulting in blurry or
care for you and your family s
distorted vision. This change is
A: Parents may notice how large
Studies show nearly 25% of school- visual needs. v
typically minor and transient, with
Although uncommon, vision
their baby s eyes are, as they are
vision restoring itself as the
changes can also be a sign of
already 65% of their adult size.
DISCLAIMER: All material in this publication and on our website is provided for your
cornea returns to normal after
preeclampsia, which occurs in 5 -
Furthermore, most babies are
information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or
birth. Most women can function
8% of pregnancies. Vision changes
born with blue eyes because
inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readersshould consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and
with these minor visual changes.
related to preeclampsia typically
darker pigments in the iris are not
However, if they are more
include temporary loss of vision,
completely developed at birth. It
The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the
significant, your optometrist may
light sensitivity, blurry vision,
may take up to a year for your
best judgement available to the authors, and readers who fail to consult with appropriatehealth authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions
recommend a new eye wear
auras, or the appearance of
expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor to From Belly to
flashing lights. If you experience
remain stable.
Baby. From Belly to Baby acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomesthe exchange of different viewpoints. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
From Belly to Baby is not responsible for copyright infringement within any textual and/orgraphical submissions provided by authors. Authors are solely responsible to ensure they
own full copyright to any and all submissions.
Renée Lavallée, Optician
eyes. This can be
From Belly to Baby Contacts
Editor, Advertising, Website : Dr. Colleen McQuarrie, ND, Ottawa Integrative Health
Centre, Phone: 613-798-1000 F
, ax: 613-798-9995, Email: [email protected]
lenses difficult.
any of these symptoms, contact
proper alignment,
ModMom, We Asked an Expert: Dr. Kelly Norman DC, Back in Balance Chiropractic,
The use of artificial tears to
your optometrist immediately.
as the baby s eye muscles are still
Phone: 613-288-2225; Email: [email protected]
lubricate the eyes can ease
developing. However, should a
Graphic Design & Websit :
e Heather Murray, Murray Web Works, Email:
dryness. Be sure your artificial
Q: What should we look for in a
constant misalignment be
tears of choice are compatible
newborn s vision?
noticed, it should be reported to
with your contact lenses, as some
your health professional
Questions? Please contact Dr. Colleen McQuarrie, ND. [email protected]
A: After giving birth, a mother s
t t
An Introduction to Pelvic Floor Health
Optimal health of the pelvic
also have the ability to
Persistent Pelvic Pain, or
floor is necessary for our
function with the rest of
unexplained pain in the
RPT, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
bowel, bladder, sexual
our core muscles.
hips, low back, genitals
function and supporting
1129 Carling Ave., Ottawa ON K1Y 4G6
Think of the abdominal area
our internal organs in both
as a canister, "the core"
Pain during or following
men and women. The pelvic
made up of a top, bottom
intercourse, pain with
floor is a group of muscles,
and sides. The Diaphragm,
orgasm or arousal
thorough history taking and
Take a long slow exhale
which forms sling,
the major breathing
physical exam. From there,
through your mouth, form
attaching internally to the
2. Hypotonic pelvic floor
muscle, is found at the top
the concern you have
your lips as if you are
sides of the pelvis, the
muscles (muscles that are
sitting just below the inside
addressed is discussed and
whistling to slow the
pubic bone, tailbone and
too weak) can lead to:
of the rib cage. The
a treatment process is
exhalation even further.
sacrum. They support the
abdominal muscles in the
described to you.
Start with 10 breaths in and
internal organs, the
Stress Incontinence
front, and the deep back
out. If you do not feel the
abdominals and low back,
(leaky bladder when you
Ready to start connecting
muscles act to corset and
connection and the muscles
making up a bottom of the
cough, sneeze, laugh or
to your pelvic floor today?
support the low back. The
relaxing right away, do not
core muscles. The muscles
Begin by lying on your back,
pelvic floor at the bottom
get frustrated, it may take
contract to maintain
or in a comfortable
supports the canister from
some practice to start
continence, relax to allow
position. Place one hand
below. A break in the
Pelvic organ prolapse
connecting again. Keep
urinary and fecal voiding
just below your ribcage and
practicing until you feel the
the other just above your
muscles relax on the top of
Pelvic floor dysfunction is not a
pubic bone. Focus on the
areas under your hands.
normal part of aging, nor is it a
Breathe slowing and deeply
Know that each pelvic
normal symptom following
in through your nose and
health concern is as unique
feel both hands slightly
as the individual that is
may contribute to
rise. Focus on having your
experiencing it and each
system, anywhere in the
of muscles does not work
any of the concerns listed
belly expand, rather than
treatment plan will be
canister can lead to pelvic
symmetrically, are weak or
your chest. Imagine the air
tailored specifically for that
floor dysfunction.
are carrying too much
filling your lungs, going
person. Do not be
tension, pelvic floor
Your pelvic health is
down into belly and feel it
embarrassed about seeking
disconnected to their pelvic
dysfunction occurs.
nothing to be embarrassed
all the way down into your
treatment. Take back
floors, as this is an area
about, but unfortunately
pelvic floor. See if you can
control of your pelvic floor
Pelvic floor dysfunction is
often ignored. Pelvic floor
there is still a strong stigma
feel the muscles relaxing.
and take back your life. v
not a normal part of aging,
surrounding our private
nor is it a normal symptom
following childbirth. It iscommon, but should not be
Approximately 1 in 3
normalized. If you are a
women and 1 in 9 men
woman (or you have ever
experience pelvic floor
seen an episode of Sex and
dysfunction and there
the City), you may have
are multiple causes.
heard of the term "Kegel
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Exercises" as a necessary
is not a normal part of
exercise to maintain health
aging, nor is it a normal
of our pelvic floor muscles.
symptom following
Kegel exercises were first
childbirth. It is common,
described in 1948 by an
but should not be
American gynecologist as a
normalized. Dysfunction
way to strengthen the
does not only refer to a
muscles in our pelvic floor
leaky bladder, it may
following child-birth or as
we age. The truth is,
contracting and tightening
bladder, pelvic pain or
your pelvic floor muscles
an increased number of
are NOT indicated for all
trips to the washroom.
pelvic health concerns and
There are many types of
may do more harm than
pelvic floors that can
good. Additionally, most
lead to dysfunction:
people do not perform
physiotherapy is not about
Kegel exercises correctly.
teaching you how to do a
1. Hypertonic pelvic floor
Kegel, it's about connecting
muscles (muscles that are
For a muscle to be
you with your pelvic floor
too tight) can lead to:
functional, it must be able
and empowering you to
to contract and relax fully,
take back control of your
and must work well in
incontinence, frequency
bladder, bowel, sexual
conjunction with other
of urination, incomplete
health and your life.
muscles in our body. The
bladder emptying, or
pelvic floor muscles are no
Treatment for your pelvic
exception, as they must
health concern starts with a
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Code Reader app
Join the conversation!
and scan this QR
code to Like
From Belly to Baby
t t
Collaborative Effort to Provide
Free Car Seats to Syrian Refugees
A collaboration between the
to 71%. It took so much for
all participants and storage of
Ottawa Childbirth Education
these families to get this far
new seats until donated.
Erin Shaheen
Association (OCEA), the
from their home. We want to
Sponsoring families who
OTTAWA CEA - Childbirth Education Association
748 Halstead St., Ottawa ON K
Telephone: 613 860
restraint for their
Email: [email protected] • Website:
.free car seats, and
installation training, for Syrian
children are also
refugees and their
Your gift will help make that
If you are a sponsor family, or
sponsoring families in
their installations
refugee family, in need of car
checked for safety
seats and training, call OBWC
and proper us.
Donate at
installation training,
at 613-260-1441 to register. v
help ensure that they will be
for Syrian refugees and their
safe in vehicles in their new
sponsoring families in Ottawa,
as well as for GovernmentSponsored Refugees.
OCEA will be acceptingfinancial donations on their
After identifying a gap in this
website to
area of service in late 2015, the
be used to purchase new car
three agencies initiated
seats for children. OCEA has
discussions on how to best
arranged for discounted new
coordinate resources for new
seats with a variety of
families arriving to ensure safe
manufacturers to ensure a safe,
travel for children under the age
current and appropriately sized
of eight in the Ottawa and
seat for each child. SEATS for
surrounding areas.
Kids – –
Numerous studies show that as
will be offering free training for
many as 9 out of 10 child
any sponsoring families and
restraints are installed
refugee parents on proper use
improperly, but that proper use
and installation with the OBWC
can reduce injury or death by up providing the training space for
the events as well as registering
. continued from page 1 - Naturopathic Postpartum Health Care: You DO have options, by Dr. Christine Nguyen, ND
improve nursing moms' milk
essential fatty acids can
restorative function from the
and their families throughout
supply, foods to avoid based
impact anxiety, depression,
sleep one IS getting.
preconception, pregnancy, labour
on their impact on blood
skin and pain.
In summary, naturopathic
and the postpartum period. APND
sugar regulation, digestive
Homeopathic edicine
doctors have a great deal to offer
members offer diverse clinicalexperience and training in dealing
health, identified/tested or
Acupuncture – performed to
address an energetic
new moms in the realm of
with fertility issues, pregnancy
suspected food sensitivities.
calm the tumultuous mind,
imbalance, to relieve
postpartum care and can
care, labour discomforts,
Dietary modification in a
balance the body's energy,
symptoms of discomfort and
effectively compliment any care
postpartum, and pediatric support.
nursing mother can also make
provide pain relief, and tonify
safely shift/improve our
you are already receiving. If you
Additionally, Perinatal ND's can
huge differences in the health
depleted organs.
constitution .
are searching for an
work with a woman's primary
of an infant suffering from
clinical caregiver (RE, RM, MD,
Adaptogenic herbs and
Hydrotherapy and hysical
colic, digestive disturbances
natural and safe health care
OB) in situations that require
nutrients – to aid the body to
Medicine – using water's
or skin ailments such as
paradigm that is holistic and
intervention such as IVF, breech
cope with stressors, sleep
healing capabilities and other
eczema, all of which add
addresses the underlying root
presentation, post-dates induction,
deprivation, mood
physical modalities such as
another stressor on the new
cause, contact a naturopathic
and breastfeeding concerns. In
disturbances and feeling
massage, laser.
Ontario, registered naturopathic
doctor knowing that there is light
overwhelmed and exhausted.
at the end of the tunnel. And that
doctors are licensed and regulated
Exercise to improve
by the Board of Drugless
Herbal edicine
circulation, to build stamina,
Practitioners – Naturopathy. Visits
Nutrients, Vitamins and
capsules or tinctures to
for mental health, to heal
with a Naturopathic Doctor are
Minerals – taken orally, by
A Perinatal Naturopath is a Doctor
balance the mood, relieve
disturbed or scarred tissue.
of Naturopathic Medicine that has
covered by most extended health
injection or intravenously to
care plans. Visit to
pain, aid with nursing, or
further developed his or her
address deficiencies or
learn more.
improve digestion, the list
Lifestyle Counselling – to
interest in providing care to women
imbalances can sometimes be
identify unhealthy coping
the change that allows new
strategies and effective stress
moms to make it over that
Addressing Sleep Hygiene –
management skills to
hump and feel energy again.
to get the most benefit and
overcome the daily road
Specific recommendations for
Doula and Lactation Support Services
Do you have an idea a for a topic or story for
[email protected] • 613.799.4116
From Belly to Baby?
Do you have a question you'd love to hear
professional feedback on?
All you have to do is ask!
Send your topic idea or question to
Dr. Colleen McQuarrie at
t t
For the Glowing Mom on the Go
By Crystal Skiehar Back in Balance - A Centre for Wellbeing
As we prepare to transition to a warmer season, these two fashionable finds will put a spring in your step! The M Shellrain coat and the Boob Cameron Long Dress are versatile and suitable for any lifestyle.
The M Shell
A unique convertible 3-in-1 water resistant, bonded fleece rain coat that goes frombeing a fashionable Maternity coat to a hip Mama coat for baby carrying and back toa regular Myself coat. It features:
Water resistant fabric
ed exterior pockets, emov
able front panel for normal
table draw cord waist,
warranty, 82% Nylon, 18% Spandex.
Price $195, on sale for $170 hautemama
6 Pommel Cr, Kanata ON (by Appointment) 613-592-3800 or 866-615-3800
Boob Cameron Long Dress
Summer will be here before you know it! This
amazing dress is great for pregnancy and
breastfeeding! Available in 3 colours.
Retail Price: $119 Milkface Nursingwear Inc. 445
Churchhill Ave. N., Ottawa ON
In the News
Local Ottawa Childbirth seats for Syrian refugee
Melatonin the best first
medications are not
Domperidone may not
families in need:
line therapy for children
indicated for children with be suitable for all
in conjunction with the
insomnia. (Pediatric
mothers trying to
OBWC and Seats for
increase their milk
Kids launches a
campaign to find car
follow next, and sleep
"There is nothing sweeter
in this sad world than the
sound of someone you
love calling your name."
— The Tale of
Despereaux by Kate
t t
by Jess Sherman
Fermented Carrot Sticks
Fermented carrot sticks are a great way to introduce the sour taste of ferments to your baby and also give them the richhealth benefits of probiotic foods. The carrots will soften as they ferment, making them easier to chew and less of achocking hazard.
Pack a 500ml wide mouth mason jar with peeled carrot sticks (about
6 medium carrots cut lengthwise). Cut them short enough so that youhave about 1 inch of space at the top.
Add 1 tbsp fresh dill (or 1 tsp dried) and 2 cloves garlic (optional) Add 1-2 tbsp sea salt (be sure it is not iodized) Cover the carrots with filtered water (be sure it is not chlorinated) Cover with a lid and let it sit at room temperature for about 3-7 days.
Check periodically until the carrots become soft and sour. Thentransfer them to the fridge to slow the fermentation process
For more simple family-friendly fermented food recipes check out Jess'sBeginner's Guide To Fermented Food available
An Alternative to the Pill
Recent studies have found that
within a day or so of ovulation and
thick, white, and sticky. The acidic
women taking newer birth control
are associated with the surge in
environment of the vagina rapidly
Dr. Sarah Vadebonceur, ND
pills containing drospirenone, such
progesterone, a heat releasing
destroys sperm. Rising levels of
as Yaz and Yasmin are 2 to 3 times
hormone, which occurs at the time
estrogen alter the cervical
1129 Carling Ave., Ottawa ON K1Y 4G6
more likely to develop serious
of ovulation. When interpreting
secretions from white and sticky
blood clots compared to those
temperatures, it is important to
gradually becoming more
taking an older generation of pills
look at the big picture and not to
transparent, stretchy, and wetter
that contain a hormone called
focus too much on the day to
(due to increased water content),
levonorgestrel. Oral contraceptive
changes. The key is to look for a
similar to the consistency of egg
pills can also lead to high blood
pattern of highs and lows:
whites. Immediately after
perfect use). This illustrates that
pressure and an increased risk of
temperatures before ovulation will
ovulation, the rise of progesterone
using this method alone is only
What are the benefits?
breast cancer. While they may be
go up and down in a low range
causes the secretions to thicken to
effective if used by highly
an effective and suitable option for
while the temperatures after
form a sticky plug which is
motivated couples who are able to
Despite the limited scientific
some women, many are seeking
ovulation will go up and down in a
antagonistic to sperm penetration.
tolerate lengthy time of abstinence
evidence, there are several
natural and safer alternatives to
or are willing to use a barrier
advantages to FAB methods. It
contraception and family planning,
method during the fertile time.
does not involve the use of
such as fertility awareness based
There are certain factors that can
Cervical secretions were found to
chemical agents or physical
increase your waking temperature,
Estrogen and progesterone also
cause subtle changes in the muscle
have a failure rate of around 3% if
devices and had no side effects.
and connective tissue of the cervix.
couples were given good fertility
Educating patients on this method
Women can learn to recognize
awareness teaching and followed
is empowering and fosters a sense
these changes by gently palpating
the instructions correctly. However,
of shared responsibility and
the cervix at about the same time
with imperfect use the failure rate
increased communication for the
each day. As ovulation approaches,
rose to nearly 20%. There are no
couple. Also, it is not dependant on
the cervix tends to rise, soften, and
effectiveness studies using the
medical intervention after the
open. It progresses from feeling
cervical positioning indicator
initial visit, thus keeping costs low.
like the tip of the nose to feeling
What are the limitations?
soft like lips as ovulation
These studies find that the failure
approaches. The cervix will drop
rate tends to be lower when
There are also some limitations to
abruptly into the vagina when
combining indicators. The most
FAB methods. It can take time to
estrogen levels fall, and
common combination is cervical
learn and some women find
progesterone becomes dominant
secretions and temperature which
charting difficult. Both partners
after ovulation. The fertile time
has been found to have a failure
must be committed to the practice
starts at the first sign of the cervix
rate between 0.43% (perfect use)
and some couples find abstinence
becoming high, soft or open and
and 2.2% (overall pregnancy rate).
difficult. Times of stress or
ends after the cervix has been low,
Perfect use refers to using
hormone changes can make
firm and closed for 3 days. These
abstinence during the fertile time
charting more difficult and mayaffect efficacy.
(FAB) methods. FAB methods
including: having a fever, drinking
subtle changes can be detected by
and therefore is a measure of true
include all family planning
alcohol the night before, getting
simply inserting a clean middle
effectiveness. Interestingly, one
If you are interested in learning
methods based on the identification
less than three consecutive hours
finger into the vagina and assessing
study found that there was no
more about fertility awareness
of the fertile time. There are
sleep before taking it, taking it at a
the following conditions: softness,
difference in failure rates between
methods, a Naturopathic Doctor
several indicators of fertility that
substantially different time than
height, opening, and wetness.
the learning phase (first 3 months)
can be a great resource for learning
change throughout the menstrual
usual and using an electric blanket
How effective is it?
and subsequent months of use. For
about the pros and cons of all
cycle in response to changing
or heating pad that you don t
a contraceptive method to be rated
contraceptive options- allowing
levels of estrogen and
normally use.
Studies have found that when using
as effective as the hormonal pill, it
you to make an informed decision
progesterone. Three of the most
temperature as a single indicator of
requires a failure rate of less than
that will best suit your needs. v
commonly observed indicators of
fertility, the overall failure rate was
1%. The studies mentioned above
fertility are basal body
The quality and quantity of
5.4% compared with a method
found FAB to be as effective as the
temperature, cervical secretions,
cervical secretions are influenced
failure rate of 1% (this refers to
birth control pill when used
and cervical positioning.
by estrogen andprogesterone.
Basal Body Temperature
Basal body temperature is the body
temperature measured immediately
secretions either
after awakening and before any
physical activity has been
Now offering general Physiotherapy services, as well as Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
undertaken. During the phase
motility and this
• pediatric, pre and postnatal chiropractic care •
before ovulation, waking
• pediatric, pre and postnatal physiotherapy •
temperatures range from 97.0 ̊ F to
state of fertility.
• pelvic floor physiotherapy • prenatal massage therapy •
97.7 ̊ F (36.1̊ C – 36.5̊ C);
• naturopathic medicine•
postovulatory waking temperatures
tend to rise about 0.4 ̊ F or higher
591 Byron Avenue, Ottawa ON K2A 4C4
and they usually stay elevated until
tel: 613-288-2225 • fax: 613-288-2226
the next period. Temperatures rise
t t
Prenatal Yoga with Sheila
When: Mondays, 10am to
Where: Kneaded Touch
the upcoming birth. Instructor
two feet! This parent-and-tot
noon; Mondays to Saturdays, 1
Women's Clinic - 4100
will work with moms to modify
class is full of fun, tropical songs
When: Mondays - 5-6pm
to 3pm; and Wednesdays, 6:30
Strandherd Dr., Unit 206, 613-
postures in order to
and steps for toddlers up to 5-
Where: Metta Massage & Yoga
accommodate the various
years. Parents get active
stages of pregnancy.
modelling actions for their
Where: Live Well Family Health
Cost: $96/session or $15 drop-in
Relaxation and breathing
children and promoting
Cost: $15 drop-in or $120 for a
Centre, 100 Centrepointe
Details: Class would include 45
techniques to help moms
physical activity for the whole
10-Class Card.
minutes of yoga with your
connect with baby. No
family. Children learn dance
Details: Gentle postures, self-
Cost: 1st visit $40; return visits
baby to help develop strength
previous yoga experience
and movement concepts
care techniques and
$20 (no pre-registration
and flexibility to minimize the
while singing, playing and
recommendations for your
discomforts of post pregnancy
using their imagination in an
daily home practice. Register
and carrying new baby, as
Baby Express Free Drop-
Details: Drop in to meet with a
open and safe environment.
online at
well as, a special time to bond
certified lactation consultant
or call 613-724-4747.
with your baby. Instructor will
who will answer any questions
When: Wednesdays, 9:30am to
work with you to adapt and
dule for schedule, locations,
you may have about
modify for any stage of post
breastfeeding, or help you
and registration details.
pregnancy and/or any
Where: Ottawa Public Health
problem solve your own
concerns with baby. Yoga is
When: Third Thursday of each
breastfeeding situation, weigh
then followed by 15 minutes of
month at the OIHC from 7-
your baby and spend time with
When: Monthly - please see our
Infant Massage. Infant
other nursing mothers.
Details: Ottawa Public Health's
website for dates
Massage benefits babies by
Healthy Babies, Healthy
Where: OIHC, 1129 Carling
stimulating growth, muscular
Where: Kneaded Touch
Children offers a weekly Baby
Ave., Ottawa ON K1Y 4G6, P:
Women's Clinic - 4100
development, circulatory
Express drop-in at the Centre
system, nervous system and
Strandherd Dr., Unit 206, 613-
as of March 19, 2014. The Baby
When: Last Saturday of each
digestive systems. It can also
Cost: Free, but registration is
Express is a free service and no
month, 9:30am to 11:30am
help with babies ability to
appointment is needed. We
Where: Milkface Westboro, 445
sooth themselves. No previous
invite parents and caregivers
9-10am - Pre-natal yoga,
Churchill Ave N, 613-596-1170
yoga experience required.
of babies up to the age of one
perhaps for mom and
When: Last Thursday of each
Cost: $60
Parents should bring a yoga
to drop-by to consult a Public
month; 7pm to 8:15pm
mat and a towel or blanket to
Health Nurse about a variety of
Details: Taught by an IBCLC.
place baby on for the
health issues including
10:15-11:15am - Talk on
Where: Elmvale Acres Library,
massage. Babies age: 0-
breastfeeding, infant nutrition,
Doula and labour support
1910 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa
mental health, parenting and
Cost: Free
11:30-12:30 - Lunch Break
Details: Monthly group meeting
When: Mondays through
Salsa Tots Class by
12:30-1:30 - Prenatal
offering support for mothers
When: Wednesdays at
Dancing Mama / Salsa
Nutrition and what you
grieving the loss of their
Where: Milkface Westboro, 445
need to eat during
breastfeeding relationship with
Babies Class by Dancing
Churchill Ave N, 613-596-1170
their child. Please call
Where: Kneaded Touch
Cost: $40 - 1st visit; $20 -
1:45-2:45pm - Talk on
facilitator, Laurie-Anne
Women's Clinic - 4100
subsequent visits.
When/Where: Based on
Prenatal Massage and
Muldoon at 613-782-1191 or
Strandherd Dr., Unit 206, 613-
benefits and perhaps
Details: Breastfeeding help
including infant Massage
for more information. New
from an IBCLC.
Cost: Depends on class
Cost: $96/session or $15 drop-in
members are always welcome.
3-4pm - Relaxation and
Details: Go from goo-goo, ga-
Parent and Baby Yoga
Details: Helps to develop
breathing techniques for
ga to cha-cha-cha! Designed
and Massage
strength and flexibility during
for older babies who have
pregnancy in order to
When: Mondays at 9-10am
outgrown the carrier and are
4-4:30 - Any questions and
decrease and minimize any
ready to dance on their own
Beginning Sept. 15th
discomforts and to prepare for
Include your event in both the printed quarterly newspaper and on the website by submitting your event here:
· Ottawa Childbirth Education
1170 445 Churchill Ave N.
Community Resource Centre, 15 Lake St.,
· Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centres
Association: 613-860-2061
Killaloe ON 613-757-0808 C/O
(PSI): 152 Cleopatra Drive, Suite 108,
Back in Balance Chiropractic and
Petawawa Centennial Family Health
Nepean, ON 613-727-5557
Massage: 591 Byron Avenue, Ottawa, ON
· Newman Breastfeeding Clinic and
K2A 4C4 613-288-2225
· The Ontario Early Years Centres:
Institute, Jack Newman: 1255 Sheppard
Centre, 154 Civic Centre Drive, Petawawa
Government of Ontario sponsored centres
Avenue East, Toronto ON M2K 1E2, 416-
877-757-0808 [email protected]
that provide information and support to
· Kangaroo Fitness: 613-327-7930
families with young children including
· Midwifery Collective of Ottawa: 297
Marketplace Family Chiropractic
drop-in centres. Locations throughout
Olmstead Street, Ottawa ON
Centre: 80 Marketplace Avenue Unit 2,
· Back in Balance Chiropractic &
Ottawa ON 613-823-1265
eastern Ontario can be found on their
Massage: 591 Byron Avenue, Ottawa, ON
· Bumbini: Modern cloth diapers that don't
K2A 4C4 613-288-2225
· Ottawa Public Libraries: Offer
· Midwifery Group of Ottawa: 700-265
cost the Earth 855-838-0788
Metta Massage & Yoga Clinic: 421
BabyTime Sessions in English and in
Carling Ave, Ottawa ON
Richmond Rd, Suite 201, Ottawa ON,
· Fab Baby Gear: 1308 Wellington Street
French - stories, singing and nursery
W., & 755 Bank Street, Ottawa ON, 613-
rhymes for parents and children aged 0-3
· Hands on Health Massage: 104
Perth Chiropractic and Longevity
Centrepoint Drive, Lower Level, Ottawa
Center: 5 Gore Street West, Perth ON
ON K2G 6B1, 613-225-2333
· hautemama Maternity & Nursing
· Ottawa South Midwives: 4112 Albion
Fashions: By appointment 613-592-3800
Rd, Ottawa ON, 613-822-6646
St. Lawrence Chiropractic: 520 St.
· Serena: 613-728-6536
· Kneaded Touch Massage Therapy: 389
Lawrence St., Winchester ON 613-774-
· LA FORÊT Natural Foods: 757
Danforth Ave. & 1900 Merivale Rd, Suite
Ottawa Valley Midwives: 130
Riverside Dr., Wakefield, Québec J0X
104, Ottawa ON 613-725-0988 & 613-
Fitness for Baby & You: Dovercourt
Landsdowne Avenue, Unit 7, Carleton
3G0 819-459-3555
Recreation Centre 613-798-8950
Place ON, 613-253-3148
· Milkface Nursing Wear: Westbro: 445
· Kneaded Touch Women's Clinic: 4100
Full Circle Counselling: 613-
Strandherd Dr., Unit 206, Barrhaven ON
Churchill Ave N, 613-596-1170
· Sarah Zahab - Continuum Fitness -
· Quinte Midwives: 11 Victoria Ave,
· Mother Earth Natural Health: 747 D
Specializing in pre and postnatal exercise.
· Metta Massage & Yoga Clinic: 421
Richmond Road, Ottawa ON, 613-321-
[email protected] 613-962-
Barrhaven Dental: 3777 Strandherd
Prenatal Strength Workout DVD -
Richmond Rd, Suite 201, Ottawa ON,
Drive, Nepean ON, 613-825-9393
· Natural Food Pantry: 2277 Riverside Dr.
· Chapman Mills Dental: 50 Marketplace
Nurturing Nomad: 2260 Walkley Road at
& 1309 Carling Ave., Ottawa ON
Ave., Unit 11, Nepean ON K2J 5G3 613-
Gaela Nelson Pdhom (UK), RCSHOM:
St. Laurent Blvd, 613-240-4334
Alanna Dyment ND: 1142 B Tigne
Professional Homeopath, 613-296-2937
Street, Manotick ON 613-410-5076
NutriChem Compounding Pharmacy &
· Ottawa Integrative Health Centre: 1129
Clinic: 1303 Richmond Road, Ottawa ON,
K2B 7Y4, 613-820-4200
· Ottawa Integrative Health Centre: 1129
Birthcare: Certified doulas available for
· Ottawa Integrative Health Centre: 1129
Carling Ave., Ottawa ON 613-798-1000
Carling Ave., Ottawa ON Satellite
· Rainbow Foods Natural Foods: 1487
labour and delivery support 613-739-
Carling Ave., Ottawa ON 613-798-1000
Office: Ottawa Birth & Wellness Centre:
Richmond Road, Ottawa ON, 613-726-
2260 Walkley Road, Ottawa ON 613-
· Mothercraft Birth Support: 613-728-
· Christèle Rousse, DMH, Msc., Bsc.
· Sweet Peach Diaper Service: 1 Costello
1839, ext. 228
Doctor of Medical Heilkunst: 613-878-
· East Ottawa Midwives: 2575 Innes Road,
Drive, Carleton Place, ON
Motherkind Doula Services: 6 Horace
Blackburn Hamlet, ON 613-590-1711
Court, Nepean ON K2J 3C5
Nature Prenatal: Ottawa ON 613-854-
· White Cross: Home Health Care Store
Christèle Rousse, DMH, Msc., Bsc.
· Community Midwives of Kingston: 391
· National Capital Doulas–Modern
Barrie St, Kingston ON
Ottawa Integrative Health Centre: 1129
Doulas for the Modern Family:
[email protected] 613-544-7127
Carling Ave., Ottawa ON 613-798-1000
· Generations Midwifery: 201-51 King St
· Rasa Nutrition:
· Dovercourt: 411 Dovercourt Ave., Ottawa
E., Brockville ON Satelite office in
ON 613-798-8950
Kemptville 613-345-6608
Birthcare: International Board Certified
· Metta Massage & Yoga Clinic: 421
Birthcare: Child birth education classes
Lactation Consultants (IBCLC's), home
Richmond Rd, Suite 201, Ottawa ON
(late pregnancy classes focusing on
visits city-wide, drop-in clinis, medela
· Gentle Beginning Midwifery:
· Back in Balance Chiropractic &
preparation for labour and delivery),
breast pump sales and rentals 613-739-
Winchester, 462 Main Street East, PO Box
Massage: Andrea Plitz PT M.Sc. PT,
private prrenatal preparation 613-739-
· PranaShanti Yoga Centre: 52 Armstrong
505, Winchester ON
B.Sc. 613-288-2225
Street, Ottawa ON 613-761-9642
[email protected] 613-774-3131
La Leche League Ottawa: Daly Ave.,
· Informed Beginnings Childbirth
· Rasa Nutrition: 613-620-2902
Ottawa ON K1V 9A4, 613-238-5919
30 Thirteenth St E, Cornwall ON 613-
· Ottawa Integrative Health Centre: 1129
Carling Ave., Ottawa ON 613-798-1000
· Madawaska Valley Midwives: C/O
Milkface Lactation Services: 613-596-
t t
t t
MODULE PSYCHIATRIE (PSYCHOPATHOLOGIE) Dr Pierrette ESTINGOY _ (1er semestre 2008-2009) I ntroduction : généralités Introduction historique à la Psychiatrie. Approche clinique en psychiatrie A. Les grandes catégories de troubles psychiatriquesB. Entretien psychiatrique et démarche diagnostique en
An-Najah National University Faculty of Graduate Studies Fate of Oxytetracycline & Doxycycline in Soil & Underground Water Lama Sameeh Mohammad Awartani Supervised By Dr. Shehdeh Jodeh Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Chemistry, Faculty of Graduate Studies, at An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine