Intracameral moxifloxacin for
endophthalmitis prophylaxis?
Steve A Arshinoff
Roibeard O'hEineachain
solution from a bottle of topical Vigamox,
and then 8.0ml of BSS into a 10cc syringe.
surgery is key in preventing the
INTRACAMERAL injection of the fourth-
He then rotates the syringe in his hand until
complication, he
generation fluoroquinolone moxifloxacin
the solution is thoroughly mixed. He or his
circulating nurse then place 0.5 cc of the
®, Alcon) at the end of cataract
procedures provides a safe and effective
solution into medicine cups, on e for
prophylaxis against endophthalmitis,
according to a series of presentations at the
When injecting the solution into the
with intracameral
XXVI Congress of the ESCRS.
eye, after assuring that the main incision is
Steve A Arshinoff MD FRCSC said that
sealed and the eye pressurised, he inserts
he has been routinely using intracameral
a syringe containing 0.3ml of the antibiotic
moxifloxacin since 2004, and during
preparation into a side port incision and
that time, he has had no cases of
places the tip of the needle under the distal
endophthalmitis in over 3,000 cataract
edge of the capsulorhexis. To prevent any
Post-op OCT
of the solution from being expel ed as he
before and after
He noted that although the ESCRS
withdraws the needle, he injects a small
steps of reconstitution and dilution of the
surgery and intracamerally at the conclusion
Endophthalmitis study has established that
amount of remaining antibiotic just as the
drug which is necessary when cefuroxime
of surgery we can eliminate postoperative
intracameral injection of the antibiotic
needle's tip comes out through the incision.
or vancomycin is used. No case of
endophthalmitis. Fourth-generation
cefuroxime at the end of cataract
Dr Arshinoff noted that studies have
endophthalmitis is recorded in more
fluoroquinolones have a broader spectrum
procedures can reduce the rate of
shown that intracameral moxifloxacin
than 2000 phaco cases done until now in
of activity than cefuroxime so they are the
postoperative endophthalmitis by 80 per
is gentle to endothelial cells (Espiritu
drug of choice these days," he added.
cent, the study did not establish whether
et al, JCRS, 2007; 33:63-68) and that its
Moxifloxacin was used for
The findings of another study supported
cefuroxime was the best agent to use.
use results in low endothelial cel loss
endophthalmitis prophylaxis because it
Dr Bansal's findings. The prospective
Oliver Schein (Wilmer Institute
postoperatively and has no detrimental
is preservative free, self preserved. Its
study involved 55 eyes of 55 cataract
Baltimore, MD) stated (Ophthalmology
effect on macular thickness as measured by
osmolality of 290 mOsm/kg and ph 6.8
patients with no other ocular pathology
Times 15 06 08) "The ideal agent
OCT (Brothers Arbisser et al, JCRS, 2008;
is compatible to the human aqueous.
who underwent intracameral injection of
for intracameral antibiotics would
It has broad spectrum and its levels in
0.1ml of 0.5 per cent moxifloxacin at the
have bactericidal activity and provide
He also pointed out that he has not seen
aqueous exceeding MICs (Mean Inhibitory
conclusion of phacoemulsification surgery,
adequate ocular concentrations at the
any fibrin on the first postoperative day
Concentration) for relevant species persists
said Purendra Bhasin MD, Ratan Jyoti
close of surgery and for 24 to 48 hours
in the eyes of any of his cataract patients
for minimum five hours and MPC, (Mutant
Netralaya, Ophthalmic Institute & Research
postoperatively. Cefuroxime, and other
in whom he has injected moxifloxacin
Prevention Concentration) which is 8-10
Centre, Gwalior, India. "In our series of
current drugs, do not do that," said Dr
intracameral y at the end of the cataract
times of MIC is maintained for three
patients, intracameral injection of 0.1ml of
Arshinoff, University of Toronto, Toronto,
procedures. He added that he has become
hours after surgery. This is important
0.5 per cent moxifloxacin (Vigamox, Alcon)
Ontario, Canada. However, cefuroxime
convinced that, except in cases of TASS, the
because it is observed that through clear
was found to be safe in terms of visual
works on a time-dependent mechanism, so
presence of fibrin in the anterior chamber in
corneal hydrated phaco incision there is
rehabilitation, the corneal endothelium,
its duration of activity is important.
the first few days postoperatively generally
influx of fluid into the aqueous in the early
anterior chamber reaction, macular oedema
He added that the fourth-generation
indicates a subclinical infection rather than
postoperative period. Therefore, presence
and IOP," he said.
fluoroquinolones moxifloxacin might
simply an inflammatory response to surgery.
of broad spectrum antibiotic maintained in
None of the patients in the study
represent a better choice. The agent
In another study, 120 consecutive
right concentration in the aqueous in early
developed endophthalmitis in the six-month
has several theoretical advantages over
patients underwent intracameral injection
postoperative period will decrease the
fol ow-up period. The BCVA at one month
cefuroxime, including a longer half-life,
of 0.1ml of moxifloxacin in the anterior
incidence of endophthalmitis.
postoperatively was 20/30 or better in
concentration dependent activity, making
chamber at the end of uncomplicated
Peter Barry FRCS, Dublin, Ireland noted
al eyes and remained stable throughout
it less dependent upon duration of activity,
phacoemulsification and had completed
that the spectre of resistance is casting a
fol ow-up. In addition, mean endothelial
and a broader spectrum of cidal efficacy,
three months of follow-up, reported Rakesh
shadow over the future of fourth-generation
cel counts fel by only two per cent, from
he noted. It is also wel tolerated in
Bansal MD, Department of Ophthalmology,
fluoroquinolones as a prophylaxis against
a preoperative count of 2227cells/mm2 to
Government Medical Col ege and Hospital,
endophthalmitis. The agents are now
2191/mm2 at one month. Furthermore,
Unlike cefuroxime, fourth-generation
Chandigarh, India.
entering the food chain due to their use in
aqueous activity on the first postoperative
fluoroquinolones are effective against
As in previous studies, moxifloxacin
animal husbandry, which may in turn lead
day was similar to that seen in most series
MRSA and Gram-positive enterococci and
was wel tolerated within the eye, Dr
to the generation of resistant strains of
of cataract patients, and was grade 1 in 30
have only encountered resistance with
Bansal noted. The mean preoperative
eyes, grade 2 in 24 eyes, and grade 3 in one
some ciprofloxacin-resistant species of
and postoperative endothelial cel counts
Dr Arshinoff concurred with Dr Barry
eye. In addition, OCT examinations on day
pseudomonas. In addition, studies have
were 2495cells/cc2 and 2156 cells /cc2,
and said that the overuse of systemic
respectively, amounting to a mean cel loss
one and day seven after surgery detected
shown that cefuroxime at its concentration
administration of the agents in the human
of 13.5 per cent, he added. Furthermore,
no signs of macular oedema.
at 45 minutes after intracameral injection
population is another cause for concern.
OCT showed no changes in macular
The mean IOP was 16.0 mmHg
achieves less than one log unit kil of
"Agriculture is a big problem for the
thickness. Mild corneal oedema occurred
preoperatively, 19.0 mmHg at day one, 17.0
fluoroquinolone sensitive staphylococcus.
potential induction of bacterial antibiotic
in six patients, but cleared up within the
mmHg at day seven, and 15.0 mmHg at
By comparison, moxifloxacin wil achieve
resistance with al the antibiotics that we
first postoperative week. Moreover, none
one month postoperatively, Dr Bhasin said.
more than a three log unit kil of resistant
use. The other big culprit is the chronic use
of the patients developed any sign of
In seven cases with grade IV hard brown
staphylococci at its concentration at 75
of Vancomycin oral y in cases of clostridium
cataracts there was stromal oedema at
minutes post intracameral injection.
difficile, often for years, increasing the
Dr Bansal noted that there are other
day one, which disappeared at day seven
Moxifloxacin is also easier to prepare for
likelihood of developing resistant strains,"
factors that are important in preventing
in al cases, he added. Moxifloxacin 0.5 per
intracameral use than cefuroxime, because
postoperative endophthalmitis. They include
cent is taken directly from the vial into
it doesn't require the use of a mil ipore
a watertight wound architecture, and
a 5ml syringe and then 0.1ml transferred
filter and the process of dilution is much
[email protected]
good hydration of the wound at the end
into a tuberculin syringe which is then
simpler. Dr Arshinoff noted that to prepare
[email protected]
of surgery. However, use of intracameral
injected intracamerally by 25G Cannula
the antibiotic for intracameral injection he
[email protected]
moxifloxacin and a drop of five per cent
under capsulorhexis margin. This avoids the
first draws 2.0ml of moxifloxacin eye drop
Source: http://entodpharma.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/IntracameralMoxifloxacin.pdf
Aus der Medizinischen Universitätsklinik und Poliklinik Tübingen Abteilung für Innere Medizin IV (Schwerpunkte: Endokrinologie und Diabetologie, Angiologie, Nephrologie und klinische Chemie) Ärztlicher Direktor: Professor Dr. H.-U. Häring Inflammation und Präatherosklerose bei Insulinresistenz: Bedeutung löslicher MCP-1-Spiegel Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades
Medication Policy (example document for e-learning course) CONTENTS Roles and Responsibilities 2.1 Registered Manager 2.2 Care Staff (Nurses & Senior Care Workers) Training and Competency 3.1 Basic training in safe handling of medicines 3.2 Specialised training to give medicines Ordering medicines from a Pharmacy 4.1 Repeat prescription requests for the GP 4.2 How to check the prescription on return from the GP 4.3 How to check medicines delivered from the pharmacy 4.4 Obtaining acute medicines 4.5 Verbal Orders