HM Medical Clinic

Even if Viagra is not needed, it is possible that the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatmen it doesn't pay to forget about sexual activeness even at the first sings of malfunction.

Maqueta revista t.l.c. presti

N o v e m b e r
38th International Trophy for
Quality /
XXXVIII Trofeo Internacional
a la Calidad
Forty companies have been awarded with the International Trophy for Quality 2010. This Trophy for Quality has been created by Editorial OFICE through the Trade Leaders' Club and is granted to all those outstanding enterprises and organisms due to the quality of their products or services in every industrial field. Thus it is a prize awarded for making a distinction.
TRADE LEADERS' CLUB REVIEW — Members' Magazine. Publications and Communication Department: Germán Pérez Carrasco, 63 – 28080 Madrid, Spain – Tel. 34 -913 672 403 – Fax 34 914 087 837 – E. mail [email protected] –

Program on scheduled began
with a work meeting in which

38th International Trophy for Quality
the Trade Leaders' Club and
the awarded companies were

New Millennium Award
Welcome cocktail offered to all
assistants before the lunch

The International Trophy for Quality presentation took place on last 18th October at the Geneva based Hotel Intercontinental.
every industrial field. Thus it is companies to the audience. He Geneva; H.E. Mr. Bozkurt Aran, United Nations and other On last October 18th, the international Trophy for a prize awarded for making a presents the certificate to the Ambassador to the Permanent International Organizations in Quality was given to all distinction. The program on awardees and the "Golden Mission of Turkey to the WTO; Geneva. After lunch, a short awardees in the course of a schedule started with a work Medal for Business Excellence" H. E. Apolinario J. Correia, speech was addressed to the ceremony that was crown with meeting held in the morning of as a special distinction to the Ambassador of Angola; audience in order to present the success at the Geneva based October 18th. The meeting managing director of each Mr. Hasan Yalçin, Commercial award that immediately Hotel Intercontinental. The was presided by Mr. Arsenio company. Once the work Counselor to the Permanent afterwards was handed over to distinction brought together Pardo, President of Editorial meeting come to an end, all Mission of Turkey to the WTO; all winners. The ceremony was businessmen from all Ofice, who briefly presented attendants were invited to a Mr. Andrei Popov, Deputy closed by Mr. Pardo who countries and from different the Trade Leaders' Club, an welcome cocktail followed by a Permanent Representative to addressed a few words to the industrial branches. Forty association founded by lunch celebration which went the Permanent Mission of guests of honour and prize companies have been awarded Editorial Ofice with the aim off in an atmosphere of great Belarus; Mr. Antonio Pinto de winners, thanking them for with this prize in this new and purpose of encouraging cordiality. The lunch celebration Lemos, Counselor to the their assistance and edition. This Trophy for trade relations among was presided over by Portuguese Permanent Mission congratulating all awardees of Quality has been created by entrepreneurs from all over Mr. Pardo, President of Editorial at United Nations Office and this new edition of the trophy.
Editorial OFICE through the the world. When this Ofice and General Secretary of other International His words were well Trade Leaders' Club and is introduction was finished, the Trade Leaders Club; Organizations in Geneva, received by the attendants granted to all those Mr. Pardo invited all Mr. Daniel Loeffler, Director of Mrs. Zharkin Kakimzhanova, and closed the official award enterprises and organisms representatives of the awarded Department of Economic First Secretary of the presentation of the outstanding due to the quality firms to come forward to Promotion of the State Council Permanent Mission of the 38th International Trophy for of their products or services in present their respective of the Republic and Canton of Republic of Kazakhstan to the Quality 2010.

Pardo acompañado por: The award ceremony increases friendy
XXXVIII Trofeo Internacional a la Calidad
D. Daniel Loeffler, Director delDepartamento de Promoción relationship and cooperative spirit among
Económica del Consejo de the awarded companies.
New Millennium Award
Estado de la República yCantón de Ginebra; Los actos celebrados aumentan el espíritu
S.E.D. Bozkurt Aran,Embajador de la Misión de cooperación y amistad entre las
Permanente de Turquía ante la GINEBRA (Suiza) 2010 OMC; S.E.D. Apolinario J.
Correia, Embajador deAngola; Sr. Hasan Yalçin, Como en años anteriores, el Consejero Comercial de la pasado 18 de octubre tuvo Misión Permanente de Turquía lugar en el Hotel ante la OMC; Sr. Andrei Popov, Intercontinental de Ginebra, Representante Permanente la trigésimo octava edición Adjunto de la Misión del Trofeo Internacional a la Permanente de Belarus; Calidad. Los actos Sr. Antonio Pinto de Lemos, programados con motivo de Consejero de la Misión la entrega del trofeo Permanente de Portugal ante comenzaron el día 18 de la Oficina de las Naciones octubre con una reunión de Unidas y otras Organizaciones trabajo celebrada en la sala Internacionales en Ginebra, de conferencias del hotel a la Sra. Zharkin Kakimzhanova, que asistieron los Primer Secretario de la Misión empresarios galardonados. El Permanente de la República de Sr. Pardo, Presidente de Kazajstán ante las Naciones Editorial Ofice y Secretario Unidas y otras Organizaciones General del Trade Leaders' Internacionales en Ginebra.
Club presentó brevemente el Finalizado el almuerzo que Trade Leaders' Club, transcurrió en un clima de destacando que ha sido gran cordialidad se leyó el creado para facilitar lasrelaciones comerciales entre pregón del trofeo y se sus socios y servir de vínculo entregaron los premios a los entre ellos. Finalizada su galardonados. Cerró el acto el intervención, hubo una Sr. Pardo, quien tras agradecer presentación de las empresas la presencia de las galardonadas a cargo de sus personalidades que le representantes que acompañaban en la mesa destacaron sus productos y presidencial, felicitó a los servicios. El Sr. Pardo hizo empresarios galardonados por Foto superior: reunión de
entrega de los diplomas trabajo celebrada el dia 18 de
su esfuerzo continuado para octubre en la que tuvo lugar
acreditativos del Trofeo y de mejorar sus empresas y la presentación del Trade
la Medalla de Oro a la contribuir de esta forma al Leaders' Club y las empresas
Excelencia Empresarial como mejoramiento de la economía distinción especial para los de sus países. Sus palabras invitadas a la entrega de
responsables de las empresas fueron aplaudidas por el galardonadas. A continuación público asistente a la velada y Inferior: Medalla de Oro a la
se sirvió un cóctel que pusieron punto final a la transcurrió en un ambiente distinción espaecial para los
presentación del Trofeo de responsables de las
relajado y cordial y dio paso Internacional a la Calidad al almuerzo que estuvo presidido por D. Arsenio The award ceremony increases friendy relationship and
cooperative spirit among the awarded companies.
Los actos celebrados aumentan el espíritu de cooperación y
amistad entre las empresas galardonadas.

Laimos Prespon - Tel. 302385051855 - Fax: 30 23850 51856 A group of producers of the region founded the Agricultural CooperativeBeans Cultivators of the national Parkof Prespes named "Pelekanos" in 53077 FLORINA (Greece) order to launch and to promote theproduct of the region. The A.C.
"Pelekanos" numbers 26 members,with a percentage of more than 50%of the Prespes beans production. The AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE fundamental reason for the creation ofthe A.C. "Pelekanos" came up by seri-ous problems emerged in the disposalof the Prespes beans productionwithin the domestic market in 2003 Collects: Mr. Georgios Gerou, Manager, and
since a big quantity of Prespes beans Mrs. Eleni Nira.
had not been distributed. All the prod-ucts of the A.C. "Pelekanos" follow the integrated management system AGRO 2-1, AGRO 2-2. The A.C. Pelekanos adopts the qualitymodels ISO9001: 9000, ISO22000: 2005. Entering the sorting-packaging centre of A.C.
"Pelekanos" the products undergo a series of quality controls to safeguard the best quality ofPrespes beans.
P.O.Box 22425 Muharraq - Tel. 236, 238 Andarzgoo Str., 973 17701222 Al Dhaen Craft is a part of the Al Tel. 0098 511 2224445,6 Fax: 973 17701862 Dhaen Group of Companies. Al Dhaen Fax: 0098 511 2223913 Group comprising of Al Dhaen Craft, Seas Sports, Marine Center and AlDhaen Service Center, is one of the pi- MANAMA (Bahrein) MASHHAD (Iran) oneers in the marine industry in theGCC and the foremost builders ofstate-of-the-art commercial, sport fish-ing, pleasure and special purposemilitary boats to cater to the widerange of boat lovers and users all over BOAT MANUFACTURE & IMPORT AND TRADE OF the globe. Al Dhaen Group com- WATER PUMPS. MOTOR trail-blazing service to the marine in- GENERATOR & OTHER Collects: Mr. Ali Hassan Aldhaen, Manager.
dustry with founding of "Watersports" Collects: Mr. Balal Hakimi, Managing Director.
selling & servicing marine equipment, spare parts and accessories. Al Dhaen Group expanded its activities and integrated forward to We have established this company almost 50 years ago,. Now, we are one of the biggest seller build marine crafts and boats under the banner of Al Dhaen Craft Factory. Al Dhaen Craft since of the following machineries in Iran (water pump, submersible electric pump, motor genera- its inception in 1989 has grown to manufacturing a diversified range of sophisticated pleasure, tor) and we import all above mentioned items with well known brand in the world. We try to commercial and special purpose military vessels serving the global market. ADC is the first get the best quality available, now because ot this, we became very famous all over Iran and company in the Middle East to build 100% wood free fiberglass boats. ADC uses innovative con- all our clients trust us completely.
struction techniques with the finest material and fittings to manufacture top quality boatsaround the world.
Bandurria, 1475 - Tel. 54 2254 67, Nizami Str., - Tel. (99412) 572870 - Fax: 54 2254 572979 Refugio del Bosque is strategically lo- 4982005 - Fax: (99412) 4933980 Our company is well-known for its cated in the city of Cariló (Argentina) prestige and quality of the products at 200 m of the sea and 150 of the and services offered and which is the mall. The Aparthotel was built on sand first processing centre and leader for 1005 BAKU (Azerbaijan) dunes in the heart of the forest while rendering processing services in Azer- CARILÓ BS. AS. (Argentina) respecting the natural topography of the land and especially its century-old trees. Designed as a tourist resort, is namely MasterCard, VISA and Ameri- an excellent starting point to discover can Express. Azericard company is the magic of Cariló, forest and beach.
processing 30 banks, both in Azerbai- 16 apartments and one suite, carefully jan and abroad, 90% of which are the designed, with spacious and lumi- members of the international payment nous, with elements of comfort and systems. The Company is actively en- safety, with spacious balconies that Collects: Mr. Norberto Losada, Manager.
Represents: Mrs. Gulshan Karimova, Director, and
open their doors to the sunny garden, state-of-the-art projects with high Ms. Ayan Aliyeva.
are both an ideal retreat to enjoy a technologies, such as fares payment quiet atmosphere created to favor rest. Between dunes and a green oasis, guests find the at- via bank no-contact microprocessing mosphere itself to relax, surrounded by an atmosphere of cordial hospitality and warmth that cards, service payment of telephone companies, payment of public utilities, customs fees, mo- only a calm and discreet atmosphere can offer.
bile and internet banking, credit (cashless) transfer from one card to another, Pin Change,Multicurrency cards, Loyalty cards, SMS Notifications (notification about all card transactions),Cash In and based on 3D Secure technologies electronic commerce. Azericard system currentlyprovides service to more than 2 000 000 banking cards, 1300 ATM and 6000 electronic termi-nals.

Juan PabloII, 3352 La Cantera - B.P. 1129 - 9 Rue de la Liberation Tel. 56 51 54 36 20 de Paris - Tel. 00242 5511253 - Fax: 56 51 31 46 87 Fax: 00242 2812814 COQUIMBO (Chile) Collects: Mr. Galland Yves, Director.
Collects: Mr. Jerome Buya, Director General, and
Mr. Germain Oumba.

Bahia Tongoy SA is a holding that gathers 5 companies of around 100 fishermen who changedthe extracting activities to cultivate scalups since year 2000 and the company is in charge of We are a public structure with scientific character, with economic autonomy. Our main activi- commercializing and exporting the production.
ties are focused in achieving studies within the field of construction, urbanism, architecture,engineering, building and public works.
P.O.Box 80 - 20103 - Tel: 254 720 P.O.Box TN 358 Teshie Nungia 200689 / 254 (0) 51 752030 Baringo Teachers SACCO Society ltd., Estates - Tel. 233 302 816582/3 - Bioland was established as a sub- Fax. 254 (0) 51 752304 was registered in 31th August, 1979 by Fax: 233 302 816584 sidiary in 2008 until it was registered Ten (10) members with savings of as a limited liability company in 2010 E-mail: [email protected] .gh Kshs.60,000/=. It has grown to the cur- in Ghana. Corporate mission: Bioland rent active members of 7,000 and is committed to provide complete so- ELDAMA RAVINE (Kenya) ACCRA (Ghana) 29,020 Micro credit members. Our area of operation is the Republic of wastewater treatment, filtration and Kenya, specifically Baringo central, purification need and also in air purifi- Koibatek, East Pokot, North Baringo, cation. It is also to develop and grow Marigat, Mogotio and some neighbor- as the leading fully integrated waste ing districts. Governance system is water and wastewater management SAVINGS AND CREDIT WATER AND ENVIRONMENT vested in delegates who number 160 company in the country. Vision state- maximum and Eleven (11) Board of ment. To be at the forefront of Ghana's Directors plus Three (3) supervisory alternative water, wastewater treat- Collects: Mr. Musa Chelimo Chebor, Manager, and
Collects: Mr. Seth Akweter Okla, Managing
Board members. Vision and mission Mr. Albert Chemoiwo Chebiegon.
statements as per our reviewed five purification systems by introducing year strategic plan (2008-20139. Vi- and providing modern technique and sion: A model and dynamic SACCO empowering members/customers through high quality methods at competitive rates. Corporate values: To provide services which safe guard public financial products and services. Mission: To mobilize members and savings, then provide high health and prevent pollution and treating customers in a manner we wish to be valued. Bi- quality, competitive market-driven financial products and services using appropiate technology.
oland offers the following products and services in the design , supply, installation, servicingand maintenance as well as advice in the field of water and sanitation by providing water andwastewater treatment systems. Successes achieved over the years have been in collaborationwith our foreign partners.
Rua Bayer, S. Martinho do Bispo Av. 18 de Septiembre 1028 - Tel. - Tel./Fax: +351 239 800 300 Bluepharma is a privately owned 56 (042)225340 In the late 80's, a family with strong pharmaceutical company, located in Fax: 56 (042) 233777 tradition in the area decided to break Coimbra, Portugal. The main activities the patterns of time to start producing of the company include the develop- sausages such as: sausages, rolls, ment, manufacturing and marketing pates, hams and a wide range of 3045-016 COIMBRA (Portugal) of medicinal products for human use, homemade sausage products, in a ar- through its own portfolio of Generics.
CHILLAN (Chile) tisanal style. That was the born of The company acquired Bayer's former Cecinas Chillán, a company that with plant in 2001, which may be consid- only four operators and two machines ered one of the most advanced and started to produce and sell high qual- well-designed in the country. With this ity products. The brothers Yanine and acquisition, Bluepharma inherited a Juan Luis Yanine began to manufac- SAUSAGES, HAMS, SAUSAGE highly qualified team with more than ture high quality products. Yanine 30 years of experience in pharmaceu- brothers, Sergio and Juan Luis de- Collects: Dr. Maria Isolina, Manager.
Collects: Mr. Ricardo Roso on behalf of the firm.
tical production. The merge of former organizational standards and technol- introduce the technical requirements ogy with our entrepreneurial and flexible capacities established the basis of our corporate in the production process to deliver its clientele a high quality production. In the way to the spe- culture. Bluepharma develops and manufactures finished pharmaceutical dosage forms for cialization all the family members are involved becoming a family business. The company is European and U.S. companies. Our well-designed and advanced facilities allow us to target located in the city of Chillán, located in the center of the country making it unsurpassed for these markets with quality, competence and innovation, providing high standards at compet- their geographical conditions, near the Andes and the sea at the other side. This is very con- itive prices. The R&D department offers services ranging from galenical and analytical venient for its products achieving a characteristic aroma and own taste. The company has a development to design of novel nano-based technologies for drug delivery. Based on the know- very good reputation for the natural taste and unparallel texture of its products, in both local how of its staff, on the experience and dynamism of its management team.
and international markets.
P.O.Box, 18121 B.P. 333 - Tel./Fax: 20 22 97 90 Tel. +254 20 558962/557970Fax: 254 20 555707 The company was incorporated in BAMAKO (Mali) 1979 under Bunny Industries Limited into manufacturing of knitted fabricsand producing quality infants and chil- 00500 NAIROBI (Kenya) dren's wear mainly catering for bothlocal and neighbouring market. In theearly 1990's we expanded into manu- facturing 100% cotton casul wear forchildren, gents and ladies and simul-taneously TEXTILES. GARMENTS.
embroidery, screen and heat transfer PRINTING AND ENGRAVING printing services. In the year 2000, the ON ADVERTISING AFFILIATED company increased its current product Collects: Mr. Nangpar Shah, Owner;
Collects: Mr. Mamady Sissoko, Manager.
range and started catering for printing Mrs. Harakhchand and Mr. Satyan Shah.
and engraving on advertising affiliatedarticles like mugs, key chains, pens, Military hospital founded in 1906 by the colonialists, counting just 10 beds. Nowadays and calender, diaries, vinyl cutting and large format digital printing. Presntly, we have a workforce after many transformations, we count 18 technical services and more than 500 beds.
of 150 people but have room for expansion to cater for a 250+ workforce.
Ave. Independencia No. 774 12, R. Joao Seca, Bairoo entre Conill y Tulipan, Municipio Maianga - Tel. 244 928199238 - The Clinic was founded on November Pl. De la Revolución Fax: 244 222 331369 5, 2001. The clinic is created in theterms of promotion health services in Tel. 53-7-8810753 the Republic of Angola, and it is struc- tured on the basis of requirement andsocial cultural necessities of the An- HAVANA (Cuba) LUANDA (Angola) golan society. The Musserra clinicintend in this perspective to set in mo-tion whose program is object of its imple-mentation.In order to guarantee thequality of its services and to promote EXPORT-IMPORT TRADE the adequate fulfillment of its objec-tive, there is need to develop various Collects: Mr. Miguel Oliver, Manager.
Collects: Mr. Antonio Fernandes, Manager,
cooperation programs at national and Mrs. Mbombo Garrido and Mr. José Alfredo.
international level. Note that in cases The company imports supplies for the agriculture and industry and export fruit juices, pulp of of epidemics such as cholera and oth- exotic fruits, essential oils, etc.
ers, the clinic is willing to provide their services to people for free. In the domain oftechnical-scientific exchange, national and international conferences shall be object of inves-tigation service in the branches of its specialties namely:-General medicine -medicine forspecialty namely: Gynecology, neurology, general surgery, pediatrics, dental and optical.Thepresent document define the objectives of Mussera clinic, it functions and structure as well asits personnel and internal organization.
Av. Rainha Ginga, 98-106 110, Nur Ahmed Rd., Tel. 880 31 Tel. 224 923325610/11 Clidopa is a private company, having 619650, 638072, 01809-34001 Fax: 224 222396584 begun our activity in January 1996 with Fax: 880-31 610961 high level personal and personalized service, from 01/04/05. Services. Consul-tations. (G.P) Routine. Emergency with LUANDA (Angola) 4000 CHITTAGONG doctor in the clinic (up to work 24 hours).
A concern endeavor of man, amchine Emergency with call doctor (specialist).
and sophisticated most modern tech- Consultations of specialities: Ophthal- nology of transform sea resources in mology. Paediatrics. General surgery.
to sea foods. As a private limited com- Gynaecology and obstetrics. Cardiology.
pany was incorporated in the year Paediatric cardiology. Burned and re- 1985 and registered with Joint Stock constructive surgery. Vascular surgery.
Company and established a shrimp Maxilo–facial surgery. Dentistry. En- processing plant in the area of Cox' docrinology. Gastroenterology. Urology.
Bazar the largest beach ot the world Collects: Mrs. Ana Maria Macedo Costa, and
Collects: Mr. Mohd Aslam Chowdhury, Chairman,
Internal medicine. Occupational health.
and costal belt of Cox' Bazar. The plant Mr. Manuel Costa, Owners.
and Mrs. Famila Nazned Mowla.
Neurology. Neurosurgery Orthopaedics.
implemented HACCP in 1997. The O.R.L. Psychology. Psychiatry. Derma- company also EU and USFDA ap- tology. Infectiology. Dialectology. Physiotherapy in fallen ill patients + Breathing Physiotherapy (When proved with green ticket exporting with reputation to Europe, USA and other countries. The necessary). Hospitalization: With 42 (forty two) beds. Hospitalization in isolation regime. Unit of In- company has a reputation to maintain a high standard at each level including receiving to ship- tensive Care: working about 9 years ago appropriately equipped with up-to-date technology with ment with quality and safe products.
two beds. Assistance to the Childbirth and Neonatology. Small Surgery. Operation Theatre: workingabout 9 years ago with modern technology, equipped for Surgical Interventions. Check Ups (stan-dard in all the Oil Companies). Drugstore. Nursery. Morgue equipped with two drawers. Bloodtransfusions.
P.O.Box, 44.946 - Tel.: 254 0722 Lliyskiy Trakt, 11 702528 - Fax: 254 20 892036 Ereto Builders, a building and civil en- Tel. 8 72 72 90 3636 Fax: 8 72 72 90 29 86 establish in 1997 by its CEO, Mr. Peter Ole Saikah to provide integrated con-struction services to a wide range of 00100 NAIROBI (Kenia) 050000 ALMATY (Kazakhstan) clients among them, governmentagencies; non government organiza-tions, agencies and international organiza-tions. In the last decade the firm hasmainly focused in providing essential BUILDING AND CIVIL PAINTS MANUFATURER infrastructural services in the marginal areas of the country. As part of ourcorporate social responsibility we Collects: Mr. Peter Tajeu Ole Saikah, Chairman.
Collects: Mr. Alibek Iryskeldievich, Commercial
have previously supported construc- Director, and Mr. Arshabaer Tolegen Serikovich.
tion of a dispensary in one of the slum villages in the outskirts of Nairobi city, together with other partners. We are currently involvedin the construction and equipping a general science laboratory in one of the Girls Secondary Manufactturer and sale of environmental friendly water based paint materials, paints, var- School where the profits from this project is chanelled towards completion of the laboratory.
nishes, enamels, filters, etc.
We are in the near future preparing to expand in the region mainly Southern Sudan and Tan-zania.

Gertrudes Iela, 41-5 - Tel. (+371) Kayseri Karayolu 8 Km. Rafineri 673 10469 - Fax: (+371) 673 73201 Scientific production company "Eva" Köprüsü Yani No. 2 Hasandede - was founded in Riga on January 14, Tel. +90 318 266 9100 1992. Mr. Victor Sciper is the founder Fax: +90 318 266 91 03 and the Chairman of the Board. We 1011 RIGA (Latvia) provide comprehensive outfitting so-lutions for military, security andemergency personnel. Our company offers complete range of uniformclothing and accessories manufac- OUTFITTING SOLUTIONS FOR tured to internationally recognisedstandards. In general our clients are Coming from building sector with 25 MILITARY, SECURITY AND state organizations. Mr. Sciper, the years of experience of construction, EMERGENCY PERSONNEL head of the company, is the author of Grofen A.S. aims to make a difference unique technology of manufacturing in its sector since the first year of its Collects: Mr. Viktor Scipere, Chairman, and
Collects: Mr. Bulent Ugur Dertsiz, Director
of emblems and stripes (patent Nr.
foundation with its material facilities, Mrs. Olga Scipere, Director.
12594 issued by the patent Board of modern production staff, technologi- the Republic of Latvia). It is worth to mention that "Eva" is also supplier of office furniture for the past 3 years. The Ministry of In- environment friendly policies. Grofen aims to put its name over the top by combining its pro- ternal Affairs of Latvia, State Boundary Services and Municipal Police of Jurmala city are duction quality with technology and taking a place in the sector as an exemplary producer.
among our clients. Our extensive experience and service quality let us grow dinamically andexceed our clients expectations year after year.
01 B.P. 7144 - Tel. 229 97 97 20 09 Starovilenskiy Trakt, 26/1 Room 1 Fax: 229 21 31 05 50 Tel./Fax: 375 17 233 22 47 "Itera-Med"f.e. Ltd. was founded in2000 by International Group of com- COTONOU (Benin) 220053 MINSK (Belarus) panies "Itera". "Itera-Med" f.e. Ltd.
specilaizes in the wholesole and retailtrade of pharmaceutical products onthe territory of the Republic of Belarus.
"Itera-Med"f.e. Ltd. is the official dis- HOTEL, CAR RENTAL, GSM Denmark. Due to the successful coop- eration of our companies a share ofthe market of insulin production pro-duced by Novo Nordisk in 2010 has Collects: Mr. Alapini Valery, Manager.
Collects: Mr. Movtchan Valery Ivanovich, Director
made 88,2% of total amount insulinic General, and Mrs. Vladimirova Lukashevich
market of Belarus. "Itera-Med" f.e. Ltd.
The group Peace & Love includes 3 daughter companies: one belongs to the telecom field of has an active and successfully repre- activity (distributor of GSM products), another one to the hotel industry and the 3rd one is a sents product of some other foereign car rental company.
companies such as Leros s.r.o. Czech Republic, "Worwag Pharma GmbH & Co., Germany. Phar-macy network "Itera Med" f.e. Ltd. has been functioning since 2005.
Patricia Viñuela, 535 Rua Manomotapa, 32 A - Tel. (56) (02) 368 3200 Tel./Fax. 258 26215742 Fax: (56) (02) 368 3250 E- mail: [email protected] LAMPA, SANTIAGO (Chile) Industrias Plásticas Corvalan S.A.
CASHEW PROCESSING "Corplastic SA" (A 100% family busi- ness) with 25 years of trajectory, is certified by ISO 9001 in all itsprocesses. Being pioneer in Chile in Collects: Mr. Francisco Javier Corvalan Armas,
Collects: Mr. Deroua Abdel Hadjid, Director Public
the co-extrusion of high and low den- Manager, and Mrs. María Victoria Armas
sity and all its derivatives, counting with three-layer co-extrusion last gen-eration I.P.C.C.M. is a Cajú cashew processing unit, located in Murrupula village in Nampula province.
maximum polyethylene width of 3.00 m. It has well known clients whom have helped us to This unit is based on semi-mechanical technology and play a major role of development within achieve this award, in the industrial, manufacturing, food, etc. Customers who exported its pro- the area where is inserted.
duction to nearly all world markets.

P.O.Box, 46733 Aglayan - Tel. +6382-22-2308 - Tel. 965 2391 06 01/602 Lima Petroleum Services was estab- Fax: +6382 226 2308 Nature's Fresh Pineapples, Inc. is a Fax: 965 2391 06 03 lished in 2001, with an acquisition subsidiary of Indophil Asia Equities; (Awwad Al-Anezi) history, which set envisions to be the leading producer the company's foundation way back in of high quality fresh golden pineap- 1985, under the astute leadership of ples in Asia and the Pacific Region. We 64018 FAHAHEEL (Kuwait) 8700 MALAYBALAY CITY, Owner and Managing Director, Mr.
started research and development on M.M.Mathai. The company has since- golden sweet pineapple in 1998 and sustained steady growth to become a started commercial production in leading supplier of equipment materi- 2005. Our first harvest was shipped for als and services, for allied up and exportation to South Korea in Sep- downstream sectors of the oil indus- LEADING SYUPPLY OF OIL try in Kuwait. In keeping with the different countries like the Middle FIELD MATERIALS, PIPE, FRESH GOLDEN PINEAPPLE company's policy, only established East, China, Taiwan, Europe and FITTINGS, VALVES, TOOLS.
manufacturers of repute are sought in Japan. We are HACCP certified by Cer- Collects: Mr. M.M. Mathai, Managing Director,
Collects: Mr. Alan B. Uy, Manager.
SAFETY MATERIALS & supply the high standard of quality tification International conforming to and Mrs. Mathai.
and precision, in compliance with CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev.4 (2003) with safety and specifications standards scope of activities: Growing, Packing and Distribution. Cert#CIP/3898/07/01/511, January 17, approved by the industry. At LPS, customer service and satisfaction is of prime importance, our 2007. Natures Fresh Pineapples, Inc. is committed to produce top quality fresh golden pineap- warehouse at Ahmadi and equipment yard at Mina Abdullah are continually replenished with ples that satisfy customer, industrial and regulatory requirements through innovative approach ready stock for various equipment and materials. Our loyal customers have demanded in us and advancement directed toward our goals and objectives strategically reviewed for suit- holding stock, with quick reaction logistics support well geared for delivery at short notice.
ability and continual growth.
12/2 Simon Mazorodze Road, P.O. Box 1916 - Tel. (237) 33 37 81 Waterfalls. Tel. : 04 2922077 - 88/33 37 94 86 Fax: 263 04 794135 Fax: (237) 33 37 53 23E-mail: [email protected] DOUALA (Cameroon) HARARE (Zimbabwe) Linemore Tradind Pty Ltd. is an inter-national organization which offers MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC procurement services and fleet man- agement solutions to our customersand operates vehicle fitment centers.
Collects: Mr. Ben Gunguwo, Manager, and
Collects: Mr. Fotso Franck, Manager.
Based on knowledge, experience and Mrs. Sylvia Gunguwo.
networking, we are able to provide thestated services to the total satisfaction Our company exists since 1970. Our main activity is the manufacture and trade of electric bat- of the customer. Our service motto is "guaranteed quality and total customer satisfaction". We teries in Cameroon and Central Africa's region.
introduce ourselves as one of the most reputable dealers, fleet managers and vehicle fitters forthe globe, country and region.
Edde, Jbeil - P.O.Box: 106 Rue du Sergent Malamine Tel. +961 9 737114 B.P. 365 - 229 Fax: +961 9 737113 Founded in 1972, Puriplast Liban Sal., Tel./Fax: 00242 283 53 06 was for a long time, the only plastic laminated sheets manufacturer acrossthe Middle East and near East regions.
JBEIL (Lebanon) Today, it is still the only manufacturerin Lebanon. Our success over the firstfew years of operation, enabled us tofurther integrate vertically across theindustry value chain. As such, we nowhave full control of the various steps PLASTIC LAMINATED SHEETS WATER COMMERCIALISATION of the manufacturing process from theelaboration of resins to the finalizationof High Pressure Laminates (HPL).
Collects: Mr. Antonie Abdul Massih, General
Collects: Mr. Mokoko Wongolo Emile, Director
Throughout the last 35 years, our core Manager, and Mrs. Nadine Abdoul Massih.
General, and Mr. Jean Gustave Foundou,
values and commitment to deliver Our company exists since 1967. Our state of the art quality products and aim is the project and achievement of services levels were key to our survival through numerous economic and political hurdles. The works for producing, distributing and year 1983 marked the begin of our overseas expansion that began in Egypt and continued to commercialise drinking water in Congo. Our capital is 11.449.476.639 FCFA. We count 1033 Jordan and Italy.
agents. Our turnover is 6.749.942.503 FCFA and we have 133.909 clients.
B.P. 27190 - 27 Av. Lamine Gueye Blv. Tsar Boris I I I, 134 Tel. +22133 823 6996 SIMAR S.A. (Société des industries Tel. 359 2 8189344 The company dates back to 1909 Fax: +22133 823 6995 Maritimes) was established in January Fax: 359 2 8558011 when a few small cigarette facilities on 2000. We carry out full-fledged mar- the territory of the capital were inte- itime operations, that is we manage a grated into a Cigarette factory-Sofia.
ship from its berthing alongside a Cigarette Factory Sofia was reorgan- DAKAR (Senegal) quay pursuant to the national admin- ized into a joint stock company AD.
istrative and regulatory provisions to SOFIA (Bulgaria) Sofia BT AD is a public company its departure from Dakar Harbour.
under the Public Offerings of Securi- Shipping: SIMAR s.a represents some ties Act and its shares are freely trades big ship-owners of regular and tramp on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange.
lines working in the field of the trans- Sofia BT AD is focused on tobacco SHIPPING, FORWARDING, portation of containers and various products manufacturing, industrial TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS, goods, and has exclusive rights as processing of tobacco and trade with STEVEDORING, HANDLING, concerns the handling and shipping of tobacco and tobacco products. Since Collects: Mrs. Cathy Kewe Diouf, Manager.
Collects: Mrs. Dinkova Lilyana, Manager.
Thai corporation-chartered ships for 2004, the company owns unlimited li- Senegal. Forwarding (Sea & Air): We are a Customs-approved agent and we take detailed declarations for both imports and exports manufacturing and tobacco processing. American and Virginia blend take part in the brands of all kinds of goods. We are suppliers of freight for sea and airline corporations and we also manufactured by the company. Our cigarette products comply with the EC requirements for tar, supply commodities to vessel. Transport-Logistics: Transport /Logistics: We carry in containers nicotine and carbon oxide content. Since 2006, Sofia BT manufacturers "Slim" cigarettes and as well as conventionally both within Senegal and to the neighboring countries. Stevedoring "pillow" cigarette pack with 16 cigarettes in the pack .A product of the company are the so & Handling. Our stevedoring department handles around 150,000 tons per year thanks to our called "generic" cigarettes/custom made cigarettes owned by the client/designated for export.
Hi-tech and efficient equipments and to strong experience of our staff. Warehousing: We have Sofia BT is focused on offer a wide range of tobacco quality products which shall meet the re- big secure storing spaces of over 15,000 sq. m. in area and over 65,000 tons in capacity.
quirements of the customers.
1 B.P. 6361 – C/ 288 Quartier Dota Acharyan St., Building 31 - Maison Omichessan, Zongo SOMAC-Bénin is an LTD, a Company Tel./Fax: (37410) 612202 Tel. +229 95 962 038/ 97 980 321 - with Limited Responsibility which ex- commercial activity concerns tele- 0040 YEREVAN (Armenia) coms. Since 2004, January 24t, the 01 COTONOU (Benin) company has its current status whichis Somac Ltd. First, in order to bringsolutions to a specific problem linkedwith the limited GSM products avail-able on the African market, Somac UNIVERSITY STUDIES chooses to get specialized in the dis- tribution of phone top-up cards allaround the Beninese territory. Indeed, The Armenian branch of the Ternopol this market is really successful be- National University of Economics was Collects Mr. Michel Ange de Souza, Manager, and
Collects: Mr. Gudratian Saak, Rector, and
cause of an increasing demand and a opened in 2001 in Yerevan. The open- Mrs. Murielle Montcha de Souza.
Mrs. Tehmini Mesropyan.
lack of offers. Moreover, Somac's ac- ing of the University was held by the tivities and experiences are numerous Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine and varied :-The distribution of prepaid top-up cards of every Beninese operators and of other and by the Minister of the Education and Science of Armenia. Our principle is" To ensure the phone cards.-The sale of SIM cards or promotional packs (SIM cards and mobile phones or maximum knowledge of education, the estmation of cultural values, the immense love for SIM cards and fix phones).-The activity of importation, configuration and distribution of GSM motherland and optimist for future.
for telecenters, public phone boxes or for a private use from a home telephone line.-The activityof importation, configuration and distribution of POS terminals, of INGEVOUCHER e-Rechargesolution and the sale of pop-up electronic cards.-The manufacture and the distribution of allkinds of pop-up cards.-The distribution of alimentary products.
Maltepe Mah. Askeri Firim Sok No. 9 North Bim Son Industrial Haydarbey San. Sit 2 "SRC Bath Systems" was founded in Zone Bac Son Hamlet Bodrum kat N. 7/1-5 1999 to produce high quality shower Tel. 84 373 770 304 cabinets, and then started producing Tel. 90 212 444 1204 Ext. 129 - Fax: 83 373 772 064 the various bath systems such as Fax. 90 212 482 1238 hydro-massage systems and compact shower systems. SRC Bath Systems is the leading company with its brand Tien Son Thanh Hoa Co., Ltd., was es- named HydroCabin on its branch in BIM SON TOWN, THANH HOA tablished in 1995. After 15 years of TOPKAPI – ZAYTINBURU, Turkey since 2 years and by now has PROV. (Vietnam) developing our company has attracted ISTANBUL (Turkey) three giant factories in the heart of Is- 1400 workers with 2 main jobs: manu- tanbul; one of them is 7500 square meter and the other one is 2500 garments. Exporting value ing 2010 is square meter to produce high quality estimated 20 million US$. Our main bath systems. By constantly keeping market are: U.S.A. Europe and North- Collects: Mr. Abdurrahman Surucu, Owner.
production quality at the forefront of GARMENTS AND WOODEN Collects: Mr. Trinh Xuan Lam, General Director.
ern Asia. Our company got many our business, we have chosen to HANDICRAFT MANUFACTURE prizes such as: Gold Star Award in reach our aim with the purpose of 2004-2006, Labor Medal in 2007-2008; Vietnam Quality Award 2008-2009; Gold Medal for inte- "Leader in Quality and Stability". We have reached our present position by making brave and grating trade mark into WTO 2009-2010, etc. The company is one of the 500 leader trade mark innovative decisions and also by fully benefiting from technology. We are always happy to pro- vide an ongoing service to our customers." 38th INTERNATIONAL TROPHY FOR QUALITY 2010
Sogoniko Rue 128 Porte 909 - Director, and Mr. Elijah Nyrenda.
B.P. E 1218 - Tel. 20203081/85 - P.O. Box 71566 The Zambia Forestry and Forest In- Fax: 20203083 Tel. 260 212 671026 dustries Corporation (ZAFFICO) wasincorporated as a Company Limited Fax: 260 212 616030 by Shares in 1982. Its mandate was to establish and manage exotic planta- tions. It carries the logo as IP which BAMAKO (Mali) stands for Industrial Plantations. Prior NDOLA (Zambia) to its incorporation under the Compa-nies Act of the laws of Zambia, theIndustrial Plantations was a Depart-ment in the Forest Department in theMinistry of Tourism, Environment and ORGANIC PRODUCTS, Natural Resources. Since its incorpo- FORESTRY - EXOTIC ration, ZAFFICO Limited has been Collects: Mr. Nantoume Seydou, Manager.
Collects: Mr. Frightone Sichone, Managing
carrying out the establishment andManagement of Forest Plantations We produce organic fertilizers. We produce about 200.000 tons per year. We count our own and Processing of quality wood for local and export market. In 2002, the Government of Zam- laboratory for analysing raw materials. We have more than 150 employees.
bia decided to privatize the Processing Sector. The Corporation has continued to be a wellmanaged, consistent and stable company dealing with the establishment of exotic plantationsin the country.
1, Furkat StrretTel. (998 71) 140 00 97Fax: (998 71) 140 00 98E-mail: [email protected] DEVELOPMENT OF THEOILFIELD, PRODUCTION ANDCRUDE REFINING Collects: Mr. Abdujamil Sadykov, Manager.
The Company is engaged in exploitation of the opilfield and crude production. Retail sales ofpetrol through 2 own filling stations and wholesale of petroleum products after crude pro-cessing.
y existen empresas de servicios —hoteles, líneas aé-reas, agencias de viajes, restaurantes, etcétera— condescuentos especiales. El trade Leaders' Club es unaorganización sin finalidad lucrativa alguna, a la quepueden pertenecer los directi- tion. Club meetings are held every year in dif- vos de las empresas galar- ferent American, African, Asian and European countries, and all members are invited to par- Editorial OFICE, para así lograr ticipate. The Club has a President in each una continuidad en las relacio- country where there are members, it publishes nes entre todos los premiados.
a Directory of Members in a CD Rom classified El Trade Leaders' Club es, sin by activities and by countries, it provides an duda, una organización donde Trade Leaders' Club identity card to associates, gold badges, and lo primero es la amistad y la several members acting as services companies cordialidad entre los empresa- —hotels, airlines, travel agencies, restaurants, rios de todo el mundo y, etc— give some special discounts. The Trade basado en ello, el fomento de leaders' Club is a completely non-profit organ- las relaciones comerciales.
ization, and executives of firms awarded theEditorial Ofice trophies may joint the Club soas to achieve, this way, countinuity in relationsamong all award winners. The Trade leaders' En mayo de 1979 se fundó en Madrid el Trade Club is, without any doubt, an organization in Leaders' Club, organización que agrupa a más de which friendship and cordiality among em- 10.000 empresarios y directores de empresa de más ployers from all parts of the world take first de 120 países de los cincocontinentes —sin distincio- place and, based on this, the promotion of nes geográficas o políticas— con el único objeto de trade relations.
fomentar los intercambios The Trade Leaders' Club was founded in comerciales y las relaciones Madrid in May 1979. It is an organization humanas. A través de estos whose members include more than 10.000 em- años han sido miles los ployers and managers of firms in more than 120 countries on the five continents —either entre socios de todos los no geographical or political distinction— for países, y nuetsras oficinas the sole object of promoting trade exchanges centrales, en Madrid, han and human relations. During these years nu- colaborado en estas rela- ciones con su información among members from all the countries, and entrega de trofeos.
precisa. Todos los años se our central offices in Madrid have collaborated in these relations providing precise informa- Club, a las que se invita a participar a todos los so-cios. El Club cuenta con una completísima bibliotecacomercial con información de todos los países, editaun directorio de miembros en formato CD Rom, cla-sificado por ramos de negocio y países, facilita unatarjeta de identidad a sus asociados e insignia de oro,


Microsoft word - lineeguidadicembre2003a.doc

LINEE GUIDA PER LA PROFILASSI ANTIMALARICA Z. Bisoffi#, G. Napoletano∗, F. Castel i e R. Romi• per la Società Italiana di Medicina dei Viaggi e del e Migrazioni (SIMVIM) e la Società Italiana di Medicina Tropicale (SIMET) 1. INTRODUZIONE Queste linee guida sono destinate agli operatori sanitari che hanno tra le loro mansioni quel a

Guidelines anocef juin 2015

Association Nationale des Neuro-Oncologues d'Expression Française RECOMMANDATIONS POUR L'ADMINISTRATION DES THERAPIES SYSTEMIQUES EN NEURO-ONCOLOGIE ADULTE Version 1, Juin 2015 Coordonné par (ordre alphabétique) Docteur Emilie LE RHUN, Neuro-oncologue, Service de Neuro-oncologie, CHRU de Lille Docteur Nicolas SIMON, Pharmacien, Institut de Pharmacie, CHRU de Lille