Jan-arpil 08

CTRC Update, Vol-VII, No.1, April. 2008
Newsletter of H H the Dalai Lama's Central Tibetan Relief Committee
About CTRC
His Holiness the Dalai Lama'sCentral Tibetan ReliefCommittee, the relief wing of
Organic Farming at Mainpat
the Department of Home, Cen-tral Tibetan Administration is a
CTRC is undertaking various methods to
legally registered Charitable
divert the present nature of farming into
and development organisation
Organic farming by making Organic
working mainly for the welfare
Model Village in each agricultural based
and sustainable socio-eco-
Tibetan Settlement. CTRC has finalised
nomic development of
to convert Camp No. 5 as Organic Model
theTibetan exile community
Village of Phendeling Tibetan Settlement,
particularly those living in In-
Mainpat as per the interest shown by farm-
dia, Nepal and Bhutan.
ers since 2007. The programme is fundedby Belgian Foreign Ministry. Farmers ofPhendeling Tibetan Settlement are also
Motivational Workshop to Farmers
under high rate of consumption ofchemical fertilisers like other Tibetan Settlements in India. CTRC has so far injected
budget amount of Rs. 12,42,417 in theyear 2007-2008 and following activities
Going Organic, Mainpat
Activities carried out
were carried out as 1st phase through
CTRC's Organic Programme
Settlement Office: -
1. Baseline survey & preparatory of plan
YES Redesigning Meeting
2. Farm manure 3. Composting/struc-
Opening ceremony of Dhonden Old
ture 4. Livestock component 5. Seeds con-
servation 6. Awareness/exposure/train-
ing 7. Bio-pest control 8. Agro-foresta-
YES success story
tion 9. Organic certification 10. Value ad- Practical demonstration on the preparation
dition and market initiatives etc.
of Bio-pest
CTRC has estimated a total budget of Rs. 44,00,000 for 3 years programme.
And planning to implement various ac-
Agri. Training to Israel
tivities in the year 2008-2009 as per bud-
Board of Advisors:
get allocation of Rs. 11,49,600. Withinthese three years, 182 acres of agricul-
Katri Samdhong Rinpoche
tural land will be converted. Camp no. 5
is the only largest farming camp of
Sonam Choephel Shosur
Phendeling Tibetan Settlement, Mainpat.
Experts were outsourced to give series
of talks on the merits and demerits of
organic and conventional farming and
Organic manure in the field
Tsering Dorji (senior)
their future impact. Mr. Chemey Rigzin,
Joint Secretary of CTRC has also visitedthe Settlement and organised a preparatory action plan for the new organic village for the
year 2008-09. More farmers are showing keen interest and diverting their nature offarming towards organic in Mainpat. CTRC is also implementing such methods of
creating Model Village in Tezu, Miao, Orissa and Purang at Lugsam settlement simulta-neously.

Activities carried out by CTRC
Project Implemented under Creation of Model
1. Purchase of Welding Machine
Motivational Workshop Training at Nelamangala
The project on purchase of welding machine for Mundgod Co-
operative Bank has been successfully implemented under the
funding of Tibet Fund U.S.A. which cost Rs. 476,186.00. The
machine along with accessories were purchased from Hubli, nearby
town after collecting three different quotations. The project helps
in providing improved service to its members and increased in
over all performance in manufacturing of metalic products such
as window frame, stools, and other necessary welding in cheap
rate in the area. Hence, we would like to extend our heartfelt
thanks to concerned donor through Tibet Fund.
Imparting motivational workshop to youth trainees
CTRC's (YES PROGRAMME) is providing various short
term vocational courses at the Institute for Small Trade
Learning Centre Nelamangala, to the unemployed and
school dropout youths. Trainings consist of English speak-
ing, counseling, short term business management training
and motivational workshop. During the course motiva-
tional workshop has been provided to the trainees along
with other regular courses during fourth and last quarter.
Welding Machine of Mundgod Workshop
This helps our trainees to boost up the spirit and determi-nation, which will eventually make its way for a better out-
2. Workshop Fencing
The project on workshop fencing for Tibetan Service Coopera-
Co-operative Members' Training
tive Bank ltd. Mundgod has been successfully implemented well
Under the coordination of Central Tibetan Relief Com-
in time under the funding of Trentino, Italy, which cost Rs.
mittee a training to members of 15 Tibetan Cooperatives
640,000.00. The construction work has been undertaken by the
workshop section and bricks manufactured from the low cost
in India was successfully organised. The training was imple-
building centre has also been utilised in this work. The project
mented in the month of February 2007 for 2 days each at
helps to maintain and safeguard compound of workshop from
respective setllement by local resource person. The total
the land encroachment by local residents and frequent theft of
cost of the project was Rs. 126,331.00, and it has been
equipments. On the other hand, workshop section has increase
funded by Belgian Foreign Ministry. The training mainly
its capacity of performance and enable to provide timely service
towards members. Hence, we would like to extend our heartfelt
focussed on basic principle pertaining to management of
thanks to concerned donor for timely helps.
co-operative and its movement in the world. The traininghelps to upgrade knowledge and to create awareness on thecooperative among members for viability in the long run.
Glance of Workshop Compound, Mundgod Co-operative
Imparting Training to Members
CTRC Update, Vol-VII, No.1, Jan-Apr. 2008
Activities carried out by CTRC
Field Survey On Organic Vegetable Cultivation:
Mr. Tsering Dorjee – Under Secretary & Ms. Tashi Yangzom, Project Officer visited Chauntara, Bir Tibetan Society, Bir DegeDivision, Tashijong, Lingtsang Settlement at Kumrao, Sataun, Sakya settlement, Paonta Chulsum, and Doegul Yougyaling atHerbertpur to encourage settlers to undertake organic vegetable cultivation in these settlements in the month of April 2008. Sincethese settlement have very small agriculture land holdings.
Establishment of Organic Research & Training Center:
The Tibetan Farm Project in Bylakuppe has now been transformed into Organic Research and Training Center. The 90 acres of the
land is being utilised for various organic crops, fruits, vegetable trials and demonstration, and also will be a learning center for
organic farming. Indigenous cattle dairy farm has also been set up to meet the farm inputs, such as dung, urine and milk needed
for organic farming and for the institution. Construction of training hall, hostel, and guesthouse is underway. Large-scale
production of various types of compost and bio-pesticides were also set up with funding from the Belgian Foreign Ministtry.
On-going Projects: -
S/N Project
Donor Amount
1. Road renovation
ETRE, Swiss 553,029
2. Tuting Children Sponsorship
ETRE, Swiss 16,660
3. School Nutrition Program
ETRE, Swiss 226,636
4. School Nutrition Program
ETRE, Swiss 405,720
5. Old People's Home
ETRE, Swiss 405,720
6. Old People's Sponsorship
ETRE, Swiss 166,400
7. Old People's Sponsorship
ETRE, Swiss 247,050
8. Old People's Sponsorshi[
ETRE, Swiss 71,700
Tuting Children Sponsorship
ETRE, Swiss 68,076
10 CST Nutrition Program
ETRE, Swiss 135,057
ETRE, Swiss 45,019
12 School Nutrition Program
ETRE, Swiss 423,692
ETRE, Swiss 96,294
ETRE, Swiss 146,367
15 Housing Renovation
ECH Eversdijk SmuldersStichting, The Netherlands 4,642,335
16 Housing Renovation
ECH Eversdijk SmuldersStichting, The Netherlands 3,725,760
17 Housing Renovation
AET, France 818,720
18 Housing Renovation
Trento, Italy 2,955,224
19 Housing Renovation
Friends of Tibet, Norway 58,814
20 Construction of Footpath
ECH Eversdijk SmuldersStichting, The Netherlands 106,249
21 Waste management
South settlements &Dharamsala
SOIR-IM, Sweden 5,044,769
22 Bridge Construction
Tibet Fund, USA 222,876
23 Waste Management
Tibet Fund, USA 662,400
24 Construction of Staff Quarter
ECH Eversdijk SmuldersStichting, The Netherlands 885,412
25 Community Hall Renovation
AET, France 68,098
26 Organic Programme
12 Agri-settlements
Belgium Govt. 270,00,000
27 Soil & Water Conservation
Charitable Trust Australia 162,00,000

YES Redesigning and Review Meeting :-
This year, one of the most important activity was the recentmeeting on ‘YES Redesigning & Review Meeting' which washeld for three days from 25-27 March 2008 at Institute of SmallTrade Learning, Nelamangala, Bangalore.
Recently after the visit by NCA teams to Dharamsala at
CTRC (DoH) Head Office, the team once again recommendedthat a vigorous re-designing should be implemented besidessome degree of development in the YES program structure.
Therefore, the CTRC convened a general meeting with theconcerned delegates. The meeting was participated by mem-bers from 28 settlements (settlement where major trainees comefrom) for three days at ISTL by outsourcing experts for a detail
An Inauguration of the meeting by Mr. Ngodgup
rectification of the YES program so that it could be recom-
Dorjee, Secretary, CTRC at Neelamangala Training
mended by the NCA.
Hence, the proposed YES Redesigning & Review meeting wasplanned and implemented to discuss the following proposed agenda:
To review on causes and factors leading to schooldropouts or uneducated unemployed and remedialmeasures for the empowerment of the youths.
To find out and develop new ways and programs otherthan skill training to sustain employable youth.
To assess the problems and difficulties whileimplementing youth support programs at thesettlement level and other problems relegating todrawing specific action plan.
A Glance of redesigning & review meeting
To review the present curriculum and set out coursesoffered at ISTL.
To discuss the ways the His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Central Tibetan Relief Committee can help YES initiative toinitiate new demanding programs and activities to play more proactive role in settling unemployed youths.
To discuss the need for amendment of the present rules and criterias for complementing skill training and micro-credit program to bring a substantial advantage to the unemployed youth.
To motivate and encourage the Tibetan youths to undertake various enterprises as per demand to create sustainblecareer in their own community.
To meet the target as redesigning of YES program need felt and suggested by the visiting team from NCA.
Since unfortunate situation developed in Tibet recently, many of the invited members were unable to attend as plannedearlier. They were engaged in various protest ralllies in India to show solidarity to Tibetans inside Tibet. Even though overall54 participants attended in the meeting against estimation of 67 members. Experts were also called upon at the meeting foran in depth & diversified discussion.
The three days ‘YES Redesigning & Review meeting' went par with the expectation. All the participants cooperated andshared their words for the constructive discussion of a strategic move to overcome the root problems and create new ways toresolve the existing bottlenecks.
The complete reviewed recommendations and guidelines from the recently concluded review meeting is expected
from the Planning Council and the concerned experts in a short time to come.
CTRC Update, Vol-VII, No.1, Jan-Apr. 2008
Inauguration of Dhonden Old People's Home,
Chauntara: -
Dhonden Old Peoples Home construction was completed with the kind support from Help Tibet, London in midOctober 2007. The home was built to accommodate the aged and helpless Tibetans with a priority to shift all the elders ofKullu Home which was a temporary home for about20 elders. All the 20 elders were then shifted to this newhome on 31st October 2007 with a warm welcomereception.
Opening Ceremony Program
Although, the new home started running from 1st
November 2007, its official opening ceremony was held
on 8th April 2008 at the convenience of the trustee
members of Help Tibet. Therefore as scheduled, our
chief guest Mr. Chope Paljor Tsering, Honorable
Minister for Health and Ms. Isabelle White, Chairman,
Help Tibet did the official inauguration ceremony
graciously at 9.30 a.m. with the presence of Mr. Ngodup
Dorjee, Officiating Secretary, Department of Home,
other members of trustees of Help Tibet and all our
eminent guests of the day.
Hon'ble Health Minsiter Mr. Choepe Paljor Tsering la de-
livering a speech on the occassion, three trustee members
The entire guests made their presence around 9.15 a.m.
(far left), Mr. Ngodup Dorjee, Secretary, CTRC (centre),
and inauguration began at 9.30 a.m. Honorable chief
Ms. Isabelle White, Chairman, Help Tibet (extreme right)
guest was then requested to light the butter lampfollowed by offering of traditional scarves to the portrait of H.H The Dalai Lama. Everyone was served with ceremonialrice and butter tea.
Mr. Tsering Wangdu, Settlement Officer, Chauntra gave a welcome speech which was then followed by the warm andtouching speech of Ms. Isabelle White stating in detail; how she come up to support this project and thanking all thosewho are involved in the successful completion of the home. Our chief guest of the auspicious occasion Honorable HealthMinister Mr. Choepe Paljor also gave a heart throbbing speech informing everyone how Help Tibet is taking initiative tosupport our poor and needy elders.
Thereafter Mr. Ngodup Dorjee, Officiating Home Secretary delivered a motivational speech urging all the inmates and staffsto maintain unity, harmony and peace to make the internal environment very conducive to live, and stating it is theresponsibility of everyone -- not just the concern settlement office -- to look after the welfare of the inmates. The programwas concluded with a vote of thanks to everyone who are involved in the successful completion of the home and to allthose who has graciously made their presence on the occasion. A delicious lunch was served for the guests and inmatesthus making the occasion a very successful and memorable event for everyone.
CTRC's Visitors: -
Ms. Deepti Pant, State Representative
Mr. Pradeep Upadhyay, Finance Officer
Mrs. Nawang Dolkar, Vice-President
Ms. Susanne Huidtfeldt and Ms. Jette Hoffmeyer
Tibet Charity, Denmark
Ms. Jette Hoffmeyer and Ms. Gunver Juul
Tibet Charity, Denmark
Ms. Isabelle White, Chairman & Trustee members
Help Tibet, London
: Lobsang Tsundue
: H/N 49, Camp No. 1, Phendeling Tibetan Settlement, Mainpat
In the year 1999, Mr. Lobsang Tsundue has sought a loan of Rs. 300,000/- from then PADME programme under PlanningCouncil which is now called as CTRC's Youth Empowerment Support Programme to start his dream of owning lightvehicles for passenger transportation in the settlement. Beacuse of the poor transport facilities in the area, he and his friendwere so successfull in introducing the passenger transport business by purchasing two vehicles; Bolero and Maruti Van.
Since he and his friends were the only transport owner in Phendeling Setlement at that time, their project became so successfuland they have appointed one driver on a monthly payment basis and enabled them to repayment of loan amount along withthe interest by the year 2003 as per term and condition. Their income generation business became an example of sheerpreserverance and success among the peer group in the settlement.
Since it was a successful project, now he has encouraged to undertake one new income generation project i.e. raising of milchcow. He is the largest supplier of milk in the settlement and nearby town Ambikapur.
He is able to generate good income from his new entrepreneur which is the only source of income for his family. His familyconists of parent, elder sister, one younger brother and two children.
Relief Fund: -
Wangdue's family who live in Manang, under the jurisdiction of Pokhara Tashiling Tibetan Settlement, fell victim to a fire
brokeout on 5th March 2008. Fortunately, the family was in Kathmandu when the incident took place and because of which
there was no damage to human lives. The fire brought destruction of his house and shop, which consisted of nine rooms
and their belongings worth NRS. 220,000.00. The cause of the fire is not known. The Department of Home released a sum
of Indian Rupees 8,000.00 as an immediate relief fund to the affected family as a token of compensation.
1) Mr. Tsona Lhakpa, Settlement Officer, Lugsam, Bylakuppe has retired from the service w.e.f 31st Dec. 2007.
2) Mr. Lhakpa Tsering, Settlement Officer, Samyeling, Delhi has retired from the service w.e.f 14th March. 2008.
3) Mr. Norbu Choezung, Settlement Officer, Jawalakhel, Nepal has taken one year leave from the service w.e.f 1st Apr.
4) Ms. Dawa Dolma, Office Secretary, Mandi has taken one year leave from the service w.e.f 12th April. 2008.
We wish all of them very best wishes.
CTRC Update, Vol-VII, No.1, Jan-Apr. 2008
Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement, Orissa
Nearest railway station : Behrampur , 85 Km
Nearest airport : Bubaneshwar, 300 Km from the settlement
Facilities in Settlement
Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement, Orissa was established with
Education : 5
support from Government of India in 1963 to rehabilitate
2791 Tibetan refugees who come to India in the aftermath of
the Chinese annexation of Tibet in 1959.
The land was provided by the state government of Orissa and
financed by the Government of India under rehabilitation
scheme. Phuntsokling Agricultural settlement replicate the same
ties : 1 allo-
line of development as with other agricultural settlements, which
had been previously established at Bylakuppe, Karnataka. In
case of Orissa, necessary arrangements such as temporary huts
and dry rations etc could not be made prior to the arrival of the
A Glance of Organic Crop inOrissa
settlers and as a result they faced much hardship during the
initial years.
Elderly People Home: 2 old people's home with 60 elders
The settlement is located in Gajapati District of Orissa state in
Monastery : 7 monasteries
central-eastern India.The nearest town, Behrampur/Brahmapur, is 85 km from the settlement and the condition
of the road is bad. Behrampur is a small town thriving on vast
The settlement has a Co-operative Society and it supports the
hinterland of local agricultural villages. It has sufficiently good
settlers with the supply of seeds, fertilizers and tractor for farm-
and adequate health, telecommunication and other service sec-
ing and other purposes. The co-operative Society also assists
tors. The general topography of the settlement area is on a
farmers in marketing their agricultural products. This Co-op-
table land at the average altitute of 3200 ft above sea level with
erative society is also a member of the Federation of Tibetan
average annual rainfall of 130 mtrs.
Co-operative Societies in India Ltd. Under the management ofthe Co-operative Society there are shops, mechanical workshop,
tractor section, Handicraft center and building centre to generate
income for the co-operative and provide employment by pre-
serving the Tibetan traditional carpet weaving.
No. of villages in the settlement:
The Settlement consists of 5 camps scattered within a radius
of 25 Kms with an average distance of about 2 to 5 Kms from
Each settlement has a settlement officer who is the Representa-
each others. Camp no.1 is regarded as the capital of the settle-
tive of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Dharamsala.
ment and also functionally focal camp where Settlement Office,
The settlement officer is the main office of the settlement and he
Co-operative Office are located. The school, Workshop and
is responsible for the overall affairs and the administrative of the
health clinics are located in camp no. 3. Even then distance
settlement. The Representative acts as the liaison between the
between the outermost camps and the camp-1 is not more
settlement and Central Tibetan Administration. It is the main
than 5 Kms which makes it difficult to access. The camps are
source of information on policies and directives of Central Ti-
connected to each other by semi-metalic roads which turns into
betan Administration. Daily tasks of the Representative ranges
virtual cesspool during the rainy season.
from adjudicating disputes to communicating with local authori-ties, and generally looking after the running of all aspects of the
settlement under the directives and policy of CTA.
Most of the families have a small piece of agricultural land fortheir living. Due to the lack of irrigation facilities, the rain-fed
agriculture is practiced in the area and cultivating Maize as a
main cash crop by using fertiliser, but since the last two years
Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement
settlers are taking keen interest in organic farming and it is on
P.O. Chandragiri, District Gajapati
conversion period as per the guidelines of CTA. Besides agri-
Orissa State - 761017 (India)
culture, some of the settlers are engaged in trading,
restaurants,shop keeping and seasonal woollen business etc to
cope with the increase in family members.
CTRC Update, Vol-VII, No. 1, Jan-Apr. 2008
Agriculture Training to Israel
Mr. Ngodup Dorjee, OfficiatingSecretary and Mr. Tsering Dorjee,Deputy Secretary, CTRC had a
1. Make donatiion to CTRC's General
meeting with Hanni Arnon,Director of Arava International
Center for Agriculture Training,Israel, Mr. Gilad Livni, CEO, Arava
2. Give project-specific donations.
Development Company, Israel and
3. Sponsor needy and old person.
Dr. Joseph Yassour, DBA,Academic Director, AICAT, Israel in
4. Volunteer for transfer of technology
Delhi on 27th January 2008. The
Trainees working in Israel
and expertise.
main topics discussed wereimprovement in the selection methods, age limit, health problems and the trained
5. Make donation to CTRC's Emergency trainees should encourage and motivate as many young Tibetan farmers into
farming in the Tibetan settlements. The Israeli Delegation agreed to invite 50
Relief Fund.
agriculture trainees for the year 2008-09 and the selection to be done much earlier
6. Inform others about us.
than the usual selection period. CTRC has decided to select the Agriculture Traineesfor AICAT – Israel, from the settlements that are engaged with organic farming.
7. Raise fund for CTRC's projects.
And the trainees for the year 2008-09 or the Xth batch have been selected fromthe settlements; Mainpat,Orissa, Bylakuppe, Hunsur, Kollegal and Mundgod.
You can send your donations by cheques,
Mr. Chimey Rigzen – Joint Secretary, visited Mainpat and Orissa for the selection
International Money Order or by Wire Trans-
of the trainees and to inspect the agriculture related activities. Mr. Tsering Dorjee
fer. If you prefer to pay directly into our bank
– Joint Secretary, visited Bylakuppe, Hunsur, Kollegal and Mundgod to select
account, the number is 01100055034, State
trainees, to monitor the ongoing soil and water conservation project activities
Bank of India(0634), Kotwali Bazar
and organic farming activities in Mundgod. A total of 63 trainees selected from
Dharamsala - 176215, Kangra District, H.P,
the above 6 settlements out of which 50 trainees were medically passed for this
India. Donations made to CTRC are tax
deductable under section 80-G of Indian TaxAct of 1961 subject to the limits pescribed in
These 50 trainees will leave for Israel in September this year for a period of 10
months training there. The 50 trainees who are already there will return to Indiain September.
Fax: +91-1892-225065
CTRC take this opportunity to express its sinceregratitude & appreciation for your continuous sup-
Visit us at:
port & well wishes. We wish you all the best and hopeto retain your patronage. THANK YOU.
This issue covers events from January to April 2008
If undelivered, please return to:
Executive SecretaryCentral Tibetan Relief CommitteeCentral Tibetan AdministrationGangchen KyishongDharamsala - 176215District Kangra, HPINDIA
CTRC's Visitors: -
Mrs. Nawang Dolkar, Vice-President
Ms Susanne Huidtfeldt and Ms. Jette Hoffmeyer
Tibet Charity, Denmark
Ms. Jette Hoffmeye and Ms. Gunver Juul
Tibet Charity, Denmark
Ms. Isabelle White, Chairman & Trustee members Help Tibet, London
Source: http://tibet.net/wp-content/plugins/google-document-embedder/load.php?d=http%3A%2F%2Ftibet.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F02%2Fjan-apr2008-09.pdf
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