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Gender Differences in Treatment Response to Sertraline
Versus Imipramine in Chronic Depression
Susan G. Kornstein, M.D.
Objective: The authors examined gender
study. Gender differences in time to re-
differences in treatment response to ser-
sponse were seen with imipramine, with
Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D.
traline, a selective serotonin reuptake in-
women responding significantly more
hibitor (SSRI), and to imipramine, a tricy-
slowly than men. Comparison of treat-
clic antidepressant, in chronic depression.
Michael E. Thase, M.D.
ment response rates by menopausal sta-
Method: A total of 235 male and 400 fe-
tus showed that premenopausal women
Kimberly A. Yonkers, M.D.
male outpatients with DSM-III-R chronic
responded significantly better to sertra-
major depression or double depression
line than to imipramine and that post-
(i.e., major depression superimposed on
James P. McCullough, Ph.D.
menopausal women had similar rates of
dysthymia) were randomly assigned to 12
response to the two medications.
weeks of double-blind treatment with ser-
Gabor I. Keitner, M.D.
traline or with imipramine after placebo
Conclusions: M e n a n d w o m e n w i t h
chronic depression show differential re-
Alan J. Gelenberg, M.D.
sponsivity to and tolerability of SSRIs and
Results: Women were significantly more
tricyclic antidepressants. The differing re-
likely to show a favorable response to ser-
Sonia M. Davis, Dr.P.H.
sponse rates between the drug classes in
traline than to imipramine, and men
women was observed primarily in pre-
were significantly more likely to show a
Wilma M. Harrison, M.D.
favorable response to imipramine than to
menopausal women. Thus, female sex
sertraline. Gender and type of medication
hormones may enhance response to SSRIs
Martin B. Keller, M.D.
were also significantly related to dropout
or inhibit response to tricyclics. Both gen-
rates; women who were taking imipra-
der and menopausal status should be
mine and men who were taking sertraline
considered when choosing an appropriate
were more likely to withdraw from the
antidepressant for a depressed patient.
(Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:1445–1452)
Although the gender difference in the prevalence of recent years because of their underdiagnosis and under-
unipolar depression has been well established (1–3), little
treatment and the morbidity and costs associated with
attention has been paid to gender differences in treatment
these disorders (8, 9). We previously reported gender dif-
response to antidepressant medications. Possible sex dif-
ferences in the presentation of chronic depression in a
ferences in response to imipramine were first noted sev-
large clinical sample of men and women with DSM-III-R
eral decades ago (4, 5). In a recent meta-analysis of 35
chronic major depression or double depression (major de-
studies published between 1957 and 1991 that reported
pression superimposed on dysthymia) (10, 11). In this ar-
imipramine response rates separately by gender, men re-
ticle, we examine gender-specific differences in treatment
sponded more favorably to imipramine than did women
response to sertraline, a newer SSRI, and to imipramine, arepresentative tricyclic antidepressant, in this same clini-
(6). A study comparing tricyclic antidepressants and
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) found that inpatients with atypical depression and associated panicattacks, women showed a more favorable response to
MAOIs and men to tricyclic antidepressants (7). These dif-
Subjects were 235 men and 400 women who participated in a
ferential response patterns suggest that gender should be
multicenter, double-blind, randomized, parallel-group compara-
considered when making treatment decisions.
tive trial of sertraline and imipramine in the treatment of chronicmajor depression and double depression. The study rationale, de-
However, to our knowledge, no published studies have
sign, methods, and inclusion/exclusion criteria have been de-
examined gender differences in response to selective sero-
tailed in manuscripts by Rush et al. (12) and Keller et al. (13). Indi-
tonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), currently the most
viduals age 21–65 years who met DSM-III-R criteria for chronic
widely used class of antidepressants. In addition, we could
major depression (i.e., major depression of at least 2 years' dura-
find no studies of gender differences in treatment re-
tion without antecedent dysthymia) or double depression (i.e.,major depression superimposed on dysthymia) were recruited
sponse among chronically depressed patients. Chronic
through advertisement or medical referral to one of 10 university-
depressive disorders have received increasing attention in
affiliated medical centers or two clinical research centers. After a
Am J Psychiatry 157:9, September 2000
TABLE 1. Baseline Characteristics of Men and Women With Chronic Depression in a 12-Week Double-Blind Study of Sertra-
line and Imipramine
Experiencing a recurrent episode of major depression
Meets criteria for dysthymia
Affective disorder in first-degree relative
Previously treated with psychotropic medication
Previously treated with psychotherapy
Age at onset of major depression (years)
Duration of index episode of major depression (years)
Age at onset of dysthymia (years)
Duration of dysthymia (years)
Measure of depression severity
Hamilton depression scale score
CGI severity scale score
Beck Depression Inventory score
a Data on some characteristics were not available for all subjects.
complete description of the study was given to the subjects, writ-
of other parameters and subgroups were of secondary interest
ten informed consent was obtained.
and were performed to help describe and support the main re-
A 24-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (14) score of ≥18
sults. To control for type I error in multiple comparisons, the Bon-
and a Clinical Global Impression (CGI) (15) severity scale score of
ferroni correction was applied. The p values from the two primary
≥3 after 1 week of placebo washout were required for study entry.
tests of interaction were evaluated for significance relative to
Subjects were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of double-blind
p<0.05÷2=0.025. Unadjusted significance levels of p<0.05 were
treatment with sertraline or imipramine in a 2:1 ratio. (The 2:1 ra-
applied to all supportive and descriptive evaluations.
tio was used because of a second random assignment of patients
Men and women were compared for baseline characteristics by
who received sertraline during the maintenance phase of the
using Mantel-Haenszel chi-square tests for categorical variables
study, which is not described here.) The starting dose of both
and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for continuous variables. All
medications was 50 mg/day. The dose of imipramine was titrated
analyses adjusted for treatment group (sertraline or imipramine),
by 50 mg/day each week, according to clinical response and the
depression type, and investigator site.
absence of dose-limiting side effects, to a maximum of 300 mg/
Gender and treatment groups were compared at endpoint for
day. Because sertraline is effective for some patients at the start-
attrition and response rates by using Mantel-Haenszel chi-square
ing dose, the first opportunity to titrate the medication was at the
tests, as just described. The pair-wise interactions between gen-
end of week 3, at which point the dose could be increased by 50
der, treatment, and depression type were evaluated for statistical
mg/day per week to a maximum of 200 mg/day. The mean sertra-
significance by using a logistic regression model that adjusted for
line dose at endpoint was 139.6 mg/day (SD=59.7) in women and143.2 mg/day (SD=58.8) in men. The mean imipramine dose at
investigator site. Changes from baseline to endpoint in continu-
endpoint was 196.3 mg/day (SD=81.6) for women and 207.5 mg/
ous variables (e.g., Hamilton depression scale scores) were exam-
day (SD=83.2) for men. The endpoint for each subject was de-
ined by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with effects for
fined as the last study visit attended, with the last observation car-
baseline score, treatment group, gender, depression type, and in-
ried forward.
vestigator site. Interactions between gender, treatment, and de-pression type were also evaluated for inclusion in the model. Me-
Patient visits were scheduled at weekly intervals after initiation
of medication for the first 6 weeks and biweekly thereafter. At
dian time to discontinuation and time to response were
each visit, the following rating scales were administered: the 24-
estimated by using Kaplan-Meier survival methods. Patient
item Hamilton depression scale, the CGI severity and improve-
groups were compared by using an unadjusted log rank test. The
ment scales, and the Beck Depression Inventory (16). Adverse
interactions between gender, treatment, and depression type
events, either reported by the patient or observed by the clinician,
were evaluated by using a Cox proportional hazards regression
were recorded at each visit. Medication compliance was deter-
model that adjusted for investigator site.
mined by pill counts.
The frequency of treatment-emergent adverse events in men
Satisfactory therapeutic response was defined as a 50% de-
and women was compared by using chi-square tests with Yates's
crease in the Hamilton depression scale score, a Hamilton de-
correction, or Fisher's exact test for small samples. Treatment-
pression scale score ≤15, a CGI severity scale score ≤3, and a CGI
emergent adverse events were those that either began or in-
improvement scale score of 1 or 2 (corresponding to "very much"
creased in severity after initiation of treatment.
or "much improved").
Subgroups defined by characteristics other than gender (e.g.,
We focused on two primary research questions: Do the genders
pre- versus postmenopausal women) were evaluated by using
differ in their response to sertraline versus imipramine in terms of
similar methods. Actual sample sizes varied slightly by parameter.
1) response rate at study endpoint or 2) dropout rate? Evaluations
All tests used two-tailed probability values.
Am J Psychiatry 157:9, September 2000
TABLE 2. Reasons for Withdrawal From a 12-Week Study of Sertraline and Imipramine by Men and Women With Chronic
Sertraline (N=264)
Imipramine (N=136)
Sertraline (N=162)
Imipramine (N=73)
Reason for Withdrawal From the Study
sufficient clinical response
Intercurrent illness
Lost to follow-up
Protocol deviation
ormality on ECG or la
a Significant difference between women taking imipramine and women taking sertraline (Mantel-Haenszel χ2=5.20, df=1, p=0.02).
b Includes withdrawal of consent, patient relocation, and scheduling conflicts.
c Significant interaction of gender and treatment (logistic regression Wald χ2=6.80, df=1, p=0.009).
d Significant difference between women taking imipramine and women taking sertraline (Mantel-Haenszel χ2=9.27, df=1, p=0.002).
FIGURE 1. Rates of Response to Sertraline and Imipramine
at Endpoint Among Men and Women With Chronic Depres-
Differences at Baseline
sion in a 12-Week Double-Blind Treatment Studya
Comparisons by gender at baseline have been pre-
sented and discussed in detail in a separate article (11).
The findings are summarized in Table 1. Briefly, women
were significantly younger than men. Men were signifi-
cantly more likely to be married and to have a college de-
gree, yet they were more likely to be unemployed (i.e., not
employed outside the home, retired, or a student). Menand women were not significantly different in race.
Compared with men, women had significantly higher
baseline severity ratings on the Hamilton depression
scale, the CGI severity scale, and the Beck Depression In-
ventory. Women were significantly younger than men at
a Endpoint was the subject's last study visit, with the last observation
the onset of their major depressive disorder. Men were sig-
carried forward. Satisfactory therapeutic response was indicated by
nificantly more likely to have dysthymia in addition to ma-
a 50% decrease in the Hamilton depression scale score, a Hamiltondepression scale score ≤15, a Clinical Global Impression (CGI) sever-
jor depressive disorder. Women were significantly more
ity scale score ≤3, and a CGI improvement scale score of 1 or 2 (cor-
likely to have received previous treatment for depression,
responding to "very much" or "much improved").
including pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, and to
Significant interaction of gender and treatment (logistic regressionWald χ2=10.47, df=1, p=0.001).
report a family history of affective disorder.
c Significantly higher response rate for sertraline than for imi-
pramine (Mantel-Haenszel χ2=5.34, df=1, p=0.02).
d Significantly higher response rate for imipramine than for sertra-
line (Mantel-Haenszel χ2=4.12, df=1, p=0.04).
As Table 2 shows, a statistically significant interaction of
gender and treatment was found for dropout rates.
Women who were taking imipramine and men who were
taking sertraline were more likely to withdraw from the
Response analysis using an intent-to-treat approach
study. Women who were taking imipramine were signifi-
showed a statistically significant interaction of gender and
cantly more likely to drop out than women who were tak-
treatment, with the highest response rates at endpoint
ing sertraline; 36 (26%) of 136 women randomly assigned
(last study visit) seen in women who took sertraline and
to receive imipramine withdrew from the study, compared
men who took imipramine (Figure 1). Women were signif-
to 37 (14%) of 264 women randomly assigned to receive
icantly more likely to respond to sertraline than to imi-
sertraline. In contrast, the dropout rates for men were 14
pramine (147 [57%] of 260 versus 61 [46%] of 133), and
(19%) of 73 who took imipramine and 39 (24%) of 162 whotook sertraline; this difference was not statistically signifi-
men were significantly more likely to respond to imi-
cant (Mantel-Haenszel χ2=0.78, df=1, p=0.38). Analyses of
pramine than to sertraline (43 [62%] of 69 versus 73 [45%]
time to discontinuation from the study showed similar re-
of 161). A response analysis of subjects who completed the
sults. The most common reason for dropout was adverse
12-week trial also showed a statistically significant inter-
events, which accounted for nearly half of the patients
action of gender and treatment (Wald χ2=4.82, df=1, p=
who withdrew from the study.
0.03), with women more likely to respond to sertraline
Am J Psychiatry 157:9, September 2000
TABLE 3. Depression Severity Scores at Baseline, Weeks 4 and 12, and Endpointa of Women and Men Receiving Sertraline
or Imipramine for Chronic Depression
Sertraline (N=264) Imipramine (N=136)
Sertraline (N=162)
Imipramine (N=73)
Hamilton depression scale score
Change from baseline
Clinical Global Impression (CGI) severity scale score
Change from baseline
CGI improvement scale score
Beck Depression Inventory score
Change from baseline
a Endpoint for each assessment was the subject's last study visit, with the last observation carried forward.
b Significant interaction of gender and treatment (ANCOVA F=3.95, df=1, 609, p=0.05).
c Significant interaction of gender and treatment (ANCOVA F=5.03, df=1, 495, p=0.03).
d Significant difference between women taking sertraline and women taking imipramine (ANCOVA F=6.42, df=1, 382, p=0.01).
e Significant interaction of gender and treatment (ANCOVA F=6.23, df=1, 611, p=0.01).
f Significant interaction of gender and treatment (ANCOVA F=4.03, df=1, 494, p=0.05).
g Significant interaction of gender and treatment (ANCOVA F=5.06, df=1, 562, p=0.03).
than to imipramine and men more likely to respond to im-
ipramine than to sertraline.
Men and women taking either sertraline or imipramine
There was also a statistically significant interaction of
showed no significant gender differences in overall fre-
gender and treatment for time to response (Cox propor-
quency of treatment-emergent adverse events or in re-
tional hazards regression model, χ2=7.56, df=1, p=0.006).
ports of severe adverse events (Table 4). However, women
Men responded significantly more rapidly than women to
who were taking imipramine were significantly more likely
imipramine, with a median time to response of 8 weeks in
to withdraw from the study because of adverse events
men compared to 10 weeks in women (log rank χ2=4.17,
than women who were taking sertraline (18 [13%] of 136
df=1, p=0.04). Women tended to respond more rapidly
versus 17 [6%] of 264; Mantel-Haenszel χ2=5.20, df=1, p=
than men to sertraline (10 versus 12 weeks median time to
0.02). Discontinuation rates due to adverse events for men
response), although this difference was not significant (log
who took imipramine and sertraline were 7 (10%) of 73and 10 (6%) of 162, respectively; this difference was not
rank χ2=2.60, df=1, p=0.11).
significant (Mantel-Haenszel χ2=0.83, df=1, p=0.36).
Analyses based on scores on the Hamilton depression
As shown in Table 4, there were several statistically sig-
scale, CGI, and Beck Depression Inventory showed similar
nificant gender differences in types of adverse events with
results, with women tending to respond better to sertra-
frequencies of occurrence of ≥10% in men or women.
line and men to imipramine (Table 3). There was a statisti-
Among those taking sertraline, women were significantly
cally significant interaction of gender and treatment for
more likely to report nausea and dizziness, and men were
the change in Hamilton depression scale score from base-
significantly more likely to report dyspepsia, sexual dys-
line to endpoint, as well as for the changes in CGI severity
function, and urinary frequency. Among those taking imi-
scale score and Beck Depression Inventory score. The in-
pramine, women were significantly more likely than men
teraction of gender and treatment for the CGI improve-
to report nausea and were more likely, but not signifi-
ment scale score at endpoint approached, but did not
cantly so, to report constipation and nervousness. Men
reach, statistical significance.
taking imipramine were significantly more likely than
Am J Psychiatry 157:9, September 2000
TABLE 4. Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events During a 12-Week Study of Sertraline and Imipramine Among Women and
Men With Chronic Depression
Any adverse event
Adverse events with >10% frequency
Increased sweating
Sexual dysfunctione,f
Urinary frequencyg,h
Other urinary disorder
Postural dizziness
Any severe adverse event
a Significant difference between women and men taking sertraline (χ2=5.19, df=1, p=0.02, with Yates's correction).
b Significant difference between women and men taking sertraline (χ2=4.67, df=1, p=0.03, with Yates's correction).
c Significant difference between women and men taking sertraline (χ2=10.97, df=1, p=0.001, with Yates's correction).
d Significant difference between women and men taking imipramine (χ2=10.84, df=1, p=0.001,with Yates's correction).
e Significant difference between women and men taking sertraline (χ2=27.51, df=1, p=0.001, with Yates's correction).
f Significant difference between women and men taking imipramine (χ2=15.41, df=1, p=0.001, with Yates's correction).
g Significant difference between women and men taking sertraline (χ2=4.70, df=1, p=0.03, with Yates's correction).
h Significant difference between women and men taking imipramine (p=0.03, Fisher's exact test).
women to complain of urinary frequency and sexual dys-
(115 [57%] of 201 versus 41 [43%] of 96; Mantel-Haenszel
function. In addition, men taking imipramine were more
χ2=6.31, df=1, p=0.01), whereas response rates to sertra-
likely to complain of other urinary disorders, but the gen-
line and imipramine in postmenopausal women were
der difference was not significant.
similar (27 [57%] of 47 versus 14 [56%] of 25; Mantel-Haen-szel χ2=0.02, df=1, p=0.88). The interaction between
Effect of Menopausal Status
menopausal status and treatment was not significant
Of the 400 women in the study, 301 (203 taking sertraline
(Wald χ2=0.88, df=1, p=0.35).
and 98 taking imipramine) were premenopausal and 74
When we used change in Hamilton depression scale
(49 taking sertraline and 25 taking imipramine) were post-
score at endpoint as a measure of treatment response, pre-
menopausal; for the remaining 25 women, menopausal
menopausal women again responded significantly better
status either could not be determined or the data were
to sertraline than to imipramine (t test of ANOVA least
squares means, t=2.65, df=360, p=0.008). Among post-
A significant interaction was found between treatment
menopausal women, there were no significant differences
and menopausal status for dropout rates (Wald χ2=7.41,
in change in Hamilton depression scale scores between
df=1, p=0.007). Premenopausal women taking imipramine
those taking sertraline and those taking imipramine (t test
were significantly more likely to withdraw from the study
of ANOVA least squares means, t=0.69, df=360, p=0.49). The
than postmenopausal women taking imipramine (28
interaction between menopausal status and treatment ap-
[29%] of 98 versus 2 [8%] of 25; Mantel-Haenszel χ2=5.24,
proached significance (ANCOVA F=3.24, df=1, 360, p=0.07).
df=1, p=0.02). Among women taking sertraline, a greater
Examination of the effects of oral contraceptives and hor-
number of postmenopausal women withdrew from the
mone replacement therapy on response rates in premeno-
study compared with premenopausal women (11 [22%] of
pausal and postmenopausal women was attempted, but
49 versus 26 [13%] of 201), but the difference was not statis-
the group sizes were too small to allow statistical analysis.
tically significant (Mantel-Haenszel χ2=2.50, df=1, p=0.11).
Responder analysis at endpoint by menopausal status
Response Rates by Age and Gender
showed that premenopausal women were significantly
The men and women in the sample were divided by age
more likely to respond to sertraline than to imipramine
into subgroups of those <40 years, 40–50 years, and >50
Am J Psychiatry 157:9, September 2000
years. For men, imipramine response rates were found to
Our data also showed gender differences in time to re-
be consistently higher than sertraline response rates
sponse, with men who took imipramine responding sig-
across all age groups, but the differences did not reach sta-
nificantly more rapidly than women who took imi-
tistical significance. For the women, response rates to ser-
pramine. These results are consistent with the study by
traline and imipramine were nearly identical in the 40–50
Frank et al. (19), who reported that women were slower
and >50 age groups, whereas response rates to sertraline
than men to respond to combination treatment with imi-
and imipramine in the <40 age group were 79 (61%) of 129
pramine plus interpersonal psychotherapy. This latter
and 26 (40%) of 65, respectively, and the difference was
finding is even more compelling if one considers that in-
statistically significant (Mantel-Haenszel χ2=7.94, df=1, p=
terpersonal psychotherapy is an effective treatment for
0.005). It is noteworthy that 186 (96%) of the women age
depression, in and of itself (Klerman et al. [20], Elkin et al.
<40 years were premenopausal.
[21], Thase et al. [22]), which would tend to blunt the gen-der difference in response rates to imipramine.
Several significant gender differences in types of ad-
verse events were also noted in our study. Among subjects
This study is the first that we are aware of to report gen-
who took sertraline, women were more likely to report
der differences in treatment response to tricyclic antide-
nausea and dizziness, and men tended to report dyspep-
pressants compared with SSRIs in patients with chronic
sia, sexual dysfunction, and urinary frequency. Gender
depression. We found a significant interaction of gender
differences in adverse events due to imipramine were
and treatment for both response rates and dropout rates,
manifested in similar patterns, with women more likely to
with the highest response rates and the lowest dropout
report nausea and men more likely to report urinary diffi-
rates occurring in women taking sertraline and in men
culties and sexual dysfunction. The tendency for men to
taking imipramine. The intent-to-treat response rate for
report more sexual side effects while taking antidepres-
women taking sertraline was 57%, compared to only 46%
sants has been noted previously (23). Sociocultural factors
for women taking imipramine. In contrast, men re-
may contribute to this disparity, as women may be morereluctant to discuss sexual complaints.
sponded significantly better to imipramine than to sertra-line, with response rates of 62% and 45%, respectively. Sig-
Differences were also shown in response and dropout
nificant differences in dropout rates were also found;
rates in pre- versus postmenopausal women. Premeno-pausal women responded significantly better to sertraline
women taking imipramine were significantly more likely
than to imipramine, whereas response rates to the two
to withdraw from the study than women taking sertraline.
drugs in postmenopausal women were similar. Among
Because a significant interaction of gender and treatment
those taking imipramine, premenopausal women were
was found by using both intent-to-treat and completer
significantly more likely to discontinue treatment than
analyses, we did not conclude that the differences in re-
postmenopausal women. These findings suggest that the
sponse rates were due merely to differences in tolerability.
gender differences in imipramine response found in our
Even women who were able to tolerate imipramine
study were due primarily to poor response and tolerability
throughout the 12-week trial showed poorer response
in premenopausal women.
rates, compared with women who took sertraline. In addi-
Previous studies have not specifically examined re-
tion, the time-to-response analysis, which appropriately
sponse by stratifying the data by subjects' menopausal sta-
adjusts for dropouts by using available data for each sub-
tus; however, a poor response to imipramine in younger
ject up until the time of dropout and then censors the sub-
versus older women has been noted. In a study by Raskin
ject, also supported this conclusion.
(4), imipramine response in women differed by age group,
Our finding that women respond poorly to imipramine
although men responded favorably to the drug regardless
is consistent with other results reported in the literature
of age. Imipramine was no more effective than placebo for
(4–6). That women may respond better to an SSRI than a
women under age 40, who responded preferentially to
tricyclic has not been previously reported, although data
phenelzine, whereas older women were as responsive as
presented by Steiner et al. (17) showed that women re-
men to imipramine. Similarly, Thase et al. (24) reported no
sponded better to paroxetine than to imipramine. In con-
difference between response to psychotherapy alone and
trast, Lewis-Hall et al. (18) noted that fluoxetine was better
combined treatment with a tricyclic plus psychotherapy
tolerated but no more effective than tricyclics in de-
for women under age 40, whereas men showed a more
pressed women. It should be mentioned that no compari-
favorable response to combined treatment across all age
son data were given for men or for placebo in the latter
groups. The response to combined treatment among
study; an important point: the possible interactive effect
women over age 50 was comparable to that in men. The
of menopausal status was not taken into account. In pa-
poorer results in younger women in the latter study may be
tients with dysthymia, the superior response of women,
explained by the use of tricyclics in the combined regimen.
compared with men, to sertraline has also been noted by
Such differences in imipramine response by age among
Yonkers et al. (unpublished data).
women but not men also emerged in our study when we di-
Am J Psychiatry 157:9, September 2000
vided the men and women into <40 years, 40–50 years, and
the generalizability of our findings to patients with chronic
>50 years age groups. Women showed a significantly higher
depression in the general population may be compro-
response rate to sertraline than to imipramine in the <40
mised. Similarly, the restriction of our study group to pa-
age group, whereas response rates to sertraline and imi-
tients with chronic major depression or double depression
pramine were nearly identical in the other two age groups.
may limit the applicability of these findings to patients with
These findings strongly suggest that the differences in re-
other types of depressive disorders, such as acute or epi-
sponse by menopausal status noted in our study were not
sodic depression. Finally, we did not have the statistical
attributable simply to age-dependent differences.
power needed to address the effects of oral contraceptives
The underlying mechanism of these gender differences
and hormone replacement therapy on response rates in
in treatment response is unclear. One explanation is that
premenopausal and postmenopausal women; these effects
the serotonergic potency of sertraline may be important
should be examined in future work.
for young women. Serotonergic agents have demon-strated efficacy in depressive disorders unique to this age
group, such as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (25). Sec-ond, it may be that depressive subtype (i.e., typical versus
The study results provide evidence of gender-specific dif-
atypical depression) is the critical determinant of re-
ferences in the efficacy and tolerability of antidepressant
sponse differences, as suggested by Thase et al. (26).
medications in the treatment of chronic depression. Specif-
Women are more likely to present with atypical depressive
ically, women in our study responded significantly better to
symptoms (27), which have been shown to respond pref-
sertraline than to imipramine, whereas men responded sig-
erentially to SSRIs or MAOIs (28, 29); men, on the other
nificantly better to imipramine than to sertraline. Women
hand, often have more classic neurovegetative features of
also had more tolerability problems with imipramine, aswell as a slower response time to that medication. On the
depression, which are responsive to tricyclics.
basis of analyses of the effect of age and menopausal status
A third explanation for gender differences in treatment
on response rates, it appears that the gender difference was
response is that female sex hormones may have an effect
predominantly determined by differential responsivity to
in determining response. Specifically, female gonadal hor-
the two medications in premenopausal women. In clinical
mones may play a permissive or inhibitory role in antide-
practice, both gender and menopausal status should be
pressant activity, e.g., enhancing response to SSRIs or in-
considered in the decision about which antidepressant to
hibiting response to tricyclic antidepressants. Several
use for a depressed patient. Whether these gender differ-
studies have shown that estrogen enhances serotonergic
ences in acute treatment response will be associated with
activity (30, 31), and preliminary studies have suggested
differences in subsequent relapse or recurrence rates will be
that estrogen augments SSRI response in postmenopausal
examined in future reports.
women (32). Further research is clearly needed to deter-mine the exact mechanisms of these differential antide-
Received Dec. 23, 1998; revision received Feb. 8, 2000; accepted
pressant effects.
Mar. 13, 2000. From the Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Com-
On the basis of our results, consideration should be
monwealth University; Stanford University School of Medicine, Stan-ford, Calif.; the University of Pittsburgh and Western Psychiatric Insti-
given to both gender and menopausal status in selecting
tute, Pittsburgh; the Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
an antidepressant for a given patient with depression. Pre-
Conn.; the Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth Uni-
menopausal women should be treated preferentially with
versity; Brown University, Providence, R.I.; the University of Arizona,Tucson; Quintiles, Inc., Research Triangle Park, N.C.; Pfizer, Inc., New
SSRIs; men, on the other hand, may respond better to tri-
York; and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univer-
cyclics. However, concerns about side effect profiles and
sity School of Medicine, New York. Address reprint requests to Dr. Ko-
lethality of overdose must also be considered. Postmeno-
rnstein, Department of Psychiatry, Medical College of Virginia, Vir-ginia Commonwealth University, P.O. Box 980710, Richmond, VA
pausal women appear to respond equally well to either
[email protected] (e-mail).
class of medication.
This study was completed under contracts from Pfizer Pharmaceuti-
A major limitation of this study is the lack of a placebo
cals to the following investigators: Martin B. Keller, M.D. (Program Di-rector), Gabor I. Keitner, M.D., and Ivan W. Miller, Ph.D., Brown Univer-
control group. The inclusion of a placebo condition may
sity; James H. Kocsis, M.D., and John C. Markowitz, M.D., Cornell
have altered the interpretation of our results by uncoupling
University; Daniel N. Klein, Ph.D., Fritz Henn, M.D., and David Schlager,
specific and nonspecific elements of therapeutic response
M.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook; James P. Mc-Cullough, Ph.D., and Susan G. Kornstein, M.D., Virginia Common-
(26). Our decision not to use a placebo group has been ex-
wealth University; Robert M.A. Hirschfeld, M.D., and James Russell,
plained in detail elsewhere (12) and was based primarily on
M.D., University of Texas, Galveston; Michael E. Thase, M.D., and Rob-
ethical considerations, demonstrated low placebo response
ert Howland, M.D., University of Pittsburgh; John S. Carman, M.D., psy-chiatry and research, Atlanta; A. John Rush, M.D., and George Trapp,
rates among chronically depressed adults (33), and the fact
M.D., University of Texas Southwestern; Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D., and
that the primary aim of the study was to test the relative ef-
Lorrin Koran, M.D., Stanford University; Alan J. Gelenberg, M.D., andPedro Delgado, M.D., University of Arizona; John Feighner, M.D., Feigh-
ficacy of the newer agent, sertraline, against a standard
ner Research Institute; and Jan A. Fawcett, M.D., and John Zajecka,
comparator. Other limitations must be noted. Because of
M.D., Rush Institute for Mental Well-Being.
the inclusion/exclusion criteria used in this clinical trial,
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