Rhac update june 2013.cdr

RHAC occasional UPDATES
Cham (Khmer Muslim) Community and FP Methods
in Baray Commune, Prey Chor District, Kampong Cham
RHAC has been working to strength essential public
ToGoH has been providing technical assistance to
health services in Kampong Cham (KPC) province
the OD and HCs in improving the quality of services,
for the past four and half years under the USAID
helping the HCs and community based volunteers
supported Together for Good Health Project
(VHSGs) to create demand for services and
(ToGoH). The province has pockets of significant
improving access to available services at HCs
Khmer Muslim communities who are usually
through training, coaching, mentoring.
referred to as Cham people. Prey Kcheay Khnong
works closely with HC staff to motivate the VHSGs
is one of the 13 villages in the Baray Commune in
for community mobilization activities as well as to
Prey Chhor Operational District (OD) which is
update the VHSGs with basic knowledge about
predominantly of Khmer Muslims, about 20 families
reproductive health, family planning, newborn, child
with 1459 inhabitants. We profile here one of the
health, TB and referral mechanisms. VHSG profiled
two Cham Village Health Support Group volunteers
here is fairly typical of the VHSGs in most of the
and hear views of the changing attitudes of her
villages in rural Cambodia but they play a vital role in
community towards family planning use and
linking community's health needs with service
improved access to basic health services at public
providers at health facilities such as the Health
sector facilities such as Health Centers (HCs).
Centers and Referral Hospitals.
A Committed Cham VHSG-Ms. Saros
Ms.Sa Saros, 27 from Prey Kcheay Khnong village of Chamcommunity has been an active Village Health Support Group(VHSG) member since 2010. She was nominated by her villagechief to be a VHSG when the RHAC/ToGoH team began workingwith HCs under the Prey Chhor OD. Interestingly, she teamswith her Father from their village as a Father-Daughter team asthere are two VHSGs per village in accordance with MOH HealthCoverage policy.
Late March, RHAC KPC Provincial Program Coordinator (PPC)during one of his periodic monitoring visits sat down with Ms. SaSaros, and her neighbors in the village to find out Ms. Saroswork. She is a young single woman with a shy disposition butwith full confidence, she told our PPC "I provide health educationregarding family planning, water and sanitation, maternal and
Ms.Sa Saros, 27, a VHSG from
Prey Kcheay Khnong village in Kampong Cham
child health, vitamin A, Immunization, TB, givingTB drug to TB patients. "Oh you are the DOTSWatcher?" "Yes" answers Saros "I have 4-5 TBpatients to take care". When asked where do youget TB drug from? Saros said "From the HealthCenter" How do you get the TB patients to take TBdrugs? At their house or at your home? And in themorning?" Ms. Saros replied, "In the morning, I getthe TB patients to take drug in front of me at my
Ms. Saros explaining the benefits of MNH voucher
to a neighborhood group in her village

When asked "why do you serve as the volunteer
the VHSG's ( Saros's) active performance, Aunt Ay
when volunteers get no salary from the
Sas, a Cham lady, about 50 years old said that
"Saros quite often provides health education to thepeople here once a week". When asked how long
"I wish to help my villagers!" "Have you ever
she has lived in the village? What are their main
attended monthly meeting at the Health Center?"
professions? Ay Sas say "I have lived here since
Saros said, "I attend bi-monthly meeting" "Do you
long time, succeeded from my ancestors'. Majority
know me " "No, I know Lok Kru Vath ( RHAC Team
of Cham people are farmers. Sometimes, people
Leader based in Operational District of Prey Chhor-
migrate to other areas far from their residences for
Kang Meas)", answers Saros.
finding jobs to generate family income" said Aunt Ay
When asked about the criteria for receiving and
Sas. "Some people are hired to dig the potatoes, to
using the ToGoH designed Maternal & New Born
farm at Boeng Ket Rubber Plantation in Stung
Health Voucher, Saros replied that "Pregnant
Trang, and some go to Keo Seima in Mondol Kiri and
women must get the Voucher from the volunteer,
then have at least 4 ANC visits, then go to receive
When asked how she sees changes in health
delivery service at Health Center and must stay 24
seeking behavior of Cham people? Ay Sas reveals
hours after delivery at the Health Center".
that "To my observation, before during my
This volunteer has been working with the ToGoH
ancestors, there was not any family planning/birth
Project for more than 3 years and has received
spacing and no midwives and traditionally never
training in basic information on MNCH, RH/FP, TB,
seek health care at health centers. But now Cham
Vitamin A, community mobilization et al, according
people including me go to the heath center for
medical check up when they are sick" Said Ay Sas.
"Is there any ban from birth spacing due to rumors or
Here is a sampling of her village communities' views
due to your God? PPC quizzed Ay Sas. "No, you
about Ms. Saros' work as our PHC went around the
see all of them are using birth spacing methods
village to hear their views about health and the
pointing to the women sitting close to her during
changes occurring in their communities. "I witness
interview" said Ay Sas.
Cham Ladies Speak.
Mrs.Mao Sitras, 32
Mrs.Mao Sitras, 32, a neighbor and another
Mrs.Asi Mas, 27 years and another Cham
Cham lady began using pill after her second child
neighbor has a 2 year old child and she has beenusing Injectable (Depo provera) since her child
was about 6 months old. When asked why birth
was 7 months old. When asked about birth
spacing? Sitras replied "Because my eldest child
spacing, Mrs. Mas said "not want many children,
is not yet mature enough to take care of my
wait till my child to be mature/grow up, wait till I
second child, not have earned enough money
have my own house because now I stay with my
and not want to have another child."
parents". When asked who encouraged her toreceive birth spacing method? Saros said "HealthCenter midwife explained me various methods offamily planning, then I chose injection".

Mrs.Ros Himas, 30, has only one five year olddaughter and started using Injection when herdaughter was 6 weeks old. She told the PHC thatHC midwife Sister Na" provided counseling to herimmediately after delivery.
Mrs.Am Nas (no picture), 51 years, currently hasfive children in the family. "I started using birthspacing methods after delivery of my youngestchild, use injection for few times, then my periodwas out, I stopped from then" said Am Nas inlaughter.
Who told you to use birth spacing methods,when? "Midwife Na and Ra guided me when Iwent to the Health Center for illness", Mrs. AmNas said.
Mrs.Ros Hymas with her only 5 year daughter
A Cham Midwife in the Service of her Community
In an interview between USAID-ToGoH staff and
current users of family planning from Baray Health
Mrs. Bin Amara, 42, one of the two midwives
Center in 2012 and highlighted below the FP users
working in Baray Health Center, said that she has
from Cham clients. In calculating the percentage,
been working there since 1998.
current users or contraceptive prevalence rate at HCreached (497 current users/1466
"My responsibilities are family planning/birth
reproductive aged women =33%) compared to the
Integrated Management of Childhood
annual target 2012 (32%).
Illness and delivery service" says Amara. "Weprovide informed choice to the clients: some chooseInjections, pills…some clients are afraid offorgetting to take pills, then choose injection, somedo not like injections because they are afraid ofhaving no period" clarifies Mrs.Amara. Asked howdo you feel about Muslim people's health seekingbehavior? Mrs.Amara observes "Now Chamcommunity has more knowledge that is differentfrom previous time. I heard that Cham people neverused birth spacing before.
community) have changed their behavior, evendelivery and ANC service are used more by Chamcommunity. I give 1 tablet of Mebendazole, VitaminA and 42 Folic Acid Iron to post delivery women. Inoticed that Cham people use delivery service morethan Khmer people. Cham people never come totraditional birth attendants but Khmer people still goto the TBA for delivery" added Mrs.Amara.
To testify the positive health seeking change of
Mrs. Bin Amara, a cham midwife at the
Islamic/Cham Community in Baray commune,
Baray Commune Health Center.
USAID-ToGoH Project collected the number of
Number of FP Current User (Jan -Dec 2012)
Cham community accounts for 16% of the total family planning current users in Baray Health Center in 2012.
Note: Reported by the RHAC/ToGoH Kampong Cham Provincial Health Coordinator, Mr. Kea Bou
Source: http://www.rhac.org.kh/rhac_bk_04_03_15/uploadfile/RHACoccasionalUpdateJune2013.pdf
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party
Folgen des massenhaften Einsatzes von Antibiotika in Human- und Veterinärmedizin Dr. med. Angela Spelsberg, S.M. Epidemiologin, Ärztliche Leiterin Tumorzentrum Aachen e.V. Stellv. Leiterin der AG Gesundheit, Transparency International Deutschland e.V. Gutachten im Auftrag der Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen