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European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention
Secondary prevention through cardiac rehabilitation: from knowledge to implementation. A position
paper from the Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Cardiovascular
Prevention and Rehabilitation
Massimo Francesco Piepoli, Ugo Corrà, Werner Benzer, Birna Bjarnason-Wehrens, Paul Dendale, Dan Gaita, Hannah
McGee, Miguel Mendes, Josef Niebauer, Ann-Dorthe Olsen Zwisler and Jean-Paul Schmid
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
The online version of this article can be found at:
European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
can be found at:
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Additional services and information for
Secondary prevention through cardiac rehabilitation:from knowledge to implementation. A position paperfrom the Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the EuropeanAssociation of Cardiovascular Prevention and RehabilitationMassimo Francesco Piepoli, Ugo Corra , Werner Benzer,Birna Bjarnason-Wehrens, Paul Dendale, Dan Gaita, Hannah McGee,Miguel Mendes, Josef Niebauer, Ann-Dorthe Olsen Zwislerand Jean-Paul Schmid
Heart Failure Unit, Cardiac Department, Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital, Piacenza, Italy
Received 19 January 2009 Accepted 13 July 2009
Increasing awareness of the importance of cardiovascular prevention is not yet matched by the resources and actions
within health care systems. Recent publication of the European Commission's European Heart Health Charter in 2008prompts a review of the role of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) to cardiovascular health outcomes. Secondary prevention
through exercise-based CR is the intervention with the best scientific evidence to contribute to decrease morbidity andmortality in coronary artery disease, in particular after myocardial infarction but also incorporating cardiac interventions and
chronic stable heart failure. The present position paper aims to provide the practical recommendations on the corecomponents and goals of CR intervention in different cardiovascular conditions, to assist in the design and development of
the programmes, and to support healthcare providers, insurers, policy makers and consumers in the recognition of thecomprehensive nature of CR. Those charged with responsibility for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease,
whether at European, national or individual centre level, need to consider where and how structured programmes of CR canbe delivered to all patients eligible. Thus a novel, disease-oriented document has been generated, where all components of
CR for cardiovascular conditions have been revised, presenting both well-established and controversial aspects. A generaltable applicable to all cardiovascular conditions and specific tables for each clinical disease have been created and
commented. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 17:1–17
c 2010 The European Society of Cardiology
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 2010, 17:1–17
Keywords: blood pressure, cardiac rehabilitation, diet/nutritional counselling, exercise training, lipid management, physical activity, prevention, psychosocialmanagement, smoking, weight control
Background and rationale
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in cardiovascular
Recent years have witnessed impressive progress in pharma-
diseases. As a consequence, a greater number of men
cological therapies and in sophisticated technology-based
and women now survive acute events but with a heavierindividual and health system burden of chronic condi-tions driving up health service needs and costs.
Correspondence to Professor Massimo F. Piepoli, MD, PhD, FACC, FESC, HeartFailure Unit, Cardiac Department, Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital, Cantone delCristo, I-29100 Piacenza, Italy
In this context, both health authorities and the general
Tel: + 390 523 303217; fax: + 390 523 303220; e-mail
[email protected] reviewers: Pantaleo Giannuzzi, Hugo Saner, David Wood.
population have started to recognize that the current
EACPR Committee for Science Guideline: Ugo Corra (Chairperson), Massimo F.
approach, based mainly on the interventional cardiology
Franc¸ois Carre´; Peter. Heuschmann; Uwe Hoffmann; Monique
Verschuren; Julian Halcox.
and pharmacological treatments, is neither effective nor
c 2010 The European Society of Cardiology
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
2010, Vol 17 No 1
sustainable. Cardiovascular disease is eminently preven-
for multidisciplinary team, working together with the
table, as outlined in the recent European Heart Health
coordination of a cardiologist, to promote the range of
Charter: ‘the burden of established cardiovascular disease
health behaviour changes, including medication adher-
may also be reduced by early diagnosis, appropriate
ence that have been shown to reduce further cardiovas-
disease management, rehabilitation, and prevention,
cular events and increase patients' quality of life.
including structured lifestyle counselling.' (EuropeanHeart Health Charter, article 7) [1].
Aim of this studyA number of recent professional association position state-
Cardiac patients after an acute event, intervention or
ments have outlined core components of CR [9–11] To
diagnosis with a chronic heart condition deserve special
complement these recent statements, we aim to move
attention to restore their quality of life, to maintain or
them toward implementation by making the more concrete
improve functional capacity. They require counselling to
descriptions of the actions needed in a way that is useful to
prevent event recurrence, by adhesion to a medication
working CR teams. This study summarizes key steps to
plan and adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Cardiac rehabilita-
deliver all the components of CR for cardiac conditions
tion (CR) is a multifaceted and multidisciplinary interven-
and highlights key differences and exceptions for specific
tion, which improves functional capacity, recovery and
cardiac manifestations, for example CHF or transplantation.
psychological well-being [2]. It is recommended (with the
Well-established principles of management for general and
highest level of scientific evidence-class I) by the European
specific conditions, as well as areas which are currently
Society of Cardiology, the American Heart Association and
controversial or unresolved, are outlined.
the American College of Cardiology in the treatment ofpatients with coronary artery disease (CAD) [3–5]. More-
The study is organized in a series of tables, the first
over, it is a cost-effective intervention following an acute
presenting commonly agreed CR acivities applicable to
coronary event [6] and chronic heart failure (CHF) [7],
all conditions as a standard reference. Complementary to
as it improves prognosis by reducing recurrent hospita-
this are a series of tables oriented to address specific
lization and health care expenditures, while prolonging
recommendations and current controversies specific for
life. It compares favorably in terms of costs per year life
each clinical condition. Thus for each condition, the
saved with other well-established preventive and ther-
reader should first consider the common CR activities to
apeutic interventions in the treatment of CAD and CHF
be undertaken, as presented in Table 1 (‘Core components
such as cholesterol-lowering medication, thrombolysis,
and objectives common to all clinical conditions'),
coronary angioplasty, surgery or device implantation.
and then combine this with recommendations in thetable specific to the clinical condition of the patient
CR programmes are based on long-established models
being managed. All recommendations provided are based
involving residential or ambulatory programmes, accord-
on the scientific evidence with the levels of evidence
ing to local and national preferences [8]. To provide this
from the most robust (class 1) and reference source
approach, CR programmes have become a meeting point
Core cardiac rehabilitation components and objectives common to all clinical conditions
Patient assessment
Clinical history: screening for cardiovascular risk factors, co-morbidities and disabilitiesSymptoms: cardiovascular disease (NYHA class for dyspnoea and CCS class for angina)Adherence: to the medical regime and self-monitoring (weight, BP, symptoms)Physical examination: general health status, heart failure signs, cardiac and carotid murmurs, BP control, extremities for presence of arterial pulses and orthopaedic
pathology, cardiovascular accidents with/without neurological sequelae
ECG: heart rate, rhythm, repolarizationCardiac imaging (2-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography): in particular ventricular functions and valve heart diseases where appropriateBlood testing: routine biochemical assay, fasting blood glucose, (HbA1C if fasting blood glucose is elevated), total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C,
Physical activity level: domestic, occupational, and recreational needs, activities relevant to age, gender, and daily life, readiness to change behaviour, self-confidence,
barriers to increased physical activity, and social support in making positive changes
Peak exercise capacity: symptom-limited exercise testing, either on bicycle ergometer, or on treadmillEducation: clear, comprehensible information on the basic purpose of the CR programme and the role of each componentExpected outcomes
Formulation of ‘tailored', patient-specific, objectives of the CR programme
Physical activity counselling
A minimum of 30–60 min/session of moderately intense aerobic activity, preferable daily, or at least 3–4/weekEmphasize: sedentary lifestyle as risk factor, and benefits of physical activity: any increase in activity has a positive health benefitRecommend: gradual increases in daily lifestyle activities over time, and how to incorporate it into daily routineAdvise: individualize physical activity according to patient's age, past habits, co-morbidities, preferences and goalsReassure: regarding the safety of the recommended protocolEncourage: involvement in leisure activities which are enjoyable and in group exercise training programme as patients tend to revert to previous sedentary habits
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cardiac rehabilitation Piepoli et al.
Forewarn: patients need to be forewarned of the risk of relapses: thus education should underline how benefits may be achieved and the need for its lifelong
continuation. If physical activity interruption has occurred, physical, social and psychological barriers to attendance should be explored, and alternative approachessuggested [12]
Expected outcomes
Increased participation in domestic, occupational, and recreational activitiesImproved psychosocial well-being, prevention of disability, and enhancement of opportunities for independent self-careImproved aerobic fitnessImproved prognosis
Exercise training (ET)
ET should be prescribed on an individualized approach after careful clinical evaluation, including risk stratification, behavioural characteristics, personal goals and
exercise preferences. As general advice, recommend:
Z 150 min/week (two and half hours); ideally 3–4 h/weekSub-maximal endurance training, i.e., starting at 50% of maximal work load or VO2 max if available and gradually increasing till 70%Energy consumption: 1000–2000 kcal/ weekExpand physical activity to include weight/resistance training 2 times/week [14]
During the initial phases supervised, in-hospital ET programme may be recommended, especially, to verify individual responses and tolerability, clinical stability and
promptly identify signs and symptoms indicating to modify or terminate the programme. The supervision should include physical examination, monitoring of HR, BPand rhythm before, during and after ET. The supervised period should be prolonged in patients with new symptoms, signs, BP abnormalities and increasedsupraventricular or ventricular ectopy during exercise
Expected outcomes
Increased cardiorespiratory fitness and enhanced flexibility, muscular endurance, and strengthReduction of symptoms, attenuated physiological responses to physical challenges, and improved psychosocial well-being
Assessment: daily caloric intake and dietary content of fat, saturated fat, sodium, and other nutrients. Assess eating habitsEducation: of patient (and family members) regarding dietary goals and how to attain them; salt, lipid and water content of common foodsHealthy food choices:
Wide variety of foods; low salt foods;Mediterranean diet: fruits, vegetables, wholegrain cereals and bread, fish (especially oily), lean meat, low fat dairy productsReplace saturated fat with the above foods and with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from vegetable (oleic acid as in olive oil and rapeseed oil) and
marine sources to reduce total fat to less than 30% of energy, of which less than 1 of 3 is saturated
Avoid: overweight, particularly beverages and foods with added sugars and salty food
Integrate: behaviour-change models and compliance strategies in counselling sessionsExpected outcome
Loss of 5–10% of body weight and modification of associated risk factors
Weight control management
Assessment: analysis of nutrition habits, calories intake and physical activityEducation: provide behavioural and nutritional counselling with follow-up to monitor progress in achieving goalsWeight reduction: is recommended in obese patients (BMI Z 30, or waist circumference Z 102 cm in men or Z 88 cm in women), and should be considered in
overweight patients (BMI Z 25, or waist circumference Z 94 cm in men or Z 80 cm in women), particularly if associated with multiple risk factors (such ashypertension, hyperlipidaemia, smoking and insulin resistance or diabetes)
Expected outcomes
Elaboration of an individualized strategy to reduce 5–10% of body weight and modification of associated risk factorsWhere goal is not attained, consider referring patient to specialist obesity clinic
Assessment: lipid profile. Modify diet, physical activity, and medication therapy if appropriateExpected outcomes
Primary goal: LDL-C level < 100 mg/dl (2.5 mmol/l) with an option of < 80 mg/dl (2.0 mmol/l) if feasible, particularly if associated with multiple risk factors [12]Secondary goals: HDL-C level > 40 mg/dl (1.0 mmol/l) in men and > 45 mg/dl (1.2 mmol/l) in women; total cholesterol level less than 175 mg/dl with an option of
< 155 mg/dl if feasible; fasting triglyceride level less than 150 mg/dl (1.7 mmol/l)
Blood pressure monitoring
Assessment: BP frequently at rest. During exercise BP should be monitored when hypertension on effort is suspectedEducation: if resting systolic BP is 130–139 mmHg or diastolic BP is 85–89 mmHg, recommend life-style modifications, exercise, weight management, sodium
restriction, and moderation of alcohol intake (i.e., < 30 g/day in men and < 15 g/day in women) according to DASH diet [15]; if patient has diabetes or chronic renalor cardiovascular disease, consider drug therapy
If resting systolic BP is Z 140 mmHg or diastolic BP is Z 90 mmHg, initiate drug therapy [16]Expected outcomes
BP < 140/90 mmHg (or < 130/80 mmHg if patient has diabetes or chronic heart or renal failure); BP < 120/80 mmHg in patients with left ventricular
Smoking cessation
All smokers should be professionally encouraged to permanently stop smoking all forms of tobacco. Follow-up, referral to special programmes, and/or
pharmacotherapy (including nicotine replacement) are recommended, as a stepwise strategy for smoking cessation. Structured approaches to be used, forexample, 5As: Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange
Ask the patient about his/her smoking status and use of other tobacco products. Specify both amount of smoking (cigarettes per day) and duration of smoking (number
Determine readiness to change; if ready, choose a date for quittingAssess for psychosocial factors that may impede successIntervention: provide structured follow-up. Offer behavioural advice and group or individual counsellingOffer nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion, varenicline, or bothExpected outcome
Long-term abstinence from smoking
Psychosocial management
Assessment: screen for psychological distress as indicated by clinically significant levels of depression, anxiety, anger or hostility, social isolation, marital/family
distress, sexual dysfunction/adjustment, and substance abuse of alcohol and/or other psychotropic agents. Use interview and/or other standardizedmeasurement tools
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European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
2010, Vol 17 No 1
Intervention: offer individual and/or small group education and counselling on adjustment to heart disease, stress management, and health-related lifestyle change
(profession, car driving and sex activities resumption)
Whenever possible, induce spouses and other family members, domestic partners, and/or significant others in such sessions. Teach and support self-help strategies
and ability to obtain effective social support. Provide vocational counselling in case of work related stress
Absence of clinically significant psychosocial problems and acquisition of stress management skills
BP, blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; CCS, Canadian Class Score; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; DASH, dietary approaches to stop hypertension; ET, exercisetraining; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HR, heart rate; LDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; NYHA, New York Heart Association.
Core components and objectives common
blood pressure (BP) monitoring, smoking cessation,
to all clinical conditions
psychosocial management] with the issues common to
Each individual affected by cardiovascular disease can
all clinical conditions being presented [10–12]. Expected
benefit from either an in-patient or out-patient CR
outcomes of all the CR intervention are improved clinical
programme. The first components of CR should start as
stability and symptom control; reduced overall cardiovas-
soon as possible after hospital admission. Follow-on CR is
cular risk; higher adherence to pharmacological advice;
a necessary component to reach and maintain CR goals on
better health behaviour profile, all leading to superior
the medium and long-term. In some countries, this is
quality of life and improved prognosis.
provided as an out-patient service whereas in others,mainly for historical service-organization reasons, this is
As evidence is constantly informing new targets and
provided in in-patient settings. Even where most follow-
methods for intervention, the specific detail of some
up CR programmes are delivered on an out-patient basis,
guidelines are in constant modification according to the
some provision of a structured inpatient (residential) CR
progress in the knowledge and may be superseded very
programme, in a major CR centre preferably for efficiency,
quickly. One illustration of this is targets for waist
should be considered for high-risk patients to promote
circumference. In the fourth Joint Societies Task Force
stable clinical conditions and a rapid functional recovery.
guidelines, they are less than 102 cm for men and less
These high-risk patients may include:
than 88 cm for women [12]. Other recommendationsfrom the International Diabetes Federation are less than
(1) patients with severe in-hospital complications after
94 cm for European men and less than 80 cm for
acute coronary syndrome (ACS), cardiac surgery, or
European women [13]. In this position study of the
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI);
EACPR, we report the fourth Joint Societies Task Force
(2) patients with persistent clinical instability or compli-
recommendation as the expert guidelines of the EACPR
cations after the acute event, or serious concomitant
and ESC, with the knowledge that this guideline is
diseases at high risk of cardiovascular events;
constantly under revision and updated (Table 1).
(3) clinically unstable patients with advanced CHF (NYHA
class III and IV), and/or needing intermittent orcontinuous drug infusion and/or mechanical support;
Core components and objectives in specific
(4) patients after a recent heart transplantation;
clinical conditions
(5) patients discharged very early after the acute event,
Post acute coronary syndrome and post primary
even uncomplicated, if they are older, women, or at
coronary angioplasty
higher risk of progression of CAD;
Although PCI, during the early hours of ST elevation ACS
(6) patients unable to attend a formal outpatient CR
[17] (defined as primary PCI) and in non ST elevation
programme for any logistic reasons.
ACS with intermediate-to-high risk feature [18], hasbecome the preferred therapeutic option, CR with risk
Patients should be supported to adopt strategies appro-
factor assessment and management is crucial for patient
priate to their condition and present status by addressing
the core components of CR. This may include grouppatient sessions and also sessions involving family
After an uncomplicated procedure, risk factor manage-
members to provide efficient education and direction to
ment and physical activity counselling can start the
patients in a supportive environment with fellow patients
next day, and such patients can be walking around the
and engaged family members. Table 1 outlines the core
flat, and upstairs within a few days. After a large and/or
components for CR [patient assessment, physical activity
complicated myocardial damage, CR should start after
counselling, exercise training (ET), diet/nutritional coun-
clinical stabilization, and physical activity be increased
selling, weight control management, lipid management,
slowly, according to the symptoms.
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Cardiac rehabilitation Piepoli et al.
Core components of cardiac rehabilitation in post acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and post primary percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI)
Patient assessment
Clinical history: review clinical course of ACS
Physical examination: inspect puncture site of PCI, and
extremities for presence of arterial pulses
Exercise capacity and ischaemic threshold: submaximal
exercise stress testing by bicycle ergometry or treadmillmaximal stress test (cardiopulmonary exercise test ifavailable) within 4 weeks after acute events while a maximaltesting at 4–7 weeks
Physical activity counselling
Exercise stress test guide: in the presence of exercise capacity
Should resistance physical
more than five METs without symptoms, patient can resume
activity 2 days per week be
routine physical activity; otherwise, the patients should
encouraged? [current
resume physical activity at 50% of maximal exercise capacity
evidence class II b (C)] [21]
and gradually increase
Physical activity: a slow gradual and progressive increase of
moderate intensity aerobic activity, such as walking, climbingstairs and cycling supplemented by an increase in dailyactivities (such as gardening, or household work)
Exercise training
The programme should include supervised medically prescribed
When should the training
aerobic exercise training:
programme start? After
Low risk patients: at least three sessions of
exercise stress testing?
30–60 min/week aerobic exercise at 55–70% of themaximum work load (METs) or HR at the onset ofsymptoms
Z 1500 kcal/week to be spent by low risk patients
Moderate to high-risk patients: similar to low risk group but
starting with less than 50% maximum work load (METs)
Resistance exercise: at least 1 h/week with intensity of
10–15 repetitions per set to moderate fatigue
Caloric intake should be balanced by energy expenditure
(physical activity) to avoid weight gain
Weight control management
Mediterranean diet with low levels of cholesterol and
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acidsStatins for all patients, intensified to a lipid profile of cholesterol
< 175 mg/dl or < 155 mg/dl in high risk patients, LDL-C
< 100 mg/dl or < 80 mg/dl in high risk patients; triglycerides
Blood pressure monitoring
Smoking cessation
Psychosocial management
ACS, acute coronary syndrome; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; ET, exercise training; HR, heart rate; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein; METs, metabolic equivalent tasks.
After hospital discharge, structured CR should continue,
medical therapies should be initiated for the secon-
depending upon local facilities. In-hospital CR for 4
dary prevention of atherosclerosis before the patient
weeks can be useful in patients with severe left ventri-
leaves the hospital. An important contribution should
cular dysfunction or relevant co-morbidity. All other patients
come from the interventional cardiologist who should
can follow an outpatient CR programme (Table 2).
emphasize the importance of these measures directlyto the patient, because failure to do so may suggest
Stable coronary artery disease and elective coronary
that secondary prevention therapies are not neces-
sary. The interventional cardiologist should interact
Secondary prevention measures and exercise-based CR
with the primary care physician, and the physicians
are an essential part of long-term therapy because they
in charge of the CR programme to ensure that the
reduce future morbidity and mortality associated with the
necessary secondary prevention therapies initiated during
atherosclerotic process [6].
hospitalization are maintained after discharge from thehospital.
Thus indications for CR in chronic stable angina pectorisand following elective PCI has been underlined in recent
Uncertainties remain for important aspects such as the
ET programme or the best way to increase complianceand adherence to a healthy lifestyle. Other general
All patients should be instructed about necessary beha-
controversies include what to do with Prinzmetal's angina
viour and risk factor modification, and the appropriate
pectoris or microvascular angina pectoris (Table 3).
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European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
2010, Vol 17 No 1
Core components of cardiac rehabilitation in stable coronary artery disease and following elective percutaneous coronary
intervention [25–27]
Issues requiring further
Patient assessment
Risk stratification
Blood testing (FBC, creatinine, glucose, lipid profile, PCR)OGTT
Arrhythmias by ECG with ambulatory ECG monitoring if neededLV function by cardiac imaging testPhysical activity level by historyExercise capacity and ischaemia threshold by exercise stress test (3–6 months afterPCI)Exercise or pharmacological imaging technique in patients with un-interpretable ECGVascular access site problems
Physical activity counselling
Activity plan: 30–60 min, 7 days/ weekly (minimum 5 days/week) of moderate intensity
Best ways to increase
adherence/ compliance
Also refer to Table 2
Exercise training
Medical supervision: supervised exercise training programmes recommended, particularly
Need for continuous ECG
for patients with multiple risk factors, and with moderate-to-high risk (i.e., recent
monitoring for whom?
revascularization, heart failure)
Resistance training: expand physical activity to include resistance training on 2 days/week
Training above the
Also refer to Table 2
ischaemic threshold?
Medication: prophylactic nitro-glycerine can be taken at the start of exercise training
Daily physical activity and weight management are recommended for all patients
Vitamin supplements
Diet: mediterranean diet in all patients ( < 7% of total calories as saturated fat and
< 200 mg/day of cholesterol)
Supplements: add plant stanol/sterols (2 g per day) and/or viscous fibre ( > 10 g per day)Omega-3: encourage consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish or in capsule
form (1 g per day) for risk reduction
Also refer to Table 2
Weight control management
BMI and waist circumference should be assessed regularly
Control of overweight in the
Manage-BMI: on each patient visit, it is useful to consistently encourage weight
elderly and chronic
maintenance/ reduction through an appropriate balance of physical activity, caloric
intake, and formal behavioural programmes when indicated to achieve and maintainhealthy BMI (18.5–24.9 kg/m2)
Manage waist circumference: if waist circumference is Z 89 cm in women or Z 103 cm
in men, it is beneficial to initiate lifestyle changes and consider treatment strategies formetabolic syndrome as indicated. Some male patients can develop multiple metabolicrisk factors when the waist circumference is only marginally increased (e.g., 94–102 cm). They may have a strong genetic contribution to insulin resistance and couldbenefit from changes in life habits, similar to men with categorical increases in waistcircumference
Goal: the initial goal of weight loss therapy should be to gradually reduce body weight by
approximately 10% from baseline. With success, further weight loss can be attempted ifindicated through further assessment
Assess fasting lipid profile in all patients, preferably within 24 h of an acute event. Initiate
High dose statins for all
lipid lowering medication as recommended below as soon as possible:
Statin therapy for all patients
What in low cholesterol and/or
Triglycerides: if Z150 mg/dl or HDL-C < 40 mg/dl emphasize weight management and
physical activity, alcohol abstention, smoking cessation
If triglyceride 200–499 mg/dl, consider adding fibrate and niacin
Regular monitoring of liver
function and creatinekinase is required with com-bined therapy ofstatin and fibrate
If triglyceride Z 500 mg/dl, consider adding omega-3 fatty acids
Blood pressure monitoring
Target: BP less than 130/80 mmHg
Lifestyle approach: patients should initiate and/or maintain lifestyle modifications–weight
control; increased physical activity; moderation of alcohol consumption; limited saltintake; maintenance of a diet high in fresh fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products
Medication: for hypertensive patients with well established CAD, it is useful to add BP
medication as tolerated, treating initially with b blockers and/or ACE inhibitors, withaddition of other drugs as needed to achieve target blood pressure
Smoking cessation
Smoking cessation and avoidance of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at work
and home is recommended
Psychosocial management
Role of type D personality?Use of pharmacotherapy in
Effect of stress reduction stra-
tegies on outcomes? [28]
BP, blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; FBC, full blood count; ET, exercise training; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol;HR, heart rate; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cardiac rehabilitation Piepoli et al.
Cardiac rehabilitation following cardiac surgery: coronary
Chronic heart failure
artery or valve heart surgery
All patients with established CHF, with or without
CR programmes should be available for all patients
implantable cardioverter defibrillator and with or without
undergoing coronary artery surgery [29,30] and valve
cardiac resynchronization therapy, require a multi-factorial
surgery [31,32]. For surgical patients, the preventive
CR approach [33–36]. In-patient rehabilitation should
and rehabilitation strategy should also focus on the
begin as soon as possible after hospital admission. As the
potential effect of preoperative rehabilitation. Similarly to
length of stay for acute decompensation and interven-
other sub-groups of patients, CR should be tailored
tion procedures continues to decrease, structured out-
according to the individual risk profile, physical, psycho-
patient CR is crucial for the development of a life-long
logical and social status assessed as part of the peri-
approach to prevention. This may be provided in a
operative medical history and examination (Table 1).
wide range of settings, such as CHF clinics, non-clinic
Furthermore, it should be appreciated that the clinical
settings (community health centres and general medical
condition and concerns of surgical patients often relate to
practices), or a combination of these. Out-patient CR
the surgical procedure itself. Approaching and resolving
may also be provided on an individual basis at home,
these issues in addition to understanding the underlying
including a combination of home visits, telephone
clinical conditions should be part of comprehensive CR
support, telemedicine or specially developed self-education
materials (Table 5).
Core Components of cardiac rehabilitation following cardiac surgery – coronary artery or valve heart surgery
Patient assessment
Assess: wound healing, co-morbidities, complication and disabilitiesEchocardiography: pericardial effusion, prosthetic function and disease at other valve sites, when
Exercise capacity to guide exercise prescription
Sub-maximal exercise stress test as soon as possibleA maximal exercise test about 4 weeks after surgery
Patient education: about anticoagulation, including drug interactions and self-management if
appropriate; in-depth knowledge on endocarditic prophylaxis
Physical activity counselling
Physical activity counselling (Table 1) should be offered to all patients taking into account wound
healing and exercise capacity (Table 2)
Exercise training
Exercise training can be started in the early in-hospital phaseIn-patient and/or out-patients ET programmes immediately after discharge lasting 8–12 weeks are
Upper-body training can begin when the chest is stable, i.e. usually after 6 weeks.
ET should be individually tailored according to the clinical condition, baseline exercise capacity,
ventricular function (Table 2) and different valve surgery:After valve surgery exercise tolerance will take a significant time to recoverAfter mitral valve replacement exercise tolerance is much lower than that after aortic valvereplacement, particularly if there is residual pulmonary hypertension
Note interaction between anticoagulation and k-vitamin rich food and other drugs, in particularly
Tobacco cessation
Risk of complications depends on how long before surgery the smoking habit has been changed,
whether smoking was reduced or stopped completely
Psychosocial management
Sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression and impaired quality of life may occur after surgery
Core components of cardiac rehabilitation in chronic heart failure
Issues requiring further evidence
Patient assessment
Haemodynamic and fluid status: signs of congestion,
peripheral and central oedema
Cachexia signs: reduced muscle mass, muscle
strength and endurance
Blood testing: serum electrolytes, creatinine, BUN
Peak exercise capacity: maximal symptom-limited
cardiopulmonary with metabolic gas exchange. Fortesting protocol small increments 5–10 W per minon bicycle ergometer or modified Bruce orNaughton protocols are indicated
Six minute walk test is accepted stress test to assess
exercise toleranceOther tests: coronary angiography, haemodynamic
measurements, endomyocardial biopsy, sleep test
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European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
2010, Vol 17 No 1
Issues requiring further evidence
are necessary for selected patients or cardiactransplantation candidates
Physical activity counselling
At least 30 min/day of moderate-intensity physical
activity to be gradually increased to 60 min/day
Exercise training
Progression of aerobic ET for stable patients:
Limited information about combined aerobic and strength
Initial stage: intensity should be kept at a low level
training, interval, resistance and respiratory ET is available
(40–50% of peak VO2), increasing duration from
Resistance training: short stress phases (10 repetitions max.) at
15 to 30 min, 2–3 times/week according to
< 60% MVC, interrupted by phases of muscle relaxation [14]
perceived symptoms and clinical status for the first1–2 weeks
Improvement stage: a gradual increase of intensity
Respiratory training: 20–30 min/day on 3–5 days/week for a
(50, 60, 70–80% of peak VO2, if tolerated) is the
minimum of 8 weeks, starting at 30–35% maximum inspiratory
primary aim. Prolongation of exercise session is a
pressure and readjusting every 7–10 days
Supervised, in-hospital training programme may be
Monitoring exercise intensity: HR can be used for exercise
recommended, especially during the initial phases,
prescription, but its applicability is limited in patients with
to verify individual responses and tolerability, clinical
advanced HF (chronotropic incompetence), in those treated
stability and promptly identify signs and symptoms
with b-blockers and when atrial fibrillation is coexisting
indicating to modify or terminate the programme
Exercise training and patients with ICD: limited experiences are
available. ET seems feasible and safe. Supervision by qualifiedstaff and constant surveillance during exercise activity arestrongly recommended. Exercise intensity: pre-determined HRthreshold = ICD detection rate minus 20–30 beats/min
Prescribe specific dietary modifications:
Particular dietary recommendations:
Fluid intake: less than 1.5 l/day (or 2 litres in hot
How to regain weight: with episodes of acute HF, appetite is
much reduced and weight loss may occur. After clinicalstabilization, recovery of appetite leads to slow regain of weight
Sodium intake: severe restriction should usually be
A liberalized fat intake is allowed to weight maintenance and
considered in severe HF
adequate caloric intake in poorly nourished CHF patients, withnormal or low levels of total and LDL-CThe role of chronic sodium supplementation in severe patientstreated with high dose of diuretics with fluid balance butunvarying low natriaemia is unknownCombined increases in saturated fat intake and weight, andincreasing insulin resistance and BP, may lead to furtherepisodes of myocardial infarction or ischaemia with severeadverse consequences
Weight control management
Weight monitoring: the patients must be educated to
Unintentional weight loss: clinical or sub clinical malnutrition is
weight themselves daily. Weight gain is commonly
common in HF. Cardiac cachexia is a serious complication and
because of fluid retention, which precedes the
is associated with bad outcome. Although the definition of
appearance of symptomatic pulmonary or systemic
cardiac cachexia remains arbitrary, its prevalence is increasing
congestion. A gain > 1.5 kg over 24 h or > 2.0 kg
The mechanism of the transition from CHF to cardiac cachexia
over 2 days suggest developing fluid retention
is complex and not completely known. The effects of medicaltreatment, dietary and physical activity are still poorly evaluated
Weight reduction: In moderate-severe HF, weight
reduction is not recommended since unintentionalweight lost and anorexia are commoncomplications. It may occur because of loss ofappetite, induced by renal and hepatic dysfunction,hepatic congestion, or it may be marker ofpsychological depression
Statins should be considered only in patients with
established atherosclerotic disease
Tobacco cessation
Smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but no studies
have evaluated the effect of smoking cessation in HF cohorts
Psychosocial management
Depression is common in HF. Recognition and
Depression commonly goes undiagnosed:
management of depression may be enhanced
Patient's unwillingness to disclose emotional distress for fear
through the use of multidisciplinary team or disease
of being stigmatized with the label of mental illness
management programmes
Treatment of depression is an important clinical
Physicians may not address depression because they have
strategy as this condition is associated with more
not been adequately trained
frequent hospital admissions, decline in activities ofdaily living, worse NYHA functional classificationand increased medical costs
BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; BP, blood pressure; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CHF, chronic heart failure; ET, exercise training; HR, heart rate; ICD, implantablecardioverter defibrillator; MVC, maximal voluntary contraction; NYHA, New York Heart Association.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cardiac rehabilitation Piepoli et al.
Core components of cardiac rehabilitation in cardiac transplantation
Issues requiring further
Patient assessment
Clinical: wound healings
(and self-assessment)
Echocardiography: pericardial effusionExercise capacity: cardiopulmonary exercise stress test 4 weeks after surgery to guide detailed
exercise recommendations. For testing protocols, small increments of 10 W per min on bicycleergometer, or modified Bruce protocols or Naughton protocols on treadmill are appropriate
Physician knowledge of the anatomical and physiological reasons for limited exercise tolerance: e.g.
the immune-suppression therapy side effect (impairments of inflammatory response, metabolism,osteoporosis)
Risk of acute rejection: rapid, appropriate treatment is necessary. Patients should be instructed to
practice self-monitoring: an unusually low BP, a change of HR, unexplained weight gain or fatiguemay be early signs of rejection even in the absence of major symptoms
Patients and physiotherapists should be educated to adhere to the recommendations concerning
personal hygiene and general measures to reduce the risk of infection (Table 7)
Physical activity counselling
Chronic dynamic and resistance exercises prevents the side-effects of immunosuppressive therapyExercise intensity relies more on perceived exertion than on a specific HR. Borg scale: scores of
12–14 to achieve. For example: instruct the patients to start walking 1.5 or 2 km five times weekly ata pace resulting in a perceived exertion of 12–14 on the Borg scale. The pace should be increasedslowly over time to nordic walking
Exercise training
Early training programme can be beneficial in the early post-operative period as well as in the long-term Although exercise training
would theoretically delay orprevent CAD progression inthe transplanted heart, thisstill has to be studied
Before hospital discharge, respiratory kinesiotherapy, active and systematic mobilization of the upper
and lower limbs are advisable
After discharge, aerobic exercise may be started in the second or third week after transplant but should
be discontinued during corticosteroid bolus therapy for rejection. Resistance exercise should beadded after 6–8 weeks
Regimen: at least 30–40 min/day of combined resistance exercise (muscle strength) and aerobic
training (walking) at moderate level, slowly progressing warm-up, closed-chain resistive activities(e.g., bridging, half-squats, toe raises, use of therapeutic bands) and walking/nordic walking/cycling
Resistance training: 2–3 sets with 10–12 repetitions per set at 40–70% MVC with a full recovery
period ( > 1 min) between each set. The goal is to be able to do five sets of 10 repetitions at 70% ofMVC
Aerobic training: the intensity of training should be defined according to peak VO2 ( < 50% or 10%
below anaerobic threshold) or peak work load ( < 50%)
Dietary infection prophylaxis – food to be avoided:
There are good reasons to
follow a Mediterranean style
diet, even though controlled
Un-pasteurized milk
studies in these patients to
Cheese from un-pasteurized milk
assess the influence of nutri-
tion on CAV or survival have
not been published
Weight control management
Avoidance of overweight is mandatory to balance the side-effects of immunosuppressants, to limit the
classical cardiovascular risk factors
Obesity increases the risk of cardiac allograft vasculopathy. It should be controlled by daily exercise
Hyperlipidaemia increases the risk of CAV. It should be controlled by statins, daily exercise and healthy Statins are now part of
standard therapy, butdose-related myopathy andmyolysis because ofinteraction with ciclosporinmust be considered
Statins (pravastatin, simvastatin) not only lowered LDL-C levels but also decreased the incidence of
CAV and significantly improved survival
Blood pressure monitoring
Target BP is 130/80 mmHgHypertension is linked to immunosuppressive therapy and denervation of cardiac volume receptorsIt is sensitive to a low-sodium diet. Treatment with diltiazem and ACE inhibitors are first choice, usually
completed by diuretics. Beta-blockers are contra-indicated as they hamper the already delayedchronotropic response of the denervated heart
Tobacco cessation
Cessation of smoking is a prerequisite for transplantation in most centres. Psychological support may
be needed so patient does not resume smoking post-transplantation
Psychosocial mangement
Clear medical information and advice on life after transplant are needed to manage challenges such as
patient guilt or problems with high levels of anxiety and apprehensiveness
Careful presentation of recommendations is necessary, leaving the choice up to the patient and
offering every possible support he/she may need to adjust
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CAV, cardiac allograft vasculopathy; ET, exercise training; HR, heart rate;LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; MVC, maximal voluntary contraction.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
2010, Vol 17 No 1
Cardiac transplantation
Diabetes mellitus
It is hard to imagine a group of patients more obviously in
Impaired glucose tolerance is one of the strongest
need of rehabilitation than heart transplant recipients,
prognosticators after acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
because of the multifaceted physical and mental pro-
Furthermore, worldwide we see an epidemic of diabetes
blems encountered preoperatively and postoperatively
mellitus (DM), which is associated with an increased risk
[37]. Of all patients surviving the first year, 50% will live
of CAD and an impaired prognosis after AMI. Never-
more than 12 years. As short-term survival is no longer the
theless, a substantial proportion of adults meeting the
key issue for heart transplant recipients, a return to
criteria of DM are not identified as patients with DM.
functional lifestyle with good quality of life becomes the
As adequate diagnosis and treatment is associated
desired outcome [38] (Tables 6 and 7).
with improved survival, screening for impaired glucose
General measures to reduce the risk of infection after cardiac transplantation
Good dental hygiene, no toothbrush older than 4 weeksFrequent hand washing using liquid soapAvoidance of close contact with people with infectious diseases (measles, chickenpox, mumps, mononucleosis, common cold, flu)Avoidance of contact with persons having received oral polio vaccination for 8 weeksIf indispensable, pets in the household only under strict precautions and with limited contact with patientNo gardening without glovesNo contact with decaying plants, fruits, vegetablesNo stay near construction work and compost heapsNo mould inside the homeHydroculture (hydroponics) better than potting compost in the homeAvoidance of swimming in public baths
Core components of cardiac rehabilitation in diabetes mellitus
Issues requiring further evidence
Patient assessment
Predicted type 2 DM: combination of risk score tools (e.g.,
OGTT: often lack of time during hospital
FINDRISK), and OGTT (2 h post-load plasma glucose level)
stay; thus, recommendation for OGTT in
Patients with CAD and unknown DM: OGTT
discharge note to GP or CR facility?
Functional capacity and exercise induced ischaemia by maximal
Cardiopulmonary stress test as an adjunct
symptom-limited exercise stress testing
to exercise testing?
Physical activity counselling
Daily walking for more than 30 min
Three hours per week of moderate intensity (i.e., brisk walking on a
slight [approximately 3%] incline, 5–7 days/week) or
One hour per week of vigorous-intensity exercise (i.e., jogging for
20 min, 3 days/week)
Exercise training
Z 150 min/week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity
Relative benefits of resistance training (e.g.,
( Z 4.5 METs) and/or 90 min/week of vigorous aerobic exercise
eight muscle groups, two sets per muscle
group, 8–12 repetitions, 70–80% of
The physical activity should be distributed at least 30 min on at least
repetition maximum) versus
Endurance training (e.g., 8 muscle groups,
Resistance training three times/week, targeting all major muscle
2 sets per muscle group, 25–30
groups, 2–4 sets of 7–40 repetitions
repetitions, 40–55% of repetition
In case of overweight, caloric restriction to approx. 1500 kcal/day
Anti-atherogenic diet: low fat, that is, 30–35% of daily energy uptake
(10% for monounsaturated fatty acids, e.g., olive oil); avoidance oftrans fats; high fibre, that is, 30 g/day; low in industrialised sugars;five servings of fruits/vegetables per day
Diet is more effective when combined with exercise training (see
Weight control management
Regular weight control
Statins for all aiming at LDL < 80 mg/dl
Need mortality and cost-effectiveness
Initiate therapy regardless of baseline LDL levels;
evidence for Ezetimib
If monotherapy with a statin is not sufficient it can be combined with
aim: LDL < 70 mg/dl;
Blood pressure monitoring
Aim at BP < 130/80
ACE inhibitors or ARBs are first choice therapy
Usually combination therapy required; choice according to
concomitant diagnoses
Anti-hypertensive therapy is more important than glucose control
Tobacco cessationPsychosocial management
In selected patients
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BP, blood pressure; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; CAD, coronary artery disease; DM, diabetesmellitus; ET, exercise training; METs, metabolic equivalent tasks; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cardiac rehabilitation Piepoli et al.
Core components of cardiac rehabilitation in peripheral artery disease
Issues requiring further evidence
Patient assessment
Clinical: any exertional limitation of the lower extremity muscles or any
history of walking impairment, that is, fatigue, aching, numbness, orpain
Primary site(s) of discomfort: buttock, thigh, calf, or footAny poorly healing wounds of the legs or feetAny pain at rest localized to the lower leg or foot and its association with
the upright or recumbent positions
Reduced muscle mass, strength and enduranceBilateral arm BP: palpation of peripheral arteries and abdominal aorta
with annotation of any bruits and inspection of feet for trophic defects
Ankle-brachial index measurement: values 0.5–0.95: claudication range;
0.20–0.49: rest pain; less than 0.20: tissue necrosis
Functional capacity: markedly impaired. Peak O2 consumption is 50% of
the predicted value
Difficulty in walking short distances, even at a slow speed, associated
with impairment in the performance of activities of daily living
To exclude occult CAD, perform treadmill or bicycle exercise testing to
monitor symptoms, ST–T wave changes, arrhythmias, claudicationthresholds, HR and BP responses, useful for exercise prescription
Physical activity
Exercise activities, such as walking, lasting more than 30 min, Z 3
times/ week, until near-maximal pain
Exercise training
Supervised hospital- or clinic-based ET programme ensures that
Usefulness of unsupervised ET programmes
patients are receiving a standardised exercise stimulus in a safe
environment, is effective and recommended as initial treatmentmodality for all patients
Exercise–rest–exercise: each training session consists of short periods
Time course of the response to a ET
of treadmill walking interspersed with rest throughout a 60-min
programme (clinical benefits have been
exercise session, three times weekly
observed as early as 4 weeks after the
Treadmill exercise: more effective. The initial workload is set to a speed
initiation and may continue to accrue after 6
and grade that elicit claudication symptoms within 3–5 min. Patients
months of supervised ET rehabilitation three
are asked to continue to walk at this workload until they achieve
times/week and were sustained when
claudication of moderate severity. This is followed by a brief period of
continued for an additional 12 months)
rest to permit symptoms to resolve. The exercise–rest–exercise cycleis repeated several times during the hour of supervision. (Table 10)
Resistance training: appropriately prescribed, is generally recommended
To achieve a serum LDL concentration < 100 mg/dl (2.6 mmol/l)
Treatment with statin to achieve a target LDL < 80 mg/dl (1.8 mmol/l) in
high risk patients
A statin should be given as initial therapy, but niacin and fibrates may
play an important role in patients with low serum HDL or high serumtriglyceride concentrations ( > 150 mg/dl or 1.7 mmol/l)
Antihypertensive therapy to achieve a goal < 140 mmHg systolic over
Does treatment alter the progression of the
90 mmHg diastolic (non-diabetics) or < 130 mmHg systolic over
disease or the risk of claudication?
80 mmHg diastolic (diabetics and individuals with chronic renal
(antihypertensive drugs may decrease limb
perfusion pressure and potentiallyexacerbate symptoms of claudication or
The use of ACE-inhibitors in patients with PAD may confer protection
critical limb ischaemia, even though most
against cardiovascular events beyond that expected from BP lowering
patients tolerate anti-hypertensive treatment.
Smoking cessation
Stopping smoking is exceptionally important in PAD, smoking-cessation
Beta-adrenergic-antagonist drugs have been
programmes involving nicotine-replacement therapy, and the use of
thought to have unfavourable effects
medications such as bupropion or varenicline should be encouraged
on symptoms. Critical reviews however
concluded that beta-adrenergic antagonists
are safe, except in the most severely affectedpatients [I (A)])
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; ET, exercise training; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HR, heart rate; LDL, Low-density lipoprotein; PAD, peripheral arterial disease.
tolerance and DM has to be improved. Participation in a
female patients. Among patients presenting with CAD
CR programme offers late but optimal opportunities for
or cerebrovascular disease, 32% of men and 25% of
screening [39–41] (Table 8).
women have also peripheral arterial involvement, which istwo to three times the prevalence in respective control
Peripheral artery diseases
groups. The patient with PAD should therefore be
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is part of the multi-site
regarded as an actual or potential polyvascular patient
presentation of atherosclerosis. At the time of diagnosis
and an integrated approach to prevention and treatment
of PAD, a history of AMI or stroke, or related surgery can
of atherothrombosis as a whole is highly warranted [42]
be expected in approximately 30% of male and 20% of
(Tables 9 and 10).
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European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
2010, Vol 17 No 1
Key elements of a therapeutic exercise-training programme for rehabilitation from peripheral artery disease in patients with
claudication [43]
Exercise guidelines for claudication
Warm-up and cool-down periods of 5–10 min each
Types of exercise
Treadmill and track walking are the most effectiveResistance training has benefit for patients with other forms of cardiovascular disease, and its use, as tolerated, for general fitness is complementary to walking but nota substitute for it
The initial workload of the treadmill is set to a speed and grade that elicits claudication symptoms within 3–5 minPatients walk at this workload until claudication of moderate severity occurs, then rest standing or sitting for a brief period to permit symptoms to subside
The exercise–rest–exercise pattern should be repeated throughout the exercise sessionThe initial session usually includes 35 min of intermittent walking; walking is increased by 5 min each session until 50 min of intermittent walking can be accomplished
Treadmill or track walking 3–5 times per week
Role of direct supervision
As the patient's walking ability improves, the exercise workload should be increased by modifying the treadmill grade or speed (or both) to ensure that the stimulus ofclaudication pain always occurs during the workoutAs walking ability improves, and a higher HR is reached, there is the possibility that cardiac signs and symptoms may appear. These symptoms should be appropriatelydiagnosed and treated
HR, heart rate.
Cardiac rehabilitation in older patients
Patient assessment
Clinical history: cardiovascular disease (e.g., CAD, HF, arterial fibrillation, PAD, renal failure) and risk factors as well as
concomitant diseases (e.g., stroke, neurological dysfunction, COPD, visual/hearing impairment, arthritis, osteoporosis, urinaryincontinence, cognitive impairment, dementia)
Education: take into account the fact that older patients typically more often have visual, hearing and cognitive impairmentsExpected outcomes: formulation of a therapeutic regime with a high level of individual care and support
Physical activity counselling
Emphasize participation in supervised group activities to advance social integration and social support
Exercise training
Tailored exercise recommendations: prescriptions for a given patient should:
Depend on existing co-morbidities and on the baseline level of physical capacity as well as existing activity limitationInclude activities to develop endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination (balance skills) and body awarenessStart at a very low level and gradually progress to a goal of moderate activityFrailty: for frail patients stationary cycling may provide a greater degree of stability and less risk of injury than walking exercise
Recommended intensity for resistance exercise < 30–60% of one repetition maximum (RM)Select exercise appropriate to musculoskeletal conditions in older patientsAvoid exercises that require rapid postural variations for orthostatic hypotension riskGreater benefits from shorter single exercise session with prolonged duration of the CR/ET programmes
Diet/nutritional counsellingWeight control management
Less likely to be severely obese than younger patients, especially those with HF which are at higher risk to develop cardiac
BMI 28–29 kg/m2 is the target value
Benefit from lipid lowering medication (statins) as for other patients
Target BP in older people is r 130/89 mmHg, r 120/80 in patients with diabetes, HF, CAD or renal failureA careful management of hypertension in older patients is mandatory including pharmachological and nonpharmacological
interventions (weight reduction, exercise and low salt intake)
Smoking cessationPsychosocial management
Treatment should focus on identifying and reducing depression and anxiety, improving social adaptation and reintegration as well
as overall quality of life
BP, blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HF, heart failure; PAD, peripheral arterial disease.
Core components and objectives in
challenging populations
Older cardiac patients are often excluded from CR
It is important to emphasize that there is typically more
programmes [44]. However, benefits of CR and ET in
variety within groups such as older people and women, than
exercise capacity, in functional capacity, in behavioural
between them and comparison groups – in this case
characteristics (depression, anxiety, somatization and
younger people and men. It is nonetheless important to
hostility) and in overall quality of life, modification of
signal some issues, which will be more prominent in groups
cardiovascular risk factors, smoking cessation, antihyper-
who have been less involved in CR programmes to date.
tensive therapy and lipid lowering medication has been
Five such groups are identified here. These groups are older
documented also in older patients, even in those with
and female patients and patients with specific co-morbidity,
severe clinical status and multiple co-morbidity condition
transient ischaemic attack or stroke, chronic obstructive
[45]. The planning and implementation of CR in older
pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic renal failure
groups requires a high level of individual care and support
(CRF). Of course many others could also be identified.
with a careful clinical evaluation beyond cardiovascular
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cardiac rehabilitation Piepoli et al.
function, including psychosocial assessment and evalua-
History of transient ischaemic attack/stroke
tion of co-morbidities. Accordingly, residential CR may be
Owing to the common underlying risk factors, patients
an appropriate option. Main goals of CR in the aging
admitted to CR may sometimes have a history of
patient are preservation of mobility, independence and
transient ischaemic attack or stroke, which has therefore
mental function, prevention/ treatment of anxiety and
to be screened. Depending on the localization of stroke,
depression, improving quality of life, encouragement of
residual neurological deficits might influence the CR
social adaptation and reintegration, and enabling the
process [47] (Table 13).
patient to return to the same lifestyle as before the acuteevent (Table 11).
History of chronic obstructive lung diseaseLong-time smokers often develop COPD, thus itsprevalence is high in patients admitted to CR. COPD
(stage II, III and VI) has significant extra pulmonary
Women benefit from comprehensive CR as much as men
effects including reduced exercise capacity, weight loss
[46]. This is also true for older women. The planning and
and skeletal muscle dysfunction similar to those known
implementation of CR in women needs to consider that
in HF patients. All COPD patients will benefit from
women are more likely to be older, to have hypertension,
exercise based CR programmes improving exercise
diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and HF, as well as
tolerance and symptoms of dyspnoea and fatigue [48]
lower exercise and functional capacity compared to male
patients and may therefore carry a higher cardiac risk as aCR population. Beyond the impact of the cardiac disease,older women in particular are more likely to experience
History of chronic renal failure (CRF)
activity limitations and other exercise-limiting co-morbid
In patients with CRF, cardiovascular disease is the major
conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and urinary
cause of morbidity and mortality [49]. The prevalence of
incontinence. At recruitment to CR, women typically
CRF in patients admitted to CR is therefore high and has
score lower in health-related quality of life and they are
to be considered by a comprehensive screening for cardio-
more likely to be diagnosed with depressive disorders and
vascular co-morbidities in these patients. Depending on
higher scores of anxiety (Table 12).
the duration and classification of renal failure a moderate
Cardiac rehabilitation in women
Patient assessment
Clinical history: (see also Table 11)Patient education: crucial to provide comprehensive information on the contents and the basic purpose of the
CR programme to improve adherence and reduce possible barriers
Physical activity counselling
Advise and encourage to perform regular physical activities (e.g., walking or biking > 30 min 5–7 days a week)
Women who need to lose weight or sustain weight loss should accumulate a minimum of 60–90 min of
moderate-intensity physical activity (eg, brisk walking) on most, and preferably all, days of the week
Emphasize participation in supervised group activities to advance social integration and support
Exercise training
Exercise recommendations and prescriptions (see also Table 11):
Incorporate individual preferences which might be different from those of male patientsInclude combined programme of endurance (cycle, walking, nordic walking) and resistance exercise (major
functional, postural and pelvic flour muscle)
Include callisthenics to develop flexibility, coordination (balance skills) and, body awarenessInclude activities and games which enhance communication and social integration
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole-grain, high-fibre foods; fish, especially oily fish, Z twice a week;
Limit intake of saturated fat to less than 10% of energy ( < 7% if possible), cholesterol to less than 300 mg/day,
alcohol intake to r 1 drink/day, sodium intake to less than 2.3 g/day (approximately 1 tsp salt). Consumptionof trans-fatty acids should be as low as possible ( < 1% of energy)
Weight control management
Maintain/achieve a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2 and a waist circumference < 88 cm
In obese women, weight reduction and maintenance is mandatory through appropriate caloric intake, physical
activity and exercise as well as behavioural programmes
Older women with CHF and other chronic diseases are at risk to develop cardiac cachexia
Encourage optimal lipid management through lifestyle approaches and lipid lowering medication (statin therapy,
unless contraindicated)
Use LDL-C lowering drug therapy simultaneously with lifestyle therapy in women with CAD
Blood pressure monitoring
Management of hypertension should include non-pharmacological interventions (weight reduction, exercise and
low salt intake) and antihypertensive therapy
Target BP are r 130/80Pharmacotherapy is indicated when blood pressure is > 140/90 mmHg or at an even lower blood pressure in
the setting of chronic kidney disease or diabetes ( > 130/80 mmHg). Thiazide diuretics should be part of thedrug regimen for most patients unless contraindicated
Smoking cessation
Psychosocial management
Focus on identifying and treating anxiety and depression, improvement in social adaptation and reintegration as
well as overall quality of life
BP, blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, chronic heart failure; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; tsp, teaspoon.
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European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
2010, Vol 17 No 1
Cardiac rehabilitation in patients with history of TIA/stroke
Established/generally agreed issues
Patient assessment
Risk factors and (a history of) neurological symptoms and deficits (e.g., amaurosis fugax, diplopic images, aphasia, hemiparesis,
paresthesia, dementia, vertigo)
Gait ability, sitting balance, standing balance and functional mobility [e.g., Berg Balance Scale (www.strokecenter.org)], Clinical
Outcome Variables Scale (www.rehab.onca/irrd/covs)
Residual neurological deficits especially those which might affect the patients ability to participate in the CR-programme (e.g.,
paresis, motor deficits, movement deficits, impaired sensibility, cognitive deficits, and/or neuro-psychological symptoms, suchas attention deficits, apraxia, aphasia)
In patients with residual and severe deficits, consider if participation in the usual educational programme can be of benefit
Physical activity counsellingExercise training
Provided there are no contraindications, all heart patients with history of TIA or stroke should be encouraged to participate in
exercise-based CR
When possible the patient should participate in the normal CR exercise programme. However, ET prescriptions for a given
patient should depend on the baseline level of physical capacity as well as existing exercise-limiting neurological deficits and/or disabilities
In the presence of impaired sitting or standing balance and gait ability, as well as the dependence on supports or mobility
devices, the exercise programme has to be modified to meet the patient's special needs. In case of reduced sitting ability,balance cycling in supine position or with other available sitting support should be considered. In case of reduced standingability, balance gymnastic programme to improve flexibility, coordination and strength (low to moderate intensity) should beperformed in sitting position. In the presence of reduced gait ability, individual physiotherapy, example, special gait training onthe treadmill should be considered
The implementation of relaxation training also has to take into account possible motor deficits and consider if the participation in
the sitting position might fit better
In the presence of spastic paresis, motor deficits and impaired sensor-motor function, individual physiotherapy is indicatedTo avoid cardiac overload, it has to be considered that patients with motor deficits or disabilities (e.g., caused by spasticity) have
higher energy demands for given activity
Diet/nutritional counsellingWeight control managementLipid managementBlood pressure monitoringSmoking cessationPsychosocial management
CR, cardiac rehabilitation; ET, exercise training; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.
Cardiac rehabilitation in patients with COPD
Patient assessment
Risk factors and symptoms (dyspnoea, chronic cough, chronic sputum production)Spirometry (for classification of COPD severity; specific cut points e.g., post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio or FEV1)Exercise capacity by cardio pulmonary stress test and/or 6 min walk testEchocardiography (exclusion/diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension; cor pumonale)
Physical activity counselling
Introduction to peak flow-based self management
Exercise training
ET prescriptions should depend on the baseline level of physical capacity and the COPD severity. The programme should
include endurance (interval training), resistance exercise (especially lower body exercise), breathing exercise and instructioninto postures to help shift and cough up phlegm
Patients with measurable obstruction should be advised to use a bronchodilator medication before starting the exercise. In case
of post-bronchodilator FEV1:More than 75%, the patient can be integrated into the regular CR exercise training regimeLess than 75% > 50% the level of endurance exercise should be reduced by 10–15%Less than 50%, participation to low dose endurance/interval cycle ergometer training as well as gymnastics(Borg-Dyspnoea-Scale value r 5, breathing rate r 20/min) is advisableLess than 30%, O2 saturation should not exceed values less than 90%
Educational programmeDiet/nutritional counsellingWeight control management
Patients with severe COPD are at risk of developing cachexia
Lipid managementBlood pressure monitoringSmoking cessation
Stopping smoking is a particularly important intervention and all forms of treatment programme should be offered
Psychosocial management
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; ET, exercise training.
to severe reduction of physical capacity can be assumed,
Future challenges
generated by renal anaemia, uraemic myopathy and poly-
Despite the body of professional recommendations on
neuropathy, disturbances in volume status, electrolyte
cardiovascular disease prevention, integration of prevention
balance and or acid-base metabolism, physical inactivity
strategies into daily practice is still inadequate. In Europe
as well as immunosuppressive therapy in patients after
only about a third of CAD patients receive any form of CR,
kidney transplantation (Table 15).
with considerable variation between European regions [50].
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cardiac rehabilitation Piepoli et al.
Cardiac rehabilitation in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF)
Patient assessment
Risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, family history of kidney disease) and symptoms of CRF (e.g., proteinuria)Glomerular filtration rate by the modification of diet in renal disease equation (http://www.nephron.com) is essential
Physical activity counsellingExercise training
The programme should include a combination of endurance and resistance exercise (especially lower body exercise) and
activities to develop flexibility, coordination and body awareness
For a given patient, ET should depend on the baseline level of physical capacity and the CRF severity. In stage I–III, the CRF
usually does not affect the exercise programme which should be deduced by the heart disease
Special advices for haemodialysis patients (stage V):
To avoid injury of the arteriovenous fistula and pain in the shunt-arm: the puncture-area should be protected with dressingwhile exercisingPatients should not wear wristwatches or wristbandsBP should not be measured on the shunt-arm sideHR can more easily be measured on the shunt-arm sideAvoid exercises (gymnastics and resistance exercises) which include pressing on the arms and/or holding the arms in head uppositionET should be performed on the day between haemodialysis treatments
Special advice for patients after kidney trans-plantation
Consider the vulnerability of the kidney transplant in the fossa iliaca directly under the abdominal wall, the reduced perfusionof the transplantand adverse effects of the immunosuppressive therapyAvoid exercises performed in face down position and extreme stretching exercises for the upper part of the body
Educational programDiet/nutritional counselling
In patients with higher stage of the CRF ( Z IV stage CRF)hyper-phosphataemia and hypocalcaemia have to be considered and the intake of foods rich of phosphate (e.g., milk products,
eggs and meat) should be reduced, whereas calcium supplementation is recommended
The intake of food rich of potassium (e.g., fresh fruits, nuts, fruit juice) should be reducedThe supplementation of a vitamin D analogue (calcitol, afacitol or paracitol) should be consideredIn stage V CRF, supplementation of water soluble vitamins should be considered
Weight control managementLipid managementBlood pressure monitoringSmoking cessationPsychosocial management
BP, blood pressure; ET, exercise training; HR, heart rate; RF, renal failure.
Discontinuation of medication after acute events is
was evaluated in a cluster randomized controlled trial in
frequent and occurs early after hospital discharge. Patients
24 hospital and general practice centres across eight
with other clinical manifestations of atherosclerotic cardio-
countries [52]. Patients presenting with coronary disease
vascular disease receive little or no formal preventive and
in hospital, and individuals at high risk of developing
rehabilitative care. The results of the EUROASPIRE audits
cardiovascular disease in primary care, were randomized
of preventive care of coronary patients over the last 12 years
to either a family-based comprehensive lifestyle inter-
show adverse lifestyle trends; increasing prevalence of
vention with management of BP and lipids or to usual
smoking among younger (< 50 years) patients, especially
care. The EuroAction programme reduced the risk of
women, and increasing obesity, central obesity and
cardiovascular disease compared with usual care through
diabetes. Control of BP is unchanged over this period,
lifestyle changes by families, who together made heal-
with over half of all patients still above the therapeutic
thier food choices and became more physically active over
target, despite increasing use of anti-hypertensive medica-
1 year. These lifestyle changes led to modest weight loss
tions. Only lipid management has improved with the use of
in both groups of patients and, for high-risk patients,
statins [51]. Moreover, even when implemented, most of
there was also a significant reduction in central obesity.
the CR programmes rely mainly on short-term interven-
BP control was significantly improved in both groups of
tions and are not adequately implemented on the long
patients, and for those with CAD this was achieved
term. Short-term approaches are, in fact, unlikely to yield
without the use of additional antihypertensive drugs.
long-term benefits, impact quality of life, or decrease
Control of blood cholesterol concentrations improved in
morbidity and mortality. Some lessons and optimism may
both groups of patients and significantly so in high-risk
have been provided by recent studies on prevention and
patients because of increased use of statins. Overall the
CR, specifically aimed at maintaining beneficial long term
use of all cardioprotective drugs was substantially higher
life changes and improving prognosis in cardiac patients, for
in the hospital compared to the primary care programme,
example, the EuroAction and GlObal Secondary Prevention
although for high risk patients ACE inhibitors and
strategiEs to Limit studies.
statins were both prescribed more frequently comparedto usual care. EuroAction is one model of preventive
The EuroAction demonstration project in preventive
care, successfully implemented and objectively assessed,
cardiology was a nurse-managed, multidisciplinary, lifestyle,
which shows that standards of care can be raised in
risk factor and therapeutic management programme. It
routine clinical practice.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
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Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Source: http://rehabilitacjakardiologiczna.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/cardiac-rehabilitation_guidelines.pdf
Modeling the Invasion of Community-AcquiredMethicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus intoHospitals Erica M. C. D'Agata,1 Glenn F. Webb,2 Mary Ann Horn,2,3 Robert C. Moellering, Jr.,1 and Shigui Ruan4 1Division of Infectious Diseases, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; 2Department ofMathematics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; 3Division of Mathematical Sciences, National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia;and 4Department of Mathematics, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Influenza Pandemic Ten Things You Need To Know About Pandemic Influenza 1. Pandemic influenza is different 5. Widespread illness will occur from avian influenza Because most people will have no immunity to the Avian influenza refers to a large group of different pandemic virus, infection and illness rates are expected to