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Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
Current use of methylprednisolone for acute spinal cord injuryin Poland: survey study
Grzegorz Miekisiak • Wojciech Kloc •Witold Janusz • Jacek Kaczmarczyk •Dariusz Latka • Daniel Zarzycki
Received: 28 September 2013 / Accepted: 26 January 2014Ó Springer-Verlag France 2014
was fear of litigation (36.7 %), 30.4 % declared it is as an
The controversial practice of methylpredniso-
institutional standard, nearly one-third believed in the
lone (MP) application in acute spinal cord injury (ASCI) is
effectiveness of drug in improving neurological outcomes.
gradually decreasing. This is a survey study designed to
The subgroup analyses revealed no statistically significant
assess the current use of MP in ASCI in Poland.
interaction for specialty, age, personal involvement in care
The questionnaire comprised of five questions
and institutional case volume.
was distributed among 251 spinal surgeons, members of
As opposed to the literature data from sim-
the Polish Society of Spinal Surgery. One hundred and ten
ilar studies performed in other countries, the rate of use of
(43.8 %) responded, and data from 108 were included in
MP in ASCI remains high.
the study.
Majority of respondents (73.1 %) declared the
Spinal cord injury Methylprednisolone
use of MP in ASCI. Most of them (41.7 %) adhered to the
Steroids Neuroprotection
NASCIS II protocol, and 24.1 % rather used the NASCISIII protocol. Predominant rationale for the use of steroids
Spinal cord injury (SCI) remains a devastating condition
Department of Neurosurgery, Specialist Medical Center,
often affecting young, otherwise healthy individuals. In
ul. Jana Pawla II 2, 57-320 Polanica-Zdroj, Polande-mail:
[email protected]
Poland, the annual incidence of SCI is approximately 14.5per 1 million population Intensive research over the
years has led to a comprehensive understanding of its
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medical
mechanisms; however, these advances have not translated
Sciences, University of Varmia and Masuria, Olsztyn, Poland
into improved neurological outcomes. Though many new
methods of treatment have been proposed to manage acute
Department of Neurosurgery, Medical University of Lublin,
spinal cord injury (ASCI) over the last few decades, only
one treatment regimen based on the high-dose methyl-
prednisolone (MP) was widely introduced into clinical
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
Medical University of Poznan, Poznan, Poland
The publications of results from NASICIS II and III
trials in early 90s ] resulted in international recognition
D. LatkaDepartment of Neurosurgery, Regional Medical Center, Opole,
of this therapy as a standard for the treatment of ASCI, but
soon it became a subject of much controversy and criti-cism. Many reports pointed to numerous flaws of NASCIS
series trials such as improper randomization, inadequate
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,Jagiellonian University, Zakopane, Poland
assessment of outcomes, incomplete reporting of results
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
Table 1 Questions included in the booklet
spinal surgeons associated with the PSoSS. In particular, itaimed to determine which is the prevalent protocol and
1. My specialty is
what is the rationale for this therapy.
Board certified orthopedic surgeon
Board certify neurosurgeon
Orthopedic surgeon in training
Neurosurgeon in training
The questionnaire comprised of five questions. The ques-
tions were pertained to the specialty, use of steroids in SCI
I use MP therapy, initial bolus than the maintaining dose for 24 h
including the protocol favored, rationale for its use, vol-
if 8 h from trauma
ume/number of SCI cases in his/her institution and the
I use MP therapy, initial bolus than the maintaining dose for 24
or 48 h depending whether the trauma occurred within last 8 or
extent of personal involvement in SCI patient care
8–24 h, respectively
(Table The questionnaire was similar to the one
I use MP therapy regardless of the timing of administration
designed by Eck et al. The demographic section of the
I use dexamethasone or other steroid drug
form included only one question about the age of the
I do not use steroids at all
respondent (B45 or [45 years old). A self-validating web
3. I use MP in the ASCI because:
form was provided for data acquisition, allowing only clean
I believe it is an efficient drug improving the outcomes
and correct data, without missing values. The survey
It is a standard in my institution
questionnaire was distributed to all the 251 spinal surgeons,
I am concerned about medicolegal consequences
members of the PSoSS, between March and May 2013. The
results were presented as descriptive statistics. The Pear-son's Chi-square test was used to assess the significance of
4. How many patients with SCI are treated in you institution per
differences among defined subgroups.
5. What percentage of all SCI cases in your institution is operated
Out of 251 members of the PSoSS, 110 (43.8 %) responded.
Data from two respondents were excluded, as they were
practicing outside Poland. Thus, the final number of par-
ticipating surgeons was 108. The resulting data are shown inTable There were 44 orthopedic surgeons (nine intraining) and 64 neurosurgeons (12 in training). Seventy of
and, most of all, drawing conclusions from the post hoc
them were aged 45 years or less, and 38 were more than
analysis []. However, despite heavy critique from many
45 years old at the time of application. Nearly three quarters
authors, MP remained in use even if the rationale has
(73.1 %) of all the respondents declared the use of steroids,
changed over time. A survey study in 2006 by Eck et al.
and majority (41.7 %) of them followed the NASCIS II
revealed that majority of respondents used MP out of fear
protocol. Twenty-six (24.1 %) surgeons adhered to the
of litigation. With the increasing evidence of serious side
NASCIS III protocol, four used steroids regardless of the
effects far exceeding the potential benefits, MP use in
timing of administration, and four used steroids other than
ASCI started to decrease worldwide In the second
MP. The differences among specialties were statistically not
iteration of guidelines for the management of ASCI by the
significant (p = 0.90). Likewise, the use of steroids was
AANS/CNS Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and
independent of other factors, such as the age, and the annual
Peripheral Nerves published in 2013, there is a level I
volume of SCI patients treated in respondents' institution.
recommendation against the use of MP in ASCI Within
In terms of rationale for treatment, the replies were almost
a few months, similar recommendations were issued by the
equally distributed among the three available options.
Polish Society of Spinal Surgery (PSoSS), a nonprofit
Nearly 33 % of respondents claim that their primary moti-
medical association comprising of about 300 members,
vation for the use of steroids was their belief in the effec-
mostly, spine surgeons [].
tiveness of drug in improving the neurological outcomes.
PSoSS is the largest organization in this field in Poland
Institutional standard is a rationale in 30.4 %, but a majority
and is affiliated with the EuroSpine, the Spine Society of
(36.7 %) of the respondents used steroids for medicolegal
Europe. This survey study was designed to assess the
reasons. Orthopedic surgeons believe that clinical benefit is
current status of MP use in SCI in Poland among practicing
seen in 40.6 % in MP users compared to 27.7 % in
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
nonusers. Thirty-four percent of neurosurgeons claimed that
As a result of prolonged international dispute, a steady
they used the MP therapy as an institutional standard. A
decline in the use of MP in ASCI is observed. Other articles
quarter of orthopedic surgeons marked this option. The
similar to this have also shown this trend in several countries
differences in rationales for treatment among specialties
across the globe. A Canadian study in 2008 by Hurlbert and
were not statistically significant (p = 0.46).
Hamilton compared the survey data from 2001 to 2006and showed a complete reversal of practice. The number ofrespondents using MP dropped from 76 % in 2001 to 24 % in
2006. In another survey in 2012 of neurosurgeons practicingin the United Kingdom from ], only 21 % recommended
After publication of the results of NASCIS II trial MP
the use of glucocorticoids in an incomplete SCI (16 %
instantaneously became an unofficial standard of treat-
patients). Felleiter et al. retrospectively analyzed the
ment. The lack of viable treatment options targeted to
changes in adherence to MP therapy in ASCI between the
abate secondary injury, together with a tremendous pres-
two study periods, 2001–2003 and 2008–2010, in Switzer-
sure from the society, propelled the acceptance of this
land's largest center dealing with SCI. The rate of patients
new standard of care. This hasty validation of a new
treated with MP dropped from 96 % in 2001–2003 to 23 % in
treatment did not go unnoticed by the professional com-
2008–2010. Interestingly, the pooled data showed a better
munity. Soon, articles criticizing the NASCIS series were
rate of neurological improvement in MP users (32 vs 28 %),
published. Although these studies were well prepared and
although the differences were statistically not significant. A
executed, the conclusions were drawn up upon the ret-
national study on current practice of MP administration in
rospective analysis of data, as the primary data failed to
ASCI in Germany [revealed that 55 % of surveyed
show significant differences in motor outcomes between
departments still use MP. It is noteworthy that respondents
the treatment groups. Thus, these trials cannot be classi-
from 14 departments (9.7 %), 11 of them from academic
fied as level I, but rather level III. Other authors point to
institutions, declared that they used an obsolete protocol
numerous other flaws, such as improper randomization
from the NASCIS I trial.
[], lack of compelling data and failure to include func-
There are certain limitations in this study. The most
tional outcomes important to the patients [Overall,
important one was its reliance on self-report data on
these studies do not provide sufficiently strong evidences
respondents' typical practice not the facts from medical
to justify the use of MP in ASCI. Furthermore, the NA-
records. Thus, the exact prevalence of MP use is not
SCIS studies were not followed by other trials of adequate
known. However, the intention of this study was to analyze
size and quality supporting the use of MP. On the con-
current opinions in response to the publication of new
trary, there is mounting clinical evidence that MP in high
recommendations. Another limitation comes from the lack
doses has a potential for major complications, such as
of precise information on incidence of SCI in Poland in
sepsis, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal
recent years, and it would allow to estimate to what extent
ulcer/bleeding and pulmonary embolism –]. Corti-
the results are representative at the national level.
costeroid Randomization after Significant Head injury
Our results show that despite available clinical evidence,
(CRASH) was a large international trial designed to
the rate of practitioners using MP in Poland remains even
assess the safety and efficacy of the corticosteroids for the
higher (73.1 %) than in previously published studies.
treatment of traumatic brain injury ]. Initially planned
Moreover, more than one-third of respondents choose to
to enroll 20,000 patients, it was terminated halfway
use MP because of the fear of litigation. This is rather a
through when the interim analysis revealed significantly
increased mortality in the MP treated group. Although
‘‘defensive medicine'' practices are very popular in Poland
this study did not address the SCI patients directly, it
as formal recommendations are rarely formulated by
further heated up the debate on the safety of MP
responsible agencies often leading to actions contrary to
administration as the protocol of MP administration was
patients' best interest. Noteworthy is a greater percentage
similar to that of NASCIS III study.
of more experienced surgeon refusing the MP treatment,
In 2013, an important set of guidelines were published
albeit not statistically significant. The plausible explanation
by the AANS/CNS Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine
is that it is likely a consequence of greater confidence and
and Peripheral Nerves For the first time, level I rec-
hence lower fear of litigation related to more frequent
ommendation was made against the use of MP in ASCI.
exposure to SCI patients. We hope that the formulation of
The authors stated that there are sufficient Class I, Class II
new relevant standards supported with subsequent infor-
and Class III evidences and that high-dose steroids are
mation will help surgeons reject the harmful practice of MP
associated with harmful side effects including death.
application in ASCI.
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
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Conflict of interest
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Source: http://ptchk.pl/upload/mpinpolandeurjortsurgtraum.pdf
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Revista de Ciencias J. D. Yakobi-Hancock, L. A. Ladino and J. P. D. Abbatt [84] Weingartner, E., Burtscher, H. and Baltensperger, U. (1997). Hygroscopic properites of carbon and diesel soot particles, Atmospheric Environment Atmospheric Environment, 31(15), 2311–2327. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas Universidad del Valle [85] Yakobi-Hancock, J. D., L. Ladino, and J. Abbatt (2013). Feldspar minerals as