US pricing, advertising, and
sales channel policyUpdated May 2, 2016
Table of contents
Policy section
US minimum advertised pricing policy (MAP Policy)
US advertising policy
US sales only policy for US homecare dealers
End-user only sales policy for US homecare dealers
SHR MAP pricing and covered products
Sleep therapy products
Home Respiratory MAP products
Sleep therapy accessories
Products that cannot appear in advertisement online
Authorized Internet Retailer Policy
If you have questions, please contact the MAP Policy team at:

US minimum advertised
pricing policy (MAP Policy)
Sleep and Home Respiratory (SHR) products covered by this
minimum advertised pricing policy
The products listed in the "MAP pricing and covered products" table
in the back of this document are covered by this MAP Policy and are
collectively referred to in this MAP Policy as "SHR MAP Products." The
minimum advertised price ("MAP") for each SHR MAP Product is as set
forth opposite such SHR MAP Product in the "MAP pricing and covered
products" table in the back of this document ("Internet advertising
and marketing prices"). This policy applies to all customers of Philips
Respironics that purchase SHR MAP Products from Philips Respironics
in the United States and sell such SHR MAP Products online and/or
in brick and mortar locations, who are collectively referred to in this
policy as "Retailers."
Elements of this policy
1. Definition of "Advertisement:" The terms "Advertise," "Advertised,"
and "Advertisement" mean a public announcement affirmatively
promoting an SHR MAP Product for sale, whether such public
announcement includes (but is not limited to) an internet website,
social media platform, general discussion board, blog, or internet
3. Consequences of violation
auction site; in a catalog, newspaper, or other type of circulated
a. First offense: If a Retailer chooses to Advertise an SHR MAP
printed media; on the radio or television; a fax; a text message;
Product at a price lower than the individual product MAP for
a retail point-of-sale display; or any other public forum or
that SHR MAP Product (an "Affected Product"), or otherwise
communication method.
violates any of the policies included in this Master Policy,
Philips Respironics reserves the unilateral right to discontinue
2. Retailers should not Advertise Philips Respironics SHR MAP
sales to the Retailer of all products in the same category
Products at prices below MAP prices. Retailers will not imply
as the Affected Product (as shown in the "MAP pricing and
through Advertisements that prices below MAP prices are
covered products" table in the back of this document), until
available for SHR MAP Products. Retailers will not imply through
Philips Respironics has determined in its sole discretion that
Advertisements that prices below MAP prices are available at
the Retailer is no longer in violation.
checkout, in the "shopping cart," or at the point of purchase.
Example: DreamWear is in the "Patient interface" category, and
Authorized Philips Respironics rebates and promotions are
a determination by Philips Respironics that there has been a
exempt from this MAP Policy.
MAP violation with respect to DreamWear would give Philips
Respironics the unilateral right to immediately cease sales of
These MAP prices are not the minimum selling prices, and
all "Patient interface" items to the Retailer.
providers are free to sell Philips Respironics products at pricing
they choose.

US minimum advertised pricing policy (continued)
b. Second offense: After the initial offense, if a Retailer chooses
5. Retailers are subject to the following additional,
to Advertise an SHR MAP Product at a price lower than
unilateral policies:
the individual product MAP for that SHR MAP Product,
a. US sales only policy for US homecare dealers
or otherwise violates any of the policies included in this
b. End-user only sales policy for US homecare dealers
MAP Policy or any related policy in this Master Policy,
Philips Respironics reserves the right to discontinue
6. Philips Respironics sales, marketing, and customer service
sales to the Retailer of all SHR products in the same
personnel have no authority to modify or grant exceptions to this
category immediately for a period of no less than six (6)
MAP Policy. They are not permitted to discuss with Retailers the
enforcement of this MAP Policy, including the discontinuance of
sales of any Affected Product to any Retailer. All questions with
c. Repeat offenders: Should more than two violations occur in
respect to this policy and its enforcement must be directed to the
any consecutive six-month (6) period, Philips Respironics
MAP Policy team via email at [email protected].
reserves the right to immediately discontinue sales to the
Retailer of all products in the same category for a period no
less than twelve (12) consecutive months. Philips Respironics
reserves the right and sole discretion to terminate any
Retailer who repeatedly violates this MAP Policy and the
related policies contained in this Master Policy.
4. This MAP Policy has been adopted unilaterally by Philips
Respironics, and Philips Respironics reserves the right to modify
or rescind this MAP Policy at any time at Philips Respironics' sole
discretion. Philips Respironics neither asks for, nor will Philips
Respironics accept, any assurance from any Retailer that such
Retailer will comply with this MAP Policy. This MAP Policy does
not constitute an agreement between Philips Respironics and any
Retailer. No Retailer will have any right, contractual or otherwise,
to enforce this MAP Policy against any other Retailer or against

US advertising policy
This US advertising policy applies to all product advertising conducted
6. Access and disclosure: Retailers must provide a list to Philips
by the Retailer. Philips Respironics reserves the right to take
Respironics of any and all of their current or proposed websites
appropriate steps in the event of noncompliance with any of these
that reference or sell Philips Respironics SHR products. Retailers
policies, up to and including the termination of the Retailer's account.
must provide Philips Respironics with any necessary passwords,
usernames, or other methods to gain access to these websites.
1. Definition of "Advertisement:" The terms "Advertise," "Advertised,"
and "Advertisement" mean a public announcement affirmatively
7. Sell new products only: Retailers must sell new SHR
promoting an SHR MAP Product for sale, whether such public
products in their original packaging. Retailers cannot change,
announcement includes (but is not limited to) an internet website,
re-label, adulterate, or misbrand SHR products. SHR products
social media platform, general discussion board, blog, or internet
cannot be sold or labeled as "used," "open box," or any other
auction site; in a catalog, newspaper, or other type of circulated
similar descriptors.
printed media; on the radio or television; a fax; a text message;
a retail point-of-sale display; or any other public forum or
8. Only approved claims: Because SHR products and their
communication method.
uses are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), Retailers may reproduce only approved claims in
2. Appropriate prescription: Because prescription SHR products
all advertisements and other materials relating to SHR Products.
are not to be sold to patients without an appropriate prescription,
These claims are available on the Philips Respironics' website,
each Advertisement of a prescription SHR product by a Retailer
must legibly and prominently state the following ("Prescription
9. Proper trademark usage: In order to protect Philips Respironics'
trademarks, all product names must be reproduced exactly as they
"A valid prescription is required for the purchase of this product."
appear on our website or in Philips Respironics' published product
or marketing literature.
Any website that offers the ability to purchase SHR products
online must include sufficient safeguards to prevent consumers
10. Approved marketing materials: Retailers may use only those
from ordering SHR prescription products without a prescription.
images, graphics, and videos that are provided by Philips
Retailers must require and verify that a prescription comes from a
Respironics, or those that have been specifically authorized in
US-licensed physician.
writing by Philips Respironics, and Retailers may not issue press
releases or make any public statements that include the Philips
3. Reference to this Master Policy is prohibited: Advertisements
name, or otherwise reference their relationship with any part of
may not directly or indirectly indicate that prices and
Philips, without first obtaining written authorization from Philips
advertisements are subject to a pricing and advertising policy.
Respironics. No Philips Respironics advertising, merchandising,
or other materials may be used to sell other brands without
4. Full legal name: A Retailer must display its full legal name and
expressed written permission from Philips Respironics.
the address of its main office location in a manner that is readily
accessible to all visitors to any and all of the Retailers' website(s).
5. Separate entity: The Retailer must state clearly on all websites
that the products and services provided by the Retailer are
provided solely by the Retailer and are independent from
Philips Respironics.
US advertising policy (continued)
11. Untrue statements and claims: No untrue or misleading
15. Rebates/coupons: Retailers may not include individual or multiple
statements or claims may be made, such as (but not limited to):
Philips Respironics SHR products in any Advertised promotion
• "Largest Philips Respironics dealer in the US"
(such as a discount or rebate on all purchases), unless the gross
• "Hundreds of units in stock"
Advertised prices of the SHR products are at or above the
• "Only company that services Philips Products"
individual MAP pricing for such products.
12. Social media/discussion boards: Any advertising or other postings
16. Bundling: MAP Products sold in product bundles may not be
on any social networking sites or boards must be in compliance
advertised at a discount unless the combined price of the product
with this Master Policy.
bundle is equal to or greater than the sum of the MAP prices
for each individual SHR product. For example, if one SHR MAP
13. Search engines: Retailers may provide product and price data on
Product with a MAP price of $100.00, and a different SHR MAP
SHR products to search engines for inclusion in search results or
Product with a MAP price of $50.00 are sold together, the total
shopping comparisons, provided that such information reflects
Advertised price of the bundle should be $150.00 ($100.00 +
pricing at or above MAP pricing and is otherwise in compliance
$50.00, respectively). Product bundle advertisements that include
with this Master Policy.
both MAP and non-MAP products (or non-Philips Respironics
SHR products) must include separate Advertised product pricing
14. Third-party websites: All Retailers are permitted to advertise
for each product component included in the bundle, and MAP
on third-party websites (such as, as long as
products must have an Advertised price within the MAP guidelines.
such advertisements on those third-party websites are in
Additionally, SHR products must not be bundled with other
full compliance with this Master Policy. In addition, such
brands without the expressed written permission of the MAP
advertisements must comply with the applicable rules and
Policy administrator.
regulations of each third-party website, including any prohibitions
relating to the offer and sale of prescription medical devices,
17. Customer service capabilities: Retailers must state clearly their
and Philips Respironics reserves the right to seek the immediate
service policy on their website(s), including their policies for
delisting of SHR products from such third-party websites in the
handling warranties and returns. Retailers must post on their
event of a violation. Advertising on any third-party auction sites
websites at least one customer service telephone number that is
is expressly forbidden by this Advertising policy. Any Retailer
staffed by personnel during normal local business hours. Retailers
determined to have offered or sold product to any party that offers
must provide Philips Respironics with a current street address of
or sells SHR products online via a site which prohibits the offer or
any/all customer service and shipping facilities.
sale of prescription items (or an auction site) will be subject to the
same consequences outlined in Section 3 of the MAP Policy.
18. New product/marketing initiative launch dates: New product
launch dates/times, events, and other key product and marketing
updates will be communicated by Philips Respironics on an
ongoing basis. When applicable, launch dates and times will
be clearly communicated by Philips Respironics as to when this
information can be communicated online or in-store to consumers.
Retailers may not communicate in any manner, including through
any Advertisement, any information to consumers regarding
new product launch dates/times, events, or other key product
and marketing updates prior to a specific launch date and time
provided by Philips Respironics.
A violation of this section 18 will result in an immediate
suspension of sales of the relevant new product for a minimum
of six (6) months.
It is the responsibility of the Retailer to confirm the dates and times
on which information can be released to consumers.
US sales only policy
for US homecare dealers
Definition of a US homecare dealer:
Any Philips Respironics customer, whether brick and mortar, internet,
or otherwise, who purchases Philips Respironics products and resells
those Philips Respironics products to patients located in the United
States or who offers Philips Respironics products for sale to patients
located in the United States.
There are several reasons that US homecare dealers are only
authorized to resell or otherwise distribute Philips Respironics
products within the United States. Several therapy products sold
by Philips Respironics have different domestic and international
versions. This is in-part due to differing electrical requirements and
other requirements imposed by the applicable regulatory bodies in
foreign countries. For example, all medical devices that are sold in
Europe must be CE-marked. Most of the US-only versions of Philips
Respironics products do not contain a CE mark. The CE mark is
required to sell or distribute these US versions in Europe. As a second
As a US homecare dealer, you are only permitted and authorized to
example, all medical devices sold in Canada must provide English and
resell, rent, lease or otherwise distribute (collectively, "Resell") Philips
French versions of their device menus and instruction manuals. As
Respironics products to end-users residing in the United States. You
a third example, agency marks are required for all Brazilian models.
are specifically prohibited from Reselling products to end-users
Since these marks are not required in the US, these models do not
residing outside the United States or to end-users whom you know,
carry these marks, which limits them from being sold in Brazil.
or have reason to know, intend to Resell, directly or indirectly, Philips
Respironics products to end-users residing outside the United States.
In addition, Philips Respironics has direct distribution or distribution
If you Resell Philips Respironics products via the internet, catalog,
agreements with international distributors in most countries. Philips
print advertisement or elsewhere, you are responsible for ensuring
Respironics has appointed distributors in various countries not only
that all products are shipped only to end-users residing in the
because of their track record in selling Philips Respironics products,
United States.
but also because they have a physical facility in those countries which
patients can visit in person or contact by telephone, they are familiar
Consequences of policy violation:
with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which they
If you violate this policy, Philips Respironics will require you to stop
are located and are licensed by those countries to distribute medical
the prohibited international sales activities. Should you fail to correct
equipment, and they have a proven ability to provide support services
the situation immediately after receiving notice of the violation from
to patients in the countries in which they are located (e.g., equipment
Philips Respironics, Philips Respironics will discontinue the sale of one
repair and replacement, a telephone number for patients to call with
or more Philips Respironics products to you for a period of no less than
questions, complaint reporting mechanisms, product tracking ability,
three (3) months upon the first violation. If there are any subsequent
etc.). A number of these distribution agreements give the international
violations by you, Philips Respironics will discontinue the sale of one
distributor exclusive rights to distribute certain Philips Respironics
or more Philips Respironics products to you for a period of no less than
products in that distributor's territory. Sales by US homecare dealers
twelve (12) months.
to parties outside the United States in countries in which another
distributor has exclusive distribution rights violate that exclusive
Important note: As a US homecare dealer, this policy applies to
distributor's contractual rights.
you regardless of whether you have signed an agreement with
End-user only sales policy for
US homecare dealers
Definition of a US homecare dealer:
Consequences of policy violation:
Any Philips Respironics customer, whether brick and mortar, internet
If you violate this Policy by directly or indirectly Reselling Philips
or otherwise, who purchases Philips Respironics products and resells
Respironics products to other dealers or to other businesses who are
those Philips Respironics products to patients located in the United
clearly not the end-users, Philips Respironics will require you to stop
States or who offers Philips Respironics products for sale to patients
the prohibited Reselling to non-end users. Should you fail to correct
located in the United States.
the situation, Philips Respironics will take action, up to or including,
discontinuing the sale of one or more Philips Respironics products to
you. Without limiting the foregoing, Philips Respironics has the right
A Philips Respironics US homecare dealer is authorized to resell Philips to change your status from "US homecare dealer" to "distributor" and
Respironics products only to the person who is going to personally use
to make Philips Respironics products available to you at distributor
those Philips Respironics products (the "end-user" or "patient").
pricing rather than dealer pricing (meaning that discounts extended
to you as a US homecare dealer providing appropriate prescription
medical device support will no longer be made available to you).
Important note: As a US homecare dealer, this policy applies to
you regardless of whether you have signed an agreement with
SHR MAP pricing and
Sleep therapy products
Part number
Product MAP
Philips Respironics DreamStation sleep therapy systems
DreamStation CPAP
DreamStation CPAP with Humidifier
DreamStation CPAP with Humidifier and Heated Tube
DreamStation CPAP Pro
DreamStation CPAP Pro with Humidifier
DreamStation CPAP with Humidifier and Heated Tube
DreamStation Auto CPAP DOM
DreamStation Auto CPAP with Humidifier
DreamStation AutoCPAP with Humidifier and Heated Tube
DreamStation BiPAP Pro DOM
DreamStation BiPAP Pro with Humidifier
DreamStation BiPAPPro with Humidifier and Heated Tube
DreamStation Auto BiPAP DOM
DreamStation Auto BiPAP with Humidifier
DreamStation Auto BiPAP with Humidifier and Heated Tube
DreamStation Humidifier
Philips Respironics System One sleep therapy systems
BiPAP autoSV Advanced
BiPAP autoSV Advanced, with humidifier
BiPAP autoSV Advanced, with Heated Tube humidifier
BiPAP autoSV Advanced, 30 cm
BiPAP autoSV Advanced with humidifier, 30 cm
BiPAP autoSV Advanced with heated tube humidifier, 30 cm
System One heated humidifier
System One Heated Tube humidifier
SHR MAP pricing and covered products (continued)
Part number
Product MAP
Amara (all sizes and models)
Mask and headgear
1090200, 1090201,
Patient interface
1090210, 1090211,
Patient interface
Amara Gel (all sizes and models)
Mask and headgear
1090400, 1090401,
Patient interface
1090410, 1090411,
Patient interface
Amara starter kit
1106618, 1106619,
Patient interface
(gel mask and silicone cushion with headgear)
Amara View (all sizes and models)
Mask and headgear
1090622, 1090623,
Patient interface
1090632, 1090633,
Patient interface
DreamWear (all sizes and models)
Mask and headgear
1116700, 1116680,
Patient interface
1116681, 1116682,
1116683, 1116685,
1116686, 1116687,
1116688, 1116690,
1116691, 1116692,
1116701, 1116705,
Patient interface
1116706, 1116707,
1116708, 1116710,
1116711, 1116712,
1116713, 1116715,
1116716, 116717,
Nuance and Nuance Pro (all sizes and models)
Mask and headgear
Patient interface
Patient interface
Pico (all sizes and models)
Mask fitpack with headgear
Patient interface
Mask and headgear
1104915, 1104916,
Patient interface
1104918, 1104919,
Patient interface
Wisp (all sizes and models)
Mask and headgear
Patient interface
Patient interface
CAUTION: US federal law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.
SHR MAP pricing and covered products (continued)
Home Respiratory MAP products
Part number
Product MAP
EverFlo Stationary Oxygen Concentrator
EverFlo 5L concentrator
Home respiratory
EverFlo 5L concentrator with oxygen percentage indicator (OPI)
Home respiratory
EverFlo Q Stationary Oxygen Concentrator
EverFlo Q oxygen concentrator
Home respiratory
EverFlo Q oxygen concentrator with OPI
Home respiratory
SimplyGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator
SimplyGo portable oxygen concentrator
Home respiratory
SimplyGo Lithium Ion battery
SimplyGo Mini Portable Oxygen Concentrator
SimplyGo Mini System with standard battery*
Home respiratory
SimplyGo Mini System with extended battery*
SimplyGo Mini Standard lithium ion battery*
SimplyGo Mini Extended lithium ion battery*
SimplyGo Mini DC Power Supply - U.S.*
SimplyGo Mini AC power supply - U.S.*
SimplyGo Mini AC power cord - U.S.*
SimplyGo Mini External Battery Charger - U.S.*
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag and Strap, Brown*
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag, Brown*
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag Strap, Brown*
SimplyGo Mini Accessory Bag, Brown*
SimplyGo Mini Backpack, Brown*
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag and Strap, Black*
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag, Black*
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag Strap, Black*
SimplyGo Mini Accessory Bag, Black*
SimplyGo Mini Backpack, Black*
SimplyFlo Stationary Oxygen Concentrator
SimplyFlo device (includes AC power cord and manual)
Home respiratory
GO Oximeter
GO Finger Oximeter
Home respiratory
Home respiratory
* Products marked with an asterix above can only be advertised by participants in the Philips Respironics Authorized Internet Retailer Policy ("AIRP"). A copy of the "AIRP" is included in this policy.
CAUTION: US federal law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.
SHR MAP pricing and covered products (continued)
Sleep therapy accessories
Part number
Product MAP
Amara Silicone cushions
Petite Silicone cushion
Small Silicone cushion
Medium Silicone cushion
Large Silicone cushion
Amara Gel cushions
Petite Gel cushion
Small Gel cushion
Medium Gel cushion
Large Gel cushion
Amara Silicone/Gel headgear
Amara headgear, reduced size
Amara headgear, standard
Amara frame, reduced size
Amara frame, standard size
Amara View accessories
Quick-release Tube
Amara View headgear, large
Amara View headgear, standard
Medium wide cushion
Nuance fabric frame, reduced size
Nuance fabric frame
Nuance Pro headgear
Nuance/Nuance Pro swivel tube with exhalation
SHR MAP pricing and covered products (continued)
Sleep therapy accessories (continued)
Part number
Product MAP
Pico headgear, reduced size
Small/medium nasal cushion
Large nasal cushion
Extra large nasal cushion
Small/medium cushions
The following SHR products cannot appear in advertisements online
Part number
BiPAP AVAPS, C series and SD card
BiPAP AVAPS, C series and SD card, Heated Tube
BiPAP S/T, C series
BiPAP S/T, C series, core package
BiPAP S/T, C series, core package, Heated Tube
EverFlo 120V, transfill
Home respiratory
EverFlo 120V OPI, transfill
Home respiratory
EverFlo Q 120V, transfill
Home respiratory
EverFlo Q 120V OPI, transfill
Home respiratory
EverGo 1-battery standalone, black case
Home respiratory
Home respiratory
UltraFill station 120V
Home respiratory
UltraFill system with 2 cylinders, 2,000 or 3000 psi and a
Home respiratory
cylinder bag, 120V
Amara View Fitpack
CAUTION: US federal law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Philips Respironics Authorized
Internet Retailer Policy
The Philips Respironics Authorized Internet Retailer Policy (referred
Non-Participation in the Philips Respironics AIRP:
to in this document as the "Philips Respironics AIRP") is an addition
Any internet retailer who does not participate in Philips Respironics
to the Philips Respironics US Pricing, Advertising & Sales Policy. All
AIRP will be subject to the following limitations:
capitalized terms used in this document and not otherwise defined
have the meanings given to those terms in the Philips Respironics US
A. Cannot advertise the products listed in Table A for sale online,
Pricing, Advertising and Sales Channel Policy.
under the definition of "Advertisement" in the US Pricing,
Advertising & Sales Channel Policy and subject to the penalties
Participation in the "Philips Respironics AIRP" provides authorized
described therein.
Philips Respironics internet retailers with certain benefits as outlined
B. Will not be provided with a "Philips Respironics Oxygen
below, while non-participation precludes internet retailers from
Authorized Internet Retailer" badge for use on their website or
accessing these benefits.
otherwise. Unauthorized usage of the "Philips Respironics Oxygen
Authorized Internet Retailer" badge, or similar claims of being an
Participation in the Philips AIRP is open to any internet retailer that
"Authorized Philips Respironics Internet Retailer" will be a violation
meets the following criteria:
of Section 11 of the US Pricing, Advertising & Sales Channel
Policy. Any internet retailer that displays a badge designating
The internet retailer has a Sleep and Home Respiratory
it as an "authorized internet retailer" of Philips Respironics (or
Purchase Agreement currently in effect with Philips
similar implication) will immediately lose the right to purchase all
Respironics, and the internet retailer has also signed the
products in Table A for a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive
"SimplyGo Mini Addendum" to the Sleep and Home
months. This sanction will be imposed by Philips Respironics
Respiratory Purchase Agreement.
unilaterally, and without warning or prior notification.
The internet retailer is not subject to any suspension or other
C. Will not receive digital assets related to products in Table A for use
action under the Philips Respironics US Pricing, Advertising and
Sales Channel Policy for a violation of such Policy.
D. Will not receive communications or updates regarding digital
marketing initiatives from Philips Respironics.
Prospective participants in the program must request participation in
the AIRP via email program by emailing [email protected].
Violations of the US Pricing, Advertising & Sales Channel Policy:
All participants in the Philips Respironics AIRP remain subject to
The products listed in Table A are covered by this Philips Respironics
the US Pricing, Advertising & Sales Channel Policy. Any participant
AIRP. Philips Respironics may from time to time modify the list of
who violates the US Pricing, Advertising & Sales Channel Policy will
products subject to the Philips Respironics AIRP by publishing updates
be removed from participation in the Philips Respironics AIRP, as
in the Philips Respironics US Pricing, Advertising & Sales
described below.
Any participant in the Philips Respironics AIRP who is removed from
Benefits of Participating in the Philips Respironics AIRP:
participation in the Philips Respironics AIRP will be suspended from
Authorized participants in the Philips Respironics AIRP will be entitled
the program and cannot re-join for a period of no less than three
to the following benefits:
(3) consecutive full calendar months. Upon the expiration of the
1. Authorization to advertise the products listed in Table A online
suspension period, any participant wishing to once again participate in
(e.g., on their websites or webpages on the internet).
the Philips Respironics AIRP must request reinstatement in writing to
2. The right to display a "Philips Respironics Oxygen Authorized
the [email protected] e-mail address.
Internet Retailer" badge on its website. The badge will be
administered and verified through a third party, and cannot
Any participant who is removed from participation in the Philips
Respironics AIRP twice in within the same one-year period (i.e. within
3. The right and obligation to use Philips Respironics' digital assets
twelve (12) consecutive months) will be considered a "repeat offender,"
to market the products in Table A.
and will be removed from participation in the Philips Respironics AIRP
4. Communication updates regarding digital marketing initiatives
for a period of no less than twelve (12) consecutive months.
from Philips Respironics.
Philips Respironics Authorized Internet Retailer Policy (continued)
This Policy regarding participation in the Philips Respironics AIRP
Placement of the Philips Respironics Oxygen Authorized
has been adopted unilaterally by Philips Respironics, and Philips
Internet Retailer Badge:
Respironics reserves the right to modify or rescind this Policy at
The Philips Respironics Oxygen Authorized Internet Retailer Badge
any time at Philips Respironics' sole discretion. This Policy does
must be shown prominently on all product pages advertising the
not constitute an agreement between Philips Respironics and any
products in TABLE A for sale. Use only one Philips Respironics Oxygen
internet retailer. No internet retailer will have any right, contractual
Authorized Internet Retailer Badge per individual product page. The
or otherwise, to enforce this Policy against any other retailer or
badge cannot be the dominant graphic in a layout. It must be placed
against Philips Respironics.
in a subordinate position to the Philips Respironics Product Name, and
immediately next to the Philips Respironics Product Name.
Part number
Product MAP
SimplyGo Mini Portable Oxygen Concentrator Systems
SimplyGo Mini System with standard battery - U.S.
Home respiratory
SimplyGo Mini System with extended battery - U.S.
SimplyGo Mini Portable Oxygen Concentrator accessories
Standard lithium ion battery
Extended lithium ion battery
SimplyGo Mini DC Power Supply - U.S.
SimplyGo Mini AC power supply - U.S.
SimplyGo Mini AC power cord - U.S.
SimplyGo Mini External Battery Charger - U.S.
SimplyGo Mini Portable Oxygen Concentrator accessorie bags
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag and Strap, Brown
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag, Brown
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag Strap, Brown
SimplyGo Mini Accessory Bag, Brown
SimplyGo Mini Backpack, Brown
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag and Strap, Black
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag, Black
SimplyGo Mini Carry Bag Strap, Black
SimplyGo Mini Accessory Bag, Back
SimplyGo Mini Backpack, Black
2016 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights reserved.
Caution: US federal law restricts these devices to
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LASER HAIR REMOVAL: SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES AND Christine C. Dierickx, MD Visiting Faculty Member Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine Harvard Medical School The use of lasers for hair removal has been studied for a number of years. In this procedure,laser light is absorbed by melanin in the hair shaft, damaging the follicular epithelium. A clini-cal study evaluated the use of the LightSheer™ Diode Laser for hair removal. Of 92 patients,all had temporary hair loss and 89% had long-term hair loss. Regrowing hairs were shown tobe thinner and lighter than previously. Extensive clinical use of this high-power, pulsed diodelaser has resulted in recommendations for patient selection and proper use of the laser.Appropriate fluence settings have been shown to cause long-term hair loss without damagingthe epidermis, regardless of skin type.
Le magazine des génopolitains, partenaires du biocluster n°178 - mars 2015 Sommaire Gen'envie L'actu du biocluster L'actu de Gen'Envie Page 2 : SommairePage 3 : Edito de Christian Rebol o Gen'envie suit vos envies et vous informe sur Pages 4 à 6 : Genopole actualités l'Escale sans mot de passe ! Retrouvez toutes les Page 7 : L'actu des plateformes - Equipements mutualisés