Ifip newsletter issue 061406 (read-only)

July 2006
June 2006
Volume 1, Issue 2
Official Newsletter o f the Ru tgers Ins titu te for P harmaceutica l Indust ry Fello wshi ps
Official Newsletter of the Rutgers Institute for Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowships
Message from the Co-Chief Fellows
Message from the Editors:
Anish Patel & Na Young Goh
This is our End-of-the-Year issue of the RPIF Newsletter. Through this
will: i) increase interactions stakeholders together and
edition, we hope to reflect upon the
among fellows & alumni, ii) provide top-line information
amazing fellowship year as well as
provide fellows with an oppor-
of fellow's accomplishments
provide insight to the next year.
tunity to maintain activities and program milestones.
Through the newsletter, we hope to
throughout the year, and iii) Overall, these committees
promote continued involvement and
give back to our community. will provide fellows with an
success for the new year!
Through the creation of two new increased scope of opportuni-
Thank you to everyone that contrib-
committees, Community Devel-
ties to stay involved through-
uted to this issue and congrats to all
opment and Newsletter, we hope out the year. For the success
the graduating fellows and welcome
to strive towards a successful of our committees and pro-
to all the incoming fellows!!
year in accomplishing these gram, the fellows are encour-
-Maricel & Jennifer
goals. The Community Devel-
aged to be involved and en-
opment Committee headed up thusiastic in our mission.
Dear Fellows & Alumni,
by Angela Stevenson was estab-
As the year processes, we
lished to build relationships
welcome new ideas to im-
between fellows, alumni, and
Welcome to our new fellows
prove and enhance the pro-
our community. This committee
and congratulation to our con-
gram. Should you have any
End of the Year Collage
is challenged to not only provide
tinuing fellows on completing
questions or concerns, please
fellows with the opportunity to
Alumni Spotlight
their first year in the program.
let us know. Your involve-
collaborate with alumni, but also
Certificate Dinner
We are excited to kick-off this
ment and commitment to the
serve as a philanthropic resource
upcoming year, which is prom-
program is appreciated
Welcome New Fellows
to our community.
ising to be filled with fun activi-
Furthermore, the Newsletter
Mark Your Calendars
ties as well as some challenging Committee under the leadership Anish Patel & Na Young Goh
of Maricel DeJesus and Jennifer
We hope the year ahead of us Kim will better connect our
2006-2007 RPIF Committees
Committee Chair(s)
Amy Patel & Madonna Krawczyk Coordination of all aspects of ASHP Meeting
• Lead contacts from
each company are
University Outreach
Jessica Winnie & John Vaile
Organization of recruitment visits to Universities and Colleges
needed! If interested
please contact:
Organization Outreach
Coordination of RFIP representation at pharmacy associations
Jennifer Kim
Fellowship Information Day
Coordination of FID to increase awareness of RFIP
Maintain integrity and content of RPIF website
Maricel DeJesus
Coordination of courses and provide teaching opportunities at
Rutgers Pharmacy School
Marcel DeJesus & Jennifer Kim
Connect RPIF Community through newsletter
Community Development
Angela Stevenson
Build relationships with students & alumni and community outreach

The Fellowship Chronicles
Volume 1, Issue 2
A Year To Remember
Congratulations to the Graduating Fellows
We wish you the best of luck!
Bristol Myers Squibb:
Ortho McNeil Janssen:
Hoffman La Roche:
Erika Massenburg
Vinod Kalathiveetil
Nana Wiafe-Ababio
Antonella Lozito
Staci Lymperopoulos
The Fellowship Chronicles
Volume 1, Issue 2
Alumni Connection
From "In Focus– Profiles from our Alumni"
For more info, see http://pharmafellows.rutgers.edu/locked/alumni-infocus.php
Bardia Akbari, PharmD
By Buu Chung, PharmD
you love to do, then you'll be really Key Advices:
studies than what are currently
being done in the industry—I guess
Establish relationships
you can call it the pursuit of a
Bardia participated in a two-year
‘perfect' clinical development pro-
clinical research fellowship at Hoff-
• Learn to align scientific
mann La-Roche through the Rutgers
and business visions
Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship •
Program. Upon completion, Bardia
Seek out a mentor
decided to stay with Hoffmann La-
• Rotate with FDA
Operations Project Leader,
Roche as a Clinical Science Special-ist. He later assumed other internal •
Success in Clinical dept
Clinical Team Leader
positions prior to being promoted to
involves organization, de-
his current position as Operations
tail-orientation, and under-
Hoffmann-La Roche
Dr. Akbari was introduced to the Project Leader, Clinical Team
standing the work instead
pharmaceutical industry early on Leader.
Roche-Rutgers Fellowship Director
in his career. While at the Uni-
Bardia's most memorable fellowship
versity of Colorado, he com-
• Develop skills to market
experience was during his second
pleted summer internship at year. He and his team were working
yourself for a position
Glaxo (now known as GlaxoS-
on a pediatric compound in develop-
Bardia aspires to have a perfect
mithKline). At Glaxo, he had the ment for a pediatric indication. Upon clinical trial, where there's no extra
opportunity to rotate in various administration to 10-year old patient,
Hoffmann– La Roche
patient enrolled in the study and
departments, and became most he saw the immediate impact that not an extra dollar is spent unnec-
intrigued with clinical research.
the drug had on the child. "Making essarily—everything is done per-
This inspired him to earn his
Clinical Investigations
a difference in others' lives is not fectly. "My career goal is to be in
PharmD degree and pursue ca-
always visible but that's what we, as
a position where I can influence a
reer in pharmaceutical industry. a pharmaceutical industry, are trying much more efficient and effective
University of Colorado (BS Pharm),
Bardia believes: "If you do what to do."
way of conducting clinical trial
SUNY Buffalo (PharmD)
Irene Laurora, PharmD
By Maricel DeJesus, PharmD
Upon receiving her B.S. degree switch projects and participated in company in a significant way. from St. John's University and her the Zantac 75 switch. From there, Irene's advice to the fellows is to
Doctor of Pharmacy degree from she moved to Parke-Davis. Here "gain your own experience."
the Medical College of Virginia, Irene was involved with the Lipitor You have to experience things
Irene Laurora knew she wanted to launch by leading one of Lipitor's for yourself before you really
pursue a career in clinical research. largest primary care trials. After-
know what something entails.
Though the fellowship at Sandoz, wards, she transferred back to War-
she was able to pave the way to ner-Lambert to head the Rx-to-OTC Despite her busy career and pre-
Director, Medical/Clinical Research
many opportunities.
switch clinical efforts.
cepting fellows, Irene balances
her personal life. She and her
Through her fellowship in clinical Throughout her successful career, husband, Nick have two lovely
Pfizer Consumer Healthcare
research, Irene was involved with Irene has been involved with manag-
children, Christopher and Nicho-
monitoring sites, writing study ing many clinical trials mostly in-
las. She is very involved in her
protocols, and interacting with volving Rx to OTC switches. She
Medical/Clinical Preceptor
children's activities.
people in various departments. She loves what she does. She thinks
was able to develop her skills in "clinical research is a nice mix of
presenting as well as persuasive clinical medicine, research, under-
writing. Most importantly, she was standing and interpreting regula-
able to further develop her critical tions, medical writing, and support-
Laura Fields,
thinking skills and apply her ac-
ing marketing efforts. It is a very
quired knowledge to her job.
goal-oriented field."
Market Development,
After her fellowship, Irene took a Irene's future goals are to be more
job at Warner-Lambert. There she involved with strategic business and
St. John's University; Medical College of was involved with the Rx-to-OTC decision making that will impact the
The Fellowship Chronicles
Volume 1, Issue 2
Official Newsletter of the Rutgers Institute for Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowships
2006 RPIF Certificate Dinner
The Rutgers Institute for Pharmaceutical Industry
2006 co-chief fellows, Staci Lymperopoulos and
Fellowships held their annual certificate dinner
Lucio Volino. Guest speakers included Cathy Segal
on Thursday, June 8th at the Hilton Short Hills.
and…. from BMS. They bought gave inspirational
Fellows, preceptors, alumni, and family members
and thoughtful speeches. After dinner, the graduat-
of fellows were all gathered to celebrate the com-
ing fellows received their completion certificate and
pletion of the fellowship program but celebrating
the night ended with a slide show presentation of
the start of their professional career.
this past year made by next year's Co-chief fellow Na Young Goh.
The night was spent with fellow colleagues shar-ing fond memories from this past year and for
We would like to congratulate the graduating fel-
some of the fellows, saying their farewells as
lows and wish you the best of luck with your new
they part in their separate ways.
Speakers from the night included Program Direc-tors, Dr. Alexander and Dr. Barone and 2005-
Welcome to the New Incoming Fellows
John McBride, Tammy Dang
Suzanne Maahs, Stephanie Whalen, Les-
Chhaya Shah, Jessica Ford
lie Servidio, Dale Butterfloss, Vanessa
Kan, Chris Sung, Melina Cioffi, Kathy
Lisa Varghese, Nissa Pisano
Dong, Melody Magliano
Drilon Saliu, Melissa Gallo, Manita Singh, Nikul Shukla
Bristol Myers Squibb:
Schering Plough:
Amit Duggal, Arpan Shah, Annette
Gbemudu, John Holt, Jennifer Stover,
Robert Adamczk, Elizabeth Lucini, Bhav-
Ortho McNeil Janssen:
James Lau, Chinedu Momah, Tiffany
Marsh, Stacy Matthew, Nanrita Nandra,
Mary Cheriyan, Tony Lan, Robert James,
Christine Ghobrial, Joe Jiang
Hoffman La Roche:
Neelam Patel, Salah El-Saheb, Scott
Ramona Derkits, Eunice Chung
Adamczk, Ami Patel, Mohammed Issa,
Natanya Jennings, Jay Paul Singh
Scientific Advantage Award Recipients
Congratulations to Anish Patel, Pharm.D. and Jessica Winnie, Pharm.D. on winning the PharmD
Mark Your Calendars!
Fellowship Award from Scientific Advantage.
Scientific Advantage is an integrated company that helps build, model, train and refine Medical Sci-
ROPES Course
ence Liaison teams. They work with pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies to ex-pand and dramatically improve their medical marketing impact. Recently, Scientific Advantage
invited all of the Rutgers Fellows who were interested in pursuing a career as an MSL to apply for the PharmD Fellowship Award. The recipients were able to attend the Annual Scientific Advantage
First Professional Development Day
Medical Science Liason Seminar On April 25-26.
According to Jessica Winnie, ""Attending the meeting was a great experience. I learned a great deal
about the regulations governing the role of an MSL, the opportunities for career development in the MSL role, and I had a chance to network with and meet many past, current and future MSLs. I would recommend this meeting for all those interested in pursuing a career as an MSL, and I look forward to the future collaboration of Scientific Advantage and the Rutgers Fellowship."
S Editors: Jennifer Kim, Maricel DeJesus
T Contributors: Buu Chung, Na Young Goh, Anish Patel, Jessica Winnie
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
A Advisor: Dr. James Alexander
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
160 Frelinghuysen Road, Room 405
Phone: (732) 445-5215 ext. 455
Special Thanks to- Svetlana Kurinsky
Source: http://pharmafellows.rutgers.edu/resources/51fc8281d308931dfc3e2d776dc2f244.pdf
OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS Before the Deluge Tony Smyth, Director of Engineering Services and Chief Engineer in the Office of Public Works, talks John Walshe through the OPW's efforts to revolutionise flood risk management in Ireland via the Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) programme. The CFRAM programme is set EU FLOODS DIRECTIvE
Copyright 2007 by the American Psychological Association 2007, Vol. 7, No. 4, 745–754 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Responses Relate to Differences in Real-World Social Experience Naomi I. Eisenberger, Shelly L. Gable, and Matthew D. Lieberman University of California, Los Angeles Although neuroimaging techniques have proven powerful in assessing neural responses, little is knownabout whether scanner-based neural activity relates to real-world psychological experience. A jointfunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)/experience-sampling study investigated whether individ-ual differences in neurocognitive reactivity to scanner-based social rejection related to: (a) moment-to-moment feelings of social rejection during real-world social interactions ("momentary social distress")and (b) the extent to which these momentary feelings corresponded with end-of-day global assessmentsof social disconnection ("end-of-day social disconnection"). Individuals who showed greater activity inregions associated with affective and pain processing (dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala,periaqueductal gray) during scanner-based social rejection reported feeling greater momentary socialdistress during their daily social interactions. In contrast, individuals who showed greater activity inregions associated with memory and self-referential memory encoding (hippocampus, medial prefrontalcortex) showed a stronger correspondence between momentary social distress and end-of-day socialdisconnection, such that greater momentary social distress was associated with greater end-of-day socialdisconnection. These findings complement previous work showing a dissociation between momentaryand retrospective reports of affect and suggest that these processes rely on dissociable neural systems.