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Guideline for oral healthcare of adults with Huntington's disease
Graham Manley1, Helen Lane1, Annette Carlsson2, Bitte Ahlborg2, Åsa Mårtensson2, Monica B Nilsson2, Sheila A Simpson3,4 & Daniela Rae*3,4; On behalf of the contributing members of the European Huntington's Disease Networks Standards of Care Dental Care Group
A preventive dentistry regime should be implemented at the earliest possible opportunity and maintained throughout development of the condition. The use of high fluoride toothpaste is essential.
Discuss with dieticians their recommendations for use of highly cariogenic foods. Work closely with all
professional and nonprofessional groups concerned with care of the person with Huntington's disease.
In the early stage of onset of the condition, consider carefully before providing advanced conservative treatment (i.e., crowns, bridges, implants). In the later stages, maintenance of complex restorative
dentistry may present real problems for dentists and caregivers. This may be a difficult issue for patients and/or caregivers to accept will depend upon each individual clinical situation.
The use of intravenous conscious sedation is an extremely valuable tool for dentists when treating people in the mid and late stages of the condition. It may avoid complicated general anesthetic hospital admissions.
In the case of a recurrent lip trauma from choreic mouth movements discuss with caregivers frequency and severity of event and options for prevention, using a mouth guard (if appropriate and safe) or extractions if necessary.
As a dentist with experience of treating people with Huntington's disease you must consider it an essential responsibility to become involved in training other colleagues.
Always assume (unless told or from experience) that the patient with Huntington's disease understands and can communicate. Respect his/her wishes even if they do not comply with what you as a dentist considers to be in the interest of good oral health.
Summary These guidelines present an overall strategy for oral healthcare based on
the principles of achieving a disease-free, pain-free and safe mouth. The standards of care
referred to in the document seek to provide guidelines for the care and treatment that is no
less a standard provided for an individual that does not have this condition. Such care and
treatment will take into account the health and safety of each individual within the context
of their condition. Particular emphasis is placed on dental professionals working within a
multidisciplinary team, focusing on prevention of oral disease and providing treatment
appropriate to the various stages of the progression of this condition. It is intended that by
providing and subsequently promoting these guidelines, it will focus the dental professions
work on this condition and the implementation of good care for people with Huntington's
1The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, London, UK 2 Mun-H-Center, Goteborg, Sweden 3 Department of Clinical Genetics, NHS Grampian, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK 4University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZA Scotland, UK *Author for correspondence: Tel.: +44 1224 552 120; [email protected]
10.2217/NMT.11.68 2012 Future Medicine Ltd
Neurodegen. Dis. Manage. (2012) 2(1), 1–xxx
SPecial rePort Manley, Lane, Carlsson et al.
Huntington's disease (HD) is an adult-onset, disease. It is clear that much work must be
familial disorder that can affect both men undertaken in order to clarify some of the
and women [1]. Symptom onset usually occurs aspects of dental management.
by the age of 40 years, but this can be very
variable. Age of onset is related to the size of Methods
the mutation, which is an unstable expansion A systematic literature search was performed
of a CAG sequence in the gene [2]. The classical electronically using Embase, Ovid MEDLINE
triad of clinical features includes a movement and Ovid MEDLINE® In-Process & Other
disorder, cognitive impairment, personality Non-Indexed Citations.
and psychiatric disorder. These features
There is very limited literature about the
cause complex management problems, which oral health of people with HD. The majority of adversely affects oral health. For example, the literature is confined to individual patient case provision of mouth care and dental care may reports and their management strategies. Few of be physically limited by the movement disorder the papers identified proved relevant and none and furthermore oral hygiene may be neglected were above evidence grade IV (expert opinion). or declined. Described by George Huntington in
Interestingly, a review of the literature
1873, this disease continues to devastate families focusing on multidisciplinary working in HD and perplex the clinicians who care for them.
found only one paper that included dentistry in
When working with people with HD and the multidisciplinary team [4]. A further paper
their families it is important to provide a states that ‘‘ideally a dentist should be part of cohesive and multidisciplinary service. The the multidisciplinary care team with progressive disease affects many different aspects of the neurogenic disorder from diagnosis, so that oral individual's abilities and they require assessment care can be planned throughout the disease process by appropriately trained healthcare professionals. and does not become crisis management in the No one professional will have all the skills final phase of the condition'' [5]. A chapter within a needed to help any one individual. It is therefore multidisciplinary publication considers oral health of importance that the service providers take a care [6]. This presents a literature review rather multidisciplinary approach to HD in order to than discussing the issues involved in including identify the best way to assist individual patients this aspect of care within multidisciplinary work. by taking into account their differing needs.
The provision of oral healthcare for people Huntington's disease & oral health
with HD is dependent on the dental team There are no innate dental features of HD that working together with various agencies that make an individual more susceptible to dental provide care [3]. Interdisciplinary working caries or periodontal disease [7]. However, a study is essential to the effective management of of the oral health of a group of individuals with people with HD. Team members will include mid-late stage HD in a specialized residential care general medical practitioners, neurologists, facility showed that this group of individuals had psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, specialist significantly more missing and decayed teeth, nurses, genetic counselors, social workers, care fewer sound and restored teeth and fewer pairs of managers, palliative care consultants, dieticians, contacting posterior teeth when compared with physiotherapists, occupational therapists and the general population [8].
speech and language therapists.
There are several contributory factors that
The European Huntington's Disease Network may detrimentally affect the oral health of
(EHDN) was formed in 2003, to provide a people with HD. These are:platform for clinicians and families to work
Nutritional factors
together to find a cure for Huntington's disease. In addition, working groups were created to
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
address various themes; one of which is the
Standards of Care (SoC). Within the Standards of Care Group, as part of the EHDN [101] the
dental section has proposed these guidelines
Access to and provision of dental care
based on the currently available evidence as well as expert consensus on the provision of oral
Additional dental considerations
health care for individuals with Huntington's
Neurodegen. Dis. Manage. (2012) 2(1)
future science group
Guideline for oral healthcare of adults with Huntington's disease SPecial rePort
Nutritional factors
The 1945–1953 Vipeholm study is one of In the later stages of HD, a decision may be the largest and most influential single studies made to feed via PEG. The decision to insert a investigating the association between sugar PEG may be dependent on a number of factors consumption and dental caries [9]. It is notable including:that such a study which concluded results that
An advance directive regarding PEG insertion
have proved essential to the prevention of dental caries involved manipulation and ‘use' of adults
Dysphagia, which poses a significant risk of
with learning disability in a residential institute.
aspiration pneumonia
It concluded that consumption of sugary food
Dysphagia, which significantly limits the
and drinks both between meals and at meals
is associated with a large caries increment. For ethical reasons, this study has never been
It should additionally be recognized that a
repeated but the conclusions have been ratified person with a PEG may also consume some oral by more recent national reports [10–12].
foodstuffs providing it is not an aspiration risk.
Several dietary factors are associated with
There is very little literature about the
caries incidence:
oral health of people fed via PEG. Historical
Amount of fermentable carbohydrate experimental research on animals helped
to demonstrated that ‘tube-fed' animals experienced less dental caries [17]. This view has
Sugar concentration of food
been upheld by recent research that has shown
Physical form of carbohydrate
that ‘tube feeding had a remarkably lower odds ratio for new dental caries relative to regular
Oral retentiveness (length of time teeth are meals' [18].
exposed to decreased plaque pH)
Several papers have reported a higher rate
Frequency of eating meals and snacks
of plaque and calculus accumulation in people fed via PEG [19], but there have been no papers
Length of interval between eating
published that have specifically investigated
Sequence of food consumption
periodontal disease in this group. However, it is widely known that gingivitis is a reversible
People with HD are also known to retain inflammatory reaction of the gingiva to plaque
food within the mouth after swallowing [13,14], accumulation, and that gingivitis precedes which will also increase the likelihood of dental periodontitis. Not all gingivitis cases will caries. It is thought that the bolus retention is develop into periodontitis- approximately 10% predominately due to dysphagia, but may also of individuals are highly susceptible and 10% are be due to deficient purposeful lingual searching highly resistant to periodontitis. The difference activity [15]. Thickened fluids can also be difficult in susceptibility is for the most part attributed to clear from the mouth [7] which increases the to genetic factors [20]. caries risk.
The presence of dental plaque is the principle
In order to maintain and/or increase the causative factor in the etiology of periodontal
calorific intake of a person with HD, many disease. It could therefore be suggested that
dietitians recommend eating frequent snacks this group of individuals who have shown a
high in calories and to consume lots of sugar or higher reported rate of plaque and calculus
sugary substances, such as honey, jam, syrup accumulation will show a higher prevalence
and treacle [102,103]. It is widely accepted that of periodontal disease. It is clear that this is an
a high frequency of consumption of sugary area that deserves more research, particularly
foods and drinks increases the likelihood to clarify the exact prevalence of periodontal
of dental caries. However, it is of concern – disease in those people who are fed via PEG.
for the consequences of this strategy on oral
health – that people with HD are encouraged Medication
to consume a diet high in sugar. Foods that are An assessment by the EHDN found that
high in sugar often contain ‘empty calories', and approximately 84% of HD registered patients
there is an association in people with HD with receive symptomatic treatment [21]. The
nutritional deficiency [16].
indications for prescribed medications were:
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SPecial rePort Manley, Lane, Carlsson et al.
Depression, 50%
in a specialized residential care facility found
that these individuals had more plaque than the age-matched general population [8]. All of these
Irritability and aggression, 13%
individuals had gingival inflammation. Some of
Sleep disturbance, 9%
these individuals provided their own mouth care, and some required assistance with mouth care.
Rigidity, apathy, mania, obsessive–compulsive
Self-provided oral hygiene may be poor in this
disorders, less than 2%
The drugs prescribed varied depending Apathy and poor self care [26] – toothbrushing
upon the country; in the UK, citalopram,
may not be a priority and their interest in hygiene
tetrabenazine, olanzapine and clonazepam
diminishes as the disease progresses [7,21,27];
are frequently prescribed. Citalopram is the single most prescribed antidepressant (41%),
Impairment of voluntary motor function [26]
and olanzapine was the neuroleptic chosen in
and impaired manual dexterity [7].
55% of cases in the UK. A common side-effect
Toothbrushing may be difficult and
of these two medications is xerostomia [22,23].
inadequately performed due to movements and
Xerostomia has also been a reported as a side-
effect of tetrabenazine [24]. Xerostomia presents
As the disease progresses people with HD
a significant problem in maintaining good oral become fully dependant on carers for activities health. Its presence is associated with a high of daily living, which includes oral care. Several prevalence and incidence of caries in several papers have elucidated barriers to the provision of papers, and has additionally been associated with mouth care provided by a third party including:tooth loss and periodontitis [25].
Lack of training [28,29]
A study of the oral health of a group of
individuals with mid-late stage HD in a
Time constraints [28,30,31]
specialized residential care facility found that the
Lack of knowledge about oral care/disease
majority (33/35) of individuals were prescribed
one or more medications with the potential to cause xerostomia as an undesirable side effect
Lack of oral care supplies [30]
The average number of medications prescribed
Uncooperative residents/patients [30,31]
which can cause xerostomia as a side effect was
Lack of staff [30]
3.89, ranging from none to seven per patient. This study also noted further medications
Need for/lack of an oral assessment tool [29,32]
prescribed to these individuals with the potential
Low priority duty [29,31]
to cause undesirable oral side effects. Gingival enlargement is a known side effect of sodium
Unrewarding/unpleasant task [29,31]
valproate and sertraline. Glossitis is an oral
Fear of causing pain [33]
side effect of olanzipine, diazepam, sertraline
Use of ineffective mouth care equipment, for
venlafaxine and temazepam.
example, foam swabs instead of toothbrush
While it is appreciated that such medications
may be important in the management of HD
These barriers may lead to the inadequate
their implications for oral health present yet provision of mouth care and subsequently poor another challenge for preventing dental disease oral health. Although registered nurses (RN) and maintaining good oral healthcare. It is a often receive some mouth care training, RNs continuing concern to the dental profession were unlikely to provide mouth care. Mouth care that liquid medicines may contain cariogenic is often delegated to healthcare assistants or their sweeteners. For some people with HD the oral equivalent [31]. It is therefore possible that mouth intake of a variety of liquid medications on a care is performed by providers with receive no frequent daily basis, if sugar containing, is another formal training in this field. detrimental factor in preserving the dentition.
access to & provision of dental care
There are many well recognized barriers of
A study of the oral health of a group of access to dental care for people with disabilities, individuals with mid-late stage HD with teeth such as:
Neurodegen. Dis. Manage. (2012) 2(1)
future science group
Guideline for oral healthcare of adults with Huntington's disease SPecial rePort
Access to the dental surgery – such as the the successful use of general anesthesia and
availability of transport to and from the conscious sedation to provide dental treatment
building [4], wheelchair access [34]
for patients with HD who are unable to accept
Financial constraints
treatment under local anesthesia. Several
anesthetic techniques have been described in
Dentist's lack of experience treating people the literature including the uneventful use of
with disability [35]
isoflurane [7], succinylcholine [37], mivacurium
Caregivers' priorities for care [35]
[37,38], forane [37], nitrous oxide [37], sevoflurane [38,39] and propofol [39,40]. General anesthesia
People with HD may experience additional has been used for a range of dental treatment:
barriers to the receipt of dental care:
full mouth extractions, restorations, implant
Communication difficulties [27]
insertion and endodontics [7,27,37,39,40]. In one case, dental treatment was completed over five
Lack of dental professional's knowledge about continuous hours of anesthesia [37].
HD and consequential reluctance to provide
Substantial consideration must be taken
before general anesthesia is contemplated for HD
Difficulties providing treatment to patients affected patients. It is more likely that treatment
with overt choreic movements [4,27,36]
under general anesthesia is necessary in the later stages of the disease when there is a higher risk
Apathy and resentment in the patient and/or of complication. Dysphagia increases the risk of
family [4]. Following diagnosis, people with aspiration in the immediate postoperative period
HD may lose self-interest and may choose not [7] and these patients are often malnourished [27,41]
to attend dental appointments or look after and dehydrated [27]. Certain anesthetic agents
their oral health. An individual with HD may are avoided, anticholinergic drugs may increase
resent family members who may or may not choreic movements [7], and sodium thiopental
have HD and complex psychological and has been reported to cause prolonged apnea.
behavioral issues can lead to the subsequent
Dental treatment under conscious sedation
breakdown of family units. Conversely, family with intravenous midazolam has been recently
members may be the prime carers, but may used as an alternative to general anesthesia. It
also become apathetic towards or resent the can be used effectively often in small, titrated
individual with HD. The family carer may not doses, to control movements and allow effective
want to or be able to provide the mouth care dentistry [4,7,42,43]. It has been suggested
required for that individual, or assist them to that conscious sedation can help to manage
their dental appointments as would be swallowing problems and reduce the risk of
necessary to help maintain good oral health. aspiration [4]. Cannulation may be difficult
An additional reason for family resentment in and may preclude a patient from receiving
relation to dental care may be because of the conscious sedation if movements are so great
inability of the dental treatment proposed to that intravenous access cannot be secured [7].
meet the expectations of the patient and/or In such cases the use of oral or transmucosal
caregivers. For example, difficulty or (particularly intranasal) sedation may facilitate
impossibility in providing advanced restorative cannulation [42,43]. However, if sedation is not
care (crowns, bridges, implants).
appropriate effective general anesthesia with a
Ability to tolerate dental treatment due to gaseous induction may be the only treatment
involuntary movements [4,36].
option. One paper has described the use of diazepam administered through a patient's
Regardless of these barriers, it is entirely gastrostomy tube to facilitate dentistry [44].
feasible to provide a wide range of dental care to
people with HD. Bradford et al. [36] performed additional dental considerations
complex endodontics under local anesthetic Trauma
alone: it was noted that the choreic movements People with HD often display a disturbance in
prevented the full use of the dental operating gait, can lose balance and are more susceptible
microscope and the length of appointments were to falls [7]. There has been one reported case of
limited, however treatment was successful. There a fractured mandibular condyle following a fall
have been several papers that have discussed where initial impact was the chin [45]. It should
future science group
SPecial rePort Manley, Lane, Carlsson et al.
be noted that this group are prone to trips and patient. A more pragmatic approach to treatment falls, which can result in facial injuries.
may well be in the interests of the patient albeit not necessarily meeting patient and or relatives'
Dentures become increasingly difficult to retain as the disease progresses due to xerostomia and
the stages of HD
reduced muscular control [7,27,46]. It is therefore There have been several attempts to define important to retain functional teeth for as long the stages of progression of HD [48]. Current as possible. Should a denture be considered a research may provide further options [49]:careful risk benefit assessment must be made
Early-stage disease cannot be defined as the
taking into account the possible instability and
time of diagnosis since diagnosis can be made
likelihood of airway obstruction.
at variable times. Most individuals present with early neurological and psychiatric
features, which may have started to cause
One paper reported three cases of severe bruxism
difficulties at work and home.
which increased in severity alongside the progression of their HD. The bruxism resulted
Mid-stage disease would be seen to have been
in severe tooth wear and jaw pain [45]. Others
reached when the affected person has to cease
have also reported on its occurrence [47].
work, or at least change employment to a post that is less challenging. Executive function
a guideline for care
decline and some cognitive deficit would be
The overall strategy for oral healthcare is based
demonstrated. Involuntary movements would
on the principle of achieving a disease-free, pain-
be obvious but it is most likely that individuals
free and safe mouth. We seek to provide care
would still be able to feed themselves.
and treatment that is no less a standard than
Late-stage disease occurs when employment
that provided to an individual that does not have
becomes impossible, the individual is no
HD. Such care and treatment should take into
longer able to live independently, self care
account the health and safety of each individual
ceases and cognitive decline is obvious. Some
within the context of their status.
patients maintain the ability to feed themselves
Huntington's disease provides particular
to a late stage, but swallowing difficulties and
challenges for oral healthcare. As with all
involuntary movements create increasing
aspects of healthcare, prevention should be
introduced before the onset of the condition where possible. Some adults with the condition It is recognized that HD is a continuum of choose not to be formally diagnosed, and the varying clinical features. To interpret into lack of early identification of affected individuals practical care and relate to the needs of the may not allow for the instigation of early oral individual it is suggested that for the purpose health prevention. In addition, the provision of of these guidelines the condition of HD is dental treatment may be difficult because of the described by stages. Different authorities divide clinical features of HD – particularly the choreic HD by three or five stages.
movements. Such treatment difficulties make the need for prevention even more significant.
relation to oral healthcare
For these reasons the importance of assessment It is important to work with the family and carers and practical treatment planning cannot be as well as the affected individual and to provide overemphasized.
as much choice as possible for care to each
When planning and carrying out restorative individual. Much of the care suggested will relate
care for people in the early stages careful to the dependence on others for support to the attention however should be given to the fact person with HD. For this reason the guidelines that the effective provision of oral hygiene and will relate to the degree of dependence on care therefore maintenance of advanced restorations, and services of that individual throughout the that is, crowns and bridges, may not be possible progression of their condition. Thus at the for those who will move into the advanced stages early stage the individual will be minimally of the condition. Such issues may provide more dependent on others for support, he/she will be difficulties for the dental practitioner and for the able to carry out good and effective oral hygiene
Neurodegen. Dis. Manage. (2012) 2(1)
future science group
Guideline for oral healthcare of adults with Huntington's disease SPecial rePort
and will accept all dental procedures with local assessment
anesthetic within primary care. At the middle It is important that essential information about
stage, dependency will increase. The individual oral healthcare is available as soon as possible
may still be able to carry out oral hygiene but from non-dental agencies (medical, nursing,
will need occasional support (occasional physical social care staff). An oral health assessment
help) for this process. Oral examination and must also be carried out by a dental practitioner
treatment will be accepted using local anesthesia specializing in the care of adults with disability,
in the conventional manner; however, some more preferably experienced in the dental care and
complex procedures may need to be carried out management of people with HD. In the early
using sedation or general anesthesia. At the third stages of this condition patient involvement
stage, dependence will be at the highest level. in treatment planning and long term care is
Effective oral hygiene cannot be maintained essential. This should include a discussion about
by the individual alone who must have regular the patient's expectations for their oral health
and effective daily physical support with this and treatment. Individuals with HD may be
task. Oral examination is difficult and only the encouraged to make advance decisions as is
simplest treatment can be carried out with local the case with other areas of their life [102]. This
anesthetic. The use of conscious sedation or would then facilitate long-term planning of oral
general anesthesia would be the most appropriate care between the individual and dental surgeon.
option for treatment if suitable.
oral care regime
Provision of treatment should be appropriate
preventive care
to each individual case. This may include
Much of the literature about HD and oral restorative care with local anesthetic, conscious health discusses the importance of prevention. sedation and/or general anesthetic. Careful Boyle et al. make the point that at-risk families consideration must be given before providing should be educated about the implications for advanced restorative care as this may well be oral health and encouraged to seek out regular detrimental to the long-term patient care. care [7]. At-risk families and in particular newly Case studies form the bulk of literature diagnosed individuals should be referred at an written about HD and oral health. Although early stage to a dental provider experienced complex dentistry, including endodontics and in the condition. A thorough, preventative implantology, has been described, long-term regime can then be implemented to reduce follow-up of these complex treatments have the risk of oral diseases and their sequelae as not been assessed nor how the oral health of the disease progresses. Good oral health has these individuals is maintained as the disease positive benefits for health, dignity and self-
progresses. In view of the fact that implants are
esteem, social integration and general nutrition becoming more a part of the provision of dental [5]. While people with HD are generally care, careful consideration should be given to encouraged to eat a highly cariogenic diet and their advantages and disadvantages. Ideally take medications which cause xerostomia to assessment should be provided by a specialist control or reduce their symptoms, the oral implantologist. A more pragmatic approach is health of people with HD is at risk. Without to provide a more easily maintained dentition multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary team with good sound restorations following the working that includes a dental input, this onset of advanced HD. The provision of risk is unlikely to change. The need for the removable prostheses may be appropriate implementation of an oral health program as in the early stages, however if provided it is early as possible cannot be over-emphasized. essential that regular assessment be made of This should include appropriate preventive the potential risk that a denture may provide measures with close support from a hygienist. to airway obstruction. As such, all removal Sound guidance on good oral care is appliances should be clearly marked with additionally available from the HD Association radiopaque inserts.
[104]. To further emphasize its importance a
The maintenance of good oral healthcare is
practical useful document is available online very important for such patients and therefore (www.futuremedicine.com/doi/suppl/10.2217/
regular and frequent oral assessments by an
experienced practitioner are recommended.
future science group
SPecial rePort Manley, Lane, Carlsson et al.
Introduction of oral hygiene aids, for example,
early stage/phase 0–2
Collis-curve toothbrush, Dr Barman's
Superbrush, enlarged and/or weighted
Initial thorough examination (including
handles/grips, wrist weight cuffs, mouth angle
radiographs and photography as appropriate)
to obtain a baseline for future planning and
Oral hygiene instruction for carers using
to help with patient motivation. Review on a
written instructions and/or pictures and other
regular 6-monthly basis or as required
aids (e.g., DVDs)
Oral hygiene instruction with the use of
Consider introduction of a saliva substitute
adjunctive oral hygiene aids where appropriate
Individual assessment for the use of the most Restorative treatment
appropriate form of fluoride, for example, high
Delivery of treatment becomes more
f luoride toothpaste, chlorhexadine and
fluoride toothpaste [105], fluoride mouthwash
If caries is active consider a shortened dental
Preventative advice to improve understanding
arch to provide a more easily maintained,
of the significance of maintaining good oral
functional dentition
health and the importance of smoking cessation
Treatment in a semi-reclined position with the
Dietary advice to limit exposure to sugary
use of support cushions help to reduce
foods and snacks. This should involve liaison
involuntary movements and relax body
with dieticians (see Dietician's Guidelines)
Discussion of long-term care needs/treatment
Treatment becomes more likely to require the
needs (future wishes)
use of conscious sedation techniques including oral/transmucosal sedation, intravenous
Restorative treatment
sedation, or general anesthesia for delivery of care
Restorative treatment should be high quality
and low maintenance
Frequent re-assessment of oral care plan, as per
Maintenance of existing dentition by sound
restorations, endodontics and prosthodontics
Consider patients capacity to consent to
Identify key teeth (e.g., canines, molars and
treatment and the need for consultation
occluding pairs) and restore to function
regarding all aspects of treatment
Advanced restorative treatment planned so
Provision of simple and easily maintained
that, when the individual can no longer
provide oral self-care, a care-giver is prepared and able to take on this role
late stage/phase 4–5
Use of local anesthetic with sedation as
appropriate. Sedation may be administered
Daily oral care will be carried out by carers
orally/transmucosally, (intranasal/buccal),
supported by regular input from dental
intravenously or inhalation sedation using
Written instructions and use of pictures as an
Use of radio-opaque identification on acrylic
aid to oral hygiene and to demonstrate
preventive measures
Extraction of any unrestorable teeth
Regular swabbing of mouth with water or
saliva substitutes (cooking oils may help) to
Middle stage/phase 2–4
reduce effects of xerostomia. This is especially
required before meals and at night time
As above with more frequent (e.g., 3–4 Avoid mouthwash which may pose an
Use of fluoride varnish
Neurodegen. Dis. Manage. (2012) 2(1)
future science group
Guideline for oral healthcare of adults with Huntington's disease SPecial rePort
Restorative treatment
to be exposed to and involved in this group in a
Any interventive treatment is likely to require mentored and structured learning process. This
conscious sedation or general anesthesia. The can take place through post graduate courses patient's medical condition will be and be part of undergraduate curriculum. The compromised so liaison with physicians and courses should include other health professionals anesthetists will be required to help assess risk and caregivers to demonstrate the importance of and palliative management
multidisciplinary work. The specialty of special care dentistry is becoming more recognized
If edentulous or significant tooth loss, do not for its valuable contribution within the Dental
consider the provision of removable prostheses Profession through international (IADH) and
which may pose an aspiration risk
national (e.g., BSDH) bodies. More dentists
The patient may be fed via PEG so emphasis working within this specialty will have
should be placed on maintenance of a healthy experience in the care and treatment of people and comfortable mouth
There is an urgent need for practically
When dental treatment using conscious based research which focuses on the needs of
sedation and general anesthesia is no longer the individual, their family and caregivers. In
appropriate, dental interventions should be as addition research should be concerned with
non-invasive as possible, for example,. using the effectiveness of preventive and treatment
Carisolve for caries removal, atraumatic strategies that are tailored to the developing
restorative techniques, such as glass ionomer stages of the condition.
cement restorations
These guidelines present both a focus of this
Ensure a safe oral environment. For example, condition to the attention of the dental profession
extract mobile teeth to prevent the risk of and a source of support for implementing good inadvertent inhalation
oral healthcare. The implementation of these guidelines should be an important task for
Otherwise sound and periodontaly secure dentists working in the area of disability and
teeth may require extraction to prevent lip, oral health.
tongue or cheek soft-tissue trauma resulting
The brochure/information leaflet is included
from uncontrolled movement or biting
as it serves to emphasize the importance and
Balance the benefits of providing treatment value of other health professionals and caregivers
against the difficulties in terms of co-operation, in being involved in oral healthcare. It also consent, and restraint. No treatment may be provides useful information for those individuals the appropriate option in palliative care.
An example of an information leaflet for acknowledgements
carers is provided in the Supplementary brochure.
The authors would like to acknowledge the contributing members of the European Huntington's Disease Network
(EHDN) Standards of Care Dental Care Group to the
The oral healthcare of a person with HD should writing of the Guideline document.The EHDN had no
be based on effective, appropriate and continuing role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision
preventive care. Careful planning and provision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
of treatment needs to be implemented by
clinicians experienced in the care of this patient Financial & competing interests disclosure
group. Dental treatment must be appropriate The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial
to the stage of the condition. It should also be involvement with any organization or entity with a finan-
mindful of factors that relate to the progression cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter
of this condition that have an oral implication or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
(e.g., risk of aspiration).
employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or
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No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
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Source: http://mun-h-center.se/upload/MunhDoc/Guideline%20for%20oral%20healthcare%20of%20adults%20with%20Huntington's%20disease.pdf
MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES www.mjhid.org ISSN 2035-3006 Review Articles Prophylaxis of Malaria The Center for Geographic Medicine and Tropical Diseases, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer 52621, Israel Correspondence to: Prof. Eli Schwartz MD, DTMH. The Center for Geographic Medicine and Tropical Diseases, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer 52621, Israel. Tel: 972-3-5308456; Fax: 972-3-5308456. E-mail: [email protected]
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