Long-term neurological conditions

A series of evidence-based guidelines for clinical management
Long-term neurological conditions:
management at the interface between
neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care
British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine
Clinical Standards Department
Guideline Development Group
The purpose of the Clinical Standards
Lynne Turner-Stokes DM FRCP, Nigel Sykes FRCP FRCGP, Eli Silber
Department of the Royal College of Physicians
FCP(Neuro)SA MD and Lucy Sutton MSc prepared this guidance on
is to improve patient care and healthcare
behalf of the multidisciplinary Guideline Development Group
provision by setting clinical standards and
convened by the National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) and the
monitoring their use. We have expertise in the
British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine (BSRM) in association with
development of evidence-based guidelines and
the Clinical Standards Department of the Royal College of
the organisation and reporting of multicentre
comparative performance data. The
Professor Lynne Turner-Stokes (BSRM)
department has three core strategic objectives:
Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine, Herbert Dunhill Chair of
to define standards around the clinical work
Rehabilitation, King's College London
of physicians, to measure and evaluate the
Dr Nigel Sykes (Association of Palliative Medicine)
implementation of standards and its impact
Consultant in Palliative Medicine, St Christopher's Hospice,
on patient care; and to effectively implement
these standards.
Dr Eli Silber (Association of British Neurologists)
Our programme involves collaboration with
Consultant Neurologist, King's College Hospital Trust
specialist societies, patient groups and
Lucy Sutton (NCPC)
national bodies including the National
National Policy Lead, National Council for Palliative Care, London
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Vicki Morrey (NCPC)
(NICE), the Healthcare Commission and the
National Council for Palliative Care Long-term Neurological
Health Foundation.
Conditions Group Chair; Chief Executive, Prospect Hospice, Swindon
Tricia Holmes (Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA))
Concise Guidance to
Director of Care Development, Motor Neurone Disease Association,
Good Practice series
The concise guidelines in this series are
Sue Thomas (Royal College of Nursing)
intended to inform those aspects of physicians'
Nursing Policy and Practice Advisor, Royal College of Nursing,
clinical practice which may be outside their
own specialist area. In many instances the
Sue Smith (MNDA)
guidance will also be useful for other clinicians
Regional Care Advisor, Motor Neurone Disease Association,
including GPs and other healthcare
Dr Mark Lee
The guidelines are designed to allow clinicians
Consultant in Palliative Medicine, St Benedict's Hospice, Sunderland
to make rapid, informed decisions based
Judi Byrne (Sue Ryder Care)
wherever possible on synthesis of the best
Palliative Initiative in Neurological Care (PINC) Co-ordinator,
available evidence and expert consensus
Sue Ryder Care, London
gathered from practising clinicians and service
Janice Brown
users. A key feature of the series is to provide
Senior Lecturer, University of Southampton
both recommendations for best practice, and
Gill Ayling (Department of Health)
where possible practical tools with which to
Lead, National Service Framework for Long-term (Neurological)
implement it.
Conditions, Department of Health
Series Editors: Lynne Turner-Stokes FRCP and
Dr Christopher Roy (BSRM)
Bernard Higgins FRCP
Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine,
Southern General Hospital, Glasgow
The British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine (BSRM), the
Guideline Development Group i
Royal College of Physicians and the National Council for
Palliative Care all contributed funding or resources
towards the guidelines' development. Support for the
Background 2
initial literature search was provided by a grant from the
The challenge of lifelong care for people with LTNCs 3
Department of Health, and funding for its update and
preparation of the manuscript was provided by the
Aims and methodology 3
Dunhill Medical Trust and the Luff Foundation. The
Brief summary of the evidence 3
authors are grateful to Tariq Saleem, Barbara Sullivan
The respective roles of neurology, rehabilitation and
and Richard Harding (King's Centre for Palliative Care in
palliative care 4
Neurology, King's College London) and to Judith Sargeant
(Department of Health) for their help with the initial
literature gathering and grading.
Implications for implementation 10
Training 10
Tools for implementation 10
Citation: Royal College of Physicians, National Council for
Palliative Care, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Long-term neurological conditions: management at the
interface between neurology, rehabilitation and palliative
1 Guideline development process 12
care. Concise Guidance to Good Practice series, No 10.
2 Methods used to evaluate the evidence 13
London: RCP, 2008.
3 Tools for implementation 15
A. Checklist to use on admission of patients
with LTNCs 15
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
B. Key areas of symptom management with care
reproduced in any form (including photocopying or
storing it in any medium by electronic means and
Bowel management 17
whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other
Urinary incontinence 18
use of this publication) without the written permission of
the copyright owner. Applications for the copyright
Nausea and vomiting 20
owner's permission to reproduce any part of this
Shortness of breath 21
publication should be addressed to the publisher.
Copyright 2008 Royal College of Physicians
Royal College of Physicians of London
11 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LE
Registered Charity No 210508
Review date: 2011
Designed and typeset by the Publications Unit
of the Royal College of Physicians
Printed in Great Britain by The Lavenham Group Ltd, Suffolk
Long-term neurological conditions 1
The National Service Framework (NSF) for Long-term Conditions* advocates lifelong care for people
Long-term neurological conditions (LTNCs)
with LTNCs.2 It highlights the need for integrated
comprise a diverse set of conditions resulting
care and joined-up services. Within its 11 Quality
from injury or disease of the nervous system
Requirements (QRs), it makes recommendations for
that will affect an individual for life. Some 10
the provision of specialist neurology (QRs 2/3),
million people in the UK are living with a
rehabilitation (QRs 4–6) and palliative care (QR 9)
neurological condition which has a significant
services to support people throughout and to the end
impact on their lives, and they make up 19%
of their lives. In addition, QR 11 makes
of hospital admissions. These guidelines build
recommendations about the management of people
on the Quality Requirements in the National
with LTNCs when receiving care for other
Service Framework for Long-term
conditions, in any health or social care setting.
(Neurological) Conditions to explore the
When someone with an LTNC is admitted to a
interaction between specialist neurology,
general hospital setting for a procedure or because of
rehabilitation and palliative care services, and
acute illness, hospital staff have to manage both the
how they may best work together to provide
illness and the LTNC. Many patients are maintained
long-term support for people with LTNCs and
on finely tuned management routines (eg 24-hour
the family members who care for them. The
spasticity management programmes, treatment for
guidelines also provide some practical advice
PD symptoms, or bladder/bowel regimens), which, if
for other clinicians when caring for someone
disturbed, may lead to increased morbidity and
with an LTNC, and outline indications for
distress, and can take weeks to re-establish. In
specialist referral.
addition, patients require an accessible environmentand access to their usual equipment, eg wheelchair,communication aid. The NSF emphasises theimportance of recognising the expertise of a personand their family in managing the condition, of
maintaining close contact with the individual's
Long-term neurological conditions (LTNCs) form a
regular team, and of calling for specialist help, if
diverse set of conditions resulting from injury or
required. However, as many generalists have received
disease of the nervous system that will affect an
little training in these areas of clinical practice, they
individual for the rest of their lives. They include:
are sometimes uncertain about the type of help thatthe different services can offer for people with
■ sudden onset conditions (eg acquired brain injury
of any cause (including stroke), spinal cord injury)
■ intermittent conditions (eg epilepsy)
■ progressive conditions (eg multiple sclerosis (MS),
motor neurone disease (MND), Parkinson'sdisease (PD) and other neurodegenerative
*National Service Framework for Long-term (Neurological)
Conditions: The Department of Health's National Service
■ stable conditions with/without age-related
Framework (NSF) for Long-term Conditions was publishedin March 2005. Although much of the guidance applied to
degeneration (eg polio or cerebral palsy).
anyone living with a long-term condition, the main focus of
Taken together, LTNCs are more common than most
the document was on neurological conditions. To avoidconfusion with other policy documents contained within the
clinicians realise. Some 10 million people in the UK
Long-term Conditions Strategy (which includes the
are living with a neurological condition which has a
frameworks for renal services and for diabetes) the NSF has
significant impact on their lives, and they make up
subsequently been re-badged as the NSF for Long-term
19% of hospital admissions.1
Long-term neurological conditions
The challenge of lifelong care for
between specialist neurology, rehabilitation andpalliative care services, and how they may best work
people with LTNCs
together to provide long-term support for peoplewith LTNCs and the family members who care for
The place for palliative care in non-cancer patients is
them. They also provide practical advice for other
increasingly recognised,3–6 especially in rapidly fatal
clinicians who may find themselves caring for
neurological conditions such as MND,7–8 and many
someone with an LTNC, as well as outlining
guidelines now recommend early referral to palliative
indications for specialist referral.
care services.9–10 However, there are some significantdifferences in the palliative care needs of people with
■ They were drawn up in accordance with the
LTNC, compared with those with cancer.4,11,12
Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation(AGREE) system for guideline development.
■ In general, neurological conditions have a longer
and more variable time course: it is often hard to
■ They build on work carried out by the
determine exactly when a patient is entering the
neurological conditions policy group of the
terminal stages of life.
National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC).
Further information, including good practice
■ Symptoms are diverse, and many patients have
examples and details of a pathway to assist joint
complex disabilities which include cognitive,
working, can be found in Focus on Neurology
behavioural and communication problems as well
available at the NCPC website:
as physical deficits. Palliative care teams used tocaring for people who can talk to them may find it
The Guidelines themselves are on page 9, and the
challenging to manage someone with profound
methods of guideline development are shown in
dysphasia or cognitive dysfunction. Teams may
also need specific training in posturalmanagement and physical handling, eg for
Brief summary of the evidence
someone with severe spasticity.
For evaluation of the evidence, we used the typology
Many physicians think of rehabilitation as a short-
and grading system developed for the NSF for Long-
term intervention following a single incident illness
term Conditions.15 The typology is designed to place
or injury. However, long-term disability management
value on the experience of users and professionals
is also a core element of many rehabilitation services,
(Expert evidence E1 and E2 respectively) as well as
which often work in the community to support
research, and also to value high-quality research
people to the end of their lives. In addition, many
regardless of the design. Full details of this system are
neurology departments now have specialist nurses
(for example in MS, MND or PD), who also provide
There is strong evidence (Research grade A (RA))
long-term support for patients and their
from Cochrane and other systematic reviews that
families.12,13 Given the current financial pressures on
multidisciplinary rehabilitation can improve the
the NHS, an understanding of the interface between
experience of living with a long-term neurological
neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care is critical
condition, both at the level of functional activity and
to ensure that services work together to provide
coordinated care for people with LTNC, rather thanduplicating care provision and then competing for
There is strong indirect (Research grade B (RB))
the scarce resources.2
evidence from the cancer literature that palliativecare improves quality of life19 and is cost effective.20Community-based palliative care teams can reduce
Aims and methodology
time in hospital, allowing people to spend more timeat home and increasing patient satisfaction in the
These guidelines build on the NSF Quality
terminal stages of their lives.21,22
Requirements to explore further the interaction
Long-term neurological conditions
There is also evidence (RB) that these principles
for example a network of MND care centres, and
translate into other non-cancer conditions. 5,23,24
regional networks with user-centred
Specifically within long-term neurological
multidisciplinary teams who have specialist
conditions, reviews by Voltz 1997,11 O'Brien 1998,25
knowledge of the needs of patients with neurological
Mitchell 2007,26 and Travers27 demonstrate that
patients in the final stages of amyotrophic lateralsclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), Huntington'sdisease and dementia experience very similar
The respective roles of neurology,
symptoms to those observed in cancer patients (iepain, dyspnoea, death rattle, restlessness, delirium,
rehabilitation and palliative care in
drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, depression), and
these experts suggest (E2) that the approach to
controlling symptoms in progressive non-malignant
As part of the preparation for these guidelines, a
conditions can be adopted from the strategy for
cross-sectional postal survey using parallel
managing cancer-related symptoms.
questionnaires was sent out to consultants in
There is strong evidence (RA) for the effectiveness of
neurology, rehabilitation and palliative medicine by
pain relief – in particular in MND,7,12,28 but also in
the National Council for Palliative Care through
MS and PD.29 A number of authors (E2) have
their specialist societies.37 The full findings from this
emphasised the need for well coordinated palliative
can be found in Neurological conditions: from
and neurological care,8,30 to reduce the call for active
diagnosis to death available at
euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, and to
The aim of this study was to explore the interaction
reduce the rate of suicides associated with many
between the three specialties and the perceptions of
the respective consultants regarding their relativeroles in caring for people with LTNCs.
However, the literature also highlights the longer-term and more variable course of conditions such as
The survey showed general agreement about the core
MS, and the variety of symptoms which may be less
contributions offered by each specialty.
common in cancer patients – fatigue, spasticity,
■ Neurologists were seen by most as being the
weakness, visual loss, sexual dysfunction, swallowing
primary providers of assessment, diagnosis and
and speech problems, epileptic seizures,
management of the disease.
myoclonus.26,31 There is a need for palliative care
■ Rehabilitation physicians were primary providers
teams to learn additional skills – in particular
of therapy, equipment, social/psychological
postural handling and support, management of
support and service coordination during the phase
percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
between diagnosis and death.
feeding8,11 and ventilation32,33 (RA/E2), as well as
■ Palliative physicians were primary providers of
skills in management of cognitive and behavioural
terminal care, and the management of death and
problems27 (Research grade C (RC)). Therefore the
need has been stressed for coordination betweenpalliative care and rehabilitation teams, which also
The respective roles are described in more detail in
have a track record in providing long-term care and
Table 1 and illustrated in Fig 1. These are a guide
only, as the roles described will vary betweendifferent specialists and different clinical services.
Despite the strength of this evidence, the research has
However, non-specialist clinicians may find this a
demonstrated that a relatively small proportion of
useful resource when considering referral for
patients with palliative care needs not related to
specialist help with a given problem.
cancer can access the services,3 and that many have
unmet palliative care needs (RA).28,38 Nevertheless,
There were also some important areas of overlap
there are some pockets of good practice in the UK,
which highlight the need for collaborative working
Long-term neurological conditions
Table 1. Key roles of neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care services in supporting people with long-
term neurological conditions.
• Investigation and diagnosis
• Ongoing medical management
• Multi-professional management of
• Information about condition and
distressing symptoms, usually in
– diagnosis/investigation based
patients with limited life
on longer-term observation
expectancy for rapidly progressive
• Ongoing specialist advice
– interventions for long-term
• Treatments to modify the disease
symptoms, eg spasticity,
– pain, nausea and vomiting,
nutrition, pain, depression,
– interferon, steroids etc
bladder and bowel programmes
– anxiety/depression, insomnia
• Interventions for neurological
• Practical holistic support and
– management of confusion,
disability management
agitation in conjunction with
– restoring independence where
psychiatric and psychology
– tremors, and other abnormal
– supported care on long-term
• Support for end-of-life decisions
complex disability
and advance care planning, eg:
• Practical advice from specialist
– advance statements and
• Coordinated multidisciplinary team
– incontinence, pain
interventions including physio, O/T,
– choice over place of care
– sources of additional help and
SLT, psychology, SW, orthotists
– assessment of capacity in
relation to these decisions
• Aids and equipment:
– links with the voluntary sector
– eg wheelchairs, environmental
• Support of the dying person and
their family, eg:– psychosocial
• Planning and support:
– integrated care planning –
between health, social services, voluntary services etc
• Bereavement counselling
– support for benefits, housing,
• Advisory/liaison service
adapted accommodation etc
– links to local palliative care
– vocational rehabilitation,
resources and teams
education, leisure
– professional education in the
– driving/community mobility
provision of generic palliative
• Communication and psychosocial
care and support
– provision and coordination of
– adjustment for long-term
community support services
disability for patients and their families/carers
– supported communication for
– management of confusion/
unwanted behaviours (including verbal and physical aggression) in conjunction with neuro-psychiatric services
• Medico-legal issues
– assessment of mental capacity– Power of Attorney, Court of
O/T = occupational therapy; SLT = speech and language therapy; SW = social worker.
Long-term neurological conditions
Physical management
of long-term
Disease modification
communication deficits
profound brain injury
Dealing with loss
Spiritual support
Fig. 1. The interaction between specialist neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care services in the
management of patients with long-term neurological conditions.
practice, and for clinicians to respect the expertise
helpful to share these skills with palliative physicians
of others in related areas. For example, in addition
during the later stages of care in dealing with
to diagnosis and prognostication, neurologists saw
symptom management and end-of-life decisions.
themselves as key providers of therapy, spasticity
A further interesting point to emerge was a
management etc, and rehabilitation physicians need
difference in the frame of reference. Rehabilitation
to respect that. Conversely, neurologists need to
teams tend to be good at defining and working
recognise the diagnostic skills of rehabilitation
towards goals, but sometimes struggle where a
physicians, who sometimes have the opportunity to
patient's deteriorating health changes the goalposts
observe patients at close quarters for longer periods
rapidly and repeatedly. By contrast, palliative care
to reach diagnoses that may have evaded earlier
teams, who are used to this progression, sometimes
have difficulty with patients at stages where the
It is also important for neurologists and
disease is not advancing. Therefore rehabilitation
rehabilitation physicians to embrace the involvement
teams may be slower to move to a ‘symptom-
of palliative physicians at earlier stages, and take
management' mode, whilst palliative care teams
advantage of their experience in managing symptoms
may be slow to move to adaptive strategies –
such as nausea, vomiting and breathlessness which
eg wheelchair training, seating programmes, use of
can occur in relative early phases of the disease.
orthoses, and environmental controls etc. Again this
In return, rehabilitation physicians may have useful
may be addressed by closer collaboration and cross-
experience in managing people with profound
referral between the different services.
cognitive and communication deficits, and it may be
The survey highlighted a general shortfall in service
Long-term neurological conditions
Fig. 2. ‘Life circles': proposed model for the relationship between neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care
in caring for people with long-term neurological conditions. In this model, the shading illustrates intensity of
involvement of neurologists and palliative care physicians in acute and terminal care respectively. There is very
close interaction between neurology and palliative care throughout the duration of rapidly progressive conditions,
with a relatively smaller role for rehabilitation medicine physicians. However, rehabilitation plays a major role in
providing long-term care and support, often over many years, in the more slowly progressive or stable conditions.
As the patient's condition becomes more advanced, rehabilitation and palliative care approaches often overlap –
we have called this ‘neuropalliative rehabilitation'. (Reproduced from Ref 37.)
provision for both palliative care and rehabilitation
their independence and autonomy, with input from
services for people with LTNCs, particular in the
neurology as required. Towards the later stages, the
community. There was also a marked lack of service
roles of rehabilitation and palliative care become
coordination. Perhaps not surprisingly, each specialty
more closely intertwined in an approach which we
reported greater ease of access to services within their
have termed ‘neuropalliative rehabilitation'.
own field, which further emphasises the need towork closely together.
Figure 2 illustrates a proposed model for serviceinteraction. People with rapidly progressiveneurological conditions require closely coordinatedneurology and palliative care services throughout therelatively short span of their condition. However, forpeople with more slowly changing conditions, themajor role for neurology is in the early stages ofdiagnosis and treatment, and for palliative care in thelate stages. For many years in between, rehabilitationservices provide the mainstay of support tocoordinate services which help them to maximise
Long-term neurological conditions
Table 2. Key skills in neurological palliative care and rehabilitation.
Every physician should have an understanding of the general principles of management, and should also be
aware of when and where to refer if more specialist advice is needed in the areas shown below
Exposure to people with long-
• Understanding disease progression and prognosis
term neurological conditions
• Ability to control key symptoms including:
– pain in neurological conditions– breathlessness– nausea/vomiting– anxiety/depression– spasticity management– 24-hour postural support – bladder and bowels– seizure control
• Basic understanding of common communication problems including dysphasia,
dysarthria, cognitive speech disorders and the different approaches to their management.
• Ability to communicate with people who have cognitive/communication impairments
– using assistive communication devices
• Communicating with patient and family
– breaking bad news– addressing end-of-life decisions and advance care planning which will include
choice over place of care.
• Managing expectations
• Ability to assess for mental capacity, and to assist people to make advance
decisions and statements
• Understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and ability to work alongside
lasting power of attorney/court appointed deputy or independent mental capacity advocates*
Additional skills for physicians specialising in neurological palliative care and rehabilitation
Specialist interventions
• Local and intrathecal interventions for spasticity (eg injection of botulinum
toxin/phenol and use of baclofen pumps)
• Specialist procedures for pain control • Management of confusion/unwanted behaviours – management under sections of
the Mental Health Act 1983
Specialist equipment
• Wheelchair seating systems• Environmental control systems• Specialist communication aids
Counselling and psychological
• Dealing with loss and fear of loss
• Spiritual support• Bereavement – past and future
• Understanding the social care system and benefits• Vocational support
Additional sources of help and
• Understanding the interaction between health, social services and voluntary
• Negotiating skills in obtaining services
* Terms such as ‘living will' or ‘advance directives' are often used to describe documents in which people write down their wishes andchoices about their future care. However, these terms do not have any legal standing. Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) it is nowpossible for people to make legally binding advance decisions to refuse treatment as well as non-binding advance statements about theirwishes and priorities for care, to take effect should they lose the capacity to make decisions for themselves. For clarity, it is important to usethis language wherever possible. Any statements about future care and treatment must be considered in the light of the MCA. For further
Long-term neurological conditions
General service coordination
Neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care services should develop closely coordinated working links
to support people with long-term neurological conditions (LTNCs) from diagnosis to death, including:
• proper flow of communication and information for patients and their families
• a designated point of contact for each stage in the pathway
• a needs assessment identifying the patient's individual problems.
1 A person who is suspected of having an LTNC should be referred promptly to a specialist neurological
service for investigation and diagnosis.
2 A person who is confirmed to have an LTNC should have:
• ongoing access to specialist neurological services for disease-modifying treatment, if appropriate
• ongoing support and advice with regard to management of their condition and its sequelae• support from specialist neurological nurses for practical advice on living with their condition.
1 A person with an LTNC should be referred to a specialist neurological rehabilitation service if:
• they develop significant disability or symptoms such as incontinence/spasticity management/
nutrition/pain/depression which fall within the remit of the rehabilitation physician and may require an interdisciplinary approach, and/or
• their circumstances change in a way that affects their independence or participation in their current
2 A person with significant ongoing disability due to an LTNC should have timely and ongoing access to
specialist neurological rehabilitation and support services which include:• initial needs assessment and provision of support according to the list in Table 1• ongoing integrated care planning – including an annual multi-agency needs assessment including
health, social services, and voluntary sector input
• coordinated service provision in accordance with changing need, including equipment, environmental
adaptation, rehabilitation for vocation/leisure, psychosocial support.
Palliative care services
1 A person with an LTNC should be referred to specialist palliative care services if they have:
• a limited lifespan – usually 6–12 months, and/or• distressing symptoms – especially pain, nausea and vomiting, breathlessness, which fall within the
remit of the palliative physician, and/or
• a need or desire for end-of-life planning, with or without competence issues.
2 A person who is dying from an LTNC should have timely and ongoing access to specialist palliative
care services which include:• symptom control• planning and support to the end of their life• aftercare and bereavement support for their families.
* For explanation of grades of e
Long-term neurological conditions
Implications for implementation
The literature review and survey undertaken to
For key to bold type below
underpin these guidelines highlighted gaps anddeficiencies in the services at every level.
Neuro numbers: a brief review of
Rehabilitation and palliative care have long been
the numbers of people in the UK with a neurological condition.
London: The Neurological Alliance, 2003. R2 Medium
‘Cinderella specialties' within the NHS and to a
certain extent the need for investment is inevitable.
2 Department of Health. The National Service Framework for
However, much could be done to improve the use of
Long-term Conditions. London: DH, 2005. R1 High
current services, by improving communication and
3 Addington-Hall J, Fakhoury W, McCarthy M. Specialist
networking between specialist and local services, and
palliative care in nonmalignant disease. Palliat Med
enhancing coordination between the specialties.30
1998;12:417–27. S2 High Indirect
O'Brien T. Neurodegenerative disease. In: Addington-HallJM, Higgonson IJ (eds), Palliative care for non-cancer
patients. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001:44–53.
R2 High Direct/E2
A key step in implementing these guidelines is
Murtagh FEM, Preston M, Higginson I. Patterns of dying:
improved training. Key skills that every physician
palliative care for non-malignant disease. Clin Med
2004;4:39–44. R2 Medium Indirect/E2
should have are listed in Table 2, as well as a set of
Royal College of Physicians. Palliative care services: meeting
higher level skills that will be required by physicians
the needs of patients. Report of a working party. London:
specialising in this area. These required skills and
RCP, 2007. E1/E2
competencies can be achieved through enhanced
O'Brien T, Kelly M, Saunders C. Motor neurone disease: a
hospice perspective. BMJ 1992;304:471–3. S2 High Direct
recognition of the importance of rehabilitation and
Leigh PN, Abrahams S, Al Chalabi A et al. The management
palliative care in the training curriculum, setting key
of motor neurone disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
skills and competencies to be achieved alongside
2003;74:Suppl4:32–47. R2 High Direct/E2
9 National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Multiple sclerosis:
other basic medical and surgical skills. Extra training
national clinical guidelines for diagnosis and management in
and exposure may be achieved through placements,
primary and secondary care. London: Royal College of
and via joint training days for trainees in the
Physicians, 2003. R1 High Direct E1/E2
National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Guidance on cancer
specialties of neurology, rehabilitation and palliative
services: improving supportive and palliative care for adults
care designed to pool knowledge and share skills.
with cancer. The manual. London: NICE, 2004. R1 High
Voltz R, Borasio GD. Palliative therapy in the terminal stage
Tools for implementation
of neurological disease. J Neurol 1997;244:Suppl 4:S2–10.
R2 High Direct/E2
A set of tools to support the above training and also
Miller RG, Rosenberg JA, Gelinas DF et al. Practice
implementation of the guidelines is offered in
parameter: the care of the patient with amyotrophic lateral
y include a checklist to guide
sclerosis (an evidence-based review): report of the QualityStandards Subcommittee of the American Academy of
clinicians when a patient with an LTNC is admitted
Neurology: ALS Practice Parameters Task Force. Neurology
to a general hospital, as well as a series of pathways
1999;52:1311–23. R2 High Direct/E1/E2
to guide management of bowels and bladder (Figs
13 Johnson J, Smith P, Goldstone L. Executive summary.
Evaluation of MS specialist nurses: a review and development
A1, A2), and specific symptoms: pain (Fig A3),
of the role. London and Letchworth: South Bank University
nausea and vomiting (Fig A4), and breathlessness
and MS Research Trust, 2001. P3 Medium Direct
14 National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC). Focus on
Neurology. NCPC website:
15 Turner-Stokes L, Harding R, Sergeant J, Lupton C,
McPherson K. Generating the evidence base for the National
Service Framework (NSF) for Long Term Conditions: a new
research typology. Clin Med 2006;6:91–7. P1 High Direct/E2
Khan F, Turner-Stokes L, Ng L, Kilpatrick T.
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for adults with multiple
sclerosis (Full review). Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews Apr 18(2):CD006036. Oxford: Update Software,
2007. R1 High Direct
Long-term neurological conditions
Turner-Stokes L, Nair A, Disler P, Wade D. Cochrane
approaches in progressive neurological disease: can we do
Review: Multi-disciplinary rehabilitation for acquired brain
better? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74(4). E2
injury in adults of working age. Cochrane Database of
36 Williams I. Palliative care: What place in neurology? Prog
Systematic Reviews, Issue 3. Oxford: Update Software, 2005.
Pall Care 2001;9(5):186–7. E2
R1 High Direct
37 Turner-Stokes L, Sykes N, Silber E et al. From diagnosis to
Turner-Stokes L. The effectiveness of rehabilitation: a critical
death: Exploring the interface between neurology,
review of the evidence. Clin Rehab 1999;13 (Suppl).
rehabilitation and palliative care, in the management of
R2 Medium Direct
people with long term neurological conditions. Clin Med
Higginson IJ, Finlay IG, Goodwin DM et al. Is there
2007;7:129–36. P1 High Direct/E2
evidence that palliative care teams alter end-of-life
38 Addington-Hall J, Lay M, Altmann D, McCarthy M.
experiences of patients and their caregivers? J Pain Symptom
Symptom control, communication with health professionals,
Management 2003;25(2):150–68. R1/S1 High Indirect
and hospital care of stroke patients in the last year of life as
Raftery JP, Addington-Hall JM, MacDonald LD et al. A
reported by surviving family, friends, and officials. Stroke
randomized controlled trial of the cost-effectiveness of a
1995;26(12):2242–8. P2 High Direct/E1
district co-ordinating service for terminally ill cancer
39 National Council for Palliative Care. Neurological conditions:
patients. Pall Med 1996;10(2):151–61. P1 High Indirect
from diagnosis to death. NCPC websit
21 Higginson IJ, Finlay I, Goodwin DM et al. Do hospital-based
P1 High Direct/E2
palliative teams improve care for patients or families at the
end of life? [Review; 66 refs.] J Pain Symptom Management
2002;23(2):96–106. R2 High Indirect
22 Constanti M, Higginson IJ, Boni L et al. Effect of a palliative
home care team on hospital admissions among patients with
advanced cancer. Pall Med 2003;17:315–21. P1 High Indirect
23 Brumley RD, Enguidanos S, Cherin DA. Effectiveness of a
home-based palliative care program for end-of-life. J Pall
Med 2003;6(5):715–24. P1 High Indirect
24 Kite S, Jones K, Tookman A. Specialist palliative care and
patients with noncancer diagnoses: the experience of a
service. Pall Med 1999;13(6):477–84. S2 High Direct
25 O'Brien T, Welsh J, Dunn FG. Non-malignant conditions.
In: Fallon M, O'Neil B (eds), ABC of palliative care. London:
BMJ Publishing, 1998:54–7. R2 High Direct/E2
26 Mitchell JD, Borasio GD. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Lancet 2007;369(9578):2031–41. R1 High Direct
27 Travers E, Jones K, Nichol J. Palliative care provision in
Huntington's disease. Int J Pall Nurs 2007;13(3):125–30. R2
Medium Direct
28 Bruera E, Neumann CM. The management of chronic pain
in palliative non-cancer patients. Chapter 6. In: Addington-
Hall J, Higginson I (eds), Palliative care for non-cancer
patients. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. R2 High
29 Waseem S, Gwinn-Hardy K. Pain in Parkinson's disease.
Common yet seldom recognized symptom is treatable.
[Review; 20 refs.] Postgrad Med 2001;110(6):33–4. R2 High
30 Traue DC, Ross JR. Palliative care in non-malignant diseases.
JRSM 2005;98:503-6. R2 High Direct/E2
31 Khan F, McPhail T, Brand C et al. Multiple sclerosis:
disability profile and quality of life in an Australian
community cohort. Int J Rehab Res 2006;29(2):87–96.
P1 High Direct
32 Howard RS, Orrell RW. Management of motor neurone
disease. [Review; 85 refs.] Postgraduate Med J
2002;78(926):736–41. R2 High Direct
33 Eng D. Management guidelines for motor neurone disease
patients on non-invasive ventilation at home. Pall Med
2006;20(2):69–79. R1 High Direct E1/2
34 Zacharia B, Bitton A, Lublin FD. Palliative care in patients
with multiple sclerosis. Neurol Clin 2001;19(4):801–27.
R2 High Direct/E2
35 Ward CD, Phillips M, Smith A, Moran M. Multidisciplinary
Long-term neurological conditions
Appendix 1. Guideline development process
Scope and purpose
Overall objective of
To improve the quality of care offered to people in the later stages of a long-term neurological
condition (LTNC) through better collaboration between neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care teams.
The patient group covered Adults with long-term neurological conditions including:
• sudden onset conditions (eg acquired brain injury of any cause (including stroke),
spinal cord injury)
• intermittent conditions (eg epilepsy) • progressive conditions (eg multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, Parkinson's disease and
other neurodegenerative disorders)
• stable conditions (eg polio or cerebral palsy).
Doctors and health professionals involved in the long-term support, rehabilitation and palliative care of people in the later stages of LTNC. Providers and purchaser of neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care services.
Clinical areas covered
• How should specialist neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care teams integrate in the
management of this group of patients?
• How should non-specialist clinicians care for people with LTNCs when admitted to hospital for
other conditions, and when should they call for specialist help?
• What training should be provided within each field to ensure that future generations have the
necessary understanding and competencies to provide best quality of care?
A multidisciplinary working party convened through the National Council for Palliative Care
Development Group
• physicians, nurses and other allied health and social services professionals practising in
neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care
• representatives of patients and user groups including Sue Ryder Care, and the Motor Neurone
The British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine (BSRM), the Royal College of Physicians and the National Council for Palliative Care all contributed funding or resources towards the guideline development.
Conflicts of interest
All GDG members were asked to declare any personal or financial conflicts of interest, but none were identified.
Rigour of development
Evidence gathering
Evidence for these guidelines was based on systematic reviews of the literature undertaken in preparation for the National Sevice Framework (NSF) for Long-Term Conditions15 in 2005 and updated in 2006/7. Reviews covered the major databases (Medline, Embase, Cochrane etc). A survey of UK physicians in the three fields was undertaken37 to ascertain current working patterns and perspectives, and two open conferences have been held with a wide selection of stakeholders, both professional and users, to explore the proposed pathways for more integrated care. Full details of this process can be found in Focus on Neurology available a
The evidence was evaluated by members of the GDG.
Links between evidence
The system used to grade the evidence and guidance recommendations is that published for
and recommendations
Piloting and peer review
Not yet piloted.
Tools for application
Tools for implementation ar
The guideline will be reviewed in 3 years (2011).
Long-term neurological conditions
Appendix 2. Methods used to evaluate the evidence
The typology and grading system developed for the National Service Framework for Long-term (Neurological) Conditions
were used to evaluate the evidence.15 The typology is designed to place value on the experience of users and
professionals as well as research, and also to value high-quality research regardless of the design.
Each piece of evidence is reviewed and given an ‘E' and/or an ‘R' rating:
E = Expert evidence. This is evidence expressed through consultation or consensus processes rather than formal research
designs. It could be professional opinion, or that of users and/or carers or other stakeholders.
R = Research evidence. This is evidence gathered through formal research processes. Each piece of research-based evidence is
awarded a rating based on three categorisations:
research design – category of research design
research quality – rated high, medium or low
applicability of research – whether the study population is within the context of long-term
neurological conditions (‘direct') or in other populations (‘indirect').
Research design is classified according to the following categories:
Primary research-based evidence
P1 Primary research using quantitative approaches
P2 Primary research using qualitative approaches
P3 Primary research using mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative)
Secondary research-based evidence
Meta-analysis of existing data analysis
Secondary analysis of existing data
Review-based evidence
R1 Systematic reviews of existing research
R2 Descriptive or summary reviews of existing research
Research quality is assessed using five questions with a possible score on each question
of 0, 1 or 2, giving a maximum score of 10:
Each quality item is scored as follows: Yes = 2; In part = 1; No = 0
Are the research question/aims and design clearly stated?
Is the research design appropriate for the aims and objectives of the research?
Are the methods clearly described?
Is the data adequate to support the authors' interpretations/ conclusions?
Are the results generalisable?
Long-term neurological conditions
High-quality research studies are those that score at least 7/10.
Medium-quality studies score 4–6/10.
Poor-quality studies score 3/10 or less.
Applicability of research is classified as shown below:
Studies that focus on people with long-term neurological conditions
Extrapolated evidence from populations with other conditions
A well-conducted qualitative study, scoring 8/10 and demonstrating the benefits of a given
intervention in people with multiple sclerosis would be classified as: P2 High Direct.
A post-hoc analysis scoring 5/10 on quality assessment, demonstrating the benefits of
palliative care in cancer would be classified as: R2 Medium Indirect.
Some sources, such as a pre-existing set of guidelines/standards, reviews or book chapters, may
include both research evidence and expert opinion and so might be graded as: R1 High Direct/E2.
Grade of research evidence
Each individual recommendation or statement is then given an overall evidence rating of A, B or C
based on the quality of all the research evidence supporting it and how much of it was directly
relevant. The overall grade of evidence is rated as shown below.
Grade of evidence
Research Grade A (RA)
* More than one study of high-quality score (7/10) and* At least one of these has direct applicability
Research Grade B (RB)
* One high-quality study or* More than one medium-quality study (4–6/10) and* At least one of these has direct applicability
* More than one study of high-quality score (7/10) of indirect applicability
Research Grade C (RC)
* One medium-quality study (4–6/10) or* Lower-quality (2–3/10) studies or* Indirect studies only
Long-term neurological conditions
Appendix 3. Tools for implementation
A. Checklist to use on admission of patients with a long-term neurological condition
Patients with LTNCs may be admitted to hospital for a variety of reasons including:
exacerbation or progression of disease
complication of disease (eg infection/pressure sores)
an unrelated problem.
These admissions are often poorly managed in general wards where the teams do not always have the experience and resourcesto manage people with complex neurological problems.
Table A1. Checklist for the management of patients with an LTNC when admitted to a general hospital ward.
Patients with LTNCs and their families or carers are often expert at managing the disease and medications.
They live with the consequences of the management decisions that are made on their behalf, so always consider
and respect their advice and wishes.
Prior to admission consider the following:
Is the admission necessary? – Is it appropriate, given the level of disability/prognosis?– Can the patient be managed as a day case or in the community?
Plan the admission/coordinate with the team caring for the patient.
Inform the neurological/rehabilitation/palliative care team caring for the patient.
– Obtain old notes.
Check medication and continue unless contraindicated (especially anti-epileptics and anti-Parkinsonian medication).
Check that the patient has been admitted with their equipment (hearing aids, communication aids, adaptedwheelchair) and that staff are capable of using it.
Check the patient's competence to make decisions regarding their care. Is there an advance directive (AD)?
Review in hospital:
Posture and spasticity management, especially with pain, infection, fractures. Neuro-physiotherapy review is oftenhelpful.
Pressure sores and management strategy to prevent these.
Anticoagulation prophylaxis to prevent deep vein thrombosis.
Bladder: is the patient continent? In retention?
Bowels: is the patient incontinent/constipated?– especially with altered diet/opiates.
Swallow: is this safe? Is the patient aspirating?
Table A1 continued overleaf
Long-term neurological conditions
Table A1. Checklist for the management of patients with an LTNC when admitted to a general hospital ward
Nutrition: is this adequate? Is the patient able to feed themselves?
Respiratory capacity: – check and monitor vital capacity if compromised.
Cognition:– beware of an acute deterioration with illness, medication.
Depression:– triggered by hospitalisation/change in condition/pain.
Pain: is important. In addition to the acute problem, pain may be due to a combination of:– neuropathic pain (which may respond to anti-epileptics and tricyclics)– spasticity– musculoskeletal pain – pay careful attention to positioning.
If considering a procedure, consider once again:
Is this appropriate given the patient's underlying neurological condition and prognosis?
Does the patient have the capacity to consent – is there an AD?
Respiratory function – is there need for anaesthetic advice?
Prior to discharge:
Consider whether the arrangements at home are appropriate – did they trigger the admission?
Assess how the patient's discharge will affect the family and their ability to cope.
Review and re-start the care package – revise if necessary.
Inform the team that usually cares for the patient in hospital, in the community, or at home.
Arrange follow-up if necessary – try to coordinate this if the patient has difficulty accessing hospital.
Long-term neurological conditions
B. Key areas of symptom management
Take a bowel history.
Is there a complaint of constipation or the absence of any bowel action for over 3 days?
Ensure adequate fluid and nutritional
Examine per rectum – exclude local pain/fissure etc.
intake, with sufficient, but not excess fibre
Examine whether the colon is loaded with faeces• plain abdominal X-ray if necessary
Find out what time patient normally opens their bowels (eg after breakfast, taking account of the gastro-colic reflex).
If colon is loaded:
Toilet at that time:
• phosphate enemas
• preferably on toilet, rather than bed-pan or commode
• manual evacuation if necessary
• ensure comfort and privacy
• Movicol (up to 8 sachets) (may need
Continue their normal bowel regimen, if they have one
addition of softening laxative to avoid colic)
• persist until clear – may take 2–3 weeks
If nothing happens for 3 days running and rectum is empty:
If no response, refer to gastroenterology to
• give senna or other stimulant laxative on third night
exclude other pathology
• add softening laxative if colic occurs
If nothing happens, make it happen:
If not loaded, or once cleared:
• digital stimulation for insensate bowel
• Movicol (4 sachets/day) or
• glycerine suppository or microlax enema
• stimulant/softening laxative combination
• ensure stimulant/softening laxative combination and titrate
• titrate dose against response to ensure a bowel action
dose against response to ensure a bowel action every 3 days
at least every 3 days
Fig. A1. Bowel management in patients with long-term neurological conditions.
Movicol = polyethlene glycol 3350.
Long-term neurological conditions
Intermittent catheterisation
At least once daily
Spontaneous voiding but incontinent:
Exclude obstruction,
Establish no remediable cause before
(>50–100 ml)
constipation, drugs etc.
settling for catheterisation
(If not possible, may requirelong-term catheterisation)
Increased: >2000 ml
Consider: diabetes, diabetes
insipidus, chronic renal
failure, diuretics, obsessive
Total volume
charts x 3
Decreased: <2000 ml
• incomplete chart
• insufficient fluid intake
Encourage more frequent emptying,
if necessary with intermittent catheterisation
as required to keep voided volumes <500 ml
If no dyssynergia but detrusor over-
Consider sphincter dyssynergia or other causes of outflow obstruction,
activity consider:
eg stones, urethral stricture, or prostatic hypertrophy
• anticholinergics (eg oxybutinin,
• U/S upper tracts to exclude dilatation
• urodynamics to assess pressures
• botulinum toxin to detrusor
• urological advice
Failure to establish urinary continence
Consider botulinum toxin
eg upper limb dysfunction
as required to keep volumes <500 ml
To urethral sphincter
With anticholinergics, if associated
detrusor overactivity
• supra-pubic preferable
Fig. A2. Managing urinary incontinence in patients with long-term neurological conditions.
U/S = ultrasound; UTI = urinary tract infection.
Long-term neurological conditions
Non-neuropathic pain – musculoskeletal
Assess to identify:
• positioning and support
• cause of pain
• non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• amitriptyline – 10 mg nocte
(NSAIDs) unless contraindicated
• pain severity
increasing to tds or 50–75 mg nocte
(eg GI history, renal failure)
• aggravating factors
– eg slow-release diclofenac/ibuprofen
• mood disturbance
• anti-epileptic
• simple analgesia if NSAIDs not suitable
eg carbamazepine, gabapentin or pregabalin
– paracetamol plus preparations,
– build up dose gradually
– watch for side effects
Pain due to spasticity
Opioids – only to be used if:
Spasticity management programme:
• clear diagnosis
• positioning, stretching, splinting
• good understanding of prognosis
• if movement related:
• exclude aggravating factors,
• no underlying psychological or addictive
– assess need for antispastics
eg infection, tight clothing etc
– NSAID or paracetamol
• avoid sudden movements
• closely monitored
– fentanyl lozenge/spray
– watch for pain response and dose
• if neuropathic
• generalised spasticity – oral agents:
– baclofen or tizanidine
• seek advice from palliative medicine
• if end of opioid dose failure
• regional or focal spasticity – consider:
physician or pain specialist
– titrate regular opioid
– botulinum toxin injection or nerve
• in association with other medication, as a
– intrathecal baclofen or phenol
• seek advice from rehabilitation
• tramadol• morphine• fentanyl patch (in some form)
Pain should be re-assessed regularly using suitable self-report tools – if necessary those adapted forpeople with communication and cognitive difficulties (eg the Scale of Pain Intensity)1 or evaluationsof pain-related behaviour (eg the PAINAD tool).2
Fig. A3. Managing pain in patients with long-term neurological conditions.
1Jackson D, Horn S, Kersten P, Turner-Stokes L. Development of a pictorial scale of pain intensity for patients with communicationimpairments: initial validation in a general population. Clin Med 2006;6(6):580–5.
2Ward V, Hurley AD, Volicer L. Development and psychometric evaluation of the pain assessment in advanced dementia (PAINAD) scale.
J Am Med Dir Assoc 2003;4:9–15.
Long-term neurological conditions
Assess to identify:
• cause of nausea
– abdominal X-ray if necessary
• aggravating factors
• raised intracranial pressure
Delayed gastric emptying:
Large volume vomiting with undigested
• haloperidol – 1.5 mg nocte
• adjust meal pattern
– increase to bd
– eat little and often
– stop if reach 5 mg bd and nausea
• metoclopramide start 10 mg tds
– titrate up to 80 mg per day
(Avoid in Parkinson's due to
• domperidone 10–20 mg
dopaminergic effect)
3–4 times daily
• cyclizine 50 mg up to tds
(generally less effective, but less dopaminergic effect)
If first-line agents fail, consider:• levomepromazine 6–25 mg daily
If PEG-fed
• ondansetron (short term)
Slow feeds – night-time continuous feeding
– orally 8 mg bd or
If vomiting persists:
– per rectum 16 mg daily
• check endoscopy to exclude pyloric
obstruction by balloon/toggle
• consider per jejunostomy feeding tube
Fig. A4. Managing nausea and vomiting in patients with long-term neurological conditions.
CT = computed tomography; PEG = percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy.
Long-term neurological conditions
Assess to identify:
Acute SOB with potential for reversal eg:
• cause of breathlessness
• lung pathology – pulmonary embolus, pneumonia
• acute respiratory muscular paralysis
• exclude anxiety responding
to simple reassurance
Manage aggressively
• with ventilation if necessary
Irreversible breathlessness in known diagnosis eg:
• pneumonia, eg in chronic aspiration
• respiratory muscle failure, eg in motor neurone disease,
Benzodiazepine – especially if anxious
Low-dose opioid
• start oromorph 2.5 mg 4-hourly and work up
Relief of respiratory distress
(sustained release preparations less effective in this context)
• breathing exercises• relaxation• consider assessment for non-invasive ventilation
Anticholinergic – if ruled out infection or cardiac
• hyoscine patch or sublingual
Manage excess secretions
• glycopyyrolate sc or oral• amitriptyline elixir – 5–10 mg tds• atropine – oral (use eye-drop solution)
Terminal phase palliation
• combination: opioid + midazolam + glycopyrrolate
Fig. A5. Managing shortness of breath (SOB) in patients with long-term neurological conditions.
Long-term neurological conditions
Source: http://www.mascip.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/concise-long-term-neurological-conditions-2008.pdf
RESOLUTIONS ZIONIST CONGRESS XXXVII TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 The Declaration of Independence as a Zionist Tool 2 Non-Stop Zionism 3 WZO Involvement in Israeli Society 4 The Unity of the Jewish People 5 The Restitution of Jewish Refugees' Property 6 Recognition of the Jewish People as Indigenous to the Land of Israel
ciencia y educación ecológica en Chiloé Palabras editoriales: Durante mita compartir responsabi- ¡arte!, forman parte de las esta fría y lidades en el cuidado de los actividades que estamos lluviosa pri- ecosistemas regionales, la realizando y de las que les biodiversidad, los recursos invitamos a informarse en naturales y la comprensión el presente boletín.