
International Food Research Journal 23(5): 1953-1959 (2016)
Anti-cholinesterase inhibitory activities of different varieties of chili peppers
Nantakornsuttanan, N., Thuphairo, K., Kukreja, R.K., Charoenkiatkul, S. and
*Suttisansanee, U.
Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Phutthamonthon 4 Rd.,Salaya, Phutthamonthon,
Received: 1 July 2015
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the leading neurological disorders that degrade learning,
Received in revised form:
memory and cognitive functions of a nervous system, eventually leaving a person with an
28 January 2016
inability to perform any function on his/her own. One of several AD causes involves loss of
Accepted: 10 February 2016
presynaptic markers of a cholinergic system due to cholinesterase enzymes, acetylcholinesterase
(AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), which degrade neurotransmitters, acetylcholine
(ACh). Currently, the investigation in natural products that can act as functional foods is of
an interesting matter to promote health benefits. Chili pepper is previously reported to contain
various bioactive compounds that can promote several health benefits. Nevertheless, limited
information regarding the control of AD through inhibition of AChE and BChE are available.
Alzheimer's disease
Therefore, the aim of this experiment was to investigate the cholinesterase inhibitory activities
Chili peppers
of Thai local chili peppers including Yellow pepper, Bird pepper, Green pepper, Cayenne
Pepper, Jinda-green pepper, Jinda-red pepper, Young pepper, Chili Spur pepper and Sweet
pepper using a colorimetric high throughput screening methodology. As results, all chili
peppers (in exception of Yellow pepper) exhibited AChE inhibitory activities under the range
of 5-26% inhibition with Young pepper extract exhibiting the highest inhibition. Interestingly,
all chili peppers (in exception of Young pepper) exhibited the BChE inhibitory activities under
the range of 2-24% inhibition with Jinda-green pepper extract exhibiting the highest inhibition.
Both AChE and BChE inhibitory activities were in dose-dependent manners. These results
possibly that the bioactive compounds such as capsaicin, myricetin, quercetin and luteolin in
chili pepper might function as anti-cholinesterase agents, since these compounds have been
previously reported to be capable of effectively inhibiting cholinesterase enzymes in vitro.
The information received from this study would support further investigation on potential
natural bioactive compounds from chili pepper with anti-AD property through inhibition of
All Rights Reserved
There are currently two cholinesterase enzymes in
focus; acetylcholinesterase (AChE), an enzyme that
Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common degenerates neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh)
type of dementia, is an age-related neurodegenerative as its specific substrate (Vengaiah et al., 2007),
disorder. The causes of AD could possibly come and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), an enzyme
from brain cells damaging/injury and complicate that degenerates neurotransmitters; butyrylcholine
with neuron interaction, which induce brain cells to (BCh) and ACh (Park et al., 2012). Degeneration
be inoperable, dysfunctional and eventually death. of the neurotransmitters results in decline of these
In the early stage, AD patients are incapable of neurons. It has been found that the cholinergic
controlling their performances and might be partially markers, the enzymes responsible for ACh synthesis
unconscious during daily activity. In the long term, and degradation, were significantly impaired in AD
they may lose cognitive abilities necessary for patients in comparison to elderly control subjects (Sun
maintaining an independent living style.
et al., 2007). As well, inhibition of AChE resulted in
As of present, there is no certain pathway the increase of non-plaque forming amyloids in the
for treatment of AD. However, inhibition of cortex of rat brain (Deepa et al., 2007).
cholinesterase has so far provided the most
The β–amyloid plaque formation along with
promising results in terms of AD treatment (Luke plaque deposit is one of the main hypotheses or
and Wildman, 2006; Al Othman et al., 2011). histological associated AD. The β-amyloid plaques
*Corresponding author.
Tel: 0-2800-2380 ext. 422; Fax: 0-2441-9344
Nantakornsuttanan et al./IFRJ 23(5): 1953-1959
are aggregated protein fragments, which are degraded
Table 1. The general information of chili peppers used in
from amyloid precursor protein (APP) in brain cell
membrane. Hydrolysis of APP by β- and γ-secretases
can lead to development of amyloid plaques
(amyloidogenic pathway). These β-amyloid plaques
or senial plaques can disturb brain cell communication
and stimulate innate immune response, leading to
cell inflammatory, cell abnormality, and eventually
cell death (Checler, 1995).
Many medical treatments for AD have been
investigated, in which 6 major groups of anti-
AD drugs, including AChE inhibitors (AChE-I),
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), receptor
antagonists, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors,
antioxidants, metal chelators and anti-inflammatory
drugs, have been developed. Originally, anti-AD drug
Materials and Methods
was discovered as AChE inhibitors, which cause an
increase in acetylcholine levels, leading to reduced Plant material and extraction
AD symptoms such as memory loss, abnormality
Chili peppers (Yellow pepper, Bird pepper, Green
of thinking and language. These drugs have been pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Jinda-green pepper, Jinda-
approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA), red pepper, Young pepper, Chili Spur pepper and
including donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and Sweet pepper) (Table 1) were purchased during June,
tacrine. However, these drugs have side effects such 2014 from local market in Nakhon Pathom province,
as usually diarrhea, tiredness, dizziness, confusion, Thailand. The samples were clean with deionized
headache, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, insomnia, water and cut into small piece (approx. 0.5 x 0.5 cm).
heart attack and stroke (Kannappan et al., 2011). The samples were then freeze-dried (Heto Power
Thus, prevention and treatment of AD from natural Dry PL9000, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
products such as fruits and vegetables that can be MA, USA) before being ground into a fine powder
consumed daily are of interest due to no/less side by a cyclotec sample mill (series 1903 with 200–
effect or toxicity to be concerned.
240V and 50/60 Hz; FOSS, Höganäs, Sweden). The
Chili pepper, a significant ingredient in many moisture content after freeze drying was determined
traditional cuisines in various countries, has been using Association of Official Analytical Chemists
widely investigated regarding their biological (AOAC) method 930.15 (AOAC, 2005). All samples
properties toward health benefits (Pakaski et al., were kept in vacuum bags and stored at –20°C.
2009). Chili pepper is an important source of
Dry chili powder (0.2 g dry weight) was extracted
bioactive compounds with antioxidant activities with 70% (v/v) aqueous ethanol (8 mL). The mixture
such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, phenolic was vortexed for 5 min and then sonicated in a water
compounds and alkaloids (Kulisic-Bilusic et al., bath sonicator (model B1510, 40 KHz; Bransonic
2008; Stefano, 2013). Interestingly, some of these Bransonic® Ultrasonic, Danbury, CT, USA) for 10
antioxidants exhibit biological functions against min before shaking in a water bath shaker (Memmert
AChE and BChE (multi-functional compounds), GmbH, Wisconsin, USA) at 60ºC for 1 hour. The
suggesting the relationship among these biological mixture was then centrifuged at 1190 x g for 10 min,
functions. Even through chili pepper has been reported
and the supernatant was collected for further analysis.
as a rich source of antioxidants, its function against
AD is limited. Therefore, the aim of this research was Cholinesterase inhibitory activity
to investigate the biochemical properties of customly
The enzymatic assay for cholinesterase activity
consumed chili peppers against some key enzymes was performed utilizing a well established protocol
(beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE-1) and (Jung et al., 2009) with some changes as follows. The
cholinesterases) that control AD. This research will inhibitory enzymatic assay consisted of cholinesterase
be useful for promoting chili pepper consumption (5–20 ng Electrophorus electricus AChE (1,000 units/
for health benefits and developing functional food, mg) or 10–50 ng equine serum BChE (≥10 units/mg
nutraceutical or dietary supplement with biological protein)), thiocholine (0.08 mM acetylthiocholine
property against AD.
(ATCh) or 0.1 mM butyrylthiocholine (BTCh)),
5,5'–dithiobis(2–nitro benzoic acid) (DTNB, 0.8
Nantakornsuttanan et al./IFRJ 23(5): 1953-1959
mM) and chili extracts (5 mg/mL) in a 96–well plate.
All chemicals were received from Sigma–Aldrich
(St. Louis, MO, USA). Enzyme inhibitory activity
was measured at a wavelength of 412 nm using a
96-well microplate reader (BioTek Instruments,
Inc., Winooski, VT, USA) with a Gen5 data analysis
software. The initial rate was fitted by the Michaelis–
Menten equation with least squares fit parameter
using a GraphPad Prism software version 5.00
(GraphPad Software, Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA). The
enzymatic inhibitory activity was calculated as %
inhibition using the following equation;
% inhibition = 100 x (1 – ((B–b)/(A–a))),
Figure 1. The AChE inhibitory activity from various types
of chili peppers (5 mg/mL) including Young pepper, Chili
where A was an initial velocity of the control reaction
spur pepper, Green pepper, Jinda-green pepper, Sweet
(without plant extract) with the enzyme, a was pepper, Jinda-red pepper, Bird pepper and Cayenne
an initial velocity of the control reaction without pepper. The different letters showed statistically significant
enzyme, B was an initial velocity of the enzyme difference at p value < 0.05using one-way ANOVA and
reaction with chili extract and b was an initial Duncan's Multiple Range Test
velocity of the reaction with chilli extract but without
enzyme. Eserine (Sigma–Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), of presynaptic markers of a cholinergic system,
a reversible anti–cholinesterase drug, was used as a accumulation of β-amyloid plaque in the brain,
standard inhibitor for both AChE and BChE assays.
neurofibrillary tangles or abnormal tau protein
and oxidative stress induction (Jung et al., 2009).
Beta-secretase inhibitory activity
Most researches have been focused on cholinergic
Beta-secretase (BACE1) inhibitory activity hypothesis and β-amyloid formation, which are two
was analyzed using β-secretase (BACE1) FRET important platforms for development of anti-AD
(fluorescence resonance energy transfer) Assay Kit drugs. Nevertheless, the adverse effects of these
(Sigma–Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). The assay synthesized drugs were recently reported, and green
consisted of BACE1 enzyme (0.006 U/µL), BACE1 medicines have been in the center of current interest.
substrate (Rh–EVNLDAEFK–Quencher in 50 mM
Chili with different degree of spicy favor is an
ammonium bicarbonate), fluorescent assay buffer (50 important ingredient that is customly consumed in
nM sodium acetate) and chili extract (5 mg/mL) in the
various quantities in many dishes around the world.
96–well plate. The reactionwas mixed and incubated Being involved in many traditional cuisines, it is of
at 37°C for 2 hours. The reaction was monitored at interest to investigate the effect of different types of
an excitation wavelength of 545 nm and an emission chili regarding anti-AD properties via inhibition of
wavelength of 585 nm using the 96-well microplate some key enzymes that control the disease. Chili, a
reader. The inhibitory activity will be reported as plant in the Capsicum genus and Solanaceae family,
percentage of inhibition as above.
can be divided into five domesticated species,
including C. annuum, C. frutescens, C. chinense, C.
baccatum and C. pubescensa. In Thailand, only C.
All data were expressed as mean ± standard annuum (Green pepper, Young pepper, Chili Spur
deviation (SD) of triplicate assays. One way analysis pepper and Sweet pepper) and C. fretescens (Yellow
of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan test were pepper, Bird pepper, Jinda-red pepper, Jinda-green
performed to determine the significant differences pepper and Cayenne Pepper) are agriculturally and
between values with p<0.05. All statistical analyses commercially available. Thus, variation between
were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics version these species that affects anti-AD properties is of
19.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY).
interest for health maintaining purpose.
As a result, all chili peppers, in exceptionof
Results and Discussion
Yellow pepper, exhibited AChE inhibitory activities
under the range of 5-26% inhibition with Young
Scientific researches proposed four main pepper extract exhibiting the highest AChE inhibitory
hypotheses of AD development, including a loss activity (Figure 1). Young pepper (C. annuum) that
Nantakornsuttanan et al./IFRJ 23(5): 1953-1959
was used in this experiment is a hot pepper in its
young-green (premature) stage. It was previously
found that hot pepper fruits in C. annuum L. var.
acuminatum species contain different bioactive
compounds, depending on ripening stage (Conforti
et al., 2007; Menichini et al., 2009). The first stage of
maturation (small green premature stage) exhibited
the highest antioxidant activity (IC of 129 µg/
mL) as being detected by DPPH (1,1–diphenyl–2–
picrylhydrazyl)–radical scavenging assay and total
phenolic contents (76 mg/g) as being detected by
Folin–Ciocalteu method (Conforti et al., 2007).
Besides, the investigation on the effect of ripening
stage of methanolic extract of C. annuum L. var.
acuminatum regarding its AChE inhibitory activity Figure 2. The BChE inhibitory activity from various types
was suggested that the half maximal inhibitory of chili peppers (5 mg/mL) including Jinda-green pepper,
concentration (IC ) of the premature green pepper Bird pepper, Chili spur pepper, Green pepper, Yellow
extract exhibited the highest AChE inhibitory activity pepper, Cayenne pepper, Jinda-red pepper and Sweet
(IC of 84.30 µg/mL) (Loizzo et al., 2008). This pepper.The different letters showed statistically significant
inhibitory activity was decreased during ripening difference at p value < 0.05using one-way ANOVA and
stage of mature green and red peppers (IC of Duncan's Multiple Range Test
96.69 and 130.03 µg/mL, respectively). However, pepper fruits in other ripening stages (Conforti et
when comparing to the IC of physostigmine (0.07
al., 2007). Myricetin is a strong antioxidant (DPPH
µg/mL), the commercial anti-cholinesterase drug, value of 16.2 µM) (Khanduja and Bhardwaj, 2003)
it was suggested that the chili peppers under this with anti-AChE activity (K of 37.8 µM) (Katalinic et
investigated extraction condition might be insufficient
al., 2010). Similarly, sterol content was found to be
for treatment of AD. Nevertheless, when comparing decreased during ripening stage of C. annuum L. var.
to other fruits and vegetables such as ginkgo (Mitra acuminatum (Conforti et al., 2007). Some sterols were
et al., 2013), pomegranate (Choi et al., 2011), proven to be AChE inhibitors (Hopia and Heinonen,
mulberry (Shih et al., 2010), lemon juice (Girones-
1999). However, when comparing to eserine (K of
Vilaplana et al., 2012), black chokeberry (Girones-
0.144 µM as being measured in our laboratory), a
Vilaplana et al., 2012), turmeric (Kannappan et al., reversible anti–AChE drug, it was found that these
2011), garlic (Kannappan et al., 2011), black pepper compounds might not be the effective anti-AChE
(Kannappan et al., 2011), ginger (Kannappan et al., agents for AD treatment but might be useful for
2011), and cinnamon (Kannappan et al., 2011), these chemoprevention of AD.
chili peppers might be the potential food source for
On the other hand, all chili peppers, in exception
prevention of AD.
of Young pepper, exhibited the BChE inhibitory
The chemical composition analysis of C. annuum activities under the range of 2-24% inhibition
L. var. acuminatum suggested that some polyphenolic
with Jinda-green pepper and Bird pepper extracts
compounds with antioxidant properties such as exhibiting the highest BChE inhibitory activities
luteolin, myricetin and sterol might be responsible (Figure 2). Jinda-green pepper and Bird red-pepper
for high antioxidant and anti-AChE activities as (C. frutescens) that were used in this experiment are
being observed in the experiments (Helmja et al., hot peppers in their mature stage. This species (C.
2007). It was found that premature green pepper frutescens) is commonly used to make flavoring in
exhibited the highest quantity of luteolin (76.0 food due to their hot spicy taste (hotter than chili
mg/g), followed by mature green pepper (73.8 mg/g) peppers in C. annuum species). Among all five
and matures red pepper (43.2 mg/g), respectively domesticated species, C. frutescens chili peppers
(Conforti et al., 2007). Luteolin possessed the DPPH possess the highest quantity of capsaicinoid (1560
radical-scavenging activity (IC ) of 2.051 µg/mL
mg/100 g), a phenolic compound that causes chili to
(Conforti et al., 2007) and AChE inhibitory activity have spicy and pungent favors (Orhana et al., 2007).
with reversible inhibition constant (K ) of 65.8 µM
Capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide),
(Katalinic et al., 2010). Likewise, it was found a main capsaicinoid in chili peppers, under the
that green pepper exhibited the highest quantity of concentration of 1 mg/mL was significantly inhibited
myricetin (658.2 µg/g), comparing to other chili BChE reaction with 75.3% inhibition (Orhana et al.,
Nantakornsuttanan et al./IFRJ 23(5): 1953-1959
2007). Comparing to galantamine, an anti-AD drug suggested that (1) consumption of chili peppers might
for mild to moderate AD patients, under the same possibly prevent AD occurrence through inhibition
concentration with 80.3% BChE inhibition, capsaicin of some key enzymes that control the disease, (2)
could be a future potential anti-AD agent (Katalinic some antioxidants could exhibit multi-functional
et al., 2010). Other bioactive compounds, including properties, (3) AD hypotheses could be related to each
myricetin, quercetin and luteolin could also reversibly
other, and (4) different types of chili peppers could
inhibit human plasma BChE with K of 71.0, 68.0 influent different degree of anti-AD properties. The
and 166.1 µM, respectively (Orhana et al., 2007; first suggestion was also depended on bioavailability
Katalinic et al., 2010). However, when comparing to and absorption of bioactive compounds in chili
eserine (K of 0.305 µM as being measured in our peppers. These bioactive compounds were also
laboratory), it was found that these compounds might found to possess multi-biological functions i.e.
not be the effective anti-BChE agents for AD patients being antioxidants and anti-cholinesterase agents,
but might be useful for AD prevention.
thus leading to correlation between AD hypotheses
Interestingly, it was previously reported that (i.e. cholinergic hypothesis and oxidative stress
capsaicin could promote amyloidogenic route of induction).
brain amyloid precursor protein processing (Pakaski
Interestingly, different types of chili peppers
et al., 2009). However, no inhibitory activity in could interact with AChE and BChE with different
β-secretase assay was observed in all chili peppers degrees of inhibition. It has been previously found
extracted under investigated conditions (final that BChE has less substrate specificity than AChE
concentration of extracts in the assay was 5 mg/mL). and has a wider range of substrates acting on both
It was possible that low concentration of the extract ACh and BCh substrates (Orhan et al., 2007). The acyl
could not inactivate β-secretase. The experiment (functional moiety on the substrate) binding region of
was then repeated using Sweet pepper with higher AChE and BChE are different in terms of catalytic
concentration (30 mg/mL) as a study case and was residues. AChE consists of larger Phe residues in the
found that the extract could inhibit β-secretase with active site, leading preferable small substrates such
31% inhibition. Thus, it could be concluded that as ACh. This smaller substrate would fit better in the
chili peppers at the concentration of 5 mg/mL could catalytic pocket than the larger molecule. On the other
effectively inactivate cholinesterase reactions but not hand, the active site of BChE consists of Leu and Val
β-secretase. Since effective inhibitors are normally residues, which are smaller amino acids, allowing
designed to mimic natural substrate of individual it to accept larger substrates such as BCh (Orhan et
enzyme, these results might be correlated to the al., 2007). Hence, AChE is able to hydrolyze ACh
particular characteristics of the substrates (such as efficiently but has low ability in cleaving esters with
structure, size, and interaction(s) between enzyme bulkier acyl moieties such as BCh. BChE, on the other
and substrate) for each enzyme. Cholinesterase hand, is an esterase with less substrate specificity due
hydrolyzes small organic compounds, ACh and to its structure that allows cleavage of various esters
BCh, while β-secretase hydrolyzes APP, the integral including ones with bulkier acyl moieties (Katalinic
membrane protein. The inhibitors for β-secretase et al., 2010). Not only that these two enzymes
can be divided into two main groups, pseudopeptide are also found to work differently, but also may
β-secretase inhibitors and non-peptidomimetic contribute to the reason as to why BChE inhibitory
β-secretase inhibitors (Ghosh et al., 2012; Ghosh and activity was higher in comparison to AChE. BChE
Osswald, 2014). The former are generally substrate acts even when the substrate is in excess, but under
analogues, while the later are organic compounds i.e.,
the same condition, feed-back inhibition is observed
macrocyclic inhibitors, hydroxyethylamine-based for AChE (Tougu, 2001). In this experiment, all chili
inhibitors and carbinamine-based inhibitors (Ghosh peppers, in exception of Jinda-green pepper, Bird
et al., 2012; Ghosh and Osswald, 2014). These non-
pepper and Yellow pepper, exhibited higher AChE
peptidomimetic β-secretase inhibitors possess large inhibitory activities than BChE inhibitions, which
molecular size with unique functional groups in their possibly suggested that anti-cholinesterase agents in
structures, which can form specific interactions with these peppers might be more specific towards AChE
β-secretase. Thus, smaller anti-cholinesterase agents active site than that of BChE. On the other hand, anti-
found in chili peppers might not be able to form proper
cholinesterase agents in Jinda-green pepper, Bird
interaction(s) or fit properly in the catalytic pocket of pepper and Yellow pepper might be less specific to
β-secretase, leading to no inhibitory activity that was cholinesterases. For example, these peppers might
observed at low concentration of chili extracts.
contain various types of large molecules that could
From these experimental results, it could be fit into the active site of BChE but could not enter
Nantakornsuttanan et al./IFRJ 23(5): 1953-1959
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pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes during
BChE inhibition than AChE inhibition.
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