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2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.

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p. 6. : Erste
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2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
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p. 67. aviaire
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.

Epidemiology of influenza in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 2001 to 2003
Titre : Epidemiology of influenza in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 2001 to 2003
Auteur(s) : NGUYEN Hang L K; SAITO Reiko; NGIEM Ha K; NISHIKAWA Makoto; SHOBUGAWA Yugo;
Affiliation(s) : National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, 1 Yersin Street, Hanoi, Viet Nam; Department of
Public Health, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 1-757 Asahimachi-dori, Niigata
City, Niigata Prefecture, 951-8510, Japan; Virology Section, Niigata Prefectural Institute of Public Health and
Environmental Sciences, 314-1 Sowa, Niigata City, Niigata 950-2144, Japan
Source : The Journal of infection. 2007; 55 (1) : 58-63
ISSN : 0163-4453
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 30 ref.
Résumé : Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the epidemiology of laboratory-confirmed influenza in Hanoi,
Vietnam. Methods: Influenza was detected by virus isolation from nasopharyngeal swabs of influenzalike-illness (ILI)
patients who reported to outpatient clinics in Hanoi, Vietnam between 2001 and 2003, before the start of avian
influenza A/H5N1 outbreaks. Influenza isolates were characterized by hemagglutinin inhibition test. Results: A total of
4708 nasopharyngeal swabs were collected from patients with ILI. Influenza was positive in 119 (2.5%) samples by
virus isolation. Influenza circulated throughout the year, with possible two peaks in summer and winter. Influenza B
viruses and A/H3N2 predominated in 2001 and 2002, respectively, and mixed circulation ofA/H1N1, A/H3N2 and B
were observed in 2003. The seasonality of influenza roughly matched with clinical case reports in the North Region by
National Communicable Disease Surveillance in Vietnam. Conclusions: The findings of year-round and biannual peak
circulation of influenza in a subtropical area were in accordance with the results of previous studies in tropical and
subtropical regions. Our observations indicated that establishment of laboratory-based surveillance in tropical and
sub-tropical countries is important for taking actions for pandemic strategies, and links to the WHO global influenza
Code(s) de classement : 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Influenza; Influenza A; Epidemiology; Vietnam; Nasopharynx; Virus; Influenza B; Flulike syndrome;
Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection; Asia
Descripteur(s) : Grippe; Grippe A; Epidemiologie; Vietnam; Nasopharynx; Virus; Grippe B; Syndrome
pseudogrippal; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection; Asie
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 18250, INIST No. 354000162876420090
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.

Pandemic flu : Clinical management of patients with an influenza-like
illness during an influenza pandemic
Titre : Pandemic flu : Clinical management of patients with an influenza-like illness during an influenza pandemic
Auteur(s) : British Infection Society British Thoracic Society Health Protection Agency, United States
Source : The Journal of infection. 2006; 53 (SUP1) : S1-S58
ISSN : 0163-4453
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 169 ref.
Code(s) de classement : 002B05; 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Infection; Influenza; Clinical management; Human; Flulike syndrome
Desc. génériques : Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Viral
Descripteur(s) : Infection; Grippe; Conduite a tenir; Homme; Pandemie; Syndrome pseudogrippal
Desc. génériques : Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales;
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 18250, INIST No. 354000162876340010
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Surveillance akuter respiratorischer Erkrankungen (ARE) in
Niedersachsen : Erste Erfahrungen aus den Jahren 2005-2006;
Surveillance of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) in lower saxony :
First experience from the years 2005-2006
Titre : Surveillance akuter respiratorischer Erkrankungen (ARE) in Niedersachsen : Erste Erfahrungen aus den Jahren
2005-2006; Surveillance of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) in lower saxony : First experience from the years
Affiliation(s) : Niedersachsisches Landesgesundheitsamt, Hannover, Germany; Gesundheitsamt des Landkreises
Cloppenburg, Germany
Source : Das Gesundheitswesen Stuttgart Thieme. 2006; 68 (11) : 686-691
ISSN : 0941-3790
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : Germany
Langue(s) : German
Langue(s) du résumé : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 8 ref.
Résumé : In the context of influenza pandemic preparedness planning, a surveillance system for influenza and other
acute respiratory illnesses was implemented in Lower Saxony at the beginning of the influenza season 2004/2005 and
coordinated by the Governmental Institute of Public Health of Lower Saxony. This surveillance system represents an
addition to already existing national monitoring systems. The goal of this surveillance system is to have available
prompt information on the beginning, course and end of the influenza season and to recognise the spectrum of
pathogens and identify outbreaks of other viral acute respiratory illnesses (ARI). For this purpose an all-season
surveillance was established consisting of two supplementary modules. The first module is a symptom-oriented
surveillance of acute respiratory illnesses in children of pre-school day care facilities. In the second module a
virological surveillance in cooperation with selected medical practices was established. While the temporal course and
burden of ARI in all Lower Saxony can be assessed by the surveillance of children in the day-care facilities in a
sensitive, but less specific way, the virological surveillance provides highly specific information on the prevailing
pathogens in ARI patients at a certain time. This information, in return, gives an indication about the responsible
pathogens causing ARI in children of the day-care facilities. The first experience with these two complementary
surveillance modules shows that in Lower Saxony a well accepted, prompt and meaningful monitoring system is
available for the recognition and description of the occurrence of ARI and concomitantly of influenza. An extension of
this surveillance to other pathogens or disease scenarios is possible.
Code(s) de classement : 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Adult respiratory distress syndrome; Surveillance; Influenzavirus; Respiratory disease; Lower
Saxony; 2005; Public health; 2006; Viral disease
Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Germany; Europe;
Descripteur(s) : Detresse respiratoire adulte syndrome; Surveillance; Influenzavirus; Appareil respiratoire pathologie;
Basse Saxe; 2005; Sante publique; 2006; Virose; Grippe pandemique; Pandemie
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Allemagne;
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Europe; Infection
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 22028, INIST No. 354000159705780050
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Factors influencing influenza vaccination rates among healthcare
workers in Greek hospitals
Titre : Factors influencing influenza vaccination rates among healthcare workers in Greek hospitals
Affiliation(s) : Office for Nosocomial Infections, Microbe Resistance, and Rational Use of Antibiotics, Hellenic Center
for Disease Control and Prevention, Athens, Greece
Source : The Journal of hospital infection. 2007; 66 (2) : 156-159
ISSN : 0195-6701
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 15 ref.
Résumé : Influenza vaccination rates are generally low among healthcare workers (HCWs) worldwide. In September
2005, the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a nationwide campaign to promote influenza
vaccination in hospital HCWs. During the 2005-2006 influenza season, the overall vaccination rate among HCWs was
16.36% (range: 0-85.96%). The self-reported vaccination rate during the previous season was 1.72%, indicating a
9.5-fold increase. Compared with physicians, significantly fewer technical personnel were vaccinated, whereas
administrative personnel were more likely to receive the vaccine. Among clinicians, rates for internal medicine
departments exceeded those of surgical departments by a factor of 2.71 and laboratory medicine departments by a factor
of 2.36. Multivariate analysis showed lower vaccination rates in large hospitals (>200 beds) than in smaller hospitals
and lower rates in hospitals with specialist services (intensive care unit, psychiatry or dermatology) than in general
hospitals. Factors associated with higher rates included working in northern Greece, in a paediatric or an oncology
hospital, or in a prefecture with avian influenza H5N1 activity. In conclusion, in Greece influenza vaccination rates
among HCWs remain low, but the implementation of a nationwide campaign had a considerable impact. Efforts should
focus on hospital- and HCW-associated factors to increase vaccination uptake.
Code(s) de classement : 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Influenza; Immunoprophylaxis; Surgery; Vaccination coverage; Health care staff; Health staff;
Greece; Vaccination; Hospital; Risk factor; Treatment; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection; Europe; Prevention
Descripteur(s) : Grippe; Immunoprophylaxie; Chirurgie; Couverture vaccinale; Equipe soignante; Personnel sanitaire;
Grece; Vaccination; Hopital; Facteur risque; Traitement; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection; Europe; Prevention
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 18802, INIST No. 354000149908580090
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Preparations and limitations for prevention of severe acute
respiratory syndrome in a tertiary care centre of India
Titre : Preparations and limitations for prevention of severe acute respiratory syndrome in a tertiary care centre of India
Affiliation(s) : Department of Community Medicine, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
(PGIMER), Chandigarh, India; PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Source : The Journal of hospital infection. 2007; 66 (2) : 142-147
ISSN : 0195-6701
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 16 ref.
Résumé : This short-term observational study of infection control practice was performed in the medical emergency
outpatient department (EMOPD) of a tertiary-care hospital in India when threatened by an outbreak of severe acute
respiratory syndrome (SARS). An investigator attended the lobby daily to screen patients with symptoms for SARS.
Patient/attendant load, patient flow, medical staff working practices and position in the EMOPD were observed.
Infection control measures such as fumigation and cleaning were noted, as was the EMOPD laboratory function, use of
personnel protection and display of information on infectious diseases. A total of 162 (7.4%) of the 2165 patients
surveyed had respiratory symptoms but no cases of SARS were found. The flow of patients and their attendants was not
systematic. No laboratory tests for SARS were available, and no educational material on SARS was displayed. The
EMOPDs in key hospitals need be able to screen for infectious diseases, especially in view of the threats from SARS
and Avian influenza.
Code(s) de classement : 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Severe acute respiratory syndrome; Limitation; Prevention; India; Check; Hospital; Emergency
department; Ambulatory; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection; Asia; Respiratory disease;
Descripteur(s) : Syndrome respiratoire aigu severe; Limitation; Prevention; Inde; Controle; Hopital; Service urgence;
Ambulatoire; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection; Asie; Appareil respiratoire
pathologie; Poumon pathologie
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 18802, INIST No. 354000149908580070
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Performance of six influenza rapid tests in detecting human influenza
in clinical specimens
Titre : Performance of six influenza rapid tests in detecting human influenza in clinical specimens
Auteur(s) : HURT Aeron C; ALEXANDER Robert; HIBBERT Jan; DEED Nicola; BARR Ian G
Affiliation(s) : World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza, 45 Poplar
Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia; Monash University, School of Applied Sciences, Churchill, Victoria 3842,
Australia; Royal Children's Hospital, Department of Microbiology and Virology, Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria
3052, Australia
Source : Journal of clinical virology. 2007; 39 (2) : 132-135
ISSN : 1386-6532
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : Netherlands
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 1/2 p.
Résumé : Background: The rapid diagnosis of influenza can alter the management of a patient's illness, resulting in
reduced antibiotic usage, correct use of influenza antivirals and reduced length of stay in hospital emergency
departments. The rapid tests have also been used to detect outbreaks in institutions and may play a role in pandemic
influenza control. Objectives: To test six different rapid influenza tests, in a head-to-head comparison for the detection
of seasonal influenza types A and B, compared to laboratory-based tests. Study design: One hundred and seventy-seven
clinical specimens taken from mostly paediatric patients between June and October 2006 were tested using six influenza
diagnostic tests and three laboratory-based techniques (immunofluorescence, cell culture and real-time RT-PCR).
Results and conclusion: Compared with cell culture, five of the rapid tests (Binax Now Influenza A&B, Directigen EZ
Flu A + B, Denka Seiken Quick Ex-Flu, Fujirebio Espline Influenza A&B-N, and Quidel Quick Vue Influenza A + B
Test) demonstrated a similar influenza A sensitivity of between 67-71% and a specificity of 99-100%, however one
rapid test (Rockeby Influenza A Antigen Test) had a significantly lower influenza A sensitivity of only 10% (specificity
was 100%). For the five kits that detected influenza B antigen, sensitivity was considerably lower than that seen for
influenza A (sensitivity for all the kits was 30%), although the number of specimens containing influenza B viruses was
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002B05C02J
Descripteur(s) : Human; Detection; Clinical isolate; Microbiology; Virology; Influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences;
Viral disease; Infection
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Homme; Detection; Isolat clinique; Microbiologie; Virologie; Grippe
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences
medicales; Virose; Infection
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 26272, INIST No. 354000162331170110
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Mass vaccination for annual and pandemic influenza. Mass
vaccination: Global aspects - progress and obstacles
Titre : Mass vaccination for annual and pandemic influenza. Mass vaccination: Global aspects - progress and obstacles
Auteur(s) : SCHWARTZ B; WORTLEY P; PLOTKIN Stanley A, ed
Affiliation(s) : Immunization Services Division, National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333, United States; Sanofi Pasteur, 4650 Wismer Road, Doylestown,
PA 18901, United States
Source : Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 2006; 304 : 131-152
ISSN : 0070-217X
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : Germany
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 2 p.
Code(s) de classement : 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Influenza; Vaccination; Review; Immunoprophylaxis; Prevention; United States; Human; Pandemic
Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection; North America; America;
Descripteur(s) : Grippe; Vaccination; Article synthese; Immunoprophylaxie; Prevention; Etats Unis; Homme;
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection; Amerique du Nord;
Amerique; Sante publique
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 8358, INIST No. 354000142989220080
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
La grippe aviaire : ce qu' il faut savoir
Titre : La grippe aviaire : ce qu' il faut savoir
Auteur(s) : Observatoire Regional de la Sante de Guyane ORSG Cayenne, France
Source : ORSG BULLETIN SANTE. 2006-03; (1) : 8 p.
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : French
Type de document : Serial
Résumé : Ce bulletin a vocation a apporter des reponses aux questions que peuvent se poser les Guyanais sur la grippe
aviaire. Il a pour but d' ameliorer la connaissance sur une pandemie actuelle, de lever les doutes, les inquietudes
Code(s) de classement : 002B30A01A
Descripteur(s) : Virus; Epidemiology; Sanitary surveillance; Epizootics; Risk managementDesc. génériques : Public health; Medical sciences
Descripteur(s) : Virus; Epidemiologie; Surveillance sanitaire; Epizootie; Gestion risqueDesc. génériques : Sante publique; Sciences medicales
Localisation : BDSP/ORSLR, Shelf number ETUDES ORS
Origine de la notice : BDSP
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Le point sur la grippe aviaire
Titre : Le point sur la grippe aviaire
Auteur(s) : DELASSUS Jean Luc
Source : L'AIDE SOIGNANTE. 2007-05; (87) : 24-25
ISSN : 1166-3413
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : French
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 3 ref.
Résumé : Apres un rappel historique des trois pandemies grippales du XXeme siecle, cet article donne les
caracteristiques du virus H5N1 et fait le point sur la transmission interhumaine, les traitements et les mesures de
Code(s) de classement : 002B30A11
Descripteur(s) : Influenza; Prevention; Epidemic; Virus; Contamination; Contagion; Antiviral; EpizooticsDesc. génériques : Public health; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection
Descripteur(s) : Grippe; Prevention; Epidemie; Virus; Contamination; Contagion; Antiviral; EpizootieDesc. génériques : Sante publique; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection
Localisation : BDSP/APHPDOC
Origine de la notice : BDSP
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Planning for pandemic influenza: effect of a pandemic on the supply
and demand for blood products in the United States
Titre : Planning for pandemic influenza: effect of a pandemic on the supply and demand for blood products in the
United States
Auteur(s) : ZIMRIN Ann B; HESS John R
Affiliation(s) : Departments of Medicine and Pathology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
Source : Transfusion Philadelphia PA. 2007; 47 (6) : 1071-1079
ISSN : 0041-1132
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 49 ref.
Résumé : BACKGROUND: Influenza causes episodic pandemics when viral antigens shift in ways that elude herd
immunity. Avian influenza A H5N1, currently epizootic in bird populations in Asia and Europe, appears to have
pandemic potential. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The virology of influenza, the history of the 1918 pandemic,
and the structure of the health care and the blood transfusion systems are briefly reviewed. Morbidity and mortality
experience from the 1918 pandemic are projected onto the current health care structure to predict points of failure that
are likely in a modern pandemic. RESULTS: Blood donor centers are likely to experience loss of donors, workers, and
reliable transport of specimens to national testing laboratories and degradation of response times from national testing
labs. Transfusion services are likely to experience critical losses of workers and of reagent red cells (RBCs) that will
make their automated procedures unworkable. Loss of medical directors, supervisors, and lead technicians may make
alternative procedures unworkable as well. CONCLUSIONS: Lower blood collection capacity and transfusion service
support capability will reduce the availability of RBCs and especially of platelets. Plans for rationing medical care need
to take the vulnerability of the blood transfusion system into account.
Code(s) de classement : 002B27D01; 002B02G; 002B24A02
Descripteur(s) : Transfusion; Planning; Influenza A; Supply; Blood product; United States
Desc. génériques : Transfusion; Medical sciences; Hematology; Pharmacology; Medical sciences; Pneumology;
Respiratory system; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection; North America; America
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Transfusion; Planification; Grippe A; Approvisionnement; Constituant sang; Etats Unis
Desc. génériques : Transfusion; Sciences medicales; Hematologie; Pharmacologie; Sciences medicales; Pneumologie;
Appareil respiratoire; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection; Amerique du Nord; Amerique
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 10224, INIST No. 354000146769110190
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara-based vaccine induces
protective immunity in mice against infection with influenza virus
Titre : Recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara-based vaccine induces protective immunity in mice against
infection with influenza virus H5N1
Auteur(s) : KREIJTZ Joost H C M; SUEZER Yasemin; VAN AMERONGEN Geert; DE MUTSERT Gerrie;
Affiliation(s) : Department of Virology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Paul-Ehrlich-Institut,
Langen, Germany; National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, Potters Bar, United Kingdom
Source : The Journal of infectious diseases. 2007; 195 (11) : 1598-1606
ISSN : 0022-1899
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 48 ref.
Résumé : Since 2003, the number of human cases of infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the
H5N1 subtype is still increasing, and, therefore, the development of safe and effective vaccines is considered a priority.
However, the global production capacity of conventional vaccines is limited and insufficient for a worldwide
vaccination campaign. In the present study, an alternative H5N1 vaccine candidate based on the replication-deficient
modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) was evaluated. C57BL/6J mice were immunized twice with MVA expressing
the hemagglutinin (HA) gene from influenza virus A/Hongkong/156/97 (MVA-HA-HK/97) or A/Vietnam/1194/04
(MVA-HA-VN/04). Subsequently, recombinant MVA-induced protective immunity was assessed after challenge
infection with 3 antigenically distinct strains of H5N1 influenza viruses: A/Hongkong/156/97, A/Vietnam/1194/04, and
A/Indonesia/5/05. Our data suggest that recombinant MVA expressing the HA of influenza virus A/Vietnam/1194/04 is
a promising alternative vaccine candidate that could be used for the induction of protective immunity against various
H5N1 influenza strains.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002B05; 002A05F04
Descripteur(s) : Vaccinia virus; Mouse; Influenzavirus; Recombinant virus; Vaccine; Immunoprotection;
Microbiology; Infection; Viral disease; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Immunology;
Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Orthopoxvirus; Chordopoxvirinae;
Poxviridae; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Orthomyxoviridae
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Virus vaccine; Souris; Influenzavirus; Virus recombinant; Vaccin; Immunoprotection; Microbiologie;
Infection; Virose; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales;
Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Orthopoxvirus;
Chordopoxvirinae; Poxviridae; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Orthomyxoviridae
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 2052, INIST No. 354000162278040050
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
India's new patent regime : aiding "access" or abetting "genericide"?
: Biomedicine, patents, and access
Titre : India's new patent regime : aiding "access" or abetting "genericide"? : Biomedicine, patents, and access
Auteur(s) : BASHEER Shamnad
Affiliation(s) : Law George Washington University Law School 2000 H Street, N.W, Washington, DC 20052, United
Source : International journal of biotechnology. 2007; 9 (2) : 122-137
ISSN : 0963-6048
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : Switzerland
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 1 p.1/2
Notes : 34 notes
Résumé : This paper considers the impact of the new Indian patent regime on the important issue of access to
affordable drugs. Access is dependent, in part, on the ability of generic manufacturers to produce cheap generic drugs.
Working with the bird flu patent example, this paper will demonstrate that far from abetting 'genericide', the new regime
provides adequate legal windows to aid the continued production of affordable generics. However, the mere existence
of such windows/flexibilities is not enough - generic manufacturers will only exploit such windows when it is
economically and politically viable to do so.
Code(s) de classement : 002A31; 215
Descripteur(s) : India; Patents; Drug; Medicine; Public health; AvesDesc. génériques : Biotechnology; Biological sciences; Asia; Vertebrata
Descripteur(s) : Inde; Brevet; Medicament; Medecine; Sante publique; AvesDesc. génériques : Biotechnologie; Sciences biologiques; Asie; Vertebrata
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 27537, INIST No. 354000159868480020
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Amantadine-oseltamivir combination therapy for H5N1 influenza
virus infection in mice
Titre : Amantadine-oseltamivir combination therapy for H5N1 influenza virus infection in mice
Auteur(s) : ILYUSHINA Natalia A; HOFFMANN Erich; SALOMON Rachelle; WEBSTER Robert G;
Affiliation(s) : Department of Infectious Diseases, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States;
D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Moscow, Russia; Department of Pathology, University of Tennessee, Memphis,
TN, United States
Source : Antiviral therapy London. 2007; 12 (3) : 363-370
ISSN : 1359-6535
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 44 ref.
Résumé : Background: The clinical management of H5N1 influenza virus infection in humans remains unclear.
Combination chemotherapy with drugs that target different viral proteins might be more effective than monotherapy.
Methods: BALB/c mice were treated by oral gavage for 5 days with amantadine (1.5, 15 or 30 mg/kg/day) and
oseltamivir (1 or 10 mg/kg/day) separately or in combination. Mice were challenged 24 h after initiation of treatment
with 10 mouse 50% lethal doses of either amantadine-sensitive (having S31 in the M2 protein) or amantadine-resistant
(having N31 in the M2 protein) recombinant A/Vietnam/1203/04 (H5N1) virus. Results: Combination treatment with
amantadine (15 or 30 mg/kg/day) and oseltamivir (10 mg/kg/day) provided greater protection (60% and 90%,
respectively) against lethal infection with amantadine-sensitive H5N1 virus than did monotherapy. Moreover, spread of
the virus to the brain was prevented by both combination regimens. The efficacy of the drug combinations against
amantadine-resistant H5N1 virus was comparable to that of oseltamivir alone. Oseltamivir produced a dose-dependent
effect against both recombinant H5N1 viruses (P<0.05) but did not provide complete protection against lethal infection.
Importantly, no mutations in the HA, NA and M2 proteins were detected when the two drugs were used in combination.
Conclusions: Combination chemotherapy provided a survival advantage over single-agent treatment of mice inoculated
with neurotropic H5N1 influenza virus. This strategy might be an option for the control of pandemic influenza viruses
that are sensitive to amantadine. Combinations that include other drugs should be explored.
Code(s) de classement : 002B02S05; 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Oseltamivir; Combined treatment; Drug combination; Viral disease; Animal; Mouse; Antiviral; Avian
influenza; Influenzavirus AH5N1
Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Pharmacology; Medical sciences; Virology; Infectious diseases;
Medical sciences; Infection; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Amantadine derivatives; Agonist; Antagonist; Dopamine
receptor; Glutamate receptor; NMDA receptor; Dopamine agonist; Exo <alpha> sialidase; O Glycosidases;
Glycosidases; Hydrolases; Enzyme; Enzyme inhibitor; Neuraminidase inhibitor
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Oseltamivir; Traitement associe; Association medicamenteuse; Virose; Animal; Souris; Antiviral;
Grippe aviaire; Influenzavirus AH5N1
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Pharmacologie; Sciences medicales; Virologie; Maladies
infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Infection; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Amantadine derive; Agoniste;
Antagoniste; Recepteur dopaminergique; Recepteur glutamate; Recepteur NMDA; Stimulant dopaminergique; Exo
<alpha> sialidase; O Glycosidases; Glycosidases; Hydrolases; Enzyme; Inhibiteur enzyme; Inhibiteur neuraminidase
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 27047, INIST No. 354000162224660090
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Evaluation of influenza virus-like particles and Novasome adjuvant as
candidate vaccine for avian influenza
Titre : Evaluation of influenza virus-like particles and Novasome adjuvant as candidate vaccine for avian influenza
Auteur(s) : PUSHKO Peter; TUMPEY Terrence M; VAN HOEVEN Neal; BELSER Jessica A; ROBINSON Robin;
Affiliation(s) : Novavax Inc., 9920 Belward Campus Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, United States; Influenza Branch,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30333, United States; Pandemic Influenza
Program, HHS/OPHEP/ORDC, 200 Independence Ave. SW, Humphrey Bldg., Rm. 638G, Washington, DC 20201,
United States
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (21) : 4283-4290
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 25 ref.
Résumé : The development of safe and effective vaccines for avian influenza viruses is a priority for pandemic
preparedness. Adjuvants improve the efficacy of vaccines and may allow antigen sparing during a pandemic. We have
previously shown that influenza virus-like particles (VLPs) comprised of HA, NA, and Ml proteins represent a
candidate vaccine for avian influenza H9N2 virus Pushko P, Tumpey TM, Fang Bu, Knell J, Robinson R, Smith G.
Influenza virus-like particles comprised of the HA, NA, and Ml proteins of H9N2 influenza virus induce protective
immune responses in BALB/c mice. Vaccine 2005;23(50):5751-9. In this study, an H9N2 VLP vaccine and
recombinant HA (rH9) vaccine were evaluated in three animal models. The H9N2 VLP vaccine protected mice and
ferrets from challenge with A/Hong Kong/1073/99 (H9N2) virus. Novasome adjuvant improved immunogenicity and
protection. Positive effect of the adjuvant was also detected using the rH9 vaccine. The results have implications for the
development of safe and effective vaccines for avian influenza viruses with pandemic potential.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04; 002A05C10
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Virus like particle; Immunological adjuvant; Vaccine; Flulike syndrome; Avian
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology;
Microbiology; Biological sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Particule type viral; Adjuvant immunologique; Vaccin; Syndrome
pseudogrippal; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149602730180
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Yield increases in intact influenza vaccine virus from chicken allantoic
fluid through isolation from insoluble allantoic debris
Titre : Yield increases in intact influenza vaccine virus from chicken allantoic fluid through isolation from insoluble
allantoic debris
Auteur(s) : HUGHES Kenneth; ZACHERTOWSKA Alicja; WAN Simmy; LI Lily; KLIMASZEWSKI Damian;
Affiliation(s) : Microbix Biosystems Inc., 341 Bering Avenue, Toronto, M8V 3A8, Canada; Department of Pathology
and Laboratory Medicine, Division of Microbiology, Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre, 5788 University Ave,
Halifax, B3H IV8, Canada
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (22) : 4456-4463
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 24 ref.
Résumé : A yield enhancement technology for use in influenza vaccine manufacturing has been developed to maximize
the recovery of influenza virus from allantoic fluid of virus-infected chick embryos; the standard raw material for
influenza vaccine. Virus associated with amorphous debris in the allantoic fluid can be dissociated from the debris and
recovered, thereby increasing viral yield. Dissociation can be achieved by subjecting the virus-debris complex to
conditions of increased ionic strength at defined pH. Multifold increases in viral yield per ml of allantoic fluid were
observed. The degree of yield enhancement is strain-specific, however, increases were observed in all type A and type
B influenza strains tested. The heightened influenza virus recoveries can facilitate rapid vaccine manufacture, with
increased numbers of doses produced, and may become essential at a time of influenza pandemic.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04; 002A05C10
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus; Chicken; Yield; Vaccine; Isolation; Influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology;
Microbiology; Biological sciences; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Aves; Vertebrata; Poultry; Viral disease; Infection;
Veterinary; Farming animal
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus; Poulet; Rendement; Vaccin; Isolement; Grippe
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Aves; Vertebrata; Volaille; Virose;
Infection; Veterinaire; Animal elevage
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149597880160
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Pandemic influenza planning : Shouldn't swine and poultry workers
be included?
Titre : Pandemic influenza planning : Shouldn't swine and poultry workers be included?
Auteur(s) : GRAY Gregory C; TRAMPEL Darrell W; ROTH James A
Affiliation(s) : Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, College of Public Health University of Iowa, 200 Hawkins Dr,
C21K GH, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States; Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health University of
Iowa, 200 Hawkins Dr, C21K GH, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States; Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal
Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, 1802 Elwood Drive, VMRI-Bldg. 1, Iowa State University, Ames, 1A
50011-1240, United States; Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011,
United States; Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011,
United States; 2156 College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, United States
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (22) : 4376-4381
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 33 ref.
Résumé : Recent research has demonstrated that swine and poultry professionals, especially those who work in large
confinement facilities, are at markedly increased risk of zoonotic influenza virus infections. In serving as a bridging
population for influenza virus spread between animals and man, these workers may introduce zoonotic influenza virus
into their homes and communities as well as expose domestic swine and poultry to human influenza viruses. Prolonged
and intense occupational exposures of humans working in swine or poultry confinement buildings could facilitate the
generation of novel influenza viruses, as well as accelerate human influenza epidemics. Because of their potential
bridging role, we posit that such workers should be recognized as a priority target group for annual influenza vaccines
and receive special training to reduce the risk of influenza transmission. They should also be considered for increased
surveillance and priority receipt of pandemic vaccines and antivirals.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04
Descripteur(s) : Swine; Poultry; Influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences;
Artiodactyla; Ungulata; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Veterinary; Viral disease; Infection; Farming animal
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Porcin; Volaille; Grippe
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Artiodactyla; Ungulata; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Veterinaire; Virose; Infection; Animal elevage
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149597880070
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Serological response to vaccination against avian influenza in
zoo-birds using an inactivated H5N9 vaccine
Titre : Serological response to vaccination against avian influenza in zoo-birds using an inactivated H5N9 vaccine
Auteur(s) : BERTEISEN Mads F; KLAUSEN Joan; HOLM Elisabeth; GRONDAHL Carsten; JORGENSEN Poul H
Affiliation(s) : Centre for Zoo and Wild Animal Health, Copenhagen Zoo, Roskildevej 38, 2000 Frederiksberg,
Denmark; National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Bulowsvej 27, 1790 Copenhagen, Denmark;
National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Hangovej 2, 8200 Aarhus, Denmark
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (22) : 4345-4349
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 12 ref.
Résumé : Five hundred and forty birds in three zoos were vaccinated twice against avian influenza with a 6-week
interval using an inactivated H5N9 vaccine. Serological response was evaluated by hemagglutination inhibition test 4-6
weeks following the second vaccine administration. 84% of the birds seroconverted, and 76% developed a titre >=32.
The geometric mean titre after vaccination was 137. A significant species variation in response was noted; penguins,
pelicans, ducks, geese, herons, Guinea fowl, cranes, cockatiels, lovebirds, and barbets showed very poor response to
vaccination, while very high titres and seroconversion rates were seen in flamingos, ibis, rheas, Congo peafowl,
black-winged stilts, amazon parrots, and kookaburras.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04
Descripteur(s) : Aves; Humoral immunity; Vaccination; Inactivated strain; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences;
Vertebrata; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Aves; Immunite humorale; Vaccination; Souche inactivee; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Vertebrata; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149597880030
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Australian general practice and pandemic influenza: models of clinical
practice in an established pandemic
Titre : Australian general practice and pandemic influenza: models of clinical practice in an established pandemic
Auteur(s) : PHILLIPS Christine B; PATEL Mahomed S; GLASGOW Nicholas; PEARCE Christopher; DUGDALE
Paul; DAVIES Alison; HALL Sally; KLJAKOVIC Marjan
Affiliation(s) : College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia;
Whitehorse Division of General Practice, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; ACT Health, Canberra, ACT, Australia; ACT
Division of General Practice, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Source : Medical journal of Australia. 2007; 186 (7) : 355-358 4 p.
ISSN : 0025-729X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : Australia
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 21 ref.
Résumé : <Mathematical point>To minimise the health impact of pandemic influenza, general practice will need to
provide influenza-related and non-influenza primary health care, as well as contribute to the public health goal of
disease control. <Mathematical point>Through interviews and workshops with general practitioners, nurses and policy
leaders between March and July 2006, and literature analysis, we identified potential models of general practice in an
established pandemic, and assessed their strengths and weaknesses. <Mathematical point>Three possible clinical
models were identified: a default model of no change to service delivery; a streamed services model, where general
practices reorganise themselves to take on either influenza-specific care or other clinical services; and a
staff-determined mixed model, where staff move between different types of services. <Mathematical point>No single
model or set of strategies meets the needs of all general practices to deliver and sustain the essential functions of
primary health care during an established pandemic. Governments, general practice and the relevant peak professional
bodies should decide before a pandemic on the suite of measures needed to support the models most suitable in their
regions. <Mathematical point>Effective participation by general practice in a pandemic requires supplementary
infrastructure support, changes to financial and staffing patterns, a review of legislation on medicolegal implications
during an emergency, and intensive collaboration between general practices.
Code(s) de classement : 002B01; 002B30A11
Descripteur(s) : Australia; General practice; Models; Professional practice; Public health; WorldDesc. génériques : Medical sciences; Public health; Medical sciences; Oceania
Descripteur(s) : Australie; Medecine generale; Modele; Pratique professionnelle; Sante publique; Monde; Pandemie;
Grippe pandemique
Desc. génériques : Sciences medicales; Sante publique; Sciences medicales; Oceanie
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 3557, INIST No. 354000146850370070
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Les maladies infectieuses. De l' importance d' une activite coordonnee
a l' echelle europeenne
Titre : Les maladies infectieuses. De l' importance d' une activite coordonnee a l' echelle europeenne
Auteur(s) : TER MEULEN Volker
Affiliation(s) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Germany
Source : Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de medecine. 2006; 190 (9) : 1889-1895
Informations congrès : *Academie nationale de medecine. Seance, *Strasbourg France, *2006-05-16
ISSN : 0001-4079
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : French
Type de document : Serial; *Conference-Meeting
Résumé : Les maladies infectieuses representent un probleme de sante majeur, tant pour les pays developpes, que pour
les pays emergents. Envisagees a l' echelon mondial, les maladies infectieuses sont, en effet, a l' origine d' environ un
tiers de tous les deces (46 % des causes de morts dans les pays en voie de developpement). D' importants appels ont ete
lances travers le monde dans le but d' ameliorer les systemes de sante publique, compte tenu des dangers croissants que
presentent les maladies infectieuses, du fait d' un ensemble de microbes d' apparition recente ou resurgents, tels le
SRAS, la tuberculose, le sida, la legionellose, le microbe Ebola, l' encephalite du Nil, les infections nosocomiales
opportunistes, les nouvelles varietes de grippe. Ces facteurs sont egalement associes a des problemes de securite
microbiologiques des aliments et au role joue par le developpement des voyages internationaux, par la croissance du
commerce mondial de l' agriculture, tous elements qui s' integrent dans les mailles du bioterrorisme. Les maladies
infectieuses animales (aux consequences vitales) tels la grippe aviaire, le virus du singe, les maladies dues aux aliments,
transmissibles ou non a l' homme, les maladies vegetales, posent, elles aussi, des problemes, et representent autant de
cibles potentielles pour le bioterrorisme. Et, meme si nous disposons d' antibiotiques et de vaccins, les defis persistent
dans la lutte contre les micro-organismes, car l' on assiste a une augmentation des resistances antibacteriennes et
antivirales. Les strategies vaccinales, quant a elles, peuvent echouer du fait de leur cout trop eleve pour les pays en voie
de developpement, voire de l' opposition rencontree dans certains pays de l' Union Europeenne, sans sous-estimer les
variations antigeniques de certains micro-organismes, et de certains virus. L' Academie Allemande des Sciences
Leopoldina, en collaboration avec le Comite Consultatif de l' Academie Europeenne des Sciences, a precise quelles
devaient etre les actions a entreprendre pour lutter contre les maladies infectieuses, et identifie les zones les plus
exposees, autant de realites auxquelles les responsables politiques de l' union Europeenne devront faire face. Ces
priorites seront exposees et discutees.
Code(s) de classement : 002B30A11
Descripteur(s) : Infection; Coordination; Europe; Public health; MedicineDesc. génériques : Public health; Medical sciences
Descripteur(s) : Infection; Coordination; Europe; Sante publique; MedecineDesc. génériques : Sante publique; Sciences medicales
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 740, INIST No. 354000146857550040
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of artificial glycopolypeptides containing
multivalent sialyloligosaccharides with a <gamma>-polyglutamic acid
backbone and their effect on inhibition of infection by influenza
Titre : Chemoenzymatic synthesis of artificial glycopolypeptides containing multivalent sialyloligosaccharides with a
<gamma>-polyglutamic acid backbone and their effect on inhibition of infection by influenza viruses
Auteur(s) : OGATA Makoto; MURATA Takeomi; MURAKAMI Kouki; SUZUKI Takashi; HIDARI Kazuya I P J;
SUZUKI Yasuo; USUI Taichi
Affiliation(s) : Science of Biological Resource, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University,
Yanagido 1-1, Gifu 501-1193, Japan; Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka
University, Ohya 836, Suruga ward, Shizuoka 422-8529, Japan; Department of Biochemistry, University of Shizuoka,
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and COE Program in the 21st century, Shizuoka, Japan; College of Life and
Science, Chubu University, Japan
Source : Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry. 2007; 15 (3) : 1383-1393
ISSN : 0968-0896
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 37 ref.
Résumé : Highly water-soluble, artificial glycopolypeptides with a <gamma>-polyglutamic acid (y-PGA) backbone
derived from Bacillus subtilis sp. and multivalent sialyloligosaccharide units have been chemoenzymatically
5-Trifluoroacetamidopentyl <beta>-N-acetyllactosaminide and 5-trifluoroacetamidopentyl <beta>-lactoside wereenzymatically synthesized from LacNAc and lactose, respectively, by cellulase-mediated condensation with5-trifluoroacetamido-l-pentanol. After deacetylation, the resulting 5-aminopentyl p-LacNAc and <beta>-lactosideglycosides were coupled to the <alpha>-carboxyl groups of the <gamma>-PGA side chains. The artificialglycopolypeptides carrying LacNAc and lactose were further converted to Neu5Aca2-(3/6)Gal<beta>1-Glc<beta> andNeu5Ac<alpha>2-(3/6)Ga1<beta>1-4GlcNAc<beta>
<alpha>2,6-sialyltransferase, respectively. The interaction of these glycopolypeptides with various influenza virusstrains has been investigated by three different methods. Glycopolypeptides carrying Neu5Ac<alpha>2,6LacNAcinhibited hemagglutination mediated by influenza A and B viruses, and their relative binding affinities forhemagglutinin were 10<sup>2- to 10<sup>4-fold higher than that of the naturally occurring fetuin control. Aglycopolypeptide carrying Neu5Ac<alpha>2,6LacNAc inhibited infection by A/Memphis/1/71 (H3N2) 93 times morestrongly than fetuin, as assessed by cytopathic effects on virus-infected MDCK cells. The avian virus A/duck/Hongkong/4/78 (H5N3) bound strongly to Neu5Ac<alpha>2,3LacNAc/Lac-carrying glycopolypeptides, whereas the humanvirus A/Meniphis/1/71 (H3N2) bound to Neu5Ac<alpha>2,6LacNAc in preference to Neu5Ac<alpha>2,6Lac. Takentogether, these results indicate that the binding of viruses to terminal sialic acids is markedly affected by the structure ofthe asialo portion, in this case either LacNAc or lactose, in the sugar chain of glycopolypeptides.
Code(s) de classement : 002B02S05
Descripteur(s) : Enzymatic reaction; Chemical synthesis; Glycopeptide; Antiviral; Avian influenzavirus; Water
soluble compound; Cellulase; Glutamic acid derivative polymer; Glycosyltransferases; Influenzavirus B; In vitro;Structure activity relation; Peptides; Cell line; Kidney; Dog; Animal
Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Pharmacology; Medical sciences; Influenzavirus A;
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; O Glycosidases; Glycosidases; Hydrolases; Enzyme; Transferases; Fissipedia; Carnivora;
Mammalia; Vertebrata
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Reaction enzymatique; Synthese chimique; Glycopeptide; Antiviral; Influenzavirus aviaire; Compose
hydrosoluble; Cellulase; Glutamique acide derive polymere; Glycosyltransferases; Influenzavirus B; In vitro; Relationstructure activite; Peptide; Lignee cellulaire; Rein; Chien; Animal; Lignee MDCK; Sialique acide derive; Lactosidederive
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Pharmacologie; Sciences medicales; Influenzavirus A;
Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; O Glycosidases; Glycosidases; Hydrolases; Enzyme; Transferases; Fissipedia; Carnivora;
Mammalia; Vertebrata
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 26564, INIST No. 354000145338720190
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Observations, symptomes et lesions releves sur l' avifaune sauvage de
l' ain lors de l' episode d' influenza aviaire H5N1 HP en 2006;
Observations, lesions and symptoms in wild avifauna in the east of
France (Ain) during the 2006 H5N1 HP bird flu outbreak
Titre : Observations, symptomes et lesions releves sur l' avifaune sauvage de l' ain lors de l' episode d' influenza aviaire
H5N1 HP en 2006; Observations, lesions and symptoms in wild avifauna in the east of France (Ain) during the 2006
H5N1 HP bird flu outbreak
Auteur(s) : BAROUX Daniel; NEYROM Michel; HARS Jean; RUETTE Sandrine; VERNET Francois; DARBOM
Fernand; LEGOUGE Arnaud; LOMBARD Geraldine
Affiliation(s) : Laboratoire departemental d'analyses de l'Ain, Chemin de la Miche, Cenord, 01012 Bourg en Bresse,
France; Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage Unite sanitaire de la faune, Zl de Mayencin, 5 Allee de
Bethleem, 38610 Gieres, France; Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage-Station de la Dombes-Montfort,
01330 Birieux, France
Source : Bulletin de l'Academie veterinaire de France. 2007; 160 (2) : 115-124
ISSN : 0001-4192
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : French
Langue(s) du résumé : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 1/4 p.
Résumé : Entre fevrier et aout 2006, 490 oiseaux sauvages regroupes en 302 lots ont ete collectes dans le departement
de l' Ain et analyses au Laboratoire Departemental d' Analyses. L' analyse virologique par PCR des ecouvillons
tracheaux et cloacaux a revele la presence du gene M commun aux virus influenza aviaires de type A dans 41 lots dont
39 provenaient de la Dombes. Le Laboratoire National de Reference (AFSSA Ploufragan) a confirme la presence du
virus H5N1 hautement pathogene (HP). Des oiseaux malades presentaient cliniquement des signes nerveux. A l'
autopsie, les lesions congestivo-hemorragiques predominaient (cavite thoraco-abdominale, coeur et reins), souvent
associees, chez les cygnes tubercules, a des lesions d' emphyseme pulmonaire, de pancreatite et d' encephalite. Certains
oiseaux porteurs de lesions visibles a l' examen necropsique ou histologique avaient une PCR negative. Le virus,
probablement introduit par des fuligules milouins, a affecte surtout des cygnes mais aussi, d' autres oiseaux aquatiques
ou predateurs. La maladie est survenue entre fevrier et avril et est restee circonscrite a quelques communes; l' excretion
de virus H5N1 HP a ete mise en evidence chez un faible nombre d' oiseaux sauvages et a disparu avec la remontee de la
temperature ambiante.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05
Descripteur(s) : Cygnus olor; Lesion; Non steroidal antiinflammatory agent; France; Ain; Epidemiology;
Microbiology; Veterinary; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Microbiology; Biological sciences; Aves; Vertebrata; Europe; Rhone Alpes; Infection; Viral
Descripteur(s) : Cygnus olor; Lesion; Antiinflammatoire non steroide; France; Ain; Epidemiologie; Microbiologie;
Veterinaire; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Aves; Vertebrata; Europe; Rhone Alpes; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 815, INIST No. 354000159906830070
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
A conventional, inactivated oil emulsion vaccine suppresses shedding
and prevents viral meat colonisation in commercial (Pekin) ducks
challenged with HPAI H5N1
Titre : A conventional, inactivated oil emulsion vaccine suppresses shedding and prevents viral meat colonisation in
commercial (Pekin) ducks challenged with HPAI H5N1
Auteur(s) : SERENA BEATO Maria; TOFFAN Anna; DE NARDI Roberta; CRISTALLI Alessandro; TERREGINO
Calogero; CATTOLI Giovanni; CAPUA Ilaria
Affiliation(s) : Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Viale dell'Universite 10, 35020 Legnaro, Padua,
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (20) : 4064-4072
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 39 ref.
Résumé : The ongoing H5N1 epidemic is currently affecting a number of avian species, including waterfowl. These
birds appear to have an important role as reservoirs of infection and comprehensive data on the efficacy of vaccination
is currently lacking. The present paper reports the effect of a two dose vaccination programme with a conventional
inactivated product on infection, lateral spread, shedding and presence of virus in commodities such as meat and viscera
of Pekin ducks. Vaccination of this species appears to be efficacious in suppressing viral shedding, and preventing
viraemia and lateral spread of infection to unvaccinated and vaccinated Pekin ducks.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04
Descripteur(s) : Inactivated strain; Dissemination; Vaccination; Food; Toxicity; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infection;
Descripteur(s) : Souche inactivee; Dissemination; Vaccination; Aliment; Toxicite; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149579560170
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Comparison of neutralising antibody assays for detection of antibody
to influenza A/H3N2 viruses : An international collaborative study
Titre : Comparison of neutralising antibody assays for detection of antibody to influenza A/H3N2 viruses : An
international collaborative study
Auteur(s) : STEPHENSON Iain; GAINES DAS Rose; WOOD John M; KATZ Jacqueline M
Affiliation(s) : Infectious Diseases Unit, University Hospitals Leicester, Leicester LEI 5WW, United Kingdom;
National Institute/or Biological Standards and Controls, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom; Inftuenza
Division, Cent for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, United States
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (20) : 4056-4063
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 18 ref.
Résumé : A study was performed to investigate the reproducibility of haemagglutinin-inhibition (HI) and virus
neutralising (VN) assays for detection of anti-influenza antibody. Participants in 11 laboratories from eight countries
measured antibody to egg-grown A/Japan/434/2003, cell-grown A/Japan/434/2003 and A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2)
viruses in 18 human and two post-infection ferret sera. There was significant intra-laboratory assay variability for VN
compared to HI. For replicate assays within laboratories, 14/410 (3%) and 130/631 (21%) titres differed by >2-fold (p <
0.0001), and 0/410 (0%) and 35/631 (6%) titres differed by >5-fold (p < 0.0001) by HI and VN, respectively. Although
both assays showed inter-laboratory variation, VN assays were significantly more variable than HI. Median geometric
coefficients of variation (GCV) forVN assays with each virus were 256%, 323% and 359% compared to 138%, 155%
and 261% with HI. A serum standard improved inter-laboratory agreement and reduced median GCVs. This study
raises concern about comparability of serology results from H5N1 vaccine trials and it is proposed that an International
Standard for influenza H5N 1 antibody is developed.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04
Descripteur(s) : Neutralizing antibody; Detection; Serology; Influenza A
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Viral
Descripteur(s) : Anticorps neutralisant; Detection; Serologie; Grippe A
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Virose; Infection
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149579560160
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Prophylactic effects of chitin microparticles on highly pathogenic
H5N1 influenza virus
Titre : Prophylactic effects of chitin microparticles on highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus
Auteur(s) : ICHINOHE Takeshi; NAGATA Noriyo; STRONG Peter; TAMURA Shin Ichi; TAKAHASHI Hidehiro;
Takeshi; SATA Tetsutaro; HASEGAWA Hideki
Affiliation(s) : Department of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Gakuen, Musashimurayama-shi,
Tokyo, Japan; Department of Biological Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Yamazaki, Noda,
Chiba, Japan; CMP Therapeutics Ltd, Oxford, United Kingdom; Department of Virology III, National Institute of
Infectious Diseases, Gakuen, Musashimurayama-shi, Tokyo, Japan; Department of Molecular Pathobiology, 21st
Century COE Program for Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University Research Center for Zoonosis Control, Kita-ku,
Sapporo, Japan
Source : Journal of medical virology. 2007; 79 (6) : 811-819
ISSN : 0146-6615
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 3/4 p.
Résumé : Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1) is an emerging pathogen with the potential to cause great
harm to humans, and there is concern about the potential for a new influenza pandemic. This virus is resistant to the
antiviral effects of interferons and tumor necrosis factor-<alpha>. However, the mechanism of interferon-independent
protective innate immunity is not well understood. The prophylactic effects of chitin microparticles as a stimulator of
innate mucosal immunity against a recently obtained strain of H5N1 influenza virus infection were examined in mice.
Clinical parameters and the survival rate of mice treated by intranasal application of chitin microparticles were
significantly improved compared to non-treated mice after a lethal influenza virus challenge. Flow cytometric analysis
revealed that the number of natural killer cells that expressed tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand
(TRAIL) and that had migrated into the cervical lymph node was markedly increased (26-fold) after intranasal
treatment with chitin microparticles. In addition, the level of IL-6 and interferon-gamma-inducible protein-10 (IP-10) in
the nasal mucosa after H5N1 influenza virus challenge was decreased by prophylactictreatmentwith chitin
microparticles. These results suggest that prophylactic intranasal administration of chitin microparticles enhanced the
local accumulation of natural killer cells and suppressed hyper-induction of cytokines, resulting in an innate immune
response to prevent pathogenesis of H5N1 influenza virus.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002B05C02J; 002A05C04
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus; Prevention; Pathogenicity; Natural immunity; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences;
Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus; Prevention; Pouvoir pathogene; Immunite naturelle; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences
medicales; Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 17422, INIST No. 354000149577660210
Origine de la notice : INIST
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Surveillance for reassortant virus by multiplex reverse
transcription-PCR specific for eight genomic segments of avian
influenza A H5N1 viruses
Titre : Surveillance for reassortant virus by multiplex reverse transcription-PCR specific for eight genomic segments of
avian influenza A H5N1 viruses
Affiliation(s) : Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand; Faculty of
Veterinary Science, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand; Faculty of Science, Bangkok, Thailand; Mahidol University, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand; Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of
Public Health, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Source : Journal of clinical microbiology Print. 2007; 45 (5) : 1637-1639
ISSN : 0095-1137
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 5 ref.
Résumé : Avian influenza H5N1 virus is a global threat. An emergence of a reassortant virus with a pandemic potential
is a major concern. Here we describe a multiplex reverse transcription-PCR assay that is specific for the eight genomic
segments of the currently circulating H5N1 viruses to facilitate surveillance for a virus resulting from reassortment
between human influenza virus and the H5N1 virus.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002B05
Descripteur(s) : Virus; Avian influenzavirus; Multiplex polymerase chain reaction; Reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction; Genomics; Microbiology; Genetic reassortment; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Influenzavirus
A; Orthomyxoviridae; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Virus; Influenzavirus aviaire; Reaction chaine polymerase multiplex; Reaction chaine polymerase RT;
Genomique; Microbiologie; Reassortiment genetique; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales;
Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 17088, INIST No. 354000149466030430
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Design and validation of an H5 taqman real-time one-step reverse
transcription-PCR and confirmatory assays for diagnosis and
verification of influenza A virus H5 infections in humans
Titre : Design and validation of an H5 taqman real-time one-step reverse transcription-PCR and confirmatory assays
for diagnosis and verification of influenza A virus H5 infections in humans
Auteur(s) : ELLIS Joanna S; SMITH Joanne W; BRAHAM Sharleen; LOCK Matthew; BARLOW Katrina; ZAMBON
Maria C
Affiliation(s) : Centre for Infections, Health Protection Agency, 61 Colindale Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 5HT,
United Kingdom
Source : Journal of clinical microbiology Print. 2007; 45 (5) : 1535-1543
ISSN : 0095-1137
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 35 ref.
Résumé : Increasing diversity among influenza H5N1 viruses has resulted in the need for sensitive and specific
diagnostic assays, fully validated for the detection of H5 viruses belonging to all hemagglutinin (HA) clades,
particularly the recently circulating H5N1 viruses of clade 2. In this report, the development and validation of a
real-time, one-step TaqMan reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assay specific for the detection of influenza A H5
viruses from clades 1,1', 2, and 3 is described. The real-time assay for H5 virus was shown to be highly sensitive,
detecting H5 virus levels of <1 PFU from each of the HA clades. Specificity of the H5 RT-PCR for influenza A H5
viruses was demonstrated by using influenza A viruses of different subtypes, clinical samples containing influenza A
viruses H1N1, H3N2, and H5N1, influenza B viruses, and other respiratory viruses. The usefulness of the inclusion of a
distinguishable assay positive control and of confirmatory assays for the laboratory diagnosis and verification of H5
virus infections was demonstrated. A real-time RT-PCR pyrose-quencing assay, a restriction enzyme digestion assay,
and direct sequencing of the H5 real-time RT-PCR amplicon were validated for the confirmation of H5 detection by the
diagnostic real-time assay. The H5 real-time assay was applied to diagnostic testing for suspected cases of influenza A
virus H5 infection in the United Kingdom. Influenza A H5 viruses were not detected in the cases analyzed; however,
influenza A H3N2 virus was detected in 57% of the suspected cases of H5. The H5 TaqMan real-time RT-PCR and
confirmatory assays will be useful tools for the laboratory surveillance and rapid diagnosis of H5 infections in humans.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002B05
Descripteur(s) : Influenza A virus; Human; Real time; Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; Diagnosis;
Microbiology; Influenza A
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Influenzavirus
A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Viral disease; Infection
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Virus grippal A; Homme; Temps reel; Reaction chaine polymerase RT; Diagnostic; Microbiologie;
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales;
Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Virose; Infection
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 17088, INIST No. 354000149466030240
Origine de la notice : INIST
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
An RNA conformational shift in recent H5N1 influenza A viruses
Titre : An RNA conformational shift in recent H5N1 influenza A viruses
Auteur(s) : GULTYAEV Alexander P; HEUS Hans A; OLSTHOORN Rene C L
Affiliation(s) : Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University
Nijmegen, P.O.Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, Netherlands; Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, P.O.Box
9502, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands; Leiden Institute of Biology, Leiden University, P.O.Box 9516, 2300 RA Leiden,
Source : Bioinformatics Oxford Print. 2007; 23 (3) : 272-276
ISSN : 1367-4803
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 1/4 p.
Résumé : Recent outbreaks of avian influenza are being caused by unusually virulent H5N1 strains. It is unknown what
makes these recent H5N1 strains more aggressive than previously circulating strains. Here, we have compared more
than 3000 RNA sequences of segment 8 of type A influenza viruses and found a unique single nucleotide substitution
typically associated with recent H5N1 strains. By phylogenetic analysis, biochemical and biophysical experiments, we
demonstrate that this substitution dramatically affects the equilibrium between a hairpin and a pseudoknot conformation
near the 3' splice-site of the NS gene. This conformational shift may have consequences for splicing regulation of
segment 8 mRNA. Our data suggest that besides changes at the protein level, changes in RNA secondary structure
should be seriously considered when attempting to explain influenza virus evolution.
Code(s) de classement : 002A01B
Descripteur(s) : RNA; Conformation; Shift; Avian influenzavirus; Comparative study; Sequence; Substitution;
Hairpin loop; Regulationcontrol; Structure; Scope note
Desc. génériques : Biological sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Bioinformatics
Descripteur(s) : RNA; Conformation; Decalage; Influenzavirus aviaire; Etude comparative; Sequence; Substitution;
Structure double helice epingle; Regulation; Structure; Note application; note decouverte
Desc. génériques : Sciences biologiques; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Bioinformatique
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 21331, INIST No. 354000159758410020
Origine de la notice : LGMI
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Hemagglutinin pseudotyped lentiviral particles : Characterization of a
new method for avian H5N1 influenza sero-diagnosis
Titre : Hemagglutinin pseudotyped lentiviral particles : Characterization of a new method for avian H5N1 influenza
Auteur(s) : NEFKENS Isabelle; GARCIA Jean Michel; CHU SHUI LING; LAGARDE Nadege; NICHOLLS John;
Affiliation(s) : HKU-Pasteur Research Center, Hong Kong; Departement of Pathology, University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong; University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Institut Pasteur in Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Source : Journal of clinical virology. 2007; 39 (1) : 27-33
ISSN : 1386-6532
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : Netherlands
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 3/4 p.
Résumé : Background: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 has spread globally in birds and infected over
270 humans with an apparently high mortality rate. Serologic studies to determine the extent of asymptomatic H5N1
infection in humans and other mammals and to investigate the immunogenicity of current H5N1 vaccine candidates
have been hampered by the biosafety requirements needed for H5N1 microneutralization tests. Objective: Development
of a serodiagnostic tool for highly pathogenic influenza that reproduces H5N1 biology but can be used with less
biohazard. Study Design: We have generated and evaluated H5 hemagglutinin pseudotyped lentiviral particles encoding
the luciferase reporter (H5pp). Results: H5pp entry into target cells depends on a2-3 cell surface sialic acids and
requires low pH for membrane fusion. H5pp infectivity is specifically neutralized by sera from patients and animals
infected with H5N1 and correlates well with conventional microneutralization test. Conclusions: H5pp reproduce H5N1
influenza virus entry into target cells and potentially provides a high-throughput and safe method for
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002B05C02J; 002A05C08
Descripteur(s) : Hemagglutinin; Method; Diagnosis; Microbiology; Virology; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences;
Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Hemagglutinine; Methode; Diagnostic; Microbiologie; Virologie; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences
medicales; Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 26272, INIST No. 354000149450680050
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Vaccination against highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in
zoos using an adjuvanted inactivated H5N2 vaccine
Titre : Vaccination against highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in zoos using an adjuvanted inactivated
H5N2 vaccine
Auteur(s) : PHILIPPA Joost; BAAS Chantal; BEYER Walter; BESTEBROER Theo; FOUCHIER Ron; SMITH
Affiliation(s) : Institute of Virology, Erasmus MC, P.O. Box 2040, 3000 CA, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Rotterdam Zoo,
P.O. Box 532, 3000 AM, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street,
Cambridge CB2 3EJ, United Kingdom
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (19) : 3800-3808
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 47 ref.
Résumé : Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus infections have recently caused unprecedented
morbidity and mortality in a wide range of avian species. European Commission directive 2005/744/EC allowed
vaccination in zoos under strict conditions, while reducing confinement measures. Vaccination with a commercial
H5N2 vaccine with vaccine doses adapted to mean body weight per species was safe, and proved immunogenic
throughout the range of species tested, with some variations between and within taxonomic orders. After booster
vaccination the overall homologous geometric mean titre (GMT) to the vaccine strain, measured in 334 birds, was 190
(95% CI: 152-236), and 80.5% of vaccinated birds developed a titre of >=40. Titres to the HPAI H5N1 virus followed a
similar trend, but were lower (GMT: 61 (95% CI: 49-76); 61% >=40). The breadth of the immune response was further
demonstrated by measuring antibody titres against prototype strains of four antigenic clades of currently circulating
H5N1 viruses. These data indicate that vaccination should be regarded as a beneficial component of the preventive
measures (including increased bio-security and monitoring) that can be undertaken in zoos to prevent an outbreak of
and decrease environmental contamination by HPAI H5N1 virus, while alleviating confinement measures.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04; 002A05C10
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Vaccination; Pathogenicity; Immunological adjuvant; Inactivated strain; Avian
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology;
Microbiology; Biological sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Vaccination; Pouvoir pathogene; Adjuvant immunologique; Souche inactivee;
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149427680080
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Influenza neuraminidase antibodies provide partial protection for
chickens against high pathogenic avian influenza infection
Titre : Influenza neuraminidase antibodies provide partial protection for chickens against high pathogenic avian
influenza infection
Auteur(s) : SYLTE Matthew J; HUBBY Bolyn; SUAREZ David L
Affiliation(s) : Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
934 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30605, United States; Alphavax Inc., P.O. Box 110307, Research Triangle Park,
NC 27709-0307, United States
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (19) : 3763-3772
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 35 ref.
Résumé : Protection of chickens against avian influenza (AI) is mostly attributed to production of antibodies against the
viral glycoprotein hemagglutinin, whereas less is known about the protective role of antibodies to the other surface
glycoprotein neuraminidase (NA). Therefore, vaccines encoding NA antigen (e.g., DNA and alphavirus-based virus like
replicon particles (VRP)) or baculovirus-expressed recombinant NA (rN2) were tested for their ability to protect against
highly pathogenic AI (HPAI) in chickens. Vaccination with A/Pheasant/Maryland/4457/93 (Ph/MD) rN2 protein
produced significantly higher levels of NA-inhibition (NI) activity and 88% protection from HPAI H5N2 challenge than
vaccination with Ph/MD N2 DNA (25% protection). Vaccination with Ph/MD N2 VRP a minimum of two times also
produced high levels of NI activity and protection against HPAI challenge (63% protection). Vaccination with VRP
encoding an N2 gene that was genetically distant from the challenge virus N2 failed to protect chickens. Vaccines
producing higher levels of NI activity conferred partial protection, but failed to affect viral shedding. Consideration of
the homology between vaccine and challenge virus isolate NA genes may provide improved immunity if high levels of
NI activity are obtained.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04
Descripteur(s) : Chicken; Exo <alpha> sialidase; Antibody; Pathogenicity; Vaccine; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Aves;
Vertebrata; O Glycosidases; Glycosidases; Hydrolases; Enzyme; Infection; Viral disease; Poultry; Veterinary; Farming
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Poulet; Exo <alpha> sialidase; Anticorps; Pouvoir pathogene; Vaccin; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Aves; Vertebrata; O Glycosidases; Glycosidases; Hydrolases; Enzyme; Infection; Virose; Volaille; Veterinaire; Animal
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149427680040
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Role of host cytokine responses in the pathogenesis of avian H5N1
influenza viruses in mice
Titre : Role of host cytokine responses in the pathogenesis of avian H5N1 influenza viruses in mice
Auteur(s) : SZRETTER Kristy J; GANGAPPA Shivaprakash; XUIHUA LU; SMITH Chalanda; SHIEH Wun Ju;
ZAKI Sherif R; SAMBHARA Suryaprakash; TUMPEY Terrence M; KATZ Jacqueline M
Affiliation(s) : Influenza Branch, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia 30333, United States; Infectious Disease Pathology
Activity, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Atlanta, 30333, Georgia; Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, United States
Source : Journal of virology. 2007; 81 (6) : 2736-2744
ISSN : 0022-538X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Résumé : Highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza viruses are now widespread in poultry in Asia and have recently
spread to some African and European countries. Interspecies transmission of these viruses to humans poses a major
threat to public health. To better understand the basis of pathogenesis of H5N1 viruses, we have investigated the role of
proinflammatory cytokines in transgenic mice deficient in interleukin-6 (IL-6), macrophage inflammatory protein 1
alpha (MIP-la), IL-1 receptor (IL-1R), or tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) by the use of two avian influenza A
viruses isolated from humans, A/Hong Kong/483/97 (HK/483) and A/Hong Kong/486/97 (HK/486), which exhibit high
and low lethality in mice, respectively. The course of disease and the extent of virus replication and spread in IL-6- and
MIP-1<alpha>-deficient mice were not different from those observed in wild-type mice during acute infection with
1,000 50% mouse infective doses of either H5N1 virus. However, with HK/486 virus, IL-1R-deficient mice exhibited
heightened morbidity and mortality due to infection, whereas no such differences were observed with the more virulent
HK/483 virus. Furthermore, TNFR1-deficient mice exhibited significantly reduced morbidity following challenge with
either H5N1 virus but no difference in viral replication and spread or ultimate disease outcome compared with
wild-type mice. These results suggest that TNF-<alpha> may contribute to morbidity during H5N1 influenza virus
infection, while IL-1 may be important for effective virus clearance in nonlethal H5N1 disease.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002A05C04
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Mouse; Cytokine; Pathogenesis; Virology; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences;
Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Souris; Cytokine; Pathogenie; Virologie; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 13592, INIST No. 354000149370400190
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Evolution and molecular epidemiology of H9N2 influenza a viruses
from quail in southern China, 2000 to 2005
Titre : Evolution and molecular epidemiology of H9N2 influenza a viruses from quail in southern China, 2000 to 2005
Affiliation(s) : Joint Influenza Research Centre (SUMC & HKU), Shantou University Medical College, Shantou,
Guangdong 515031, China; State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, Li Ka
Sing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR, China;
Virology Division, Department of Infectious Diseases, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee
38105, United States
Source : Journal of virology. 2007; 81 (6) : 2635-2645
ISSN : 0022-538X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Résumé : H9N2 influenza viruses have become established and maintain long-term endemicity in terrestrial poultry in
Asian countries. Occasionally these viruses transmit to other mammals, including humans. Increasing epidemiological
and laboratory findings suggest that quail may be an important host, as they are susceptible to different subtypes of
influenza viruses. To better understand the role of quail in influenza virus ecology and evolution, H9N2 viruses isolated
from quail during 2000 to 2005 were antigenically and genetically characterized. Our results showed that H9N2 viruses
are prevalent year-round in southern China and replicate mainly asymptomatically in the respiratory tract of quail.
Genetic analysis revealed that both the G1-like and Ck/Bei-like H9N2 lineages were cocirculating in quail since 2000.
Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that most of the isolates tested were double- or multiple-reassortant variants, with
four G1-like and 16 Ck/Bei-like genotypes recognized. A novel genotype of Gl-like virus became predominant in quail
since 2003, while multiple Ck/Bei-like genotypes were introduced into quail, wherein they incorporated G1-like gene
segments, but none of them became established in this host. Those Ck/Bei-like reassortants generated in quail have then
been introduced into other poultry. These complex interactions form a two-way transmission system between quail and
other types of poultry. The present study provides evidence that H9N2 and H5N1 subtype viruses have also exchanged
gene segments to generate currently circulating reassortants of both subtypes that have pandemic potential. Continuing
influenza virus surveillance in poultry is critical to understanding the genesis and emergence of potentially pandemic
strains in this region.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10
Descripteur(s) : Quail; Molecular evolution; Genotype; China; Virology; Influenza ADesc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Aves; Vertebrata; Asia; Viral disease; Infection
Descripteur(s) : Caille; Evolution moleculaire; Genotype; Chine; Virologie; Grippe ADesc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Aves; Vertebrata; Asie; Virose; Infection
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 13592, INIST No. 354000149370400100
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Efficacy of orally administered T-705 on lethal avian influenza a
(HSN1) virus infections in mice
Titre : Efficacy of orally administered T-705 on lethal avian influenza a (HSN1) virus infections in mice
Auteur(s) : SIDWELL Robert W; BARNARD Dale L; DAY Craig W; SMEE Donald F; BAILEY Kevin W; WONG
Min Hui; MORREY John D; FURUTA Yousuke
Affiliation(s) : Institute for Antiviral Research, Utah State University, 5600 Old Main Hill, Logan, Utah 84322-5600,
United States; Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd., 3-2-5 Nishishinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Source : Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2007; 51 (3) : 845-851
ISSN : 0066-4804
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 27 ref.
Résumé : T-705 (6-fluoro-3-hydroxy-2-pyrazinecarboxamide) was inhibitory to four strains of avian H5N1 influenza
virus in MDCK cells, with the 90% effective concentrations ranging from 1.3 to 7.7 <mu>M, as determined by a virus
yield reduction assay. The efficacy was less than that exerted by oseltamivir carboxylate or zanamivir but was greater
than that exerted by ribavirin. Experiments with mice lethally infected with influenza A/Duck/ MN/1525/81 (H5N1)
virus showed that T-705 administered per os once, twice, or four times daily for 5 days beginning 1 h after virus
exposure was highly inhibitory to the infection. Dosages from 30 to 300 mg/kg of body weight/day were well tolerated;
each prevented death, lessened the decline of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO<sub>2), and inhibited lung consolidation
and lung virus titers. Dosages from 30 to 300 mg/kg/day administered once or twice daily also significantly prevented
the death of the mice. Oseltamivir (20 mg/kg/day), administered per os twice daily for 5 days, was tested in parallel in
two experiments; it was only weakly effective against the infection. The four-times-daily T-705 treatments at 300
mg/kg/day could be delayed until 96 h after virus exposure and still significantly inhibit the infection. Single T-705
treatments administered up to 60 h after virus exposure also prevented death and the decline of SaO<sub>2.
Characterization of the pathogenesis of the duck influenza H5N1 virus used in these studies was undertaken; although
the virus was highly pathogenic to mice, it was less neurotropic than has been described for clinical isolates of the
H5N1 virus. These data indicate that T-705 may be useful for the treatment of avian influenza virus infections.
Code(s) de classement : 002B02S; 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Treatment efficiency; Oral administration; Mortality; Influenza A virus; Infection; Animal; Mouse;
Desc. génériques : Infectious diseases; Pharmacology; Medical sciences; Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical
sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Efficacite traitement; Voie orale; Mortalite; Virus grippal A; Infection; Animal; Souris; Forme fatale;
Desc. génériques : Maladies infectieuses; Pharmacologie; Sciences medicales; Virologie; Maladies infectieuses;
Sciences medicales; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 13334, INIST No. 354000149365390070
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Real-time RT-PCR for H5N1 avian influenza A virus detection
Titre : Real-time RT-PCR for H5N1 avian influenza A virus detection
Affiliation(s) : Beijing Genomics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; National Institute for the
Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, Beijing, China; Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou, China;
Beijing 301 Hospital, Beijing, China
Source : Journal of medical microbiology. 2007; 56 (5) : 603-607
ISSN : 0022-2615
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 3/4 p.
Résumé : The recent recurrence of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A H5N1 was firstly reported in
mid-December 2003 and continued through 2005. This study describes a sensitive and specific real-time RT-PCR
method for the detection of influenza A subtype H5 and for monitoring virus loads. Using serial dilutions of influenza A
H5N1 cultures, this assay reproducibly determined the lowest detection limit to be approximately 5<multiplication
sign>10<sup>-<sup>2 50% egg infective doses (EID<sub>5<sub>0). In contrast, the minimum detection limit was
approximately 3 EID<sub>5<sub>0 in conventional RT-PCR with WHO primers and 10 EID<sub>5<sub>0 in
antigen-capture ELISA. In tests of serial dilutions of in vitro-transcribed influenza A H5 gene RNA, there was linear
amplification from 40 copies to 4<multiplication sign>10<sup>8 copies of target RNA per reaction and approximately
six copies, and sometimes even as few as three copies, of target RNA tested positive in our assay. Thirty-five throat
swabs from ill birds were tested: 33 samples tested positive using this assay. In comparison, 27, 13 and 19 samples
tested positive using conventional RT-PCR, antigen-capture ELISA and virus isolation, respectively. To evaluate
further the sensitivity of this real-time RT-PCR, a standard panel and 60 H5N1 isolates that contained different clades
of influenza virus A/H5N1 were tested and all tested positive. To evaluate the specificity of the assay, 60 throat swabs
from patients infected with influenza virus A H1 were tested; all were negative. Thirteen other viruses were also tested
and all tested negative.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002B05
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Influenza A virus; Real time; Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction;
Detection; Microbiology; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Influenzavirus
A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Virus grippal A; Temps reel; Reaction chaine polymerase RT; Detection;
Microbiologie; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales;
Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 988B, INIST No. 354000149541280060
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in cats and other
Titre : Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in cats and other carnivores
Affiliation(s) : Virology, DMI, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liege, Bd de Colonster, 20 B43b, 4000
Liege, Belgium; institute of Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1QH, United
Kingdom; Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Virology Division, Androclusgebouw, Yalelaan 1, 3508
TD Utrecht, Netherlands; Ludwig -Maximilians -Universitat, I. Medizinische Kleintierklinik, Veterinarstra<beta>e 13,
80539 Munchen, Germany; University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty, Tierspital Winterthurerstrasse 260, 8057 Zurich,
Switzerland; Merial, 29, Avenue Tony Gamier-BP 7123, 69348 Lyon, France; Veterinary Research Consult, Haydnlaan
15, 3723KE Bilthoven, Netherlands
Source : Veterinary microbiology Amsterdam. 2007; 122 (1-2) : 25-31
ISSN : 0378-1135
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : Netherlands
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 1 p.1/4
Résumé : The Asian lineage highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus is a known pathogen of birds. Only
recently, the virus has been reported to cause sporadic fatal disease in carnivores, and its zoonotic potential has been
dominating the popular media. Attention to felids was drawn by two outbreaks with high mortality in tigers, leopards
and other exotic felids in Thailand. Subsequently, domestic cats were found naturally infected and experimentally
susceptible to H5N1 virus. A high susceptibility of the dog to H3N8 equine influenza A virus had been reported earlier,
and recently also HPAI H5N1 virus has been identified as a canine pathogen. The ferret, hamster and mouse are suitable
as experimental animals; importantly, these species are also kept as pets. Experimental intratracheal and oral infection
of cats with an HPAI H5N1 virus isolate from a human case resulted in lethal disease; furthermore, cats have been
infected by the feeding of infected chickens. Spread of the infection from experimentally infected to in-contact cats has
been reported. The epidemiological role of the cat and other pet animal species in transmitting HPAI H5N1 virus to
humans needs continuous consideration and attention.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Pathogenicity; Microbiology; Veterinary; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus;
Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Pouvoir pathogene; Microbiologie; Veterinaire; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus;
Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 16884, INIST No. 354000149429740030
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Estimating the day of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H7N7) virus
introduction into a poultry flock based on mortality data
Titre : Estimating the day of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H7N7) virus introduction into a poultry flock based on
mortality data
Auteur(s) : BOS Marian E H; VAN BOVEN Michiel; NIELEN Mirjam; BOUMA Annemarie; ELBERS Armin R W;
Affiliation(s) : Department of Farm Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
Netherlands; Division of Infectious Diseases, Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen University and Research Centre,
Lelystad, Netherlands; Department of Virology, Central Institute for Animal Disease Control, Wageningen University
and Research Centre, Lelystad, Netherlands; Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology Group, Department of Animal
Sciences, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands
Source : Veterinary research Print. 2007; 38 (3) : 493-504
ISSN : 0928-4249
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 22 ref.
Résumé : Despite continuing research efforts, knowledge of the transmission of the highly pathogenic avian influenza
(HPAI) virus still has considerable gaps, which complicates epidemic control. The goal of this research was to develop
a model to back-calculate the day HPAI virus is introduced into a flock, based on within-flock mortality data. The
back-calculation method was based on a stochastic SEIR (susceptible (S) - latently infected (E) - infectious (I) -
removed (= dead; R)) epidemic model. The latent and infectious period were assumed to be gamma distributed.
Parameter values were based on experimental H7N7 within-flock transmission data. The model was used to estimate the
day of virus introduction based on a defined within-flock mortality threshold (detection rule for determining AI). Our
results indicate that approximately two weeks can elapse before a noticeable increase in mortality is observed after a
single introduction into a flock. For example, it takes twelve (minimum 11 - - maximum 15) days before AI is detected
if the detection rule is fifty dead chickens on two consecutive days in a 10000 chicken flock (current Dutch monitoring
rule for notification). The results were robust for flock size and detection rule, but sensitive to the length of the latent
and infectious periods. Furthermore, assuming multiple introductions on one day will result in a shorter estimated
period between infection and detection. The implications of the model outcomes for detecting and tracing outbreaks of
H7N7 HPAI virus are discussed.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Influenza A virus; Pathogenicity; Poultry; Models; Microbiology; Veterinary;
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Farming
animal; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Virus grippal A; Pouvoir pathogene; Volaille; Modele; Microbiologie;
Veterinaire; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus;
Animal elevage; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 14119, INIST No. 354000147039050100
Origine de la notice : INIST
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
A vaccination strategy to enhance mucosal and systemic antibody and
T cell responses against influenza
Titre : A vaccination strategy to enhance mucosal and systemic antibody and T cell responses against influenza
Auteur(s) : VAJDY Michael; BAUDNER Barbara; DEL GIUDICE Giuseppe; O' HAGAN Derek
Affiliation(s) : Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc, Emeryville, CA 94608, United States; Novartis Vaccines, Inc,
Siena, Italy
Source : Clinical immunology Orlando Fla Print. 2007; 123 (2) : 166-175
ISSN : 1521-6616
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 61 ref.
Résumé : Influenza infections are a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Therefore, there is a need to
establish vaccines and immunization protocols that can prevent influenza infections. Herein, we show that one
intranasal (IN) followed by one intramuscular (IM) immunizations with a combination of cell culture produced
hemagglutinin (HA) antigens derived from 3 different influenza strains induced significantly higher serum
hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and serum IgG antibody titers as well as Tcell responses, compared to 2 IM, 2 IN or 1
M followed by 1 IN immunizations. Moreover, while 2 IM immunizations did not induce any antibody responses in
nasal secretions or cervical lymph nodes, which drain the nasal mucosa, IN immunizations alone or in combination with
IM immunization induced mucosal and local responses. These data show that the IN followed by IM immunization
strategy holds promise to significantly raise serum and local antibody and T cell responses against seasonal influenza
strains, and possibly pandemic influenza strains, for which no pre-existing immunity exists.
Code(s) de classement : 002B06; 002A06
Descripteur(s) : Vaccination; Prevention; Mucosa; Immune response; Antibody; Humoral immunity; Influenza; Cell
culture; Intranasal administration; Intramuscular administration
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Immunopathology; Medical sciences; Immunology; Biological sciences; Viral
disease; Infection; Immunology; Immunopathology
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Vaccination; Prevention; Muqueuse; Reponse immune; Anticorps; Immunite humorale; Grippe;
Culture cellulaire; Voie intranasale; Voie intramusculaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Immunopathologie; Sciences medicales; Immunologie; Sciences biologiques;
Virose; Infection; Immunologie; Immunopathologie
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 15461, INIST No. 354000149559350060
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Influenza immunisation : attitudes and beliefs of UK healthcare
Titre : Influenza immunisation : attitudes and beliefs of UK healthcare workers
Auteur(s) : SMEDLEY Julia; POOLE Jason; WACLAWSKI Eugene; STEVENS Anthony; HARRISON John;
Affiliation(s) : ANHOPS Research Committee, United Kingdom; MRC Epidemiology Resource Centre, Southampton,
United Kingdom; Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, London, United Kingdom; UCL Centre for
Infectious Disease Epidemiology, London, United Kingdom
Source : Occupational and environmental medicine London. 2007; 64 (4) : 223-227
ISSN : 1351-0711
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 14 ref.
Résumé : Aim: To explore attitudes to influenza immunisation and rates of uptake among staff working in acute
hospitals in the UK. Method: A cross-sectional survey of 11 670 healthcare workers in six UK hospitals was carried out
using a postal questionnaire. Results: Among 6302 responders (54% of those mailed), 19% had taken up influenza
immunisation during winter 2002/3. Vaccination was well tolerated, with a low prevalence of side effects (13%) and
associated time off work (2%). The majority of subjects who accepted vaccination (66%) were most strongly influenced
by the personal benefits of protection against influenza. Prevention of sickness absence and protection of patients were
the prime motivation for only 10% and 7% of subjects, respectively. Among 3967 who declined vaccination, the most
common primary demotivators were concern about safety (31%) and efficacy (29%). 22% were most strongly deterred
by lack of time to attend for vaccination. Free text answers indicated that 37% declined because of a perceived low ratio
of personal benefits to adverse effects. Subjects said they would be persuaded to take up vaccination in future by easier
access (36%), more information about personal benefit and risk (34%) and more information about effects on staff
absence (24%). Conclusions: These findings indicate that the uptake of influenza immunisation among UK healthcare
workers remains low. There is some scope for increasing uptake by improving accessibility and encouragement from
professional peers. However, the results suggest that perception of small personal benefit in relation to risk mitigates,
importantly, against higher uptake of routine annual influenza vaccination. Thus, resource might better be allocated to
ensuring efficient management in epidemic years. The effect of publicity about pandemic influenza on risk perception
and vaccine uptake among healthcare workers during winter 2005/6 warrants further study.
Code(s) de classement : 002B05C02C; 002B30A05
Descripteur(s) : Vaccination; Prevention; Immunoprophylaxis; Attitude; Belief; United Kingdom; Influenza; Health
staff; Hospital environment; Cross sectional study; Survey; Perception; Awareness; Human
Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Public health; Medical sciences; Europe; Viral
Descripteur(s) : Vaccination; Prevention; Immunoprophylaxie; Attitude; Croyance; Royaume Uni; Grippe; Personnel
sanitaire; Milieu hospitalier; Etude transversale; Enquete; Perception; Prise conscience; Homme
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Sante publique; Sciences medicales; Europe;
Virose; Infection
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 5586, INIST No. 354000143514990020
Origine de la notice : INIST
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Inactivated influenza H5N1 whole-virus vaccine with aluminum
adjuvant induces homologous and heterologous protective immunities
against lethal challenge with highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza
viruses in a mouse model
Titre : Inactivated influenza H5N1 whole-virus vaccine with aluminum adjuvant induces homologous and heterologous
protective immunities against lethal challenge with highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses in a mouse model
Auteur(s) : NINOMIYA Ai; IMAI Masaki; TASHIRO Masato; ODAGIRI Takato
Affiliation(s) : Laboratory of Inftuenza Viruses, Department of Virology 3, National Institute of Infectious Diseases,
Gakuen 4-7-1, Musashi-Miirayama, Tokyo 208-0011, Japan
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (18) : 3554-3560
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 26 ref.
Résumé : In response to recent outbreaks of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV), the development
of an effective H5N1 influenza vaccine is urgently important. We assessed the efficacy of two inactivated H5N1
whole-virus vaccines, rgHK213/03 and rgVNJP1203/04, generated by reverse genetics in a mouse model in the
presence or absence of aluminum hydroxide (alum) adjuvant. Mice immunized with rgHK213/03 vaccine produced
sufficient levels of serum antibodies that were cross-reactive to recent heterologous HPAIV-H5N1 virus,
A/Turkey/12/06. The vaccinated mice also elicited protective immunity against challenge with both homologous and
heterologous HPAIV-H5N1 viruses. These immune responses were enhanced by addition of alum adjuvant, resulting in
antigen sparing of vaccine. On the other hand, mice immunized with rgVNJP1203/04 vaccine had low levels of serum
antibodies and less protective immunity than that elicited with rgHK213/03 vaccine regardless of addition of alum
adjuvant. Our study suggests that rgHK213/03 vaccine is still useful as a backup vaccine for recent H5N1 viruses and
that if rgVNJP1203/04 vaccine is employed, more vaccine antigen would be necessary to induce sufficient immunity.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04; 002A05C10
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Mouse; Inactivated strain; Immunological adjuvant; Immunoprotection;
Pathogenicity; Animal model; Vaccine; Immune response; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology;
Microbiology; Biological sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata;
Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Souris; Souche inactivee; Adjuvant immunologique; Immunoprotection;
Pouvoir pathogene; Modele animal; Vaccin; Reponse immune; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia;
Vertebrata; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149522470050
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Avian influenza virus (H5N1) : a threat to human health
Titre : Avian influenza virus (H5N1) : a threat to human health
Affiliation(s) : Department of Microbiology, University Pathology Building, Queen Mary Hospital, The University of
Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong; Hong Kong University-Pasteur Research Centre, Sassoon Rd, Pokfulam, Hong
Kong; Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, 190 Ben Ham Tu, Ho Chi Minh City,
Viet Nam
Source : Clinical microbiology reviews Print. 2007; 20 (2) : 243-267
ISSN : 0893-8512
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 269 ref.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C10; 002B05
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Influenza A virus; Human; Review; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Influenzavirus
A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Virus grippal A; Homme; Article synthese; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales;
Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 21815, INIST No. 354000149485750030
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Infections virales emergentes et grossesse; Emerging viral infectious
diseases and pregnancy
Titre : Infections virales emergentes et grossesse; Emerging viral infectious diseases and pregnancy
Affiliation(s) : Service de gynecologie-obstetrique, CHU Louis-Mourier, APHP, universite Paris-VII, 178, rue des
Renouillers, 92701 Colombes, France; Service des maladies infectieuses, CHU Bichat, APHP, universite Paris-VII, 46,
rue Henri-Huchard, 75018 Paris, France
Source : Gynecologie obstetrique and fertilite. 2007; 35 (4) : 339-342
ISSN : 1297-9589
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : French
Langue(s) du résumé : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 26 ref.
Résumé : Diverses infections emergentes sont rapportees depuis la mise en place d' une surveillance epidemiologique
accrue. Ces infections peuvent compromettre le bon deroulement d' une grossesse, en mettant en jeu le pronostic vital
maternel ou le developpement de l' enfant lors d' une transmission verticale. A travers une revue recente de la litterature,
nous rapportons les consequences de ces virus emergents les plus cites (H5N1, Coronavirus du SRAS, Chikungunya,
virus du Nil occidental) et discutons la prise en charge perinatale.
Code(s) de classement : 002B20; 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Infection; Pregnancy; Viral disease; Severe acute respiratory syndrome; Female; Virus; Gynecology
Desc. génériques : Medical sciences; Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Respiratory disease; Lung
Descripteur(s) : Infection; Gestation; Virose; Syndrome respiratoire aigu severe; Femelle; Virus; Gynecologie
Desc. génériques : Sciences medicales; Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Appareil respiratoire
pathologie; Poumon pathologie
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 16665, INIST No. 354000147090350110
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Tamiflu et grippe aviaire
Titre : Tamiflu et grippe aviaire
Source : PRATIQUES LES CAHIERS DE LA MEDECINE UTOPIQUE. 2007-01/2007-06; (36) : 78-82
ISSN : 1161-3726
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : French
Type de document : Serial
Résumé : A partir des donnees validees concernant les effets, le mecanisme d' action et les actualites de
pharmacovigilance concernant le Tamiflu, les auteurs presentent les bases pharmacologiques de l' utilisation de ce
medicament dans la grippe en general, et dans la grippe aviaire en particulier. Ils discutent les motifs raisonnes et
irraisonnes de la grande notoriete de ce medicament, finalement encore mal connu et insuffisamment evalue
Code(s) de classement : 002B30A01
Descripteur(s) : Influenza; Antiviral; Virus; Animal; Vector; Evaluation; Efficiency; Prevention; Health; EpizooticsDesc. génériques : Public health; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection
Descripteur(s) : Grippe; Antiviral; Virus; Animal; Vecteur; Evaluation; Efficacite; Prevention; Sante; EpizootieDesc. génériques : Sante publique; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection
Localisation : BDSP/ENSP, Shelf number 158309
Origine de la notice : BDSP
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
A two-amino acid change in the hemagglutinin of the 1918 influenza
virus abolishes transmission
Titre : A two-amino acid change in the hemagglutinin of the 1918 influenza virus abolishes transmission
Auteur(s) : TUMPEY Terrence M; MAINES Taronna R; VAN HOEVEN Neal; GLASER Laurel; SOLORZANO
Alicia; PAPPAS Claudia; COX Nancy J; SWAYNE David E; PALESE Peter; KATZ Jacqueline M; GARCIA SASTRE
Affiliation(s) : Influenza Branch, Mailstop G-16, Division of Viral and Ricksettial Diseases, National Center for
Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333, United
States; Department of Microbiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, United States; Southeast
Poultry Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 934 College Station
Road, Athens, GA 30606, United States
Source : Science Washington DC. 2007; 315 (5812) : 655-659
ISSN : 0036-8075
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Type de document : review
Nombre de références : 29 ref.
Résumé : The 1918 influenza pandemic was a catastrophic series of virus outbreaks that spread across the globe. Here,
we show that only a modest change in the 1918 influenza hemagglutinin receptor binding site alters the transmissibility
of this pandemic virus. Two amino acid mutations that cause a switch in receptor binding preference from the human
<alpha>-2,6 to the avian <alpha>-2,3 sialic acid resulted in a virus incapable of respiratory droplet transmission
between ferrets but that maintained its lethality and replication efficiency in the upper respiratory tract. Furthermore,
poor transmission of a 1918 virus with dual <alpha>-2,6 and <alpha>-2,3 specificity suggests that a predominant human
<alpha>-2,6 sialic acid binding preference is essential for optimal transmission of this pandemic virus. These findings
confirm an essential role of hemagglutinin receptor specificity for the transmission of influenza viruses among
Code(s) de classement : 002A05C04
Descripteur(s) : Influenza A virus; Hemagglutinin; Biological receptor; Property structure relationship; Mutation;
Transmission from animal to animal; Host specificity; Host virus relation
Desc. génériques : Virology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus;
Descripteur(s) : Virus grippal A; Hemagglutinine; Recepteur biologique; Relation structure propriete; Mutation;
Transmission animal animal; Specificite hote; Relation hote virus; 1918
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus;
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 6040, INIST No. 354000159749270220
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Dhori virus (Orthomyxoviridae: Thogotovirus) infection in mice : A
model of the pathogenesis of severe orthomyxovirus infection
Titre : Dhori virus (Orthomyxoviridae: Thogotovirus) infection in mice : A model of the pathogenesis of severe
orthomyxovirus infection
Auteur(s) : MATEO Rosa I; XIAO Shu Yuan; HAO LEI; TRAVASSOS DA ROSA Amelia P A; TESH Robert B
Affiliation(s) : Departments of Pathology and of Internal Medicine and Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious
Diseases, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, United States
Source : The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2007; 76 (4) : 785-790
ISSN : 0002-9637
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 36 ref.
Résumé : After intranasal, subcutaneous, or intraperitoneal infection with Dhori virus (DHOV), adult mice developed a
fulminant and uniformly fatal illness with many of the clinical and pathologic findings seen in mice infected with H5N1
highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus. Histopathologic findings in lungs of DHOV-infected mice consisted of
hemorrhage, inflammation, and thickening of the interstitium and the alveolar septa and alveolar edema.
Extra-pulmonary findings included hepatocellular necrosis and steatosis, widespread severe fibrinoid necrosis in
lymphoid organs, marked lymphocyte loss and karyorrhexis, and neuronal degeneration in brain. Similar systemic
histopathologic findings have been reported in the few fatal human H5N1 cases examined at autopsy. Because of the
relationship of DHOV to the influenza viruses, its biosafety level 2 status, and its similar pathology in mice, the
DHOV-mouse model may offer a low-cost, relatively safe, and realistic animal model for studies on the pathogenesis
and management of H5N1 virus infection.
Code(s) de classement : 002B05
Descripteur(s) : Viral disease; Orthomyxoviridae; Animal model; Mouse; Pathogenesis; Tropical medicineDesc. génériques : Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Infection; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata
Descripteur(s) : Virose; Orthomyxoviridae; Modele animal; Souris; Pathogenie; Medecine tropicaleDesc. génériques : Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Infection; Virus; Rodentia; Mammalia; Vertebrata
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 6817, INIST No. 354000143440800330
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Recent expansion of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 : a
Titre : Recent expansion of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 : a critical review
Affiliation(s) : Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Le Sambuc, 13200 Arles, France; GEMI, UMR CNRS/IRD
2724, IRD, 911 av. Agropolis BP 64501, 34394 Montpellier, France
Source : Ibis London 1859. 2007; 149 (2) : 202-214
ISSN : 0019-1019
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 2 p.1/2
Résumé : Wild birds, particularly waterfowl, are a key element of the viral ecology of avian influenza. Highly
pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus, subtype H5N1, was first detected in poultry in November 1996 in southeast
China, where it originated. The virus subsequently dispersed throughout most of Asia, and also to Africa and Europe.
Despite compelling evidence that the virus has been dispersed widely via human activities that include farming, and
marketing of poultry, migratory birds have been widely considered to be the primary source of its global dispersal. Here
we present a critical examination of the arguments both for and against the role of migratory birds in the global
dispersal of HPAI H5N1. We conclude that, whilst wild birds undoubtedly contribute to the local spread of the virus in
the wild, human commercial activities, particularly those associated with poultry, are the major factors that have
determined its global dispersal.
Code(s) de classement : 002A14B02C2C; 002A15D
Descripteur(s) : Expansion; Pathogenic; Review; AvesDesc. génériques : Autoecology; Ecology; Biological sciences; Vertebrates zoology; Biological sciences; Vertebrata
Descripteur(s) : Expansion; Pathogene; Article synthese; Aves
Desc. génériques : Autoecologie; Ecologie; Sciences biologiques; Zoologie des vertebres; Sciences biologiques;
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 3739, INIST No. 354000143413180010
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Nucleic acid-based antiviral drugs against seasonal and avian
influenza viruses. Vaccines, immunisation and immunotherapy. Based
on the Fifth World Congress on Vaccines, Immunisation and
Immunotherapy, Montreal, 6-9 November 2006
Titre : Nucleic acid-based antiviral drugs against seasonal and avian influenza viruses. Vaccines, immunisation and
immunotherapy. Based on the Fifth World Congress on Vaccines, Immunisation and Immunotherapy, Montreal, 6-9
November 2006
Edouard, ed
Auteur(s) : Infections Control World Organization, Montreal, PQ, Canada, org cong.
Affiliation(s) : Defence R&D Canada -Suffield, Ralston, AB, Canada; Oncovir Inc, Washington, DC, United States;
Oligos Etc Inc, Wilsonville, OR, United States; College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agriculture University, Beijing,
China; Infections Control World Organization (ICWO), Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Montreal, Que.
H3C 3J7, Canada
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (16) : 3175-3178
Informations congrès : *World Congress on Vaccines, Immunisation and Immunotherapy, *5, *Montreal, PQ Canada,
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial; *Conference-Meeting
Nombre de références : 11 ref.
Résumé : Influenza viruses are etiological agents of deadly flu that continue to pose global health threats, and have
caused global pandemics that killed millions of people worldwide. The availability of neuraminidase inhibitors and
attenuated vaccines improves our ability to defend against influenza, but their benefits can be significantly limited by
drug-resistance and virus mutations. Nucleic acid-based drugs may represent a promising class of antiviral agents that
could play a role in the prevention and treatment of influenza. Efficacy studies in animals have shown that ds RNA,
such as poly ICLC can provide effective and broad-spectrum prophylaxis against lethal challenges against various
strains of influenza A virus. Furthermore, similar level of antiviral protection in mice can be provided by using short
fragments of oligonucleotides that induce antiviral immunity. Finally, influenza virus expression can also be
specifically inhibited or suppressed using antisense oligonucleotides that bind to viral mRNA encoding key viral
proteins. The versatility and potency of nucleic acid-based drugs make them potential drug candidates for used in
seasonal or pandemic influenza situations.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04; 002A05C10
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenzavirus; Nucleic acid; Antiviral; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Virology;
Microbiology; Biological sciences; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Influenzavirus aviaire; Acide nucleique; Antiviral; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Virologie; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; Virus; Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149378260380
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Avian and pandemic influenza : An overview. Vaccines, immunisation
and immunotherapy. Based on the Fifth World Congress on Vaccines,
Immunisation and Immunotherapy, Montreal, 6-9 November 2006
Titre : Avian and pandemic influenza : An overview. Vaccines, immunisation and immunotherapy. Based on the Fifth
World Congress on Vaccines, Immunisation and Immunotherapy, Montreal, 6-9 November 2006
Auteur(s) : POLAND Gregory A; JACOBSON Robert M; TARGONSKI Paul V; KURSTAK Edouard, ed
Auteur(s) : Infections Control World Organization, Montreal, PQ, Canada, org cong.
Affiliation(s) : Mayo Vaccine Research Group, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN 55905, United
States; The Program in Translational Immunovirology and Biodefense, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester,
MN 55905, United States; Department of Internal Medicine. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN 55905,
United States; Department ofPediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN
55905, United States; Infections Control World Organization (ICWO), Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal,
Montreal, Que. H3C 3J7, Canada
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (16) : 3057-3061
Informations congrès : *World Congress on Vaccines, Immunisation and Immunotherapy, *5, *Montreal, PQ Canada,
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial; *Conference-Meeting
Nombre de références : 37 ref.
Résumé : Influenza A/H5N1 (avian influenza) has now caused 258 human infections (as of November 13, 2006), with
an approximate 50% mortality rate. Because the virus is novel in terms of antigenic type and causes infection and
illness, and because humans have no pre-existing immunity, the conditions for a possible pandemic exist. Additionally,
wild migratory birds appear to be spreading the virus across ever larger geographic areas, and newer clade 2 influenza
A/H5N1 viruses have begun to emerge. The US Congressional Budget Office has formally modeled the likely
consequences of pandemic influenza and estimates that up to 2 million of the US population might die, with up to 40%
of all workers ill for as long as 3 or more weeks. This brief overview will review basic virologic, immunologic and
epidemiologic information relevant to understanding and preparing for this threat. In particular, the role of avian
influenza vaccines will be reviewed.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04
Descripteur(s) : Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infection;
Descripteur(s) : Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149378260150
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Immunogenicity of novel consensus-based DNA vaccines against avian
influenza. Vaccines, immunisation and immunotherapy. Based on the
Fifth World Congress on Vaccines, Immunisation and
Immunotherapy, Montreal, 6-9 November 2006
Titre : Immunogenicity of novel consensus-based DNA vaccines against avian influenza. Vaccines, immunisation and
immunotherapy. Based on the Fifth World Congress on Vaccines, Immunisation and Immunotherapy, Montreal, 6-9
November 2006
Auteur(s) : LADDY Dominick J; JIAN YAN; CORBITT Natasha; KOBASA Darwyn; KOBINGER Gary P; WEINER
David B; KURSTAK Edouard, ed
Auteur(s) : Infections Control World Organization, Montreal, PQ, Canada, org cong.
Affiliation(s) : Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 505
Stellar-Chance Labs, 422 Curie Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States; Infections Control World
Organization (ICWO), Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Montreal, Que. H3C 3J7, Canada
Source : Vaccine . 2007; 25 (16) : 2984-2989
Informations congrès : *World Congress on Vaccines, Immunisation and Immunotherapy, *5, *Montreal, PQ Canada,
ISSN : 0264-410X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United Kingdom
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial; *Conference-Meeting
Nombre de références : 25 ref.
Résumé : The frequency of H5N1 avian influenza outbreaks in China and Eastern Europe has raised concern in the
world health community regarding the potential for an influenza pandemic. Efforts to monitor the disease will only
provide minimal warning in a global society, and steps must be taken to prevent the morbidity and mortality associated
with past pandemics. The current stockpiling of antibody-inducing "bird flu" vaccines assumes the strain that emerges
will be the same as strains currently circulating. We propose a novel consensus-based approach to vaccine development,
employing a DNA vaccine strategy that can provide more highly cross-reactive cellular immunity against lethal
influenza infection. We show such constructs can induce strong cellular immunity against H5 influenza antigens.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05F04
Descripteur(s) : Immunogenicity; Genetic vaccine; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Immunology; Pharmacology; Applied microbiology; Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infection;
Descripteur(s) : Immunogenicite; Vaccin genetique; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Immunologie; Pharmacologie; Microbiologie appliquee; Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques;
Infection; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 20289, INIST No. 354000149378260030
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Comparison of the MChip to viral culture, reverse transcription-PCR,
and the QuickVue Influenza A+B test for rapid diagnosis of influenza
Titre : Comparison of the MChip to viral culture, reverse transcription-PCR, and the QuickVue Influenza A+B test for
rapid diagnosis of influenza
Auteur(s) : MEHLMANN Martin; BONNER Aleta B; WILLIAMS John V; DANKBAR Daniela M; MOORE Chad L;
Affiliation(s) : Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry UCB 215, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder,
Colorado 80309, United States; Department of Emergency Medicine, Texas A&M University HSC College of
Medicine, 2401 South 31st Street, Temple, Texas 77840, United States; Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children's
Hospital of Austin, 601 East 15th Street, Austin, Texas 78701, United States; Department of Pediatrics, 1161 21st
Avenue South, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee 37232, United States; Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, 1161 21st Avenue South, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee
37232, United States; Quidel Corporation, 10165 McKellar Court, San Diego, California 92121, United States; InDevR,
LLC, 2100 Central Ave., Suite 106, Boulder, Colorado 80301, United States
Source : Journal of clinical microbiology Print. 2007; 45 (4) : 1234-1237
ISSN : 0095-1137
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 36 ref.
Résumé : The performance of a diagnostic microarray (the MChip assay) for influenza was compared in a blind study
to that of viral culture, reverse transcription (RT)-PCR, and the QuickVue Influenza A+B test. The patient sample data
set was composed of 102 respiratory secretion specimens collected between 29 December 2005 and 2 February 2006 at
Scott & White Hospital and Clinic in Temple, Texas. Samples were collected from a wide range of age groups by using
direct collection, nasal/nasopharyngeal swabs, or nasopharyngeal aspiration. Viral culture and the QuickVue assay were
performed at the Texas site at the time of collection. Aliquots for each sample, identified only by study numbers, were
provided to the University of Colorado and Vanderbilt University teams for blinded analysis. When referenced to viral
culture, the MChip exhibited a clinical sensitivity of 98% and a clinical specificity of 98%. When referenced to
RT-PCR, the MChip assay exhibited a clinical sensitivity of 92% and a clinical specificity of 98%. While the MChip
assay currently requires 7 to 8 h to complete the analysis, a significant advantage of the test for influenza virus-positive
samples is simultaneous detection and full subtype identification for the two subtypes currently circulating in humans
(A/H3N2 and A/H1N1) and avian (A/H5N1) viruses.
Code(s) de classement : 002A05; 002B05
Descripteur(s) : Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; Diagnosis; Microbiology; InfluenzaDesc. génériques : Microbiology; Biological sciences; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection
Descripteur(s) : Reaction chaine polymerase RT; Diagnostic; Microbiologie; GrippeDesc. génériques : Microbiologie; Sciences biologiques; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 17088, INIST No. 354000143524060240
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Risk factors and outcomes of influenza a (H3N2) pneumonia in an
area where avian influenza (H5N1) is endemic
Titre : Risk factors and outcomes of influenza a (H3N2) pneumonia in an area where avian influenza (H5N1) is
Affiliation(s) : Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Thammasart University Hospital,
Pratumthani, Thailand; Department of Microbiology, Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand; Saint Louis University
School of Public Health, St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Source : Infection control and hospital epidemiology. 2007; 28 (4) : 479-482
ISSN : 0899-823X
Date de publication : 2007
Pays de publication : United States
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Type de document : short-communication
Nombre de références : 13 ref.
Résumé : We conducted a cohort study to identify the risks and outcomes of influenza A (H3N2) pneumonia. Of the
145 patients studied, 10 (7%) had influenza A pneumonia. Logistic regression identified multiple comorbidities
(P<.001) and diarrhea at the initial presentation (P =.001) as associated risks. Infection with influenza A (P =.01) and
receipt of inadequate antimicrobial therapy (P =.005) were predictors of mortality.
Code(s) de classement : 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Influenza A; Pneumonia; Risk factor; Prognosis; Avian influenza; Influenzavirus AH5N1Desc. génériques : Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences; Viral disease; Infection; Respiratory disease; Lung
Descripteur(s) : Grippe A; Pneumonie; Facteur risque; Pronostic; Grippe aviaire; Influenzavirus AH5N1
Desc. génériques : Virologie; Maladies infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection; Appareil respiratoire
pathologie; Poumon pathologie
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 19430, INIST No. 354000143437690170
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
A pseudo-outbreak of human A/H5N1 infections in Greece and its
public health implications
Titre : A pseudo-outbreak of human A/H5N1 infections in Greece and its public health implications
Affiliation(s) : Department of Epidemiological Surveillance and Intervention, Hellenic Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, Athens, Greece; National School of Public Health, Athens, Greece; Department of Avian Pathology,
Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Athens, Greece; National Reference Laboratories for Influenza, Greece;
4<sup>t<sup>h Academic Department of Internal Medicine, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece
Source : Euro surveillance. 2006; 11 (10-12) : 263-267
ISSN : 1025-496X
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 22 ref.
Code(s) de classement : 002B30A01C; 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Infection; Greece; Human; Public health; Sanitary surveillance; Influenzavirus AH5N1; Avian
Desc. génériques : Public health; Medical sciences; ENT; Pneumology; Respiratory system; Virology; Infectious
diseases; Medical sciences; Europe; Viral disease
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Infection; Grece; Homme; Sante publique; Surveillance sanitaire; Pseudoepidemie; Influenzavirus
AH5N1; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Sante publique; Sciences medicales; ORL; Pneumologie; Appareil respiratoire; Virologie; Maladies
infectieuses; Sciences medicales; Europe; Virose
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 26438, INIST No. 354000159985200160
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
A/H5N1 in the European Union : current levels of risk to humans, and
responding to human cases and outbreaks; La grippe aviaire A/H5N1
dans l' Union Europeenne : le point sur le risque pour l' homme et les
reponses aux cas et epidemies chez l' homme
Titre : A/H5N1 in the European Union : current levels of risk to humans, and responding to human cases and
outbreaks; La grippe aviaire A/H5N1 dans l' Union Europeenne : le point sur le risque pour l' homme et les reponses
aux cas et epidemies chez l' homme
ISSN : 1025-496X
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Résumé : Ce numero d' Eurosurveillance publie un rapport d' investigation de Georgia Spala et ses collegues decrivant
une epidemie suspectee de cas humains de grippe aviaire A/H5N1 en Grece. Les evenements ont eu lieu au debut du
printemps 2006, alors que des cas d' infection par le A/H5N1 chez des oiseaux sauvages etaient rapportes dans plusieurs
pays de l' Union Europeenne (UE). De telles infections etaient confirmees chez des oiseaux en Grece, mais apres
investigation, aucun cas humain n' a ete confirme. Cependant, les enquetes et les controles de masse qui ont ete realises
autour des cas infectes et des deces lors de l' epidemie survenue en Turquie en decembre 2005 et janvier 2006 restent
dans les memoires et temoignent de ce qui aurait pu se passer en Grece ou dans d' autres pays de l' UE
Code(s) de classement : 002B30A11
Descripteur(s) : Europe; Epidemic; Epidemiology; Sanitary surveillanceDesc. génériques : Public health; Medical sciences
Descripteur(s) : Europe; Epidemie; Epidemiologie; Surveillance sanitaireDesc. génériques : Sante publique; Sciences medicales
Localisation : BDSP/InVS
Origine de la notice : BDSP
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Two clusters of human infection with influenza A/H5N1 virus in the
Republic of Azerbaijan, February - March 2006; Deux clusters de cas
humains de grippe A/H5N1 en Republique d' Azerbaidjan,
Titre : Two clusters of human infection with influenza A/H5N1 virus in the Republic of Azerbaijan, February - March
2006; Deux clusters de cas humains de grippe A/H5N1 en Republique d' Azerbaidjan, fevrier-mars 2006
Auteur(s) : Robert Koch Institut Berlin, Germany; Field Epidemiology Training Program FETP, International;
National Institute of Public Health Prague, Czech Republic; European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology
Training EPIET Solna, Sweden; Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Health Baku, Azerbaijani Republic; National anti
plague Station Baku, Azerbaijani Republic; World Health Organization WHO Regional Office for Europe Copenhague,
International; World Health Organization WHO Geneve, International; National Institute for Medical Research Mill
Hill, United Kingdom; United States Naval Medical Research Unit 3 Cairo, Egypt
ISSN : 1025-496X
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : English
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 12 ref.
Résumé : Suite a l' apparition du virus A/H5 chez des oiseaux domestiques et sauvages en Azerbaidjan en fevrier 2006,
deux clusters de cas possibles de grippe aviaire humaine (HAI) dus a des cas de A/H5N1 ont ete detectes et rapportes au
bureau regional Europe de l' OMS (Organisation mondiale de la sante) par le ministere de la Sante au cours des deux
premieres semaines de mars 2006. Le 15 mars 2006, l' OMS a forme une equipe internationale, comprenant des experts
en controle d' infection, en gestion clinique, en epidemiologie, en microbiologie et en communication, afin d' aider le
ministere de la Sante dans ses investigation et ses actions de reponse. Apres une surveillance active, 22 personnes - dont
6 decedees - reparties sur 6 districts, ont fait l' objet d' une recherche de grippe aviaire. L' investigation a permis de
mettre en evidence 8 cas d' infection par le virus A/H5N1 confirmes par le Centre Collaborateur OMS de la Grippe et
un cas probable pour lequel aucun echantillon n' etait disponible. Les cas appartenaient a deux clusters independants sur
le plan epidemiologique identifies dans les districts de Salyan (sept cas confirmes, dont 4 deces) et de Tarter (un cas
confirme et un cas probable, tous deux fatals). Des contacts etroits et le fait de plumer des cygnes infectes ont ete
consideres comme la source la plus plausible d' exposition au virus A/H5N1 pour le foyer de Salyan, malgre les
difficultes a recueillir des informations au cours de l' investigation, du fait de la pratique d' activites illegales au cours
desquelles une exposition a pu se produire (chasse et vente d' animaux sauvage et de produits derives). Ces cas
constituent la premiere epidemie a l' echelon mondial au cours de laquelle des oiseaux sauvages sont la source la plus
probable d' infections humaines par le virus A/H5N1. La mobilisation rapide de ressources pour contenir la
dissemination du virus A/H5 dans les deux districts est le resultat d' une collaboration entre le ministere de la Sante, l'
OMS et ses partenaires internationaux. Les activites de controle ont ete menees au moyen d' un laboratoire de terrain ou
il etait possible de detecter le virus A/H5 en temps reel par RT-PCR. La surveillance quotidienne chez l' habitant
entreprise dans les deux districts affectes rend peu vraisemblable l' eventualite de nouveaux cas humains de grippe
aviaire non detectes. (R.A.)
Code(s) de classement : 002B30A11
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Descripteur(s) : Epidemic; Epidemiology; Sanitary surveillance; Azerbaijan; Emerging diseaseDesc. génériques : Public health; Medical sciences; Asia
Descripteur(s) : Epidemie; Epidemiologie; Surveillance sanitaire; Azerbaidjan; Maladie emergenteDesc. génériques : Sante publique; Sciences medicales; Asie
Localisation : BDSP/InVS
Origine de la notice : BDSP
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Les solutions vaccinales chez l' homme et l' animal face aux virus
influenza aviaire H<sub>5N<sub>1; H<sub>5N<sub>1 : Vaccine
solutions in men and animals
Titre : Les solutions vaccinales chez l' homme et l' animal face aux virus influenza aviaire H<sub>5N<sub>1;
H<sub>5N<sub>1 : Vaccine solutions in men and animals
Auteur(s) : DURAND Maurice Paul
Affiliation(s) : l'Academie nationale de medecine 61 bis, rue Roger-Salengro, 37000 Tours, France
Source : Sante Montrouge. 2006; 16 (2) : 135-138
ISSN : 1157-5999
Date de publication : 2006
Pays de publication : France
Langue(s) : French
Type de document : Serial
Nombre de références : 21 ref.
Code(s) de classement : 002B30A11; 002B01; 002B05C02C
Descripteur(s) : Human; Animal; Influenza A; Vaccination; Vaccine; Tropical medicine; Public health; Influenzavirus
AH5N1; Avian influenza
Desc. génériques : Public health; Medical sciences; Medical sciences; Virology; Infectious diseases; Medical sciences;
Viral disease; Infection
Descripteur(s) français
Descripteur(s) : Homme; Animal; Grippe A; Vaccination; Vaccin; Medecine tropicale; Sante publique; Virus H5N1;
Influenzavirus AH5N1; Grippe aviaire
Desc. génériques : Sante publique; Sciences medicales; Sciences medicales; Virologie; Maladies infectieuses;
Sciences medicales; Virose; Infection
Localisation : INIST, Shelf number 22469, INIST No. 354000139103780110
Origine de la notice : INIST
Copyright de notice : <Copyright> 2007 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved.
2007 INIST-CNRS. Tous droits réservés.
Diabetes mellitus -Type 2 and It's dietary management By: Ms.Ummeayman Rangwala, FoodTechnologist, PFNDAI The nations fourth largest killer after heart disease, cancer and stroke is diabetes mellitus. China and India the emerging superpowers are thought to be the major victims of such diseases, which are associated with unhealthy lifestyle. World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Diabetes Federation (IDF) have ranked India - No.1among the top 10 countries in people with diabetes, followed by China & USA. India already has 35m diabetics, the largest number for any country, and by '25, WHO estimates the figure to go up to 73.5m. Diabetes is becoming a major threat to global public health, as it is regularly getting worse due to an increasing trend towards unhealthy diet & sedentary lifestyle. Diabetes Mellitus and its major types Diabetes Mellitus, a serious chronic disease, characterised by abnormalities in the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat is caused by lack of insulin that is produced by β-cells of pancreas. Insulin is a carrier of glucose from the bloodstream to cells that rely on glucose for energy. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body is unable to effectively use the insulin it produces, there is an accumulation of sugar in the blood and the condition of diabetes mellitus arises. Pancreatic damage by viral infections or due to genetic factors disables β-cells to produce insulin and leads to type 1 diabetes, also known as IDDM (Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) as the patient has to rely on an exogenous source of insulin for survival The other type of diabetes mellitus is type 2, also known as NIDDM (Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus). This condition can be managed with lifestyle measures alone, but oral drugs and insulin are often required to achieve a good metabolic control. The third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes mellitus, develops during some cases of pregnancy but usually disappears after pregnancy. Type 2 diabetes mellitus "Prevention is better than Cure", Type 1 diabetes is unpreventable, it can only be controlled by insulin injections, thus we will focus mainly on type2 diabetes mellitus which is the most preventable form of diabetes and 95% diabetics have this condition. Type2 diabetes is the most frequently spotlighted because it is essentially preventable by dietary control and exercise. Research has shown that during pre-diabetes if an action is taken to manage blood glucose, type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented from ever developing. But the dilemma is that almost a third of people with diabetes do not even know that they are suffering with diabetes because like its partners in crime, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar is not associate with obvious symptoms. Very general symptoms, which include excessive thirst, constant hunger, excessive urination, weight loss for no reason, rapid hard breathing, vision changes, drowsiness occur suddenly and many have no symptoms at all, they are diagnosed after many years of onset. Early diagnosis and effective management can prevent type 2 diabetes. It is very important to control diabetes as uncontrolled diabetes over a long term can lead to blindness, impotence, kidney damage, poor circulation and nerve damage which may lead to amputation of limbs, heart disease and strokes. Diabetes can be diagnosed with a simple blood test .If the Fasting Blood Glucose (Taken 10 or more hours after the last meal) is more than 110mg% and if the post parandial blood glucose (taken 2 hours after a full meal) is more than 140mg%, the person is diabetic. Blood glucose can be monitored at home using a glucometer. Dietary Considerations for Diabetics Death can result from hypoglycaemic coma in diabetics and therefore utmost care should be taken in diet. Diabetics should always eat according to the plan. The desired end is a positive health, a regeneration of the body, and not merely an absence of symptoms. This is why it is important to remember to take food at correct, regular time. For those who are on oral drug therapy along with diet therapy, it is important to remember that they do not have to take extra medicine for extra food. Patients taking insulin or anti-diabetes tablets should be careful of their doses as hypoglycaemic or low blood glucose level can occur if the patient skips or delays a meal, does excessive physical exertion, or is ill and stressed Although sugar has been labelled as a taboo for diabetics, it's more important to keep an eye on the total carbohydrate intake rather than on just the amount of sugar consumed. They can consume a modest amount of sugar, but this must substitute their carbohydrate intake and not be added onto it. A large intake of sugar laden processed and packaged foods should be avoided, as these are causative agents of obesity, which is considered as a major risk factor leading to diabetes and its complications. Obesity results from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. It is characterised by pathological accumulation of triglycerides thereby promoting insulin resistance in muscles, liver and other tissues. In type 2 diabetes, the ability of insulin to inhibit lipolysis is impaired that leads to increased FFA secretion into plasma, which induces insulin resistance. According to ADA (American Dietetics Association), for type 2 diabetics the calories are restricted to 25-30 cal/Kg to bring down weight to normal range. Fats are restricted to 20 percent of total intake and adequate complex carbohydrates rich in dietary fibers should form about 60-65% of total intake. An intake of 25gm /100kcal or 40g dietary fiber per day from a variety of food sources is desirable .It provides physical barrier which protects carbohydrates from the digestive effects of enzymes. Fiber also releases a gastrointestinal insulin secretion namely GIP which enhances glucose-induced insulin secretion .It is also associated with improved peripheral insulin action by increasing insulin receptor binding. This way the oral drug or the insulin requirements are considerably reduced. With the increase awareness of diabetes and importance of reduced blood sugar (glucose) levels, the consumers are now interested in only managing their blood sugar levels. Some consumers are choosing foods based on their glycemic impact, this ignorance of consumers has given a