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Micro-Level Value Creation Under Managerial
Short-termism ∗
Jonathan B. Cohn†
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Dallas
Wharton Research Data Services
We present evidence that managers facing short-termist incentives set a lower
threshold for accepting projects.
Using novel data on new client and product an-
nouncements in both the U.S. and international markets, we find that the market
responds less positively to a new project announcement when the firm's managers have
incentives to focus on short-term stock price performance. Furthermore, textual analy-
sis of project announcements show that firms with short-termist CEOs use more vague
and generically positive language when introducing new projects to the marketplace.
Keywords: CEO Short-termism, Corporate Investment, CEO Compensation, Career
Concerns, Corporate Governance
∗We thank Andres Almazan, Aydo˘gan Altı, Yaniv Grinstein, Jay Hartzell, Alessio Saretto, Laura Starks,
Sheridan Titman, Qifei Zhu, and participants at seminars at the University of Texas at Austin and Universityof Texas at Dallas as well as at the American Finance Association (AFA) meeting for useful comments andsuggestions. We would also like to thank Doug Daniels for excellent research assistance. All remaining errorsare our own.
†Corresponding author. Department of Finance, McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at
Austin, 2110 Speedway Stop B6600, Austin, TX, 78712; email:
[email protected]; phone:(512)232-6827; fax: (512)471-5073.
Micro-Level Value Creation Under Managerial
We present evidence that managers facing short-termist incentives set a lower
threshold for accepting projects.
Using novel data on new client and product an-
nouncements in both the U.S. and international markets, we find that the market
responds less positively to a new project announcement when the firm's managers have
incentives to focus on short-term stock price performance. Furthermore, textual analy-
sis of project announcements show that firms with short-termist CEOs use more vague
and generically positive language when introducing new projects to the marketplace.
Keywords: CEO Short-termism, Corporate Investment, CEO Compensation, Career
Concerns, Corporate Governance
Managers of publicly-traded companies may worry not only about long-run value
maximization, but also about how the stock market will respond to their decisions in the
short run. This can induce myopic behavior, with adverse consequences for long-run value
creation. Some have blamed such behavior for the recent U.S. financial crisis, arguing that
compensation practices rewarding bank executives for boosting stock price in the near term
resulted in reckless lending and financing decisions (Bebchuk and Fried, 2010). Treasury Sec-
retary Timothy Geithner contended that "This financial crisis had many significant causes,
but executive compensation practices were a contributing factor. Incentives for short-term
gains overwhelmed the checks and balances meant to mitigate against the risk of excess lever-
age." He further argued that "Companies should seek to pay top executives in ways that
are tightly aligned with the long-term value and soundness of the firm. Asking executives to
hold stock for a longer period of time may be the most effective means of doing this."1
Concerns that managerial incentives to focus on generating short-term stock price
improvements may undermine value creation have a basis in theory. Bizjak, Brickley, and
Coles (1993) show that managers may accept even negative NPV projects to boost stock price
temporarily if investors cannot distinguish between good and bad projects. In contrast, Stein
(1989) argues the managers may forgo positive NPV investments in order to boost current
earnings. Bolton, Scheinkman, and Xiong (2006) argue that, if stock prices can deviate
from fundamentals, current shareholders may in fact want to incentivize managers to boost
stock price if they plan to sell their shares in the short run.2 There is growing evidence
that firms manage their accounting earnings upwards when managers' incentives to increase
1The adoption of such compensation practices was later required for a bank to receive funding under the
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
2Recent arguments in the corporate governance literature that informed shareholders can discipline man-
agers by selling shares upon observing negative signals (Admati and Pfleiderer, 2009; Edmans, 2009; Edmansand Manso, 2011) hinge on managers finding stock price decreases in the short run painful. Bhattacharyyaand Cohn (2009) and Peng and R¨
oell (2014) show that rewarding managers for short-term stock price
performance can help to address distortions due to managerial risk aversion.
stock price are strong.3 There is also some evidence that these incentives impact research
and development spending (Dechow and Sloan, 1991; Edmans, Fang, and Lewellen, 2014).
However, concrete evidence linking these incentives to project choice decisions overall remains
This paper adds to the literature by studying how the market's response to new
project announcements varies with managerial incentives to focus on short-term stock price
performance. To fix ideas, we present a simple rational expectations model of project accep-
tance under asymmetric information similar to that of Bizjak, Brickley, and Coles (1993).
We show that, because managers tend to overinvest when they have incentives to increase
stock price in the short run, rational investors discount a firm's new project announcements
when these incentives are strong. As a result, project announcement returns should decline
with the strength of these incentives. We test this prediction using novel data on new prod-
uct and client announcements from Capital IQ's Key Developments database.4 Our focus
on value-creation at the elemental project level allows us to sidestep some of the concerns
with the more traditional approach of testing the value impact of agency conflicts via "Q
Our empirical analysis employs several measures of managerial incentives to focus
on short-term stock price performance. These include CEO age, CEO tenure, the vesting
period of CEO stock option grants, and the expected life of employee stock options as
reported by the firm. Age and tenure are commonly used in the career concerns literature as
inverse proxies for incentives to focus on observable performance metrics such as stock price
performance, as these performance metrics impact an agent's outside options more when her
track record is short (e.g., Gibbons and Murphy, 1992; Chevalier and Ellison, 1999; Hong,
Kubik, and Solomon, 2000; Lamont, 2002).5 On the other hand, the approach of retirement
3See, e.g., Cheng and Warfield (2005), Bergstresser and Philippon (2006), and Gopalan, et al. (2014)4A minority of the announcements in the Key Developments data involve material improvements in old
products or extensions of existing client contracts. For simplicity, we refer to all of the announcements inthe data as new client and product announcements.
5Providing support for this argument, a recent paper by Pan, Wang, and Weisbach (2014) shows that a
firm's stock return volatility declines over the CEO's tenure.
age has also been shown to induce myopic behavior (e.g., Dechow and Sloan, 1991; Gibbons
and Murphy, 1992; Brickley, Linck, and Coles, 1999; Jenter and Lewellen, 2011). Shorter
CEO option vesting periods have also been shown to induce this behavior (Gopalan, et al.,
2014; Edmans, Fang, and Lewellen, 2014). Shorter expected employee option life may have
a similar effect for lower-level managers.
Based on these arguments, we test the hypotheses that project announcement returns
increase with CEO tenure, CEO option vesting period, and expected employee option life,
and are an inverted u-shaped function of CEO age. Controlling for announcement and
firm characteristics as well as firm and year fixed effects, we find evidence supporting these
predictions.6 A one standard deviation change in each short-termist incentive measure is
associated with a change in abnormal announcement returns of the same order of magnitude
as the mean abnormal announcement return, suggesting that short-termist incentives have
a material impact on real economic decisions.7 While our analysis focuses primarily on new
project announcements by U.S. firms, we also find an inverted u-shaped relationship between
announcement returns and CEO age in a sample of announcements by international firms.8
We also analyze new client and new product announcements separately. We find that
the results are considerably stronger for new client announcements than for new product
announcements. While this difference could be driven by other factors, we argue that it is
consistent with differences in the availability of information from other sources to outsiders.
Outsiders can often observe new products and their associated characteristics directly. In
addition, these characteristics are more or less fixed upon announcement. The nature of new
client relationships, on the other hand, may be difficult for outsiders to observe. Moreover,
6One factor we cannot control for is a project's scale. We implicitly treat projects as being homogeneous
with respect to scale, at least within firm. Any variation in scale will add noise to the dependent variable inour regressions. We see no obvious reason, however, why it should induce any bias in our estimates.
7One-standard deviation increases in CEO tenure, CEO option vesting period, and expected employee
option life are associated with increases in abnormal returns of 11.3, 3.6, and 7.3 basis points, respectively,compared to mean abnormal return of 13 basis points. Abnormal returns increase by 32 basis points as theCEO's age increases from 40 to 51 and falls by 55 basis points as it increases from 51 to 65.
8We do not observe CEO tenure, CEO stock option vesting period, or expected employee stock option
life for these firms.
many of the terms of a relationship are likely negotiated over time in the months and years
after the announcement. Thus it may be easier to "fool" investors by announcing a new
client than by announcing a new product.
For each new product or customer announcement, the Key Developments database
also includes a descriptive text. As a less valuable project will generally have fewer specific
details that the firm can tout when announcing the project, the firm may use more "filler"
language (e.g., vague and generic positive words) in describing such a project. In the final
part of the analysis, we show that the amount of filler language in a project's description
is an inverse u-shaped function of CEO age and is positively related to expected employee
option life. We do not find, however, that investors condition their response to new project
announcements on the presence of this filler language.
We couch our analysis and results in terms of new project initiations. However, they
could also be couched in terms of discretionary disclosure decisions. In this interpretation,
a firm's project portfolio at any point in time is determined by other factors, but the de-
cision about whether to announce a given project is affected by managerial short-termism.
These two interpretations are similar in spirit and driven by the same mechanism. More
activity at the firm has a positive impact on stock price in the short run, giving a manager
focused on short-run stock price performance an incentive to appear more active. This can
be accomplished by setting a lower project
acceptance threshold, but could also be accom-
plished by setting a lower project "announcement" threshold.9 As we cannot distinguish
project acceptance and announcement in the data, we cannot distinguish between these two
interpretations. We discuss this alternative interpretation when presenting the model.
There are also alternative interpretations of the results that are not linked to man-
agerial short-termism. For example, a firm with a better flow of projects may be less likely
to replace its CEO, resulting in a positive relation between announcement returns and CEO
9We note that a dependence of project announcement decisions but not acceptance decisions on managerial
short-termism would require a cost of announcing a new project. Absent such a cost, there is no reason fora firm to withhold announcement of any positive NPV project.
tenure. Alternatively, younger, more entrepreneurial firms may have higher NPV projects
available and may also grant employees stock options with shorter vesting periods. We ad-
dress these concerns to some degree by including firm fixed effects in our regressions, which
absorb the effects of any time-invariant firm factors that could be driving the results. In
addition, the non-monotonic relation between returns and CEO age would be difficult to
square with any simple alternative explanation. However, we ultimately do not have an ex-
ogenous source of variation in managerial horizon. Thus we cannot fully rule out alternative
Our paper contributes to the empirical literature studying the impact of managerial
horizon on decision-making. Cheng and Warfield (2005), Bergstresser and Philippon (2006),
and Gopalan et al. (2014) show that firms increase discretionary accruals when managers
have explicit incentives to increase stock price due to the structure of their compensation. In
terms of effects on real decisions, Dechow and Sloan (1991) show that firms reduce research
and development spending in the CEO's final few years in office. As R&D spending is
expensed for accounting purposes, such cuts increase reported earnings. Edmans, Fang, and
Lewellen (2014) show that near-term vesting of CEO stock options also results in reductions
in R&D spending. Jenter and Lewellen (2011) show that a firm is more likely to be acquired
when the CEO approaches retirement age. Our paper adds to this literature by providing
evidence that short-termist incentives distort more traditional project choices. Ours is also
the first paper we are aware to consider both explicit (compensation-based) and implicit
(non-compensation based) short-termist incentives in the same empirical setting.10
Our paper also contributes to the agency conflict literature more generally by provid-
ing project-level evidence that agency conflicts impede value creation. McConnell and Mus-
carella (1985) find positive (negative) announcement returns around announced increases
10Our analysis is also related to arguments that agents may have incentives to appear "busy." Fich, Starks,
and Yore (2014) show that CEOs are rewarded for deal-making activity, even if that activity does not createvalue for shareholders. Dow and Gorton (1997) show that portfolio managers have incentives to trade evenwhen they are uninformed if clients cannot distinguish between a manager "actively doing nothing" and"simply doing nothing."
(decreases) in capital expenditures. They conclude that this is consistent with managers
generally seeking to maximize value when choosing investment policy. Our argument does
not contradict this conclusion, though our model suggests that the average effect may mask
some value-destroying behavior by short-termist managers. Our approach provides more
granular analysis of project announcement returns. Most of the remaining empirical work
on the impact of agency conflicts relies on measuring total firm value as opposed to the
value created by individual investment decisions. For example, Morck, Shleifer and Vishny
(1988), McConnell and Servaes (1990), Hermalin and Weisbach (1991), and Mehran (1995)
all document either a positive or inverse u-shaped relationship between managerial stock
ownership and firm value. While these results are suggestive, firms are highly complex, and
interpreting associations with value at the firm level can be challenging.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the model and
the main prediction that we test. In Section 3, we describe the data and the sample we use
in our empirical analysis. We present the empirical results of the paper in Section 4. Finally,
Section 5 concludes.
Project Announcement Returns and Managerial Hori-
In this section, we analyze a simple rational expectations model in which managers
are asymmetrically informed about project quality and care about short-term stock price
performance. The main result of this analysis is a proposition showing that project an-
nouncement returns should be lower when incentives to focus on short-term performance are
stronger. We test this prediction of the model in Section 4.
The model
The model consists of a publicly-traded firm run by a risk neutral manager. There is
no time discounting in the model. The firm begins at time 0 with with
I units of capital and
no other assets. At time 1, the firm has the option to invest
I units of capital in an indivisible
project that yields cash flow
x ∈ {
x , xh} at time 2, with
x < I < xh,
P r(
xh) =
q ∈ (0
, 1),
P r(
x ) = 1 −
q. We assume that
qxh + (1 −
x < I, so that the average project
destroys value. This seems natural, as negative NPV projects are likely to be available in
almost limitless supply, while positive NPV projects are scarce. At time 2, the firm liquidates,
with shareholders receiving a liquidating dividend
v =
x if the firm invested at time 1 and
v =
I if the firm did not. Before choosing whether or not to undertake the project at time
1, the manager directly observes
x.11 The manager then chooses whether or not to invest.
These features of the model are similar to those of the model of Bizjak, Brickley, and Coles
The firm's shares trade in a perfectly competitive stock market, with investors forming
rational expectations. Thus the firm's stock price is always equal to its expected future
cash flow, conditional on investors' information at the time. Investors observe the firm's
investment decision at time 1 but have no information at this point about the project payoff
x other than its distribution. They learn the firm's realized cash flow at time 2. Let
p1, and
p2 respectively refer to the firm's stock price at time 0, immediately after the firm's
decision to invest or not invest at time 1, and immediately after the firm's cash flow is
realized at time 2 but before it is paid to shareholders, respectively. The manager's utility
function places weight not only on the terminal cash flow
v (or equivalently the time 2 stock
p2), but also on the firm's stock price at time 1,
p1. Specifically, the manager's payoff
U =
αp1 + (1 −
11Similar results obtain if the manager only observes a noisy signal of
α is the weight on short-term stock price. A positive weight on
p1 (i.e.,
α > 0) could
reflect an explicit link between managerial compensation and stock price in the short run or
implicit incentives to focus on the short run due to career concerns or pending retirement.
The manager's only choice is whether or not to invest after observing
x. We allow
the manager to mix between investing and not investing. Let
σj be the probability that
the manager invests after observing
xj for
j =
, h. Let ˆ
σj be the probability that investors
assign to the manager investing when
x =
xj. Investors form rational expectations, so we
σj =
σj in equilibrium. We denote this equilibrium value as
σ∗. An equilibrium
then is fully described by
j =
, h, along with prices
p1, and
p2 in each state of the
world that equal the expected liquidating dividend given investors' information set at the
Solution of the model
Consider the manager's decision to invest or not invest. As will become clear shortly,
the manager has no incentive to abstain from investing when he observes
xh, as investing
increases both the stock price at time 1 and the firm's future cash flow in this case. Thus
σ∗ = 1. Suppose that investors believe the manager only invests if he observes
h - i.e., that
σ = 0. Because
xh > I, the firm's stock price responds positively to investment at time
1. Because investors cannot distinguish between
xh and
x projects, the manager has an
incentive to invest even if he observes
x as long as
α > 0. When deciding whether to accept
x project, the manager trades off the benefit of a higher stock price at time 1 against a
lower cash flow at time 2.
We begin by calculating the firm's stock price at each point in time in each possible
state of the world. The stock price immediately before liquidation is
p2 =
v, with
v =
x if
the firm invested at time 1 and
v =
I if it did not. The stock price immediately after the
investment decision,
p1, is
I if the firm did not invest and
σ ) =
σ x if it did
invest. Finally, the stock price at time 0 is
σ ) = [
The return associated with the announcement that the firm is undertaking a project - the
percentage change in stock price from time 0 to time 1 - is
Note that the announcement return is a function of the market's beliefs about the likelihood
that the manager invests when
x =
x . We now show that the announcement returns
decreases when the market believes that the manager invests in low-quality projects more
Lemma 1. ∂r < 0
. That is, the announcement return associated with a new project de-
creases with investors' beliefs about the likelihood that the manager accepts a project if it is
negative NPV.
The proof of Lemma 1 is in the Appendix. Intuitively, if investors believe that the
manager invests more often when
x =
x , then the expected payoff conditional on investment
is lower. Hence the market's response to investment is more muted.
We now consider the equilibrium behavior of the manager. The cost to the manager
of accepting an
x project is a reduction in
p2. The benefit is an increase in
p1, assuming that
the stock market responds positively to the announcement of a new project. We now show
that the market does respond positively to a new project announcement in equilibrium.
Lemma 2. r(
> 0
. That is, in equilibrium, the firm's stock price strictly increases when
it announces that it is undertaking a project.
Suppose that this were not true - i.e., that the stock price were to either remain
unchanged or to decrease upon announcement of project acceptance. Consider the decision
of a manager with a type
x project to invest in this case. Not only does the long-run
component of her payoff
p2 fall because
x < I, but the short-run component
p1 either
falls or remains unchanged. Therefore, a manager with a type
x project would not invest.
However, if only a manager with a type
xh project invests, then the stock market responds
positively to project acceptance (because
xh > I), contradicting the assumption. Thus the
stock price must increase on announcement of project acceptance.
Suppose that, in equilibrium, the manager were to invest with probability one when
x =
x - i.e., that
σ∗ = 1. As
I (1) =
qxh + (1 −
x and
qxh + (1 −
x < I by assumption,
< 0. However, this would violate Lemma 2. Thus we can conclude that
< 1.
Now suppose that, in equilibrium, the manager were to invest with probability zero
x =
x - i.e., that
σ∗ = 0. If the manager doesn't invest, then his payoff is simply
I. Noting that
I(0) =
xh, if the manager deviates and invests in a type
x project, then
his payoff is
αxh + (1 −
x . So, if
α is small enough that
αxh + (1 −
x ≤
σ = 0
is the equilibrium outcome. On the other hand, if
αxh + (1 −
x > I, then
σ = 0 is
not an equilibrium. We focus on the case where the manager's weight on
p1 is large enough
that he invests with positive probability when
x =
x . Specifically, we make the following
Assumption 1. α > I−
x .
This assumption is necessary because of the discrete nature of project types. With
a continuum of types, even a manager placing only small weight on short-term stock price
would accept marginally negative NPV projects. Since we have already ruled out the case
σ∗ = 0, the manager mixes between investing and not investing when
x =
σ∗ ∈ (0
, 1). For the manager to mix between investing and not investing when
x =
must be indifferent between the two choices. This requires that
I =
σ ) + (1 −
σ must equal ˆ
σ in equilibrium, solving (3) for ˆ
σ gives the equilibrium value
h + (1 −
x −
I .
I −
Assumption 1 ensures that this is always strictly positive. The comparative static on
with respect to
α is given by
h −
1 −
q I −
This is strictly positive, proving the following lemma.
> 0
. That is, in equilibrium, the manager accepts a low-quality project with
greater likelihood when his objective function places more weight on p1
Putting together the results in Lemmas 3 and 1 yields the main result of the analysis.
Proposition 1. dr < 0
. That is, the announcement return associated with a new project
decreases with the weight the manager's objective function places on time 1 (i.e., short-term)
stock price.
This comparative static forms the basis for the predictions that we test in Section 4.
Overall, the market discounts project announcements more when the manager's objective
function places more weight on short-term stock price, as the market knows that the manager
sets a lower standard for accepting a project in this case.
It is important to note that the announcement return in the model is deterministic
conditional on the manager's strategy. This presumes that investors do not draw independent
signals about the quality of new projects. It also presumes that there is no "noise" in the
price formation process, where noise might represent other information that investors learn
about the firm contemporaneously with the project announcement. This is a limitation
of the model once we take it to the data, as there is significant variation in new project
announcement returns. Ultimately, adding noise to prices in the model would complicate
the analysis without producing significant additional insights, and we therefore abstain from
Finally, we note that the model could easily be recast as a model of project
nouncement rather than
acceptance decisions. Suppose that managerial agency conflicts do
not impact the choice of projects that the firm undertakes (so only positive NPV projects
are accepted), but that the manager has discretion about whether or not to disclose that
a project has been undertaken. The market would respond positively to the announcement
of a new project. A manager worried about short-term stock price performance then would
like to announce as many projects as possible. If there is no cost of announcing a project,
then the firm would presumably announce all undertaken projects regardless of the degree
of managerial short-termism. However, suppose that disclosing a new project is costly and
that the market receives a noisy indpendent signal about the quality of a new project. In
this case, the manager would disclose only some lower-quality projects, and would disclose
more of these projects when facing stronger short-termist incentives. Announcement returns
would then be negatively related to managerial short-termsism, as in Proposition 1.
Data and Sample
We test Proposition 1 primarily by examining the relation between new project an-
nouncement returns and proxies intended to capture management's incentives to focus on
short-run stock price movements. We identify new projects using novel data from Capital
IQ's (CIQ's) Key Development database on new product and new client announcements.
We then combine this data with data from a number of other sources, including stock return
information from CRSP, data on executive characteristics and compensation from Execu-
comp, data on executive stock option grants from SEC Form 4 filings obtained from Thomson
Reuters Insiders Data, corporate governance measures from IRRC, and firm-level financial
data from Compustat quarterly. This section describes the formation and composition of
the dataset we use in our empirical analysis.
New project announcements
We begin by obtaining the dates and full texts of all announcements in the Key De-
velopment database from 2002 through 2009. The database consists of information gathered
from over 20,000 public news sources, as well as company press releases, regulatory filings,
call transcripts, investor presentations, stock exchanges, regulatory websites, and company
websites. CIQ analysts filter this data to eliminate duplicate and extraneous information,
identify the companies involved, and then categorize the data based on the type of event.
Event categories include new product announcements, new client announcements, executive
changes, M&A rumors, changes in corporate guidance, delayed filings, and SEC inquiries.
We retain only the new product and new client announcements, as these announcements cor-
respond directly to specific real projects. CIQ's Key Development database contains 141,079
new client and product announcement events in the 2002-2009 period. Of these, 82,015
involve new client announcements, while 59,064 involve new product announcements.
Next, we calculate abnormal stock return measures for the announcing firm around
each announcement using data from CRSP. Our primary measure of abnormal announcement
return is
, +3), the return over the period from three days before to three days after
the announcement minus the appropriate Daniel, Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers (1997)
characteristic-based benchmark. We include up to three days on either side of the announce-
ment to allow for information leakage or errors in capturing the actual announcement date.
However, we also consider the equivalent abnormal return from one day before to one day
, +1), for robustness.
Table 1 shows summary statistics for
, +1) and
, +3). For each
measure, it also shows the mean and median for non-event dates (i.e., dates on which a firm
does not announce a project).
— Table 1 here —
The mean abnormal event returns are 9 basis points and 13 basis points for the (-
1,+1) and (-3,+3) windows, respectively. Both of these are statistically different than zero
at the one percent level based on a simple t-test. Both are also statistically different than
the comparable mean abnormal returns on non-event dates (2 and 3 basis points) at the one
percent level based on a two-tailed t-test. Median abnormal event returns are smaller at 0
and negative 3 basis points for the two windows. Thus the distribution of abnormal event
returns appears to be skewed. Nevertheless, the median event returns for both windows are
higher than the comparable median abnormal returns for non-event dates, with differences
that are statistically significant at the one percent level based on a Wilcoxon z-test. On the
whole, then, it appears that new project announcements are perceived as being positive news
on average. This is consistent with the prediction of Lemma 2 in Section 2, and suggests
that an asymmetrically informed manager seeking to increase stock price in the short run
may indeed be able to do so, on average, by announcing a new project.
To get a sense of how important these announcements are (irrespective of whether they
are perceived positively or negatively), we compare the absolute values of abnormal returns
on event and non-event dates. Since the distributions of the abnormal returns measures are
centered near zero, this provides a sense of how extreme event date returns are compared to
non-event date returns. The mean absolute values of
, +1) and
, +3) are
2.52% and 3.91%, respectively. These are almost twice as large as the comparable values for
non-event dates. The differences are statistically significant at the one percent level based
on a simple t-test. Similar conclusions are reached from examining medians. The events
that we study in this paper, then, appear to be important in the sense that they move stock
prices (positively or negatively) substantially.
In addition to examining announcement returns, we also analyze the text of each
announcement in order to calculate a number of different variables capturing characteristics
of the announcement. The simplest of these is
Sentences, which is just the number of
sentences in the announcement and measures the length of the text.
LongT ermP roject is
an indicator variable equal to one if the announcement contains the term "long-term," the
expression "
N -year" for
N greater than or equal to three (e.g., "five-year"), or reference to
a year more than one year later than the year of the announcement (e.g., "2012" for an
announcement in 2009).
The remaining characteristics focus on the nature of the specific words in the an-
nouncements. While many algorithms exist for classifying words, it is unclear that existing
word categorizations are appropriate for announcements about new clients and products.
We therefore build our own categories of words. We define four major categories of words:
specific, sector, process, and soft. Each of these consists of subcategories. Specific words
include words relating to product/client characteristics, numbers, places, transaction terms,
dates/times, and capitalized words occurring in places other than the beginning of a sen-
tence. Sector words include words relating to research & development, innovation, defense,
energy, finance, and health. Process words include words relating to marketing, operations,
technology, and distribution, as well as any words relating to international business (exclud-
ing the names of specific countries and cities, which are classified as place words). Soft words
include words that are vague and words that are generically positive in tone.
We asked a research assistant to assign each of the 6,000 most prevalent words in the
announcement texts to at most one subcategory, leaving a word unassigned if it did not fit
into any of the subcategories. We provided the research assistant with between two and four
sample words in each subcategory to provide guidance. A list of categories and subcategories
as well as the sample words for each subcategory can be found in the Appendix.
— Table A.1 here —
The 6,000 words we asked the research assistant to attempt to assign account for over
91% of the overall word count for the full sample of announcements. The research assistant
successfully assigned 1,899 words to a subcategory. These represent 63% of the overall word
count. We then rolled the subcategories up to the category level, and calculated the number
of words in each category for each announcement. We scale this by the number of sentences
in an announcement to calculate measures of the prevalence of words in each category.
The resulting variables are
Specif ic/Sentence,
P rocess/Sentence, and
Sof t/Sentence. We also calculate the prevalence of positive and vague words, the two
subcategories of soft words, separately as
P ositive/Sentence and
V ague/Sentence, as the
last part of our analysis in Section 4 focuses specifically on the usage of soft language in
We additionally construct two variables based on the timing of an announcement.
T imeSinceLast is the number of days since the firm's last project announcement.
T imeT oN extEarnings
is the number of days until the firm's next earnings announcement. Table 2 presents sum-
mary statistics for all of the announcement-related variables.
— Table 2 here —
As the table shows, the mean and median number of sentences in an announcement
is five. The range is relatively small, with the 5th and 95th percentiles at three and eight,
respectively. The mean and median number of Specific words per sentence is approximately
four. The mean and median number of Sector and Process words is approximately 0.4. The
mean and median number of Soft words is approximately 0.2. Among Soft words, Positive
words are about twice as prevalent as Vague words.
The main prediction we seek to test focuses on how project announcement returns
relate to management's incentives to focus on short-term stock price performance. As no
single observable characteristic perfectly captures such incentives, we use four different mea-
sures based on characteristics of managers or the structure of their compensation that create
incentives to focus on short-run performance. The first two relate to implicit incentives to
focus on the short run and have been used in a number of prior papers. The first is the age
of the firm's CEO. The career concerns literature has treated an agent's age as an inverse
proxy for the agent's incentives to focus on short-run performance (Gibbons and Murphy,
1992; Chevalier and Ellison, 1999; Lamont, 2002). The argument underlying the use of this
proxy is that outsiders have more diffuse priors about the skill level of younger agents, who
12The full categorization of words is available from the authors upon request.
generally have a shorter track record. If stock prices are informative about CEO skill and
hence impact a CEO's outside options, then younger CEOs have a stronger incentive to focus
on stock price in the short-run than older CEOs.
While young managers may have an incentive to focus on short-run stock price perfor-
mance because of career concerns, the literature has also argued that managers approaching
retirement age have incentives to shift their focus away from long-run value maximization
and towards maximizing stock price in the short run. A high stock price in the short run
may bolster the manager's legacy, while an increase in firm value long after a manager has
retired is likely to have little impact on the manager's well-being (Dechow and Sloan, 1991;
Gibbons and Murphy, 1992; Brickley, Linck, and Coles, 1999; Jenter and Lewellen, 2011).
The combination of the career concerns and retirement horizon compression arguments sug-
gests that incentives to focus on the short-run should be a u-shaped function of CEO age.
We define
CEOAge as the age of a firm's CEO as reported by Execucomp. Proposition 1
then predicts that abnormal announcement returns will be an
inverse u-shaped function of
CEOAge. To allow for this possibility in our regression analysis, we include both
CEOAgeSquared, the second power of
The second proxy we use for management's incentive to focus on short-term stock
price performance is the length of the CEO's tenure with the firm at the time. Like age, the
career concerns literature has used tenure as an inverse proxy for an agent's incentives to
focus on short-run performance in a variety of contexts (Gibbons and Murphy, 1992; Hong,
Kubik, and Solomon, 2000), arguing that agents with less of a track record have stronger
incentives to focus on the short run. We define
CEOT enure as the difference between the
year in which a project announcement takes place and the year the CEO rose to that position
as reported by Execucomp. Proposition 1 predicts that project announcement returns will
be positively related to
CEOT enure.13
While the literature has devoted more attention to implicit incentives to focus on
13As retirement is more likely to be driven by age rather than tenure, we do not consider a nonlinear
relation between returns and tenure as we do for age.
short run stock price performance, much of the recent policy debate focuses on the explicit
dependence of managerial compensation on short-term performance. The third and fourth
proxies we use for management's incentives to focus on the short-run relate to these explicit
incentives. The third is the average vesting period of the CEO's stock option grants. The
CEO can exercise an option that has already vested. If he does so, his payoff on that option
is the difference between the stock price at that point in time and the strike price of the
option. Assuming that CEOs do exercise options once they vest at least some of the time,
the shorter the vesting period of an option, the shorter the period over which the option
exposes the CEO's compensation to the firm's stock price peformance.
The length of the vesting period of an option effectively captures information about
the "duration" of the option. In a recent paper, Gopalan et al. (2014) measure the duration
of a CEO's entire compensation package, including option and stock grants, using data on
vesting periods from Equilar. They show that CEOs with shorter pay duration are more
likely to manage earnings upwards to boost stock price in the short run. Because we do not
have access to Equilar data, and information on the vesting period of stock grants is not
available generally, we focus only on the vesting period of option grants.
We obtain data on CEO option grants from the firm's Form 4 SEC filings as reported
in Thomson Reuters Insiders Data. For each CEO grant in a given year, we calculate the
vesting period as the difference between the date on which the option vests and becomes
exercisable (
xdate in the Form 4 data) and the grant date (
trandate). We then compute
CEOOptionV estP eriod as the value-weighted average of the vesting period of each option
granted during the year. We use the value of each grant to weight options with different
vesting dates granted in the same year. We calculate this value using the Black-Scholes option
pricing model. In doing so, we set the stock price and strike price equal to the values reported
in the Form 4 data (
sprice and
xprice, respectively). We compute the time to maturity as
the expiration date,
tdate from the Form 4 data, minus the grant date,
trandate. We set
the risk-free rate equal to the seven-year Treasury yield. We set dividend yield equal to the
firm's mean quarterly ratio of dividends to stock price over the three previous years. Finally,
we set volatility equal to the the standard deviation of the firm's daily stock returns over
the preceding five years as computed using CRSP return data. Our approach is similar to
the approach used to calculate the Black-Scholes value of stock options in the Execucomp
Our fourth and final proxy for management's incentive to focus on short-run stock
price performance is the expected life of stock options granted to employees in a given year
as reported by the firm. This is similar to the
CEOOptionV estP eriod measure in the sense
that it captures information about the duration of stock options, though it is based only
partly on vesting period and reflects options granted to all employees and not just the CEO.
Implicit in our use of this variable is the assumption that managers throughout a company's
hierarchy can approve projects, and that they respond to incentives to focus on the firm's
short-run stock price performance when their compensation is linked to it.
We set the variable
EmpOptionExpectedLif e equal to Compustat variable
the reported estimated life of employee stock options. Reporting of this variable is governed
by FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 and SEC's Staff Accounting Bulletin
Number 107. Companies are permitted to use either of two methods to compute the ex-
pected life of options. They can use historical stock option exercise experience to estimate
expected term (with as few as one or two relatively homogenous employee groupings) if this
represents the best estimate of future exercise patterns. If they do so, the expected life must
be at least as long as the vesting period of the options. Alternatively, they can add the
time to vesting and the time to maturity, and divide by two. This "plain vanilla" approach
implicitly assumes that options are exercised halfway between the time that they vest and
the time that they expire.
Other data
In addition to the data described so far, we also use data from CRSP, Execucomp,
IRRC, Thomson Reuters, and Compustat quarterly to construct a number of control vari-
ables that we use in our regression analysis. We obtain governance-related variables pri-
marily from IRRC. These include whether the CEO is also the Chair of the firm's board
of directors (
CEOasChair), the percentage of independent directors on the firm's board
IndepDirectors), and Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick's (2003) G-index (
GIndex). We also
calculate a Herfindahl index of institutional ownership concentration using Thomson Reuters
(13f) Holdings data (
Herf (
We calculate the CEO's overall pay-performance sensitivity (
P P S) using the ap-
proach of Core and Guay (2002). We calculate a firm's market capitalization (
M arketCap)
as of the quarter end prior to the announcement date and its stock return over the prior year
Y R) using CRSP data. We use Compustat to calculate three financial variables.
T obin0
sQ is the sum of the market value of the firm's equity and the book value of its short-
and long-term debt, divided by the sum of the book values of its equity and debt.
ROA is
operating income before depreciation divided by total assets.
D/Sales is research and
development expense as a percentage of sales, and is set to zero if research and development
expense is missing in COMPUSTAT, the standard approach in the literature.
T obins0
Q is
calculated as of the end of the prior year, while
ROA and
D/Sales are calculated during
the prior year. We exclude announcements from our dataset if any variable is missing. Our
final sample consists of 70,197 announcements. Table 3 describes the main U.S. sample.
— Table 3 here —
Panel A shows summary statistics for the firm-years in the sample. The firms in the
sample are similar on all dimensions to COMPUSTAT firms as a whole. Panel B shows
pairwise correlations among the four variables we use as proxies for incentives to focus on
short-run stock price performance. Two features are noteworthy. First, not surprisingly, CEO
age and CEO tenure are positively correlated. CEOs who have been in the position longer
tend to be older. Second, none of the other pairwise correlations are large. This suggests
that our various measures for short-termist incentives contain independent information, and
that they are not all simply proxying for a single unobserved firm characteristic that would
contaminate the analysis in the next section.
While our primary sample consists only of new project announcements by U.S. firms,
the CIQ Key Developments database also includes data on international (i.e., non-U.S.)
firms. We are able to obtain data on CEO age as well as a handful of firm characteristics
for these international firms from CIQ as well, though not measures of option duration or
CEO tenure. We are also able to compute abnormal project announcement returns using
data from CIQ for this sample. We use this international sample to conduct corroboratory
tests of the relation between CEO age and project announcement returns. We do not present
descriptive statistics for this international sample, partly for the sake of brevity and partly
because differences in accounting standards across countries makes it difficult to compare
the financial characteristics of these firms.
This section presents results from our analysis of project announcement returns. It
also presents analysis of the text describing new projects.
Determinants of abnormal project announcement returns
We directly test the implication of Proposition 1 by regressing
, +3) on our
proxies for short-termist incentives, controlling for firm and project characteristics as well as
firm and year fixed effects. Table 4 shows the results. Standard errors clustered at the firm
level are shown below each point estimate in this and later tables.14
14The results are all similar if we double cluster by firm and year.
— Table 4 here —
We include each proxy for short-termist incentives one-at-a-time in the first four
columns, and then include all four proxies in the fifth column. When we include the incentive
variables one-at-a-time, we find that all of the coefficients except the one on
CEOT enure
have a sign consistent with CEOs lowering their project acceptance standards when they
have incentives to focus on the short run. However, only the coefficients on
CEOAge and
CEOAgeSquared in column (1) are statistically significant at the ten percent or better level.
Once we include all four variables in column (5), all of the coefficients have the predicted
sign, and all but the coefficient on
CEOOptionV estP eriod are statistically significant.15
The results are broadly consistent with the market discounting project announcements when
managers' incentives to focus on short-run stock price performance are greater.
The coefficients in column (5) imply that one-standard deviation increases in
CEOT enure,
CEOOptionV estP eriod, and
EmpOptionExpectedLif e are associated with increases in
, +3) of 11.3, 3.6, and 7.3 basis points, respectively. While these sensitivities may
not appear large, it is important to keep in mind that each project in our data is rela-
tively small, and that the mean
, +3) is only 13 basis points. The relation between
, +3) and
CEOAge has an inverted u shape. The implied peak given the quadratic
functional form in the regression specification in column (5) occurs at
CEOAge of approxi-
mately 51 years. The coefficients on
CEOAge and
CEOAgeSquared imply that the expected
abnormal announcement return increases by approximately 32 basis points as the CEO's age
increases from 40 to 51. It falls by approximately 55 basis points as
CEOAge increases from
15The change in the sign of the coefficient on
CEOT enure from column (2) to column (5) is driven by the
inclusion of
CEOAge and
CEOAgeSquared in the latter. The positive correlation between
CEOT enure and
CEOAge and the non-monotonic relationship between announcement returns and
CEOAge appear to maskthe relationship between announcement returns and
CEOT enure when the age variables are not included.
The coefficient on
EmpOptionLif e becomes significant at the ten percent level when
CEOOptionV estP eriodis included. However, this coefficient is of a similar magnitude and already almost significant at the tenpercent level without the inclusion of this variable (column (4)).
The maximal announcement return at CEO age of 51 may seem at odds with our in-
terpretation. A reduction in announcement response due to the CEO approaching retirement
and worrying less about long-run (i.e., post-retirement) value should be most relevant for
CEOs nearing typical retirement ages - i.e., those in their 60s rather than 50s. However, it is
important to note that the relationship implied by the coefficients in this quadratic form is
actually fairly flat for several years around the maximum. The fitted drop in announcement
returns form the age of 51 to 60 is 23 basis points, or 2.6 basis points per year of age. The
drop in announcement returns from age 60 to 65 is 32 basis points, or 6.4 basis points per
year of age.
We note here that the coefficient on
CEOT enure goes from being negative (statisti-
cally insignificant) when it is the only measure of short-termism in the regression in column
(2) to being positive and statistically significant when we include the other measures in col-
umn (5). This change is driven by the addition of the CEO age variables. As noted in the
discussion of Table 3, Panel B, CEO tenure and age are highly correlated. This correlation
combined with the non-monotonic relationship between announcement returns and CEO age
appears to bias the coefficient on CEO tenure towards zero in column (2).
The results in Table 4 are consistent with managers lowering their standards for
project acceptance when they have incentives to focus on short-run stock price performance
(and investors anticipating such behavior). Of course, there could be other explanations
for the relation between announcement returns and any of the proxies we use for short-
termist incentives. For example, a firm that is performing well is less likely to replace its
CEO, and the market may view the incremental project undertaken by such a firm more
positively, which could produce a positive relation between announcement returns and CEO
tenure. Alternatively, younger, more entrepreneurial firms may grant employees stock options
with short vesting periods and may also have higher NPV projects. The non-monotonic
relation between returns and CEO age would be more difficult to square with any specific
alternative explanation. It would also be more difficult to come up with a single alternative
explanation that accounts for all of the relations. Ultimately, though, without a source
of exogenous variation in short-termist incentives, it is impossible to completely rule out
While not a focus of the paper, the positive coefficient on pay-performance sensitivity
suggests that the market reacts more favorably when the CEO's compensation is more closely
linked to firm stock price performance in general (unconditional on the horizon). This may
indicate that CEOs whose pay is more closely linked with shareholder payoffs are expected
to exert more effort to generate better projects or screen out less valuable projects, consistent
with traditional theories of moral hazard in firms.
The positive coefficient on
LongT ermP roject indicates that the market responds
more positively to projects that are expected to have a longer horizon. Interestingly, abnor-
mal announcement returns are unrelated to any of the other variables relating to the text
of the announcement. Abnormal announcement returns are lower when the text includes
more soft words, though this relation is not statistically significant at the ten percent level.
To the extent that the prevalence of such filler language is a sign of a project lacking true
redeeming qualities, the stock market should discount projects with more of this language.
However, these texts may be difficult for investors to parse.
We offer interpretations for some of the other coefficients as well, though they are not
a focus of the paper and we do not attempt to further validate these interpretations. None of
the coefficients on the governance-related variables is statistically insignificant. As announce-
ment returns are positive on average, the negative coefficient on
T imeT oN extEarnings
might indicate that the market gets distracted by earnings announcement news and over-
looks projects announced in close proximity to such announcements. Alternatively, but
relatedly, the sign of the coefficient might indicate that firms tend to announce less valuable
projects around earnings announcements in order to "hide" them. The negative coefficient on
M arketCap) suggests that an average incremental project creates less expected value
in an already larger firm. The positive coefficient on
Y R could suggest that the
market gives more credibility to projects undertaken when a firm appears to be performing
well. Alternatively, stock returns may be high because the market anticipates better future
potential projects.
One potential concern with measuring abnormal announcement returns using
, +3)
is that including three days on either side of the announcement increases the likelihood that
contaminating events unrelated to the announcement impact the measurement. The most
likely impact of this would be to add noise to our measure of event returns. The use of
this window is justified as a means of addressing any concerns about the accuracy of the
event dates as captured by the Key Developments database as well as the possible leakage of
information prior to an announcement. Another concern is that the results in Table 4 might
somehow be driven by the DGTW adjustment. To ensure that the results in Table 4 are
robust, we re-estimate the regression shown in column (5) of that table using two alternative
announcement return measures. Table 5 shows the results.
— Table 5 here —
In column (1), we use
RAW (−3
, +3) - that is, returns from which the DGTW char-
acteristic benchmark has not been subtracted - as the dependent variable. The coefficients
are generally similar to those in Table 4, suggesting that the DGTW adjustment has little
effect on the results. The coefficients on
CEOAge and
CEOAgeSquared are similar to those
obtained when
, +3) is the dependent variable and maintain their statistical signif-
icance level. The coefficient on
CEOT enure loses statistical significance, but the coefficient
CEOOoptionV estP eriod now becomes statistically significant at the ten percent level.
The coefficient on
EmpOptionExpectedLif e remains statistically significant.
In column (2), we use
, +1) as the dependent variable. Many of the coeffi-
cients shrink when we use this narrower window, suggesting that the wider window we use
in Table 4 does capture additional information about the value implications of a project
acceptance decision. Nevertheless, the coefficients on
CEOAge and
CEOAgeSquared and
CEOT enure maintain their signs and remain statistically significant. The coefficient on
EmpOptionExpectedLif e, however, becomes statistically insignificant. Overall, the results
do not appear highly sensitive to our approach to measuring the market's assessment of the
value that a project will create.
Next, we examine abnormal announcement returns for the two types of events in our
sample - new client announcements and new product announcements - separately. These two
types of announcements are potentially quite different. New products generally, especially
those that are physical or experiential in nature, have outwardly-observable characteristics,
and investors can condition their estimates of the value that a product will create on their
assessment of these characteristics. We conjecture that it is more difficult for investors to
independently assess the value to be created by a new client relationship. Even if the firm
announces some of the terms of a new client relationship, the relationship is likely to be
complex and to evolve over time.
If our conjecture is correct, then managers generally have a larger informational ad-
vantage regarding the true value of a new client relationship. This information gap is what
gives managers an incentive to accept negative NPV projects when they are concerned about
stock price in the short run more than long-run value. As a result, if the relationships we
observe between abnormal project announcement returns and short-termist incentive mea-
sures are driven by this lowering of standards, these results should be more pronounced for
new client announcements than for new product announcements. Table 6 shows results from
estimating the regression shown in column (5) of Table 4 separately for new client and new
— Table 6 here —
For the new client announcements subsample, the coefficients on the short-termist
incentive variables all have signs consistent with the market discounting projects when short-
termist incentives are stronger, and all but the coefficient on
CEOOptionV estP eriod are
statistically significant. The coefficients on these variables are generally much smaller in
magnitude for new product announcements subsample, and none of them are statistically
significant. While we have no means of independently corroborating our conjecture that
informational asymmetries are larger for new client than new product announcements, the
results are consistent with this conjecture.
In the last part of our analysis of announcement returns, we seek out-of-sample con-
firmation of the conclusions from the results in Table 4 by examining new project announce-
ments of firms outside of the U.S. Recall that we only observe a limited set of the explanatory
variables for this sample. The only proxy for short-termist incentives we observe in this data
CEOAge. We estimate OLS regressions with firm, year, and country fixed effects, noting
that firms occasionally change countries. Again, the unit of observation is a new product
or client announcement, and
, +3) is the dependent variable. Table 7 shows the
— Table 7 here —
As in the case of the U.S. sample, the relation between announcement returns and
CEO age exhibits an inverse u shape. The coefficients on
CEOAge and
are both statistically significant at the five percent level once we control for firm-level char-
acteristics. Overall, the results in this section are consistent with the market discounting
new project announcements when managers have stronger incentives to take actions to boost
short-run stock price, as predicted by Proposition 1 of the model.
The final analysis in the paper further explores how incentives to focus on short-
run stock price performance impact firm behavior by examining the texts of the project
announcements in our sample. We focus specifically on whether proxies for managerial
short-term incentives predict the use of "soft" words as described in Table A.1.
Determinants of "Soft" word usage
If managers with shorter horizons are less discriminating when accepting projects,
then the average project they accept will have fewer redeeming features. Firms may com-
pensate for a lack of tangible positive project features by using more vague language in
describing a project. That is, they may use more of the types of words that we classify
as "soft" in Table A.1. We examine whether this is the case by regressing measures of the
prevalence of these words on our four proxies for short-termist incentives as well as control
variables. We also include firm fixed effects to account for any time invariant unobserved
firm characteristics related to the use of specific types of language, as well as year fixed effects
to account for aggregate time series variation in word usage. Table 8 shows the results.
— Table 8 here —
The dependent variables in the first three columns are
Sof t/Sentence,
P ositive/Sentence,
V ague/Sentence, recalling that "positive" and "vague" are the two subcomponents of
"soft." The prevalence of soft words, as well as the two types of soft words, decreases with
the expected life of employee stock options and is a u-shaped function of CEO age. These
relations are consistent with firms accepting projects with fewer verifiable positive features
when incentives to focus on the short run are greater. However, the use of these types of
words is not related to either CEO tenure or CEO option grant vesting period.
Columns (4) and (5) show that the sensitivities of the prevalence of soft words to
CEOAge and
EmpOptionExpectedLif e are stronger for product announcements than for
client announcements. While we are careful not to draw strong conclusions, this appears to be
consistent with the explanation we consider for why announcement returns are more strongly
related to our short-termist incentive measures for client announcements than for product
announcements. If investors face greater difficulty in verifying information about new clients,
as we conjectured there, then management may have greater scope for embellishing the
descriptions of these projects without having to resort to vague "filler" language. The use
of such language then would be more sensitive to short-termist incentives for new client
announcements than for new product announcements. Overall, the results of the textual
analysis provide some support for managers using more filler language when their incentives
to focus on short-term stock price improvements are stronger.
This paper investigates how CEO incentives to focus on short-run stock price per-
formance affects actual project choices and value creation. Our analysis of new client and
product announcement returns provides evidence that such incentives distort project ac-
ceptance decisions away from long-run value maximization. These announcement returns
decline with several proxies for short-termist incentives, do so more in cases where in cases
where management is likely to have more of an informational advantage (new client rather
than new product announcements) and hence have greater scope for deviating from value
maximization. The use of more filler language in project announcements issued by such
managers adds further evidence that these incentives do, in fact, alter project acceptance
Although a handful of papers have examined the impact of short-termist incentives
on accounting decisions, little prior evidence exists that they actually distort real economic
decisions. Moreover, what evidence does exist focuses on a fairly narrow set of decisions
(how much to spend on research and development, whether or not to be acquired) and a
single cause of short-termism (the approach of retirement). Our papers adds to the literature
by considering both a variety of causes of short-termism as well as their impact on a broad
set of specific, elemental project decisions. Our analysis of specific project also represents a
departure from the standard approach in the literature of studying the relationship between
measures of agency conflict and total firm value.
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Table 1: Distribution of project announcement returns
This table presents the distribution of abnormal new project announcement returns. Abnormal returns are defined as buy-and-hold returns less the buy-and-hold returns of the Daniel, Grinblatt, Titman and Wermers (1997) characteristic-matchedbenchmark. Event dates are days on which a firm announces a new project, and non-event dates are days on which the firmdoes not announce a new project. Below each row presenting statistics for abnormal announcement return measures are themean and median of the same measure on non-event dates.
Non-event dates
Non-event dates
Non-event dates
Non-event dates
Table 2: Announcement summary statistics
This table presents summary statistics for the project announcements in our sample.
Sentences is the number of sentences inan announcement.
LongT ermP roject is an indicator variable equal to one if the announcement contains the term "long-term,"the expression "
N -year" for
N greater than or equal to three (e.g., "five-year"), or reference to a year more than one yearlater than the year of the announcement (e.g., "2012" for an announcement in 2009).
Specif ic/Sentence,
P rocess/Sentence, and
Sof t/Sentence are the numbers of specific, sector, process, and soft words per sentence in the announce-ment.
P ositive/Sentence and
V ague/Sentence are the number of positive and vague words per sentence, respectively. Positiveand vague words are the two subcategories of soft words. See Table A.1 for the category hierarchy as well as examples of wordsin each subcategory.
T imeSinceLast is the number of days since the firm's last project announcement.
T imeT oN extEarningsis the number of days until the firm's next earnings announcement.
Table 3: Firm-level data summary
This table describes the firm-level data for our sample of firm-years. Panel A presents summary statistics for the sample.
CEOAge is the age of the CEO as reported in Execucomp.
CEOT enure is the number of years since the CEO assumedthat position.
CEOOptionV estP eriod is the mean vesting period (in years) of CEO stock options granted during the year.
EmpOptionExpectedLif e is the the expected life of employee stock options.
P P S is CEO pay-performance sensitivity, andis calculated using the approach of Core and Guay (2002).
CEOasChair is an indicator variable equal to one if the CEOalso serves as Chair, as reported by IRRC. %
IndepDirectors is the percentage of the firm's directors classified as independentby IRRC.
Herf (
lOwnership) is the Herfindahl index of the firm's institutional ownership calculated using ThomsonReuters 13(f) Holdings data.
GIndex is the G-Index of Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003).
M arketCap is the firm's marketcapitalization, and is equal to the product of its stock price and shares outstanding as reported in CRSP.
T obin0
sQ is equalto the sum of market capitalization and short- and long-term debt, divided by the sum of the book value of equity and short-and long-term debt, and is calculated using Compustat data.
Y r is the firm's buy-and-hold stock return over the yearas reported by CRSP.
ROA is operating profit before depreciation divided by sales, both obtained directly from Compustat.
D/Sales is research and development expense divided by sales, both obtained from Compustat, and is set to zero if researchand development expense is missing. Panel B shows pairwise correlations among the proxies for incentives to focus on short-runstock price performance.
Panel A: Summary statistics
Panel B: Pairwise correlations among short-termist incentive variables
Table 4: Determinants of project announcement returns
This table presents results from OLS regressions in which the unit of observation is a project announcement, and the dependentvariable is CAR (-3,+3), the abnormal (DGTW) return from three days before to three days after the announcement. Theexplanatory variables are described in Tables 2 and 3. Firm characteristics are measured at the end of the most recent yearprior to the announcement. All specifications include firm and year fixed effects. Standard errors clustered by firm are shownbelow each point estimate.
Firm Fixed Effects
Year Fixed Effects
Table 5: Determinants of project announcement returns - other announcement
return measures
This table presents results from OLS regressions of announcement return measures other than
, +3) on various firm
and announcement characteristics. The dependent variable in the first column is the raw return from three days before to three
days after the announcement. The dependent variable in the second column is CAR (-1,+1), the abnormal return from one day
before to one day after the announcement. The explanatory variables are described in Tables 2 and 3. Firm characteristics are
measured at the end of the most recent year prior to the announcement. All specifications include firm and year fixed effects.
Standard errors clustered by firm are shown below each point estimate.
Firm Fixed Effects
Year Fixed Effects
Table 6: Determinants of project announcement returns - client and product
This table presents results from OLS regressions of
, +3) on various firm and announcement characteristics separately
for new client and new product announcements. The sample is restricted to announcements of new clients in the first column
and new projects in the second column. The explanatory variables are described in Tables 2 and 3. Firm characteristics are
measured at the end of the most recent year prior to the announcement. All specifications include firm and year fixed effects.
Standard errors clustered by firm are shown below each point estimate.
Firm Fixed Effects
Year Fixed Effects
Table 7: Determinants of project announcement returns - international sample
This table presents results from OLS regressions in which the unit of observation is a project announcement, and the dependentvariable is CAR (-3,+3), the abnormal (DGTW) return from three days before to three days after the announcement. Theexplanatory variables are described in Table 3. Firm characteristics are measured at the end of the most recent year prior tothe announcement. All specifications include firm and year fixed effects. Standard errors clustered by firm are shown beloweach point estimate.
Firm Fixed Effects
Year Fixed Effects
Country Fixed Effects
Table 8: Determinants of project announcement content
This table presents OLS regressions in which the dependent variables are measures of the prevalence of soft words as definedin Table 2. The dependent variables are the prevalence of any soft word in column 1, of positive words in column 2, and ofvague words in column 3. The explanatory variables are defined in Tables 2 and 3. All specifications include firm and yearfixed effects. Standard errors clustered by firm are shown below each point estimate.
Announcement types
Firm Fixed Effects
Year Fixed Effects
Proof of Lemma 1
σ )
I ) −
σ ) =
q + (1 −
σ . Substituting in the expression for
p0, we have
(1 −
h −
x ) +
x ]
× {
xh −
σ )
I] + [1 −
σ )]
I + (1 −
x }
The first term is clearly positive. The first sub-term of the second term is positive because
ψ ≤ 1 and
xh > I. The second sub-term is non-negative because
ψ ≤ 1. The third sub-term
is positive because
x > 0. Therefore the entire expression is negative.
Table A.1: Word categories and subcategories
This table presents the categories and subcategories to which specific words in the textsof the new client and new product announcements in our sample are assigned. We had aresearch assistant attempt this categorization for the 6,000 most commonly-used words in thefull set of announcements. We provided the example words to the right of each subcategoryto the research assistant to provide guidance for the categorization process.
Including, Designed, Provides, Features, Capabilities
Eighteen, 12, 44%, $3.50
Texas, Germany, U.S., Atlanta
Contract, Agreement
Study, Development, Research
New, Advanced, First, Leading
Military, Army, Weapons, Defense
Energy, Solar, Gas, Oil
Sales, Profits, Earnings
Patients, Phase, Trials, Clinical, Drug
International, Global
Market, Release, Advertising
Operating, Manufacture, Factory, Turnkey, Cost-Effective
System, Data, Software, Network, Applications
Distribution, Delivery, Infrastructure,
Best, Better, Highest, Improve
Approximately, Almost, Nearly, Expected
Source: http://faculty.mccombs.utexas.edu/Jonathan.Cohn/papers/cgm_2015nov27.pdf
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ABSTRACTS OF THE 12TH CONGRESS OF THE AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF NEPHROLOGY (ACCRA, GHANA, 20-23 FEBRUARY, 2013) acute renal failure (ARF) in pediatrics, rarely practiced in black African hospital. APD began in January 2009. A SiNGlE BASEPAiR MuTATiON CAuSES Before, children with ARF had no possibility of extrarenal CYSTiNOSiS iN ThE MAJORiTY OF WESTERN