
Key influencers in South East Asia's Home & Houseware markets
International events -
Consumers are becoming more informed about their
some catastrophic, some
health and are increasingly seeking out superfoods free from
inspirational - are putting
chemicals and additives.India, China, Indonesia and Japan are
emissions and toxicity back
four out of the top five nations with the highest number of
on the agenda, but it's the
diabetes case and predicted estimates for 2025 indicate that
threat of pollution to
these countries will continue to see high incidence of
human, rather than
environmental, health that's
driving technological
innovation and a spate of
functional foods has
clean, protective product
launches in the Consumer Product Goods space.
growth within the
Asia-Pacific region in
In 2015, pollution will become a key media focus. The
recent years. APAC
abandonment of the Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea due
has in fact seen a
to rising sea levels and the Milan Expo 15's investigation into
the future of clean water supplies will revive discussion around
proportion (8%) of
emissions, while controversy will grow around Canada's
Northern Gateway oil pipeline to Asia. However, it's a growing
launches in the last
awareness of the link between urban pollution and cancer and
five years, compared
premature deaths - following the World Health Organisation's
revelation that pollution is the world's biggest environmental
globally. Japan is
health risk - that will provoke a reaction. The API (Air Pollution
often credited with
Index) has become a talking point across Malaysia, as critical
creating the term "functional foods" in the late 1980s. Japan is
levels (greater than 300) are reached in various regions. In
the only nation that has legally defined functional foods and
Singapore, the PSI (Pollution Standard Index) is also of concern.
the Japanese functional food market is now one of the most
The region suffers from cross-border pollution due to back-
advanced in the world. For those reasons, developments in
burning in Indonesia, which creates a smog haze, raising API/PSI
Japan are often cited as indicative of possible developments in
to critical levels for weeks on end. In March 2014, Klang in
Europe and the United States. The growth of functional foods in
Malaysia was forced to close schools as API reached 203.
Southeast Asia (SEA) is affected by malnutrition from both
The cosmetics industry in particular has been awakening
over-nutrition and under-nutrition, so looking at the health
consumers to the immediate, visible, personal effects of
needs of consumers can be a complex issue. Health issues
pollution, with Avon even coining a term 'urban dust' to
such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes are key
describe the 'environmental aggressors' that threaten our skin
concerns and on the rise in many SEA nations, while under-
and general health.
nutrition and poor immunity, especially in rural areas, are alsoan essential focus for most SEA countries.
The positioning of skincare products for pollution
protection has recently taken a softer approach, incorporating
Asian consumers have different behavioural patterns than
"fighting urban irritants" as one of many claims in a multi-
those from other parts of the world. In Europe and the United
functional product, rather than being a stand-alone claim area.
States, for example, consumers choose their functional
e-CRAFTCIL • Issue 10, 2015

beverages based purely on the drink's health benefits, its ease
similar pace when it comes to natural food and drink launches.
of use and price point. In Asia, there is a fourth factor of
Asia has been rocked by a number of food scares, from
‘localisation'. Asian consumers consider how much they
harmful ingredients in baby food in China to fake eggs and
identify with the ingredient, linking purchase decisions to their
squid found in Vietnam, to name just a few. The recent spate of
own cultures. In fact, there is a preference for ‘local ingredients'
health scandals is encouraging Asian consumers to turn to
– for instance, a preference for avocado in ANZ, pineapple-
natural, organic and herbal remedies in health and beauty. This
based flavours in the Philippines, and jasmine tea in Indonesia.
has created new market opportunities with product awareness
In addition, each country in Southeast Asia tends to look at
and choice maturing. In a recent survey by Weber Shandwick,
functional beverages from a different perspective. For instance,
nearly all respondents in China –96% – said that they choose
while Indonesia focuses on fortified readyto-drink (RTD) tea for
to buy organic food at least occasionally, if not always. Korea
beverage sales, Thailand is an energy drink market. In 2015 and
and Singapore are not far behind with sourcing considerations
beyond, we are bound to see much more innovation within
elevated at 90% and 82%, respectively, of those surveyed. For
functional food and drink in the Southeast Asia region. As
China and Singapore, labelling remains the principal source of
health awareness grows within Southeast Asia, consumer
identifying this information.
interest and need for these types of products will only increase
The natural trend is also likely to mean more
further. Local ingredients and localised positioning of
manufacturers will change from artificial to natural colours in
functional products will also aid further growth of these types
new product development. Futhermore, on the outside of
of products within the region.
package, manufacturers will further utilise colour to
communicate healthiness to attract consumers. Multi-nationalbrands are researching and investing in non-caffeine natural
Food scares, changing lifestyles and rising incomes have
energy sources, exploring the use of herbal ingredients used in
elevated Asian consumers' awareness of what's in their food
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that provide fatigue-
and personal care products and their means to control what
relieving benefits. PepsiCo have a patent for a caffeine-free
they buy. 2015 will see consumers increasingly return to
beverage with herbal extracts of Duan-Gen-Wu-Jia (similar to
natural and often traditional, ingredients.
Ginseng), Gou-Qi-Zi (Goji or Wolfberry), and Huang-Jing
(Solomon's Seal), that were reported to increase energy levels
Asia-Pacific has seen a significant rise in food and drink
when combined. Nestlé Health Sciences have formed a 50/50
launches with natural claims, growing from 6% to 25% in the
JV with Chi-Med – Nutrition Science Partners; this could also
last five years. The Southeast Asia sub-region has grown at a
lead to further developments into herbal energycombinations.
The global organic personal care products market
witnessed steady growth in recent years due to increasingconsumer concerns regarding personal health and hygiene.
Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region at anestimated CAGR of 9.7% from 2012 to 2018, due to risingconsumer incomes, changing lifestyles and increasingawareness and demand for organic personal care products.
Japan and China dominated the Asia-Pacific market, togetheraccounting for over 64% of market revenue in 2011.
Naturalness will continue to be an overriding trend,
influencing the type of ingredients used in formulations.
Natural sweeteners and natural colours will continue to befeatured in new innovations, while the search for naturalcaffeine and natural non-caffeine energy sources will continueto see more traditional herbal medicines being explored.
Incorporating foods with intrinsic health properties is an idealway for manufacturers to leverage ‘naturalness' and for someingredients to provide functional health benefits.
e-CRAFTCIL • Issue 10, 2015

commands to control smart lighting, doors, thermostats andother home appliances, operating on Bluetooth Low Energy
The world of synced devices, home appliances and
and managed through any modern Apple device. Meanwhile,
wearable technology will start to become mainstream, as
Google-owned Nest – the pioneering manufacturer of
trusted companies move into the market and join the
internet-connected thermostats and smoke alarms –has
conveniencedriven, data collection revolution.
created its own open-sourced framework, Thread, also
designed to allow smart devices to communicate. Samsung's
Smart devices – from watches to ceiling fans – appeal to
forthcoming SmartHome ecosystem will compete on the same
consumers because they save time and money, promise
grounds, using the brand's S Voice software, and the brand has
convenience and control and – in our age of digital navel-
opened up its system to thousands of new developers.
azingnarcissism – knowledge
Retailers are also pushing synced devices, with Sears
and selfanalysis. What's
currently testing a connected device department in its stores,
changing is that this is no
ahead of a planned expansion in 2015. New software is also
longer the domain of start-ups
coming onto the market to make it easier for consumers to
offering home hub hardware –
sync their mobile devices with their health-monitoring tools
the major players are now
and home appliances. Google Fit will provide a centralised
embracing the trend and
activity tracker to compete with Apple's iOS8 software and
raising consumer confidence in
HealthKit app, bringing users' data from various fitness devices
it. Apple and Google are both
into a single location, helped in its development by the
introducing ecosystems to
participation of Nike, Jawbone and Fitbit. A host of new
compete for leadership in the
product launches in 2015 – from tablets to smart watches and
connected home. Apple's Homekit software/app creates a
smart TVs – will also pique consumer interest in syncing up.
framework that will enable consumers to use Siri voice
Source : Mintel
Indian Timber Legality Assessment and Verification Scheme
Specifically designed for Indian handicrafts industry and its
10. Development process based on ISO /IEC guide 59:1994,
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Verification of chain of custody and legal traceability
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World-wide presence of certified companies through web
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Reduction in risk for buyers & assurance of legality compliance 14. Covers each step in the supply chain from the raw
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Maintenance of traceability
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Application form, alongwith details of cost and reimbursement scheme, is available at EPCH website (epch.in).
For further details contact EPCH or write in to [email protected].
e-CRAFTCIL • Issue 10, 2015
Source: http://www.epch.in/ecraftcil/issue10/pdf/consumertrends.pdf
RCAS1 Decidual Immunoreactivity during Stillbirth: Immune CellPresence and Activity Krystyna Galazka1, Lukasz Wicherek2, Jerzy Sikora3, Artur Czekierdowski4, Tomasz Banas5, WieslawaBednarek4, Bogdan Obrzut6, Pawel Blecharz2, Alfred Reron5, Jaroslaw Kalinka7 1Department of Pathomorphology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland;2Department of Gynecology and Oncology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland;3Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical University, Katowice, Poland;4Department of Gynecology and Oncology, Medical University Lublin, Lublin, Poland;5Department of Perinatology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland;6Clinical Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rzeszow, State Hospital, Rzeszow, Poland;7Medical and Environmental Pregnancy Health Hazards Unit, Department of Perinatology, I Chair of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical University
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