
Neurocomputing 70 (2007) 1977–1982
A model of the illusory contour formation based on
dendritic computation
Drazˇen Domijan, Mia Sˇetic´, Domagoj Sˇvegar
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka, I. Klobucˇaric´a 1, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Available online 9 November 2006
We proposed a new model of illusory contour formation based on the properties of dendritic computation. The basic elements of the
network are a single-excitatory cell with two dendritic branches and an inhibitory cell. Both dendritic branches behave as an independentlinear unit with a threshold. They sum all excitatory input from the nearby collinear cells, and the inhibition from one collateral of thecorresponding inhibitory cell. Furthermore, the output of dendritic branches multiplicatively interacts before it is sent to the soma. Themultiplication allows the excitatory cell to be active only if both of its branches receive enough excitation to reach the threshold.
Computer simulations showed that the presented model of the illusory contour formation is able to perform perceptual grouping ofnonadjacent collinear elements. It shows a linear response relationship with the input magnitude because dendritic inhibition counteractsrecurrent excitation. The model can explain why illusory contours are stronger with irregular placement of inducing elements rather thanregular placement and why top-down influences may prevent the illusory contour formation.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Contour integration; Dendritic computation; Illusory contours; Recurrent excitation; Top-down processing
graded strength or clarity of illusory contours with therelative size of inducing elements .
Illusory (or subjective) contours are vivid percepts of
How is sensitivity to the illusory contour formed in the
lines between the inducing elements that do not have
neural tissue? Grossberg and Mingolla proposed a
support in physical stimulation. They give rise to even
model of boundary contour system (BCS), which is able to
more complex illusory figures such as Kanizsa square
perform perceptual grouping. BCS is a two-dimensional
() or Ehrenstein figure ) . Neurophysio-
network that simulates properties of neurons observed in
logical investigations showed that many neurons in a
the primary visual cortex including simple, complex, and
monkey V2 cortex are sensitive to illusory contours. That
hyper complex neurons. In order to explain illusory
is, neurons respond as if the real contour is presented in
contour formation, they introduce a bipole cell that forms
their receptive field. These neurons respond to real
the illusory contour. The bipole cell is modelled as a
contours as well and they show similar orientation tuning
recurrent excitatory network that computes the logical
curves for real and for illusory contours. Therefore, they
AND function between two collinear but spatially sepa-
could not distinguish between real and illusory contours.
rated parts (or poles) of their receptive field. Bipole cells
Later it was found that the strength of their response
receive input from a network of complex cells that compete
depends linearly on the size of the illusory line or the
with each other in order to achieve a sharp contour
number of inducing elements up to a saturation point .
detection. However, the model was not able to simulate the
Psychophysical investigations with humans also revealed
finding that the strength of illusory contour varies withinput amplitude or number of inducing elements. The
model also does not account for the fact that strength of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +385 51 315 233; fax: +385 51 315 228.
the illusory contour depends on the placement of inducing
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elements. Irregular lines produce stronger impression of the
0925-2312/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Domijan et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2007) 1977–1982
Fig. 2. A model of the illusory contour formation based on the propertiesof dendritic computation.
inhibition from one collateral of the corresponding inhibi-tory cell. The branches also receive direct input from a
Fig. 1. Illusory figures: (a) Kanizsa square, (b) Ehrenstein figure; illusory
complex cell at corresponding locations. Furthermore, the
contours formed by (c) regular inducers or (d) irregular inducers.
output of dendritic branches multiplicatively interacts beforeit is sent to the soma. The multiplication allows excitatorycell to be active only if both of its branches receive enough
illusory contour (than regular inducing lines
excitation to reach the threshold. The excitatory cell must
. Furthermore, illusory contour formation is
receive suprathreshold activation from both sides because
not an obligatory process and it could be prevented by
illusory contours are possible only if at least two inducing
cognitive or top-down influences . Moreover, attention
elements are present. Therefore, basic property of the bipole
may prevent collinear interaction between neighbouring
cell is achieved using the dendritic multiplication.
line segments .
We also introduced two different spatial scales in order
to achieve smooth contour representation. The large-scale
2. Model description
bipole cells detect the presence of the illusory contour.
Their output is sent to the small-scale cells that smooth the
In this paper, we propose a new model of bipole cells and
contour by local recurrent interactions. Formally, the
show how is illusory contour formed based on the
network is described as
properties of dendritic computation We suggest that
the bipole cells use dendritic inhibition in order to achieve
analogue sensitivity to the input magnitude . First,
1ip þ I i w1ii hðyLiÞ
bipole cells sum inputs along its dendritic branches.
Outputs from dendritic branches multiplicatively interact
(logical AND computation) before they reach cell's body.
qÞw1iq þ I i w1ii hðyLiÞ
Therefore, bipole cell will become active only if bothdendritic branches receive enough stimulation. When it is
active, bipole cell sends inhibition to its dendritic branches
1ii gðxLi Þ þ TDi .
in order to reduce the effect of recurrent excitation. In this
way, the proposed model is able to group collinear
i denotes activity of the large-scale bipole cell at
the spatial location i and yL
elements into the illusory contour with analogue sensitivity
i is activity of the correspond-
ing inhibitory cell. The parameter A describes passive decay
to input magnitude.
that drives the cell toward the zero when no input is
The basic elements of the network are an excitatory cell
presented. Function f() describes output of the computa-
with two dendritic branches and an inhibitory cell
tion from a single dendritic branch. In the simplest case it is
The excitatory cell (empty circle in ) receives
recurrent input from other excitatory cells, whose receptivefields are collinear with it and, therefore, forming a
f ½a ¼ max½a Tr; 0n,
recurrent excitatory network (horizontal arrows at the
where Tr is a threshold, and n could be smaller, larger or
top of the ). Also it sends signal to other excitatory
equal to 1. We also studied model behaviour with a more
cells and to the inhibitory cell (filled circle in
complex and biologically more realistic sigmoid function
Excitatory and inhibitory cells are modelled as continuous-
time linear units with a threshold. The inhibitory cell has
two collaterals which contacts dendritic branches of the
excitatory cell. Both dendritic branches behave as an
Functions g() and h() describe an output from the
independent linear unit with a threshold. They summed all
excitatory and the inhibitory cells, respectively. They are
excitatory input from nearby collinear cells, and the
defined as linear above threshold as shown in Eq. (3) with
D. Domijan et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2007) 1977–1982
n ¼ 1. Feedforward input is denoted with Ii and the
and their corresponding inhibitory cells ySi are given by
recurrent excitatory input is denoted with xp and xq, where
indices p and q describes the left and the right pole of the
2ii gðxSi Þ þ TDi .
bipole cell. Indices are given by p ¼ {j: 1, y, joi} andq ¼ {j: j4i,
The small-scale bipole cells receive input from the large-
y, N} and N is a network dimension. Term,
scale bipole cells. Their lateral connections are restricted to
ij, denotes strength of excitatory feedback and, wii, denote
strength of feedforward excitatory connections. Recurrent
the nearest neighbours. Therefore, p ¼ i1 and q ¼ i+1.
connections are described with Gaussian fall-off from thecentre of the receptive field
In order to test properties of the proposed network, we
performed computer simulations by solving a set ofnonlinear differential equations (). For simplicity,
where r is either p or q, D is amplitude and s is a spatial
we ignored the second spatial dimension. Also, we ignored
spread of the Gauss kernel. Wii denotes strength of
computations in the retina and the primary visual cortex.
excitatory to the inhibitory connection. The multiplication
Instead, we focused on the properties of recurrent
between two dendritic branches is denoted with sign. In
excitatory network and its ability to connect nonadjacent
Eq. (2), term TDi describes top-down influences on
input signals into a unique perceptual group. The model
inhibitory cells which could prevent collinear contour
parameters were set to: N ¼ 30; A1 ¼ .1; A2 ¼ .001;
D ¼ 150; s ¼ 10; W1ii ¼ W2ii ¼ 1; w1ii ¼ .8; w2ii ¼ .2;
The small-scale bipole cells xSi are given by
2ip ¼ w2iq ¼ 1 for all i. Output functions f(), g() and h()
are described as threshold linear (Eq. (3)) with Tr ¼ 0 and
n ¼ 1. First, we showed that the model cells indeed behave
2ip þ gðxLi Þw2ii hðySi Þ
as the bipole cells because they do not respond when one of
its poles do not receive stimulation (dotted line).
gðxSqÞw2iq þ gðxLiÞw2ii hðySiÞ ,
Furthermore, computer simulations revealed that proposed
network is sensitive to the input magnitude as shown by
Fig. 3. Computer simulations illustrating the network behaviour.
D. Domijan et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2007) 1977–1982
different responses to different input magnitude of the right
bipole cells and consequently lead to weaker illusory
inducer , solid and dashed lines). shows a
contour when stimulus is a regular set of inducing
linear relationship between the number of inducing
elements and excitatory cell response. In this simulation,
According to Grossberg and Mingolla , illusory
inducers are added from the middle two toward ends. In
contour formation is an obligatory process that always
this way, we simulate the neurophysiological experiment
produces strong contour. However, Albert showed
described in showing increase in cell's response with
examples where illusory contours are weak or absent
increase in the number of inducing elements. These
despite the existence of collinear inducers (e.g., when
simulations illustrate that the input magnitude could be
crosses are used as inducers in We suggest that the
defined either as a strength of individual contour elements
top-down influences (attending to or recognizing certain
or as a number of contour elements within the same
perceptual groupings) may reduce the strength of the
dendritic branch. In both cases, cell response increases with
illusory contour. This may happen because inducers could
input magnitude.
be recognized as independent figures (e.g., crosses) or they
We also simulated the difference in strength or clarity of
could draw attention to itself due to their symmetry or
the illusory contour for regular or irregular placement of
parallelism. The top-down influence on illusory contour
the inducing elements described by Gillam (
formation and on collinear facilitation is explained in the
With irregular placement of the inducing elements some of
presented framework by the operation of the inhibitory
the bipole cells will receive stronger input because the
cells. We may assume that inhibitory cell receives excitation
competition between the complex cells is distance depen-
from higher visual centres when attention is directed in the
dent. Consider a case in which certain inducing element is
part of the visual scene where its receptive field is located.
isolated or placed far apart from other elements. The
This is described by the term TD in Eq. (2). The inhibitory
complex cell positioned over it will receive less inhibition
cell will distribute this top-down signal to the dendritic
compared to other complex cells. This situation is
branches of the corresponding excitatory cell and effec-
illustrated in the input vector of (dashed line). On
tively raise their threshold for activation. If top-down
the other hand, with regular placement of the inducing
signal is sufficiently strong it will completely prevent
elements, all complex cells will receive the same amount of
formation of the illusory contour and cells show no
inhibition (solid line). Due to the fact that the
response although both parts of its receptive fields are
distance between regularly spaced elements is smaller than
stimulated. This may occur when a stronger perceptual
the distance between the most isolated elements in irregular
grouping overrides the illusory figure The same
arrangement, the total amount of inhibition will be greater
mechanism also helps to explain why attention prevents
with regular placement of elements. A strong inhibition
collinear contour facilitation as observed by Ito and
between complex cells will provide weaker input to the
Fig. 4. Parametric simulations with different dendritic output functions f(). (a) Power function with exponent n ¼ .5 (solid line), 1 (dashed line), or 2(dash-dotted line). (b) Sigmoid output function with C ¼ .5 (solid line), 1 (dashed line), or 2 (dash-dotted line).
D. Domijan et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2007) 1977–1982
We checked the robustness of the model in parametric
contour. We also used local interaction between excitation
simulations shown in First, we studied how the
and inhibition on isolated dendritic branches in order to
network behaves with a different setting of exponent n in
achieve the MAX function computation. In it is
Eq. (3), which describes the output function f() of the
shown that feedforward dendritic inhibition allows com-
dendritic branches. showed cell responses of a
putation of MAX function on cell's input. Here, a
large-scale bipole cell, xLi, as a function of the input
recurrent extension of the network with dendritic inhibition
strength for n ¼ .5 (solid line), 1 (dashed line), and 2 (dash-
is used. A disadvantage of the proposed model is that a
dotted line). In these simulations, the input vector
desirable behaviour is achieved when the output of a single
represents real contour which has the same value at all
dendritic branch is linear above threshold. On the other
spatial locations i. All other parameters are set to the same
hand, theoretical analysis of the detailed model of the
values as in the simulations shown in As can be seen,
pyramidal neuron suggests sigmoid output function as a
the model shows the linear response to the input magnitude
better description for dendrites .
when the dendritic output function is linear or slower
In conclusion, the presented model of the illusory
then linear. For the faster then linear output function,
contour formation is able to perform perceptual grouping
response becomes linear at higher input magnitudes. In
of nonadjacent collinear segments. It shows a linear
we showed that the analogue sensitivity is not
response relationship with input magnitude because the
preserved for the sigmoid output function (Eq. (4)) with
dendritic inhibition regulates the signal flow and prevents
B ¼ 2 and C ¼ .5 (solid line), 1 (dashed line), or 2 (dash-
unbounded growth of activity in the recurrent excitatory
dotted line).
network Analogue sensitivity is achieved under a wide
Furthermore, we studied the model behaviour when the
variety of parameter settings and input–output functions as
strength of synaptic weights between excitatory cells (wij)
shown in parametric simulations. The model can explain
or excitatory and inhibitory cells (Wii) are systematically
why illusory contours are stronger with irregular placement
varied (not shown). For simplicity, we set all wij to be of
of inducing elements rather than regular placement and
equal strength. The basic finding is that the model achieves
why the attention or other top-down signals may prevent
analogue sensitivity as long as the synaptic weights between
the illusory contour formation. These findings could not be
the excitatory cells are kept weaker than the weights
modelled with a recent extension of the BCS proposed by
between the excitatory and the inhibitory cells. When Wii
Grossberg and Raizada and with the model of V1–V2
is set to 0, an unbounded growth of excitatory activity is
interaction proposed by Neumann and Sepp .
observed. We also showed that the network behaviour isnot altered when the excitatory and the inhibitory cells
have nonlinear output functions or when a more complexneuron model is used instead of a simple linear threshold
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Domagoj Sˇvegar is a Ph.D. student at the
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visual cortex, Vis. Res. 40 (2000) 1413–1432.
B.A. in Psychology from the University of
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Rijeka, Croatia. His research interests include
boundary processing, Biol. Cybern. 81 (1999) 425–444.
behavioural testing and computational modellingof visual working memory.
Drazˇen Domijan is an Assistant Professor ofPsychology at the University of Rijeka, Croatia.
He received B.A. in Psychology from theUniversity of Rijeka, Croatia, and Ph.D. inPsychology from the University of Zagreb,Croatia. His research interests include computa-tional modelling of visual perception, attentionand cognition. In particular, he studied howmodels of neural networks with dendrites mayhelp to explain various cognitive phenomena and
how artificial dendrites may increase computational power of neuralnetworks. He is a member of International Neural Network Society andAssociation for Psychological Science.
Mia Sˇetic´ is a Ph.D. student at the University ofZagreb, Croatia. She received B.A. in Psychologyfrom the University of Rijeka, Croatia. Herresearch interests include behavioural investiga-tions of interaction between perception andabstract conceptual processing. Also she isinterested in computational modelling of percep-tion, attention, and numerical cognition. She is amember of Association for Psychological Science.
Date d'application 1er Février 2013 Version en vigueur Prise en charge médico-chirurgicale des infections osseuses Référence(s) Ce protocole décrit la prise en charge des infections osseuses SPILF 2009, CRIOGO 2011, HAS. Références 8.g « Maitrise du risque infectieux » et Chap II. « Prise en charge du patient » Médecin, Chirurgien
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