HM Medical Clinic


Bam 05-13_layout

by Julian Hibbert, Editor
Megapixels of creationhas been a familiar and popular feature in MESSENGER
since 15 April 2011 when it first appeared. Since then 108 of our readershave submitted 760 photos for possible publication, of which approximately126 have graced our centre spread. Three of those photos were so good that they will be used in our 2014 calendar. One of them was used in our annual Directory of Churches for 2013.
These photos were submitted in response to this simple invitation:‘Whether you are a "casual snapper" or a "budding pro", it matters not (and neither does your age). All you need to do is send us your finest-quality nature photos – landscapes, wildlife, cloud formations, close-ups – anything in the UK that you thinkshows God's creation at its best.' They say a photograph is worth a thousand words – too true! For nothing seems to capture the majesty, intricacy and delicate detail of God's handiwork better than these‘snapshots'.
Keep ‘snapping'! Editor's note: The Megapixels pages are the work of MESSENGER designer, David Bell,
himself an avid nature photographer and committed creationist.
1. Mushrooms. David Anderson,
3. Stag, Belton Park. David Bell,
Canon PowerShot G2. Fuji S200EXR. 2. Foxglove. Esti Pujic,
Canon PowerShot SD950.

and prosperity are difficult to generate. This is one of the many complex reasons International development: why international development projects are needed. People want to help themselves, yetthere are circumstances outside of their it's our responsibility influence that prevent them from doing so.
by Victor Pilmoor, BUC treasurer
Projects, such as those run by ADRA, can In recent weeks we have heard in-depth help put systems in place to counter these coverage of certain legal ‘events' – namely, why he didn't plant more trees. He described circumstances and provide a springboard for the Philpott, Huhne and Pryce trials, and the Several years back I had the fortune of visiting an ADRA-UK project in a country how they took baskets full to sell on the road- local initiatives. bail hearing of Oscar Pistorius. With each that was my home more than fifty years side, but suggested that expansion would be In the UK, we are in a fortunate position in having shocked us in its own particular way.
ago. In every respect it was a pleasant pointless because ‘the traders will cheat us'. In that we have the opportunity to help people to Julian HibbertEditor another village, I found an aged widow sup- help themselves. We just have to care enough Mr Justice Sweeney
The Senanga district is 500 miles to the porting her orphaned grandchildren. She had to do so, and to realise that, as Christians, The Vicky Pryce trial became a talking point west of Zambia's capital city on the banks of fields of maize, ground nuts and other fresh we have a role to play in the eradication of over Mr Justice Sweeney's discharge of the Are we any different?
the Zambezi flood plain, bordering Angola.
produce grown and physically carried to the poverty. Jesus was once asked by a rich man jury because ‘they had not grasped the basics I know we don't hold dreadful ‘religious' trials any more, such as the Inquisition in Europe and While one can always identify sociological market 7 miles away, where she sat all day as to what he should do to inherit eternal life.
of their task.'1 Which, in turn, has led to some the Salem witch trials in colonial Massachusetts, but are all our formal discussions always above reasons for poverty, the principal cause of with similar vendors, only to come home with Jesus responded that he should sell all he had very healthy debate on whether the jury the development deficit in this instance is a pittance. I asked her why it was necessary and give it to the poor! However we wish to system should be dropped in favour of ‘trial I fear that there are moments within our Church when the two great principles of natural geographic isolation. These people live the for her to be both a producer and a vendor. She interpret this passage, we can be certain of by judges alone', or whether it's just the justice (in English law) are forgotten, to our shame.3 length of Britain from the nearest significant replied that there was no one she could rely two things: Jesus had deep concern for the ‘process' of jury selection that needs Nemo iudex in causa sua is the first of these, and simply means: ‘No person can judge
economic hub. Even if they had all the skills for upon to give her a fair return for her efforts! poor, and He offered a correction to those a case in which he or she has an interest.' This is the rule against bias, which is easily forgotten any given enterprise, they would struggle to Research observes that traditional whose hearts are so self-centred that they ex- There are pros and cons to both systems, compete. In these circumstances, our ADRA communities are rich in family trust. Mothers, perience no empathy for those less fortunate. and I am sure you have your own opinion on For example, when a member of my immediate family, or a relative, comes up for discussion project was to identify factors restricting their fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts Our ADRA Annual Appeal is a precise during a nominating committee, this rule against bias demands that I excuse myself from the progress. For some it was lack of agricultural form the fabric of reliance. When these are response to this narrative. Our purpose is to room. Failure to do so creates the conditions for a biased discussion. My presence may stifle equipment; for others it was a lack of seed disrupted through disease, natural disaster draw attention to the needs of communities frank dialogue, simply because other committee members don't want to embarrass me, or money; for many it was poor skills. Yet there or deep-rooted poverty, that network of trust for whom poverty is endemic, and to give our The bail hearing of Oscar Pistorius was a themselves, by saying anything negative.
and co-operation disintegrates. Wealth and neighbours here the opportunity to join us in massive media event, to which the BBC Once, during a very robust discussion about a project that had gone wrong, I realised with I was taken to one particular village prosperity correlate to societies rich in making a difference. Jesus, without a blush of devoted swathes of its prime time. In fact, I shock that a close relative's actions were about to be discussed. No one seemed to connect me surrounded by enormous mango trees. Seeing voluntary organisation – so, where there is cynicism, observed that ‘it is better to give heard more comments, questions and opin- with this person – and I could probably have sat quietly through the very revealing comments this as a natural opportunity, I asked the farmer no community trust and organisation, wealth than to receive'.
ions about this event than the Pope's resigna- that were to follow. But, sensitive to the situation, I felt compelled to disclose my potential bias.
tion and the horsemeat scandal combined! The rule is infinitely more challenging than this, though. What if, as chairman, I have three The unfolding story had everything a news quotes for new church carpeting before me, one of which is from a firm that has also given me a Annual Appeal 2013 Stanborough Park, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 9JZ, England Tel. +44(0)1923 681743, Fax. +44(0)1923 681744 editor could wish for: famous and beautiful good quote on a job at home? Do I admit my bias to myself and consciously strive for a fair Registered charity 1074937 (SCO37726 – IOM1101) people; violence, mystery and suspicion; a presentation of the facts, a free discussion and a vote from which I deliberately abstain? Do I ask 30 March – 14 April, UK bumbling and tainted lead investigator; wild, someone else to take the chair? (extends to 21 April in London) unsubstantiated allegations; a remorseful Bias is an insidious, elusive evil that stalks chameleon-like through our thoughts and plans. fallen hero; and a full audio recording of the I have seen it lead to meetings at ‘short notice' (to reduce representation), or having them bail summation and verdict. Powerful stuff, deliberately called when the outspoken are ‘out of town' – and a number of similar tricks! Ruthless honesty is the only defence against bias! As Polonius said: causes and risk factors, which can be found on its website at ‘This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Hilton Botha, initially the lead investigator in Thou canst not then be false to any man.'4 Age – some cancer risks increase with age.
the Pistorius case, is a policeman of twenty- Alcohol – it is related to specific cancers: for example, breast
four years' experience, with sixteen of them as Audi alteram partem is the other great principle of natural justice, and it means: ‘Hear the
a detective. But despite this, Botha chalked up other side too.' ‘It is most often used to refer to the principle that no person should be judged Bacterial infection – such as helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection,
a series of baffling forensic blunders during without a fair hearing in which each party is given the opportunity to respond to the evidence which affects the stomach lining.
his brief tenure in charge of the case, culminating in this under-oath admission Have you ever sat on a church board when it discusses a case of discipline or censure? How Body weight – this is linked to specific cancers, with some higher risks
that the state has ‘no evidence challenging the often do you hear comments like: ‘I wonder why she did that? Has anyone asked her?' How for females.
double-amputee Olympian's claim [that] he often do you see someone insisting that we ‘listen to the other person's point of view' before we Carcinogens – things that help cancer to develop: for example, tobacco
killed his girlfriend accidentally.'2 reach any conclusions? Not always – not as often as we should! Cancer: the facts – part 3a This is not just a principle of natural law; it is a feature of God's dealings with us. From the Diet – a regular lifestyle of eating foods high in salt, fats, red meat,
word go, the God who could excuse Himself on the grounds of His omniscience makes an at- Examining causation and risk factors
processed foods, lack of fibre and few or no fruits and vegetables.
tempt to ‘hear the other side too'. He asks Adam and Eve to tell Him their side of the sin story: In the previous Enhancing Health column we had an opportunity to Environment – tobacco smoke, overexposure to the sun, natural and
‘Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" ' (Genesis 3:13, NIV-UK.) review the data highlighting the key risk factors and causes of cancer man-made radiation, workplace hazards and asbestos.
Are we a listening Church? Are we patterning our ministry after that of Jesus? Are we open to in the UK. In this and subsequent issues we take a close look at the Genetic makeup – the BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer genes are
the lonely woman at today's well? Can we listen to her narrative, and love her in international picture on cancer, as well as putting the suggested risks examples of cancers relating to genetic predisposition.
spite of it? Can we join the sharp businessman at his home, listen to his and causes under the microscope to distinguish fact from fiction.
narrative and rejoice in his penitence? Immune system – compromised immune systems like those found
Let's commence with a brief look at how cancer develops. Cancer among HIV patients or individuals taking an immunosuppressant to begins with changes in a cell, or groups of cells, when cells start to prevent organ transplant rejection.
divide and reproduce out of control. Normal body cells have the ability So we have two ‘new' essential principles to govern our next committee Physical activity – lack of exercise.
to reproduce themselves exactly, stop reproducing at the right time, meeting: 1) nemo iudex in causa sua – remember that ‘no person can
stay together in the right place and become specialised, mature and Smoking – related to lung cancer, but also to other cancers
judge a case in which he or she has an interest'; and 2) audi alteram
self-destruct if they are damaged. None of this happens with cancer where smoke passes over other organs: for example, mouth and partem – please just ‘hear the other side too'.
cells. They don't stop reproducing, don't obey signals from other cells, don't stay together, are neither specialised nor mature, and don't die if Viruses – human papilloma virus (HPV), hepatitis B and C viruses,
they relocate to another part of the body (http://www.cancerresearchuk. human T-cell leukemia virus and the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
Over the years many of us have heard numerous ‘reports' as to the The next issue will reveal more.
4Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3, 78-80 cause of cancer and what raises its risk. Cancer UK lists the following

the Berean column ordinary, unremarkable businessmen formed interest. For people with more an alliance with a view to channelling funds to severe visual impairment we with Andrew Puckering the struggling elderly (since they found that provide large-print (A3-size) other needy groups were targeted by other bulletins and a large-print Bible.
charity organisations). Other ordinary people For mobility-impaired people assisted those in need around them in different we have a number of chairs Picture a baby, filthy and writhing in its own ways, paying a medical bill here, importing interspersed in the sanctuary blood – unloved, unpitied, born to foreigners, goods that could be sold, paying school fees, with armrests, as well as spaces and thrown into the field. That baby, said struggling to keep an orphanage going. . Not for wheelchair users, again God to His prophet Ezekiel, represented His everybody gave up and left – some interspersed between the regular people (Ezekiel 16:1-5). God saw His people, expressly stayed, even though life and loved them, and made them grow and would have been so much easier In February of last year our thrive, and become beautiful, and they became elsewhere – because they church installed a fully compliant His own (Ezekiel 16:6-14). Then – horrifically – they couldn't bear to abandon accessible toilet, with excellent took His food, His clothing, His jewellery, all that He had given the helpless to their fate.
wheelchair user access and them, and used it to cheat on Him with foreign gods – even Those ordinary people – handrails with highly contrasting sacrificing the children He had given them to idols (Ezekiel by Elize Hibbert
those who needed help, and backgrounds, to assist mobility- 16:15-34). What is God alluding to here? How is God those who provided it – were I would like to endorse Charles impaired people who may also glorified in this passage? caught up in whirlwinds that were not Lamont's comments in the have visual impairment.
We can get some idea in Psalm 106: God's people were of their making or choosing. Not in their MESSENGER of 14 September Although we have used sinners, and He rescued them from Egypt (Exodus 12:31-42) It happened before; it can happen again.
most dreadful nightmares could they (vol. 117, iss. 19) regarding portable front entrance ramps for – but they didn't understand, and rebelled against Him by the have seen themselves in such a readability, but in a much broader a number of years, a planning Red Sea (Psalm 106:6, 7). They saw the Egyptians coming It happened elsewhere; it can happen here.
situation. Not there; not them. context, as I feel every Seventh- application has been submitted to after them, and panicked. Were there not enough graves in day Adventist church has a the council for the installation of a Egypt, they said, that the LORD brought them out to die in Something ominous lies ahead
proactive role to play in making its permanent, fully compliant ramp the wilderness? Surely, they said, it would have been better Could it happen to us? Could it activities accessible to all people.
with handrails and so on.
to stay in slavery (Exodus 14:10-12). Nevertheless, God saved them By the time we joined the Division office staff in 2003, inflation was officially upto 598.75%. Our salaries continually happen here? Around us are sounds of At Derby Chester Green Church We have budgetary (Psalm 106:8-12).
lagged behind, as salary re-adjust- international economic panic – we hear we produce a Sabbath ‘bulletin' constraints, as do many Then they travelled for three days without water, and when they ments were voted only every couple of novemdecillion percent words of foreboding on the news – from with a minimum character size of churches, but it is our intention eventually found some it was bitter. Forgetting that the LORD had months. In between these adjustments, we (65 followed by 107 experts. We read about it in the papers.
14 point, as recommended by the to include a loop system for just demonstrated His power over water, they murmured – but were sometimes given cash top-ups to keep zeroes). We left at the end This financial pack of cards could come RNIB (Royal National Institute for hearing-impaired people, and data nevertheless, He made the water fit to drink (Exodus 15:22-25).
us going. When receiving our salaries (in cash, of 2006, so we didn't see tumbling down very quickly – just as we the Blind), and although we have projectors – particularly, but not Then they complained about the food, saying again that they should because there was a severe limit on daily the worst of it. experienced first-hand. yet to print this on yellow paper, specifically, for visually impaired have stayed in slavery, where they could eat as much as they liked bank withdrawals), most of us would spend It has happened before. Sometimes in again as recommended by RNIB people – large-print hymnals, and (Exodus 16:1-3). God took it patiently, and gave them food (Exodus whatever we could and change the rest into places we consider far away, or imprudent, for easier reading, it is our 16:13-15). Later on, they rejected God's food, the manna from hard currency to keep its value. There were What happened to the ordinary people living or improvident. Surely, here and now, we will intention to do so in the near On the wayside pulpit, we have Heaven, and craved the food of slavery again instead (Numbers plenty of currency dealers about. through these extra-ordinary times, many of survive; the imprudent, or improvident, will be future. Organisations such as placed individual impairment- 11:4-9). God was angry, but He gave them meat, although it didn't whom were elderly? Many had lived frugally stopped! This is what we hope. But there are ‘Churches for All' and ‘Through specific symbols to enable people do them any good (Numbers 11:31-35). He gave them laws for and saved what they could. Others built up sinister portents, even in the Bible, and we the Roof' recommend the use of to see which impairment needs their benefit, and delighted in them (Deuteronomy 10:12-15). They As conditions deteriorated, the basis of the businesses, invested and planned for a know there is a time coming when people will symbols for the benefit of people we primarily provide for, with the responded by making an idolatrous cow (Psalm 106:19, 20).
economy – agriculture – was systematically comfortable retirement – only to be made not be able to buy or sell unless they have a with learning difficulties, and intention of adding to this as There's a very definite pattern here! God's longsuffering goodness destroyed and many thousands of jobs were paupers by inflation! There were those who certain mark in their forehead, and in their this is something we have also progress is made.
is cast back in His face, seemingly non-stop.
shed. Businesses couldn't survive the harsh received a monthly pension that was less than hand (Revelation 13:17). And we are given introduced to our bulletins. I should like to take this God knew this pattern would continue in the Promised Land, and conditions and folded one after another, leaving the cost of a loaf of bread. a powerful image in Revelation of how the Unintentionally, the use of opportunity to encourage all He warned them that when they had eaten and drunk, when their increasing numbers of desperate urban jobless Some of the ordinary people who were merchants of the earth will weep to see the symbols has proven to be helpful Adventist churches to undertake a hearts were full, when they were satisfied with His good things, they roaming the streets. Printing presses ran night badly affected were young, and they saw their destruction of that power with whom they used to churchgoers whose first survey of their access needs.
would be in danger of forgetting Him (Deuteronomy 8:7-17). Moses and day, printing money. Inflation roared prospects for employment or study vanish into to trade (Revelation 18:11-19). We do not language is not English. Some local authorities have an prophesied that they would in fact do this, and charged them with thin air. Many people were struggling just to presume to know every detail of how these Additionally, symbols can ‘access officer', often located in remembering his words (Deuteronomy 32) – and as it turned out, For instance, one year we bought three survive. Pavement gardens flourished. Any prophecies will be fulfilled – but there does encourage children to feel the planning department, who they did forget God, and did sacrifice their children to idols and return air tickets to London for 47 million local open space was cultivated just for survival, seem to be a portent of coming economic ruin more involved in the church by will visit the church and provide demons (Psalm 106:35-39). God was angry, and did punish them dollars, and took the cash to the travel agency something to eat. Those who could, left.
– whether in observable events as they unfold, providing visually interesting – for correction, as a good father would his children (Deuteronomy in three suitcases, where it was counted by Legally and illegally. Those people who could or whether as predicted by prophecy. We content that may encourage their RICHARD SHAW 8:5; Psalm 106:40-43). Then we get that wonderful word counting machines. The sale of counting help themselves, helped themselves – in would be wise not to put our faith in the ‘Nevertheless' again. ‘Nevertheless He regarded their affliction . .' machines soared. various ways – but, as always, there were economy, not to base our security on banks Welsh Mission Triennial Session. Notice is hereby given that the Triennial Session of the Welsh
(Psalm 106:44, NKJV). ‘Nevertheless I will remember My covenant Now and then over a weekend, we those who were particularly vulnerable.
and financial systems, not to depend on our Mission of Seventh-day Adventists will be held on Sunday 9 June 2013 in the Cardiff Seventh- with you in the days of your youth . .' (Ezekiel 16:60, NKJV). In would tackle the 600km journey to the border, investments – even on money under the day Adventist church. Registration will take place in the church from 8.30 to 9.30am, and spite of their crimes, He returned to them, and healed them.
replenish our grocery supplies in the dusty, mattress! Experience has shown that all of delegates must register before participating in the proceedings of the session.
J. SURRIDGE (PRESIDENT) AND P. LOCKHAM (SECRETARY) God was at pains to stress to the Israelites that He wasn't unglamorous cross-border town, and return In a neighbouring country, an ordinary person these can crumble, devalue and become blessing them because they were ‘righteous'. They weren't early on Sunday, having tasted economic started a fundraising initiative; with funds worthless – and it can happen very quickly! (Deuteronomy 9:4-7). They had always been rebellious normality for a brief interlude.
donated, he bought basic foodstuffs and other I hope you and I – ordinary people – do 10 Coventry Central 10am-2pm (Deuteronomy 9:24). God blessed them because He loved them necessities, and crossed the border with his not become victims of such extra-ordinary 17 Manchester South 10am-2pm (Deuteronomy 7:7, 8). It's a similar story with God's people, convoy of pick-ups, from old-age centre to circumstances. But if we do find ourselves in 24 Bedford 10am-2pm Christians, today. We're not saved because of our ‘righteousness', We didn't know it then, but those were the old-age centre, a trip of 4,000km at a time, the middle of such turmoil and chaos – with but through His grace in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:7-9). True good times. In 2006 the local dollar was re- distributing tinned and dry goods, flour, tea, or without the means – I hope we will join 7 John Loughborough 10am-2pm love is revealed, not so much in our love for God, but in His denominated at the rate of 1 dollar to 1,000 old toilet paper, soap, toothpaste – things we take the ranks of the ordinary folk who make a 7 Croydon 10am-2pm overwhelmingly exorbitant love for us (1 John 4:9, 10). How dollars. After three more re-denominations, by difference. And I hope we will be among the much more reason than the Israelites do we have to be grateful! 18 July 2008 one egg cost 50 billion dollars, Tears flowed as the goods were received.
ordinary folk who know Him in whom we can ABC Shops
Watford, BUC, Monday-Thursday – 12.30-5pm, Friday – 10am-2pm.
• From what slavery might we need to be released? (Romans 6) and cash withdrawals were being limited to Those who donated time, money and goods trust, whatever the circumstances.
Birmingham, Aston-Newtown, Wednesday – 11am-4pm, Thursday – 4pm-8pm,
• Do we ever yearn to return to slavery? (Romans 7) 100 billion dollars per day: not enough to buy a were ordinary people, not government Let's take these words to heart: ‘Let your Friday – 9am-1pm, Sunday – 11am-3pm.
loaf of bread! The estimated inflation rate was agencies. Not international aid organisations.
conduct be without covetousness; be content • To what do a dog and a pig return? (2 Peter 2) Advent Centre, Mondays & Wednesdays – 6.30pm-8.30pm,
40-50 million percent, and difficult to calculate Those who received them had never dreamed with such things as you have. For He Himself Sundays – 11am-3pm, Saturdays – November, December, January: After sunset.
• How might the Christian's heart be ‘lifted up' to forget God? due to the shortage of goods in the shops that life could throw such deprivation at them. has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake • What promise is given in 1 John 1 to those who confess their by which to make comparisons. By Inside the country another group of you." ' Hebrews 13:5, NKJV.
and sanitariums, 351 clinics and dispensaries, and 132 nursing homes and retirement centres appearing in the official records of theChurch (Yearbook 2011) and countless other institutions run by dedicated, independent, Great plans for Prague supporting members. It is wonderful to note the commitment of this huge band of workers.
By chance or Intelligence: Our professionals have also kept on the cutting edge of knowledge and technology.
Many studies demonstrate the validity of the What does science really The forthcoming European Health Conference in
messages God has given us, and the world is Prague, Czech Republic, promises to be an outstanding
recognising the advantages of following thiscounsel.
event. Here the MESSENGER editor quizzes TED Health
director, Stephen Cooper, about it.

Editor: I am sure you have some top-notch
by Albert A. C. Waite, PhD
speakers arranged? Editor: Steve, tell our readers what you have
thoughts on the philosophy, mission and planned for Prague.
challenges of serving in the twenty-first Stephen: Yes, we are thankful that many
finches suggested that they all the past ten million years, is evidence to refute this account.
century. The reports of our healing ministries excellent health professionals have been able descended from one pair of The other two experiments Stephen: It will be the Church's first all-
in the various countries served by the three to arrange their busy programmes so that they finches (common descent) – is in ‘On average, for humans to with the shells provided European health conference, and it will be Divisions will also be of great interest.
can speak at the conference.
Towards the end of 2012, I walked the beaches ofthe Algarve, Portugal, randomly collecting pretty agreement with Scripture: ‘And achieve a mutation like this by information which confirmed that sponsored by the Trans-European, Inter- shells. Back at the villa I spread God created . . every winged chance, we would need to wait a size and age are not related. It European and Euro-Asia Divisions. It will take Editor: Why is this emphasis on health so
Editor: What should our readers do for more
them out, in no particular order, fowl after his kind' (Genesis 1:21, hundred million times ten million would therefore be wrong of me place from 29 April to 4 May this year.
information about the event? on a garden table to dry – a KJV). However, Darwinian biology years. Since that is many times to conclude only from my line of random arrangement.
extrapolates backwards from the age of the universe, it's shells, arranged according to Editor: What will the conference cover?
Stephen: Firstly, according to Scripture there
Stephen: Please go to www.european-health-
I then deliberately arranged the first pair of finches to an reasonable to conclude the fol- size, that the largest is the oldest is a close link between physical and spiritual There you will find details them in a line from the largest imaginary first cell that lowing: No mutation that is of the and the smallest the youngest.
Stephen: The overall theme is: ‘Healing –
health: ‘Beloved, I pray that you may prosper regarding the presenters, summaries of the to the smallest. In the line there supposedly arose by chance from same complexity as chloroquine The theory of evolution, as Perceptions, Expectations and Facts'. It will be in all things and be in health, just as your soul topics being presented in the workshops, and were shells of different colours nothing. This concept is taught resistance in malaria arose by proposed by Darwin, and which explored through science, faith and culture, prospers.' 3 John 2, NKJV. Paul also reminds video messages from the various presidents and no colour (opaque), differing to unsuspecting students as Darwinian evolution in the line eliminated the need for an with a strong spiritual emphasis. The various us: ‘. . do you not know that your body is the and health directors. It is also the place to numbers of rings and different scientific fact, and is strongly leading to humans in the past ten intelligent Creator, is based topics will be discussed in plenary sessions temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom register for the conference.
shapes. Could I conclude from supported by Richard Dawkins million years.' (Behe, pp. 60, 61.) on some simple untested and in workshops, and will include: you have from God, and you are not your this arrangement, with respect to in his various books.
That being so, we concur with observations similar to my line of Depression Recovery, Forgiveness and own?' 1 Corinthians 6:19, NKJV. All attending Editor: Stephen, anything else our readers
size, that the largest shell was the In contrast, Michael Behe, Behe that the elegance we shells arranged according to size.
Healing, Healing Ministry in the Community, will find principles and techniques which oldest and the smallest the Professor of Biological Science observe in biological systems, But according to Behe et al, Nutrition in Health and Disease, Genetics and will help in their own personal life and give at Lehigh University, summarised1 and more so at the minute cellular science has produced evidence to Healing, Lifestyle in the Prevention and guidance as they help others. Secondly, Stephen: Yes. We want our members to know
I then arranged the shells in the findings of many twentieth- level, ‘did not arise by random show that the Darwinian principle Treatment of Disease and Healing in the through the writings of Ellen White this Church that all are welcome to attend this important another line according to colour century scientists thus: ‘The mutation and natural selection'. alone could not account for all Family. Reports will be given on the received its marching orders on health. She conference, whether health professionals, intensity, with the darkest colour only way to get a realistic It is therefore not scientifically variations seen in nature.
neurobiology of the body clock, advances said, ‘We should not be silent upon the pastors or laymen. This investment of time at the top, and gradually getting understanding of what random valid to expect the ‘unintelligent' I have listened to first-year in prevention and treatment of cancer, subject of health, but should wake up minds and means will have untold benefits for each lighter to colourless. Again there mutation and natural selection process of random mutation and Biology students ‘preaching' the pharmacology, the healing properties of plants to the subject.' EGW Letter 4, 1863. In other one personally and to the church, institution, were shells of different shapes, can actually do is to follow natural selection to produce doctrine of evolution, based on and alternative healing methods. There will instances she counselled that it is the ‘right or family represented. Prague is beautiful in numbers of rings and sizes changes at the molecular level.' the complexity we see in the the one-step random mutation also be opportunities for arm' of the message. This blended ministry May and there will be time to explore this appearing randomly in the line.
(Behe, p. 10.) A review of many ‘wonders of life' around us. process taught as scientific fact those in the healing is very important as plans are laid for our outstanding and historic city. In fact, a tour of Could I now conclude that the scientific publications over many Neither is there any scientific by their professors. What their mission to the cities. Reformation sites is being planned for one of darkest shell was the oldest and years provides Behe with the support for Darwinian common professors have not told them is Thirdly, worldwide we have 167 hospitals the afternoons.
the lightest the youngest? information to conclude: ‘. .
descent of living organisms that it requires imputed informa- Finally, I arranged the shells there have been absolutely no through simple random steps.
tion (intelligence) to produce Editor: Thanks, Stephen, and blessings on the
according to their numbers of studies that document that large Behe is emphatic about this: complexity. There is no scientific rings, from most rings to no animals [including finches] ‘Time and again, by intentionally evidence to show that beneficial rings. Once again there were change in the way Dawkins reasoning about animal life on changes beyond the one-step shells of different shapes, sizes supposes.' Behe comments Darwinian principles, the best mutation have been demon- and colours appearing randomly further on the reality of random minds in science have been strated. On the contrary, rigorous in the line. Did I now have mutation: ‘Darwinian evolution misled. They justifiably expected science, as demonstrated by adequate information to conclude cannot pursue a future goal.' randomness and simplicity, but Behe et al, has demonstrated that that the shell with most rings was (Behe, p. 112.) That is, Darwinian discovered depth of elegance, there could be no complexity in the oldest and no ring the evolution cannot predict and order, and complexity.' (Behe, life without an intelligent input of pursue any development from Charles Darwin was a a simple cell to a complex Returning to my shells, they The Bible is not primarily a meticulous observer of nature, show variation with respect to scientific book. Yet in Genesis and carried out some fascinating Behe applies the available size, colour, and number of it deals with origins and the comparisons in his day. His work scientific data to the probability rings. Nevertheless, a case can foundation of science. The orderly on the Galapagos Islands, where of humans evolving by chance be made for common descent creation testifies to the presence finches showed differences in from a simple cell, and comments: from an original shell producing of a guiding Intelligence, and a beak shape that matched the type ‘The likelihood that Homo the variety observed, and in result unachievable by Darwinian of food they ate, contributed to sapiens achieved any single the same way we argue that all his theories of common descent mutation of the kind for malaria to human beings have common As Christians, we can be and variation in life through the become resistant to chloroquine descent from Adam and Eve confident with, ‘In the beginning, process of random mutation and [an anti-malarial drug] . . , the guided by informational input natural selection.
likelihood that such a mutation (intelligence) from God 1All page references are from: Michael J.
Darwin's conclusion – that the could arise just once in the entire (Genesis 1:28; 2:7, 21-23). The Behe, The Edge of Evolution: The Search for observed variation in the beaks of course of the human lineage in sciences have not provided any the Limits of Darwinism, Free Press, 2007.
to clarify what the LA reviewwas intended to achieve.
The review took place between 19 April and 22
with four panellists
John Loughborough representing the Church.
The discussion was aboutthe future of JLS and optionsfor its improvement, with the SEC representatives strongly opposing closure ofthe school. They were only able, however, toget an agreement to seek Academy Status asan alternative to closure, but the date set forthe disclosure of the review findings was set by Opal Johnson-Christie, SEC Education director
for September 2012, so as not to negatively
affect the pupil numbers for the 2012-2013
academic year.
This is a summary of the official report on the efforts being made by the
The conclusion drawn by the LA – that JLS was not financially viable, in spite of South England Conference to retain the John Loughborough School.
contributions made by the Church – was challenged, leading to the amendment of the In December 2011the John Loughborough voluntary-aided Seventh-day Adventist school. report.
School (JLS) was placed in the Special The plan included the engagement of a con- Further meetings were held with the LA Measures category for the second time sultant head teacher with a proven record of (1 August), and the DfE, the LA and one of the
in recent years. Once aware of this, the rapid school improvement. Another meeting prospective sponsors (6 September). Then,
SEC administrators and the Conference's between the various parties and the LA was on 10 September, the prospective sponsor
Education director arranged a meeting with held on 24 January in order to further clarify
met with the SEC Education director, the JLS the Haringey Local Authority (LA) for 20
certain matters relating to the forthcoming LA head teacher and a school governor to dis- December. The purpose of the meeting was to
review of the school.
cuss the school's improvement plan, and to ascertain the LA's commitment to the future of Then on 16 February the JLS governor
ensure that the sponsor's proposals reflected the school, and to discuss the idea of a trans- and head teacher, the consultant head teacher the needs of the school.
formational plan that would prevent the issu- and a LA representative attended an Ofsted There were three meetings with the DfE ing, by the Department for Education (DfE), of meeting to be informed about the actions and at which proposals were presented and an order to close JLS.
procedures that are taken by the Office for discussed with officers in the Office of School On 5 January, 2012, a further meeting was
Standards in Education (Ofsted) relating to Commission (OSC) at the DfE. Further DfE held with the LA during which the Board of schools in Special Measures. Two church concerns were addressed during a meeting Governors (BG) presented a transformational representatives were invited to a further between the sponsor and the SEC executive plan aimed at keeping JLS open as a meeting with the LA on 29 March, this time
committee on 21 September, which in turn
led to the drafting of a Memorandum of Under-
standing between the SEC and the potential
sponsor (26 September) that was carefully
vetted for ‘legal soundness' by the SEC legal
representative, and by the SEC president to
ensure that it protected the denomination's
‘distinctive beliefs'.
This sponsor's application has been unsuccessful. Since then, there has been on-going telephonic, email and personal contactbetween the sponsor's representatives, theSEC Education director, the JLS head teacherand the chair of the Board of Governors, inorder to ensure that everything is done for thebest good of the pupils and the school.
In addition to the above, public awareness of the value of John Loughborough School isbeing promoted through the services of a pro-fessional PR company, the parent body andalumni participation, and direct communica-tion with the larger Adventist community, including the London Area Advisory Council.
By the time you will have read this report, the school will have undergone another monitoring visit by Her Majesty's Inspector.
We continue to solicit your prayers and Top ten Year 11 GCSE students 2011-12:
support for the preservation of our school.
1: Eleven subjects (six A*, five A). 2: Eleven subjects (five A*, five A, one B). 3: Eleven subjects (five A, five B, During the second period of consultation, one C). 4: Eleven subjects (two A*, one A, four B and four C). 5: Ten subjects (two A*, four A, three B, one C).
which ended on 18 February, the governors
6: Nine subjects (three A, four B, two C). 7: Nine subjects (three A, two B, four C). 8: Ten subjects (one A, four and other stakeholders put forward other B, five C). 9: Nine subjects (five B, four C). 10: Eight subjects (two A, six B).
proposals. We await the outcome of the LA's Over the last five years, the school has attained similar results. In particular, the attainments decision at the end of April 2013.
of a significant group of Seventh-day Adventist students attending JLS, which have surpassed A comprehensive and more detailed report those of other students in the borough and in local churches.
is available from the Education department ofthe South England Conference.
Editor: Will non-ASI members be
ASI update able to attend this seminar?
Jim: ASI's approach to all of its
sponsored events is that they are
open to everyone. I'm particularly
keen that those in their teens and
twenties attend.
ASI-UK annual Editor:Deborah, thanks for being Deborah:Church members have
part of the interview. You are the often had the mistaken perception fresh new face of ASI-UK. Please that ASI-UK is a clique of senior tell us who you are, and what you business people, or that its main think you can do to ‘build the ASI focus is on the churches outside of London. I hope that the committee, under Jim's dynamic The editor speaks to Jim Cunningham (president) and
Deborah: Julian, I've actually
leadership, will plan to start a Deborah Harris (vice-president) of ASI-UK about the
been involved with ASI-UK London chapter – or at least latest developments in their organisation.
since 2010, having first been arrange some events that will introduced to the association target the churches there.
the previous year. I'm a member There are a lot of members Editor: Jim, you have just held
reaching the indigenous people living in London and now serve who would benefit from the a very successful ASI-UK has been abysmal. We've had as vice-chairman of the organisa- community and the centres for convention. Please tell our a little success in raising tion. I currently attend Central discussion that ASI provide each readers about it.
awareness among some of the London Church and I am really year. We've seen a good number membership. However, we have excited by ASI's plans for the of new members already, and I'm Jim: Yes Julian, it will be a
been greatly encouraged by the looking forward to seeing how pleasure to do so. Our convention lead given by Pastor Ian Sweeney, this can engage even more had three clear objectives: to who sees it as a prime reason for Editor: Knowing that you are
people from London.
be intellectually, spiritually and the Church's existence in this well-known within the London Adventist community, can we Editor: Well, Jim and Deborah,
Dr Laurence Turner helped us expect to see more ASI recruits thank you for keeping our readers to achieve the first one through Editor: ASI-UK also seems to
from that vibrant section of the up to date with developments in his excellent seminar on the first support a Creation model that chapter of Genesis. Pastors Ian involves short timescales – Sweeney, Victor Hulbert and one that is true to the Genesis For more information about joining ASI-UK, either contact Christine Manners-Smith at Julian Hibbert gave thought- account. Do you have anything [email protected] or visit their website at
provoking sermons on three special planned in this regard? successive days, addressing thesecond. Members representing Jim: Julian, I found Laurence
the ethnic diversity of our British Turner's explanation of Genesis Church mingled with each other, chapter 1 during our recent con- some late into the evening, ference fascinating. It is based on thereby achieving the third.
textual evidence set in the culturalcontext of the time when Genesis Editor: I know that, under your
was written. To add to that, in leadership, ASI has tried to partnership with Stanborough remind the Church that more Park Church, we are organising needs to be done to reach the an Intelligent Design seminar for indigenous population of the UK the afternoon of 1 June, to be with our message. How do you presented by Professor John rate your success? Walton and Dr Alistair Noble. Thiswill be held at the Stanborough Jim: As a Church, our success at
Park church.
The church-plant in Wakefield, West Yorkshire will celebrate its
ninth birthday in November 2013. Not only has it benefited by
members moving to the area, but during 2012 it recorded the

On Sunday 16 December, 2012,
baptism of five precious souls, and is eagerly looking forward to
Great Brickkiln Street Church
becoming a company.
buzzed with ‘baptismal'
The candidates were Metiya Ikowa (formerly a Baptist); Serumu
excitement as Pastor Steve
Adjenughure; Chiyevo Nyamayedenga; and mother and daughter,
Palmer baptised two of its pre-
Ruth and Naya Deacon. Naya played a key role in her mother's
cious youth: Jordanne Hudson-
return to church.
Allen and Rhiannon Jackson-Hyatt.
Pastors Micah Campbell and Barry Stokes officiated.
Portsmouthbaptise nine On 26 January 2013 nine candidates
were baptised at Portsmouth Church,
six of them teenagers. Pastor Dejan

Stojkovic, SEC Youth director, was the
At Newbold Church I speaker, and Pastors Tihomir Zestic
witnessed (2 February) and Robin Lewis did the baptising.
the testimony of One candidate, Kristof from Bognor
Clebson Braga from Regis, had been a Catholic for fifty years, and
Brazil. This young man emigrated from Poland eight years ago. He knew nothing about
has come to study Seventh-day Adventists, and drank and smoked ‘without a care
for the ministry at in the world'. He met one of the church members in 2010 while
Newbold College. His working as a hospital chef. One day Kristof asked Phil if he knew any
daughter, held in his local churches, but, not realising that he meant Adventist churches,
Phil said ‘No.'
miraculously healed from leukemia. Together with his wife and two other Then Kristof started searching for a church and found the
Four young lives for Jesus! children, he gave thanks for God's gracious intervention in her life.
truth when he stumbled across an online presentation on the Ten
BRIAN PILMOOR Commandments. With his background this was new to him, but he
Recently Oxford Church accepted four young new members into their
continued reading the Bible until he found out about the Sabbath.
fellowship: Jesse Victory, a young musician who has grown up in the
He then stopped working on Saturdays, and Phil found out about
Oxford congregation; Jonathan Svensson, originally from Spain,
this. Kristof said he was now a Seventh-day Adventist and was
where his fiancée led him to the Lord; Angela Chiurugwi, who learnt
looking for an Adventist church. Phil introduced Kristof to Andrew
about the Adventist faith on the internet; and David Lee, a former
(an elder) and Pastor Lewis. The rest is history, and as Kristof learnt
member who is back.
more about the Bible he decided to get baptised. He says no one
Pastor Ian Sleeman performed the baptisms.
witnessed to him or knocked at his door – it was God who led him to
the truth, and he is not looking back!

Luckyboy raised to ‘life' Bradford Central and Holmewood churches met on Sabbath 21
January to see Luckyboy Tozana raised from a watery grave by

Lowestoft Church shared in both the baptism (24 November) and the
Pastor Dan Dachin, who was supporting Pastor Isaac Liburd.
marriage (2 December) of Andrew and Valentina Jenkins late last
The roads were snowy and the landscape wintry, but nothing
year – joined by members from Norwich and Great Yarmouth.
daunted the members that day. In addition to the joyous baptism they
The marriage service was conducted by Pastors Rio Espulgar and
held their 2013 Pathfinder induction service, with thirty-eight
Bertie de Nysschen.
Pathfinders and Adventurers present.
Pastor Johnson'svisionAccording to the NEC Communication director, PastorPeter Jeynes, their president hascast a vision for the next fewyears of his administration. Pastor Lorance Johnson calls itthe ‘Nehemiah principle', and it is about ‘rebuilding people,restoring relationships and inspiring excellence'. Through it Langley dedication he and his team of enthusiastic On 12 December last year the Langley church witnessed the dedication pastors want to promote opti- of Jesiah John Joseph by Pastor S. M. Gill.
Winter concert raises almost £2,200 mum spiritual health in the NEC.
ROHEET SUBRAI Although the programme may take a while to fully draft and then Minyoung Bae and Victoria Balan, two talented Adventist music promote among the churches, Pastor Johnson is clear about this students, gave a concert at Stanborough Park Church on the evening important fact. Its first aim will be to encourage everyone to build a of 19 January, helping to raise almost £2,200 towards the church's ‘real' relationship with God by reading the Bible and other spiritual building fund.
literature – including the books of Ellen White. According to him: ‘If the They are both studying at the Royal College of Music. Victoria is in Library of Congress in Washington can keep a copy of Desire of Ages, her final year, studying the violin, and Minyoung is a third-year student and regard it as the best commentary on the life of Christ, then we studying the piano. Minyoung, originally from South Korea, has lived in should surely be using her books too!' England since the age of 10, and Victoria is from Moldova.
The vision appealed to the pastors too. Pastor Samuel Appiah felt On this occasion they were persuaded to perform an entire concert, that ‘This is the way for spiritual growth in our conference,' while Ikwisa with Minyoung playing piano works by Mendelssohn, Chopin and Mwasumba said the plan was: ‘Very spiritual. Unless we are focusing Prokofiev, Victoria playing violin works by Mozart, Szymanowski and de on the basics – on the Word and on prayer – we will not be able to Falla, and friends performing piano and guitar accompaniments.
JUNE COOMBS progress higher.'PASTOR PETER JEYNES, NEC COMMUNICATION DIRECTOR Christmas partiesIn December 2012 Nottingham Creating champions AMR CERTIFICATE COURSE 2013
Central Church held two parties.
From every corner of the South England Conference, they came – On Sunday (16 December) they A four-part training series that will enable you to witness to Muslims more than 450 youth – all heading for the Young Adventists' Leadership had a church party, and this is and help you give effective Bible studies Banquet, at Trunkwell Mansion House, Reading.
how Arabella Douglas, one of the Why should we reach Muslims?
The young people came dressed for the occasion and it went far smaller partygoers, saw things: • Islam is the fastest‐growing religion.
beyond their imagination. They enjoyed a waiter-served three-course ‘My mama and papa took me • Islam has much common ground with Christianity.
meal, first-class spiritual entertainment and a glittering awards • The love of Jesus needs to be shared with everyone.
to a party at church. I loved the music. It made our games of We will be sharing practical, informative resources and
The purpose of the banquet was to celebrate the achievements of musical chairs, pass the parcel inspiring testimonies from excellent worldwide speakers.
the many volunteer youth leaders and their teams around the South and musical statues lots of fun. I England Conference. Dr Steve Thomas, SEC Youth director, assisted by dressed as Queen Esther for the fancy dress competition. I didn't win.
10 February • 2 June • 1 September • 8 December
his wife Lurline, handed AYS appreciation awards to each youth society, Mama face-painted the children. There were angels, animals and other with an ‘Outstanding' award to the Lewisham church. There were also 10am-5pm@The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London W1H 5JE
colourful faces. I'm glad my mama could help. The party was fun and leadership awards; lay preachers' plaques; and recognition of the made me very happy.
The price has been heavily subsidised by the AMR outstanding youth projects of 2012: JAM Ministries (Area 6b), Prayer department and includes lunch on all four days. For
A few days later (18 December) the church held a successful senior and Faith Conference (Thames Valley Youth Federation), ABCDE more information and an application form, contact:
citizens' party for its Tuesday Club members.
(Homeless Project), PULSE (Thames Valley Youth Federation) and WENDY FORESTER the New Life Church Youth Club.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘South England Conference'
Pastor Kevin Johns, SEC Pathfinder director, gave an award to the and sent to AMR Department, 25 St Johns Road, Watford, WD17
Hackney Pathfinder club as the outstanding club for the year, and the 1PZ with the completed application form as soon as possible.
Welsh Mission Triennial Session
Pathfinder of the Year award was received by Adeleen Satchwell from Notice is hereby given that the Triennial Session of the Welsh Mission of Seventh-day Adventists will be held on Sunday 9 June ‘It was an amazing event!' ‘Out of this world!' ‘I can't wait for the 2013 in the Cardiff Seventh-day Adventist church. Registration next one!' Such comments say it all.
will take place in the church from 8.30 to 9.30am, and delegates Reflecting on the evening, Dr Thomas said, ‘I applaud the dedication must register before participating in the proceedings of the and hard work of the volunteers who commit so much time and energy to the work of youth ministry in the SEC. . Tonight we invested in the J. SURRIDGE (PRESIDENT) AND P. LOCKHAM (SECRETARY) future of our Church by creating champions!' CATHY BOLDEAU Alana sincerely loved her upon Tyne, where Proctor and Health expos work inthe NEC obituaries Saviour and had great faith in Gamble had their HQ, and four
Him. She always attended church years later the family moved to and did not miss a prayer meet- Ascot, the base for Ken's new The North England Conference Health ing. She basked in the belief and position as sales director in Ministries director reports that their health hope in the second coming of her Alana May
scenes. She coped with all the expo programme is delivering very positive Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
His horizons widened again in housework herself, and if that ANASELIA MORRIS, COMMUNICATION LEADER, results, especially in Blue Coat Academy 1974 when he was asked to set up 2012) d. 19
was not enough she held down where it has been run for four consecutive the company in Japan, and he and a second job outside of the Ken Hammond
Esmé moved to Kobe for two home. Alana was definitely a At this school the health expo is used (1926-2013) d. 4
years. Here Ken learned to speak ‘Supermum'. In addition to all as a powerful tool to motivate the students January. Ken
Japanese and they enjoyed new this, she served as treasurer and to begin living healthier lives, and to friendships with Adventist deaconess for many years.
augment the Health and Social Care members in Osaka, in particular Mountain, St Mary, Jamaica. She Some of her happiest moments curriculum with the NEWSTART principles. The teacher concerned is the young student missionaries attended Retreat School, but due were on Friday evenings, while teaching at the English language thrilled with the excellent results she is getting in her GCSEs. During to lack of opportunity she had no preparing for church the next day.
school. Back in the UK, they their fourth annual health expo in November last year, the school had formal professional training in She reminded her family of an of proud parents Bill and Elsie.
returned happily to their old more than 200 participants from among the students and the staff! those days. However, she more excited child getting ready for her Elsie, Ken and his younger sister haunts in the north-east and their According to Yvette Saunders at Blue Cote school: ‘The health expo than exceeded her potential.
first day at school.
Beryl regularly attended the friends at Newcastle Church.
provides various aids that assist the students in achieving a high grade Alana married Titus Cameron The family never broached the Portsmouth Seventh-day When Ken retired in 1985, still in in their exams, because it gives them the practical aspect to the theory and they were blessed with subject of religion in the house, Adventist church, and this the prime of life, he left behind a that they study.' Lionel, Linton, Valentine, as they just knew this was a set a pattern for Ken's lifelong successful career with one of the GRACE WALSH, NEC HEALTH, COMMUNITY AND DISABILITY MINISTRIES DIRECTOR Glenmore, Lewis, Joy and Iain.
losing battle. She knew and commitment to the church he world's best-known companies.
Titus emigrated to England ahead understood Scripture very well.
loved and the Christian faith His reputation as a Christian of his family, but before Alana They were regularly reminded that shaped his values and gentleman of integrity, ability and could join him she was baptised that God rested on the seventh humanity was evident from the as a Seventh-day Adventist, as day of the week, and that they In 1944 Ken was called up many tributes he received at the she had already been attending should worship and praise Him and sent to Northumberland as a the church for some time. In on that day.
‘Bevin Boy', where he worked in Ken and Esmé chose 1957, on the day of her baptism, Alana was a lovely person, coal mines deep under the North Lyndhurst for the first home of her pastor gave her a lift to the very caring and compassionate.
Sea. The following year, he went their retirement, and during baptism on his motorbike. It was She loved her seven children, to University College, those years Ken gave valuable held at the church in Port Maria, eighteen grandchildren, and seven Southampton, to study French.
service on many national and Parish of St Mary, some 15-20 great-grandchildren equally, and Here he met a Barry girl, Esmé international church committees, enjoyed having them round her.
Leach, and they were married sharing the management skills In 1957 she joined Titus in the She was their best friend, their in August 1949, after he had and wisdom he had gained from UK, but she returned in 1962 to sister, and, most importantly, completed his teacher training.
his years in the world of business.
care for her four sons, whom she their sounding board. The family Ken's professional life began as For Ken's remaining years he and had had to leave behind.
adored her, and life will not be the junior French master at Esmé were much-loved stalwarts Two years later Alana returned the same for them without her.
Fifty years of independence for Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago were Thetford Grammar School in of Southampton Church.
to Titus in Northampton with a Alana had an admirable love celebrated by the Oxford church on 15 December last year. Pastor Cecil Norfolk, where he won the In 2005 Ken and Esmé view to bringing their family for walking, covering incredible Perry was the morning speaker, and after a brief history of the islands respect of fellow staff and decided it was time to downsize, together as soon as possible. distances, especially in the he preached a stirring sermon on the blessed hope of the Lord Jesus students alike with his efficient and selected a lovely flat with They succeeded in purchasing summertime. That's how she organisation, excellent discipline spectacular views across the a home in 1965. Sadly, Titus kept fit, and when the roads got This was all followed by a scrumptious lunch and an afternoon and enthusiastic involvement in Solent at Milford-on-Sea. Rich pre-deceased her in 1990.
too slippery for her, she went programme centred around the lives of Caribbean professionals living school life.
and active years for them both Alana had a very active church Northampton General Hospital to After the birth of his two were still to follow, as they shared life and she was very disciplined walk in the warmth of Hospital daughters it became clear that a many happy times together with SOPHIA NICHOLLS in her faith, never deviating from Street. She was indeed a legend.
teaching salary was insufficient their cherished family. On the its principles. On Sabbaths there Her sudden death shocked to support a family, so in 1957 first Thursday of the New Year, was no TV, sports, or cooking both her family and her church Ken began what was to become Ken arranged a meal to mark a before sunset in her home.
an illustrious career with the special anniversary where the In 1995, at the official Alana's life was celebrated at company Thomas Hedley, later family met together to celebrate, opening of Highlands Avenue her funeral service at Highlands Proctor and Gamble. He quickly little knowing that these were to Church, Alana was given the Avenue Church at 10am and made his mark as a salesman, and be the last moments they would honour of cutting the ribbon to Queen Grove Methodist Church the family became accustomed share with him. Ken passed away mark its church status.
at 11am on 11 January 2013.
to the peripatetic lifestyle that on 4 January.
She did not relish being in the Pastors Cyril Sweeney, Aster followed. A promotion for Ken At his committal on 25 spotlight; therefore most of her Bruce, and John Ferguson con- required a move to Newcastle January, led by Pastor James work was performed behind the ducted the most beautiful service. Huzzey, family and friends fondlyremembered Ken, much-lovedhusband of Esmé, father of Pennyand Rebecca, grandfather ofKieran, Bridie and Ben, and friend and mentor to many. His Leonard and Ann Taylor of favourite Bible text now seems so Weston for Waka Waka Bodmin Church celebrated their When Alva Gallaher read the Waka Waka appeal in 2012's 12 October diamond wedding anniversary ‘I have fought a good fight, I MESSENGER he asked the children of Weston Church if they would like to (sixty years) on 15 December last have finished my course, I have help. All the boys and girls eagerly got together, and through November year. Two days later the church kept the faith: Henceforth there and December found various ways of raising funds. Donations of their members honoured them at is laid up for me a crown of pocket money and sales of their own arts & crafts, along with sales of church with flowers and a gift.
righteousness, which the Lord, donated items, resulted in the children raising £238.50 for ADRA. Now The Taylors also received a the righteous judge, shall give me that the cost of a lamp is only £10, their efforts mean that twenty-four special congratulatory card from at that day. . (2 Timothy 4:7, 8, more families in Africa can live safer and their children study longer! Her Majesty the Queen.
KJV.)PENNY MAHON PHOTO: LEN SITTON A. BLACKBURN 24 back page Stanborough School vacancies
Stanborough School, an independent Seventh-day Adventist Christian co-educational school with a strong and established academic tradition and a family atmosphere, seeks to employ the following volunteer staff: Volunteer ICT Technician, commencing 15 April 2013
The first Ministry of Healing andPrayer (MOHAP) retreat for 2013 took place at the Advent Centre in • Provide hardware and software technical support; • Help assess the central London on 27 January. technical and functional capability of existing systems and contribute to Approximately 130 attended from the strategic plans of the department; • Maintain the IT department's across the UK. Many came with a asset register; • Administer daily backup of networked data and assist burden of sickness, but departed in the restoration of same; • Help maintain the department's at the end of the day with a intranet; • Undertake additional duties as required by the IT manager.
lightened load, as they were Volunteer Assistant Dean, Boarding School (Boys),
encouraged throughout the day Volunteer Assistant Dean, Boarding School (Girls),
to cast their cares on Jesus and commencing 21 August 2013
to trust in Him.
Pastor Cecil Perry reminded those present that the One who • Caring for all sick boarders and coping with any emergencies or wields power over sin is the same accidents in the boarding house; • The routine organisation of all One who has power over all aspects of the physical care of boarders, and sharing the duties of the sicknesses. Dr Chid Ngwaba's presentation stressed that prevention boarding house with the other Housemaster/Matron; • Assisting the is better than cure, and provided guidance on improving one's health Housemaster/Matron and resident staff to plan and carry out a varied using a natural approach. Marlene Levy's presentation focused on the programme of activities for boarders after school and on weekends; importance of prayer, with regards to the emotional and mental aspects • In an emergency, caring for day pupils may be required; • Providing of wellness and healing.
support for the Housemaster/Matron and maintaining a safe, pleasant Pastor Simon Martin encouraged attendees to pair up with a person environment for boarding pupils; • Maintaining a warm, friendly previously unknown to them and pray for that person's needs. In the atmosphere in the boarding school so that parents, governors and afternoon Pastor Bertie De Nysschen provided an opportunity for school visitors feel welcome.
individuals to engage in quiet meditative prayer. It was wonderful to witness people thoughtfully and earnestly praying for their own needs Stanborough School is committed to safeguarding and promoting and for those of others.
the welfare of children and young people, and expects all staff Pastor Humphrey Walters explained the biblical purpose of the to share this commitment.
anointing service, and eleven pastors from around the SEC provided Successful applicants will be entitled to £175 per month stipend, anointing, pastoral counselling and prayer in a very reverent and necessary expenses, accommodation and free meals.
Spirit-filled atmosphere. Interested applicants please contact: [email protected].
The next MOHAP retreat is on 31 March at the Balham Seventh-day Adventist church. Information will soon be available on Closing date: 5 April 2013. For queries, contact: [email protected] or phone 07407 692 256.
JANET HAMILTON Volume 118 • 5 – 8 March 2013 Editor: J. G. Hibbert
Contributing Editor: Dr D. N. Marshall
Design: David Bell
COPY FOR No. 6 – 21 March 2013 Copy should be sent to the Editor, MESSENGER, The Stanborough Press Limited, Alma Park, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 9SL. Tel: (01476) 591700. Fax No: (01476) 577144. ABC Sales line: (01476) 539900 Mon-Thurs only, 8am- 5.30pm.
The Editor may alter, clarify, précis or expand articles sent to him if he thinks it necessary.
Published fortnightly on Fridays by the British Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
For general enquiries, email: Printed in the UK.
Visit the BUC website at:
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ARD Online First, published on June 8, 2013 as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-203419 Clinical and epidemiological research Treating spondyloarthritis, including ankylosingspondylitis and psoriatic arthritis, to target:recommendations of an international task force Josef S Smolen,1,2 Jürgen Braun,3 Maxime Dougados,4 Paul Emery,5Oliver FitzGerald,6 Philip Helliwell,5 Arthur Kavanaugh,7 Tore K Kvien,8Robert Landewé,9,10 Thomas Luger,11 Philip Mease,12 Ignazio Olivieri,13John Reveille,14 Christopher Ritchlin,15 Martin Rudwaleit,16 Monika Schoels,2Joachim Sieper,17 Martinus de Wit,18 Xenofon Baraliakos,3 Neil Betteridge,18Ruben Burgos-Vargas,19 Eduardo Collantes-Estevez,20 Atul Deodhar,21Dirk Elewaut,22 Laure Gossec,23 Merryn Jongkees,18 Mara Maccarone,18Kurt Redlich,1 Filip van den Bosch,22 James Cheng-Chung Wei,24 Kevin Winthrop,25Désirée van der Heijde26


Journal of Ethnopharmacology 113 (2007) 100–110 Medicinal perceptions of vegetables traditionally consumed by South-Asian migrants living in Bradford, Northern England Andrea Pieroni , Laura Houlihan, Nafeesa Ansari, Bushra Hussain, Saiqa Aslam Division of Pharmacy Practice, School of Life Sciences, University of Bradford, Richmond Building, Richmond Road, Bradford BD7 1DP, West Yorkshire, UK