J. Viet. Env. 2014, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 77-83
DOI: 10.13141/jve.vol6.no1.pp77-83
Identification of antibiotic-producing Bacillus
sensu lato isolated from national parks of
Hoang Lien and Phu Quoc in Vietnam
Phân loại các loài vi khuẩn Bacillus sensu lato sinh kháng sinh phân lập tại vườn Quốc Gia Hoàng Liên và Phú Quốc
1 Department of Vietnam Type Culture Collection, Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vietnam National Uni-versity, Hanoi, 144-Xuan Thuy-Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam; 2Department of Medical Microbiology, Bach Mai hospital, 76-Giai Phong-Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam
Many lipopeptide antibiotics produced from
Bacillus sensu lato (
Bacillus s. l.) against drug-resistant bacteria have been recently reported. To explore the potential production of the antibiot-ics from this group of bacteria in Vietnam, we collected 38 soil samples from two national parks of Hoang Lien and Phu Quoc and isolated 411
Bacillus s. l. strains. Of those, 22 strains had antag-onistic activity against both susceptible
S. aureus and
E. coli. The strains were further tested on drug-resistant bacteria collected at Bach Mai hospital and 20 strains demonstrated antagonistic ac-tivity against at least 2 of 18 drug-resistant bacteria
K. pneumoniae,
E. coli,
A. baumannii and
S. aureus. Analysis of 16S rDNA sequence showed that most of the broad spectrum antibiotic pro-ducers were
Paenibacillus species whereas narrow spectrum antibiotic producers were
Bacillus species. Strains PQH 0103 and PQH 0410 were probably produced novel antibiotic agents as they suspected to be novel taxa in
Paenibacillus genus. Moreover, strains PQH 1509 and PQH 1702 produced broad spectrum antibiotics were identified as
P. chitinolyticus. To our best knowledge, there is no report on antibiotic production from this species. Further elucidation of chemical struc-ture of antibiotics produced from
Bacillus s. l. isolated in soils of Vietnam is needed.
Gần đây, nhiều kháng sinh lipopeptide từ vi khuẩn
Bacillus sensu lato (
Bacillus s. l.) có khả năng sinh kháng sinh kháng vi khuẩn kháng thuốc đã được phát hiện và công bố. Để tìm hiểu khả năng sinh kháng sinh của nhóm vi khuẩn này ở Việt Nam, chúng tôi tiến hành thu thập 38 mẫu đất tại vườn Quốc gia Hoàng Liên và vườn Quốc gia Phú Quốc và phân lập được 411 chủng vi khuẩn
Bacillus s. l.. Trong số đó, 22 chủng có khả năng sinh kháng sinh kháng 2 chủng vi khuẩn
S. aure-us và
E. coli nhậy cảm thuốc. 20 trong số 22 chủng này có hoạt tính kháng ít nhất từ 2 đến 18 chủng kiểm định kháng thuốc thuộc các loài
K. pneumoniae,
E. coli,
A. baumannii và
S. aureus. Dựa trên kết quả phân loại bằng trình tự gene 16S rRNA, các chủng
Bacillus s. l. sinh kháng sinh phổ rộng là các loài
Paenibacillus trong khi đó các loài sinh kháng sinh phổ hẹp là
Bacillus. Trên cây phát sinh chủng loại, chủng PQH 0103 và PQH 0410 có thể là những loài mới và có tiềm năng sinh các chất kháng sinh mới. Hơn nữa, chủng PQH 1509 và PQH 1702 sinh kháng sinh phổ rộng được phân loại vào loài
P. chitinolyticus. Đây là loài chưa có công bố nào về khả năng sinh chất kháng sinh và có thể là loài sinh chất kháng sinh mới. Nghiên cứu giải mã cấu trúc chất kháng sinh từ các loài
Bacillus s. l. phân lập tại Việt Nam cần được làm rõ trong tương lai.
Keywords: antibiotic, antimicrobial agent,
Bacillus sensu lato, biodiversity, drug-resistant
bacteria and identification.
* Corresponding author
[email protected]
J. Viet. Env. 2014, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 77-83
1. Introduction
formed under biological safety cabinet class II in a re-
Since the discovery of penicillin, hundreds of antibiotics
stricted area of the Institute.
originated from microorganisms have been discovered,
developed and used in medical clinics for treating infec-
2.2 Soil sampling and bacterial isolation
tious diseases (Walsh, 2003; Mandell et al., 2005). How-
ever, pathogenic bacteria exposed to antibiotic-containing
Thirty-eight soil samples were collected at a depth of 10
environments can mutate their DNA content or acquire
cm at two national parks of Hoang Lien (18 samples) and
resistant genes by the mean of horizontal gene transfer in
Phu Quoc (20 samples) in November, 2010 and 2011,
order to develop their own resistant mechanisms which
respectively. For each sample, 10 grams of soil were
result in the formation of drug-resistant bacteria (Toeno-
dispersed into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 90
ver, 2006; Alekshun and Levy, 2007).
ml of NaCl 0.85%. After shaking at 220 rpm for 30 min,
the bacterial supernatants was collected and heated at
Emergence of drug-resistant bacteria is major global
80oC for 10 min in order to eliminate vegetable cells. The
health threat associated with high mortality rates and
treated supernatant was then diluted and plated into Nu-
medical costs. In a recent joint technical report, the Euro-
trient agar (Becton Dickinson and Company, France).
pean Medicines Agency (EMA) in collaboration with
After incubation at 25oC for 5 days, colonies demonstrat-
Action on Antibiotic Resistance (ReAct) estimated that at
ed distinct characteristics of size, colour, surface texture
least 25,000 patients die each year in the EU from an
and margin were collected and stored at -70oC in LB
infection due to drug-resistant bacteria (Freire-Moran et
broth containing 20% glycerol.
al., 2011). In USA, the death occurs in one of five patients
infected with methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
2.3 Antagonistic activity test
(MRSA) and there are more death arising from invasive
MRSA infection than from AIDS patients (Dougherty and
From fresh cultures grown on nutrient agar,
Bacillus s. l.
strains were streaked on TSB agar (Becton Dickinson and
Company, France) and incubated at 28oC for 28 h. Using
Although antibiotic resistance occurs in many bacteria
sterile steel roll with a diameter of 6 mm, agar plugs were
Enterococcus faecalis,
Staphylococcus aureus,
prepared and transferred onto nutrient agar inoculated
Klebsiella pneumonia,
Acinetobacter baumanni,
with certain bacterial indicators. After overnight incuba-
monas aeruginosa and
Escherichia coli (or the ESKAPE
tion at 35oC, a clear inhibition zone surrounding agar
bacteria) are the most considerable group of drug-resistant
plugs was reported as positive result.
bacteria (Shlaes, 2010). This group possesses a high risk
of hospital acquired infection and can relate to outbreaks
2.4 16S rDNA sequencing analysis
of diseases (D'Souza et al., 2010; Taneja et al., 2010).
Thus, discovery of new antibiotics exhibiting the activity
Bacterial DNA was extracted by soft lysis method. Brief-
against this bacterial group is crucial needed.
ly, fresh bacterial cells were treated in 0.2 ml of lysis
buffer (100 mM Tris HCl, 100mM Na2EDTA, 1.5 M
Recently, many lipopeptide antibiotics produced from
NaCl, 1% cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB),
Bacillus sensu lato (
Bacillus s. l.) have been reported (He
pH 8.0) added with 50 µl of SDS 20%. After mixing vig-
et al., 2007; Wu et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2012). This group
orously for 20 sec, the cells were incubated at 65oC for 2
of antibiotics shows highly effectiveness against drug-
h. An equal volume of chloroform : isoamyl alcohol (49 :
resistant bacteria in
vitro and
invivo (Ding et al., 2011;
1) was added to precipitate protein by a centrifuge step at
Huang and Yousef, 2014). In order to explore the antibi-
16,000 g for 5 min. The upper layer of DNA solution was
otics from microbial resource in Vietnam, we isolated and
transferred into a new tube, precipitated with cooled iso-
identified antibiotic-producing
Bacillus s. l. in two na-
propanol, and washed with cooled ethanol 70%. The
tional parks of Hoang Lien and Phu Quoc.
DNA pellet was suspended into TE buffer and stored at -
20oC for further analysis.
2. Materials and methods
For 16S rRNA gene amplification, approximately 50 ng
2.1 Bacterial indicators
of template DNA was incorporated into 25-µl reactions
containing 1x PCR buffer, 1U Taq polymerase (KaTaRa),
Two common susceptible bacteria of
Escherichia coli
125 nM of each dNTP, and 400 nM of each universal
VTCC-B-482 and
Staphylococcus aureus VTCC-B-658
primers 27F and 1525R. The PCR conditions were 95oC
available at Vietnam Type Culture Collection were in-
for 5 min, following by 35 cycles of 30 sec at 95oC, 30
volved into primary screening test. Additionally, 18 drug-
sec at 55oC and 1min 45 sec at 72oC. The PCR products
resistant bacteria of
S. aureus (3 strains),
E. coli (6
were confirmed by gel electrophoresis and then purified
K. pneumoniae (6 strains) and
A. baumannii (3
using a commercial DNA extraction kit (Qiagen). Nucleo-
were kindly received from Department of Medical
tide sequences were analyzed with universal primers
Microbiology, Bach Mai hospital. Antibiotic susceptibil-
1492R, 800R and 518F on 3100 Avant Genetic Analyzer
ity of the bacteria was tested using disk diffusion method.
(Applied Biosystem). Quality of nucleotide chromato-
The resistance profiles were interpreted using documents
gram was checked and edited with Chromas lite 2.1.
guided by Clinical Laboratory and Standard Institute
Nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequences ( 1.5 kb)
(CLSI). All of viable drug-resistant bacteria were per-
were assembled using Clone Manager 8.0.
J. Viet. Env. 2014, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 77-83
2.5 Phylogenetic analysis
on the antibiotic susceptibility profiles, 3 strains of
aureus were sensitive to phenicol, glycopeptide and oxa-
All of the 16S rDNA nucleotide sequences were retrieved
zolidinone but resistant to penicillins, second generation
from GenBank. The sequences were aligned using Clustal
of cephalosporin, amiloglycoside, fluoroquinolone,
W. Phylogenetic tree was constructed by neighbour-
fosfomycin and macrolide; 6 strains of
E. coli and 6
joining method using MEGA 5.
strains of
K. pneumoniae were completely resistant to
penicillins, all generations of cephalosporin, fluoroquino-
3. Results and discussion
lone and fosfomycin; 3 strains of
A. baumannii were resistant to penicillins, all generations of cephalosporin,
amiloglycoside, fluoroquinolone, fosfomycin and poly-
3.1 Isolation of Bacillus sensu lato
myxin. As the pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotics
in more than three antimicrobial categories, they were
Bacillus s. l. is a large and diverse group of endospore-
considerable to be multidrug-resistant bacteria (Magio-
forming bacilli that occupies in various natural habitats.
rakos et al., 2011).
This group consists of at least 37 genera belonging to
three families Bacillaceae, Paenibacillaceae and Alicy-
clobacillaceae (Goldman and Green, 2009). Based on
characteristic of heat-resistant endospores, vegetative
bacterial cells of heterotrophic soil bacteria were elimi-
nated and the isolation of endspores was performed. To-
tally, 411
Bacillus s. l. strains were isolated from 38 soil
samples collected at Hoang Lien and Phu Quoc national
3.2 Screening for antibiotic-producing
Bacillus sensu lato
3.2.1 Primary screening
Figure 2. Antagonistic pattern of 20 Bacillus sensu lato
strains against drug-resistant bacteria
Primary screening for antibiotic-producing
Bacillus s. l.
was carried out using two susceptible
S. aureus and
Of 22
Bacillus s. l. strains selected for further test, 9
coli available at VTCC. Of 411
Bacillus s. l. strains, 66
strains produced antibiotics against 4 species of drug-
(16%) strains demonstrated antagonistic activity against
resistant bacteria
K. pneumoniae,
E. coli,
A. baumannii
one or two bacterial indicators. Of those, 17 strains had
S. aureus; 3 strains had antagonistic activity against 3
activity against only Gram-positive
S. aureus; 27 strains
species of drug-resistant bacteria
K. pneumoniae,
E. coli
against only Gram-negative
E. coli; and 22 strains against
S. aureus; 8 had antagonistic activity against only
both Gram-positive
S. aureus and Gram-negative
E. coli
S. aureus; and the other 2 strains did not
show antibiotic activity (Figure 2). Based on antagonistic
pattern, the first 12 strains were classed into broad spec-
trum antibiotic producer and the latter 8 strains were
classed into narrow spectrum antibiotic producers (Figure
2). Of broad spectrum antibiotic producers, 4 strains PQH
0103, PQH 0113, SPH 0904 and SPH 0603 had antibiot-
ics against all of the tested drug-resistant bacteria.
3.3 Identification of antibiotic-producing
Bacillus sensu lato
16S rDNA nucleotide sequences of 22
Bacillus s. l. strains were analyzed. Based on the closest match with
type strains in the Eztaxon-e database, the bacterial strains
were classified into 4 genera
Bacillus (7 strains),
bacillus (13 strains),
Tumebacillus (1 strain), and
bacillus (1 strain). In
Bacillus, the bacteria were identified
Figure 1. Number of Bacillus sensu lato strains
B. aryabhattai (1 strain),
B. cereus (3 strains),
B. pu-
produce antibiotics against susceptible S. aureus and
milus (1 strain),
B. safensis (1 strain) and
B. vireti (1
E. coli.
Paenibacillus had
P. elgii (2 strains),
P. jamilae (3
P. chytinolyticus (2 strains),
P. peoriae (1 strain),
3.2.2 Secondary screening
P. terrae (4 strains) and
P. chibensis (1 strain). Only one
species obtained in each of the two last genera was
Antibiotic production was further tested on 18 bacteria
permanentifrigoris (1 strain) and
V. arenosi (1 strain).
K. pneumoniae,
E. coli and
A. baumannii. Based
J. Viet. Env. 2014, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 77-83
Totally, 13 species were identified from of 22
Bacillus s.
nibacillus and
Tumebacillus genera. Interested in the
l. strains (Table 1).
broad spectrum antibiotic producers, the phylogenetic tree
Paenibacillus species was constructed. Strain PQH
Most of the
Bacillus s. l. strains had the 16S rDNA nucle-
0103 and
P. tianmuensis formed a separate clade with
otide similarity greater than 99.3%. However, 4 strains
other closely related species
P. elgii,
P. koreensis and
designated as PQH 0103, PQH 0410, PQH 1601 and PQH
ehimensis; strain PQH 0410 also located distantly from
1005 showed a low 16S rDNA similarity value which was
chibensis and others (Figure 3). The result confirmed two
in a range from 97.8% to 98.6% (Table 1). All of the
potential novel species of
Paenibacillus genus. Further
strains were isolated from soils of Phu Quoc national
assignment of those strains to species level is needed.
parks and probably presented novel taxa in
Table 1. Identification of antibiotic-producing Bacillus sensu lato based on Eztaxon-e database
No. Strains
Type strain (accession no.)
similarity (%)
enibaci llus elgii
SD 17 (AY090110)
Pa e n i b a c i llus elgii
SD 17 (AY090110)
n i
cillus jamilae
CECT 5266 (AJ271157)
n i
cillus jamilae
CECT 5266 (AJ271157)
Paenibaci llus jamilae
CECT 5266 (AJ271157)
Paenibacillus chytinolyticus
IFO 15660 (AB021183)
Pa e n i b a c i llus chytinolyticus
IFO 15660 (AB021183)
n i
cillus peoriae
DSM 8320 (AJ320494)
SPH 0410
Paenibacillus terrae
AM141 (AF391124)
SPH 0808
Paenibacillus terrae
AM141 (AF391124)
SPH 0204
Paenibacillus terrae
AM141 (AF391124)
Paenibacillus terrae
AM141 (AF391124)
Pa e n i b a c i llus chibensis
JCM 9*905 (AB073194)
Ba c i l l
u s
FO-036b (AF234854)
ac i l l
LMG 21834 (AJ542509)
Ba c i l l
u s aryabhattai
B8W22 (EF114313)
c i l l u s pumilus
c i l l u s cereus
ATCC 15479 (AE016877)
c i l l u s cereus
ATCC 15479 (PRJNA 57957)
c i l l u s cereus
ATCC 15479 (PRJNA 57957)
cillus permanentifrigoris
Eur 19.5 (DQ444975)
cillus arenosi
LMG 22166 (AJ627212)
* The strains did not
show antagonistic activity against drug-resistan tbacteria
Except for strain PQH 0410, all of the strains identified as
thetic mechanisms, the antimicrobial agents are classified
Paenibacillus were grouped into broad spectrum antibi-
into two types of ribosomally synthesized peptides and
otic producers. Four strains PQH 0103, PQH 0113, SPH
nonribosomally synthesized peptides. Ribosomally syn-
0904 and SPH 0603 identified as
P. elgii and
P. jamilae
thesized peptides or bacteriocins can exhibit a relatively
produced antimicrobial agents against all drug-resistant
narrow range of antimicrobial activity as paenibacillin
P. chibensis PQH 0410 and
Bacillus species
produced from
P. polymyxa (He et al., 2007), paenibacil-
produced antibiotics against only Gram-positive
S. aure-
lin P and paenibacillin N produced from
P. alvei (Anan-
us. Although
T. permanentifrigoris PQH 1005 and
daraj et al., 2009), pumilicin 4 produced from
B. pumilus
arenosi SPH 0408 demonstrated antibiotic activity against
(Aunpad and Na-Bangchang, 2007), lichenicidin pro-
two susceptible
S. aureus and
E. coli, none of those could
duced from
B. licheniformis (Dischinger et al., 2009;
inhibit the growth of drug-resistant bacteria.
Begley et al.,
2009) and haloduracin produced from
halodurans (Lawton et al., 2006). Our
Bacillus strains and
Bacillus s. l. species have been known to produce a dozen
P. chibensis PQH 0410 showing antagonistic activity
of peptide and lipopeptide antibiotics. Based on biosyn-
J. Viet. Env. 2014, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 77-83
against only Gram-positive
S. aureus probably produced
strains probably produced antibiotics related to polymyx-
bacteriocin antibiotics.
Nonribosomally synthesized peptides show broader spec-
Search for new polymyxin derivatives that are less toxici-
tra of activities against bacteria or fungi (Abriouel et al.,
ty to human and higher efficiency against resistant bacte-
2011; Lee and Kim, 2011). After discovery of penicillin,
ria is being received a considerable attention in antibiotic
some of lipopeptide antibiotics from
Bacillus s. l . have
discovery from
Bacillus s. l.. Many new lipopetide antibi-
been used in medical clinics for treatment of infectious
otics are recently discovered and reported from
diseases; they are gramicidin (from
Brebacillus brevis),
bacillus species such as pelgipeptins from
P. elgii strain
bacitracin (from
B. subtilis) and polymyxin (from
P. pol-
B69, cyclic lipopeptide antibiotics PE1 and PE2 from
ymyxa). Of those, polymyxin is playing an important
ehimensis strain B7 and octapeptin B5 from
P. tianmuen-
agent in antibiotic therapy of Gram-negative resistant
sis strain F6-B70 (Ding et al., 2011; Qian et al., 2012;
bacteria such as
A. baumannii,
P. aeruginosa,
K. pneu-
Huang et al., 2013). In phylogenetic tree, those species
monia và
E. coli (Urban et al., 2010). In phylogenetic
were grouped in the same cluster (Figure 3) but the strain
tree, the
P. jamilae strains SPH 0603, SPH 0904 and PQH
PQH 0103 formed a distinct clade which is expected to
1504 and
P. peoriae SPH 1208 were grouped in the same
produce novel lipopeptide antibiotic.
cluster of
P. polymyxa (data not shown). Therefore, the
Paenibacillus elgii HOA73 (JQ412069)
Paenibacillus elgii SD17 (AY090110)
PQH 0113
Paenibacillus elgii B69 (GU321104)
Paenibacillus koreensis YC300 (AF130254)
Paenibacillus ehimensis B7 (JX282195)
Paenibacillus ehimensis IFO 15659 (AB021184)
Paenibacillus tianmuensis F6-B70
PQH 0103
Paenibacillus gansuensis B518 (AY839866)
Paenibacillus chitinolyticus IFO 15660 (AB021183)
PQH 1702
Paenibacillus cookii LMG 18419 (AJ250317)
Paenibacillus relictisesami KB0549 (AB567661)
Paenibacillus chibensis NRRL B-142 (D85395)
Paenibacillus azoreducens CM1 (AJ272249)
Paenibacillus favisporus GMP01 (AY208751)
Paenibacillus cineris LMG 18439 (AJ575658)
Paenibacillus rhizosphaerae CECAP06 (AY751754)
Paenibacillus polymyxa DSM 36 (AJ320493)
Figure 3. Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rDNA nucleotide sequences of Paenibacillus species
Antibiotic produced from
P. chibensis also published by
onistic activity against both susceptible
S. aureus and
Lorentz et al., 2006. This study showed the strong ability
coli. Of those, 20 strains demonstrated antagonistic activi-
against fungal pathogens of antibiotic produced from
ty against at least 2 of 18 drug-resistant bacteria of
chibensis contributed to enhance biocontrolling potential.
E. coli,
A. baumannii and
S. aureus. Analy-
Specially, to our best knowledge, in six researched spe-
sis of 16S rDNA sequence showed that most of the broad
cies from
Paenibacillus genus, there was no report on
spectrum antibiotic producers were
Paenibacillus species
antibiotic production from
P. chytinolyticus. Therefore,
whereas narrow spectrum antibiotic producers were
we expected that this species produced a potential novel
cillus species. Strains PQH 0103 and PQH 0410 were
probably produced novel antibiotic agents as they sus-
pected to be novel taxa in
Paenibacillus genus. Moreover,
4. Conclusions
strains PQH 1509 and PQH 1702 identified as
P. chi-
tinolyticus produced broad spectrum antibiotics. To our
Of 411
Bacillus sensu lato strains isolated from national
best knowledge, there is no report on antibiotic produc-
parks of Hoang Lien and Phu Quoc, 22 strains had antag-
tion from this species. Further elucidation of chemical
J. Viet. Env. 2014, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 77-83
structure of antibiotics produced from the
Bacillus s. l.
handbook of microbiology. CRC Press.
isolated from soils in Vietnam is needed.
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and structural elucidation of its broad-spectrum
lipopeptide antibiotic" Appl Environ Microbiol 78
This study was supported by National foundation for
Science and Technology Development (Nafosted) under grant number 106.03-2012.19 and a microbial resource
[13]! He, Z., D. Kisla, L. Zhang, C. Yuan, K. B. Green-
programme from Ministry of Science and Technology.
Church and A. E. Yousef 2007. Isolation and
identification of a
Paenibacillus polymyxa strain that
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SOMMAIRE G.MENTHA (Genève) F.-R. PRUVOT (Lille) J.-Y. MABRUT (Lyon) Kyste biliaire simple et formes compliquées P. PESSAUX (Strasbourg) Polykystose hépatique J. HARDWIGSEN (Marseille) Cystadénome biliaire, cystadénocarcinome et autres tumeurs malignes kystiques O. SCATTON (Paris)
PRODUCT INFORMATION NAME OF THE MEDICINE Granisetron Kabi Concentrated Injection Granisetron hydrochloride has the following chemical structure: Empirical formula: Molecular weight: The systematic chemical name is endo-N-(9-methyl-9-azabicyclo [3.3.1] non-3-yl)-1-methyl-1H-indazole-3-carboxamide hydrochloride. DESCRIPTION Granisetron hydrochloride is a white to off-white crystalline powder which is freely soluble in water and sodium chloride 0.9% at 20°C. Granisetron Kabi Concentrated Injection contains granisetron hydrochloride equivalent to granisetron free base 1 mg/mL. It also contains sodium chloride, citric acid monohydrate, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide and water for injections. PHARMACOLOGY Granisetron is a potent anti-emetic and highly selective antagonist of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT3) receptors. Radioligand binding studies have demonstrated that granisetron has negligible affinity for other receptor types, including 5-HT, alpha1 and alpha2, beta-adrenoreceptors, histamine H1, picrotoxin, benzodiazepine, opioid and dopamine D2 binding sites. Antagonism of 5-HT receptors located peripherally on vagal nerve terminals