Case Report of Eosinophilic Gastroenteropathy and a
Sandra Roberto A,1, Rómulo Bonilla G, MD,2 Gabriel Pérez G, MD.3
1 Fourth year medical student at the Hospital
Universitario de Santander of the Universidad
Introduction: Eosinophilic gastroenteropathy is a rare disease characterized by infiltration of eosinophils into one
Industrial de Santander in Bucaramanga, Colombia
or more layers in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract especially the stomach and the duodenum. Although
2 Surgeon, Gastroenterologist and Adjunct Professor
in most cases it presents with abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, ascites and weight loss may also appear.
at the Hospital Universitario de Santander of the
report: The patient was a 41 year old man with a clinical picture of 9 months of sudden, intermittent abdominal pain
Universidad Industrial de Santander in Bucaramanga, Colombia
(predominantly mesogastric pain which radiated to the lumbar region). He had been treated with antispasmodics but
3 Medical Pathologist and Adjunct Professor at
had not improved. Eleven years earlier he had had a right nephrectomy because of hydronephrosis. Three years
the Hospital Universitario de Santander of the
earlier he had been diagnosed and treated for hypochromic microcytic anemia with hypereosinophilia. Two years
Universidad Industrial de Santander in Bucaramanga, Colombia
earlier he had had an acute myocardial infarct, although angiography showed healthy coronary arteries. Seven
months earlier he developed acute appendicitis. The pathology report at that time showed eosinophilic infiltrates,
This case was presented at the XXVII International
and a bone marrow biopsy revealed eosinophilia. Physical examination showed normal vital signs, but his bowel
Scientific Congress (XXVII Congreso Científico Internacional – FELSOCEM) in Santiago, Chile
sounds were more intense and frequent (40/min) than normal, and he suffered mesogastric pain on palpation. There
from the 25th to the 29th of September, 2012. The
were no masses or organomegaly. Laboratory tests revealed anemia and 16% eosinophilia. Diagnostic images
poster's name was Gastroenteritis Eosinofilica.
showed esophageal and gastric ileitis with microscopic evidence of eosinophil infiltration in all samples. Eosinophilic
Reporte de un Caso y Revisión de la Literatura (Case Report of Eosinophilic Gastroenteropathy and a
gastroenteropathy was diagnosed, and the patient was started on a hypoallergenic diet and treated with prednisone.
Literature Review)
Up to 25% of patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome may have gastrointestinal infiltration. Eosinophilic gastroen-
teropathy should be suspected in any patient with abdominal pain and peripheral eosinophilia. However, peripheral
eosinophilia is not always present, and histopathological diagnosis is necessary.
Received: 23-04-14 Accepted: 05-11-14
Gastroenteropathy, eosinophilic gastroensteritis, hypereosinophilic syndrome.
in 100,000 patients treated (3, 4). Our review found only
three cases reported in Colombia since 2007 which con-
Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders are quite rare and firms this entity's rarity (5).
unusual diseases which are characterized by excessive
Although its cause and pathogenic mechanism are not
infiltration of the bowel wall. Kaijser first described this yet clear, up to 75% of these patients have allergies to
entity in 1937 in two patients who had syphilis and who
medicines and/or foods and/or have atopic diseases such
were allergic to neoarsphenamine (1). Between that time
as asthma (5-8). This condition can affect any area of the
and 2008 more than 300 cases have been reported (2). Of
gastrointestinal tract although the stomach and small intes-
the 4 mil ion patients estimated to have been treated at the
tine are the most frequently compromised. The symptoms
Mayo Clinic between 1950 and 1987, only forty were diag-
of eosinophilic gastroenteropathy (GE) are not specific
nosed with eosinophilic gastroenteritis: an incidence of 1
to this condition and vary according to the histologically
2014 Asociaciones Colombianas de Gastroenterología, Endoscopia digestiva, Coloproctología y Hepatología 410
affected layer (9). We present a case of hypereosinophilic
sisted of a hypoallergenic diet which eliminated all wheat,
syndrome in a patient with chronic abdominal pain with no
milk, soy, peanuts, seafood and eggs, and administration of
history of allergy or atopic reactions.
25 mg of prednisone each day. A week after implementa-
tion of treatment, the patient reported significant improve-
ments of symptoms.
The patient was a forty-one year old man who had suffe-
red chronic abdominal pain for nine months. He had seen
several physicians for sudden onset of intermittent pain of
Eosinophils in the gastrointestinal tract are responsible
moderate intensity (9/10 on a subjective scale of pain). for innate immunity to parasites, regulation of lympho-
The pain was located predominantly in the mesogastric cytes, antigen presentation and protection against tumors.
region but radiated to the lumbar region and was associated
Nevertheless, over-stimulation of eosinophils generates
with fatigue, weakness and pallor. This condition had been
excessive degranulation which can lead to severe inflam-
managed with antispasmodics without complete resolution
mation, production of neurotoxins and reactive oxygen
of symptoms. The patient stated that he had had no fever,
species which are responsible for the typical symptoms of
diarrhea or vomiting. His medical history showed that eosinophilic gastroenteropathy (10, 11). Apparently aller-
11 years earlier he had undergone a retroperitoneoscopic
gic processes in which there are excessive release of mast
nephrectomy because of hydronephrosis. Four years before
cel s and eosinophils and excessive TH2 cell responses to
we examined him, he had been diagnosed with gastritis and
allergens bear a significant relationship with this uncontro-
a biopsy showed eosinophilic infiltrates. The following year
lled activation. An association with Interleukin 5 has also
he was diagnosed with hypochromic microcytic anemia been reported because it induces proliferation, growth,
with hypereosinophilic for which he had required a total of
differentiation, activation and apoptosis of eosinophils (5).
12 transfusions of packed red blood cel s and continuous
Depending on the location of the compromised tis-
administration of ferrous sulfate and folic acid. Two years
sue, eosinophilic gastroenteropathy may be identified as
before we examined him he had suffered an acute myo-
esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis or colitis. The last is excep-
cardial infarct although angiography showed that he had tionally rare and only a few cases have been reported since
healthy coronary arteries. Seven months prior to our exa-
1979. It has a very non-specific symptoms of fever, diarr-
mination of the patient, he underwent an appendectomy.
hea, abdominal pain and weight loss (12).
The pathology report stated that the diagnosis was, "acute
In 1970, Klein classified this disease according to the
fibrinopurulent appendicitis with eosinophilic infiltration".
depth of involvement (13):
The patient stated that he had no type of atopy or allergic
• The
Mucosal Form (25% to 100%) most often affects
reaction to medications or food.
the stomach and is manifested by anemia, fecal blood
The patient had lost 20 kg which was associated with
loss and weight loss.
hyperoxia. Physical examination showed normal vital • The
Muscular Form (13% to 70%) manifests through
signs, generalized mucocutaneous paleness, loud and fre-
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and
quent bowel sounds (40/min), a soft abdomen which was
painful upon deep palpation in the mesogastric region, and
• The
Serosal Form (12% to 40%) manifests through
no masses or organomegaly.
eosinophilic ascites, high levels of peripheral eosino-
Laboratory reports showed hemoglobin of 5.8 g/dL,
philia and severe inflammation (3, 5, 9, 10).
hematocrit at 19.9%, and 16% eosinophilia. Endoscopy
identified gastritis, duodenitis, terminal ileitis, colitis and Hypereosinophilic syndrome is a rare disorder defined
aphthoid ulcers in the rectum. Biopsies of all samples by a peripheral eosinophilia greater than 1,500 cel s/mL
showed edema and congestion of the lamina propria and
for more than six consecutive months, the absence of an
the mucosa with a mixed leukocyte influx that was predo-
underlying cause of hypereosinophilia and the presence of
minately eosinophilic (up 22 per high power field). There
organ damage or dysfunction associated with hypereosino-
were no signs of H. pylori in the glandular apical surface.
philia. The most frequently affected organs are the heart,
Also, a bone marrow biopsy revealed greater than usual lungs, central nervous system, kidneys and skin (7, 14).
number of eosinophils.
In this case the patient had suffered peripheral eosinophi-
When all patient data, records and examinations were lia for three years with the involvement the appendix and
correlated a diagnosis of eosinophilic gastroenteropathy gastrointestinal tract which are both very infrequent sites
in the context of hypereosinophilic syndrome was made. for hypereosinophilic syndrome (14). It is also important
A treatment plan was developed and implemented. It con-
to highlight that this patient had undergone a myocardial
Case Report of Eosinophilic Gastroenteropathy and a Literature Review 411
infarct event though he had healthy coronary arteries. This
could be attributed to eosinophilic infiltration although
confirmation of this diagnosis would require a heart biopsy
which is not available in our area. Consequently, the exact
cause of the heart attack remains unknown.
Diagnosis of eosinophilic gastroenteropathy is based
on three criteria: gastrointestinal symptoms, eosinophilic
infiltration in one or more areas and exclusion of other
causes of intestinal eosinophilia such as tuberculosis and
Helicobacter pylori infections which are very frequent in
our environment (3, 4).
Diagnosis of 80% of these patients is done through
upper digestive tract endoscopy of the stomach and small
intestine. In most cases, macroscopic study of the gastroin-
testinal mucosa shows normal mucosa, slight edema and
congestion, and even ulcers or lesions with nodular confi-
gurations (15).
Microscopic examination will find dense, predominantly
eosinophilic, inflammatory infiltrate in which there can be
up to 20 eosinophils per high-power field (Figure 1). This
infiltrate is distributed in the lamina propria and may also
be accompanied by formation of aggregates in crypt abs-
cesses that permeate the glandular epithelium. These can
be distributed in diffuse or nodular patterns and can be
accompanied by outbreaks of ulceration of the glandular
epithelium with regenerative alterations and severe edema.
Tissue damage may extend beyond the mucosa into the
muscle and serous layers (Figure 2). In addition, up to
10% the study of mucosal biopsies may show no changes
(Figures 3 and 4). At least six biopsies may be required to
Figure 2. Eosinophilic compromise of the cecal appendix
reach a diagnosis of one segment (15-17).
Figure 3. Macroscopically normal gastric antrum
A large group of diseases must be considered in differen-
tial diagnosis. These include parasites such as roundworms
and hookworms; reactions to drug such as enalapril, car-
Figure 1. Colonic mucosa and reactive changes with predominance of
bamazepine, and clotrimazole; connective tissue diseases
including scleroderma, dermatomyositis and lupus; vas-
Rev Col Gastroenterol / 29 (4) 2014
culitis syndrome (Churgstrauss Disease and poliarteririts
nodosa); celiac disease; eosinophilic leukemia; Crohn's
disease and ulcerative colitis (2, 3, 5).
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Rev Col Gastroenterol / 29 (4) 2014
EL REENCANTAMIENTO DEL MUNDO Una ética para nuestro tiempo Michel Maffesoli Prólogo a esta edición La ética inmoralista y el espíritu del neotribalismo En el paisaje actual de la sociología contemporánea, Maffesoli tiene un lugar muy singular: se encuentra lejos de cualquier moda intelectual y a contrapelo de las corrientes dominantes, lo que naturalmente le confiere una relativa soledad. Esa singularidad resulta paradójica: a pesar de nutrir el centro de su reflexión sobre fuentes indudablemente sociológicas, predica en el desierto como un profeta alejado de la comodidad institucional de la disciplina.
„Black Caviar" im Gestüt ÖARV-Championat 2013 . 2Veranstaltungskalender . 2Wir gratulieren recht herzlich! . 2ÖARV – Aktuell . 3Mein Freund Ewald . 4FEGENTRI-Generalversammlung, Cannes 15. Februar 2013 . 7FEGENTRI – Cagnes sur Mer, 16. Februar 2013 . 8 Qatar, 27./28. Februar 2013 . 10 Oman, 3./4. April 2013 . 12 Budapest, 21. April . 15 Rom,19. Mai 2013 . 17 USA, 7. bis 10. Juni 2013 . 18 Göteborg, 23. Juni 2013 . 21 Oslo, 6. Juli 2013 . 23 Köln, 13. Juli 2013 . 24H.H. Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Ladies IFAHR Cup Houston, Texas, 9. März 2013 . 26 Casablanca, 12. April 2013 . 28 Toulouse, 9. Juni 2013 . 31 Duindigt, Holland, 23. Juni 2013 . 32Pisa, World Cup of Nations, 24. März 2013 . 35Chantilly, Frankreich, 27. April 2013 . 36Internationales Amateurrennen, Budapest, 20. Mai 2013 . 38Historische Siege für Amateure . 39ÖARV-Sommerfest . 40