J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr., 47, 246–255, November 2010
Advance Publication
istry and Nutriti
cal Research Japanon
Soybean-Derived Phosphatidylserine Improves Memory Function of the Elderly Japanese Subjects with Memory Complaints
Akito Kato-Kataoka1,*, Masashi Sakai1, Rika Ebina1, Chiaki Nonaka2, Tsuguyoshi Asano3 and Takashi Miyamori4
1Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research, 1796 Yaho, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8650, Japan2Development Dept., Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd., 1-1-19 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato, Tokyo 105-8660, Japan3Asano Institute of Preventive Medicine, 1-18-3 Higashi-Kanamachi, Katsushika, Tokyo 125-0041, Japan4Graduate School of Clinical Psychology, Tokai University, 1117 Kitakaname, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa 259-1292, Japan
; accepted 1.6.201
Received 11 June, 2010; Accepted 14 July, 2010; Published online 29 September, 2010
bean-derived phosphatidylserine (Soy-PS) is a phosphatidylserine made from
soybean lecithin by enzymatic reaction with L-serine. A double-blind, randomized controlledstudy was conducted to investigate the effects of Soy-PS on the cognitive functions of the elderlyJapanese subjects with memory complaints. Seventy-eight elderly people with mild cognitiveimpairment (50–69 years old) were randomly allocated to take Soy-PS (100 mg, 300 mg/day)or placebo for 6 months. As a result, there was no difference in blood markers and vital signsduring Soy-PS treatment and any side effect caused by Soy-PS treatment was not observed.
Neuropsychological test scores were similarly increased in all groups including placebo group.
However, in the subjects with relatively low score at baseline, the memory scores in PS treatedgroups were significantly increased against the baseline, while those of placebo groupremained unchanged. And the memory improvements in Soy-PS-treated groups were mostlyattributed to the increase in delayed verbal recall, a memory ability attenuated in the earlieststage of dementia. In conclusion, Soy-PS used in this study is considered as safety foodingredient and 6 months of Soy-PS supplementation could improve the memory functions ofthe elderly with memory complaints.
Key Words: phosphatidylserine, soybean, elderly, memory functions, delayed verbal recall
associated memory impairment (AAMI) [10]. However, the
use of BC-PS in medicine or dietary supplements is nowdiscouraged because of the risk of bovine spongiform
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a member of the membrane
encephalopathy (BSE) [11]. In addition, only about 3 grams
phospholipids that is especially abundant in the brain.
of PS can be obtained from one bovine cortex, which is too
Because of its presence in the brain, effects of PS on the
small for inexpensive supply.
central nervous system have been widely investigated [1–5].
Efforts to overcome these problems have led to the
Several clinical studies in the US and Europe have shown
development of soybean-derived PS (Soy-PS), a BSE risk-
that PS extracted from bovine cortex (BC-PS) improves
free PS that is enzymatically made from soybean lecithin
the cognitive function of the elderly [6–10] including
[12]. Even though the acyl-groups of Soy-PS are quite
Alzheimer's disease patients [8, 9] and people with age-
different from that of BC-PS, studies using drug-inducedamnesic and aged rodents have suggested that the effects ofSoy-PS on cognitive function are identical to that of BC-PS
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +81-42-577-8960 Fax: +81-42-577-3020
However, the results of clinical studies using Soy-PS are
Effects of Soybean Phosphatidylserine on Memory Functions
controversial. In 1995, Gindin et al. [17] first reported a
complaints were recruited from the volunteer bank of
clinical study of Soy-PS, where Soy-PS treatment (300 mg/
clinical research organization (Huma R&D Co. Ltd., Tokyo).
day for 3 months) on elderly people with AAMI improved
Prior to the screening with neuropsychological tests, a
their Wechsler Memory test scores, especially in the compo-
preliminary assessment was conducted at the recruiting
nents of the test that evaluated visual memory. In their study,
process to evaluate objective memory loss. Specifically,
the effect of Soy-PS was evident only in the subgroup of
the DWR subtest of HDS-R was done over the phone, and
subjects that had higher pre-treatment scores. Crook et al.
those with 3 to 5 points out of 6 were selected. For further
[18] reported that Soy-PS (300 mg/day for 12 weeks)
screening, people who passed this preliminary assessment
was effective in improving memory functions, such as
took part in three neuropsychological tests (RBMT, HDS-R
memorizing names and faces, of elderly people with AAMI.
and Mini-Mental State Examination: MMSE [23]) and a
Schreiber et al. [19] also reported similar results that Soy-PS
medical interview, and those who fulfilled the selection
was most effective on memorizing faces.
criteria became the subjects for this clinical study.
Jorissen et al. [20] performed a double-blind placebo-
To screen out people with severe cognitive disorder who
controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of two different
need medical treatment, the selection criteria were set so as
doses of Soy-PS (300 or 600 mg/day for 12 weeks) on the
to include people with mild memory impairment (RBMT
elderly with AAMI. Although various aspects of cognitive
standard profile score<22) while excluding those with
function including memory, information processing speed,
possible dementia (HDS-R<21, MMSE<24).
selective attention and planning were measured, no difference
Procedures for this study were approved by the institu-
was found between placebo and Soy-PS treated groups even
tional review board of the testing agency, Tokyo Heart
with the higher dosage. Thus, it is still controversial whether
Center (Tokyo, Japan). All subjects gave a written informed
Soy-PS is effective for the elderly with memory impairment.
consent before entering the study.
Furthermore, there has been no clinical study that evaluates
In total, 143 out of approximately 700 volunteers passed
the effects of PS on memory impairment using Japanese
the preliminary assessment on the phone, and 78 of them
fulfilled the selection criteria. Out of 78 subjects who
To clarify whether Soy-PS is beneficial for cognitive
entered the study, 73 completed the study and 5 dropped out
function of the elderly, we conducted a preliminarily open-
(n = 3 in placebo, n = 1 in 100 mg Soy-PS and n = 1 in
trial test in 2005 and found that 12 weeks of Soy-PS treat-
300 mg Soy-PS). The reasons for dropout were either private
ment (300 mg/day) on elderly people with mild memory
circumstances or health problems not related to PS treat-
impairment improved their scores on the revised version of
ment. The design of this study and trial profile are shown in
Hasegawa's dementia scale (HDS-R) [21], a general test
used for diagnosis of dementia in Japan. Improvement wasespecially evident in the delayed 3 words recall (DWR)
subtest. In addition, the effect of Soy-PS on DWR was
The study was designed as a randomized, double-blind,
maintained for 12 weeks after the treatment period was
placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial. The subjects were
over. Based on these results, we next planned a double-blind,
randomly divided into three groups (n = 28 in each group),
placebo-controlled clinical study.
all similar in average age, sex, education year, neuro-
The present study was designed as a double-blind, placebo-
psychological test score, geriatric depression scale (GDS)
controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of Soy-PS (100 mg
[24] score and everyday memory checklist (EMC) score
or 300 mg/day for 6 months) on the Japanese elderly with
(Tables 1 and 5).
mild memory impairment. For the selection of subjects
Within one month after the screening session, subjects
with mild memory impairment, we used the Rivermead
started taking their respective test samples: placebo, 100 mg
behavioral memory test (RBMT) [22], which focuses on
Soy-PS (PS100) or 300 mg Soy-PS (PS300), daily for 6
evaluating memory functions, especially everyday memory.
months. Six months of PS treatment was followed by a 3-
The treatment period of Soy-PS was set to 6 months, with
month follow-up period during which subjects took no
an additional 3-month follow-up period to see whether the
samples. For all measurements, the screening values were
effects of Soy-PS would be maintained after discontinuing
used as baseline values.
The following examinations were conducted at baseline,
after 6 months of PS treatment and after 3 months of follow-
Materials and Methods
up period: HDS-R and MMSE for evaluating cognitivefunction, GDS for evaluating depressive state, and blood/
urine tests for evaluating safety. In addition, RBMT and
Men and women living in the Tokyo metropolitan area,
EMC were conducted at baseline, at 1, 3 and 6 months of
ranging from 50 to 69 years old, with subjective memory
PS treatment and after 3 months of follow-up.
Vol. 47, No. 3, 2010
A. Kato-Kataoka et al.
The study design and trial profile.
Baseline characteristics of each treatment group
phospholipids other than PS (PL), 702 mg middle-chaintriglycerides (MCT) and 135 mg vitamin E (VE). Nine
capsules of PS100 contained 100 mg PS, 863 mg PL,
Number of subjects
702 mg MCT and 135 mg VE. Nine capsules of placebo
contained 963 mg PL, 702 mg MCT and 135 mg VE.
To prevent degradation of Soy-PS, a portion of the test
samples was sent to the subjects every month and was keptunder refrigeration at home.
Values are mean ± SEM. The subjects in PS100 and PS300 groups
took 100 mg/d and 300 mg/d of Soy-PS for 6 months, respectively.
Primary outcome measures were cognitive functions
Placebo group took soybean lecithin containing no PS.
assessed by HDS-R, MMSE and RBMT. Secondary out-comes were self-rating memory function assessed by EMC
and depressive state assessed by GDS. Blood and urine
Food-grade Soy-PS product (PS-20L, Yakult Honsha Co.
parameters were also assessed for safety evaluation.
Ltd., Japan) produced from soybean lecithin by enzymatictransphosphatidylation reaction was used in this study [25].
Test samples were taken in the form of soft gelatin capsules
RBMT is a standardized and validated test for memory
(200 mg of content per capsule). Subjects took 3 capsules
functions [22]. It consists of 12 subtests for evaluating
after each meal, a total of 9 capsules per day, for 6 months.
everyday memory such as of personal event, people's
The timing of Soy-PS intake was decided according to
names, newspaper articles and places visited. The Japanese
previous papers [19, 20].
version of RBMT was developed by Kazui et al. [26] in
Nine capsules of PS300 contained 300 mg PS, 663 mg
2002. Standardized profile score is obtained by assigning a
J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr.
Effects of Soybean Phosphatidylserine on Memory Functions
score of 0, 1, or 2 to each of the 12 subtests, summing up to
cation criteria. Regarding stratified analyses, changes in
a maximum total score of 24 points. Degree of memory
score against the baseline were used in order to correct for
impairment is categorized into 4 classes according to the
initial differences among the groups. SAS 8.2 for Windows
standardized profile score; 0–9: severely impaired, 10–16:
was used for statistical analyses, with significance set at
moderately impaired, 18–21: poor memory, >21: normal.
Four parallel forms (A, B, C and D) of the test were used in
Safety of Soy-PS was evaluated by the deviation from the
the present study to avoid practice or learning effects.
normal range of blood and urine parameters, and its clinicalsignificance was judged by a physician.
HDS-R is a neuropsychological battery commonly used
for diagnosis of dementia in Japan [27], along with MMSE.
Those who score less than 21 points out of 30 are diagnosed
as "possible dementia". The test assesses orientation,
Throughout the test period, no adverse event was observed
memory, attention and verbal fluency. We especially focused
in relation to sample intake. There was also no clinically
on the DWR subtest, because Soy-PS was most effective
significant change in hematological and biological blood
on that subtest in our preliminary study [21]. In DWR, a
parameters in all groups (Tables 2 and 3). Although a
subject is presented with 3 unrelated words and is later asked
significant difference in blood glucose level at 6 month
to recall them. For each word, the subject is given 2 points
between placebo and PS100 group appeared, such difference
for voluntarily recalling the word, and 1 point for recalling
was not observed at higher dose (PS300) and therefore it is
the word with a hint (e.g. "vehicle" for the word "car" or
considered clinically insignificant. Vital signs (Table 4) and
"animal" for the word "dog"). Two lists of 3 words were
urine parameters (glucose, protein, occult blood and pH;
prepared and the list was alternately used in this study to
data not shown) didn't show any significant changes.
minimize practice effect.
Cognitive functions
Table 5 shows the score changes in RBMT. The scores
EMC is a questionnaire developed together with RBMT
significantly increased against the baseline in all 3 groups,
for evaluating difficulties in daily life caused by memory
with no difference between Soy-PS and placebo groups at
impairment [28]. It consists of a list of 13 memory problems
any evaluation point. In stratified analysis based on the
or difficult situations that likely happen in daily life.
subjects' degree of memory impairment at baseline, there
Occurrence of each problem or situation is rated from 0
was still no difference between placebo and Soy-PS groups
(none) to 3 (always), with a maximum score of 39 points.
either in the high-score subgroup (RBMT = 19 or more) orthe low-score subgroup (RBMT<19) (data not shown).
The total score of HDS-R increased during the treatment
Medical interview by a physician was conducted at every
period in all 3 groups, with no significant difference among
evaluation point. Blood and urine tests were done at
the groups (Table 5). However, after the 3-month follow-up
baseline, end of PS treatment (6 months) and 3 months
period, the score of the placebo group dropped back to its
after the end of treatment. Blood pressure and heart rate
baseline score, while the scores of 100PS and 300PS groups
were also measured as vital signs.
were both maintained at a high level.
In the high-score subgroup, there was almost no score
change in the total score of HDS-R throughout the trial
Data analyses were conducted according to the protocol
(Fig. 2(A)). In contrast, total score of HDS-R in the low-score
for statistical analysis pre-determined before key-opening.
subgroup significantly increased against the baseline by
Neuropsychological tests, EMC and GDS scores were
Soy-PS treatment (Fig. 2(B)). There was a significant differ-
analyzed by Steel's multi-comparison test against the base-
ence between placebo and 300PS groups after 3 months of
line score (within group) or against placebo (between
follow-up (p<0.05). The difference between placebo and
groups). Blood parameters and vital signs were analyzed
100PS also showed a significant trend (p = 0.05).
by Dunnett's multi-comparison test against placebo group
Fig. 3(A) shows the DWR score of HDS-R in the low-score
for each evaluation point.
subgroup. The scores of Soy-PS treated groups increased
Stratified analyses based on RBMT score at baseline
significantly against the baseline, and there were significant
were also conducted. Since the average score of healthy
differences between placebo and both Soy-PS groups after 3
Japanese adults in their 40s and 50s is reported to be
months of follow-up (p<0.05 for 300PS, p = 0.09 for
22.0 ± 2.0 points [27], the score below 1.5 standard devia-
100PS). The magnitude of the score change in DWR was
tion from the average (= 19 points) was used as the stratifi-
quite similar to that of total score (Fig. 2(B)). It is apparent
Vol. 47, No. 3, 2010
A. Kato-Kataoka et al.
Changing in hematological blood parameters during the test period
0 month (baseline§)
6 months (treatment)
9 months (follow-up)
White blood count
Values are means (standard deviation). §The values at screening were used as baseline values. Subjects started taking the samples withinone month after screening. The follow-up period consisted of 3 months after finishing the 6 months of sample intake, during whichsubjects took no sample.
Changing in biological blood parameters during the test period
0 month (baseline§)
6 months (treatment)
9 months (follow-up)
Alkaline phosphatase
225.7 (56.0) 212.8 (51.8) 230.1 (45.7) 228.3 (61.2) 220.6 (53.5) 214.2 (41.2) 220.2 (60.1) 218.7 (47.1) 215.4 (45.1)
Lactose dehydrogenase 191.7 (39.6) 197.5 (37.0) 187.2 (23.7) 187.4 (40.9) 183.9 (24.7) 180.6 (26.0) 191.5 (41.9) 193.1 (25.6) 189.1 (18.9)
Creatine phosphokinase 121.6 (54.8) 166.3 (115.1) 115.3 (57.5) 125.1 (41.4) 149.8 (114.1) 116.5 (56.4) 128.2 (55.9) 175.0 (153.7) 113.5 (45.7)
Blood urea nitrogen
141.0 (38.2) 128.3 (25.9) 134.3 (34.7) 130.5 (29.1) 127.7 (25.4) 142.3 (36.9) 130.9 (31.6) 126.3 (28.7) 134.2 (31.9)
89.6 (34.8) 116.1 (63.6) 121.6 (92.0) 104.7 (56.5) 113.0 (48.0) 124.0 (103.7)
99.8 (35.5) 125.7 (73.9)
Values are means (standard deviation). §The values at screening were used as baseline values. Subjects started taking the samples withinone month after screening. The follow-up period consisted of 3 months after finishing the 6 months of sample intake, during whichsubjects took no sample. #p<0.05 vs placebo group (Dunnett's multi-comparison test). AST; Asparate amino transferase, ALT; Alaninetransaminase.
J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr.
Effects of Soybean Phosphatidylserine on Memory Functions
Changing in vital signs during the test period
0 month (baseline§)
6 months (treatment)
9 months (follow-up)
Diastolic pressure
Systolic pressure
Values are means (standard deviation). §The values at screening were used as baseline values. Subjects started taking the samples withinone month after screening. The follow-up period consisted of 3 months after finishing the 6 months of sample intake, during whichsubjects took no sample.
Results of the neuropsychological tests and the questionnaires of memory and mood
Values are mean ± SEM. §The values at screening were used as baseline values. Subjects started taking the samples within one month afterscreening. The follow-up period consisted of 3 months after finishing the 6 months of sample intake, during which subjects took nosample. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs baseline, #p<0.05 vs placebo group (Steel's multi-comparison test).
that the change in total score was mainly attributed to the
Subjective changes in memory and mood
change in DWR subtest score. In fact, there were no signifi-
Both GDS and EMC scores showed a gradual decrease in
cant changes in other subtest scores of HDS-R (data not
all 3 groups, but there was no significant difference among
the groups at any evaluation point (Table 5).
Although the degree of change was smaller, the same
trend was observed in the DWR subtest of MMSE (Fig. 3(B)).
The score significantly increased against the baseline onlyin Soy-PS treated groups, and there were significant differ-
This double-blind, placebo-controlled study is the first
ences between placebo and Soy-PS groups (p<0.05 for both
clinical trial which demonstrates that Soy-PS has positive
100PS and 300PS). There was almost no change in other
effects on cognitive performance in Japanese subjects with
subtest scores of MMSE (data not shown).
memory complaints.
The effect of Soy-PS was dominant in verbal list recall
tests such as the DWR of HDS-R and MMSE. This result
Vol. 47, No. 3, 2010
A. Kato-Kataoka et al.
Effect of Soy-PS on DWR subtest of HDS-R and MMSE
Effect of Soy-PS on HDS-R performance in high-score
in the low-score subgroup (RBMT score<19 at baseline).
and low-score subgroups. Subjects were divided into
(A) DWR subtest of HDS-R. (B) DWR subtest of
two subgroups based on their baseline RBMT score. (A)
MMSE. Values are means ± SEM and shown as changes
High-score subgroup (RBMT score = 19 or more). (B)
in score against the baseline. *p<0.05, **p<0.01,
Low-score subgroup (RBMT score<19). Values are
***p<0.001 vs baseline, $p<0.1, #p<0.05 vs placebo
means ± SEM and shown as changes in score against the
group (Steel's multi-comparison test).
baseline. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs baseline, $p<0.1,#p<0.05 vs placebo group (Steel's multi-comparison test).
reinforces our preliminary study in which the DWR score of
demonstrated that Soy-PS is also effective on the word list
HDS-R notably improved by Soy-PS treatment for 3 months
recall as BC-PS.
[21]. The improving effects of PS on verbal list recall tests
It has been reported that delayed verbal recall is the most
have also been consistently observed in many previous
effective cognitive domain for discriminating the earliest
studies [29]. For example, a large clinical study of 494
stage of dementia (early Alzheimer's disease and mild
elderly patients with moderate to severe cognitive decline
cognitive impairment) from normal aging [30, 31]. Therefore
showed that taking 300 mg of BC-PS daily for 6 months
the present result that Soy-PS was effective on delayed
significantly improved their performance on the word list
verbal recall tests suggests that Soy-PS is effective for
recall test [7]. The effect of BC-PS on list recall test was
treating the earliest stage of dementia. The scores of the
also observed in a study of subjects with AAMI [10]. The
subtests of HDS-R and MMSE other than the verbal delayed
result of our present study is well consistent with these
recall were already high at baseline. Thus, Soy-PS is
previous studies of BC-PS.
probably more suitable for subjects with memory complaints
On the other hand, Jorissen et al. [20] reported that
rather than for subjects with advanced dementia who need
Soy-PS treatment was ineffective for word list recall. There
medical treatment.
are differences in study design such as the selection criteria
RBMT was also conducted to evaluate the effects of
for subjects and the duration of treatment, and what has
Soy-PS on everyday memory. RBMT includes subtests for
caused the contradictory result is unclear. Nonetheless, we
evaluating facial recognition and name-face association,
J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr.
Effects of Soybean Phosphatidylserine on Memory Functions
which have been reported to improve by PS treatment
Amaducci et al., [8] who evaluated the effects of BC-PS
[18, 19]. However, the effect of Soy-PS on such tests was
(200 mg/day for 3 months) on the cognitive function of 142
not observed in the present study. One of the reasons may be
Alzheimer's disease patients. In their study, the effect of
that the subjects already marked high scores at baseline and
PS was more evident after the post-treatment follow-up
there was no room for further improvement. Since RBMT is
period rather than immediately after 3 months of PS treat-
intended for people with certain memory impairment, its
ment. They proposed that PS may cause structural neuronal
level of difficulty was perhaps not appropriate for the
changes rather than transient metabolic changes, and
subjects of this study whose memory functions were nearly
therefore the beneficial effect might be maintained even
after cessation of treatment.
Ceiling effects were also observed in HDS-R and MMSE.
As a supportive evidence, it has been reported that
As mentioned above, the score of each subtest other than
prolonged oral PS treatment elicits structural neuronal
DWR was already high at baseline and there was no room
changes in aged rats [36]. In summary, the dendritic spine
for improvement. Consequently, the effect of Soy-PS on
density of aged rats treated with BC-PS was maintained at
HDS-R and MMSE was only apparent in the low-score
the same level as that of young rats, whereas non-treated
subgroup. The effects of Soy-PS may be observed more
aged rats showed a significant decrease in dendritic density,
clearly by using a more sensitive neuropsychological test
with a mean loss of about 10%. It is unclear if such structural
that enables the detection of subtle or mild memory impair-
changes occurred in the subjects of our present study, but
prolonged effects of PS have also been shown by other
In this study, we tested two dosages of Soy-PS, 100 and
clinical studies using BC-PS, such as in AAMI subjects [10]
300 mg/day, to determine the optimal amount of intake for
and in early Alzheimer's disease patients [9].
the elderly with memory complaints. The memory-improving
There is a concern that the placebo sample used in this
effect of Soy-PS was equally observed in both groups.
study contained some components that have been reported to
Although it is unclear whether taking 100 or 300 mg/day of
have a memory-improving function, such as phosphatidyl-
Soy-PS for a period of less than 6 months exerts the same
choline [37], MCT [38] and VE [39]. Although the amount
effect, Crook et al. [18] have reported that 100 or 300 mg/
of intake was supposedly much lower than the effective
day of Soy-PS intake improved memory functions after 3
dosage of these components, there is a possibility that the
weeks and 12 weeks of treatment.
placebo sample actually improved memory function by
We did not measure blood PS levels in the present study,
interacting synergistically and eliciting transient metabolic
but some pharmacokinetics studies show that orally admin-
istrated PS can be rapidly absorbed and carried to the brainthrough the blood brain barrier [32]. Our previous observa-
tion that the intracerebroventricular injection of Soy-PSimproved memory impairment of amnesic mice [15] suggests
The oral administration of Soy-PS for 6 months improved
that Soy-PS could function in the brain directly.
memory function, especially delayed recall, in the elderly
Another study has shown that the oral administration of
with memory complaints. This effect was equally observed
Soy-PS ameliorated the memory impairment of aged rats
at both low dose (100 mg/day) and high dose (300 mg/day).
[16]. In these animals the acetylcholine release and Na+,
The safety of Soy-PS was also confirmed. Since delayed
K+-ATPase activity of the synaptosome were also improved.
recall is thought to be one of the cognitive functions
This suggests the involvement of cholinergic transmission,
impaired at the earliest stage of dementia, Soy-PS may serve
energy metabolism or the status of membrane potential of
as a desirable supplement for preventing dementia develop-
nerve cells in the mechanism of PS action. It is also reported
ment in people with memory complaints. In the future, the
that PS inhibited lipid peroxidation induced by inflam-
memory-improving effects of Soy-PS may be indicated
matory oxidants derived from neutrophil myeloperoxidase
more clearly by reconsidering the study design.
[33]. PS also decreased the production of reactive oxygenspecies from microglia induced by amyloid β peptide [34].
The anti-oxidative and/or anti-inflammatory properties ofPS may be important for its nootropic mechanism. It is
We thank M. Takada and C. Takahashi for helpful assis-
interesting to mention that astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant,
tance during the preparation of this article.
improved delayed recall of subjects with memory complaints[35].
The effect of Soy-PS became more evident after the 3-
month follow-up period rather than just after 6 months of
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J. Viet. Env. 2014, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 77-83 DOI: 10.13141/jve.vol6.no1.pp77-83 Identification of antibiotic-producing Bacillus sensu lato isolated from national parks of Hoang Lien and Phu Quoc in Vietnam Phân loại các loài vi khuẩn Bacillus sensu lato sinh kháng sinh phân lập tại vườn Quốc Gia Hoàng Liên và Phú Quốc
Landscape, Nursery & Turf Edition Plant & Pest advisory A Rutgers Cooperative Extension Publication Foliar Diseases in the Landscape Ann B. Gould, Ph.D., Specialist in Plant Pathology Recent rains and the promise of more to come is ideal for the foliar diseases in the landscape. The most common diseases on trees and shrubs affect the foliage as spots, blotches, and