Eph gastro news 6
Summer 201
Blastocystis Friend of
Blastocystis Research Foundation
By Dr Paul Froomes
What is Blastocystosis?
or animals. You can become
and being exposed to the
infected after accidentally
parasite as described in the
sis-TOS-is) is an illness caused by swallowing the parasite; you
a microscopic parasite,
cannot become infected through
What are the symptoms
Blastocystis ‘hominis' (also
contact with blood. Blastocystis
of Blastocystosis?
known as Blastocystis ‘hominis'
‘hominis' can be spread by:
Blastocystis ‘hominis'
hominis). Once a person or
- Accidentally swallowing
infection can cause a variety of
animal has been infected with
Blastocystis ‘hominis' picked up
intestinal signs or symptoms,
Essendon Private
Blastocystis ‘hominis', the
from surfaces (such as bathroom which include
John Fawkner
parasite lives in the intestine and fixtures, changing tables, diaper
- Abdominal pain
Austin Hospital
is passed in feces. Because the
pails, or toys) contaminated with
parasite is protected by an outer feces from an infected person or
Tel: 9331 3122
shell, it can survive outside the
- Gas or flatulence
body and in the environment for
- Drinking water or using
- Greasy stools that tend to
long periods in some cases.
ice made from contaminated
During the past 2 decades,
sources (e.g., lakes, streams,
- Upset stomach or nausea
Blastocystis ‘hominis' infection
shallow [less than 50 feet] or
Patients also report fatigue,
Endoscopic U/S
has become recognized as a
poorly monitored or maintained skin rashes, and joint pain.
common cause of waterborne
Some people with Blastocystis
disease in humans in the United
- Swallowing recreational
‘hominis'infection have severe
States. Blastocystis ‘hominis' can water contaminated with
symptoms, while others have no
be found worldwide and within
Blastocystis ‘hominis'.
symptoms at all. In this class of
Breath Testing
every state of Australia.
Recreational water includes
disease, researchers have found
How do you get
water in swimming pools, water
that people with more severe
Blastocystosis and how is it parks, hot tubs or spas,
symptoms may be infected with
fountains, lakes, rivers, springs,
more virulent types of microbes,
The Blastocystis ‘hominis'
ponds, or streams that can be
and also may have a genetic
parasite lives in the intestine of
contaminated with feces or
infected humans or animals (e.g., sewage from humans or animals. cats, dogs, pigs, horses, cattle).
- Eating uncooked food
Millions of germs can be
contaminated with Blastocystis
released in a bowel movement of ‘hominis'. an infected human or animal.
- Having contact with
Blastocystis ‘hominis' is found on someone who is ill with
Dr Paul Froomes
Dr Stephen Casey
surfaces or in soil, food, or water Blastocystosis.
Rn Danielle Pacini
that has been contaminated with
- Traveling to countries
Mr Nick Dunn
the feces from infected humans
where Blastocystosis is common
Who is at risk?
Despite this, Blastocystis infection is
Who is most likely to get Blastocystosis? commonly treated in all countries by
Anyone can get Blastocystosis.
many physicians. However, medical
Persons more likely to become infected
culture varies, and in some parts of the
How is a Blastocystis ‘hominis'
world it can be frustrating and difficult
infection diagnosed?
- International travelers.
to find a physician to treat the
Summer 201
infection. This is especially true in
Your health care provider will likely
- Close contacts (such as those in
ask you to submit stool samples to
the same family or in the same
Australia, Canada, the Northeast states
check for the parasite.
household or child care setting) or
in the United States, and the United
BecauseBlastocystis ‘hominis' can
caregivers of infected people.
Kingdom. Additionally, if first-line
be difficult to diagnose, your
- People who drink water or use ice treatment fails, some doctors may be
provider might ask you to submit
multiple stool specimens collected
made from contaminated sources (e.g.,
reluctant to prescribe other drugs to
over a few days. Even in that case,
lakes, streams, shallow or poorly
treat the infection.
the diagnostics may fail to detect
monitored or maintained wells).
Dr Froomes has years of
the infection. Researchers have
Contaminated water may include water experience treating difficult and
developed more reliable
that has not been boiled, filtered, or
resistant cases of blastocystis infection,
diagnostics, but those are not
widely available to patients. BRF is
disinfected with chemicals.
and can guide you through all the
working to make more reliable
- Children in child care settings,
different options available. In addition,
diagnostics available to patients.
including diaper-aged children.
you do not have to waste time and
- Backpackers, hikers, and campers money on multiple consultations to
Lab Testing
who drink untreated or insufficiently
discuss the general issue of where or
Pathology companies provide a
treated water or who do not practice
not blastocystis causes illness or not. Dr
stool PCR test on a fresh wear
good hygiene (e.g., proper hand
Froomes is well versed in the current
specimen of faeces. This test is the
medical literature that confirms it does
most sensitive and specific
- People who swallow contaminated and can assist you in getting on with
diagnostic test available and has a
24hr turn round. It is also bulk
water while swimming, especially in
treatment from the very first
lakes, rivers, springs, ponds, and
streams. Several community-wide
At the Essendon Endoscopy and
To ensure successful treatment of
outbreaks of Blastocystosis have been
Gastroenterology Clinic, we have three
B. hominis it is important that the
patient complete the entire 10 day
linked to drinking water contaminated
levels of treatment to eradicate
medication schedule.
with Blastocystis ‘hominis'.
- People exposed to human feces
Beginning with first line oral
through sexual contact.
therapy, we use a combination of oral anti-parasite drugs in either double or
What is the treatment for
triple therapy formats. These
treatments go for ten days. These
Chronic Blastocystis infections have treatments have a success rate of
been found to be unresponsive to
50-70% and are associated with various
conventional antibiotics like
levels of side effects, which include
metronidazole and tinidazole, and, as
nausea, headache, malaise, diarrheoa,
yet there has been no real consensus on bloating and rash. These treatments treatment. The many asymptomatic
cannot be used with alcohol. We use a
carriers, the lack of understanding of
specific probitiotic with anti-parasite
Blastocytis's complexities, life cycle and
properties together with the drugs.
immune resistance to common
Second line treatment is quadruple
treatments, have all contributed to c
oral drug therapy, which involves taking
There is no FDA approved
four different strong anti-parasite drugs.
treatment for Blastocystis ‘hominis'
These medications should also be taken
infection. Physicians have reported
with food and preferably taken at the
success in some patients with several
same time every day.
prescription drugs, but the success rates
Finally, for resistant infections we
for treatment of Blastocystis ‘hominis'
use a third-line approach, which
are much lower than for other diseases. involves colonoscopy and single infusion Many patients remain symptomatic
of three high-dose liquid anti-parasite
after treatment.
drugs directly into the colon.
Dr Paul Froomes
The next wave of anti-obesity
therapy looks set to involve
Consultation Liver Gastro
changing the gut micro biome with
Tel: 03 9331 3122
Tel: 03 9331 3122
faecal microbial transplant.
Source: http://www.centreforibs.com.au/uploads/EPH%20Gastro%20News%206.pdf
Guatemala, viernes 25 de septiembre de 2015 El universo es fuego eterno que crece y decrece incesantemente, dejó sugerido Heráclito, el huraño oráculo de Éfeso (hoy Turquía) al norte de Mileto, en la Grecia antigua. De esta percepción diríase dialéctica, se ha derivado buena parte de las escuelas filosóficas que han nutrido el pensamiento occidental contemporáneo.
Process Biochemistry 41 (2006) 930–934 Short communication Effect of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene (vgb) and metabolic inhibitors on cadmium uptake by the heterologous host Enterobacter aerogenes Khaled M. Khleifat Muayad M. Abboud, Ahmed H. Al-Mustafa Mutah University, Department of Biology, P.O. Box (7) Karak, Mutah 61710, Jordan Received 18 May 2005; received in revised form 29 September 2005; accepted 6 October 2005