HM Medical Clinic



In a town-meeting, the great secret of political science was uncovered, and the problem solved, how to give every individual his fair weight in the government, without any disorder from numbers. In a town-meeting, the roots of society were reached. Here the rich gave counsel, but the poor also; and moreover, the just and the unjust.—RALPH WALDO EMERSON Vol. II No. 20 • Issue No. 45 Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts April 27–May 10, 2006 Mohawk district faces
budget cuts of $275,000
Increase in state aid ‘may buy a year'
to study school closings more carefully

By Don Stewart
creases, the district was facing don@sfi cuts of $482,000 in order to trim the budget to an overall increase BUCKLAND—Just two hours of four percent in operating costs. before the monthly school com- School offi cials are now consider- mittee meeting on April 12, ing how to carve $275,000 from Mohawk Trail Regional School next year's expenditures.
District (MTRSD) officials re- Buoniconti said that he didn't ceived upbeat news regarding the anticipate more funding from the state's proposed FY07 education state senate when it votes fi nal Superintendent Michael Buo- "I'm not expecting anything niconti told committee members dramatic," he said. "I'm really that the House Ways and Means happy, frankly, with what I'm Committee had increased state Chapter 70 educational funding In earlier remarks, the Super- to the district by $98,705, while intendent explained that the providing an additional $108,557 $19.3 million "status quo" bud- in busing reimbursement money. get, which would have required A later vote in the state senate overrides in several towns, has will confi rm the fi gures.
been abandoned. When it was "It's more revenue than we had proposed, town offi cials through- a few days ago," Buoniconti said, out the district expressed strong "so this is good news." disapproval of a fi nancial picture Previous to these revenue in- which would have increased op- SFI photo/Jeff Potter erating costs by approximately Susan Todd stands in the Heath Elementary School, where she has served as principal since 2001.
$1 million.
"After much conversation, the likelihood of passing that budget, I'd say is slim to none," he said.
Classrooms without walls The community speaks
In late March Buoniconti con-vened four "public forums" with Meetings, Heath principal Susan Todd heads toward retirement, parents and concerned residents at the four district elementary schools. The purpose was to con- leaving a legacy of education and community engagement vey the harsh fi nancial realities the district is facing—declining state aid and, over the past three By Don Stewart
during a recent interview at writers who would be the envy composed and edited by Colrain years, a jump in local fi nancing don@sfi the Colonial era farmhouse of Oprah's booking agent. resident Judith Maloney. As part of the Independent's
of "above minimum contribution" where she and her husband, Pulitzer Prize–winning author Todd said that she'd been launch of its long-awaited new
costs that have spiraled from ASHFIELD—This September, Richard, live. "But I felt that at Tracy Kidder (The Soul of a New inspired by a biography about Web site, coverage of West Coun-
$195,000 to $2.7 million.
following more than 20 years whatever age you are, you can Machine and House) spoke to 19th century essayist and jour- ty's annual town meetings and
This is coupled to an annual of work in secondary school start teaching. So the challenges classes and was encouraged by nalist George William Cur- elections will be available at
bus transportation bill of $1.34 education, Ashfield resident are every bit as present then as both Todd and Sandy Warren, a tis, one of Ashfield's cultural after Satur-
million, which, despite a legal ob- Susan Todd will be retiring. they are when you're just out of Northampton school principal, day, April 29.
ligation, is only partially funded For the past five years she's to write the 1990 book Among "He recalled when Ralph A good deal of town warrant
with a $750,000 check from the been principal at the Heath Schoolchildren. Fragments from Waldo Emerson came into his information was still under dis-
Elementary School. Previous to Emerson's infl uence
his Colrain visit can be found class when he was in elementary cussion at press time.
Shadowing these financial that appointment she taught at As a Boston resident in the within its pages. And Newbery school," she said. "It made me "We're excited about the pos-
spikes is a substantial decline Colrain Central from the mid- late 1970s, while her husband Award winner Pat McLaughlin, think, the best people should sibilities of getting beyond the
in student population which, 1980s until 2001. worked as an editor for The best known for her book Sarah, come into the public schools. I limits of publishing on paper
district-wide, may fall to 1,000 Before beginning a teaching Atlantic Monthly, Todd became Plain and Tall, visited the school kept thinking: if people would every other week," Editor Jeff
pupils within fi ve years. Several career in Colrain, she'd been a a founding editor of Parents' twice. At a time when Colrain come in, it would be an impor- schools are operating at from 50- reviewer and editor, a house- Choice magazine, a tabloid- was celebrating its 225th Anni- Subscribers will be able to ac-
60 percent capacity. Buoniconti wife and mother to three girls. sized publication that reviewed versary, National Public Radio "She was an excellent teach- cess the site at no charge. Those
has suggested that the annual The transition to a chalkboard children's media. Drawing from reporter Tom Looker taught er," Colrain Central Principal who have bought this issue may
budget could be stabilized to a classroom was dramatic. her acquaintances in the cre- students how to interview the Jackie Daley recalled recently. access the additional information
more predictable growth rate if "I was in my early 40s when ative fields, Colrain students town's residents. Those inter- "Very empathetic, very struc- by following the information in
one or two elementary schools I started teaching," Todd said were soon meeting with A-list views were compiled into a book continued on page 6 the box on page 2.
continued on page 6 West County citizens to be recognized Naomi Clark, paralized last
• GCC to honor Colrain poet Purington year from a spinal cord injury
sustained in an ATV accident,
is seeing improvement from

By Laura Rodley
able, and the amount of syllables Pond, Ribbons, American Tanka, her rehabilitation in Arizona.
per line to vary.
The Christian Science Monitor, See story, page 2.
While a poem is a distillation Lynx, Poetry in the Light and The COLRAIN—Local poet Carol of an experience or feeling, Purington will be given the Dis- haiku carries it even further, to She has also published books tinguished Alumnus Award by be a breath of the essence of a of her haiku with illustrations Greenfi eld Community College feeling, or experience. Reading drawn by her sister-in-law, Steph- a haiku is rather like getting a Carol Purington, who attended whiff of the emerging fragrance "Yesterday, I counted eight the school from 1970–1973, is of a new lilac blossom or sweet books, two of which are prose," well known for her peaceful pea blossoms, or the elusive fra- said Purington. Her books in- pastoral haiku, a Japanese verse grance of a pansy. To write haiku clude A Pattern For This Place, form with three unrhymed lines is very diffi cult, and Purington Family Farm, The Trees Breathe of fi ve, seven and fi ve syllables has mastered the form.
Sweetness, and The Seasons Where respectively. Currently the exact More than 100 of her haiku The Sap Runs. Her most recent number of syllables is blurred, al- have been published in jour- book is Where the School House lowing 11 syllables to be accept- nals such as Modern Haiku, Frog continued on page 12 SHELBURNE FALLS INDEPENDENT 8 Deerfi eld Ave., Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 • World traveller has spirit of adventure By Laura Rodley
George Needham Business Award and discovered a rare species of Turners Falls, MA will be awarded to the Warfi eld rock that is now displayed in the Address service requested House in Charlemont for contin- FALLS—Carolyn ued support of local education. "More than anyone else I know, Taylor of Shelburne has been cho- A special award will be awarded Carolyn exhibits the true spirit sen for the Jim Boulger Spirit of to Gerhard Stebich of Plainfi eld, of adventure," said Mary Lyon Adventure Award from the Mary an active school committee mem- Director Susan Samoriski. "She Lyon Foundation. ber, for many years of service to keeps us riveted with her e-mails The presentation will be at the education of youth in the the annual spring Lyonnaise on Taylor has just returned from a Saturday, May 13, at 7 p.m. at the As a former member of the trip to Central America that she Warfi eld House in Charlemont. Mary Lyon board of directors, started on in January.
The honor includes a plaque and Taylor is well acquainted with "I go to study Spanish," said Taylor. "This year my goal was to Two other awards will also be "Jim Boulger was on the do the past tense. Next year my presented. The Mohawk Out- board," she said. " As his hobby, goal is to do pronouns. I don't standing Alumni Award will be he used to travel. He went to very have a chance to speak the lan- awarded posthumously to Tanja different, off-the-map places. guage when I get home. I go two Davin, MD, class of 1989. The Once he climbed some mountain continued on page 12

page 2 • Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 •
Taking steps to recover from accident — literally ON THE WEB SITE If you purchased this newspa- Naomi Clark, paralyzed by four-wheeler accident, makes progress at facility in Arizona per and wish to access our new Web site (available Saturday, By Laura Rodley
it's purely with my abs." legs through all the range of April 29), use this code: With her forearms supported by the platform, Clark has pro- "Otherwise, I will grow bone in ASHFIELD—While riding a gressed from six steps on March my knee and hip, and they will be If you buy the paper at a store, four-wheeler in her family's or- 31 to "the most I've ever done, seized, won't move," she said. look here each week for this code chard last summer, Naomi Clark [which] is two loops around the At the end of her workouts, so you can enjoy the additional sustained an injury that badly gym. One loop, I sit down and she has the stim-box applied to material we're gearing up to pres- bruised her spinal cord, broke rest." And then she begins again. reduce pain and relax her hard- two vertebrae, crushed one ver- "If my spasms are active, they worked muscles.
If you're a subscriber who tebra, broke four ribs, and left mess with me," and she can't Clark is steeped in the lan- would like to access the newspa- her unable to walk.
complete the loop. guage of her therapy. She drives per online, follow the instructions The accident left the 21-year- The muscle spasms are very herself to the Institute, takes on the Web site, www.sfindependent.
old Clark a paraplegic with use of painful. At times, the spasms showers by herself and has been her arms and hands but no feel- thrust her hips forward and up able to lower herself into the pool ing in her body from her shoulder her back, making her hyper-ex- where she is staying with family blades to her toes.
tend her back as the spasms pull friends to swim. The dry heat of On Feb. 12 she left for The on the muscles of her back. Arizona means Clark does not Neuro Institute in Arizona where "Exercising the muscles makes experience the amount of pain Nominate a
she has been working out fi ve or my legs stronger, and makes the she would experience by being six hours a day. spasms stronger," said Clark. "I exposed to the humidity of Mas- high school student
"They have therapies three am taking very little spasm medi- sachusetts. She goes shopping in hours a day. I do extra stuff on cation." Prescribed for Clark are the nearby town. for peacemaker's prize
my own so I don't get charged," Baclofen and Zanafl ex. "I'm the happiest I've been said Clark. The Neuro Institute The spasms can cut short her since my accident," said Clark. DEERFIELD—The in Arizona specializes in im- exercising, and require fine- "I'm doing really good. I have Council of Franklin County and mersion therapy, where clients tuning to manage. At the same a positive attitude. I appreci- Traprock Peace Center are co- receive three to fi ve hours a day time, the severity of the spasms ate the support. My next goal sponsoring the Annual Peace- of physical therapy and occupa- means that her muscle mass is is making more progress. There maker's Prize for which nomina- tional therapy, along with cogni- is no other place like this. The tions are open. In April, mail tive retraining. "I'm progressing faster because people are great. It's like a family. a one-page (not longer) letter The work at The Neuro Institute I was so prepared," said Clark, My mom is coming tomorrow to describing the problem solving, reteaches the spinal cord to con- who had been working out with visit. I can't wait." conflict resolution, peace and nect, or listen, to messages from her trainer, Robert Uguccione, justice work or other worthy the lower body. Equipment there before going to Arizona. Tax-deductible donations can initiatives of a Franklin County includes more than $100,000 of "Yesterday was extremely be sent to the Neuro Institute at high school student to exercise equipment including exciting," she continued. "I do 1221 West Warner Road, Suite Traprock Peace Center, 103a The Galaxy FES Bike, Sci-Fit sit-ups on a bossa ball; I do the 102, Tempe, Arizona, 85284. It Keets Road, Deerfield, Mass. Pro II, Uppertone, NeuroPluse, sit-ups with an eight-pound medi- must be specified that it is to be Neuro gait trainer, and a 30-foot cine ball. I sit up and throw the put toward T-7 injuries for Clark All nominees will be recog- I-Beam walking machine. Arnie ball. Someone throws it back to receive the funds. The phone nized. Students attending high Fonseca, exercise physiologist, is to me. It's a lot of work. Usu- number is 1-888-22-Neuro or visit school while living in Franklin owner of The Neuro Institute. It ally I do 50 sit-ups and I stop County—including in all West costs $6,000 a month to use the because I was tired, not because can also be sent to Clark's parents County towns—are eligible.
facility. It costs $120/hour for the the muscles were getting sore, at Clark, South Cemetery Road, Five $100 awards and other occupational therapists. because I can't feel them. Yester- Ashfield, MA 01330. prizes will be awarded on Sunday, Clark is waiting to be fitted day, after 20 sit-ups, I'm getting Naomi Clark walks around the gym at the Neuro Institute in Tempe,
May 7. The public is invited to for a custom-made leg brace on feeling in my abs. It happened Ariz. with the help of physical therapist Renae Popkin.
"come and be inspired" at the April 27 that will help her walk ceremony, 7 p.m. at Greenfi eld with the aid of a walker, which When working with the abs, a recover as much as possible. "It you turn it up, it makes the High School. To fi nd out if you she has been using. person who doesn't have a spinal Clark has used the stim-bike, legs work at a lower voltage, it Preschool applications
should bring a pot luck dish call "I have a walker platform that cord injury would "feel the burn or FES bike, two or three times loosens the muscles up and takes (413) 773-7427.
cradles my forearms," Clark said. almost immediately." This recov- a week, and has ridden on it 70 way pain from the tight muscles," "I have braces on my legs that ery of feeling likely means that minutes while watching a movie, said Clark. The stim-box is ap- immobilize my knees. I shift my at some level, her spinal cord has pushing for three minutes, and plied to her quads, hamstrings left leg, which unweights the op- recovered its ability to transfer resting for two. FES stands for and back. Her exercise program Buckland-Shelburne Elementary Mohawk panel meets
posite leg, do a crunch with my messages from the muscles to the functional electrical stimulation, includes exercise and stretches to School Preschool is accepting abs, and thrust the hip forward. brain. Extremely encouraging, it where electrodes send a current correct and arrest the scoliosis as applications for the 2006-2007 The crunch automatically swings is why Clark went to The Neuro to the muscles of the legs, quad- much as possible. school year beginning in the Trail Regional School District your legs forward. It's not walk- Institute, to do whatever she can riceps and gluteus by bypassing She works with three people, fall. This full-day program for Committee will meet Wednesday, ing the way people think. I don't to walk again, and to help her the injury to strengthen the Renae Popken, Jim Cole and 15 children from Buckland and April 26 at the school in rooms have muscle control of my legs, spinal cord relearn messages and Chris Scott, as well as Fonseca.
Shelburne runs from 8:45 a.m.–3 175-177 at 7 p.m. Clark has worked with the "One of the therapists is go- the Buckland-Shelburne stim-box, which "hooks me up to ing to make me this suit, similar Elementary School at 75 Me- electrodes set in a series of fi ve to a swimsuit, that I can put on, different programs so my legs go with electric stim pads on the Children need to be at least 3 straight, and then tuck towards upper back, four on the upper years old. Enrollment is limited It's More Than a Drunk Driving Law my body. It works out my legs." back—two high up on the shoul- and determined by la lottery. Before her arrival at The Neuro der blades, two lower on the Tuition is a sliding fee scale.
CHARLEMONT—The Institute, Clark had developed shoulder blades—and one lower This program is funded by mont Regional School District Allowing an unlicensed person to scoliosis due to not having much on the shoulder blacks, and one tuition and by a grant from the Committee will meet Thurday, operate a vehicle owned by you muscle strength in her lower just on my left side of my lower Massachusetts Community Part- April 27 at 7 p.m. in the school's is also punishable by this law. To back to hold her spine correctly. back," Clark said. nership for Children. Applica- Her left hip has sunk lower than Currently, someone else ap- tions are available at the school learn more, visit our web site: the right. To reduce the result- plies the pain-reducing pads of beginning April 24 and are due ing back pain and extreme pain the stim-box against her skin. by May 12. Families will be noti- produced by the spasms, one of "I can put on the suit, and I'm fi ed of acceptance by May 26.
the physical therapists applies good to go," said Clark.
Pre-town meeting savvy
an "electric stim" which " is the She does upper body work- exact same thing as the stim-box, outs as well and stretches be- BUCKLAND—Town at lower voltage. fore her workouts, putting her Phoebe Walker invites residents to meet on Friday, April 28 from 6-8 p.m. at Town Hall to hear pre-sentations by sponsors of some of J H SHERBURNE the larger issues on the warrant for votes at annual town meeting on Wednesday, May 3.
Those issues warrant articles include creating a wood smoke K E Y S T O N E
pollution committee, chang- • Beautiful • ing the Mohawk Trail Regional School District's agreement among member towns, setting the • Affordable • pay rate for police private detail work, creating a local agricultural Monday, Tuesday & Saturday Uncommon handcrafted jewelry commission and approving an 7 am–6 pm Diverse New Books operating budget for fi scal year by the Artist/Owner Wednesday, Thursday & Friday PPFA Certified Picture Framer 7 am–7 pm Walker will also discuss stan- Sunday 10 am–3 pm dard procedure for the meeting.
40 State Street • Shelburne Falls "We will have a very busy Town Bridge Street • Shelburne Falls Meeting this year," she said. "I encourage everyone to come Overlooking the Bridge of Flowers learn more about the issues we will be debating." For informa- tion call her at 625-9883 or send Sunday 11–4 Tuesday by chance / Closed Monday Why settle for less than
the life you deserve?
59 Bridge St., Shelburne Falls Do you desire quality health and pain-free living? Try the revolutionary Quantum Reflex Analysis. More reasons to take your vitamins
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(413) 625-9411 • Monday–Saturday, 7–7 • Sunday, 7–5 3 State St., Shelburne Falls • Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 • • page 3
Monthly library raffl e
Watershed Association seeks help for North River survey project Batters up in Plainfield Friends of the Arms Library group is holding a monthly raffl e Deerfield North River, the South River, the PLAINFIELD—Plainfi eld boys will beheld SatuVrday, April 29 May through July. Six Plainfi eld featuring prizes from local artists River Watershed Association Chickley River, the Green River and girls have started practicing at 9 a.m. All youth baseball home boys are practicing with this and stores to help raise money seeks additional volunteers to and two segments of the main throwing, catching and hitting games are played at Plainfi eld to support library activities and conduct visual shoreline surveys stem of the Deerfi eld River. baseballs in preparation for the Town Park on North Central and record results along the The surveys will be used to upcoming baseball season. League also sponsors two older The prize for May is a half-gal- North River in Colrain during create an action plan prioritizing The Recreation Committee In addition to the teams men- level teams: Mickey Mantle, for lon of maple syrup from Hager the weekend of April 29-30.
both short-term and long-term will again sponsor three levels of tioned above, Ashfi eld sponsors a age 16 and Connie Mack, for age Brothers in Colrain.
Widely regarded as one of work needed along these river baseball teams. Plainfi eld Little girl's softball team for sixth grade 17-18 for youths in the Mohawk The self-service raffle is set the coldest and cleanest river segments and will be incorpo- League, which competes in the girls from both towns. Ashfi eld/ Regional School District. Josh up on a table inside the library systems in Massachusetts, the rated into a watershed-based Hilltown Bryant Little League, Plainfield Babe Ruth team for Shearer, a senior at Mohawk, is near the front door. Tickets are Deerfi eld River and its tributar- plan to reduce non-point source has a large group of 9- to 12-year- ages 13-15 has started try-outs playing on the varsity baseball $1/each or $5/six. The drawing is ies—of which the North River is pollution in the watershed.
old kids who have been practic- for the team, which plays games team for the second year.
on or near the last day of each one— provide habitat for numer- A volunteer training workshop ing for the past few weeks in an- in the Mohawk League from late ous species and attract fisher- will be held on Thursday, April ticipation of the league opening man, swimmers and paddling 27 at the Colrain Central School game scheduled for Wednesday, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Trained vol- May 3. The Bantam team for ages Although much of the water- unteers will then spend 2-3 hours 7-9 and the T-Ball team, for ages shed is undeveloped, non-point each during the weekend travel- 5-6, have also registered teams source pollution has degraded ing by foot along their assigned and practice is underway for portions of the Deerfi eld River stream sections.
games starting in May. and its major tributaries. Pos- For information call Carrie In anticipation of the season sible sources of non-point source Banks at (413) 268-2040 or email the annual town park clean up pollution in the Deerfi eld River watershed include failing septic systems, storm water runoff, runoff from paved and unpaved roads and agricultural and other Voter awareness urged
land use activities in close prox-imity to rivers and streams.
State House visit
ROWE—A citizen's guide to Funded through an $87,700 town meetings by way of an infor- grant from the Massachusetts BUCKLAND—West County mal question and answer session Department of Environmental residents are invited to join the will be held on Tuesday, May 2 Protection and conducted in group of parents and other com- following the scheduled candi- partnership with the Franklin Re- munity members who will travel dates' night at 7 p.m. in the Rowe gional Council of Governments, to the State House in Boston Elementary School gymnasium. the project will assess and fi eld- to lobby for added educational Town Moderator Robert Clancy verify potential non-point sources money on Wednesday, April 26. and the board of selectmen will of pollution in six of the major Call Phoebe Walker at 625-9883 discuss the basic procedures of sub-watersheds in the Deerfi eld or e-mail [email protected] for
a town meeting and the warrant River Watershed, including: the articles for this year.
Now through Saturday, May 6
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Open Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 5:30; Sat. 8:30 - 5 page 4 • Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 •
qualifi ed teachers to teach in this later might not prove to be ungraded school buildings. 3) fi neness of grain, temper, and as valuable in a long-range plan The ease with which more pu- durability. Progress in educa- as the building of a Junior High pils of one grade may be taught tion is more intangible. We like in comparison with mixed to think that we have the best schools, and this is a healthy 1951 Report of Superin- Today we are a nation on
attitude so long as it does not tendent of Schools
wheels living in a scientifi c or lead to complacency.
Philip M. Hallowell
atomic age. Civilization in spite If we are to have the schools Buckland is faced with a seri- of our feeling toward change we think we have it is necessary ous [school capacity] shortage. is constantly changing; and if that we remain alert to retain Should consideration be given we are to progress, as I am sure educational practices which to the remodeling of buildings we will, we shall continue to hve been found by experience which are already obsolete and change. If we wish to witness Editorials • Commentary to be sound, and to be just as which lack suffi cient play- one of our greatest strides in ready to adopt practices which, ground facilities according to change, let us visit a modern though new to us, are proving modern theories of education? farm. The average farmer can- Letters to the Editor in current use to be superior. We build modern highways, air- not exist in our present society We are hearing on all sides ports, etc. to fi t the up-to-date farming as our forefathers did that modern schools must methods of transportation. Why ten, twenty-fi ve, or even fi fty be functional. To meet this not give our children consid- years ago. Fortunately, most of INDEPENDENT THINKING SPECIAL requirement school equip- eration and provide modern our citizens do not agree with ment, including buildings, facilities in order that they may this latter theory.
playgrounds, athletic fi elds, enjoy the benefi ts of the latest Today we live in a mobile so- classrooms, and shops must recommendations in the train- ciety. A boy or girl born and at- The roots of be arranged and equipped to ing of our citizens of tomorrow.
tending school in this area may meet the needs of the courses The regional planning com- live a greater part of his life in of studies to be taught, and mittee has had several meet- another area. If this is true, he the courses of study must be ings since I have been associ- must be able to compete with adapted to prepare the stu- ated with your school system. people who have had an educa- dents to be well adjusted and I feel the action which the tion equal to or better than the useful citizens in the only area citizens plan to take regarding one he has been able to obtain.
of the world whose citizens are the regional school will have a In order to encourage the trained in self government.
very important bearing on the consolidation of schools the The responsibility inherent steps which are taken to im- State assumes a large share of in the above requirement is so prove the elementary housing, the transportation costs. Any great as to be appalling. Upon particularly in Buckland and cost over fi ve dollars times the One town's long journey the success of the gigantic Shelburne. The Arms Academy average attendance is reim- American experiment in public is also crowded and the facili- bursed by the State.
education, depends the prob- ties of the vocational depart- In 1939 your Superintendent toward a nine-town high school ability of remaining for long a ment, which includes both the of Schools at that time remind- self governing people.
shop and home making depart- ed the citizens of Shelburne Accomplishment of this re- ments, are not adequate. These that more space was need for quirement does not necessarily facilities will be less desirable the vocational department. His Editor's note: I'm not sure what I was expecting to the concept of regionalization and consolidation being mean that all existing buildings as the larger classes which are recommendation at that time fi nd when I went to the Arms Library one Saturday a space-age ideal rather than a means of containing and curricula should be aban- now in our elementary schools was to add to the east side of looking for town reports in an attempt to understand costs. It might have been the concern about state doned and immediately re- enter the high school.
Cowell Gymnasium. Fourteen some of the origins of our school system, but I ended up budgets and "hold harmless" money in 1948. With placed by all new buildings and While I realize the above years later we are still recom- captivated by the historical vignettes in the dusty cop- all this in mind, we present some excerpts from these curricula. Education evolves. recommendations are not new mending more space for our ies of Shelburne's offi cial history. Why? It might have reports in the hope that these opinions — ranging in The best of the old blends in it is obvious that some decision been the echoes of the rhetoric of the school building age from 40 to 60 years old — might tweak our think- with the best of the new. Most on a well planned long-range spree of the 1990s; it might have been the realization ing, helping us understand the past as our region's older buildings can be adapted building program cannot long that educational professionals in the area were trying communities begin the long and painful process of 1953 Report of Superin-
to the needs of the present, and be delayed. If we should start tendent of Schools
to get a regional school for a long time, a process that fi ghting to preserve our school system at the state level new buildings can be built to now it would be approximately Philip M. Hallowell
— reading between the lines — was divisive and even or fi ghting to redefi ne it locally (more realistically, a provide for the future so far two years before we could ex- During the past several failed profoundly the fi rst time. It might have been in combination of both).—JEFF POTTER as current insight can foresee, pect anything in the form of a months a committee of nine to replace such buildings as building ready for occupancy.
members called the Regional cannot be economically made It is not my intention to School Planning Committee has elementary school. It lacks the serve as a springboard for the to meet current educational sound pessimistic and be over been meeting to attempt to fi nd Report of the
recreational area that should building of an action program." critical of your present facili- a solution to the school housing School Committee.
be a fundamental part of the The ease of modern transpor- ties. I merely wish to remind The need for a new building school of the future. Renova- 1948 Report of superin- tation is leading to the consoli- the citizens that if your school There is no doubt that the
to replace the Baker school is tion of the Baker school would tendent of schools
dation of schools. Collecting system is to keep its position as schools of the past and also more urgent than ever with the cost nearly as much as a new children into larger groups is a progressive up-to-date system at present are doing an out- growth of our population. The school. Replacement of the New legislation repeals the of value only as far as it results these problems must be faced standing job of educating our present building is inadequate. present building with a modern provisions of Chapter 70 of in a better educational offering and solved for the best interst youth. There is also no doubt There are not enough rooms structure on the present site the General Laws whereby for all children, and opportu- of all concerned.
that the horse and buggy, the and the heating and lighting would be impractical. We con- $6,500,000 of state income tax nity for each student to receive The Regional School concept sailing vessel, and the square is very poor [sic]. In fact the clude that a new elementary moneys were distributed to the instruction in the arts and is beginning to take root in rigger, the kerosene lamp, the whole set-up is not in keeping school, on a new site, is needed. towns and cities. A new Chap- crafts most likely to prepare Massachusetts. In my opinion record-playing victrola, and the with the best interest of our We have recommended that ter 70, effective Jan. 1, 1949, him to undersstand the broader the local school union plus milking pail and stool served action be taken immediately provides for the distribution concepts of modern civilization, other towns (which may wish well and contributed much in to initiate a program directed of 15.5 millions of dollars on to accept his responsibilities to participate) would make an its time. We have left most of toward eventually constructing an equalizing formula which in in a society of self governing ideal regional school district. these latter mentioned instru- a new elementary school on a general will give more to poor people, and render a satisfacto- Some advantages of the region- ments to a bygone age and are ing Committee report by E.A.
towns than to wealthy towns. ry service in a specifi c vocation al school plan are as follows: facing the future realistically. If Milne, chairman, C.S. Brewer,
Our survey of the high school It provides that no town is to commensurate with his inter- 1. The state will contribute schools are to train citizens of buildings indicates that addi- receive less "School Aid" than ests and abilities.
up to 40% of the construction a future generation who are to tional improvements would be it received in 1948.
Experience seems to be pro- live in the atomic age, the jet are changing. If the children of benefi cial. Because it appears There is considerable dis- viding that the gathering of stu- 2. The state will contribute airplane, and even the possibil- the town are to be competent that improvements can be agreement relative to whether dents in groups ranging from 15% more toward the local ity of fl ying into space, they to condend with the compli- impeded by lack of funds, we there is more or less money 400 to 1,000 offers opportunity school fund than it is contribut- must change, too.
cated problems of the future, have recommended that the available for schools. The for- to provide instructors who ing at present.
Schools organized on a larger Shelburne schools must not be school committee survey this mula for distribution of moneys possess the abilities necessary 3. Facilities of the pro- unit basis are to be the schools allowed to remain static. We problem with the Arms Acad- under the new Chapter 70 is to more adequately serve the posed Junior High unit and of the future. Such towns as must be conscious of required emy trustees and suggest, if an intended to result in a more Senior High unit would be Charlemont and Hawley on the improvements and keep abreast accelerated improvement pro- equitable equalization of edu- It has been possible during elementary level; Deerfi eld, of trends in education. Our sur- gram is expedient, that addi- the past two years to consoli- 4. The costs would be shared Whately, Conway, Sunderland, vey shows that a well-planned tional funds for this purpose in Two methods for comput- date most grades. A teacher proportionately by all towns in Northfi eld, Bernardston and long-range program of school the form of increased rents be ing state aid are provided. who has one grade can give Warwick on the secondary improvement should be effect- made available to the trustees.
The fi rst will not provide ad- more attention to individuals 5. The regional school could level, have moved forward into Several towns, making educa- ditional funds for Shelburne. and groups who need help and offer an educational plan and this new age. There are many Shelburne supplies educa- tional surveys, have employed The second, which may be used provide a richer experience program that would surpass the others throughout this state, tional services to surrounding consultants experienced in at the discretion of the Com- for those who are interested one we now have.
the New England states, and towns. It is entirely appropriate school plant requirements and missioner of Education, could to do more than the average. 6. Badly needed space for the nation that have done the that other towns be charged curricula to support surveys provide additional "school aid" Shelburne has single grades the agricultural and vocational equitable rates for the services made by citizen committees. in some amount. Fullest benefi t in grades one through four. schools would be assured.
Recently the National Assoc. rendered. Current and future Such action might be initi- could amount to several thou- Colrain in all grades. There are 7. A better athletic and physi- of Manufacturers, which is a high school improvements ated profi tably by the town of sand dollars. There is suffi cient advantages in having upper cal education program would conservative organization, in a should be refl ected in the confusion in the arguments to grade pupils work with two or be made possible.
pamphlet dated August, 1954 tuition rates charged to other The Fact-Finding Committee make it probable that we shall more teachers, and this is pres- entitled "Our Public Schools," believes that progressive action have to wait till next year to ent practice in all three towns.
1952 Report of Superin- wrote as follows: "Many states
This committee is completely will provide progressive accom- determine whether Shelburne's The towns of Buckland, tendent of Schools
encourage reorganization of aware of the costs of modern plishments. A quotation from share of the income tax is to be Colrain, Shelburne and Heath Philip M. Hallowell
school districts — as a method education. It is also impressed a recently published survey of more or less than in the past.
havee, by a vote of a town The founders of our free gov- of improving education. Small by the need to plan concretely, educational programs will sum- meeting, authorized the ap- ernment, in their concern that schools and small districts tend in a reasonable manner, for marize the thoughts of the com- 1949 Report of the site pointment of a Regional School it might endure, understand- to be expensive; they may not
the real educational needs of mittee: "It is hoped that these committee for what
Planning Board under the pro- ingly emphasized education as obtain full return on the dol- our children. We believe that recommendations constitute a would become the Buckland-
visions of Chapter 638 of the a means of maintaining it. Edu- lars invested. Their fi nancial expanded facilities will prove state of common understand- Shelburne Elementary School.
General Laws of 1949.
cation according to our State limitations make it impossible necessary to meet the educa- ings which can serve as the Legislation by the Massachu- The duty of the planning Constitution is a function of the to offer a broad educational tional and related needs of the basis for an action program in setts General Court authorizing board is to determine if a re- State, but is locally adminis- children of today and tomorrow meeting the neededs of youth. regional schools was not avail- gional school is desirable.
tered and locally controlled.
They also quote as follows: to prepare them for greatly Undoubtedly there is need for able to the public until a late The proposed agreeement is There are great pressures "We are spending proportion- additional research. But the date. This law might materally then submitted to the voters upon our public school system ately less of our income on We stress herewith some of greatest neeed is for action on affect the requirements of our of all towns for approval. Two today. Some of these pressures schools today than we did in the highlights of our report: the research which has already town. Your committee give this or more towns may enter into are well intentioned for the de- 1930 — even then the schools The Baker school is an obso- been carried on. If the state- as their best excuse for fail- such an agreement and oper- velopment of the system, while were supported inadequately." lete structure. While usable, it ments in the report are com- ing to report at an earlier date ate a part or all of their schools others are created by subver- is and will be inadequate as an mon understandings they can as required by the vote of the on a regional basis. The more sive organizations, which would the parents become interested rejoice in the thought that our 1953 Report of Arms
A regional school for both in school planning the more publoic school system would be Academy Principal
the grades and the high school likely will be a wise choice of wrecked. [T]he founders of Dana Drew
Shelburne Falls The students have many ex- would of course relieve the our country believed in public town of the need for any town Two recommendations might education for the perpetuation cellent qualities, even though a school plant. Such a school to be given consideration: of our free government. It is few seem to have no goals and 8 Deerfi eld Ave., Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 replace Arms Academy would 1. To form a Regional School likewise true that, fortunately, drift from day to day. They are (413) 625-8297 • fax (413) 625-6661 relieve any congestion as to a District to operate Arms Acad- most of our clear thinking well worth your confi dence and • e-mail: [email protected]
high school and too probably emy as a four year high school. citizens of today ardently sup- support. Be sure to encourage leave at least Cowell Gymna- This would give a group of port our public school system. and promote their many fi ne sium and possibly the Academy towns some experience in joint However, there are members of qualities, rather than harp on An independently owned newspaper property available for grade operation and maintenance our society who would abandon their few weaknesses. They are serving Shelburne Falls and the surrounding hilltowns school use, being suffi cient to without involving the joint some of the support of public our greatest hope -- both as our meet future needs of this part responsibility of capital outlay education and thus cripple it sons and daughters and as our Jeff Potter, Editor and Co-Publisher ([email protected])
of the town as well as allowing for new buildings.
from within.
future neighbors and citizens.
Ted Cahill, Co-Publisher/Advertising and Operations ([email protected])
the Center school to be con- 2. To give early consideration One of the most diffi cult con- solidated here. If no regional to the building of a new unit fl icts which we face in public 1956 Report of Superin-
Virginia Ray, Managing Editor ([email protected])
school is set up then our needs to house the seventh, eighth education is the old one-room tendent of Schools
as at present include at least a and ninth grades, including country school system with its Philip M. Hallowell
Linda Rollins, Advertising Sales ([email protected])
grade school site and a fi eld fi t adequate space for vocational inherent methods versus the Since my last report the for athletics, a small children's shops and industrial arts. This newer concept of consolidated towns of Buckland and Shel- Regular contributors include: Christopher Baldwin, Brian Duffey, Stephanie
playground and for other com- building program should pro- schools and improved methods burne have taken signifi cant Funk, Kate Higginbotham, Laura Rodley, John Snyder, Don Stewart, Nate
munity celebrations and other vide adequate athletic fi elds of education. In most of our steps toward the planning of and playground areas.
communities this problem has modern elementary education- 3. A third consideration, been settled. Whether we ac- al facilties. Last January the Shelburne Falls Independent is published every other week on Thursdays by Dialogos which would probably be more cept or reject this trend toward towns voted to regionalize on Media, Inc. Annual subscription rate: $20 per year.
1950 Report of superin-
tendent of schools
easily accepted, would be to consolidation is is bound to suc- the elementary level. Since that Diverse viewpoints are presented in our Independent Thinking section — viewpoints that might not represent the views of this newspaper, its editors, its contributors, or build a school for senior high ceed sooner or later. The most time the school committees its advertisers.
It would be nice if one could grades, including the same logical reasons for this trend of each town have been work- Package, presentation, and most news content 2006 Dialogos Media, Inc.; some judge the value of a school as shops and laboratories for are as follows: 1) Effi ciency of ing with Mr. Bernard Dirks of material may be owned by individual contributors. Reproduction of material in this newspaper is prohibited without permission of the publishers.
one would a product of industry vocational education. While operation of a school system. Greenfi eld in planning a mod- by careful measurement of size, more attractive to most of us 2) The impossibility of getting ern school for the two towns.
Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 • • page 5
I believe regionalization is The visitors spent three days the best method of handling and two evenings observing and —The immediate construc- to arrive at a point where it the elementary school program recording their fi ndings con- tion of a six-room addition to may still be defeated by vote of • Mini hydraulic excavators • Multi-terrain loaders • Genie boom lifts for Buckland and Shelburne for cerning the academic program, the present Buckland-Shel- any one community.
• Challenger tractor backhoes • Skid steer loaders • Telehandlers the following reasons: the school administration, burne Regional School.
Another possible solution: 1. The state will contribute and the school plant. The —Continued participation by amend the present Buckland- Many attachments available • Hydraulic hose repairs
35% toward the costs of a new rankings according by the two your superintendent in a study Shelburne Regional School to school rather than 23% which Evaluation Committees were of the possibility of forming a include not only K–6 but K–12. would be the case if either quite similar and especially regional vocational school in Another amendment might be town built its own facilties.
so when they referred to the Greenfi eld.
to include Colrain in this re- 2. The major portion of the physical features of the High —The immediate reactiva- gional development. Since the two towns' school population School buildings. Both reports tion of interest in a new region- three towns mentioned already is separated only be a narrow emphatically indicated that function so closely as a unit, the classrooms, shops, study I should like to make the fol- I feel this would be an easy 3. It would avoid duplication hall, auditorium, cafeteria, of- lowing comments concerning a 413-625-6463 cell 413-834-1671
in cafeteria facilities, play- fi ce space, recreational areas, possible regional high school. I do feel that under this ar- rooms, heating plant equip- playing fi elds, toilet facilities, First of all, it should defi nitely rangement we should not forget ment, and personnel.
provisions for storage, parking include grades seven through our friends in Charlemont, 4. I believe state aid of the areas, bus-loading stations, and twelve. I believe this could be Heath, Hawley and Rowe. If future will continue to empha- corridors were so limited that handled in one or the other of they are interested or willing the academic and extra-curricu- the following two fashions.
perhaps they could be included In addition to the above plan- lar programs were unable to be fi rst solution is the one in such an expanded regional, Hilltown Tree & Garden ning, the towns of Buckland, presented at the desired level that has already been institut- or perhaps they could come MA Certified Arborist
Colrain, and Shelburne voted ed by some interested people, in on some sort of a long-term MA Certified Horticulturist
to regionalize with the towns While the enrollment at including the faculty of Arms tuition basis such as signing a of Charlemont, Hawley, and Arms in September 1960 was Academy. They have started the ten-year tuition contract with Cottage Garden Design • Installation • Maintenance Heath on the secondary level. 294, the predicted enrollment wheels in motion to form plan- This committee, too, has been for September 1961 is 322.
ning committees in the seven One way or another, a new • General Tree Care • Fine Pruning working on diligently wrestling Again this year I very strong- area towns that are interested regional high school is a most • Residential Orchard Rejuvenation with the many problems which ly recommend that prompt, in such a regional high school. urgent need for the area! ORGANICALLY ORIENTED • EXCELLENT REFERENCES • NATIVE PLANTS have confronted it in planning thoughtful action be taken by This is fi ne, for I believe the James McSweeney, M.C.A., M.C.H. • Chesterfield, MA a new facility for the pupils on the citizens of our community needs of all the towns should (413) 582-4088 •
the secondary level. This type to do everything possible to be included in the planning 1964 Report of the Mo-
of project moves much more guarantee a high school educa- of a high school. However, the hawk Trail Region-
slowly, as naturally it should. tion that will place our chidl- drawback to this is the fact that al School District Committee
Any group can plan an ordinary ren in a position to compete these towns already have failed At special town meetings school but making plans for a with the graduates of other to form a regional high school in April, the seven original school which will fi t the pat- schools in Franklin County and several times in the past. I feel towns in the region completed tern of education for several elsewhere in New England. that some of the trouble is a year's work by the District decades requires much thought. Although fi nancial limitations the necessary largeness of the Planning Committee by approv- When the committee has fi n- must be recognized and help us committee. Another drawback ing the formation of a Regional ished its task they are confi - in selecting modest, but worth- is the fact that this would have School District for our towns.
dent it will be a school of which while, solutions to our school to repeat much effort that has The cooperation and spirit of the communities will be proud problems the maintenance already been done, with per- committee members has been and one which will satisfy our of even the status quo of our haps the expenditure of several outstanding. With the contin- changing methods of education good high school, in the face of thousand dollars [$3,000 would ued support of the eight mem- Ihk a l  <Z[bgl during the next twenty-fi ve to the increasing demands being be the equivalent of approxi- ber towns the young people of fi fty years.
made of the graduates and the mately $17,450 in 2002 dollars] our communities will enter the :]]bmbhgl  La ]l rising costs of education, is new school in September 1967.
impossible without the support of an interested citizenry and K lmhkZmbhg  <hglnemZmbhg  <eZll lZg]Phkdlahil 1956 Report of the Mo-
hawk Trail Region-
some self-sacrifi ce. To wait or al School Committee
postpone positive action any It is our sincere hope that longer will needlessly handicap The Mohawk Trail Regional the boys and girls and cause High School will become a larger expenditures in the not- reality during the next twelve too-distant future.
months. However, if it is to Let us all remember that the become a reality, it will require boys and girls of 1960 are en- the sincere efforts and sacrifi ce titled to educational opportuni- 0+0P lmFZbgLm'!Khnm **/"%IeZbg_b e] of all citizens in the six towns.
ties the equal of or better than The committee visited those provided by our parents. several sites and had engineer- This assistance is essential if 413-743-5430  413-743-7110
ing tests made on two of these they are to take their places as sites. The red brick schoolhouse future leaders of our nation. site in East Charlemont was During a time when greater fi nally chosen as the most suit- percentages of the graduates able site for the region.
of urban and city high schools are going on to further educa- Report of the Mo-
tion it is unfortunate that, of hawk Trail Region-
graduates continuing with their al School District Committee
studies, our own percentage is During the past year this not growing accordingly.
committee has been faced with Although there is some numerous obstacles brought disagreement with certain of "I believe that the country about by some voters of the re- the approaches taken by the gion who are not in agreement Mohawk Trail Regional School with [town meeting's instruc- District committee, it must be weekly acts as a form of social tions] to this school planning rememered that said commit- committee. At the annual town tee had an obligation, given meeting of some of the member to them by the voters of the towns there will be an article district, to make every reason- to withdraw from the MTRSD. able effort to provide improved Join cement in holding the com- The majority of this committee educational facilities for the munity together." —Lyndon feels that withdrawing at this children of this area. Further, it time would be premature.
is very important to note that the committee did accomplish 1959 Report of the Mo- a major objective by keeping in
hawk Trail Region-
front of the public recognition al School District Committee
of the need for better school On June 30, 1959 the towns facilities and making the only of Buckland and Shelburne cooperative effort toward pro- were legally out of the district.
viding same.
"Count the day lost when On June 30, 1960 the town of Hawley will be legally out of Only $20 for one 1961 Report of Superin-
the District.
tendent of Schools
your newspaper.has not This will leave the towns Donald A. Fisher
of Charlemont, Colrain, and I strongly recommend that a year, and you'll never Heath in the district. It is the careful study should be made, done something to benefit opinion of this committee that both locally and by the Legisla- it would not be in the best ture, to explore the possibility have to remember interest of the three towns to of raising funds for education the community it serves." build a Regional School at this from sources other than the time. However, we do feel that real estate tax. If we continue which week we it would be in the best interest to rely, solely, upon this heavily —Oscar S. Stauffer of the entire area for Char- burdened base it will eventual- lemont, Colrain, and Heath to ly make limited the educational remain in the district. The need opportunities to be made avail- for more adequate and educa- able for your youth. This would tionally desirable faacilities for indeed not only handicap the the children of the area has not boys and girls, but it could have lessened during the last fi ve an undesirable effect upon years but is becoming more and our local, state, and national economy and security. with the passing of recent years our Report of Superin-
need for improved and larger tendent of Schools
facilities is growing ever more Donald A. Fisher
?aN_O UNQ to your O[YYaZU e ZQc_ M Q During 1960 we witnessed a number of important events related to public education in 1961 On April 30, the
Buckland and Shelburne.
Mohawk region dis-
Among these occasions the solved by vote of the remaining
8 Deerfield Ave., Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 evaluation of Arms Academy, completed in early April, 413-625-8297 • fax 413-826-9234 deserves special and critical 1962 Report of Superin-
attention. This study conducted tendent of Schools
You can also subscribe on the Web at
by a group of teachers, school Roy Bither Jr.
administrators, and a represen- I feel that the faculty of tative of the Commonwealth of Arms Academy is doing an Mass., Department of Educa- unusually fi ne job considering tion was the culmination of a the limitations of the plant. You survey authorized by the Shel- people are even more aware of burne School Committee and the shortcomings of the plant carried out by the principal than I am, as evidenced by the and faculty at Arms under the several attempts during the direction of this offi ce. It took past few years to obtain a new E-mail (optional — only for subscriber updates and benefits. We will never give or sell place over a period of two years high school. A new school for and involved a great many grades seven through twelve your personal information) _ meetings and much outside of is a most urgent need. Perhaps school time in order to prepare because of the serious limita- Please enter a gift subscription for a self-evaluation. These reports tions of the school plant at were then reviewed by the visit- Arms, more and more of our ing team and comparisons were high school pupils are going made between the two studies. outside for vocational training. This latter group was organiza- Probably this trend will con- ed by the New England Asso- tinue and amount to an even ciation of Colleges and Second- greater number of pupils.
ary Schools, a body which has The following projects should I enclose $ _ Gift subscription renewal goes to me recipient the responsibility for ruling on be given careful consideration the accreditation of our High by the citizens of Shelburne to assure your children future page 6 • Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 •
Peggy Hart answered, "We're at a very different place than when we voted the regional agreement. in the system were closed. He our legislators," Walker said. "We outstanding capital costs of a I think we literally have half the has also suggested that a closed have a couple of points that we'd closed school will be met by all number of kids as we had at that school could be reborn in some like them to address that apply to district towns. The proposal for other educational entity, such as either everyone or every regional the amendments will be before Porter again said that she felt a technical school.
school district, which include an annual town meeting voters and that details regarding closure In distilling information re- enormous number of tech schools will require unanimity district- were undefi ned.
ceived from the public forums, in eastern Mass.So we think wide to pass.
"I just think it's too bad to go Buoniconti said that the message we have kind of a representative out without a clear plan and ask from communities was that they Cindy Smith said that she had for this." she said.
were "uncomfortable at moving "very strong feelings about the "There were tons and tons of quickly" toward a possible school Regional amendments pass
amendments. I think it's very discussions," MTRSD Business As the school committee con- important to put it on the ballots Manager David Fraser said. "The Residents, he said, wanted a sidered the four per cent budget and to see what people have to question was — maybe Heath delay of at least a year for more fi - prior to voting its authorization, missed it. What is in front of nancial information and for more there was some dissent among Newly appointed Heath rep- us is what's affordable and what research into the consequences.
members, chiefl y because pos- resentative Pam Porter, however, we can afford for the kids. We've "There's not a lot of support sible staff or program reductions consideration of been speaking about this for four for any of the downsizing plans," will not be discussed until April the amendment regarding the years and every year [the issue] is he said. ".The general idea that relocation of elementary students [postponed to] the next year." I've gotten is that.although it's Ashfi eld representative Mary as "unnecessarily divisive and Mohawk Trail Regional High painful, towns think that Link explained that budget ap- School Principal Philip Dzialo they can support a four percent proval was necessary on April 12 "I'm very strongly opposed to noted that he had lived through budget [increase] as long as we due to imposed deadlines for the offering this without offering three fi nancial crises, including keep working on a long-term district's annual town meetings. what any real plan will be," she a few years ago when there were downsizing budget." The teachers' contract also man- said. "I'm also mistrustful of the 22 staff cuts at his facility.
Referring to the $206,000 dates that staff be informed of idea that we're buying a year to "That was catastrophic," he increase in education and trans- any layoffs by June 1. She noted said. ".What these amendments portation funding approved by that with no authorized fi nanc- Buckland representative Jon do is provide solutions that the the House Ways and Means Com- ing the district would potentially Wyman said that the committee school committee can have the mittee, Buoniconti said, "that face a "one-twelfth budget" or would have to consider the best power to deal with.We ought would buy us the year that we're month-by-month funding until education for all the district's to think that we are a region, a fi nancing for the coming school single municipality." The four per cent increase year is authorized.The budget "If that means moving children The two amendments passed budget refl ects operating costs passed unanimously.
to other schools, that is a neces- with just one "nay" vote and Discussion regarding accep- sity," he said. "This [amendment] one abstention recorded. The The budget subcommittee will tance of amendments to the is what's going to help us.if we legal mechanism providing the present proposed cuts, accom- district's regional agreement don't have this we're going to be school committee authorization modating the $275,000 reduction, took more than an hour. Essen- spinning our wheels." to potentially close a school, or to the school committee on the tially, the revisions Porter asked for the creation schools, now awaits a decision evening of April 26.
the school committee authority of a more specific plan before from district voters.
to close a school if necessary. considering the amendments.
Boston bound
They also provide that any School Committee Chairwoman That same day a group of dis- and a few school committee mem- bers will travel to Beacon Hill to ondary school funding, full school tured, very bright. She had high to her when she was fi rst elected. to accept that as your reality. You transportation revenue and a sug- expectations for the kids and I said ‘We're going to fi nd wheth- change the reality." gested change in the educational worked very hard to get them to er it's possible to be effective in A reality that has also changed reform fi nancial formula.
meet those high expectations. politics when you're as good as is the financial landscape of offi cials and concerned And she did it with a smile all you are.'," he recalled.
secondary schools. As the direc- parents from all over the Com- Robinson gave Todd high marks tor of the Title I program for the monwealth will also be in Boston Todd stressed the fi ner points in a demanding task. district, Todd has seen federal that Wednesday for several state of reading by assigning students "Susan is without guile," Rob- funding shrink from $400,000 to functions, ranging from a meet- the challenges of the long-form inson said. "There's nothing naive $300,000 in the past fi ve years. ing of the Mass. Association of novel. They were taught the about her, that is, she knows the The program provides for more School Committees to a "Stand value of written communication complexities of human situations intensive teaching of supplemen- For Children" rally. Phoebe by keeping journals of their as well as anyone. But, she's di- tal math and English language Walker of Buckland is one of rect and candid and I think she's arts, making the 40-year-old proj- the organizers of the as-yet-un- "She also began taking kids been as effective as she was in ect a vital adjunct to meet the named grassroots campaign to on fi eld trips that extended far government because you can't federal annual testing mandate make legislators more aware of beyond what had previously been bring yourself to show any guile of "No Child Left Behind." Mohawk's financial crisis. She done," Daley said. "She was one to her. She obviously was a person "It means that supplies and was asked whether the group's of the innovators of taking her everyone trusted and admired." professional opportunities are message might be dissipated sixth grade class to Washington, Todd brought to Heath a guid- limited," Todd said of the cut- amid so many organizations seek- D.C. for a week." ing educational philosophy and back. "The thing about most ing attention.
For Todd, a soft-spoken Gar- a strong drive to inform students teachers is that you obviously "I wouldn't say so. I would say den State expatriate, however, of their places in the world. She fi ght for what you think is right, we're not so much joining people the early months of teaching made sure that they knew of the but then you get a ‘fait accompli' from across the state as much to a classroom of 29 12-year-old work of Heath's well-known sum- [the cutback] and you try to make as we are somewhat crashing a strangers was not initially a mer residents, now long gone, it work. That's the way teachers party," she said.
smooth glide through calm aca- such as Felix Frankfurter, FDR's Walker said the group has choice for the Supreme Court, Todd said that she was not made appointments to see several "For me it was a long process who served as a justice for 23 opposed to the intent of the "No of the state's leading legislators, of thinking ‘How do you work years. Educator and theologian Child" federal program despite or their aides, including Rep. with children who aren't your Reinhold Niebuhr, perhaps best limited funding. Robert Deleo (D-19th Suffolk), own and develop the tone, the known for the "Serenity Prayer," "I have a lot of respect for a chairman of the House Ways and expectations and guidelines in held religious retreats nearby, lot of these approaches," she Means Committee, Sen. Robert a classroom?'" she said. while Charles Kades, who died said. "I'm not the person who's As 90-year-old Lakeland, Flor- in 1996, was a prominent attor- going to criticize it wholesale. sex), chairman of the Education ida schoolteacher Hazel Haley, ney who oversaw the drafting You may miss a child if you don't 25 years solving Committee and Robert Travaglini who also retires this year, told of Japan's post-World War II test everybody. [Annual testing] (D-1st Suffolk-Middlesex), Senate a CBS reporter recently, "If you may sound like overkill, but I don't love children, run for the "Wherever you are, whatever don't think it is because people "We know we can't go to Bos- you're teaching, you're part of the have found in the testing they Franklin County! ton and hope that anyone gives In time, Todd was confi dent in community," Todd said. "I think did discover some people they a hoot about Mohawk other than her bearings and also discovered true understanding of the com- did miss, for whatever reason." your property by that this brought a tone to the munity enables children to really understand the wider world,. It Daniel Shays' shadow
"Sometimes there was this permits them to have a global Regarding state educational • Sheds
‘hum' in the room which is always understanding. I think you have funding, Todd is more pointed in • Barns
the thing that you love," she to begin with the ‘rootedness' in • Garages
• Contact Lenses said. "Everyone's engaged and your own community." Heath stu- "The message seems to come • Pool Cabanas
• House Additions

everyone is involved in their own dents have used math and science from the communities loud and • Industrial Protective • Fishing Camps
to study the production tech- clear that we have to find an • Hunting Camps
niques of Brooks McCutchen's alternative means to fund edu- • Screen Houses
"Thinking globally"
sugarhouse, while also measuring cation," she said. "When the In 1999, with encouragement maple trees to analyze growth state taxes were lowered, it just from her husband, Todd studied and health. There's an ongoing meant the property taxes had to for certifi cation to qualify as a study of a nearby vernal pool, go up in order to fund municipal principal. During that same pe- which, due to the students' data needs and the schools' needs.I Come in and choose riod Richard also suggested that collection, has become a state- think there has to be a greater from a vast array she should run as a candidate for certifi ed site. awareness from the state of the of sunglasses the Ashfield select board. In a demands for funding education Natural — $19/yard race with an opposing candidate "Architecture is destiny"
in this region." Dyed — $24/yard for an unexpired term, she won As to any difference in Heath's Intrigued by history, Todd said and began what would become approach to elementary school the current educational funding 724 Greenfield Rd. • Rts. 5 and 10 • Deerfield, MA 01342
"For People Who Value Their Vision" a fi ve-year stint. Retired Smith education, Todd noted, "As one crisis brought to mind Shays' 413-773-8388 •
College professor Don Robinson, teacher said ‘We're just trying to Rebellion, a 1786 uprising of 27 Bridge St., Shelburne Falls who served a final year on the do what everybody else is trying farmers in Hampden County board as Todd began, recalled brought to a boil over high taxes her "purity of heart." She added, however, that and indebtedness. "I remember that I commented there's a compelling element. "There was the same lack of "Someone once said that ‘archi- understanding of this region and tecture is destiny.' It's a great that was over 200 years ago," idea, isn't it?" she said. "It maybe still hasn't DR. ROBERT SIDORSKY
Todd explained that the large, changed. We still haven't been open, high-ceilinged meeting able to engage the imagination, place near the Heath school or the attention, of people in the building's entrance enhances "all eastern part of the state." school" programs and also serves When Todd leaves Heath a for community gatherings. unique legacy remains. Her ap- "What it means is that you're proach is perhaps best summed able to experience interactions in up by Margaret Keith, who served a way that might be more diffi cult with Todd on the Ashfi eld Histori- if you had a number of closed spaces," she said. "The architect "When I think of Susan," Keith tried to recreate in modern form said, "I just think of an ear-to-ear A Subterranean Slice of the idea of a one-room school- grin. She's always, well, of course, house.It sure feels like it when no one's always happy, but she Heaven Serving Latin & you see children of many ages always appears happy and she being able to interact." always appears genuinely con- Todd has been influential in cerned with what may be going bringing live theater and live on in your life. She had a way of music to the 10-year-old school. listening to both sides and then, She's also applied this year to very quietly, putting everything Tapas served 4–10 p.m.
the Massachusetts Agricultural all in perspective when there was Dinner served 5–9 p.m.
Society for grants to finance an argument, and there often Friday, Saturday, fi eld trips that allow students to was. She has a calming energy." visit local farms and has received funds in the past from the Mass. Environmental Trust for similar 10 Bridge St.
the new owner! "We're isolated," she said of the rural facility, "but why should that be a reason for children not to have wider experiences? If you're isolated, you don't have Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 • • page 7
Pothole Pic-
through fi elds and forest of Red readings designed to help people SHELBURNE FALLS tures special Gate Farm. 9-11 a.m. All ages. surrender fear, maintain hope, and
showing: Buckland Public Library
$5/members, $10/nonmembers. feel a deep sense of peace and will co-sponsor a showing of the Red Gate Farm, 4 Norman Rd. In- community. 3-4 p.m. at the First classic coming-of-age fi lm October formation: (413) 625-9503; www.
Congregational Church, 43 Silver St. Sky as part of its "We're Read- Information: (413) 773-2570. ing" promotion. The library is urging all residents of Buckland Strings play: Advanced
and Shelburne Falls to read the UMass Amherst string novel, "Rocket Boy,"and see the 30 students perform as part of the
fi lm based upon it. This is the story Opus One String Ensemble under of a misfit teenager (Jake Gyl- the coordination of violin profes- Josh Ritter
lenhaal of "Brokeback Mountain" sor Elizabeth Chang. Free; 8 p.m., SHELBURNE FALLS (right, www.
fame) growing up in a dead-end Signs of spring: Look
Bezanson Recital Hall, University of returns to
coal mining town in the 50s who for signs of spring in Hilltown Folk to celebrate the
dreams of making rockets and is Dubuque State Forest. Join Polly release of his highly anticipated
encouraged to achieve his dream Bartlett and Pat Serrentino for an new album, The Animal Years.
by his enthusiastic teacher Laura early spring hike with little eleva- Lord of the Rings mu-
Touring with Ritter is the oc-
Dern. Fighting poverty and his tion change, but lots of interesting sic: UMass Amherst's
tet, HEM (below, www.myspace.
father's disapproval, the boy over- natural history, to look for spring Minuteman Band performs Sousa, com/hem), playing sophisticated,
comes seemingly impossible odds flowers, frogs and salamanders, Tull and premieres a student subtle orch-pop with a twang.
in this inspiring story for all ages. migrating birds, beavers, and other arrangement of music from the Josh Ritter¹s CD release party
Preceded by David Sand playing inhabitants of forest and wetlands. film Lord of the Rings. $10; $5, will be at Memorial Hall on
finger-style guitar, who will per- Impressive stone remains of previ- students, senior citizens, and un- Saturday, May 6 at 7:30 pm.
form a few rocket-inspired songs. ous mills can also be seen on this der 18. 3 p.m.; Fine Arts Concert Tickets are $18 in advance, $20
Music, 7 p.m.; fi lm, 7:30 p.m. $6 hike. The entire loop is about fi ve Hall, University of Massachusetts. at the door. Student tickets are
at the door or one prepurchased miles, but shorter loops with car $10. Tickets are available at
ticket (5 for $15). Pothole Pictures, spotting can be arranged. Meet at Tickets: Fine Arts Center Box Offi ce, The Hempest, Boswell¹s Books,
51 Bridge St. (Memorial Hall). In- 9 a.m. at the Staples parking lot (413) 545-2511. World Eye Bookshop, and on-
formation: (413) 625-2896; www.
in Greenfi eld for carpooling. Free. line. Information: (413) 625-
Deerfi eld River Watershed Associa- tion. Information and registration West County artists
(required): (413) 625-6628 ; www.
HOLYOKE participate in arts
weekend: Shelburne Falls artists
Bernard Banville, Christin Couture,
War tax resistance:
Karen Dolmanisth and William An information ses- Talking drum: UMass
Hosie will exhibit at Open Square sion sponsored by Traprock Peace AMHERST Amherst Department
in a three-day offering of perfor- Center. 1 p.m. Green Fields Market, of Music and Dance Percussion mance, open studios, installations upstairs meeting room, 144 Main Studio concert, coordinated by and exhibits. Preview reception St. Information: (413) 773-7427; UMass Amherst Percussion Profes- Friday 6-10 p.m. Open Saturday sor Eduardo Leandro, will feature and Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m . Free. Professor Astrid Schween, cellist Open Studios at Open Square Arts Opening: Photos hon-
and member of the Lark String of the Valley Celebration, 4 Open or children's mental
Quartet. The program will include Square Way. Information: www.
health week: The Support Network
works by Tan Dun, Toru Takemitsu, for W. MA/PAL/The Consortium, Philippe Manoury, Adam Silver- the Children's Museum at Holyoke man, and Iannis Xenakis. Tickets at and the state department of Men- Fine Arts Center box offi ce. 8 p.m. SHELBURNE FALLS Swing Cara- tal Health present an exhibit by $10; $5, students, children under
van: Swing Caravan is welcomed
children from western Mass. who 18, senior citizens. Bezanson Re- back to play their engaging upbeat are sharing photographs of things cital Hall. UMass Amherst Depart- renditions of Django Reinhardt that are important to them and that ment of Music. Information: (413) and Gypsy Jazz classics. 7pm. Free; make them happy. The program 545-2511;
tips appreciated. Mocha Maya's, presents a family's struggles for 47 Bridge St. Information: (413) safety and stability when facing any Ticketmaster outlet, (413) 733- 828-1413;
childhood mental illness. Opening tours. Great Falls Discovery Center, 2500 or
reception 1-2 p.m. followed by "The 2 Avenue A, Saturdays at 11 a.m. Dangers of Empathy" from 2-3 p.m. Yes to chess:YMCA
Information: (413) 863-3221; www.
Children's Museum of Holyoke, 444 Chess Club meets Opera presents
Dwight St. Through May. Informa- every Thursday 5:30-9 p.m. All wel- Guys and Dolls: Tony Award-win-
Internationally known
come to participate for an hour or Fa m i ly - f r i e n d -
ning musical takes the stage under musicians visit UMass:
the entire evening. Club members the artistic direction of Li Ciaglo Meditation for chil-
Terry Everson, an internation- will help beginners learn the ba- "Stringing Styrofoam" and "Cub- with Michael Rheault conducting. dren: Introductory
ally renowned trumpet performer, sics. Information: (413) 773-3646. ist Collages" for children and $30, $26 and $15; student and se- MTC celebrates
meditation course for children educator, composer/arranger and their families during spring break. nior discount and 20 percent group Mozart's 250th
ages 8-12. Participants learn a church musician, will perform Nature's Ge-
Create your own hybrid string and rates available 8 p.m., Fayette with Amadeus : Mohawk Trail Con-
nonsectarian technique said to works by Robert Schumann, Ro- SHELBURNE FALLS ometry: Se- collage instruments inspired by Congdon Auditorium, Northamp- certs will celebrate Mozart's 250th help improve concentration and dion Shchedrin, Elena Roussanova
ries of photographic abstractions the Kidspace exhibition, "The New ton High School, 380 Elm St. Also birthday by co-sponsoring a show- self-control. Donation. 9:30 a.m.-4 Lucas, Eric Ewazen, Robert Russell by Martha Braun. On exhibit at Sound of Music: Hybrid Instru- Saturday, April 29 at 8 p.m. and ing of "Amadeus," the sensitive ex- p.m., Vipassana Meditation Center, Bennett and Gregory Pascuzzi. McCusker's Market & Deli, 3 State ments," by Ken Butler. Kidspace Sunday, April 30 at 2 p.m. Infor- amination of the nature of genius Colrain-Shelburne Road. Information Bezanson Recital Hall. 8:15 p.m. Street. Through May 15. Open daily at MASS MoCA, 87 Marshall St. and how the boorish, hedonistic and registration (required): (413) Free. UMass Amherst Department 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Information and registration: (413) org; (413) 586-5026. Tickets: (413)
Mozart composes brilliant music of Music. Information: (413) 545- 664-4481, ext. 8131; kidspace@mass-
587-0067. while the cultured Salieri produces 2511;
mediocrity. This is the seldom seen Guys and Dolls:
ment: Register
Clowns, juggling,
"director's cut," which includes See listing for Fri- Alice Parker speaks
now for "Natural Rhythms: Heal- mimes, music and
30 minutes of new footage. Stars day, April 28. at MacLeish tribute:
ing through Nature." A unique more: Lynx Company presents Tom Hulce as a manic, hilarious
Noted composer, conductor and movement group for women. April 26 "Side Dish: A Vaudeville Show." Mozart and F. Murray Abraham in
FMC hosts sacred
teacher, Alice Parker of Hawley, 5–May 10. Great Falls Discovery Performed by Biz Wells, Evan an Oscar-winning role as the mur- gathering: Baystate
will speak at the annual tribute to Center, 2 Avenue A. Information: Young, and Ezra LeBank, with live derous Salieri. Preceded by Mozart Regional Cancer Program at Frank- Archibald MacLeish. Noon. Free. (978) 544-7073 music by Sofi a Abassi and Katie keyboard music live on a 1770-era lin Medical Center and the FMC Greenfield Community College, The Clothesline Proj-
Kloss. The History of a Hand, writ- square fortepiano. Music, 7 p.m.; Volunteer Chaplains sponsor the AA meets: Alco-
ect: Visual display
ten and performed by Ezra LeBank, fi lm, 7:30 p.m. $6 at the door or third annual Sacred Gathering for CHARLEMONT holics Anonymous bearing witness to violence against will open the show. A.P.E. Perfor- one prepurchased ticket (5 for $15). Those Touched by Cancer. Inter-
holds open meetings Mondays at women through 20 tee shirts deco- mance Space, third fl oor Thorne's Information: (413) 625-2896; www.
denominational service includes Calendar continues on the Community Bible Church, 108 rated to represent particular vic- Market, 150 Main St. Through Sun- prayer, blessings, music, dance and Main St. 7 p.m. Free. Information: tims. Main campus beween the day. Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. (413) 339-4488. East and Core buildings. Rain Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets $10; $8, location is Social Sciences Studio seniors, $5, students and children. SHELBURNE FALLS Adam Swee-
AA meets: Alco-
E115. Continues through Thursday. Reservations and information: ney / Erik Alan: Oregon-based
SHELBURNE FALLS holics Anony- Greenfield Community College, (413) 586-5553l;
Adam Sweeney, folk singer/song- mous holds open meetings Thurs- 1 College Dr. Information: (413) writer, on acoustic guitar. Erik Alan days at Trinity Church, Severance 775-1000;
Spring quilt show:
of The Amity Front, a Northampton Now open for brunch
St. 7 p.m. Free. (413) 625-2341. Third annual show Americana band, will alternate 8 a.m.–1 p.m.
features more than 100 quilts sets. 8 p.m. Free; tips appreciated. Zen programs:
and quilted items — some by Mocha Maya's, 47 Bridge St. In- Friday, April 28 - Roadhouse 27 West County quilters — including formation: (413) 828-1413; www. Live music!
ers/The Maezumi Institute present family, antique, historic and baby Friday, May 5 - The Direction programs at The House of One quilts. A quilt of special interest: People, 177 Ripley Road. Medita- "Louisa's Sweet Freedom Quilt" 24th annual sax sympo-
Saturday, May 6 - The No-No's tion, yoga and workshop informa- GCC show features
by Bambi Miller of Charlemont sium: UMass Amherst
tion. (413) 367-2080, ext. 2#; www.
student artwork:
and her group, made in honor of Department of Music & Dance Student art show opening includes Louisa Dorsey, one of a family sponsors the Annual New England musical performances by various of runaway slaves known to have Saxophone Symposium. Featured is student ensembles. Refreshments. stayed in Charlemont as part of the Marine Band Saxophone Quar- TURNERS FALLS exhibit: "Retro- Show features student work from the Underground Railroad. Tickets tet with UMass Amherst alumnus
spective," a photography exhibit drawing, painting, video, photogra- to raffl e of handmade fl ying geese David Jenkins. 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Music Just a 10 mile ride from Shelburne Falls! Jay Maisel's bold, graphic, satu- phy, sculpture, graphic design, ani- quilt at show. $5. Show continues Wing of the Fine Arts Center, Uni- Dinners 5–9 weekdays, until 10 weekends rated color images. Maisel, photo- mation and computer art classes. Saturday, April 29. St. Paul's versity of Massachusetts. Informa- Lunches Wednesday–Monday from 11:30 a.m., Tuesday from 3 p.m.
graphing since 1954, has selected Gala reception, 7 p.m. Through Lutheran Church, 23 Long Ave. tion/registration: (413) 545-2810; Children's Menu • Open 7 nights a week works from his career as an ad- May 12. Show open Monday-Thurs- Information and directions: Ruth vertising, corporate and editorial day from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Fridays Warner, (413) 625-9029 or Cathy 141 Buckland Rd. • Ashfield, MA • 628-0158 photographer based in New York from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Satur- Nelson, (413) 773-7361; pastor@
Cats: See listing for
City. Opens April 6. Free. Hallmark days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. South Friday, April 28. Museum of Contemporary Photog- Gallery and adjacent areas of the raphy, 85 Avenue A. Thurs.-Sun. 1-5 main building on College Drive. Guys and Dolls:
Bring this ad to the diner and save 10 percent! p.m. Information: (413) 863-0009; Greenfield Community College, FMC: Northside
See listing for Fri- 1 College Dr. Information: (413) Saxophone Quartet performs at day, April 28. 775-1224;
the next "A Bouquet of Music" Courage Choir
series. The group includes Jon sings: Join the
M. Weeks of Leyden on soprano weed workshop:
Courage Choir, 6:30 p.m., in the and alto sax, Ronald R Smith The Deerfield River Watershed Red Studio at Shelburne Falls Yoga 28 of Northfield on alto sax, Adam Association and Silvio O. Conte
Studio, Deerfi eld Avenue. Open to Scotera of Northampton on tenor National Fish and Wildlife Refuge all. Wednesdays, ongoing. $10 fee sax and Cliff White of Ashfi eld on sponsor a workshop on updated suggested, but contributions are on baritone sax. 1 p.m. Main lobby, methods to control Japanese knot- sliding scale. Information: (413) Shelburne Falls
Franklin Medical Center, 164 High weed in wetland and upland areas. Area Business As-
St. Information: (413) 773-2573. 1-4:30 p.m. Free. Great Falls Discov- sociation meets: Annual spring
ery Center, 2 Avenue A. Informa- Accepting takeout orders breakfast and meeting, which in- tion and registration (required by programs: Mondays:
cludes presentation of the Marvin courses at Marl-
April 21) to Cynthia Boettner at Call ahead for fast service 10 a.m. Wellness Walkers, 1:30-2:30 J. Shippee Community Service boro: Spaces still available for a
(413) 863-0209, ext. 6. p.m. Crochet with Julie, 5 p.m. Award. 7:30 a.m., Academy at Char- two-day course to cover vital infor- S.M.A.R.T. Recovery for Youth; lemont, Route 2. Catered by Mar- mation about legal and business Watershed tour
Tuesdays: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. free garet Fitzpatrick, former owner of issues for those involved with the in pictures: In-
Reiki sessions for the drug and Tusk ‘n' Rattle. $12; $10 per person arts, presented by Volunteer Law- terpretive mural backdrop tour at the Arrowhead Shops alcohol recovery community, call if payment sent by Tuesday, April yers for the Arts at the Marlboro with artist Frank Gregory (www.
Jess to schedule an appointment 25 to Karen Laudon, c/o Greenfi eld College Graduate Center. Sessions Journey through
1105 Mohawk Trail, Shelburne (413) 774-5489, Wednesdays: 6 p.m. Savings Bank. Information: (413) will include "Ask the Lawyer" pan- the Connecticut River watershed women's yoga at the Grapevine, 93 els, discussions about intellectual via the center's murals. Great Open Monday–Friday 5 a.m.–3 p.m.
Chapman St., free; Thursdays: every property, and contract and business Falls Discovery Center, 1-2 p.m. other week community meetings at Cats on stage : Andrew
structures. Additionally, there will Information: (413) 863-0209; www.
Saturday and Sunday 6 a.m.–3 p.m.
1:30 p.m.; Fridays: 3 p.m. games/ Lloyd Webber's Tony- be area-specifi c presentations for movie/ music. Information: (413) award-winning musical (www.really-
musicians, fi lm and video profes- comes to Massachusetts.
sionals, and nonprofit organiza- Spring quilt show:
Friday and Saturday 4–9 p.m.
Continues Saturday, April 29. $65, tions. . Marlboro College, 2912 See listing for Friday, Art in Nature:
$57.50 and $50. 8 p.m., University Route 9. Information, registration, April 29. 625-6643 • [email protected] of Massachusetts, Mullins Center fees and schedule: 802-257-4333; ages by Tom Whalen on display Tickets: Mullins Center Box Offi ce, Spring bird walk:
Michael Ryan, Proprietor through April. Also general exhibit Ben Mazzei leads hike page 8 • Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 •
pristine rivers, as well as evidence naturalist Aimee Gelinas and his-torian Mike Whalen, this moderate 270 Main St. Information: (413) Lecture: "Divergent
West St. Co-op Power, 277 Federal hike (5 miles) with a few climbs 775-1000;
Practice in Similar Mo-
St. Information: (413) 425-6795; culminates in a scenic overlook tion, or Why Did Bach Have It In
of the Deerfield watershed. 10 For Hidden Fifths?": UMass Am-
a.m.–3 p.m. $15; $10, members of herst Professor of Music Theory Trustees of Reservations Highland Bret Aarden lectures. The talk Dan Hicks and
Communities Initiative, 132 Main is part of the UMass Amherst His Hot Licks: Dan Hicks (www. St. Information and registration
Department of Music and Dance, the self-described "one
(required): (413) 268-8219; www.
Theory lecture series. 12:20 p.m. and only icon of West Coast jive An Evening with
Free. UMass Amherst Department ‘n' jazz." 7 p.m. $22.50 and $25. NORTHAMPTON The Little Wil- of Music. Information: (413) 545- Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center
lies: The Little Willies originally
St. Information and tickets: (413) The Books: Due
came together to play a one-shot 584-0610;
to strong demand, MASS MoCA gig in NYC (covering Willie Nelson has added a second performance tunes), but soon found a shared Concert: Boston Har-
of The Books. Nick Zammuto and love of classic American music. Fea- Paul de Jong are rising national tures Lee Alexander, Jim Campilo- mony, the new 22-member world music stars and hometown heroes ngo, Norah Jones, Richard Julian music vocal ensemble, will make known for their unique blend of and Dan Rieser. 7 p.m. Iron Horse its western Massachusetts debut. sampled and acoustic music. 7 p.m. Music Hall, 20 Center St. Informa- Performance: Scenes
Formed under the direction of $14, advance; $17, day of concert; tion, tickets and directions: (413) from beloved operas:
Village Harmony Co-director Patty MassMOCA members, 10 percent 584-0610;
The Opera Workshop of the UMass Cuyler, the concert will include discount MassMOCA, 87 Marshall Amherst Department of Music songs from Cuyler's ‘home country' St. Information: (413) 662-2111; Concert: UMass Am-
and Dance will perform scenes of Georgia in the high Caucasus as AMHERST herst Jazz Ensemble I from a variety of beloved operas. well as from Bulgaria and Croatia,
The director's cut of Amadeus will play at Pothole Pictures on Saturday,
and Studio Orchestra: The award-
Program includes scenes from some South African dance-songs, Concert: The Roots
April 28.
winning UMass Amherst Jazz Mozart's "Don Giovanni and The and a variety of down-home mu- and Dashboard Confes-
Ensemble I and Studio Orchestra Magic Flute," Purcell's "Dido sic from Americashape note and sional: The Roots (www.theroots.
Building, Room 115A. Greenfi eld Friends of the Great Falls Discov- perform a full-length concert. and Aeneas" and Britten's "The gospel quartet. Tickets are $10 for com), a Philadelphia-based live rap Community College, 1 College Dr. ery Center and members of the Conducted by Professor Jeffrey Rape of Lucretia." Also included adults/$5 for young people 16 and group, with alternative rock band Information: (413) 775-1141; www.
Athol Bird and Nature Club as club Holmes, director of the African- are sections from Menotti's "The under. Reserve by calling (413) Dashboard Confessional (www.
founder and trip leader Bob Coyle American Music and Jazz Studies Consul and The Medium," Johann 625-2082 or at the door. Tickets 6:30 p.m.
leads the 43rd Annual Northfi eld Program. Bowker Auditorium $10; Strauss's "Die Fledermaus" and available at the door. 7:30 p.m. $10; $35; free, UMass undergradutes; Bird Trip. Meet at the Northfi eld $5, students, children under 18, Rossini's "William Tell." $10; $5, $5, 16 and younger. Congregational $15, other 5-college students (valid UMass Amherst Sym-
Country Club. 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m. senior citizens. UMass Amherst students, children under 18, senior Church. V. Information and reser- ID required for free and discounted phony Band: American wind band
Great Falls Discovery Center, 2 Department of Music. Informa- citizens. Bezanson Recital Hall. vations: (413) 625-2082. admission). Mullins Center, Univer- classics by the UMass Amherst Avenue A. Information: (978) 249- tion: (413) 545-2511; www.umass.
UMass Amherst Department of sity of Massachusetts. Information: Symphony Band, under leader- 6083;
Music. Information, tickets and Hike: Bear Swamp wild-
(413) 733-2500 ; www.mullinscenter.
ship of Music and Dance Depart- directions: (413) 545-2511; www.
fl ower hike: Come look
ment Professor Laura Rexroth. Walks: Birding
for spring wildfl owers with Natu- Works to be performed are Walter hot spots: Silvio
HOLYOKE "Crystallizing Mo-
ralist Denise Pavao on a leisurely Performance: UMass
Piston's "Tunbridge Fair," Michael O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife ments/Acrisolamiento": Opening
hike through forests and wetlands Amherst Percussion
Colgrass's "Old Churches," Fisher Refuge staff will lead walks start- reception of fourth annual visual SATURDAY, to look for wildfl owers, fern and Ensemble: Featuring "Aztec Gods," Tull's "The Final Covenant," An- ing at the Great Falls Discovery
and performing arts show features other signs of spring. 9:30 a.m. by Gardner Read and "Stone drew Boysen's "Kirkpatrick Fan- Center to explore local birding hot visual and performing artists from Free. Bear Swamp, Hawley Road in Wave,"by Rolf Wallin; under the fare" and Vincent "Persichetti's spots. Binoculars and fi eld guides the regionincluding local artist Ashfi eld south of the intersection direction of Professor Eduardo Pageant." 8 p.m. Fine Arts Center recommended but not required. Janice Sorensenwho have received with Tatro Road. Deerfi eld River Leandro. 4 p.m. $10; $5, students, Concert Hall. UMass Amherst Dress for the weather. 10 a.m. and 2006 Career Initiatives grants. Watershed Association. Informa- children under 18, senior citizens. Department of Music. Informa- 2 p.m. Free and accessible. Great Poetry, music and refreshments. 5 Roseanne Cash:
tion and registration (required): Bowker Auditorium, UMass Am- tion: (413) 545-2511; www.umass.
Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue p.m.–8 p.m. Open Square, 4 Open Postponed concert has new date (413) 625-6628; www.deerfieldriver.
herst campus. UMass Amherst A. Information: (413) 863-3221; Square Way. Western Massachu- with singer/songwriter/author Department of Music. Informa- setts Training Consortium, 187 Roseanne Cash. Tickets for April tion: (413) 545-2511; www.umass.
High St. Information: (413) 536- 29 concert will be honored. 8 p.m. Program: Nesting
Iron Horse Music Hall , 19 King instincts: Learn
St. Information, tickets, cost and how different birds make their Program: A tree
TURNERS FALLS by a ny o t h e r
name: A Closer Look at Trees with
Discussion: Where
directions: (413) 584-1444; www.
nests and the habitat they depend UMass Amherst Vocal
Gini Traub fromAdults will learn TURNERS FALLS the birds are:
on to nest successfully. A special Jazz Ensemble : Program under
that trees are punny (like funny) Wayne Petersen, Mass. Audubon look at crabapple trees and the the direction of Professor Cath- Dinner: Spring ban-
and children will learn that tree Society's Important Bird Area Event: New England
birds they attract. Program in- erine Jensen-Hole includes ar- quet: Shelburne Falls
cookies are for exploring but not program director, shares history strength spectacular:
cludes hands-on activity geared rangements by Jensen-Hole, Paris Women's Club holds its spring for eating. For school-aged chil- of IBA and signifi cance of the 11 Powerlifting at 11 a.m., bikini con- to the child in all of us. 1 p.m. Rutherford and Michele Weir of banquet and annual meeting. dren, their families and the child important areas of the Connecticut test at 4 p.m. and mixed martial Free and accessible. Great Falls "Just the Thought of You," by Mary Lyon Church, Upper Street. in all of us. 1–2 p.m. Free. Great River watershed. 7-9 p.m. Great arts competition at 7 p.m. $50 and Discovery Center, 2 Avenue A. In- Billy Taylor; "Nica's Dream," by Shelburne Falls Women's Club. In- Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue A. Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue $25; $10, UMass students Mullins formation: (413) 863-3221; www.
Horace Silver, and "At the End of formation and reservations: (413) Information: (413) 863-3221; www.
A. Free. 7 p.m.–9 p.m. Free. Great Center, University of Massachu- the Day," by Rosana Eckert and 625-6825. Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue A. setts. Information: (413) 733-2500; "Besame Mucho," by The Hi-Los. Information: (413) 863-3221; www.
Casserole and
8 p.m. $10; $5, students, children Concert: Local com-
baked beans:
under 18, senior citizens. UMass posers: Singers from
Dinner to benefi t Trinity Church's Amherst Department of Music. NORTHAMPTON e r g y s u m m i t : Access for All campaign. Home-
12 three choral ensembles will be
Information: (413) 545-2511; www.
sharing the stage as the chamber Hands-on workshops to help you made casseroles served family choir, chorale, and women's choir use clean energy and save money.
style, homemade baked beans, of the UMass Amherst Depart- Workshop topics include: Solar salads, homemade rolls and home- ment of Music and Dance perform Hot Water, Solar Electric Systems, made pies. All proceeds go to the Geothermal, Biodiesel for Home renovations fund to make Trinity Heating, Biodiesel for your Car, Church fully accessible. Seatings 8 SHELBURNE FALLS dren's health: under the direction of Professor E.
Franklin Medical Center and Wayne Abercrombie and graduate Franklin County libraries join student Jeffrey Kempskie. 4 p.m. Wind and Small Hydro Power, at 5:15 and 7 p.m. $9, adults; $6, to present "Blood and Guts," a $10; $5, students, under 18, senior Spring 2006
Grease Cars and Biomass, On Farm children 6th grade and younger. program designed to give elemen- citizens. Fine Arts Center Concert Wind and Biodiesel farm machin- Shelburne-Buckland Community tary school-age children a greater Hall. UMass Amherst Department Quilt Show
ery, Municapal Wind and Biodiesel Center, corner of Church and Main ing Injuries on the
understanding of human anatomy, of Music. Information: (413) 545- , Recycled Oil Collection, Biomass, St. Information and reservations: Farm": Diane Fisher-Katz, M.S.,M.
to lessen fears about hospitals 2511;
Conservation and Effi ciency. Walk- Janet Eaton at 625-2110 or Anna D.T., a physical therapist from and health care and to encourage Friday–Saturday, April 28–29 ins welcome. 8:30 a.m.8:30 p.m. Riceat 625-6988. the Valley Medical Group, will continuing exploration of the sci- 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Smith College Campus Center, 126 demonstrate and discuss how to ence resources available at their prevent back, knee, shoulder and local library. This is a hands-on other joint injuries. CISA offi ces. program in which participants Dinner provided. Dinner, 6:30 p.m. visit nine stations, each represent- followed by program and meet- ing another aspect of health care. ing. $7–10, dinner. Pioneer Valley Refreshments and prizes. 6 p.m.–8 Concert: Espresso
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Women's Agricultural Network, p.m. Free , Bridge and Main streets. 23 Long Ave., Greenfield Concert: PVS presents
CISA offi ces, 1 Sugarloaf St Infor- Information: (413) 625-0306 or ment in the banquet room for Brahms: The Pioneer
mation and registration (preferred, 625-9765; [email protected].
Mother's Day with Espresso Jazz Valley Symphony and Chorus, by May 3): (413) 665-7100; www.
( 11 a.m.–3
Directions: Exit 27 off I-91 Paul Phillips, music director and p.m. Charlemont Inn, Route 2. In- South on Routes 5 and 10 Conductor, and Alexandra Ludwig, chorus director with Hampshire Choral Society, Allan Taylor, cho- 13 formation and reservations: (413)
rus director, present Brahms Re-quiem on the composer's birthday. Annual Bridge
SHELBURNE FALLS o f F l o w e r s
Features vocal soloists Elizabeth Concert: Student com-
Plant Sale: Sale features perennials
Keusch and David Kravitz. 3 p.m. posers: New works
divided from the Bridge and other Fine Arts Center, University of Film: Howard Zinn:
written by UMass Amherst music local gardens, nursery propagated October Sky
Massachusetts. Pioneer Valley Sym- You Can't Be Neu- students. 4 p.m. Free. Bezanson Re- wildfl owers from Hillside Nursery, phony, 91 Main St. Information tral on a Moving Train : Greenfi eld
cital Hall. UMass Amherst Depart- geraniums, specially selected gar- Friday, April 27 • 7:30 p.m.
and reservations: (413) 773-3664; Community College and the Hu- ment of Music. Information: (413) den-inspired art and other items man Ecology Department present 545-2511;
of interest to the avid gardener. 1999. PG. 108 min., color. Part of We're Read- a public screening of the documen- Rain or shine 9 a.m.–noon. Green ing! program of Buckland Public Library, Open house:
tary of the life and times of the Hike: Northfi eld
between Main and Water streets. Arms Library, and Shelburne Free Library Women's Club
historian, activist and author of the Bird Trip: Join
Shelburne Falls Women's Club. On the big screen
celebrates 80th: Shelburne Falls
best-selling classic, A People's His- Information: (413) 625-9830. in beautiful
Women's Club holds 80th birthday tory of the United States. Featuring open house. Look back at the club's rare archival materials, interviews at the historic
Saturday, April 28 • 7:30 p.m.
long history. 2 p.m.–4 p.m. Free. with Zinn and colleagues and M E M O R I A L
Directed by Milos Forman. 1984. PG. 180 Shelburne-Buckland Community friends, including Noam Chomsky, Center, Main and Church streets. Marian Wright Edelman, Daniel min. color. Director's cut with 30 min. extra Shelburne Falls Women's Club. Ellsberg, Tom Hayden and Alice footage. Co-sponsored by Mohawk Trail 51 Bridge St.
Walker. Part of the Human Ecology Hike: Monroe State
department's a four-part, Tuesday (above town hall)
Forest: This natural
night fi lm series (through May) to ERRATUM: The dates of these films were
and cultural history hike on Dun- inform people and spark debate $6 at the door
published incorrectly in the last issue of the
bar Brook will showcase the re- about current issues in ecology or 1 prepurchased ticket
gion's thriving forest ecology and and sustainability. 7 p.m. East We insure boats
• Homeowners • Business Owners
• Contractors • Workers' Compensation
Bring in or fax your current policyfor free quote (413-625-9473) • Auto (Personal & Commercial)
Insuring what we care most about in West County
Locally owned • Personal service WINTER HOURS
10 a.m.–4 p.m. Wednesday–Sunday Closed Monday and Tuesday P.O. Box 375 • 28 Bridge St. • Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 Shelburne Falls, MA
Tel: 413-625-9437 • Fax 413-625-9473 • Overlooking the Glacial Potholes Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 • • page 9
Nichols promotion SHELBURNE—Former dent Glenn Nichols has been promoted to the rank of Captain in the United States Air Force Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol.
Capt. Nichols is a pilot and Air Crew Member of the Massachu-setts Wing, and a member of the Franklin County Cadet Squadron. Judith A. Albee, 46
Civil Air Patrol conducts Home- Joseph W. Gormley, 69
land Security and Air & Ground Search and Rescue missions for the United States Air Force and Send birth dith A. (Heir) Albee, 46, of 10 HAWLEY—Joseph Gormley, other agencies. announcements to Highland Avenue, Shelburne 69, of 264 West Hawley Rd., died He is the son of Sally Nichols Falls, died Thursday, April 13, April 23 at Holyoke Hospital.
of Shelburne, and the late Rob- at Baystate Medical Center in He was born in Framingham ert Nichols. He is a resident of We would love Springfi eld.
on Aug. 5, 1936, the son of Jo- Deerfi eld.
She was born in New Bruns- seph and Clotilda (Michaud) to publish them wick, Canada, on Feb. 29, 1960, the daughter of Patrick J. and He was a 1954 graduate of Capt. Glenn Nichols
Bernadette L. (Parmenter) Heir. Newton North High School.
She had been a resident of the Gormley served in the U.S. Shelburne Falls area for 18 years, Navy, enlisting on Jan. 19, 1956. coming to the area from West He was honorably discharged on Jan. 18, 1962.
She attended West Boylston Prior to his retirement in 1988, First Congregational Church, UCC:
intractable and potentially disastrous domestic High School until her sophomore he was employed by the former Rev. Kate Stevens, Main Street, and international situation, but that if we begin year, when she transferred to General Motors in Framingham, what Joanna Macy has called The Great Turning, Worcester Trade School. She where he worked for 30 years.
there is a way out of these crises. Though not op- studied cosmetology and gradu- He and his wife, the former children in kindergarten through grade six led timistic, he is hopeful that changes can be made ated in 1978.
June Stiles, were married on by Maryellen Abbatiello, minister of children's that can save us from the chaos and disasters Judith Albee was a member Sept. 28, 1963, and moved to her education. Child care is provided for preschool- we seem to be creating for ourselves. of the VFW Post 8503 Ladies Raymond E. Dyer.
family home in Hawley in 2002.
ers, and there is a nursery from which you can Auxiliary in Shelburne Falls. She In addition to his wife, he listen to the service on intercom. Coffee hour, Unity in the Pioneer Valley: Rev. Car-
enjoyed needlepoint and collect- leaves two sons: Stephen R. with fair trade coffee served, follows worship. ol Kelshaw. 322 Deerfield St., (413) ing antiques.
Gormley and his wife, Sheby, of Q G E N E R A L
Survivors include her son, certifi cates in refrigeration and Woodstock, Conn. and Frederick St. John's Episcopal Church: Rev. Jane
I N F O R M A T I O N : Association of Unity Churches Inter-
Jaycee Albee, of Charlemont; air conditioning. He worked at Gormley of Leominster. He leaves Dunning; Main Street, (413) 628-4402. national: "Unity is positive, practical Christianity." a sister, Sheila Carruthers, of the Coca Cola Bottling Co., in a brother, Paul, of Trinity, Fla.; As a gift to those who are chemically sensitive, Worcester; a brother, James Greenfi eld, since his senior year two sisters, Maureen Haley of 26: Offi ce hours, 10-11:30. Sunday, April 30: Holy the congregation strives to be a scent free P. Hehir; two nieces, Jennifer in high school.
Marlborough and Barbara Wills Eucharist 10 a.m. Visit of Bishop.
Q S C H E D U L E : Sunday services, 10
Carruthers and Marla Holt; a He enjoyed hunting, fi shing, of Foxboro; and three grand- a.m.; child care is available from 9:50 to 11:15; nephew, Brad Holt; a great-niece, his old cat, Mustang, which he children, Amanda, Benjamin First Congregational Church of
youth education/Sunday school, 10–11 a.m. "A Olivia Draughn; a great-nephew, raised since he found her as a kit- and Jenna Gormley. Another Buckland, UCC (Mary Lyon Church):
Course in Miracles" class meets every Sunday Kahlil Draughn; and her life ten. He enjoyed Red Sox and the daughter, Juliana, died on Jan. Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Downes, acting pastor. 17 noon–1p.m. Caroline Wenck and Don Wheeler partner, Charlie O'Gorman, of Patriots games (both in person Upper St., (413) 625-9440. Q S C H E D U L E : Worship
are the facilitator. Class: The Quest, Thursdays, 7 Shelburne Falls. She also leaves and on television), as well as good Funeral services were held on service on Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, her former husband, John Albee, jokes and joking around. Over a April 27. Burial will be at the 10:30 a.m. Communion, first Sunday of the 30: Ron and Danyelle Jones, transformational of Charlemont.
period of years, he completely re- West Hill Cemetery in Hawley.
coaches and authors of I'm Right…You Need to Services were April 18 at the built a 1966 Ford Mustang. Dyer Suggested donations may be April 30: Stewardship Sunday. Acting pastor Rev.
Change, will be guest speakers with "I'm a Co- Callahan and Fay Funeral Home was a snowmobile enthusiast who made to the the Baystate VNA Dr. Kenneth Downes will speak on the subject: Creator . But." They will also lead a "How to in West Boylston. Burial will be at enjoyed long rides through the and Hospice, 45 Amherst Rd. "Does God Have Deep Pockets? (A Question of Master Your Own Life Workshop," noon-3 p.m. the Mount Vernon Cemetery. Sug- P.O. Box 482, Sunderland, MA Security)" (Text: Luke 4:1-13, 12:22-34; Mark Sunday, May 7: First of a 4-part series based on gested donations may be made to Dyer, an accomplished self- the book I of the Storm by Gary Simmons. Rev. the Adoptees Liberty Movement, taught photographer, took many Smith-Kelleher Funeral Home Carol Kelshaw's fi rst lesson in the series is "No PO Box 85, Danville, NJ 07834.
pictures of nature and peo- Charlemont Federated Church: 175
One Is Against You." Smith- Kelleher Funeral Home ple. He enjoyed his computer immensely.
Frank L. Thayer, 94
Main St., (413) 339-4294. Q G E N -
E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N : Child care is provided for young
Heath Union Church: 5 East Main St.,
Edgar G. Dickinson, 82
He also loved to travel and children during the worship service and coffee (413) 337-4845. Q S C H E D U L E : Sunday
enjoyed many trips with his long- LAFAYETTE HILL, Penn.— is served afterward. Sunday School for children services, 10 a.m.
time girlfriend, Cindy Geary, of Frank L. Thayer, 94, of Lafayette will be held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the CHARLEMONT—Edgar G. Colrain, to destinations such as Hill, formerly of Ashfi eld, died month at the same time as the worship service. Rowe Community Church: 294 Zoar Rd.
Dickinson, 82, of 1231 Mohawk Las Vegas, Foxwoods and Mohe- April 22 at Chestnut Hill Hospital Choir practices are held on Saturdays at 4 p.m. (413) 339–4222. Trail, died April 10 at home.
in Chestnut Hill, Penn. He had and Sundays at 9 a.m. To join, call Esther Haskell Born in Charlemont, July 2, In addition to Geary, he leaves lived in Lafayette Hill since 1964, at 339-4282.
Q S C H E D U L E : Worship service on
1923, he was the son of Alice his parents, Alvin N. and Harriet moving there from Caldwell, Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
of Shelburne: Phyllis Evelyn, pas-
(Gale) and Ernest R. Dickinson. "Belle" Dyer of Colrain. He is sur- tor; 22 Church Commons, Common Road; (413) He was a graduate of Charlemont vived by two brothers: David and He was born in Ashfield on Community Bible Church: Rev. Mi-
High School and the University of his wife, Barbara, of Bernardston, Aug. 17, 1911, the son of George chael Looman; 108 Main St., (413) T I O N : Handicap accessible. Audio amplification (for
Pittsburg Squadron E, as a mem- and William of Goshen. He also A. and Clarissa (Clark) Thayer. He 339-4488. Q G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N : A Baptist Gen-
the hearing impaired). Q S C H E D U L E : Sundays, 10
ber of the 60th College Training leaves several nieces, nephews, was employed by Johnson March eral Conference Church. Child care is available a.m.; Sunday School, 10:15-11 a.m. Social hour Detachment in Pennsylvania. He aunts, uncles and cousins.
of Philadelphia as an electrical during all worship services.
Q S C H E D U L E : Tuesdays:
follows at the church hall. Child care is available was married to the former Ruth He was devoted to his grand- engineer. He was a volunteer 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous open meeting. during the service. A. Bowen, who died in 1975.
mother, the late Flora B. Dyer, with the Colonial Neighborhood Wednesdays: 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.: Fire and Reign He had been employed with the who died in 2003.
Council where he delivered Prayer. 6 p.m.: Community Supper, followed by Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's
J.M. Blassberg Co. in Shelburne Services in celebration of Ray- Meals on Wheels. His wife, the Small Group Bible Study and Prayer at 7 p.m. Witnesses: 412 Mohawk Trail,
Falls as a driver for 20 years, re- mond Dyer's life will take place former Opal Charmichael, died Sundays: 10:30 a.m. worship service. 10:30 a.m. (413) 625-2976. Q S C H E D U L E : Services on Sundays,
tiring in 1984. He also owned the at the privacy of his family follow- on July 2, 1979. Sunday School and Junior Church, for children 10 a.m.; Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., and Thursdays, 7:30 Woodbine Antique Shop in Char- ing cremation, with inurnment Survivors include two sons: in grades six and under. p.m. Home Bible studies available.
lemont for many years. Following in the North River Cemetery, Douglas Thayer of Media, Penn., his retirement, he had worked at Colrain. The Rev. David Neil, and Robert Thayer of Olean, N.Y. Maranatha Bible Chapel: Rev. Paul
the Charlemont Transfer Station pastor of the Trinity Church of He leaves a daughter, Marjorie Norcross, 1977 Main St., Mohawk Church: Ashfield Street, (413)
for a number of years.
Shelburne Falls, will offi ciate.
Gross, of Spring, Texas; and a Trail. (413) 625–9284 or (413) 339-8630; www.
Serving his country during Visiting hours will be conduct- sister, Gladys Schaeffer, of Water- Q S C H E D U L E : Sunday services, 10:30
World War II, he was in the U.S. ed on Friday, April 28, 2006 from ford, Mich, He also leaves seven a.m. Tuesday Bible Study, 2 p.m. Tuesday prayer Shelburne Falls Shambala
Army Air Corp from 1943 to 1945 the McCarthy Funeral Homes, 36 grandchildren, ten great-grand- and healing night, 7 p.m. Sermons broadcast Meditation Center: Tony and
as a 2nd Lieutenant, pilot. He Bank Row, Greenfi eld, MA from children, and one great-great Sundays, 2 p.m. on WPLV (107.9 FM).
Gisela Walker, 71b Ashfield St. (413) 625–2982; was awarded the Victory Medal 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.
WWII and the American Cam- Expressions of condolence may Funeral services will take Colrain Community Church: Pastor
Beginners are welcome.
S C H E D U L E : Sundays,
paign medal.
be directed to the family in care place Friday, May 5, at 11 a.m. at Robert Szafran; 306 Main Rd., (413) 10 a.m.–noon, meditation.
He was a member of the VFW of the funeral home at the First Congregational Church 624-3808 or (413) 624-3840. Q S C H E D U L E : Services:
"Pema Chodren: No Tome To Lose." Join us for Post #8503 in Shelburne Falls, the in Ashfield with the Rev. Kate Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Weekly offi ce hours: Tuesday, another class on the teachings of Shantideva Fraternal Order of Eagles #2758 In lieu of flowers, memorial Stevens officiating. Burial will 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday and Saturday 9 a.m. on Patience brought close to our lives today by in Shelburne Falls and the Ameri- contributions are suggested to be in Plain Cemetery. There are to noon, and by appointment.
Pema Chodren, popular Buddhist author and can Circus Association. He also the Shelburne Falls Ambulance no calling hours. nun. Her profound commentaries on working was an avid stamp collector.
Association, c/o the Shelburne Donations in Frank Thayer's First Baptist Church of Colrain: Rev.
with our own aggression and promoting pa- Survivors include one son, Falls Volunteer Fire Department, memory may be made to the First Robert W. Peck; Foundry Village Road, tience and appreciation for those who irritate Steaphen, and his wife, Christine, 121 State Street, Shelburne Falls, Congregational Church, Main (413) 624–8886. Q S C H E D U L E : Sunday school for
us always go right to the heart of our daily of Shirley; and three daughters, MA 01370 or to the Colrain Vol- Street, Ashfi eld, MA 01330.
everybody: Sundays, 9:15 a.m. Worship service: experience. The class will use audio tapes and Dianna Carol Nims of Greenfi eld, unteer Ambulance Association, Smith-Kelleher Funeral Home Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Prayer meeting: Wednes- will meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 9 Alice Kane and her husband, P.O. Box #37, Colrain, MA 01340 p.m., May 9 for 6 weeks.A $5 donation per class Michael, of Harpswell, Maine, or to the Pioneer Valley Humane is welcome but not required. Call or e-mail for and Sharon Rand of Montague. Society, P.O. Box 786, Greenfi eld, St. John's the Baptist Catholic: Church
more information.
He leaves 13 grandchildren, MA 01302-0786.
Street; (413) 625–6405. Q G E N E R A L I N F O R-
eight great-grandchildren and McCarthy Funeral Homes M AT I O N : A mission of St. Joseph Parish, Shelburne
St. Joseph Parish: Father John
two great-great grandchildren; Q S C H E D U L E : Mass: Saturdays, 4 p.m.
Roach. 34 Monroe Ave., (413) one sister, Gertrude Schecterle of 625–6405. Q S C H E D U L E : Mass on Sundays, 8 a.m.
Charlemont; several nieces; and St. Mark's Catholic: Delabarre Avenue;
and 10:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, his former wife, Ellen Jenkins, of (413) 665–4535. Q G E N E R A L I N F O R M A -
Wednesdays. Confessions: Sundays, 9:45 a.m. and T I O N : A mission of St. James Parish, South
first Thursday of the month, 7 p.m.
Funeral services were April 13 Q S C H E D U L E : Call for Mass schedule.
at the Johnson Funeral Home in The Tiferet Center: Rachel
Respect, Integrity, Compassion . .
Shelburne Falls with the Rev. Da- United Congregational Church Rev.
Cohen-Rottenberg and Bob vid Neil, pastor of Trinity Church, Dr. Candice M. Ashenden; 44 Whately Rottenberg; 71 Ashfield St. (Shambhala Medita- officiating. Burial followed in 40 Church Street, Shelburne Falls Rd., P.O. Box 214, (413) 369–4040; www.uccweb-
tion Center). (413) 624-3921. Q S C H E D U L E : Shab-
Leavitt Cemetery, Charlemont. bos morning services, 10 a.m., fi rst and third Donations may be made in his Pamela J. Kelleher Special services are held to celebrate holidays Saturdays of each month. Potluck lunch and memory to Hospice of Franklin throughout the year. Universally accessible. Torah study follow the service on the fi rst Sat- County, 329 Conway St., Green- 87 Franklin Street, Greenfi eld Audio amplification available.
S C H E D U L E : Wor-
urday of each month. Food Bank donations of fi eld, MA 01301.
ship service: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Sunday school: non-perishable food items are accepted at all Johnson Funeral Home 9:45 a.m. Offi ce hours: Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m.–noon. Shabbos morning services.
Timothy P. Kelleher at the church. Women's Group: 2 p.m., second Monday. Executive Committee: 7:30 p.m., fi rst Quaker Worship Group: Holly
Wednesday. Communion on the first Sunday of Iglesias; 28 Elm St., (413) 625- 2451. Q S C H E D U L E : Meeting for worship followed
Raymond E. Dyer, 41
by potluck supper and fellowship is held on the All Souls Church: Jonathan Reh-
fourth Sunday of each month at 6 p.m.
BUCKLAND—Raymond mus, minister; 399 Main St., (413) Dyer, 41, of 2 Wares Hill Rd., died Trinity Church: Rev. David Neil;
April 22 at the Franklin Medical T I O N : All Souls is a non-creedal church in which
17 Severance St., (413) 625- Center in Greenfi eld.
members are encouraged to develop their own 2341. Q G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N : Multidenominational
He was born the son of Al- philosophies of life in the light of conscience, a congregation (Congregational, Episcopal, Baptist vin N. and Harriet B. "Belle" liberal religious tradition and experience. Uni- and Methodist).
Q S C H E D U L E : Sunday worship,
(Thompson) Dyer, on May 1, tarian-Universalists treasure the universal truths 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Fridays: Free community Ag fkgfÛ=mf]jYdÛ?ge] 1964, at the Franklin County taught by great teachers of humanity in every age meal, open to all. 5 p.m., coffee and fellowship; Public Hospital (now known as and tradition.
Q S C H E D U L E : Sunday services, 10:30
5:30 p.m., meal served in Fellowship Hall.
the Franklin Medical Center). He attended Readsboro Central 16: Rev. Douglas Wilson, of Rowe Camp and Religious groups in the West County area are wel- School, Colrain Central School, Conference Center, a self-described "Unitarian come to list their services and events here free of Mohawk Trail Regional High Universalist minister, writer, political activist charge. Send to us at 8 Deerfield Ave., Shelburne School and graduated from the and amateur comedian and philosopher" on Falls, MA 01370 or [email protected].
Franklin County Technical School "The Many Crises Facing America and the Great Turning." Wilson believes that the Neo- He spent several years taking Conservatives have led us into what may be an classes at Technical Careers Insti-tute in Windsor, Conn., receiving page 10 • Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 •
Sheehan bashes Bush at UMass Wilder Brook FarmCommunity Supported Agriculture By Nate Walsh
at Coretta Scott King's funeral She also criticized what she han was asked how she believes nate@sfi in February. Sheehan also gave called "false patriotism." that people in rural communi- the anti-war movement credit for "I don't like the idea of pa- ties, such as the towns in West 10 minutes from Shelburne Falls AMHERST—Prominent the falling approval ratings of the triotism," she said, adding that County, that disagree with the We have shares available war activist "Peace Mom" Cindy patriotism leads to nationalism, war might be effective in getting Sheehan spoke to a diverse crowd "His approval ratings are which leads to fascism. their voices heard. about the president, government abysmal," said Sheehan. "I think She described the opposition "What they need to do fi rst is John and Kate, 625-6967 spending and the war in Iraq Crawford and Camp Casey have surrounding her protest in Craw- to reassure their community that on April 18 at the University of everything to do with it." ford as "uninformed, ignorant they support the troops," said Sheehan voiced her support and full of fear." She alleges that Sheehan. "They need to differ- Sheehan, 48, gained national for U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern's (D- some have even gone so far as to entiate between supporting the attention last summer because MA) bill, known as House Reso- suggest to the security around troops and disagreeing with the of her long-term protest, named lution 4232, which would cut off her protest that she should be "Camp Casey" after her late taxpayer funding for the deploy- shot. She replied to her detrac- Sheehan suggested candlelight son, Casey Sheehan, who was ment of troops to Iraq and allow tors by saying that she does not vigils as effective ways to protest killed in Sadr City, Iraq in 2004, spending for their withdrawal. hate her country.
the war in most small commu- that took place outside of Presi- She accused most of the gov- "I love my country so much I nities. Shelburne Falls held a dent George W. Bush's ranch in Healing of the Soul ernment—not just Bush and the want to get it on the right track," vigil similar to what Sheehan Crawford, Texas. She has since Republican Party—of issuing said Sheehan. "We need a new suggested on August 17, 2004.
Transpersonal Psychotherapy XYhandi's lnner Light become a hero to the anti-war a blank check to what she de- paradigm. Not patriotism, but "The key is for people to find RoHun Soul Work XHeart-centered Hypnotherapy movement and a gadfl y for the scribed as "the war machine." ‘matriotism,' which is a love of common ground in the com- Bush administration. "Democrats are bobble-headed the human race." She said that munity," said Sheehan. "Every Wearing a red sweat shirt, rubber-stampers for the war "matriotism" is not defi ned by community is different." khaki capri pants and carrying a machine," said Sheehan, who borders and supports all life.
On March 6, Sheehan was ar- Leslie Brooks, M.A., A.C.H.T., Rh.M. Leyden, MA fl oppy straw hat adorned by a pin said the government should take Sheehan urged people to rested in New York for disorderly (413) 773-0306 of her late son, Sheehan took the money away from the war and vote for progressive candidates conduct, trespassing and resisting podium and was quick to criticize put it into communities to fund in upcoming elections, regardless arrest while trying to deliver a families and education. of their party affi liation.
petition to the U.S. Mission to the "He's a pretend cowboy just "They don't want you edu- "Elect republicans if they're United Nations and she was held like he's a pretend commander- cated," she added, accusing the doing the right thing," said Shee- overnight at Manhattan Central in-chief," said Sheehan, whose Bush administration of a war on han. "Look at the person, not protest in Crawford, according =ZVai]n8aZVchZLdg h]de poor people and attempting to She said that when she returns to her, kept Bush away from his destroy the middle class. She She invited people to join to New York for trial, she also 8Vaa[dg [i ranch for Easter for the first correlated the lack of funding her in Crawford, Texas on August plans to fi le abuse charges. Ac- IVj ]iWnBVjgZZcHiZlVgi!jh c XZgi ÒXViZh time in a decade. She accused IZg @ZggÉhegdkZccjig i dcVaegd gVb for education to the amount be- 16, where a peace conference will cording to Sheehan, she suffered A [ZhinaZX]Vc Z™9 Zi™:mZgX hZ the President of being a liar and ing spent on the war in Iraq and take place along with a "war tri- a concussion and a pulled rotator murdering innocent people. criticized companies such as Hal- bunal" that President Bush will cuff during her arrest.
"Not only is Bush a serial killer, liburton, Exxon and Black Water be invited to attend. She also Sheehan's speech was part he's a terrorist because he's told Security for what she saw as their encouraged those in the crowd of a week-long protest at the us that a terrorist is a person that profi ting from the Iraq war. to form their own Camp Casey university known as "Tent State EVgi X eVcihgZXZ kZ'%Y hXdjciViBX8jh ZgÉhBVg Zi*lZZ hdcan murders innocent people," said "There is one industry that and to get active. University," which is a national George Bush has been good for, "When my son was killed, I movement started at Rutgers >cY k YjVaCjig i dcVa8djchZa c ™Ldg h]deh[dg cY k YjVahVcY gdjeh™+'*"'-*) Sheehan went on to joke about didn't want to raise my voice," University in 2003 formed to her arrest at the State of the is the funeral industry," Sheehan said Sheehan. "I thought one fi ght what students saw as state Union address for wearing a T- said, adding that she was not only person can't make a difference. budget cuts due, in part they said, shirt with the number of people against the war in Iraq, but all But I think I've proved that one to the wars in Afghanistan and killed in the Iraq war, and praised Thomas A. Wilson, D.D.S.
wars. "I don't think war is a way person can make a difference." Iraq. According to their Web site, Rev. Joseph Lowery for his criti- to solve any problems. War is the goal of TSU is to create equal cism of the Bush administration wrong. Killing is wrong." Shelburne Falls Independent, Shee- access to higher education.
Shelburne Falls' Dentist since 1961Handcrafted full dentures for 45 yearsGet them while I last! New Boston Harmonyensemble to debut in Ashfi eld ASHFIELD—Rural cal ensembles, to learn Corsican 625-9914 sance gets a jump on its tradi- music and to perform eight con-
tional summer presentations of certs in old churches around the The House
various Village Harmony vocal Mediterranean island. Two other ensembles with a debut concert Village Harmony camps abroad by the newly formed Boston will take place in Bosnia and in Specializing in Interior Renovations
Harmony at the Congregational South Africa. For more informa- Church on Saturday, May 6 at 7:30 tion about the group visit www. Tickets for
• kitchens and bathrooms Ricki Carroll will host a pot- the May 6 concert are $10/ adults • single rooms to entire homes luck supper from 5-7 p.m. at her and $5/those age 16 and younger • additions — porches — dormers Main Street home for the singers and may be reserved at (413) 625- • full-service renovation services and anyone from the community 2082 or purchased at the door. Village Harmony performs.
• What would you like to do? who wishes to bring a dish should call 628-4568 for details. Call today for an estimate
Led by Patty Cuyler, co-di-rector of the Village Harmony 5 Bridge St., Shelburne Falls • [email protected] organization, Boston Harmony Special events at Marlboro is comprised of 22 singers, half adults and half teenagers, who are veterans of various Village MARLBORO—Students at and innovative content.
been experimenting with alterna- Harmony summer singing camps. Marlboro College will present Student exhibits of painting, tive photographic processes rang- Cuyler commutes weekly from art, fi lms, photographs and other drawing, wood sculpture, glass, ing from 19th century Van Dyke, the Village Harmony headquar- bodies of work on campus and photography and collage will to 21st century digital methods. ters in Marshfi eld, Vt. to Concord, in Brattleboro throughout the be shown in the Drury Gallery The show will open Friday, May Mass. for rehearsals.
month of May as part of the Plan May 1-11. "Disjointed: A Joint 5 and be included in the Brattle- Rural Renaissance will present of Concentration. The Plan is a Effort," is an exhibit by photog- boro Gallery Walk, a year-round, two other Village Harmony en- self-designed, rigorous explora- raphy students to be presented festive first Friday stroll down sembles this summer, on Sunday, tion of an academic and/or artis- at the In-Sight Photography town from 5:30-8:30 p.m. July 16 and Sunday, August 20, tic subject. Working one-on-one Project, located at 49 Flat Street, The Spring Student Film Fes- both at 3 p.m. at the Congrega- with faculty, each student pro- in Brattleboro, Vt., where several tival takes place on Wednesday, tional Church. When asked why duces an extensive body of work of the students are also teaching May 3, at 7 p.m. in Whittemore Boston Harmony was making involving independent research photography. The students have Theater. The evening will feature an early Spring concert debut, work by more than 20 students. Cuyler said that she was "urged The documentary fi lm class will by a number of Village Harmony screen fi rst person documenta- addicts from the Boston area who ries, interviews, and more. The didn't want to wait until summer Green River Festival acting and directing class will came around to sing." show scenes and short films. The nonprofit Village Har- Some of the content of this event celebrates 20th year mony organization is known may not be appropriate for younger for presenting an eclectic mix audiences. of powerful folk type choral GREENFIELD—The Friday, July 14: An Eve- "Images of Love: An Intimate music from many countries. The Green River Festival will be held ning of Louisiana Music featuring Experience," is sophomore Seth May 6 concert will continue the Friday and Saturday, July 14 and Bowman's interactive "love expe- tradition by including songs 15 at Greenfield Community and Marcia Ball. Music starts at rience," presented in the dance from Cuyler's "home country" 6 p.m. and will benefi t Katrina's studio of the Serkin Center for of Georgia in the high Caucasus Presented by the Franklin Piano Fund (www.katrinaspianofund.
the Performing Arts on the Marl- as well as Bulgaria and Croatia, County Chamber of Commerce, boro Campus Thursday, May 4, at some South African dance-songs this celebration combines mu- Saturday, July 15: Musi- 7 p.m. The installation features and a variety of down-home mu- sic on two stages, food, crafts, cal line-up includes Fountains of fi ve fi nger painted canvases, all sic from America—shape note, dancing, a wide array of kid's Wayne; John Hiatt with special hung from the Serkin dance stu- gospel quartet and a new work activities and entertainment, and guest, North Mississippi Allstars; dio ceiling. There are also per- by Ysaye Barnwell. hot air balloons for the Pioneer Alejandro Escovedo; Winterpills; forming characters, dancers, mu- Always something special For 15 summers now, the sing- Valley's biggest outdoor event The Avett Brothers;The Hunger sic, and sculpture involved in the ers and instrumentalists of Ver- of the summer. This is the only Mountain Boys; The Amity Front event. Some images may not be mont-based Village Harmony's music festival in Massachusetts and Chris Pureka. Music starts at suitable for younger audiences.
H J C 9 6 N H /  Feast on the LONGEST-RUNNING summer music camps have per- that features hot air balloons and A production of Edward Al- BREAKFAST BUFFET IN THE COUNTY! All you can eat, formed in every corner of New Get the Early Bird Special if bee's fi rst play, "The Zoo Story" England and in an ever-widening Complete event information you buy your tickets before May will be performed Friday, May 5 swath of the globe, delighting is available by calling (413) 773- 8: $34.50 for both Friday and and Saturday, May 6 at 8 L : 9 C : H 9 6 N H are WAFFLE DAYS! Featuring waffles from audiences with their heart-felt 5463, via e-mail to [email protected]
Saturday. Advance ticket sales Whittemore Theater. This play performances of unusual choral or visit
through July 9: $39.50. Day of contains mature content and some around the world all day and evening and harmony-singing repertoire prices: Friday, $25. Saturday, $45. ; G > 9 6 N H /  $1 TACOS & FRESH FISH Specials from around the world. On June Thursday, July 13: Free Children under 12 are free.
All events are free of charge 8 Cuyler and two other Village kick-off celebration concert in Tickets may be purchased on and open to the public. The H 6 I J G 9 6 N H /  LIVE MUSIC every Saturday night.
Harmony leaders will take a Greenfi eld Energy Park with Lori line by credit card. Tickets are Drury Gallery, Whittemore The- group of 23 singers to Corsica McKenna, Mark Erelli and Peter also available at Franklin County ater and the Serkin Center for B 6 N  *  Å  Cinco de mayo Mexican buffet -- all you
for three weeks to sing with lo- Mulvey at 6 p.m.
Chamber of Commerce, 395 Main the Performing Arts are fully can eat. 5-9 p.m.,$11.99 Street, during business hours, Charles Neville will be joining Gina Coleman and World Eye Book Shop, 156 Main Street and at the Greenfield Misty Blue# Watch for details! Visitor's Center. The pre-festival hot air balloon ride price is $200 per person, $225 at the event. Call (413) 773-5463 for reservations and more details. Balloon rides may also be purchased online. on the scenic Mohawk Trail The festival will take place rain or shine; balloon rides are Charlemont, MA 01339 • 413-339-5796
weather permitting. For informa-tion and online ticket purchases, Shelburne Falls Independent • April 27–May 10, 2006 • • page 11
Classifi ed Ads The following deeds were recorded Property: 1026 Shelburne Falls April 10–21 at Franklin County Rd. Transferred on April 13 for Registry of Deeds (West County towns) and at the Hampshire Coun-ty Registry of Deeds (Plainfield). • Alicia M. Charlton of Char- PIONEER VALLEY
in Custom Millwork Industry!
lemont to Stephen W. Charleton desktop computer. Intel Cel- Children's traditional Irish AGE. Safe, clean, secure.
• Margaret Anderson and Freder- of Heath. Property: 10 Number eron processor, 2.4GHz. 256 step dancing or adult tradi- "We'll keep your stuff buff!" Growing Company Seeks Applicants for the ick Breeden of Ashfi eld to Julius H. Nine Rd. Transferred on Dec. 12, 155 French King Hwy GRAPH for your personal
Following Positions on 1st and 2nd Shifts in Greenfield, 413-773-3148 MB RAM. 37GB hard drive. photo album. Really, really tional Ceili dancing. Begin- Greenfi eld, 775-9333. Anderson and Rosalind C. Ander- 2005 for $1.
Microsoft Windows XP nice, and in their original ners are welcome. Call Kay, son of West Hartford, Vt. Property: All pets are spayed/neu- Home Edition. 17" monitor. color. $10 for 5x7, $15 for Lot B, Hawley Road. Transferred tered and Vaccinated All original documentation 8x10. photos@sfi ndepen- EDITOR. All ages. Experience
on April 18 for $50,000.
Accepting pets by appoint- with homeschoolers. Weekly and back up disks included., 625-8297.
• Timothy J. Phalon of Waldrick, creative writing workshops. Great for a student! $325 N.J. to Lori A. Stewart of Granby. Edite Cunhã, MFA, Iron Bridge OBO. Call Marissa @ 625- PIANO TUNING AND RE-
Property: Lot 19, Manley Phelps CHOCOLATE LABS, ready
Writing Studio, 413 625-6987. 2326 or 413-522-3949. • Steven J. Andrews and Lisa R. Road. Transferred on April 14 6/3. Four male. Smart, ex- PAIRS. Dave Locke, 413-
Andrews of Halifax, Vt. to Thomas for $24,000.
cellent disposition, great FREE HORSE MANURE in
Conway. You take away. D. Shaw and Katherine S. Shaw fi eld trial, and hunting pedi- Minimum Two Years Experience a Must!
1.33 GB RAM. Nice machine, of Conway. Property: 28 Conway gree. Hips, eyes guaran- large and light. Perfect for St. Transferred on April 5 for teed. $650. 413-624-5115.
professional use and digital Apply in Person at: • Russell H. Parks, Jr. of Plainfi eld entertainment anywhere in Standish Manufacturing, Inc.
to Martin E. Schnall and Jeannette the world. Works beautifully 63 Jackson St., Suite 201 A. Ellsworth of Plainfi eld. Prop- as desktop with external Holyoke, MA 01040 erty: 287 West St. Transferred on monitor. Comes with al- Large, bright fi rst-fl oor in • William J. Spring of Boston to April 14 for $180,000.
most-new battery. $1,200. Mail Resume or Job Qualifications to: village, walk to everything! Joshua Willard Spring and Tundi Updated with period charm M. Spring of Bethesda, Md. Prop- Shelburne Falls Independent and character, 2 bedrooms, erty: 26 Van Nuys Rd. Transferred LADIES' 26-INCH MAGNA.
8 Deerfield Ave.
study, eat-in kitchen, wide 10-speed bicycle. Excel- on March 3 for $1.
Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 floors, porch, and garage lent condition. $50 or best • Michael J. Jurek and Rebecca Shelburne and Dorothy C. Rich- Write a letter to the editor stall. $800/month plus off er. Call Don at (413) M. Jurek of Colrain to Michael ardson of Greenfield to James T. J. Jurek of Colrain. Property: 90 Richardson, Nancy E. Richard- R. C. Dils Real Estate Jurek Rd. Transferred on April son, and Jacob A. Richardson of HIMILAYA STONE WORKS.
7 for $20,000.
Shelburne. Property: Assessors' Yard work, cleanup, stone • W. T. Collaborative Limited Map 5, Lot 4, Bardwell's Ferry NEWLY RENOVATED HOUSE
walls, patios, stairs, what- Partnership of Colrain to Rebecca Road. Transferred on April 7; no in Buckland, 3BR, 2 Baths, ever you need! Thinley Tippens of Colrain. Property: 68 $1,400+, no pets. (413) Dhargay, 413-834-0498. Van Nuys Rd. Transferred on • Lynne M. Servant, f.k.a. Lynne References available. April 10 for $200,000.
M. Connors, of Shelburne to Marc • Cersosimo Industries, Inc. of A. Servant and Lynne M. Ser- BUY NOW AND SAVE! Un-
Brattleboro, Vt. to Gina M. Onus- vant of Shelburne. Property: 72 seasoned hardwood fire- cho and Charles A. Tierney III of Shelburne Center Rd. Trans- wood. Cut, split, delivered. SEA KAYAKS, CANOES! New
Northfi eld. Property: 1112 North ferred on April 7 for $1.
$150 cord. 339.5322.
and used, mtn bikes, sales, Mighty View! Solid Cape! Charlemont Quality 2 F Green River Rd. Transferred on • Conrad J. Peterson of Shelburne repairs, rentals. Berkshire April 19 for $245,000.
to Theresa M. Peterson of Shelburne. Lots of passive solar gain from this energy ef- Over 2600sf of living space and priced to sell. Outfitters, Rt. 8, Adams. fi cient 1 owner home in Colrain. Two BR, partially This 2 family can easily be converted back to Property: 124 Colrain Shelburne fi nished basement & over an acre of land.If you large single family. 2 car garage, fitness pool, Rd. Transferred on April 12 for yearn to keep it simple, this one is for you.
wood fl rs, 2 porches & more. Well worth a look.
• William Zadrozny and Chris- • Marvin C. Peck and Virginia tine Zadrozny of Sparta, N.J. to H. Peck of Shelburne to William Scott S. Leveton and Joella A. Gallo F. Barry and Denise T. Barry of of Princeton, Mass. Property: Main Amherst. Property: 203 Peckville Poland Rd. Transferred on March Rd. Transferred on April 12 for 28 for $138,000.
• Barry F. Parker of Conway to Paul Lloyd of Conway. Property: Buckland to Robert Warren Bas- Fields Hill Road. Transferred on sett and Constance A. Bassett of Saturday & Sunday,
April 13 for $1.
Buckland. Property: 207 Main St. 7 Bridge St., Shelburne Falls • 625-6366
April 29th & 30th
• Peter C. Underdown of Leverett Transferred on April 13 for $1.
So. Deerfi eld- 665-3771 • Florence - 586-8355
to Ashlie E. Machon and David 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
S. Machon of South Deerfield. 21 Sears St. • Buckland • $200,000 Richard A. Baker
1156 square feet of quality living space, 1½ baths, 4 rooms, full cellar, gas heat, fully applianced, porch, city water and sewer. $215 per month condo fee. These are the first condos to be offered in the Shelburne Falls area and within walking distance of all the romance and fun of the village. Act now and be part of the excitement in this vibrant town. Welcome to our new agent
Bill Pratt
Enjoy the Easterly views from this In the village: 3-bedroom, 1½ bath
1.23 acre lot. Clearing has been done, home with a 1-car garage. Updated
septic design and construction permit windows, wood floors, 1st-floor laundry,
included. $87,500
3-season porch. $187,500
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to oversee the money; we don't Taylor will be moving to Mem- County resident. "It's time." just hand the money over to the phis, Tennessee this summer. For more information on the steps forward, then slide back. I in answer to Taylor's question as When I travel, I used to bring half her children and needs a little Foundation at 625-2555. tell my friends I'm on the 20-year to what she was sewing. Each day, police would have demanded a a suitcase with supplies. Now I support," said the longtime West plan. Different schools have the woman and a fellow crafts- bribe for her to keep part of it." fi nd a N.G.O. a nonprofi t organi- different levels. Three out of woman who worked with her For many yearsTaylor ran a zation that already has structure the four schools were great. The fashioned the puppets. "I would summer camp for special educa- within the community. I keep my teachers have infi nite patience. come home and there were frog tion students in Colrain. She eyes open for what is needed." Most of the teachers prefer the puppets everywhere. I bought brings her concern for children The purpose of the tour of the older students. They do the four for my grandchildren. The and eye on education with her on village is to show the tourists the homework, and aren't there to kids just loved them. I bought weaving process. them directly from her, so she "Last year, when I was in Chico "In the morning the children Some of Taylor's fellow stu- didn't get a lower price that she Ana, Argentina, a volunteer from must go to the lagoon and cut Flag First Floated, which is about dents were people entering the would from the showroom." Ireland was working with a priest patate, [which is] like straw," Mount Catamount. Peace Corp or ministries. Taylor said, "An older woman who wanted to set up a library, Taylor said. "Then the children "The inspiration for my poems "In Costa Rica, there were traveling alone is rare." She kept to give something to do children go to school. During the day it is where I live," said Purington. eight women who were doctors people informed of her trip and to do," she said. "There wasn't dries out. They don't have fl oors One of her haiku reads, "fi nal studying Spanish," she said. her whereabouts by keeping a anything for them to do. I went to in their house; it's dirt. They sit words/ a window thrown open/ to She organized her trip through travel blog. "There were lots and town and bought books for them. the spring evening." lots of people reading them." I emailed back home and raised The women do back strap weav- "They will fi nd you the school "I don't take the zip line $300 and set up a library." ing and dye the fi bers. The hus- Against odds
and the home," she said. "You pay through the rain forest. I took On this trip, in Santiago, Za- bands are farmers who work in In 1955, when she was five, ahead of time. You are covered the tram ride through the rain more, outside of Antigua, in Gua- the coffee fi elds, picking coffee. Purington contracted polio. with a really good insurance that forest. I temper my risk," said tamala, (not to be confused with "They roast coffee after grind- "It was the last year of the includes several months after you Antigua, an island of the Lesser ing it with a roller. We are talking polio epidemic," she noted. return from your trip." She was on a ‘chicken bus' Antilles in the East Caribbean) primitive," said Taylor. "They Since then her breathing has She lived with two families in in Honduras, when the bus was there is a women's cooperative make tortillas in the kitchen been assisted by a ventilator. Costa Rica, one in Houndorous stopped by police. "They de- run by the Mayan woman to give and serve you a tortilla with "I sleep in a modern version and one in Guatemala. manded we show our identifi ca- tours of their village. For $8 tour- of an iron lung," said Purington, "You eat what they eat," Taylor tion. They wanted to look through ists receive a full-day tour. referring to a Porta-lung, which said. "Sometimes you have hot my suitcase. I was just annoyed "They have to pay the taxi out "I give travel workshops in resembles a long cylindrical water, or you don't. You have with it. They're too heavy, I told of that," said Taylor. "It's unusual packing," she said. "I travel shaped, clear plastic enclosure electricity or you don't." them. If they wanted to get them for the Mayan women to conceive with one suitcase; the lighter, that opens with clasps like a suit- One of the families she stayed down, they would have to get of a cooperative. They don't have the better. Even with suitcases case in which her body is placed with was a couple that had no them down themselves." the concept of neighborliness; on wheels, you can't cart wheels at night with a snug cloth collar SFI photo/Laura Rodley children. They named their dog Which they did, searching thor- they do things on their own. They on cobblestones or dirt streets. I around her neck to keep in the GCC alumna Carol Purington will
Dulcinea, and their cats Don oughly through her belongings. weave beautiful things. They had leave clothes along the way that air, with her head outside and be honored by her alma mater
Quixote and Cleopatra. The "No one spoke while this was used a middle man and didn't get I'm ready to say goodbye to. That supported by a platform. The on April 30.
husband was a mechanic and happening," Taylor said. "The enough money. A woman from gives me room for souvenirs. I air is pumped with a motorized the wife made crafts, including men were lined up against the Italy gave them money for a one- bring older clothes. One of my pump that, during the day, is and takes note of all changes of bus. Afterwards, I asked a man room building, which they call a friends gave me a tip to go to connected to a blue shell that "At 7:30 a.m. when I was get- who spoke English what they clinic. The government sends out thrift shops and buy clothes fi ts across her chest that lifts and ting ready to go to school, there were searching for. He said they a doctor once a week." there. At one of the tables, eating expands her chest, helping her were pieces of felt everywhere," were looking for money, artifacts, The women use their money to dinner at the school, a young girl breathe while she reclines in her With her literary achievements, Taylor said, adding that it took a antiquities. I had just come from stock the clinic and to buy their asked, ‘that's all you have? One Purington is also following the few moments to work out that the the Mayan ruins. They didn't suitcase?' She was there for three She uses a voice activated family's tradition of honoring woman was saying "frog puppets" fi nd any money. If they had, the "School is free, but books cost weeks. I asked her if she packed computer to type her poems and and pursuing academic excel- $15 a year," Taylor said. " With 21 sets of underwear. She had, send out submissions. She takes lence. Her brothers, Robert, Ray seven or eight or nine kids, that's and fi ve bathing suits. We had a rides to view the countryside on and David, have either been on SPRING IS HERE • GET READY TO RIDE
a lot of money. With their profi ts lot of laughs about that." or are now serving on the school from weaving, the women can Taylor also brought just two To complete her courses from send kids to school." pairs of sandals in her effort to GCC Purington had tutors, and "My grandmother, Agnes Pu- Taylor sent emails home. communicated by telephone to rington, was on the school com- "Here's the commercial for this "It's hot all the time," she said. the school with assistance from mittee when the town decided to year," she said was her message "We were in Guatemala and the Griswold library and the local centralize the district schools," to friends she asked to help. "I there were this little old woman said Purington.
withdraw the money while I'm going from restaurant to restau- The view from her window and Her father, Herbert, also there. The people pledge me mon- rant with carrots and onions. She the hills around her and the birds formerly served on the school care for your horses' hooves ey and give me checks when I get must go to every restaurant. Each that visit her approximately 3 × committee; her sister-in-law home. People pledged $600. My one would buy something—three 2½-foot bird feeder platform feed Stephanie Purington, David's friend traveling with me pledged carrots, one onion. She had no wife, teaches at the Academy at $800. One hundred kids will go shoes on. I went back to our ho- "We are looking for rose breast- to school, isn't that fabulous? " tel and found her a pair and put ed grosbeaks in the next four The women's cooperative them in her bag so she wouldn't weeks," said Purington, who Another satisfied
is run by Projecto Mosiaceo, be embarrassed. I told her they lives with her parents, Barbara were for her. She held my hand and Herbert Purington, on their and said ‘gracias.' You fi nd things active dairy farm, Woodslawn. charge," Taylor said. "We rode that you can do a long the way. She follows the dairy farmer's Member, American Farriers Association in a pick up truck and brought Spontaneous. You fi nd little in- tradition of weather awareness the money to him. Someone has stances along the way." Vi s i t o u r n e w
you save in
tax you pay
Everything from saddles to saddlesoap
• Off ering English and Western supplies and apparel • Complete line of horse care products including: supplements, grooming and barn supplies, parasite control (internal and external) • Fencing supplies • Shavings and straw Monday–Friday, 8 am–6 pm Saturday, 8 am–5 pmSunday, 10 am–2 pm


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DRUG DISCOVERY AND HERBAL RESEARCH (IJDDHR) ISSN: 2231-6078 5(1): Jan-March.: (2015), 826-835 The Curative Effect of Water Extracted From Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita Moschata) on Blood Lipid Level in Male Albino Mice Fed High Fat Diet Maraia, F. Elmhdwi1, Muftah A. Nasib2 and Idress Hamad Attitalla2


Diagonal // Del 16 al 29 de marzo de 2006 DOS MIL MUJERES OCUPAN PLANTACIONES DE EUCALIPTUS EN BRASIL En el contexto de la II Conferencia Internacional sobre Reforma Agraria y Desarrollo Rural, que organiza laONU en Porto Alegre, unas 2.000 mujeres integrantes de Vía Campesina ocuparon plantaciones de eucalip-tus de la compañía Aracruz Celulosa. Por su parte, el Movimiento de los Sin Tierra anunció una jornada deocupaciones y protestas que movilizará a sus 120.000 miembros y que prevé en marzo y abril ocupacionesde latifundios y haciendas improductivas en 24 de los 27 Estados brasileños.