Old herborn university monograph 24 article 5
Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 24:
Development of strategies to overcome barriers to effective
mucosal immunization of infants in developing countries.
Editors: Peter J. Heidt, Richard I. Walker, and Volker Rusch.
Old Herborn University Foundation, Herborn-Dill, Germany: 51-60 (2010).
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, United Kingdom, and
Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad San Francisco de Quito,
There is compelling evidence that immune responses to mucosal vac-
cines are impaired in non-affluent populations living in the Tropics
and enteric co-infections such as geohelminths may contribute to this
effect. Geohelminths have been associated with impaired immune re-
sponses to the live attenuated oral cholera vaccine CVD 103-HgR and
treatment for geohelminths prior to vaccination partially reversed the
impaired immune responses. Other factors such as host nutrition and
the presence of environmental enteropathy with which geohelminth
infections are associated are likely to contribute also to this tropical
barrier to mucosal immunization. There is a need for research on the
mechanisms by which geohelminths may suppress immunity to mu-
cosal vaccines and such research could contribute to the development
of more effective mucosal vaccines.
The geohelminth (also known as intes-
larly among pre-school and school-age
tinal or soil-transmitted helminth in-
children in whom infections are associ-
fections) parasites,
Ascaris lumbricoi-
ated with adverse effects on nutrition,
Trichuris trichiura, hookworm, growth, and cognition (
Bethony et al.,
Stronglyoides stercoralis, are 2006). The level of morbidity caused
common infectious diseases of child-
by geohelminth infections is strongly
hood in tropical regions, particularly associated with parasite burden (
among populations living in poverty
son and
May, 1985) that is greatest
with poor access to sanitation and clean among children.
water. In endemic areas, geohelminth
Geohelminth infections induce an
infections are chronic infections and immune responses in humans charac-
individuals generally become infected terized by elevated IgE and eosino-
during the second year of life and re-
philia and the production of Th2 cyto-
main infected into adulthood through kines by peripheral blood leukocytes
repeated infectious exposures. An es-
(PBLs) when stimulated with parasite
timated 2 billion humans are infected antigen
in vitro (
Cooper et al., 2000a;
with geohelminths worldwide (
Savioli Cooper et al., 2008). Chronic infections
et al., 2005). Infections are considered are associated with a tightly regulated
to cause significant morbidity particu-
inflammatory response in which anti-
parasite allergic reactions appear to be
Elias et al., 2001). Because many
suppressed (
Maizels and
mucosal vaccines are poorly immuno-
bakhsh, 2003;
Cooper, 2009a). Such a
genic among poor populations living in
response reflects a stated of balanced
the Tropics, an observation that has
parasitism allowing the parasite to sur-
been referred to as a mucosal barrier to
vive but protecting the host from po-
tentially damaging immunopathology.
Czerkinsky and
Holmgren, 2009),
There is evidence that the regula-
there is growing awareness of how en-
tion of host immunity by chronic geo-
teric parasites such as geohelminths
helminth infections may affect re-
may contribute to such an effect
sponses not just to parasite antigens but
through their effects on the intestinal
also other exogenous antigens such as
the antigenic constituents of vaccines
Czerkinsky and
Holmgren, 2009;
Malhotra et al., 1999;
Cooper et al.,
per, 2009b).
Geohelminth parasites have intimate faeces and saliva) and peripheral blood
contact with the mucosal immune sys-
for sampling of B and T cells that traf-
tem being separated from the intestinal
fic between mucosal sites after mucosal
tissues by a single layer of epithelium.
vaccination (
Lewis et al., 1991;
Although there are extensive data
Castello-Branco et al., 1994;
available from experimental animals of
man et al., 1994). Developments such
the mucosal immune response to intes-
as wireless endoscopy will allow the
tinal helminth infections, such data easier sampling of intestinal mucosa in
from human populations are limited. future studies although such technology
This is because of difficulties in ac-
is rarely available to researchers
cessing mucosal tissues in humans al-
working in populations where geo-
though useful data can be obtained by helminth infections are present.
collection of mucosal secretions (e.g.
The expulsion of intestinal helminth called epithelial escalator (
Artis and
parasites in animal models has been
Grencis, 2008). Such alterations make
associated with marked changes in the
the intestinal lumen a hostile environ-
intestinal mucosa characterized by vil-
ment and reduce the surface area for
lous atrophy, crypt hypertrophy, and parasite attachment. Both parasite ex-
increases in mucous-secreting goblet pulsion and intestinal enteropathy are
cells (
Finkelman et al., 1997;
considered to be Th2-dependent proc-
et al., 2007). The intestinal epithelium
esses (
Garside et al., 2000;
Anthony et
proliferates so that parasites that live
partly or completely in the epithelium
There are limited data from humans
Trichinella spiralis and
Trichuris on the histological changes in the in-
.) are shed into the gut - the so-
testine associated with geohelminth
infections. Geohelminth parasites that
Chronic infections may be associated
dwell in the small intestine,
A. lumbri-
with minimal inflammatory response in
coides, hookworm, and
S. stercoralis, the mucosa and mild histologic altera-
have been associated with enteropathy tions (e.g. partial villus atrophy) re-
although generally the mucosa appears
flecting active immune regulation by
histologically normal (
Arean and host and or parasite. Chronic infections
Crandall, 1971;
Burman et al., 1970; in a few individuals may be associated
O'Brien, 1975;
Garcia et al., 1977) in with severe inflammation (e.g. TDS)
individuals living in endemic areas. A but most children are likely to be as-
minority with chronic infections show
ymptomatic. Chronic infections down-
changes of partial villous atrophy, crypt
regulate inflammatory responses in the
hyperplasia and increased inflamma-
intestinal mucosa to avoid the long-
tory infiltrate in the lamina propria term consequences of an inflamed in-
Burman et al., 1970). Humans infected testinal mucosa on host nutrition. Dur-
experimentally with hookworm larvae
ing initial infections, benefit to the host
develop eosinophilic enteritis (
Croese may be obtained by mounting strong
et al., 2006), although this inflamma-
inflammatory responses to expel para-
tion tends to largely resolve after re-
sites. The findings of partial villus at-
peated infections (
Croese and
Speare, rophy and crypt hypertrophy in the
T. trichiura that inhabits the small intestine (
Keusch et al., 1972;
large intestine has been more exten-
Gracey, 1979;
Fagundes-Neto et al.,
sively studied because of the ease of 1984;
Haghighi and
Wolf, 1997;
sampling particularly of the rectal mu-
et al., 2001) and a non-specific in-
cosa. Such infections may occasionally flammatory infiltrate in the small and
cause a dysentery-like syndrome large intestine (
Mathan and
Trichuris dysentery syndrome [TDS]) 1985) has been referred to as tropical
Cooper et al., 1991) associated with an
or environmental enteropathy/colono-
increase in inflammatory cells in the pathy. Tropical enteropathy is a com-
lamina propria (
MacDonald et al., mon histologic finding in apparently
1991), and an increase in numbers and healthy individuals living in the Trop-
state of activation of mucosal mast ics (
Humphrey, 2009) and may reflect a
cells (
Cooper et al., 1991;
MacDonald T-cell mediated inflammatory process
et al., 1994). The histological picture
Veitch et al., 2001) to intestinal micro-
observed is likely to be determined by biota and pathogens such as geo-
chronicity of infection, intensity of in-
fections, and host genetic factors.
Current mucosal vaccines are designed
may become available for widespread
to stimulate immune cells in the intes-
use during the next decade.
tinal tract to induce both mucosal and
Several oral vaccines have been
systemic immunity. The most widely shown to be less immunogenic in
used are trivalent oral poliovirus (OPV) populations in non-affluent compared
and oral rotavirus vaccines, both of to affluent regions including trivalent
which are live attenuated vaccines. oral poliovirus vaccine, rotavirus vac-
There are several new oral vaccines cines (Rotashield, Rotarix, and RIT
under development, some of which 4237 bovine vaccines), oral cholera
Table 1: Barriers to effective vaccination with oral vaccines in non-affluent populations living in
the Tropics. Other factors include high cost and logistic considerations such as cold-chain and
vaccine distribution and delivery systems.
o Nutritional deficiencies
• Vitamin A • Zinc
o Tropical/environmental enteropathy
o Chronic diarrhoea
• Enteric bacterial infections • Intestinal protozoa (e.g.
Giardia intestinalis) • Intestinal helminths
Ascaris lumbricoides Hookworm
Strongyloides stercoralis
Trichuris trichiura
o Previous exposures to natural infections (e.g. intestinal sIgA)
o Maternal antibodies in breast milk
vaccine (CVD-103HgR), and
Shigella intestine, was associated with impaired
flexneri 2a SC602 vaccine (
Czerkinsky IFN-γ production to OVA following
Holmgren, 2009). Effective vac-
vaccination with a novel OVA-ex-
cine immunity with such vaccines in pressing Salmonella vaccine (
Urban et
non-affluent populations has required
an increase in the dose or number of
However, geohelminth infections
doses administered to achieve adequate
alone are unlikely to explain impaired
vaccine immunity (
Patriarca et al., immunity to oral vaccines. A study
Perez-Schael et al., 1997).
investigating the impact of
A. lumbri-
Geohelminth infections may have
coides infection on responses to oral
deleterious effects on immunity to oral
BCG Moreau, failed to demonstrate
vaccines. Children infected with geo-
post-vaccination increases in the fre-
helminths had reduced vibriocidal anti-
body levels (
Cooper et al., 2000b) and PBMCs expressing IFN-γ among chil-
IL-2 responses to cholera toxin B– dren with either active infections or
subunit (
Cooper et al., 2001) following
those who had received either short or
vaccination with a single dose of live
long courses of anthelmintics before
attenuated oral cholera vaccine (CVD
vaccination (
Cooper et al., unpublished
103-HgR), and these deficits were re-
data). The same vaccine showed strong
versed partially by anthelmintic treat-
boosting of post-vaccination IFN-γ re-
ment before vaccination. Similarly, sponses in healthy UK adults (
Heligmosoisdes polygyrus a natural and
grove et al., 2006). These data indicate
chronic infection of the mouse small the presence of a mucosal barrier to
oral vaccination among children living to children of pre-school or school age.
in the rural Tropics that is present in
However, there is evidence that mater-
the absence of geohelminth infections.
nal infections with geohelminths may
Factors that may contribute to poor
modify the infant immune response
vaccine immune responses in popula-
Malhotra et al., 1999;
Pit et al., 2000;
tions living in non-affluent regions are
Elliott et al., 2005;
Guadalupe et al.,
listed in Table 1.
2009) and such effects have been asso-
An important issue for evaluating
ciated with impaired immunity to par-
the potential effects of enteric infec-
enteral vaccines given during the first 6
tions such as geohelminths on immune
months of life such as BCG (
responses to oral vaccines is the age of
et al., 1999),
Haemophilus influenzae
acquisition of infection. Geohelminth type B (
Labeaud et al., 2009), and teta-
infections, in most endemic settings, nus toxoid (
Cooper et al., unpublished
are acquired towards the end of the first data). The extent to which effects of
year of life, and are unlikely to affect
maternal geohelminth infections could
immune responses to vaccines given
contribute to impaired mucosal im-
during the first 6 months of life (e.g.
mune responses in infants is not known
oral poliovirus and rotavirus vaccines).
but is being investigated in birth co-
Geohelminth infections may have sig-
horts being conducted in populations
nificant effects on oral vaccines given endemic for these parasites.
The limited inflammatory response (
Turner et al., 2008;
Figueiredo et al.,
observed in the intestinal mucosal in 2010) and TGF-β (
Turner et al., 2008).
the presence of chronic geohelminth CTLA-4 is more highly expressed
infections is likely to reflect potent during chronic helminth infections
immune regulation. The mechanisms (
Steel and
Nutman, 2003). Co-culture
by which such infections modulate mu-
of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs)
cosal immunity are not well under-
with hookworm antigen impaired PBL
stood. Findings from experimental proliferation and cytokine production
murine models show that intestinal (
Geiger et al., 2007) while dendritic
helminth infections suppress dendritic
cells show lower expression of CD86,
cell-responses to TLR ligands (
Balic et CD1a, HLA-ABC, and HLA-DR and
al., 2004;
Segura et al., 2007) and the have a reduced capacity to promote cell
production of IL-12 (
Balic et al., 2004; proliferation (
Fujiwara et al., 2009).
Cervi et al., 2004), and induce the de-
Similarly, the co-culture of PBLs with
velopment of alternatively activated parasite antigen has been shown to in-
macrophages (
Kreider et al., 2007) and creased the expression of regulatory
IL-10-producing immune cells. Several
(e.g. CTLA-4, TGF-β, PD-1, and
studies have pointed to a central role
ICOS) and anergy-associated markers
for IL-10 in suppressing systemic in-
(e.g. cbl, Itch, and Nedd4), an effect
flammation associated with human that can be reversed at least partially by
helminth infections (
Fallon and
neutralization of CTLA-4 and TGF-β
gan, 2007). Peripheral blood leuko-
Babu et al., 2006).
cytes from infected individuals produce
The modulation of intestinal mu-
elevated levels spontaneously of IL-10 cosal immune responses by geo-
helminths may not only have adverse effects were associated with an in-
effects on immune responses to oral creased risk of severe illness. The po-
vaccines, but may increase susceptibil-
tent regulatory effects of geohelminths
ity to infection with pathogenic bacte-
on mucosal inflammation have been
ria (
Mansfield et al., 2003;
Chen et al., used therapeutically to treat inflamma-
2005). A study of severe cholera infec-
tory bowel diseases (
Summers et al.,
tion provided evidence that patients 2005a,b;
Croese et al., 2006) - although
with concurrent intestinal helminth the efficacy of such treatment remains
infections including
A. lumbricoides controversial it may be useful in spe-
had attenuated IgA responses to CTB
cific sub-groups of patients (
Reddy and
in faeces and serum (
Harris et al.,
Fried, 2009;
Cooper, 2009b).
2009), although it is unclear if such
Chronic geohelminth infections have fants from non-affluent populations
potent regulatory effects on intestinal
will require detailed evaluation in geo-
immune responses and may contribute
to the impaired immunogenicity of oral
widespread distribution. An under-
vaccines observed in non-affluent standing of the mechanisms by which
populations. The mechanisms by which
geohelminths and other enteric infec-
geohelminth infections may suppress
tions may suppress mucosal vaccine
mucosal immune responses to vaccines responses could lead to the develop-
are poorly understood. Under some ment of new interventions designed to
circumstances, treatment with an-
enhance the effectiveness of mucosal
thelmintic drugs before vaccination immunization in non-affluent popula-
may improve such responses. The effi-
cacy of new mucosal vaccines in in-
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