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Pediatr Transplantation 2007: 11: 121–123.
Copyright Ó 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard
A daring treatment and a successfuloutcome: The need for targeted therapies forpediatric respiratory viruses
The report by Stankova et al. in this issue tells
ribavirin was used to treat nine of 27 HPIV-
the fascinating and inspiring story of a child with
infected stem cell transplant patients, without
SCID who underwent two sequential human
effect on mortality rate (18).
stem cell transplantations (HSCT), a myeloabla-
In a small pilot study designed to address
tive pre-conditioning regimen, and many post-
preemptive therapy in HSCT patients, Chakrabar
transplant complications, all while she was
et al. treated five patients with HPIV3 infection –
actively infected with human parainfluenza virus
one asymptomatic and four symptomatic with
type 3 (HPIV3). The child never developed severe
URTI – with oral ribavirin. Three of these
respiratory disease, and three yr later had no
individuals, including the patient who had been
evidence of damage to the respiratory tract. The
asymptomatic at the initiation of therapy, had no
child's physicians had elected to initiate aeroso-
virologic response. One of those three died; the
lized ribavirin two wk before HSCT, and con-
other two (including the person with no symp-
tinued this medication for 10 months in an effort
toms of respiratory disease) were placed on IV
to prevent the HPIV3 infection from progressing
ribavirin and resolved. The role of ribavirin in
in severity; the report cautiously suggests that
preventing progression of URTI is uncertain, at
this therapy may have contributed to the grat-
best. In the patient treated by Stankova et al., the
ifying outcome.
question of the significance of risk factors makes
This brave physiciansÕ report begs the ques-
interpretation even more difficult. Known risks
tion: Why are we relying on untested, unproven,
for increased mortality from HPIV3 after trans-
partially active agents for a virus that is so
plantation include graft vs. host disease, steroid
important in children? The valiant attempt to
use, and the presence of copathogens (2, 11, 17);
treat parainfluenza viral respiratory tract disease
the child had none of these. However, infection
with ribavirin points to our more general
with HPIV3 within the first 100 days after trans-
dilemma for pediatric respiratory viral diseases;
plant has also been associated with increased
we are often guessing, trying therapies based
mortality (2), and this patient was certainly
upon thin evidence for their use for a different
infected throughout the high-impact period. This
pathogen, or on inadequate in vitro data. Even
combination of high and low risk factors makes it
for RSV, ribavirin is a nucleoside analog that has
even more difficult to evaluate the role of ribavirin
good activity against RSV in vitro but has
in the positive outcome.
produced conflicting clinical data and uncer-
The child in this case was treated for upper
tainty with regard to its utility in most cases.
respiratory tract infection (URTI), in an effort to
As far as ribavirin use in cases of HPIV3
prevent progression to lower respiratory tract
infection, most reports have focused on early
disease (LRTI). LRTI is a well-known conse-
diagnosis and treatment. The authors of this
quence of URTI infection with HPIV3; in one
piece seem to have been the first to treat active
study of 228 patients who underwent bone
HPIV3 infection, in anticipation of transplant.
marrow transplantation and acquired HPIV3
Published reports do not suggest a strong link
infection, 198 individuals presented with symp-
between ribavirin use in cases of HPIV infection
toms of URTI, and 24% of these progressed to
and improved outcome. In one large series,
LRTI (11). Although the authors of that study
did not specifically comment on the role of
The F-triggering process itself also may be a
ribavirin in preventing progression of disease
target for antiviral strategies. First, based upon an
from URTI to LRTI, there was no difference in
analysis of the F-triggering process, peptides
the 30-day mortality for treated patients and
corresponding to specific domains of the F protein
untreated patients. The child in the Stankova
can be designed to prevent the F protein from
et al. case report did go on, in fact, to develop
reaching its fusion-active state. This strategy is
HPIV3 LRTI, from which she recovered.
proving to be effective at improving the design of
Why did the physicians in this case have no
antiviral peptides for related viruses (13). Finally,
specific, targeted, tested, and effective agents at
while we have shown that specific mutations in the
their disposal? The pediatric respiratory viral
stalk region of HN affect HN's ability to trigger F
pathogens – including the well-known RSV and
protein (16), and that specific features of the
the parainfluenza viruses – have lagged far
globular head region of HN modulate this trig-
behind influenza virus in terms of research
gering function (12), we do not yet know how the
focus and funding. For influenza, effective
signal for activation is transmitted from HN to F
antiviral drugs have emerged from the scientific
protein. An understanding of this pathway should
advances of the last two decades. Antiviral
lead to additional targets for interruption of entry
development for RSV and parainfluenza has, in
and new antiviral agents. These several potential
comparison, been strikingly absent. Pediatric
therapeutic targets are being actively pursued. It is
respiratory diseases have received low levels of
to be hoped that future dedicated physicians like
funding compared with other fields of health
Stankova et al. will not have to rely on a long shot
research (7), and only limited resources have
or a guess, but will have at the ready several
been devoted to RSV or parainfluenza antiviral
strategies to protect and treat children with
drug development, despite the recognized im-
parainfluenza virus infection.
pact of these diseases in children (6). And whileeffective strategies of prophylaxis for RSV are
Patricia DeLaMora1 and Anne Moscona1,2
available to protect the groups at most risk (3),
1Departments of Pediatrics and 2Microbiology and
there are no tools for the parainfluenza viruses.
Immunology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Stankova et al. therefore had to go out on a
New York, NY, USA
limb, and they were lucky.
Several advances, based upon basic research,
are ready to be applied to the prevention of acuterespiratory disease (6, 8). These strategies are
worth pursuing, to develop targeted antiviral
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